0HE(10N CITY ENTRlliMilHE. FKMDAV. A1KUIST !!!, mill NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MACKS3URG. Never has there been a teuton of i MV. Stuart In very busy these days more perfect harvest weather than threshing. H Juki pun-hai-vd a new la the one we are enjoying now. Tbe llirhlnn out til. toimieratur i almost constantly at Mr. Ed Whltteti had ttu uilhfortuii. ' - . . . ...L.A.I...- ... . 1 I.. . II ... a degree tavornwe ror work in tnetio wrv a uor. u n-u n mu harvHKt field. While the desired tin- was drowned, anoflier horse Ml In munltv from rain continue. Suf- flcient moisture for the- growth of corn nnA ah..r fall i-r.ui l f urn tithed by the heavv nlcht dewa. Indeed, the warm, moist atmosphere of the night Is bringing the corn forward and tlil In out the eara to a most gratifying degree. The O.-W. R. N. Co., w are sur?, must receive a satisfactory report from their agent who ta to Inspect the corn grown from the seed they 80 generously furnished the ranchmen of this region. Out of door sleepers, as well as all others who have chance to observe . 1 . V .11 .rHrT,i great bril! ancy of those ' fjidfrriil former shinning In the evening, and the latter appearing after two o'clock in the morning The unclouded state of the sky, for the past month has made these observations an unusual delight. One of the c'uief topics of Interest In Macksburg at present is th? pro gress of the Willamette Valley R. R. Everyone Is elated over the prospect of the completion of the road prior to the scheduled time. Our place will In ail probability be well repre sented at Molalla In September at the railroad celebration, and at the! Grange Fair, to be held at the same! time. Dan Roth, with his engine. Is em ployed by the Willamette Valley Rail road Co. and is working at Molalla. Mrs. Ed Burgess of Friend. Ore.. and her sister, Mrs. Nettle Vogel, of Hammond. Ore., daughter of Mrs. J. Gibson were, with their little chil dren, guests of Mrs. A. B. Baldwin last Thursday. Mr. Ed Morris, with his party, re turned from the mountains last Fri day, having caught over two hundred mountain trout, Mr. Morris reports trout sixteen inches In length. Frank Hilton and Jess Heppler start ed on Friday for a trip to the moun tains. Sol Struhbar and will Roth are both cutting their oats. Both crops promise a heavy yield at the thresh ing. The Directors of the Macksburg school have engaged a gentleman from Kansas as principal for the coming year, Mr. Huston, the principal elect ed is, with his family, staying at Can by at present. Miss Egge, of Willamette, has been engaged for the primary department Mrs. Glade, with her daughter. Mist Llzxie Glade, is preparing to leave for her farm in Iowa. Their place here is offered for sale, but is to be occupied by a relative, Mr. Jess Hep pier and his family until the sale takes place. The Best Pain Killer. Bucklen's Arnica Salve when ap- ,. j : t r t i Z. I Fiil&i?,1!, scald, or other injury of the skin will Immediately remove all pain. E. E. Chamberlain of Clinton, Me., says: "It robs cuts and other Injuries of their terrors. As a healing, remedy its equal don't exist" Will do good for you. Only 25c, at Huntley Bros. Co., Ore gon City, Hubbard and Canby. ALSPAUGH. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sparks attended the circus in Portland last week. Misses Hendricks snd Algers, of Washington, were visiting with Ed Still and family over Saturday and Sunday. A number of fishermen were on the Clackamas Sunday. Misses Alta Saner and Hazel Gilh ens attended the dance at Gresbam Saturday night They took dinner at the home of tt'm, Beers, of Logan Sunday. The Roes family, who have been liv ing on the Brown place have moved to Gresbam. John Githens had the misfortune to hurt his leg very badly last Tuesday by a hay rack falling on it. Noah Hieple has been threshing in this neighborhood this week. How the Trouble Starts. Constipation is the cause of many ailments and disorders that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tab lets, keep your bowels regular and you will avoid these diseases. For sale by all dealers. GLAD TIDINGS. Alfred Olson has again opened his pool room, after an outing of several weeks spent along with his family at Wiihoit Hop pickers to a limited extent are already passing, headed for the largo yards farther up the valley, and by next week all yards will be in active operation. Hop pickers appear plenti ful. Roy Morley has a yard containing 90 acres on the Butte Creek bottom, one mile south of Marquam, that is surely a sight beautiful to look upon, it is the largest yard in this part of the country. Jim Jones has been measuring hops for Ed Albring, Early Fugles. H measures for 35 pickers, and as he can't race around enough to work up the required appetite, after 6 o'clock he asslsta in work about the hop bonse. James, there is no wonder you are showing age. Pode Jones, after cutting his own grain, has cut many acres for the 1 neighbors. A man, resident of Mbrquam, had the misfortune to lose $120.00 between Ml Angel and home. He has search ed diligently for It, but at last reports bad failed to find it Neil Jackson will measure during hop picking for Bentley and Hatter. OJe Kue ana uoca ixnan win uci In the' same capacity In the 26-acie varrl beloneing to E. J. Seaman. Mrs. Usher would like to hire a hor to milk 1 cows each evening aur- ins- hon Dlcklng. Remuneration 25c per milking, and a good substantial eupper. Joe Vaneleve pf near Mt. Angel, vis ited with E. A. Shaver Sunday. Minister Praises this Laxativs Rev H. StubenvolL of Allison. Ia.. in praisinr Dr. Kings New Life Pill for constipation, writes: "Dr. Kiugs Mew Life Filla " such perfect pills no home should b without tbem. No better regulator for the liver and bow els Every pill guaranteed. Try them. Price 25c, at Hantley Bros. Co, Ore gon City, Hubbard aud Canby. HAZELIA. 1 "t was not very badly hurt. Mrs Alfred Thomas win calling In I Oswego Thursday. Among those Me I called on w as Mra. Sliuenson and Mrs Kd IV lard. Robert Wanker and family visited at the John Wanker home Sunday. . Mr. .Hid Mrs. Helms were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fialo Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mr. Kirhard Zioney ar ' the proud parents of a baby girl, born August 22. All parlies doing nleel; MUrlon and Garton Eastman arcuni panied Mr. and Mrs. Steiuatlber to tile circus In Portland Thursday. Mra. S. S. Bouts and Mrs. H-lms c-uIUhI on Mr. Eastman and Mrs. Mo- WtdlrtHUr Mrs. Kialo hah been sick but is up and much better at this writing. Mr. Nasi. Mr. John Wanker. Mr. Long and Mr. norlands are among the cnea that have finished threshing In this vicinity. Mr. Fred l-ehman's cousins from Iowa are visiting with Fred and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chi da and Mr. and Mrs. Worthington visited in Os wego Sunday. A large crowd attended church ser vices at Haiella Saturday evening. Rev. Mr. Hrimer will only preach here twice more in this conference year. Remarkable Cur of Dysentery. I was attacked wit dysentery about July loth, and used the doctor's med icine and other remedies with no re lief, only getting worse all the time; I was unable to do auythlng and my weight dropped from 143 to 1.'5 pounds. 1 suffered for about two months when I was advised to use Chamber'ain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy. I used two bottles of it and it gave me permanent relief." writes B. W. Hill of Snow Hill. N. C. For sale by all dealers. 1 KELSO. School will open September Sth. Improvement are being made on the school house. The three windows on the east side of the primary room j have been removed to the opposite; side, making a group of six windows on the west side. R. E. Jarl has returned from an out-! ing spent in hunting in the vicinity! of Baker City. Miss Margaret Canning has secured i a position to teach in Portland this fall, and has therefore resigned asi primary teacher at Sandy, where she taught last year. Miss Minnie Llndholm, who la be coming trained nurse at the Good Samaritan Hospital, paid the home folks a visit last week. Mrs. Henry Francis, who waa qulie ill, is much improved. Mrs. W. H. Hutchinson and chil dren, have gone to Pendleton to Join air. nuicninson. wno ni P"ed there during the .Mr. Hutcninson. wno naa been em- summer. Robert Jonsrud and family took an auto trip to the Toll Gate Sunday. Costly Treatment "1 was troubled with constipation and indigestion snd spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment." writes C. H. Hines, of Whitlow. Ark. "I went to a St. Louis hospital, also to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure was effected. On returning home I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets, and worked right along. I used them for some time and am now all right" Sold by all dealers. CHERRYVILLE. Mr. Henry Hoffman, a reality dealer of Portland, visited in Cherryvllle last Thursday. Miss Louise Casswell visited Miss Elizabeth Boyd last week. Mrs. Wick and children, who have been visiting Prof. Geo. Couper and family for the past several months left for their home in Iowa last Sat urday. Colby Marston, of Gresham, spent several days In Cherryvllle this week visiting oid friends. Mr. and Mrs. Clark W. Carey have returned from a trip to Portland. Mr. L. F. Pridemore has returned from a triu to Portland Joe Wick, who Is employed In the ; Portland Y. M. C. A. made a flying trip to Cbenyville last Thursday and returned to Portland the next day. ! Miss Vera Douglass, of Sandy, vis-1 ited Mrs. Wm. O. Rugh and family one day last week. Lloyd Corey played on his violin at the dance given by Mrs. J. T. Friel, Jr., last Saturday evening. Jas. Hot kins spent several days in Portland last week. Mrs. Graham and family, of Mtonta villa, came out to Cherryvllle last Sun day to upend a couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. O. Motklns. Mr. I. L. Martin and family left for Portland last week to spend several weeks. Mr. McKechnle, of Portland, spent several days in Cherryvllle. last week looking after his 280 acres of land. Minn Lilian B. Averill . and Miss Elizabeth Boyd and Miss Casswell took a horseback ride up to the Rho dodendron hotel last Friday. How's This? We offer Ont Himdmj lKillari Reward for any ease of tirra uul c&auol be cured Ly lUll i CaurrQ Cure. r J. chksf.v a co.. Tmio, o. WV, th underelfned, heve known I', J t.twney tnr lh lut iL r. Bri Ml., him rrf.la h.n. ouut u u buimeM trmai-ti! i,d ouencuiir 10 carf7 0111 Vy ot(1K 110(111 s.adr br I'le (Inn. IijImIo. Ohio. Ball's Catarrn Cur. In Uken Inu-mallr. ertlnf d:rcUr Ui IM blwd ud mueoui lurr of the T,t-tn. T.-ftiruonuUi emt tree, trice 75 ecote per totUe. Sold br ell Lrnxemu. Uu Hiiri ttuUf nue lot eonrUraUvn. ESTACADA. Jas. Fremon, of Portland, who came out to Estacada one week ago last Sunday to visit bis aunt, Mrs. Crash, was taken sick with what threatened to be typboid fever and was unabl? to return to Portland until Tuesday of this week. G. H. Llchthorn and family drove to Colton Sunday to visit friends, return ing Sunday evening. J. P. Woodle and family returned Monday from a two weeks stay at Troutdale, where they were attending camp meeting. Attorney Devore transacted business at Portland and Oregon City the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Cary returned from their wedding trip at Newport last Friday afternoon., Mr. Cary will shortly commrnce the erection of a modern borne on lerrace mil. At ly. present they are at the home of the bride mother, Mia. he Her, There r over forty men, women and children who left Eaiaeuila Mon day for the hop Held at Auburu, Jer ry Jones went along to do the rook ing act for the entire crowd. Win. I'nderwood returned from the mountain Sundav evening. .Mr. and Mra. Dave Esiielinsn. Mi. Wonicr, Paul Womer and Miss Tres slu Hicks n toed to Hull Hun las: Sun day. Mr. Sum Meaa, of Giants Pant, was l lie guest of the llowa laiully over tile Sabbath. I W. A. Jonea was a business visitor at Portland Mliuday. Misses Gertrude, Umlse und Emma iVwgell. of Portland, visited at the W. W, Duller home the llrat of the week. W. lilven and sen, Howard, were among the circus attendant Thins day at Portland. Robert Morton returned from the mountain Krlday. He say hot vveaia er beats luo-nultoes all to piece. These little pests ore a source of treat aunoyance to the rangers The I-adles' Aid of the Christian church, eighteen In number, were guests of the Oorcos Society out In Garfield township last Thursday. Th. time was spent iu visiting, games sn.l U-asitng of the repas. furnished by the Gartleld ladle. After dinner a program was carried out In the way oi readings by Mr. UiHarr and piano m)'o by Mrs. M. 11. I'-oMe. of Ksta cada, which was greatly enjoyed by all. The gathertnt: was held at the country club and Mrs. Guy Hunt was hostess. The E. 0. ltoswoll home was the scene of a merry party las; Sunday and tlte guests were Mrs. Marie Kill I tier. Miss Kdna Fullncr, Mrs. Josephin Milan. Sir. M. Helleus, .Mr. Fullnerjof a s v.r attack when life Is threat an I Mr. Wynian. all from Portland, cned. Try It when In need of such After a sumptuous dinner the guest I a remedy. It never fails. Sold by all tujoycu tne snaoe on tne lawn anui hud a happy time until their return home in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Steniel and chlhlr'n and Miss Laura Chrlstman. of Port land, arrived Sunday by auto and wer guests at the A. E. Sparks home until Monday afternoon. Raymond Fisher, of Bull Run. visit ed Monday with his sister, Mrs. J. R. r, THREE OF A The Mower, Rake and Binder shown below are THREE OF A KIND. The kind that will make you smile with satisfaction when you use them, for they give service Real Service Honest Service Full Measure for every cent you pay for them That we guarantee. wLr38 means perfect align ment of bar, knife and pitman. Note the long wearing plates and the auto matic device for taking up wear in the Pitman knife head connection. These are points that make the Champion wear better and cut better than others. The Champion Binder Ha three exclusive features: The Force Feed Elevator which insures a continuous flow of grain to the packer arms. The Relief Rake which prevents clogging at inner end of bar. Balancing Sectors which balance the machine in any height of grain. BACBvED Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. roSND W. J. WILSON & CO., OREGON CITY, ORE. CANBY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO., CANBY, ORE. Townsand. Mr. and Mrs. Adams and son, of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Elwock and Cut liank, Montana, have been visit Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh and. family ; ln? the Hatalcla family, of Vancouver, Wash., came here !? Morris Cronin has been very HI, hav auto Sunday to vi-tlt Mr. and Mrs. H.jlnK suffered a relapse. A. LaHarre. i Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Graham and Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Coslin, of Port-1 daughters, Rosntta and Josephine, land, spent the week end with the la-, moved to Portland on Monday, llarre family at Garfield. Thtslr two Hop picking will bei?ln 8tpember 1st, sons have been spending the summer i In most of the yards. In this vicinity. O. D. Eby, attorney of Oregon City, Mesdames J. R. and J. 3. McCurdv rteurned from the beach Saturday. Evangelist Joy will have a service! In the Family theatre next Sunday art- j and large that people from all over the emoon at which time ho will preach ( county are coming after them. in defense of the bible. He Is from; Mrs. Alison linker returned on the International Bible Btud'.-nts As-i Monday from Portland. soclation. Mrs. Wood and daughter, Audrey, J. W. Reed and son were among the wtt to Portland on Thursday with people from this place who attended Rev- and Mr- to spend a few the circus at Portland Friday. j ' Among the Estacada delegation to' MlsB ' ' flerklng at Aden s Portland last Friday were Mesdam-s 1 tore- having arrived recently. Mnrgaret Evins and A. E. Sparks. ! M- Halley is visiting In I -a Crande Dr. Adlx has been the guest of hon-! tor few days, or at many homes during the past: Mr- Howard wnt to Portland on week. His wife is spending her vaca j Tuesday, after visiting with relatives tion at Seaside. The doctor does not D1,1-" 'or ome time, make a very good bachelor. Mr- Fleck d Mrs. Shirley have I. A. Bonney was given the contract ' fceen visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hal for the installation of patent toilets !'ey- In the Estacada school building and is busy these days making the im provement. The Mass-Klnn trial, which was to have taken place Saturday morning before Justice Glvens, was continued. Raymond Lovelace, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lovelace, received very painful injuries Monday evening by being thrown from a horse. He was unconscious for several hours but at last reports he was getting along nlo 'The Jolly lllkera started out last neclier attended (lie (Irango bull at Friday morning with tholr luiicti Slioruood on Hutttrdiiy night, nud re liefs and drinking cup tied to their port a good time. waists and followed the road east uf town until they found a trail whle'i ltd over In the hills and acrosa a creek, where lliey ramied for luiieh. Miss Oakley acted as "chef" and mad some dellcloii eolT.'o and then I lie ladles, seven III number, proeoidod to en toy their sandwiches und coffee with gr.'on apples for deaert, Thu' none of the crowd did not have to have the services of a pvslclan hef ire. morning, still remains a mvHtcry. A contrivance wa arranged so that bv pulling a string the whole bunch got In on a picture which will probably appear In the Orogunliin or Police G.i- lotto later. Then the ladles hied l the brooklet where bathing was In- du'ged In for soma time, alter which athletic sports of all kinds were In dulged In. Mra. Roger Cary carrying oft the honors wherw Mrs. J. V. Reed previously shone. A president was elected ill the person of Mrs. Morton, also a secretary and treasurer who Immediately took charge of the fund i on hand willed were JiHUHV About 4 o'clock the Jolly company hiked for home, reaching there tired, dusty and with a splendid coat of tan an I freckles. Anyone Joining this club of hikers hereafter, are to be Initiated into the swrets of the order on their first hike. Next Friday Is the day, Good Reason for His Enthusiasm. When a man has suffered for sever al days with colic, diarrhoea or other form of bowel complaint and Is then cured sound and well by one or two dos of Chamberlain Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Retnedv, as Is often the rase, it 1 but natural that he should Iw enthusiastic In his praise of the remedv, and especially la thlt the raie dealer WILSONVILLE. Mrs. M. C. Young acted as one of the Judges at the Juvenile Fair at Oswego. The house formerly occupied by the McKlnney family was burned to the ground on Monday. J Champion Mowers and stronger. I his Champion Rakes Rake Clean Dump Easy and Last Long -SOLD AT RIGHT PRICES BY- was In WIlHonvllle the first of the week, on legal bimlness. Mr. Iirobst's peaches are so luscious Mnry Datalgla spent Saturday and Sunday at homo. Great preparations are being mada for the Juvenile Fair by the superin tendent, Mrs. Young, and we should all help. Mr. and Mrs. Tom McCurley and ba by, of Portland, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Itatalgla. All the farmers are having record crops of grain this year. Mr. and Mrs. Reed Graham, Anna Baker, Miss Nuerer and Geo. Stall- WILLAMETTE The Mlsac Florence nud Ktiliy llul hurt, from Sherwood, Were guests of Mis. Miller on Sunday, A daughter was horn to Mr. and Mrs. 8 .A. Cobb Thursday afternoon August 11. Mr. an I Mr. Will Klllott and sons und the Misse Mabel und Vivian Bartholomew left for the roast by wng on Tuursday (ho 1 Ith. The Farmer fiimlly have also none to the roast on a hunting trip, Mrs. Hansen and daughter, Kstcr, wen gucata of Mi's. Hyatt Tuesday i. ud a slst r from Brownsville la. -a week. The Misses Nellie ami Mary ('upon returned Sunday from a weeks visit Willi f I lends In Portland. The Poddlnr' Pnrudn Social given at tho church Wednesday eveuliia. August 1.'. was fairly well attended, und flli towards the ft.il debt on Hie church was realised. Mr. Van Ks from near Troy, Vt, has bought the ComstocK place west ot Willamette about a mile and with iter chlldr-n ha rettlml there. Mrs.. ; Comslock and sister. Mrs. Baker, will leave in alauit a week for Waniitng ton where Karl Coinstock mil wll.i are pleasantly located, Mr. Swatison. wife and son friau Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Claud Meillicr Suiidii) and Monday Ml'. Swanson I foreman of steelwork on the new electric building on Ten'h till Washington Streets Mr, Messluger a'ld Sydney Waldron returned with him to work, "Grandnm" GUI went to Vancouver Tuesday for a two weeks visit. Nelson Waldron i pu:tliig In re tii uit sidewalks for K. l Carpenter. Wablron are putting on an 'ad dition to their home. Mr. and Mr. Rouse have moved back to Willamette. Mr. John Raich. Ilrt unite on the "Ruth," had the misfortune to drop Kelt) pound on hi toes, rous4'uent ly he I taking a vacation. Nlel Whitney left Friday morning for Ft. Steven near Astoria, to Join his company. KIND Do better work than others, because made that way. .Just ex amine theChampion. Compare the wide yoke with others. You will find it wider Mrs. J. D. Iloland cntertalnd her music pupils and their parents at a picnic at the park Saturday and had a recital at her home Friday evening, serving lc cream and other delicious lefresliments afterwards to her pupils and their parents. NOBODY SPARED. Kidney Troubles Attack Oregon City Men and Women, Old and Young. Kidney Ills seize young and old. Often come with little warning. Children suffer in their early years (ant control the kidney secretions (.iris are languid, nervous, suffer pain. Women worry can't do dally work. Men have lame and aching backs. If you have any form of kidney Ills. You mimt reach the cause the kid neys. Doan's Kidney Pills are for weak kidneys Have brought relief to Oregon Cltr people. Oregon City testimony proves It. Mrs. Hattle J. Pace, 612 Twelfth St., Oregon City, Oregon, aays: "Sev eral of my family have taken Doan's Kidney Pills for back and kidney trouble and have had quick and last ing relief. I feel Juntlfied In reconv mending this remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the L'nlted States. Remember the name Dean's and take no other. CASTOII AU oiiDb s rt.H can r. AVrlalkPirrawlonrorAi slmll.iiln$ihrfW:mllMula Un(lilN'SiiHiH(lBmiillkikvbJ !TPrT'JrT?,TTTTiry" li ul ii Ul via "ill "ill t IWutrs Ditto lumfkrfrful aixl lb'Monliln! nrlilw 0iluiH.Mi)rihir mirMuxril MSi fcwrt A nrtfrrl IWmrilv for f nm Hoii,SowStnwh.llrrl Worms fomulMuuj Jew ul nt aa and Loss or Sleep. ncSin Siftianrt s NEW YORK. Esact Copy ol Wrapper, JENNINGS LODGE Mr Harnh Sloan, of Allmny, rnlli'd lu btHiMlilii of lirr uiirln, T. J. HiHMinrr on tUtunlny Will MacFarlane. of Walla Walla.' Wash.. Is visiting al ths horns of A. ('. MnrFarlnno. I In Is is a uephw of A. (. Mr MnrFarlnno was a werk Hid vlHltor at Hal.lu. Mrs. Morrla. ho Is visiting In Port land, was a luncheon sin-l at tin home of Mra. K. A. Hutiders on Friday last. Mrs. Morris la the wlfo of Cap tuln Morrla, who his been s(atloud at Fort Ova Moines, la, but Is now on the border of Mxlco. Mrs. Ida Thumns, of this placs waa an addition al guest at the Hnnders home At for a seven weeks trip enjoying the southern ami northern roast ritl-a Mls Grace Finder, of lavenwortli, Kaunas, and Mlaa l.llllnn I lay ton. of Kansas City, Mo., left Portland Mm duy evening, going to Spokane, Dnuvcr and Colorado Springs, where they will visit n route borne. Misses liayles and 1-Inner have been the guests of Miss Mahle Morse, the past week an 1 a numiirr or aigat stieing trlpa were tnloyeit during their atay hum. The Misses Carrie. Elate and Ituth lllrrh returned to their home In Wal la Walla. Wash., on Tuesday, after spending their summer vacation wltn Mrs. Russell. Messrs. George and ArrhH Shaver and children, of Portland, autoed out to see their mother, Mrs. Mattle S'.iav er on Sunday last. Mrs. Wm. Gregan. wss calling on UhIko friends on Wednesday. Mines their home was destroy el by fire a few weeks ago the Gregun family have taken apartments at l.urretla Court. Mr. Hpldell. of Oak Grove, finished plastering the Hugh Roberts home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. Hugo Siinds'.rotn aro building a new home on tlie east coun ty road. Mr. and Mrs. John Jennings have re turned from Vancouver. Mr. Jennings was very III while at his sisters and returned to Portland to consult a sperlullat. Mrs. llrue hert and children Mr. an ! Mrs. Rimsell and family and the Ira Hart fiimlly will leave on Suturrlay for the hop llelds near Aurora. Mrs. Hurry C. Palnton and Miss Helen entertained on Wedn.-sduy for the plensuro of the Misses lliiyl-n and Fisher. Covers were laid for tell. After luncheon Miss Hiiyles gave a number of pluno selections, proving herself an artist of much ability, Mrs. John llollowell's friends at Jennings Ivodge regret to learn of hr j Hit anil It Is hoped th recovery win u,-r rfii-iu operation ul Ml. VIII cent's hoHpltuI will he a rapid and ixTinanent one. Tiie dancing party glvn by Or. T. L. Perkins and wif nt Cedar Island Park on Saturday evening was nn en joyable aflalr. A number auiolng out from Portland for the event. About ninety enjoyed the row across the river where the Inrge pavilion was beautifully lighted with lanterns. Punch was erved. An article In last week's Items which we wish to correct was the one In regard to Llpwln Park, which hus rxently been opened. It Is on the Jennings Tract, and It Is now planned to take In the old homeslte of the late llerryman Jennings. It was mimed In honor of the home of Mrs. Emma Jennings near Altoonn, Pa. Mr. Will Jennings and David Clark r planning to make this an Ideal placo Km- iiiciiiiers can enjoy Dontlng, ca noeing and swimming. A delightful auto party was given on Thursday last by A. P. Mors, of Portland, honoring Miss Hayles, of nuiiBHs i.iiy, mo., and Miss Grace Fisher, of I-avenworth, Kansas. The onjecuve point U.lug Chanticleer Inn on the Columbia, which seems to be tne Mecca for autolsts this season rt. er spending the afternoon enjoying iKeuruiiueiir or in upper Columbia scenery and mountains the party re turned to the city to enjoy the cir cus. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Potter have re turned from Gearbart where they spent ten days. Mrs. DtForrest will soon leave for Bend, Oregon, to visit with" her daughter, Mrs. Uussle Stratton. She will be accompanied by her little grand daughter. Itertha Hansen, of Ardenwald. Warren Alcott, wife and daughter of Greensburg, Pa., have returned to this coast where they have decided to locate. The Alcott family spent a year with his mother, Mrs. Will Jen nings, two yesrs ago but returned to their old home In Pennsylvania, but have decided to make one of the coast cities their home. They are at pres ent in Vancouver, II. C. The C. L. Smith cottage ts receiving a new coat of brown paint, and Is very attractive with it trimmings of cream A delightful picnic party was held on Wednesday under the treee at the H H. Emmons borne. About thirty en- .,I0'- i ran Tor Infnntand Chllrirnn The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of ivn lhn iy. Miss Kllalth Wnlilrtm tnr on Mixuluy for Kvrn-n mil H'ii. for . wmik't star and lll l.Vn o ua to North Yakima. Vh, hr 1 h "'. pl,,",, pom In t!w ai nooia 01 mat )iarit. H. K. Stovrr haa rfturn-l from I hi Tillamook country whr ha mt to Iocs in on ft hoima(al. Mrs. John WaMmn and chlldrrn, of Hllvrr Hirln(i, havn rrlnrnrd Iron an xtimll trio In ih mMdl n Iowa brill tits place whiTB thry iprnl moHt of ths tlm, bihI on HunJsy vl luul with Mr. siur Mrs. Jamrt WiWroo of this ilai'. Mothtrs! Have Your Children Wormir Are Ihey feverish, rvitlei, D'rtous. Irritable, dlny or constipated? Do they continually pick their out or grind their teeth? Havs they crimp ing pains. Irregular and rsirsnoui ap petite? These are all signs of wortni Worms not only raute your chill suffering, but stunt lis mind mi growth. Give "Klrknioo Worm Kill er" at once. It kills and romoici tb worms, Improve your rlilkl'i sppetlli, regulates stomach, Uw and bomH. The symptoms disappear snd Tout child Is made happy snd healthy, si nature lntndd. Huntley lira. Co. Oregon City, Hubbard and Canby, or by null, 2&c. Klckapoe Indian Mtdlclnt Compsry, Phlladtlpla. Pa. 8!. Louis, Mo. EAST EAGLE CREEK. Nearly all of the grain at I'leiuH Hill hna been Inrethed. Mrs. ClestiT and daughter, Helen, have gone-to the hop field. Mr. and Mra. Roy Douglass and Mr. and Ml-s. Gnorg Kltiuilller enJoH Hunday with Mr. and Mrs. Uur Wixidle. Mr. Hennn Gibson swnt Huudt; U Esiacndu. Mrs. It. II. Gibson called on Mn W. J. Howlett Saturday afternoon. Miss Kdlth Chapman went to Portland Thursday and returned Sun day, accomvanled by her elat-r, Mn C. II. Horsmnn, of Centrulla, snd br nelce, Miss Rose Valentine Chapman, of Portland. JAGGAR DIVORCE IS TO BE DISMISSED Ily a stlpulutlua f 'i-y In volved In tne cai.fl. ilie suit of Janette Jaguar against her himliuiid, r'rsn Jaggor, for divorce will be dlomlsnei The stipulation wns filed with tsj clerk of the circuit court Saturday snl ends the litigation that was start -d V the filing of the original papers. The agreement does not give the terms of the settlement but It Is presumed thst a satisfactory adjustment of the differ ences was made out of court. The stipulation follows and Is sinned White as attorneys for the plnlntlff and by llrownell A Stone and Josp E. Hedges as counsel for the defend ant: "It is hereby atlptilatwl and agreed by and between the partW hereto that the above entltM stilt M dismissed without prejudice and l'n' out cost to either party." Simplifying Court Procedure J MONTGOMERY, Ala., Aug. 22. At tho end of this month Alabama will put Into effect an lmorlant reform In court procedure. On and aft l teniber 1 no case can be re vers "d M the supreme court or any other court In the state on mere technicality, un lisa It Is shown thnt the whole cntiJ of the appellant Is prejudiced. TJiw change ll expected to reduce the w"'1 of the court greatly and will mean tn saving of large sums for useless h41 procedure. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given thai the under signed as executor of the estate Ann W. Jaggar, deceased, has his final account as such executor with the County court of ClackarMj county, Oregon, and the c"1"1,11" set Monday, the 2th day of Septem ber. 1913, at the bour of 10 o'do" a. m., at the courtroom of said as the time and place for the rment of said estate and for t bearing of objections thereto. Dated August 26th. 1913- FRANK JAGGAR, Executor of the Estate of Ana w Jaggar, Deceased. JOHN W. LODER. Attorney for Executor. M V IM J For Over Thirty Years CASTOi