Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 14, 1913, Page 7, Image 7

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    . - J
'"d uruwo tlmt ywuiiv iimn
P"W v,,y,ll.l. t'.1l-
"' i. Wluit 'I'"'" '","'"r
klIi-i Him hum bnvuu't
. nf Additional Bond
Uniiei for ,'
, m hereby K'vcil 0' ""'
u,luv. . ,,f inn m ir"
I'8 rnl.lrl. l N... 49. Cluokaii.H Coun-
'V ., hereby ft v " 10 ""'
n, Mi.-., win n.-ihi; j::'
T'V,i .ii. ,i"rn"1'1' " '"".P
wy'f" :' ... B.iiiinniii i in i
A , . f,,r roml ilirMi'. m provld
l""rl'' 'I' . , U imlsUiuw li 191.1.
"""" , Kl I T V W. r.n.T M. A.
':" lilir;, II. . Trow.
Uliurn, w ,.,,,, .BI1 h.iii..
brM' iv. n,vU. JiiIIiii
r." ,. . win. J. J. lvl,. Ar-
(1, T. HHIII.
, - for Ltvy of Additional Rosd
" Tax.
Win l '''"'llV in-' w. M
wi,r. ..... ,.r the Tax Fnyers In
!f" ; r.,ir, t No. .HI. Clackamas Coun-
E. r.i ' ' na nuirirt n...
That tli.ro will l' m-ftln 'f Hi"
..... wlMHil li"". n 11,9 lttA
f N..i. r. W3. at two u'. lo. k P.
J to vol" m wl'lHlonal tax In 't!il
huirlrl f"f l"'rl"''. provided
of llu. lrKllulr III IU)3.
J)"li A. Hall. S.. MH. J- T.
ttlilmr I.. I I-""'"', l-lora I.I II.UI. (1.
V i'lrin. M llli.. l. WtlHon. W. II.
Lou I.. A. Jh. oI.k. John C, KariiK-r.
' .1,...-..,... W. N. Hnav.-ly. II.
iVuvliiin"""'. A"" J- l'lv'K""". r.
H i.imill.', Ji'iin i'i". " j
"ct for Levy of Additional Road;
Sotlro l lu rl.y Klvt-n Hint w. tho
.ndrmlK""'! I-' I'liy"". fonalatliK of
i,n orr rnil. of th Tax rnyi'ra In
KiiU IMatr.' I Nn- ! ("lafkamoa Comi
ty OrrKoii. li'T'y a"" "'
T,, Kv.-r of Ki.1.1 Hoatl DlHtrlrt No. i
C ttiiit Hoi IH I'" w.iiiuit of tho;
Ti r'r "f mM l,l",,,', (if","'','
H, ,t duk lirovr", on tho 2MI tiny of
Norrml..r. i:H3. lit 7:30 o'rlm k I'. M .
to Yolf an ail.lliloiittl tax '"" I
trirt for roml uiriof. a provl.l.-u uy
w , t of Hi.' Ii.jsllnlnr In
(J. riiarkw.-nih'T. Alli n M. Hlark
irailr. John K. Hlly. I.nura Ittt-o,
it fho. II. M. HIhnrlon. W. J.
Wrl r. I). I'. Hootlir.. C. N. Wltllo. H.
C Al.mnu'T. i. ti. Joina, Marcarrt
W. Worihliixion. Will W. Thinon,
I C. Wurr.ii, Ida M. Wnrrfii. It. K.
Emmuin. Wm. Hall. Hrtha Hall, Mra.
C W. Itlil. v. Harah Hlnoaraon. J. M.
Hollomll. '. II. Naof. Olio Nanf. C.
W. Itlnl. y. K K. Iloolho, Chaa. Hod
nood. ('. I'. Mor. Flora J. Dill, 8. II.
Dill J. A. Joliimon, I. I). Nawtill, I Jiura
Nrwrll, John 8. Kinlth. MrB. J. D.
Ilmllh. Mm. (I. 8. Tayl.-r, tiw. 8
Ti)lrr. ti.n.'va 8. AiloniH. W. K.
Kru. r, IU a V. I.lllla. Klla II. Rlaloy,
W. II. JcnnliiKX. MUit Anna Itltiraraoo,
Prirr M. Klioaraou. Klora II. KIlKurf.
A F. Ziim lorx. J. II. Graham. U 8.
ArmtMim. W. M. Hl.f. Jullua HiwIJp,
f. U Coi. (iiiy Whltn. Mattle C.
ArmntrtiuK. 8. l.lii.Uny, Hrnry Hrhi'iif
rr, l.ltr.l 8. h.'iifflor. Marxarot ('.
Piiirt. I.. A. Ilnllurd. J. II. 8hii, M.
I Worrrll. Ii. V. Hton-r. II. N. rTiillt.
Jmr Wrny, Chaa. A. Worthlimton.
W. II. Wclla. K. 1). Olda. II. Io l'a.'t.
Notlct for Ltvy of Additional Road
Notlm In horohy tslvon that w, thf
uniliTsUni'd Tax I'nyeri, coiihIbUhk of
ten por rout, of thn Tax Payora It
Road Dlmrlrt No. 43, Clarkamaa Coun
ty. On-Hon, horohy Rive notice to the
Tax Paycra nf nn lit Itond lllntrlct No.
43 that thoro will ho a mooting- of the
Tax Pnyorn of an Id District In Wll
bmii hull nt 1-ikIo Creek, on the 2Kth
day of Novi'inlior, 1913. at onn o'clm k
P. M . to voln an additional tax In
"Id Him riot for nmd purpoaea, a pro
hl.'d hy an art of tho IcRlaluture In
R. II. (ilhaon. J. W. Cahlll. W. R.
Wooille, 0. p. strnhl. II. 8. C.lhaou.
W. II. Doiiclnn. W. K. Douitlua. Alex
linker, K. M. Clark. Kred llofrmvlater,
Oro. W. Judd. W. C. UiirwcII, E. U.
Trulllnser. II. F, CoRawell, N. K. Bllnit
W. Ward IViiiulna. W. II. lluker, U
8. linker, I.. A. Kreemnn. W. Smith.
J. M. Ilonkle, II. F". Foreater. A. P.
Notlct for Ltvy of Additional Road
Notice In herhy Klven that we, the
tinderalKiied Tax Payera, connlHtlng of
Jen por ront of the Tax Pnyera In
Roxil Dlairlct No. 6. Clackamaa Coun
ty, tir.'Kcm, hoN'hy Klve notice to tho
' rnyors of auld Hoad Plntrlct No.
'that thorn will he a moot 1 11 it of the
Tx Pnyera of an Id Hoad DlHtrlct In
Klter'a Hull at Horlim on tho 24th dny
f Novi'inher, 1913, at 2 o'clock P. M.,
' vote nn additional tax In anld Ula-
lnnou, (
,. . i.ui look hern, lit hid.
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Wifmes, Offitt 50, Residence 1562 612 Main Slrttt
Office Both Pbonea It
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Eatabllsbad 1161 Sueeaaor to C. N. Greenman
Rtea Reasonable, Baace Stored t Days Ftee of Charge
Agency f0r the deferred MT. HOOD BEER
a' C' LATOORITTaL Preeldnt
Tte First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
maaett a Oeneral ftanktaa
trUt for nmd purposi., no provided ,
nn not of Urn legislature In
C. M. Uku, M. II. Wheeler, l Jill
ti'T, II, A. I lurk, ('. A. Wheeler, Q Jfi
Uwynnn, A. 0, llorherg, A Tiioh-t-ron,
C K. KrlckHoii, J. i. ,iiiriii.
W. II. Telford, V, M. MnrKiiii, i
Tiirni-r, Win. A. Morand, H. K, Curd
John A. Itlchey, i. Johnston, W. '
llorlliK, O, W. llnrliiK. A, liens, I ..i,H r
Jiililimm, Vlelor Johnson, H. H, Wut
hill. 1
Notlct for Ltvy of Additional Road
. Nollrn la liomliy kIv.-ii tlmt wn, thn
illlilornlKiH'd Tax Payor, coiiMhIIiik of
Ion mt font, nf thn 'lux Pnyora In
Itond lllalrli't No, 60, Clui'linmaN Coun
ty, OrfK.iii, hor.Oiy Klvn nmlca to I lm
Tux Pnyora of auld KoimI liUlrli l No.
Ml I hut (dorr, will lm it n t (iik ol
th Tax payor of auld Dlnlrl.t In
8uiinynin a. IiihiI Iioiiki. oh iL'n,
lay of Novomhcr, inn, at 4 o'rloclt
V, M to vot an u.Mtt loiifil In
milil lllalrli't for roml iiirinio , in jiro
vI.I.mI hy an a:l of llu. I.KlHliiliira III
I'niiik fill, II. Y .Padchiini, 8.
I.iliiinon, V. J, 1'iim.o, Hum Hliuihliiliif,
A. II. 81I1111I1I1. W. M. KiiiniH.r, A. A.
Coiiklln, J. K. Ii.anlorff, K, M. Town
aond, II. It. Illnkl...
Notlct for Ltvy of Additional Road
Niillra la li.THiy kIvimi lli.it wo. the
llliilrilKii.'d Tux I'iivitk, oonitlHtliiK of
Ion M.r rout, of the Tin I'uycra In
Itond lllnlrl.'t N.I. 3.'l. Clal kjum.n Ciniii.
ty, tlroK'in, lioroliy kIvh 1101I10 to thn
Tax Pnyora of xnld Itond liUlrlii No
To that llnro will lm a iiiocIIiik of
thn Tin I'll urn of milil liwirlrt In
Ihn a. IiihiI liounn at Cotlrolt, on Ihn
.'.hil ilny of Novum her. 1Ui:i. lit 0110
uYliM-k P. M., In voln an aihlUlniil tax
In milil IMHtrl.'t for roud iiirioi'ii, an
provided hy an art of thn li-Klxliituro
In liil.'l, a I no for aoloctlou of roud tii
orvlHor. I. N. I.. 8hrlinr. II. (I. Mullonhoff,
K. K. Vnnrl.M.t. ('. T. 8holl..rly. Chin.
I.. Iliintor, W. A. Proi tor, It. A. Iluuh
Ina. II. N. IIimiiI. J. II. Jonoa, Prod
Waxnor, It. I.. I jiihIiiw no, (I. II. Kow
lor, l!, 8. (irllTllh, J. J. Jiulklna. P. T.
I Hum, Paul liiinn, Wm. Ilooth, II. How
iiiuii, John Krlon.
Notlct for Ltvy of Additional Road
Notion la horohy ulvon that we, the
uiidornlKii.'d Tax I'liyorn, coiihIhIIiik ol
ton por cut. of tho Tax Pny ra lo
It t iti lHHtrli't No. 41, Clin liiimit Conn.
IV. t'r.'K in. Iiorehy kIvo notice to the
Tux Pnyera of nuld Itond lilatrl. t No.
41 dint there will he a nicotinic or
the Tnx Pnyora of aald I)lntrlct In
the a.'hiMil houne at iHivor, on Hutur
dny, the Z2nd dny of Novemhor, IUI3,
at one o'clock P. M. to vote an aclill
t ton n! tax In anld lilntrli t for rond
purixmoa, aa provided hy an act of
tho hKlalnture III 1!H3.
Jom iih D. 'Iiuor, A. 8. Klelnamlth.
A. J. Mnrrla. ". II. K. Miller. Alex
llewa. Cora I. ' II, A. UpdoKrave, A.
Shirley, Kthcl Koherta, Phillip K. Ev
an a.
Notlct for Ltvy of Additional Road
Notice la horohy given tlmt wn. the
uiiilemlKiied Tax Payera, connintliiK of
ton per cent, of the Tax Pay. r;i in
Hoad Dlalrlot No. 20, Cluckaniaa Conn
ty, Drnxon. herehy give notice to the
Tax Payera of aald Hoad Dlatrl. t No
SO that there will be a meeting of
the Tax Payera of aald Dlatrlct In
the achool houae at Tlnihergrove. ou
the 22nd dny of Novemhor, 1913, at
two o'clock P. M ..to vote an addition
al lax In aald District for rond pur
lioaea, aa provided by an act of the
IcKinlnttire In 1913.
Kugene Cummlna, W. 11. W'ettlaufer.
Kugene Klelnamlth. A. K. Huche, Carl
Htromxreon. P. F. Put a. John Putt.
Notlct for Ltvy of Additional Road
Notice la horohy glveu that we, the
undernlgnod Tat Payera. constat Inn of
ton per cent, of tho Tax Pnyera In
Hoad District No. 3. Clackamaa Coun
tv, Oregon, herehy give notice to the
fax Payera of anld Hond District No.
S thnt there will be a meeting of
the Tax Payor of aald District In
Melllon s hnll at Damascus, on the
22nd duy of November. 1913. at two
o'clock P .M., to voto an additional
tax In anld District for rond purposes,
a provided by an act of the legisla
ture In 1913.
P. A. Hunter. F. O. Cooke. A. W.
Cooke, II. O. Uye. K. M. I-aye, A.
Newell. W. Smith. H. J. Feathers. A.
(. Slorbook, 8. C. Young, J. C Btoll,
Jr.. M. A . W. Honrlch, J.
Awhuohl. J. C . C K. Hunter,
Mrs. F. M. Smith, Mrs. E. Thebo, 0.
K . J. W. W
J. E. Shearer. Mra. M. Huddle, L. W.
Warner. II. Hock, J. H. llowermnn.
J. C. Elliott. A. 0. Heller, Curl Wolf
hagon. J. C. Hoyer. V. R. Dallna. W.
Ilrodlo, 0. DeYoung, J. P. Stradley,
Caspar Schmuki. Myrtle Howerman, R.
II. Cooke, W. W. Cooke.
Notlct for Ltvy of Additional Road
Notice la horohy given that we, the
undersigned Tax Payera, consisting of
ten per cent, of the Tax Payers !n
Hond District No. 3. Clacknmus Coun
elve notice to the
Tiix Pnyera of snld Hoad District No
38 that there win do a mmnn
the Tax Payers of aald District In
Realdeae Phone Main 214
F. J. 1IITIR, Caahler
Ope fern A M. U I P.
he ichool houxa at Concord, on tin.
I wont y fourth day of Nnvmnher, 1913,
lit V.M o'olni k P. M to vino an addi
tional lux In mild Dlatrlot for roml
puriioaoa, aa provldod hy an act of
lii' li'KlHliittirn in 1 1 1 ;5.
W. I,. Hliirkwoiiilirr, W. V. Oolkln,
. Wu,, 11. TMwn, .1. W. llolmoH,
J. . Hlllor, llonrlmiu M. Kollx, Ev
M. 1'i llx, W. It. Allen, It. J. i,,idl,
It. '). Iloiinoily, N111111I11 I.. Ilurnl, (),
MuIhoii, K. llokoiiNon, 0, T. BIiook
A. K. Ilnr.lor, W. II. Mourn, A. Ainl.tr.
oh, K. Oliind. A. K. Lund.., Ollvor
Hkoi.K, p, Hwaiinon, J. IIihik", .Ino. II.
"nlllold, Phil. t. Outflol.1, Alma (!.
Iirowni.ll, Amiindii J. Ontllold, Ida H.
Dorry, Alhort J. (Irohon, Chaa. P. I.an
illon, (!. K. Ai... II, I,, Hnow, llonry
HiIi k, J. HuiiiiiKiirtiior, J. II. Hlcki,
V.. M. AMrlrh. T. II Mllli.r 11 u 11,..,..
aoy, II. A. Cnrlor, .1 .W. DrlnKH, Mra.
J V. Myvol, Mra. Wurron M. DiiKhny,
0. II. Morrlutl, N. J. l.imili;rori, Chun.
II. Hurt, Alfro.1 (JitIhoii, J, 11. Iirooijo,
'. (iollimimi, J. M. lliirliniK, J, A.
Notice to Crtdltort.
Kd.lf.A Im ll..P,.liV uU,n !. . 1. . ...
" ." .-- pmirii iiiul IIIO UH'
domlniied Iiiih been appointed admin-
lu.,t.trlH (1... I. ... m. ...
.-..... tA . in,, r.niitiu ui m.Triu r.
Prlndlo, deceased, hy the County Court
of Clitt'kauiiiK County, Oregon. All
persona hnvlng clalma uci.IiikI the
suld Ksinln are herehy notified and
roiiilr. d to present the siimn duly ver
llle.l with proper vouchors jit the of
fice of (!.irilnii K. Ilnyes, r.Hims .1, 4.
ti and 6, Hteveus llull.lliig, Urogon City,
Or.'iion, within six mom In of thedute
Dnte of first publication October
31st, 1KI.
Adinliilsiratrix of the Kstuto of Mor
rltt K Prlndle, Deceased.
COKDtiN K. IIAYKS, Aitornoy for Ad
mliilstrntrlx. Notlct of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given thnt the nil
dorhlKiiod us admlnlstriilor of the Ks
lute of Peter I-Hlnllli, doconsed, hai
tiled Ills fliuil account In the Conor'
Court of the Hlute of Oregon for Clue"
u ii it m County, nml the Jmlne of snld
Court by nn order rnnde November Dth,
mi::, hns sot Monday the Kth dny of
December, l!H:i, Hi ten o'clock A. M,
nt the Court house at Oregon City,
Oregon, ah the time und place for hoar,
lug of object Inns thereto and the sut
llolnelit thereof.
Hilled November Gth, 191.1.
Adiulnlstriilor of the Kulute of Peter
IjiiiiIIii, Hi-eiiHod.
(iOHDON Iv IIAYKS, Attorney.
Executrix's Notlct.
Notice Is herehy given thnt the un
dersigned haa been appointed execut
rix of the estate of I.oiiIho Kleclne, de
ceased, all Pomona having claims
against aald estate are ehorby not Mod
to present the same with proper
vouchers duly certified according to
law, at the office of Ilrownoll & Stone,
attorneyi for executrix, at Oregon City.
Oregon, wit hit. alx mouths of tho date
of the publication of this notice.
Nov. 7th, 1913.
IIROWNKI.I. & STONE, Attorneys for
Sheriff's Sale.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. C. K. Corbc It, Plnlntlff.
J. G. Sullivan, Defendant.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa.
Itv vlrtiin nf a liiilKment order, de
cree and an execution, duly Issued out
of and under the seal or tne atiove en-
Mtleri cnurt. In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 2Sth day or octotier, iia, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said
court on the Hth day of April. 191.1,
In favor of C. E. Oorbctt, Plnlntlff.
and again J. 0. Sullivan, Defendant,
r..r dm mm nf "Jin nil with Interest
thereon at the rate of 7 per cent per
annum from the 27tn day or uciooer.
1909, and the further sum of $9.16
int..a fnr thn venra of 1910 and 1911.
and the further Bum of $76.0(1. aa at
torney's foe. and the costs of and up
on this w'rlt, commanding me to make
sale of the following ocscrinea real
nrnnertv. situate In the county of
Clnckamns, atnte of Oregon, to-wlt:
Th Northeast ouarter of tho Nortll-
enst quarter of Section 3G In Town
ship 4 South or Kange 3 wist or me
Willamette Meridian. In Clacknmns
County, State of Oregon.
Now, Therefore, by virtue of said
execution, Judgment order and decree,
nn, I ! cnnmliiince with the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Saturday.
the 6th duy or iK'cemner, ism, ai me
hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at tho front
iinor nf the f'nuntv Court House In
tho City of Oregon City, In auld Coun
ty and State, sell at puoiic auction,
subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In
hand, all the right, title and Interest
which the within named defendnnts
nr nil her nf them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein or since had In
or to the above described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy
tald execution, Judgment order, decree,
Interest, costs and all accruing costs.
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
Hy II. J. STAAls. uepmy.
Dated. Oregon City, Ore., Novem
ber 3rd, 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
nmirnn. for C ackamas (jouniy.
A. I.. Levy, Plnlntlff.
W. F. Welgnnd, Frances J. Welgand,
N. 0. Pike. U ixmise oune. v. r
Stlne, Claude S. Harris, Elsie Har
ris, W. W. Harris, and Ella Harris,
To W. F. Wolgand and Frances J. Wel
gand. his wife, uetenuanis buovh
i. ih. nu.no nf thn State of Oregon:
v... hDnih rnnntrnri tn anne&r and
I UU ttir UCH . .
answer a complaint filed against you
In the above eniuicu sun ou "i
, iu ir.ih riav nf December. 1913.
the some being the first Monday fol
lowing six weeks' publication of this
summons, and If you fall to so appear
and answer, for - want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the above en
titled eonrt for the relief prayed for
In said complaint, to-wn: raru. uuu.ee
... !i .iff have and recover the
sum of Twenty-Five Hundred Dollart
($2500.00) with Interest thereon at the
rate of alx per cent pre annum from
the 2Sth day or January u
. i ... t '-.nnn attornev'a fees
and the costs and disbursements of
the above entitled suit. an,d that the
mortgage executed and delivered by
W F Welgana ana rumti
' j i.i. m,hir-h it this time by
gana, w - - -
virtue of the various assignments la
owned by the planum, on me m.iu.
. a hA nmnnrtv In the County
II1K ui,ut -
of Clackanfas. State of Oregon, to-wlt:
All of tract "J" Clackamaa Riverside,
according to the duly recorded plat
ZrSt in the office of the County
Clerk of aald Clackamas County, be
decreed to be a first Hen upon aa d
real property, and that plaintiff aald
mortgage ho foreclosed and that aald
real properly be sold upoH execution
and order of aule as la by law provid
ed, to satisfy such decree, as plaintiff
may obtain In snld suit, and thut the
defendants and each of lhm be for
ever barred and foreclosed of all right,
title or Interest In or to anld reul prop
erty or any part thoreof, and that a
proportionate part of the amount re
alized iiiMin said sal n ahull bn applied
to Ihn pny.ment of the plaintiff's costs
and disbursement of this suit, plain
tiff's uttorueys fes, and the amount
found due plulnllff In any decree ob
tained hy virtue of this suit, and that
plaintiff have such other and further
relief as the court muy deem meet
and equitable. i :
This Hummoiis la published by order
of the Honorable J. V. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled court duly mado
and entered on the 3rd day of No
vember, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore.
Sheriff's 8jle.
In the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon, for tho County of Clacka-
Edward H. Ilackstrnnd and Slgrld
llackstrund, Plaintiffs,
II. F. Hart and E. H. Hart, husbaud
and wife; Ethel A. Hart Uimman
and R. V. Lomman, faushund and
wife; I. T. Hart and Clara Hart,
himhand and wife; Emma Jonarud,
fioorge II. Hoot, Defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa,
I!y virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and nn cxcutlon, duly Instied out
of and under the seal of the abovo
entitled court, in the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the :'Hth day of October, 1913, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered In said
court on the 10th day of October,
1913, in favor of Edward S. llackstrund
und Slgrld llnckstrund, Plaintiffs, and
ngulnst II. F. Hart and E. R. Hart,
Dofeniluuts, for the sum of $800.00,
with Interest thereon at the rate of
7 per cent per annum from the 23rd
day of February, 1911, and the further
sum of $100.00, aa attorney's fee, and
the fur' her turn of $100.00. attorney's
foes, und the costs of and upon this
writ, commanding me to make sale of
tho following described real property,
pltunte in the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, to-wlt:
The went half of the southwest
quarter, of the northeast quarter of
section six, township three south of
runse five east of the Willamette Me
ridian, Clackamas county, Oregon.
Now. Therefore, hy virtue of aald
execution. Judgment order and decree,
and in compliance with the com
mands of said writ, I will, on Saturday,
the (ith day of December, 1913, at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M, at the front
door of the County Court House In
the City of Oregon City, in said Coun
ty and State, sell at public auction,
subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for V. S. gold coin cash in
hand, all the right, title and Interest
which the within named defendants
or either of them, had on the date of
the mortgage herein or since had in
or to the above described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy
said execution, Judgment order, decree,
Interest, costs and ail accruing costH.
Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Oregon.
Hy H. J. STAATS. Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Novem
ber 3rd, 1913.
In the Circuit (7ourt of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Lottie Fallon, Ilalntlff,
Wm. Fallon, Defendant.
To Wm. Fallon, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
vou In the above entitled suit on or
before the 6th day of December, 1913,
said date being more than six
weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, and it you
fail to appear and answer in said suit
on or before the said 6th day of De
cember, 1913, for want thereof, 'ploin
tlff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for In her complaint, to
wlt: For a decree awarding to the
plaintiff herein an absolute dlvorco
tiora the defendant on the grounds of
desertion, and for the restoration of
her former name, Lottie Davis, and
for such other and further relief aa
to the Court may seem equitable and
This summons is published pursu
ant to an ord'.-r of the Honorable H.
S. Anderson, Judge of the County
Court, of Clackamaa County, Oregon,
made on tho 22nd day of October,
1913, directing said summons to be
published once each week for a period
of six consecutive weeks In the Ore
gon City Enterprise, a newspaper pub
liohed In the above county and Btate
and of general circulation therein.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, Oct. 24tU,
Date of last publication, Dec. 5th,
Notice to Creditors.
Notice Is hereby given that the un
dersigned hos been appointed admin
istratrix of the estate of Catherine J.
Jonos, deceased, by the County Court
of Clackamas County, Oregon. All
persons having claims against the said
estate are hereby notified and required
to present the same duly verified with
proper vouch'.-rs to me at my residence
at Marquara. Oregon, within six
months from the dote hereof.
Dated, October 15th, 1913.
Administratrix of the Estate of Cath
erine J. Jones, deceased.
GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney.
Administratrix' Notice.
Notice 1 hereby given that the un
dersigned admlnlstrtrlx of the estate
of Wm. H. Cummlngs, deceased, has
filed her final account in said estate
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon for Clackamas County, and
that the Judge or saia court nas ap
nolnted Monday, the 17th day of No
vember, 1913, at 10 o'clock A. M. for
hearing objection to said account and
for settling said estate.
Administratrix oi the eatate of Wm
H. Cummlngs, deceased.
DROWN uiLL ft 8TONE, Attorney for
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Philip H. Weston, Plaintiff,
Annie E. Weston, Defendant.
To Annie E. Weston, the above-named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, yon are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you, in the above entitled
Court on the 23th day of November,
A. D. 1913, laid date being six week
NOVEWRER 14, 1913.
after the first publlcaton of this sum
mons. If you fall to apoear and an
swer, the plaintiff will apply to thn
Court for the relief prayed for In hit
complaint filed herein, which Is for an
absolute divorce forever dissolving thu
bonds of matrimony exlHting between
the plaintiff and the defendant, and
for such other and further relief as
to the Court may seem meet and
equitable, and for lilt costs and dis
bursement herein.
You will please take notice that this
Summon la served upon you personal
ly with a certified copy of the com
plaint, pursuant to the term of an
order In the above entitled suit, made
by the above named Circuit Court,
hy the (fmiorable J. V. Campbell,
Judge thereof, on the Kith day of
October, A. D 1913, requiring that
publication of this HumiiiM.s be made
once a week for six successive weeks
In the Oregon City Enterprise, and
requlrlQg thut the first publication be
made on the 17th day of October A. I).
1913, and the last publication on the
28th day of November, A. D., 1913,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
517 Chamber of Commerce Building,
Portland, Oregon.
Sheriffs Salt.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Heln Kulper, Plaintiff,
Otto L. Lehman, Jo;e C. Lehman,
Clinton A. Ambrose, Fry ft Com
pany, a corporation, defendants.
State of Oregon, County of Clackamas,
Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de
cree and an execution, duly issued
out of and under the seal of the above
entitled court. In the above entitled
cause, to me duly directed and dated
the 6th day of October, 1913, upon a
Judgment rendered and entered in said
court on the 2nd day of October, 1913,
In favor of Heln Kulper, Plaintiff, and
against Otto L, Lehman mid Josie C.
Lehman, Defendant, for. the sum of
$2000.00, with Interest thereon at the
rate of 8 per cent, per annum from
the 2nd day of Feb., 1913, and the fur
ther si. pi of $200.00, as attorney's fee,
and tl") further sum of $10.00, costs
and dinbiirsements, and the costs of
and upon this writ, commanding me
to make sale of the following describ
ed real property situate In the county
of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wlt:
Beginning at a cedar gate post In the
North line of Section 34 and which Is
23 feet 5 inches East of an iron pipe
driven In the ground In the North line
of said Section 34, and which said ced
ar gate post Is the established Initial
point between the Northeast quarter
and the Northwest quarter of Section
34, Township 1 South, Range 2 East,
Willamette Meridian, Ciuckamas Coun
ty, Oregon, as witnessed by a certain
contract and agreement which Is re
corded In the Records of Deeds for
Clackamas County, Oregon, in Rook
121, and at page 369; proceeding
thence South in a Southerly direction
along the line of fence established
thereon 40 rods te a point; thence at
right angles In an Easterly direction
39' rods to a point; thence at right
angles In a Northerly direction 40
rods to a point; thence in a West
erly direction 39H rods along the
North line of said Section 34, to the
place of beginning, containing 10 ac
res, more or less, all of which is lo
cated in Section 34, Township 1
South, Range 2 East, Willamette Me
ridian, Clackamas County, Oregon.
Now, therefore, by virtue of sail
execution. Judgment order and decree,
and In compliance with the commands
of said writ, I will, on Saturday, the
22nd day of November, 1913; at the
hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front
door of the County Court House in
the City of Oregon City, In said Coun.
ty and State, sell at pubic auction,
subject to redemption, to the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In
band, all the right, title and interest
which the within named defendants
or either of them; had on the date of
the mortgage herein ox since had in
or to the above described real prop
erty or any part thereof, to satisfy
Bald execution, Judgment order, de
cree, interest, costs and all accruing
Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon.
By B. J. STAATS, Deputy.
Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, October
22nd, 1913. .
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Henrietta A. Slpes, Plaintiff,
A. L. Slpes, Defendant.
To A. L. Slpes, above-named defend-
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
in the above entitled suit by the 22nd
day of November, 1913, as prescribed
by an order of Court for publication
of this summons, which said date is
more than six weeks after the date
of the first publication herein as or
dered by the Court in the above en
titled suit, and it you fall to so appear
and answer the complaint filed herein
in the above entitled suit on said date,
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for in said complaint
which said relief is for a decree of
the Court forever dissolving and set
ting aside the marriage contract here
tofore and now existing between plain
tiff and Bald defendant; for a further
decree for the restoration of plaintiff's
maiden name and for such other end
further relief as the Honorable Court
may deem meet with equity.
This summons Is published by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell
Judge of the above entitled Court and
said order was duly made and enter
ed In said Court on the 8th day of
October, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, Oct. 10th.
Date of lost publication, Nov. 21st.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Ida Steelmau, Plaintiff,
Heaton Steelman. Defendant.
To Heaton Steelman, above named de
fendant: .
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you. In the above named suit, on or
before the 28th day of Nov., 1913. said
date being the expiration of six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and If yon fail to appear or
answer said complaint, for want there
of, the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for In her com
plaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant Thta
summons Is published by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
Circuit Court, which order was made
on the 16th day of Oct, 1913, and
the time prescribed for publication
Harvey E. Cross
W havt now moved to our permantnt quarters In th Btavsr
R... Est.,. Ab."8- t0 th A"driMn BU"d""- ' 8tratt
Losns, .ntursncs. Or.B." CttOr
thereof Is six weeks, beginning wltn
the issue dated, Friday, Oct. 17th,
1913, and continuing each week there
after to and Including Friday, Nov.
28th, 1913.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
StaUs of Oregon, Plaintiff,
F. A. Hyde and A. 8. Baldwin, De
fendants. '
To F. A. Hyde and A. 8. Baldwin,
above named defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you and each of you are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In the above
entitled suit on or before the Hth
day of November, A. D., 1913, and If
you or eltlier of you fall to so appear
an.l answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for
the relief prayed for In ths complaint,
a succlnet statement of which is as
follows: a decree cancelling and an
nulling certain deeds of the State of
Oregon to A. 8. Baldwin of date May
20th, 1899; a certain deed of the State
of Oregon to F. A. Hyde of date July
10th, 1899 certain deeds of A. S.
Baldwin and Emma C, his wife, toj
F. A. Hyde of date June 7th, 1899 and
certain d?eds of F. A. Hyde and Fil
ena T.. his wife, to United States of
America of date June 14th, 1899 and
July 26th, 1899 each pretending to con
vey certain lands situate In Township
6 Souih, Range East; Towaship 5
South, Range 5 East; Township 3
South, Range 7 East and Township 3
South. Range 84 East, Willamette
Meridian, all In Clackamas County,
Oregon, and to cancel and annul all
other contracts, certificates of sale,
applications, et,c, mentioned In the
complaint relating to said lands de
scribed therein or to any port thereof,
and for costs and disbursements, and
such other and further relief as may
to the court seem equitable In the
This summons Is published In pur
suance of an- ordar of the Honorable
H. S. Anderson, Judge of the County
Ciurt of Clackamas County, Oregon,
made and entered on the 26th day of
September, 1913. directing this sum
mons to ba published for six consecu.
five weeks in the Oregon City Weekly
Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of
general circulation printed and pub
lished in Oregon City, Clacnamas
County, Oregon.
Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 26th
day of September, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, October 3,
Date of final publication, November
14. 1913.
Final Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned administrator of the estate
of Nets Nelson, deceased, has filed his
final account in said estate in the
County Court of the State of Oregon
for Clackamas County, and that the
Judge of said court has appointed
Monday, the 15th day of December,
1913, at 10 o'clock A. M. for hearing
objection to said account and for set
tling said estate.
Administrator of the estate of Nels
Nelson deceased.
BROWNELL ft STONE, Attorneys for
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. .
Louis Roth, Plaintiff,
Mercedes LaMonte Roth, Defendant
To Mercedes LaMonte Roth, above-
named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of the plaintiff
herein filed against you in the above
entitled court on or before the 27th
day of December, 1913, that being
the day fixed by the Court for you in
which to appear and answer herein.
and if you fail to appear and answer
within said time, the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief demand
ed in his complaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now and heretofore ex
isting between the plaintiff and de
fendant and giving the plaintiff an
absolute divorce from the defendant
on the grounds of gross and habitual
drunkenness contracted since marri
age, and continuing for a period of
more than one year, and on the fur
ther ground of wilfull desertion con
tinuing for a period of more than one
year immediately preceding the filing
of the complaint herein.
This summons is published once a
week for six consecutive weeks in ac
cordance with the order of the Hon
orable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court, dated the 7th
day of November, 1913, directing that
the first publication of summons be on
the 14th day of November, 1913. and
that the last publication be made on
the 26th day of December, 1913.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Date of first publication, November
14th, 1913.
Date of last publication, December
26th, 1913.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
(In Equity.)
Laverna I. Gibbs, Plaintiff,
Harry L. Gibbs, Defendant
To Harry L. Gibbs, above-named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint made and filed
against you in the above entitled suit
by the 22nd day of November, Nine
teen Hundred and Thirteen (1913) as
prescribed by an order of Court for
the publication ef this summons, which
said date is more than six (6) weeks
after the date of the first publication
herein as ordered by the Court In the
above entitled suit; and if you so fall
to appear and answer the complaint
Died herein. In the above entitled suit
on said date, plaintiff will apply to
the Court for the relief prayed for
William Hammond
In said complaint, which said relief Is
for a decree of this Court ?orvr dl.
solving, annullng and setting aside the
marriage contract heretofore and now
existing between plaintiff and said de
fendant; for a further decree chanc
ing plaintiffs name of that of Laverna
I. Glbbs to that of Laverna I. Over
ton, and for such other and further
relief as this honorable Court may
deem meet with equity.
This summons Is published by or
der of the Honorable J. U. Campbell.
Judge of the above entitled Court, and
aid order was duly made and en
tered in said Court on the 8th day of
October, Nineteen Hundred Thirteen
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Dated and first publication October
10th, 1913.
Last publication November 21st,
Phones Pacific 62
Home A-151
AH legal business promptly attended to
I Attorneys-at-Law
Deutscher Advokat
Will practice In all courts, make
t collections and settlements. t
Office in Enterprise Building, J
Oregon City, Oregon.
Commercial, Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
t W. S. EDDY, V. Sn M. D. V.
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri-
t nary College at Toronto, Canada.
and the McKllllp School of Sur-
i gery of Chicago, Is established i
j at Fashion Stable. Fifth Bt be- i
J tween Main and Water Sta. ?
Both Telephones
I Offiice Pacific, Main 65; Home, i
J A 95. "
I Residence Pacific, Main 184
Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon.
Clackamas County
610 Chamber of Commerce.
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of map, plats,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamaa County
Lands, Money Loaned, Title
E. F. ft F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys ft Counsellors at Law
( e
T We make a specialty of Install- j
lng water systems and plumb-
lng In the country. We carry f
the Leader tanks and Stover en- ,
gines. We have a full line of I
J Myers pumps and stray pumps. J
Prices always lowest t
720 Main St Oregon City
Phons 2682. I
? O. D. E B Y
j Attorney-at-Law
Money loaned, abstracts furnish-
ed, land titles examined, estates
I settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City. J
The Whhhey With.
out a Regret
Para, smIIow, with a flavor
that tickle the palate and
Gofers in the memory.
1 1 '',mm I