.morlM ,ht 11. RECALL FRANTIC PLEAS ORIGINAL ALLEGATIONS AR AD FITTED FUTlLEi NEW COM PLAINTS MADE MISREPRESENTATION IS CONFESSED (,,lr.etlon. By Ld Cm Scurry ,,, About to Bol.t.t C.u. Schuebel Say Btl Truthful 4 u'uh tit recall rlocUou, St which . " , li ll. Hcstle and ("oiiniy rouuu -'", ... i,f,,ri, In. rh.ni! t nirimw ........ ""?" . . h.. mo. Frantic effort hv the "rcl!r" to ire """" " unrrup their KlnM lh rouu- court by brluicliiit lu L.ue hr.lu i.,..ed in tli fight, and v.ri uf Ihf movement m to be of Tb. CWHr. ... ' . f it-. r,Mll. contain a fren- ens v. . um) coalite tni ' - tarklnj tb oennty court. and declare ikil hUDdrrdi of voter believe" that U wms. rnKlifV from 17.000 to U 000 could have l''n "v,,,, "J Tirlaut thlnm nol b.u don. Mill tb orUlMl chw ux which tile r all tt uipee-,l t" be bawd r 001 swnilen.'d tt nil. v where vauue al Mm) re mn.l" to alleg.-d "Xtrava; inert and muunaiias'emeiil. la ihort th "r.x allers" nitt to br abandoned all their orltttnl com plaints and tllrgallona. and to be s.k i something new a basla of at uck mma th county official. Tbl probably li" 10 hirgo "tent lo the rrlrtrilou that mny f h" recall iMd-n h m.ln durlnK tha prog, mi of thr movtmi-nt. nil to tho d mladt.n t!tt hv lrm forced from ihftn to tb ffH-t tht mny of thulr charifi oiinot b uiortiHl by ny kM ol cvhlcnc. A imtrmciil Untied thU by Rotwrl Bohu li.il. oo of thw "InvMtl pitni rommltt'J." to th rffoct I hat Jtlt livailut rffu'Mlon of the flurKf It p.Tf.lly trii, l one of the ktrJ.it b'oi that lli n-call movtt mimt hi rilu'd. Aildwl to thla Dn.r ti-..plo urc not tiiklim tha flKr.' put fitr;b by tttu rwull lcndr at their Itr value, but ar golitK to lh coun ty treniurr i olllr, and to th county cWrk. to obtain tlu-lr 00 flKiirt'a. 8uta pvple am dlacoverlnR dlacrl inclri o( a atrlkluK nnttiro In tha al Witloni of the ri'cttlli.ra. and are turlly doiiMlnis otluir chargfa nhtrh ir dtmlly mn aupportpd. Th bold manner In which th two county offMa'11 under flro have face! and inwpr.tl every rhnitgn made Htliut thrm ban nlao none far to win pul.llc favor, ami thla ha added to tha drstwratlon of (ho eiiemlea of tb county poart. At aeverul rwnil miet law Ih lie linn been imaiwd dlwt to rcall leader by member of the rouniy court, uml In nti cu hna any reply that na ill all adequate liwn mule. Of the orliilnttl cliarKea nothlnx I now byard, and for tho punt week utw (harirri hav i lie.' 11 dully put forth,' to he qulrkly annwerl. Tha orlKlnnl fharse, all of which have either been dlnrovmd or aatUfiictorlty anw"red. now form no part of tho aultittlon; and In their place hna arlaen merely a itonn of aplenetle aliiiHn. The naturnl conrluaion of the major part of tho Public, ha txvn. thrtfor, that the orlKlnal chiiruen have been utterly abandoned. Tact Ira nf tho reonllera m to ahow thiil tbl conclunion I wrrect. REPLY 10 AID The ahort ntnl ugly word panaed nt Wnda Tueaduy niht, when VI. II. "wman. one nf the chM of the re fjll movement nguinat two members 01 the Clackunin county court. Inter JJJPted County Judge It. II. lleatle with IJe itatenient that J. V. Moffntt and W)or C. 8. Nolile, of Ocegon City, had ori.T'd, to nuike an Inapectlon of the suapeiialon brlilge acroH the Wllliin t river wltlioiit charge. Judge "Mile w the middle of his din "irn, and ,,n .xp alning the clr 'twiMancH tlint led up to ;he Inapec "on and repair of bukp inaloti brldga 'v In Hill, when llageman, who o lre.nt hi th, meeiiig evidently 'oraiiso trotilile for the speaker, de-cinrt-d t'ut the bridge could have been "P'-ct d for nothing, and that accord '""' the court ,, not JimtirM In 'ton ,,,r M" rx,t,rt eJtRm,n,, j'nU-e llea le Iind Juat gone Into con 'nlile d'tnll to explain that as " I on h became county JielKe, Mr. , 1 "uj niaite an earnest appeal or an in 1..- ... .v U......J . 'I" ' nun 111 uiR urillge, urr i-.niig th- dtrticture to be uhnafe for n.. :ln;!l-r'1'' of worklngm,' that Ta ,nvpr 11 dnlly- The Judge In Z a ml Mr- Moffntt hnd never of- ' l to make an limpeetlon of th nd nal-l the only man who l tendered hi aervlcts whs Kd 2 a,1( ''i ke Itentle said that the Won of 01 18 reading a aimpenaion "W 'ration ns not wo'thy of earnest con- off J man ho ,av ,nat we wpre ties 11 ?.?x"'rt wrvlce for the lnspec par V bri,l,:s without charge," de Pa 1 the ju.,,., "i, ar... nawnuin sank back In hi seat and Mered a few nnflllclhle words. ' Ulnn aiit.ul I j ..... 'I tho v ""..-li tor wie reniuiouer -,, --'..11. 1 'I Eatanu.l. - - t unl... "iceaa .ru " wa a noge ,h ,rh" hall waa well filW. ,r.. .R mor" than 200 voters W WEAKNESS -'. many of thm women. Hon. OREGON oty enterpkisei CHAMPIONS LOSING SCHEIE TEELS STAND ON RECALL DECLARES JUDGE BEATIE IS STATING REAL TRUTHS IN HIS VARIOUS TALKS IS NO ENEMY OF COUNTY COURT Recent In v1.. gallon of Charge Mad by Commllte of Thr 8how Many Allegation Not Born Out Itoberl Hctmubel, who throuKhout the recall flKhl directed aitiilmil the county court haa been Identified with I Ihiiae who hiv been backing lb at tuck upon County Judxe R. n. Ilcutlu and County Comnilaaioner IHalr Tuc day evenln laaued the following atatetneut : "On Mday AuKual I, The Kntor pi la contained an arllcld In rvuurd to ntyeelf and lome action that Heaver Crvek local, Farmer' Society of Kquliy. bnd taken atcalnat my muthoda of dolnx bualnea. Tb article waa ptililUlicd without bavlnx fact, and I am aorry that (be putter cera to get away from the truth o much tried to cet a copy of the reiulutlon punned al tha llar Crek local moot- Ini. but they refuaed to give It out for publication. I'erhapa they are aahamed to do ao. I know they ought to have been ainumed to have paaaed It on auch mllmiy foundation a they had. '1 have done nothing to be anhamed of. and all my act loin In my dealing with Heaver Creek local are open to luapectlon. I will not go Into datiulB now, but may do o later. In the article It waa made out that I waa one of the leader In the recall move ment, for which ata'.cmont there la no foundation. I ueter had anything whatever to do with It. When called on to act a one of the commute to Inveatlg' 'be county court aiattor 1 took up that work and did the beat I coiihl to get Hie trutn. 1 aim aiunu by ihat r 'port; but I promised Judge HeutKi that at any lime that auy truth woo d ahow up. to explain any of the statement, mado In the maa meeting committee report, I would glva It out for publication. "And ao at the Mlillno meeting Judg Iteatle and Mr. Blmmona made some atntementa that I though It waa my dutv to ItiventlKale. and having done ao I find that In the matter of the court houae bill. In regard to th bll which reuda 'lime, plaater, cement and freight 40C that Mr. Simmon ha a book account and the original bill thtit Rive In detail tho Item and price or asmo. and ahow the uric a of cement to be 2.60 at Oregon City, a Mr. Ilealie hud claimed. Therefor it la but right to give Hie public the facta. "Further. I went ever tho County Treaaurer'a atHtement of the atule tax for 1910 and 112. aUo Ihe achool fund tlgure a given out by Judge lleatle at the Miillno meeting, and I find that k t,im In the cme. I nn is KKi.iK - . . . ... fiti,. in vt Into the de nave uoi. unw ....... - ...11. .vrvihinv lii some otner atatement of Judge lleatle a. but aa fr a 1 went he la giving out the "Mr. Slmmona ay It waa hit, or l, !,..,. fniilt. that the bill In the courthouae doe not glva a do- tnll.-d atatement. RECK ARGUMENTS r. n 1iw.un1.ll nnniied the me.'t ing with an arguinenuve so...... v. 1 i.umrv nf tin. br dge In- rlieurneu n.a - . .pectlon and of the llmlier cru e. and auld ths imcKers 01 mt . . u.j .... n,..Hva i.iher than prju- dice, and that they hnd evinced no de sire to play fnlr. no roas.eu r.u to a brown turn, and djclawd that Olds I simply "peeved" over his fnu ure to receive the bridge work. He referred' to J. W. Smith, recall candi date for county commissioner, aa a man without force of character and poHBcssIng no executive ability. Judge lleatle told the hiBtory of tho recall movement and read a h'tier from Robert 8chueb.l. which is pub llah -d elsewhere today. The Judge clearly disproved the charges of ex travagance with a mass of HW: en from the reports of County I rk Mulvey and County Treasurer Tuns, and exhibited sn affidavit from the later official to ahow that the county was out of debt at the maklug of the eml annlul report April 1. . County Commissioner Hlalr Vxpla ln . . .,. r tha timber cruise eo me oeii--.n. . . that his recently been competed, .how Ing that the Increased tax the first vear would more than psy for me The meeting was concluded with 1 an addresa by Kx.Senator J . h. W lg s. who refut-d the charge that he Is al lied wl h th corporation, a ha. 1 bien ehamd. He said he waa not present at the Owego meeting, as ha also has b.-n charged, and wn. proud to come forward and testify to the personal honesty of the mem berr of the county cour... Mr. Iledi.ee was lonHi snolaudJj. All of the speak-r received the clo.it attention. Jndr. IJe. and Commissioner Hlalr talk tonight at Sandy and will wind up the "mpalgn with meetlnga atClackam.se on Thursday nlgbt and Milwaukle on Friday. OUEflON CITY, OREGON, FUI DAY, AUGUST 15, WHICH PLATFORM WILL I ,1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 ' K III II III II Ill A .r 'JV . ".J - V sT'.-X M I J. ' I' O-. I 1 JL-v I 1 m .h'- 1' y?Lrj - run h$J II WIN KICOVIB -CT.lliU " Vi'y,"'.l . ?7.5- VMH ytj, fm fi lm W S- mm mw w CANEMAH ROAD IS FREE GIFT SUPERB HIGHWAY HAS COST THE COUNTY NOTHING, IN SPITE OF FUTILE CANARD RECALLERS ATTEMPT TO HIT COURT Allocation that Expenlve Roadway Ha Depleted District Fund I Merely Another Cam pagln Roorback According to Grant Crlteaer and Curl V. Ilrown. both of whom live JiiBt umiih nr I uneniun. ai:lta!or for the Menll of County Judge It. H. lleatle n,i rmmiv I'nintniHHioncr N. Hlalr h.vA h..en Iiiihv in that district circu luting the report thnt the county court ha been spending a lnrge Bum of mnnev iii that section to construct a fine macadamised roadway tnrough Cnnemah, and that tha heavy expens 'S of this road have been taken from the county road funds, such action being discrimination against other districts In tho county in favor of Canomah. The facts in the case, data back to the time when the Portlund Railway, Light & Power company BHked permis sion of the state railroad commission to discontinue Its line south of tae Southern Pacific crossing In C.ina mah and to tear up Ua tracks. When (hi application was maae propis oi Canemnb formed an organization, en gaged an attorney. Biid entered a strong proteat against the abandon-m.-nt of the line. A hearing was ihe d and ths railroad company offered to construct, entirely at Its own expense, a macadum roadway through the town of Canemah provided the people of the community would consent to tha removal of the railway iracss I'pon this basts consent iur abandonment of the lnterurbaii line was given, and the street railroad com pany at once set about work of kaep Ing It aide of the agTeem'nt and building the road. This work has now been practically completed, and ta n mah has one of the finest highways of th state, at no cost to Us own road district. Bnd at no cost whatever to the county. Thla stretch of road ha been Incorporated In the Pacific Highway." and Ib well soken of by .uioinoblllsts who have gone over It. The report, therefor, that Is b'lng circulated that the county court has built the road, i but another of the recall canard that are being put forth as eleventh-hour attack, upon Judge Heatle and Commissionr Hlalr. it s a sample of methods that hava . 1 1 th. rnrn'l tnovemptii from the start; an.1 indicate the des perate stralrhts to wnicn iu "'"r' of the alKirtlve movement have been reduced. uiiifri. in Cirnn at Mobil uniiiti:- Ala . Aug. 11 Hlarlncr of buglea and the rolling of heavy milt tsry accotirtrements through the ."reeta of Mobile today rmlnd-d o'd residents of the ay. precelln: Ad ,ii Pnrracif d'-'metive ca.l dur ing th Civil war. The military a-'lv-ltv today, however, brought only a general holiday. Th, state nllltlm ha. gone Into camp for the annual ma-netivers. BROWN ONLY OFF - A HERE $9,000 County Assessor J. E. Jack, whose duty It Is to extend the tax roll of Clackamas county, say that the old saying "that figure wont lie but that liars will figure" is proved aosouueiy true In the last Issue of The Courier, when In an article published on the front page of that paP"-'r. Edifor Brown J attemota to show now muca monsy Clackamas county has lost In the past four year through negligence of the county court in not collecting taxes on sheep grazing In this county. , The following figures were given by Tha Courier and noted as being offi cial, but inquiry at the county clerk's office, where these reports are filed, failed to show any report ever ha-ving been made in regard to sheep grazing within, the county. Assuming, bow ever, that Hrown's figures 'may be correct as to the number of sheep and valuation. The Courier's table reads: Year No. Sheep Val. 18 mills 4 Mob. 1909- 10 221S9 $44378 79S8 2662 1910- 11 20S05 $41610 74S9 $2496 1911- 12 22201 $44402 $7992 $2604 1912- 13 22431 $44862 $8075 $2691 lxst in taxation. $10,509. Commenting on this Assessor Jack says: "You will note that his levy was 18 miiio and thnt four months were al lowed for grazing in C'.ackamas coun ty. In extending the tsl at the above levy he has undoubtedly niaoe anomer ...oi,ir-nl error.' a he calls it. for he says that Clackamas county has lost In taxation 10.oU. inow, jubi 10 show Editor Brown and the Courier that he was off his base about $9,000, I resubmit bis own flgures; with the correct extensions thereon." Folowlng are Uie correct figures, based on The Co"-er'. statistics: Year No.Sheep VeJ 18 mills 4 Mos 1909- 10 22189 $4T78 $798.80 $266.26 1910- 11 20805 $41ui0 $748.98 $249.66 1911-12 22401 $44402 X79S.Z4 -mi.1 1912-13 22431 $44S62 $807.48 $269.16 Total tax due Clackamas Co. $1,051.49 This shows but $1,051.49 due the rnuntv which Is considerably differ ent from $10,000 odd. ' Incidentally It Is not the fault of the county court that thla tax nas been "lost." The statutes governing such taxes provide that a stock in spector sha'l report uion such matters and that when (as in Clackamas coun ty) there is no stock Inspector, the report, in regard to grazing sum, uc made to the county clerk. Mr. Mul vey says no reports have been given him. No report ha. ever oeen filed with the county court by any official to .hn f.t sheen have been grazed upon land in Clackamas county. Large Shipment of Cattle NEW ORLEANS, La.. Aug. 8 Ar-r-nenviit are being made to handle the l.t'rcest shfnment of cattle ever hrmietr to this and probably to any ith rice n port. The first ship load of a movement of 93.009 head will dock Vr 'nmnrmw from Tnmplco. Mexico, tcrred bv t!ie continuanca of the in surrection, in the southern republic, the owners are going to this vast ex pense a the only meins of saving any portion of their property. 1913. GROUND AT STAND? BROWN, SMITH, GRAND JURORS FIND TRUE BILLS AGAINST LEADERS IN RE- CALL SCHEME . Llmlu , .... . 1Trn in. nninoc oUNUAI LA II 1 1U LAI LII, Id MAIM Candidate for Commissioner is Alleged to Have Sold Beer Upon Sab bath Libet Found in Courier In a sheaf of Indictments handed, down Wednesday, the grand Jury that holds over the summer term has returned true bills against M. J. Rrown, editor of the Oregon City Courier, for libel the accusation being based upon an article published In last a-aek's Irsua of the DaDer. reflecting .u mon wnrk. UUOU I HO i 11111 ami vi iw micm nw... . ...uiut tha nresant recall move - B. . . msnt. Brown has already been 1B" iiintoil nnca hefnrn hv the same grand turv for libel, J. V. Smith, candidate on the recall ticket for the office of county commis- Inno, la Inrilefpd for SPlliHE OT other- Wise disposing of intoxicating liquor on Sunday, it being alcged that he! disposed of beer for 5-cent tickets. ! Other Indictments are as follows: j V1-..1I Durrlno Inflicted for assault and robbery and carrying a dangerous weapon. Perrine Is the youth who some weeks ago held up and attempt ed to rob the state bank at Milwaukle, ! but who was caught half an hour after wards by Sheriff E. T. Mass and depu ties. Charles Wright, indicted for assault with intent to kill. Wright ambushed Mies Elsie Utiker at Oak Grove soma weeks ago and fired two shot, at her from a 38-calibre revolver. William C. Mumpower. Indicted for assault with intent to kill. Mumpow er was formerly a deputy sheriff, and shot and wounded a Portland motor cyclist whom he had arrested for shooting a dog that snapped at him. The shoottng took place when the Portlander attempted to ride away from the deputy. rv..li Uornoi-lr Tnhn Rrttsh. GUS Rodenberg. Charles Gilbrlck, William Helnt Carl Bcrgren and Jacob Rueck ars Indicted with J. W. Smith for sell ing liquor on Sunday. ' 1 nnt tmia hilt was returned In the case of Lawrence Myers, who took two ehots with a 30-30 ririe at a neignoor named Besselleu, the latter being a colored man. Reunion of Alden Kin DUXBURY. Mass.. Aug. 9. De scendant, of John AWen and Prlscllla Mullins -the Pilgrim lovers Immortal ized by Longfellow gathered here to day for the thirteenth annual reunion of the Alden Kindred of American, held at the o'd homstead. There are now 3,000 mmhers of this branch of the Alden in this city. Contributions were made at the reunion today to pay for a tablet In memory of John Alden which is to be placed on the Pilrlm Memorial at Southampton. England. BOTH INDICTED OFFICIALS MEET FOES AT COUNTY COURT LEADERS CET BE8T OF DEBATE AT WELL ATTENDED GATHERING SCHEUBEL " TARGET OF SPEAKERS Judge Teatle Keep Audience In Good Humor and Perauadei Precinct Leader to Make Many Admlxioni "Recallers" and those at whom the recall Is levelled met at Mulino Mon day evening, when County Judga R. B. Beatie, County Commissioner Nick Blair and others addressed the voters of that precinct upon the charges pre ferred against the offlcla's of the county. About a hundred were pres ent, about half af the audience being women. C. T. Howard, chariman of the meet ing, opened tha program by calling the attention of those present to the fact that the forthcoming recall election was no ordinary affair, where candi date, ran against each other for of fice, and where the loser would take his medicine In good part It was In stead, be said, the effort on the part of a few to ruin the reputation of men whose Integrity in office bad nev er before been questioned, and be ad vised all present U think long and carefully before voUng. Judge Beatie was the first speaker of the evening, and after reviewing his official acts, turned bis batteries upon Robert Scbuebel, who was among thoss present. The Judge ae- cused Scbubel of wrtling tna list 01 committeemen named by Anderson, the recall candidate. Scbuebel said be didn't wrtia it, but admitted that ha nn1:ri It anil this hmn?ht down th. fimiao Tha Inrfep then took un the matter of bridge contracts, which It has been alleged wera Improperly let. and remarked that every time hiita hnd been snueht Ed Olds, the leader In tb? recall movement had been the highest bidder. The audi ence seemed to be with ths country imirt nnif FratpH mnnv nf the thrusts the speaker made at tb.9 recallers with bursts of applause and laughter, beneu be!, later in trying to Justify his re port upon tha charges against the court, said he got his Information about many of the points from Judge Beatie himself, and from County Clerk Mulvey, and endeavored to explain how It was that be had erred In de tails. Commissioner Blair went Into the matter of tbe county cruise of timber, bringing out of the saving ,it would bring the county through an Increase In assessed valuations; and then he, too, started baiting Schuebe'.. Mr. Blair asked Mr. Schuebel If It was not correct that he had come to him tha day before the report upon the recall chargea was made and had stated that the charges were absolutely not borne out by the facts, adding "but we can't say that to that bunch." fi,hnahoi said that no such conver- aattiMi haH iw-piirrari the dav hefore t'e committee reported, but admitted that he -had held some such conversation with Comralstoner Blair some three weeks before the filing of the report. Commissioner Blair kept at Schuebel on this matter, and the latter seemed very uncertain as to his dates. He oifniittari hnwpver that at some time he might have said that the charges were not all BuDstantiatea I Athur ananliArs told of the COUft J v. v. - 1 - -- - - ' housa and bridge work ordered by the ronntv court, and went into details as 1 10 figures and costs. Throughout the ! miim maatinr tha audience seemed to enjoy lue viasu ucicc officials and their foes, and on the whole seemed to favor Judge Heatie and Commissioner Hlair. COUNTY OFFICIALS ARE WELL RECEIYED An enthusiastic audience of over 150 gathered at the hall at Needy Fri day evening to hear County Judge R. B. Beatie and County Commissioner N. Blair give an account of their stewardship and was hearty In Its ap plause of the speakers. The hall was packed to the doors and so great was .ha intAi-Aat In tha meeting that the major part of the audience remained until nearly eleven o clock in me evening to discuss informally the re call charges with the two speakers. Judge Beatie went Into details aa to the expenses paid during his term of office, and by quoting figures for the past three years showed that his ad ministration had heen hoth economi cal and successful. The fact that the increase In taxation was largely due In tha mnnilntnrv inrraaes nf state and school levies was clearly brought out. Commissioner Blair took uu the county timber cruise, and exDlained the benefits to be derived rrom it, showing that toe Increase In taxes for tha first year would more than pay flip Ita tf-Aat ftavarnl nllAsHitna wrer asked Mr. B'air as to details of the cruise, and he answered them to the apparent aatlsfaction of those present. Saturday evening the member, of the county court against whom the re enll baa been directed will sneak at a big meeting at Canby. At tlris meet ing George C. Hrownell will also be a speaker, and will probably show some Interesting history regarding the re call movement. 0 CLACKAMAS COUNTY . FAIR, CANBY, ORE, SEPT. 24, 25, 26, 27. ESTABLISHED 18S FINISH RECALL SCHEME I TA 1 IU SPEAKERS AT CANBY MEETING USE FACTS AND FUN TO EXPOSE PLOTTER8 AUDIENCE LOUD IN ITS APPLAUSE Judge Beatie Awcoun'a Rigidly Fund Expended, and Commie mlaaioner Blair Explain Cruiee Saving for About 300 people gathered In the band hall at Canby Saturday evenlni to listen to members of the county court snd t'otlr friends te'.l why the recall levelled against them should not prevail. Seriousness and humor mingled in the meeting, and there was often loud and prolonged ap plause. A. M. Vineyard presided a. chairman of the meeting ,and about fifty per cent of the audience wa women. Judga Beatie opened the meeting. and after a neat appeal to the "new citizens" present to go to the poll, and exercise their right of suffrage a. their conscience, and minds dic tated, he plunged at once' Into the . innta nf hla a itmlnlsf ra t Inn. Taking up the various charges that have been presented, tne Judge disposed 01 mem In much the same way that he has at other similar meetings, and then de voted his attention to matters which whila not Included specifically in the formal charges upon which the recall Is based, have nevertheless been utilized by his opponents. Touching upon the courthouss addi tion. Judga Beatie said that while the original cost of that structure had been $52,000, and while the addition that made It one-third as large again had cost $26,000, or half the original outlay; that the latter expenditure . . 1 . .. 1 .1 nn Anll.a nam Iuau aisu yru. mtu HI I o.u cuv.i o - " . roof upon the building, for a steam heating plant tnat snpplied tne wnoie structure, for tne repainting ana re wiring of the edifice, ana ior many minor repairs a. well. In rafarrlne- In the DlirChaSe Of steel for county bridges and other pur poses. Judge Beatie poined out that Clackamas county got Its materia', at the same time and from the same firm as Yamhill county bought, and that wMlo Vumhill rnuntv emended 172.- 000 for this material, Clackamas coun ty got the same prices on tne amount It neded and spent only $18,000, there bv making a considerable saving. In regard to the county printing, the Judge saM that the Dins tor wib amounted to about $1,209 a year, and that one of tne recall leaaers was -"sore" because this sum did not go to his print shop. Tha hwtfre nlsn went into the mat ter of roads, contrasting what had been done in this county for a com paratively small ium, with what has t.i 1 ah oH in Multnomah county. In Multnomah, said the Judge, tnere was a total 01 uv,uuu,uuu Vi property value to bear the road taxes. while In ClacKamas tne vaiuauou ui nnnirit hut S.98 000.000. vet Clackamas county had to provide for three times as many mues 01 nigu- way. County Commissioner Blair, In his talk, devrted hi'.iself almost entirely to the timber cruise now being made by the county, and said that while Its tota' cost would be $40,678. that thla nn-i u-niiM ha ree.elved and covered by the Increased taxation during the first year. On the Weyerhauser tim ber holding alone, Mr. Blair said, the county would gain an Increase in rev enue of over $5,000 each year under the new cruise. George" C. Brownell, the next speak er on tha program, proved a mine of satire and humor for his auditors. He compared the present members of the county court with the pair that wns trying to displace them, and pok ed lrresistlbl9 fun at the recall move ment. He said he knew Anderson, tha fanilirlnta fnr emintv iniiee. would Uniaks a good judge, beceause his back ers laid great stress upon tne iaci that he had sold 96,000 pound of but ter. He knew It was 96.009 pounds because he had read It In the Oregon City Courier. Such qualification for judicial position was beyond question, he added. Mr. Browne'l then recalled the anecdote current at the time that Ed Olds, chief boss or the recallers, hail rofalvAH s shnrk whan he sat down on a live wire, and prophecled that the shock ne ana nis teuow workers would receive next Saturday would b8 far greater. natttnv Hnvn tn tha ntlastinn nf Tha PnnHar ftcrntn Wr Rrownell said he hoped his hearers wouldn't feel too harshly towards Its editor, as he knew the editor had stomach trouble, ana any man who had stomach trouhie was oretty apt to also have trouble with bis head. He pitied the editor of The Courier, he said, pitied him and sympathized wun mm. Aenrnn T R Hprtce. vas the last speaker on the program, and he. too, gave some pretty sharp thrusts to the backers of tbe recall movement. In cidentally he denied completely tbe article in a recent Issue 01 ltie cour ier, which stated that he had "taken his bald head to Oswego" to make a speech. He said his bald head hadn't been In Oswego during the entire campaign. Other "new." in The Courier be characterized as being just about as accurate. In the earlier part of the day Judge Beatie addressed a gathering of the Garfield Country rlut?. eijht miles be yond Estacada. and was well rectved. The county Judge at that time sqoka on much the same lines as at Canby, and held the close attention of his audience for over an bour. SHREDS IUI1 w i 1 : s 1 : it ; 1 ; 4 : I ! i i i t