OUKOON CITY 15NT1WPRTRR. VIM DAY. AUdlTBT 8, vm. A Reversal Of Position """" . wnva bv wlllib , .mi f"'"1"" "",y vt"iM,M ' for hu-lmtirt. I.. .'"..'' no! In -Itlo,. to pr..- u'1"" r 'Hi.' A mrthikl of ,,,,, "",,""'U it " "MM"" o Hi'' "'"" ta " 'l,,l"'"U' ........... .lino l rr . ....... .l ol,l Ml. ll Wants, For Sale etc. WANTICI): - ICi.TIm ml tioutkti r, . I w.i.n'it Mr. I'riink Hni.h City. Foil HAI.K:-lluiiith mid ilriHMi'il iiiiuoer, ii niii. ir.iiii Oregon l ty, una in lli miiithwxitl of fliukci. Ad ilruita OinKull ("Hy Hmilii No. 4, ill lccphou. Henver Crock M itt mil. HAGIill CI.AHK. "u iuI.""" Ill"-'" Hlm.ov-r ,.,n. l. l"''l,,r "r ' ""7,1... t,..r..ltt...l In warrant "'"" 'V.? M wllbuiil .1'Mi.liH'itf ' " 1.5 Th-y niK'l'' I'1'" me M llp'f"r try ...... t '" ' l8,,jr f , hlu.wlf- M ,,r,M"' ""n Ii- r...i I" "J r.mi .. i. I"" Md tlmtlfit wu.ii- " Mr hu.b....d ui " , W I'll" -'" " l"iHmai Buil! III... ' a''Pt"d. "" MM. .... frU-iMlly tn.m with hJr-i,, ...fiv i... Mn.t.ir. w.irdf.r Hi- '""iui ,,,,r 't,v"", ,:,,n ,ttr, bid !" ,,,M ',";',', hMt'M. '"" CM...-". W.-b. linvli.K our. clr L.r.mu.1 Hm un. no f.-rtU l.vrr to Muro out -f tl' 'lll..THl "f thf l.ft '"f K,,,rr, b"l 'l' n, wr ' '-' ""! ,,r,r to Il.rlr II..7 U.l plK'-wl KUf MWP,.tt ii.,-ii...'Ivm 'l U. Indy l.y pr,,.l.. lu I.-T. '" d"" u l r.'J.--lrl mill'T l ft' loNiilluii t.tx Btl.'.illi'ii it lll.ltum. II, n..il-I '"" w""1 tUwusU uiimU tli ' wfw- A Mn woulil Ml H."rb..roiii:U at ,b fii...t"'. ll"k lfU'l"1"1' ... nil m.WI wvorl Him. Tlirti in InvllulUm l ttiiliT. i-oiK-trt or uni wul.l full": i"f ..-.. Th.n lh im-cu woulJ u.l- d,ulr dik. n llko uiovlnu .kliir r kIiiii I ln flliin lo run ""I- TV ...il.l rviiiNlu; lto wnu vuultl ink l.li.iM-lf mil f lT worlit illi'trllirr. ' ,11.1 ii..t .vtiiw MIm Ht irlxir onth uf riinii.ritullik' !'" n,,,,, " kn tlwt "lie lltl luily to b m.,ii ai.i. ihi'iu. to nvntl linwlf of il..lr mii"!.il.ni. W I.I. U. by tlio brr. l.r al)ii nim kind uf M.,rn .n.t Hl..'l. Hl. 1IW tl.tt UUlll I..... ..f m 1H1.11I1111 ilrt'lnriitlini il.tf inivv In nrvvr.it It. Wti.lt rwul ! ha la iii.ihhw. If lie null J l.rlllK tlllll irlf. In- rr.-.wtl It. I I"'' I" itur li.T fiinmiK wltti l.lm. tint bit. tuo, nm.lil uot .i'iin to rcvolre ntHiut ihf. hirnl 1111 nml iii out Into iiuk'hT It 1. .-0111111. ,11 ililiiu for u.ru to brliij U...I tu a divlii rat Inn ly aotuu irt.Ui. but tlii-n) re fw cmt or bio wliriiiliii: fr i iir.iiKwItliiu from I woiiHin IiiiIih-.!. mirh romlllloil U 0 ini'UMly. li.nrni- ili-tprmlnM to 1I0 tlt.it itj thlnii. IU ill.) not pout ut KUiilliliii: kI.c I.i.iI wil.l t 1.1 '; U dl'l i"t limk liiiiiiiiUiilniily at bir pr (Imp bl vvra lHr.ir l.ir unw. I la tolil I11T 111 it he ii k.iIi.u to fur country t Uk up lion nlx'.l.', in' vit to ri'turu. This win won- fnr worne llmu till' ulitrrfiiiiin women niuirt o, liwiuim tli.-x unuitlly iul iii a itiautum of truth In iln-lr Htiiti-uii'i.tii. unci lu ny vrt.t i iiHl I'-llm-a tl.i'll. for MJ'll.K 0IM lliliu- ..nil uiimii.I.iu nuturr. Km (MirL'ti ....III u.r.il..ltf HimI He . iti-v I1.1 1 nirourtiK.M wbin b ti.uili- Hi.' .iiiuiiiiiirriiiont of hl In . tMlllill lll'.ill..ro to Ijit lo w hor I111. Hut lu r.'ii.i'.i.lM'.tHl tli.il no on llkin In kIvp up a frlcml. mid mn'tl H In.Hiialli.ii U no iiroof Hint a woman will u.irrv 1. 1.1:. ii in kiwi. Itl in from fo- l l n f.irWmi riiiintry. 8I1O k,l the ilniii uf hit ilopiirturi'. uihI licorKC whu mm .1 trill.. Iii..nliul. Willi tlmt II Will 11 t.h. f,.r 10111'u.u.li fmin lll.lt liar. "You will h nrcly come to n. fre run bo!" H, naiiMl, "(Vriiiliiiy. nut I kIiiiII Im very liimy fur 1 f..w iIujh lHfor I ili'imrl. I will ran to wiy r.ircwill next WInoily irirritiuiii " Oil Ihi. i.ttifcilnliut flnw l. rallint and I t Vltl l.uli..h... ...... ..... II . ulin.d ItA '" "-"-ii-i 1....1 1. )i num.;. niiviw fu'iiul tlx Imly .lllli'tt nl a dfk writ lint I1II1T. On I.Ih pntrnnr alio left tlipil.uk to wflromo l.lin. After chut Hint nllli him fur awhile nl.f left the mum, tu.yl.iir Hia li.id a little parting Kft fur dim whirl, alio would bring lik wliii uir (iwirKe, after her with "Irawiu. n,t 11, e (vn fr a pcui ll In onl.'r iu write 11 11 aildreiw. Catching 1 Kll..ii... f ,1m name, ho (icomed una hi.' lu prevent a rapid glance at the n,,ie. It wiin to the writer" moat In tluiiite frleiul. Maying; Tmlnjf a my pxnt Wth Oenrt Pal lnm. Would that I wr lh man and Ilia woman thai I mlfht propoa to t Aa.' There wnau't mm h of It. itut there im nullilng luiUnulte In It George would nut have have accepted a dec liir.itlm. of love without a proposal of tniirrhi;i.. Su. h would lie an Inault 'rum a tnuii to a woman, and why not ff"in n womnn-wlth a fortune to a- nuiir.ii.ni.n When the young lady returned he "! ner 1 hut he waa broken hearted at .'hvIiik her and tlmt If abe would mar ry Mm be would not go. Colli VM.t.i- Waa Candamned. In coutrait with oOr preaent belief In cold water an Kngllab herbal pub- llalli'it In iron ........ ct.r nianv fillke ... i.ib.i imi m inn tlllll llillh l.nl.4 ...... In Millllt Water bave dyed or they i-auie hoiiie." while the dimmer of drinking nntiire'a bever- lire In u.l..n.l I.. hu ..rltun thill ... r.r.lllrU in.. II . tir nw.. "It l iinpoHayble for them that dryuk th nverinoche water In theyr youth to come to v aeira that God ordeyned Ihem." Condemned alike a a bever Ke and a bath, cold water beld a very mKer place In medliietal domeetle conoinj.-Hural New Yorker. What la Jnt and right ta the) tow o wa-Lattn ProTert. Anaaaor! Notice of Meeting of Board iif Fnnallfal Inn , Null'' la herehy nlven Urn I ..pun tl.lt aellillll Mlillllliy I.) Hepleu.liitr, In wit: Hrpti'iiilier N, llilll, Urn Hoard uf Kip. iillal lui. will iiliiuul at Ilia Court hui.au lu t'lni'knn.iia t'luinly, tiri'iiuu, and puhllrly -xunilue lli.t aannnniiii'i.t rolla 11 nil rurrei t nil errura lu vul.in tliili", ileacrlplliilil or ipiallll.-a of lui.il, In. a or nih.'r pruportlra aaaeaa ed by Hm t'liuuly Aaneaaur. Killed at niy ufTlni thla lit day of AukiihI. I'JU. J. K. JACK. Coui.ly Aa"iir NOTICB At a apeclul eleciliin lield lu Cnuemuli prui'liii'l, t ini'Kainna county, (iri'K'iu mi ihu 14th day nf July, I HI 3, 011 Ilia ipieailun of aiia-k r.iiurtnK at liirx" in aaiu prix iui'i, ami a i.m Jurlty of all the voiea raat theruat being uKulimt atork rumiliig at liirge. n'tixi-iirurM ntler alulv ituva from tilla dale, It al.all miluwful for im k 1.1 run at l.irue In aald nre- rlncl, iind T 'iiully of leu dullura for Cie fl rait utfctiaw and twenty dul lura for each and every aulieuiient uffenae to bn recovered from the owner of the atock. I lain of tliiai notice July Kill IDIX W. I.. Mt l.VKY. County Clerk Clackamai County, Oregon. NOTICE 11 a aiiwlal Inctlon held III 8unny aide precinct. Clin knmaa couniy. Ort-Kiiti. on ilia :Xih day of July. 1KU, on tlio queation ot aioca run ning at larK In auld prwlnct. and a majority of all ih vol. -a caal thereat bi'lng agnluat atock running at birite. Tlierefuru. after lty daya from thla date. It ai.all o unlawful for aiock to run at lnr In aal.l pre cinct, undci- penalty of ten do'lara for thy flrat off -nae and twenty dol lar! for each and every luliaequeii! offeiiae to le recover'd from the ow ner of the Block. Date of thla nolle July 2'Jth, 1!U. W. I.. Mfl.VEY. County CI -rk of Clackamaa Coun ty. Oreaon. CHIC AND CHARMING. Ooligbtful Conloctien In Black and Whit. hi- Bharjft'i Sal en Extcutlon In lip. Circuit Court of tlm Hliiln of i.f Oregon, for tlio County of Cuck I'lnna. Arruri Mmt . Hunk. I'lalii Iff, J. J. Hliumel, anil Canillni J, Hlnngul, lief.'i.ilanu, Hlale of Oregon, Couiitv uf Cliirliamna, ' aa Hy virtue uf a Judgment order, d crn.i and m. execution, :luly ImhiiiiI out of mid uiid -r I he aenl of tlio ahovn en' II led Ciuirf. In I'm ithnvii I'l.l II terl ciii.hb, to mo duly dlrm'ted and dated the 2nd day of AiikuhI, IHU, upon a jiuiniiieni reniiereii anil enteric in anld court on tl.n 2nd day of Annual, lfll.1, In favor of Aurora Ktatn Hank, Plain tiff, and aialiiHi J. ,1. Hlunitel and Cur olli.ii J. HtanK.'l, Iiifimliinia fur the aum of $11240.00. with Inleri'Mt thereon 111 m.'. rum 01 a per cut, per nnnmn from the lfllh day of Herein her, 11112, and the furiher aum of tl'no in. aa at toni 'y'a fen, and tlio further aum of ;u.iiii coaia ami aiaiiuraeim nia, and I'm cuata of and uiion thla writ, com imtiidlng nm out nf the p "raoiuil prop erly nf ai.ld f1i.relidi.nla a1 If ..fri-li,iil cniiiu not. be round, then out or the real property In-longing to auld ' d- fe.i.li.i.l tin ari.l i.rii.i. I.iu rfi.tn m:tiA Juili-meht to aHtlafy laid aum of r.'2(ono and alio the conti upon tl.li Mild writ. N'uw Therefnrn. t.v vlrln of auld eiecuilon, JuilKiiH'iit nrd -r and dncree. and In coinpllanct with the commandH or aald writ, being uah e to nml any peraunnl property of auld de'endiint'a, I rfl.t roi Ilia Mil ili.v i.f Aoi.ikl m 1 .'1 dulv levy upon the following deacrllx'd real property or anil der'ndiinta. nit nut and being lu t'l" County of Clack au.aa, and Klato of Oregon, to-wlt: llealnning at a paint Suuih B.fiS chalna and Routh H9 degree, 31) mln ntea Kaat 2ft.f.4S chulna from the Norlhweat corner of Kectlnq 31. T. 4 H. It. 1 Kaat of the Willamette M 'rid Inn, running Ihwe Sonfi 19 M chalm; thence Hoi.th R9 degree, 30 inlnutel Kaat M.8IH chalna: thence North I fi0 chalna; thence North X9 degr.va, Ito mlnulea Weal 2(1.64 Vt rhhlna; to the placn of beKlnnlng. containing fi2 acre, more or leaa, altunted In Clin k atiina Cnunlv Kli.le nf Oregon, aavlne and excepting therefrom the following rrenilaeB, 11..tflnnl.itf nn Ihu Weal lln-v of H'lld above deacrlti'd 'ract of land at a point Houth r.11.9 feet rrom a none monument which n.nrka the Northwest corner of auld tract of land, running thence 8011th R43.6 reel 10 me enter line of the country road, aaid center linn hllig the Houth boundary line of the Albert II. Klati 1). U C: tVnce Hoiilti K9 diiree. t minute Kaat, de .rll,.wl in firevnlnir deed aa South 1.9 degree. 30 mlnut a Kant, along aald Hoiilh iMiundiiry linn 01 aum ciann rj9 feet: thpnee Norh 643.6 feet: thincn North 9 degp-ei. 2 minute weat parallel to the Houth boundary line of the Albert II. Klh l. U C. K'd 9 f -el lo the place of beginning. 10 acrea of land, being the Soulhwea corn r of the 62 acre tract above men tioned, and lying whol'y wllliln ine Alien 11 Huh I) U C. In Clarkamai County. State of Oregon. An 1 I will on Frldav, the 5th dar of Sept. 1913. at the hour of 10 o'clock A M , at the front door of the County Court Honae In the City or Oregon m in aald f'nuniv and Stat acll at public auction, aul.Ject to redem-v- Hon to thu WKnea Dinner mr n. gold coin, cnah In hand, all the right, title and Interest which tho within nanie l defendanta. or either of th?m, hud on the date of aald Judumem or Ince had In or to the ahova d?crlled 1 ...,lf nr an narf thereof. 10 ntlify aaid Execution, Judgment order, decree, Intereat. coat ana ai. actrui.. coat. E. T. MASS. Sheriff of Clackamaa County. Orjgon. !'. J. SAATa. Deputy Ilnted. Oregon Citv, Orsgon. Aug. Slh, 1913. Summon. In thi Circuit v.ourt of the Htate of 'iii'gun, for thu County of Clacka. tun a. Bdnii C, TmltliiRor, l'lalnllfr, va. f' ai' a II, Trulllnger, Wcirhnt, To (Vr;.l II. Trulllnger, the above n i . d ilcfoiidunl; in ii,.. fiini.u of Ihu Hint of Or 'Roll, you ara hereby required to appeur and miawur the complaint filed agulnat you in tho above entitled Court and ciniau, on or bi)for,j Heptember 131 h, 1913, inld dam being alx full week from and af'.er tun dale of the drat publication of thla iimmon, ami ir you mn i to appear and auawei aaio. compiaiui, for want therrxjf, tlm plnlnlllT will ap ply to tho above Court for the relief prayed for In nor complaint on in r, I., in.wlt fur a decree of auld (Jourl dlaaolvlng the bond of matri mony and marriage contract neroio- fure and now exlauing liolween p.ain , . and defendant, and that plaintiff may be divorced from defendant, and for auch other and further relief aa 10 the Court may aecm Juat and equit able III the premlie. Thla ummon I pulillHhed purau ant lo an order of th Honorable 11. . 11 title, Judge of thu County Court of ,..0 Btnto of Oregon, for tho County of ClHckiiitiui, niado and entered on the 9-ii ..,. of Julv. l'Ji:i. that the date of tho firm publication of thla aum mona ia Auguat ii 1 3. and that the tlmn preacribed In aald order for th9 ...,i.ii,.nti,,n f.f auld aumiiion 1 BlX I full week from and after aald date of B'lld l)rfit publlcaticn, couunuina wl,h each weekly edition thereafter up to and Including September 12th, 1913, which la the date ot tne laai puuiica Hon thereof. IlIMICK & UIMICK. Attorney for Plaintiff. pear, anawer or otherwise pbiwl to 1 h,. eoniiilnlnt filed aKalnat .).l In ti.e aliov" enllt'ed c-iurt and cause on or before the nth day of Heptmt)i 1813; ani l date bolng nf.er six wet-ka 01 the di of t'lf -flrajt publication of tnl 1 nitlto, ami ir you mil to nppeir and answer, fur waul thereof Cia ,.i..i,..it u.ll iiimlv In Ilia court for the rellei prayed for In hla complaint, to- wlt: for a decree or divorce on ma ground of desertion and for auch oth er and further relief a. may be meet and equitable. This umniona I serv.-d upon you by publication and In accordance with au order of tho Honorable K. 11. Iatie, County Judge In tho absence of Hon. J. II. Camp be'l, Judgi of the above entitled court which order la dated, July 23rd, 1913. JAY H. UPTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of Klrat publication, July 25, 1913. Date of last publication, September 5. 1913. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E. Croi William Hammond CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNEYSAT-LAW ' W have now movid to our psrmanent quarter In th Beaver Building. Ntxt to the Andraton Building. Real Eitita AbitracU Main Street, Loan, Insurance. Oregon City, Ore. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHAR0 BUILDING rhnrtea ("niipe Kstate. Notice Is thai the und -rsiened. a administratrix of the estate of Charles Cottee, deceased, haa mod aer nnai account In the County Court of the uiu.j rr rinevon for (!lackama Coun ty, and that Monday, the itn iay 01 August, 1913, at the hour of tert .vn ..U In I he fnrenoon of laid day, and the Court Room of said Court, has been appointed ty saia court as iue i,n ,n.i niaea fnr hearing- the oh lec tions thereto and me aeiuemeni mero of. Dated and 'first published, Friday. July 4th, 1913. EI.1ZA DICKENSON. Administratrix of Estate of Charlc-: Cottee, deceased. E. F. & F. U. UII.EY, Attorney. No'.ici tq Creditor. ........ i h.,r..i,v elvrn that Ihi tin l-.ill.:a r 1 .i .1 i.n a in..... imin n eil auinlu istratrlx of the, ea'aio 01 Augu.i iu hardl. dwens d. All peraou having . , ., u., 1.1 namtn are Jere- ciaiu.a anu.iini by nutlll.d to pi sent t,e M-wlJ proper vouencra, a". ve.... Itlg to la. IT .UO Hliuera.s..... -? . .. .or ru dence. oncT- Jood OTh. V. D.. No. .. wlthlu alx mouth f 0d.1t of the first pub- lliutlon cf 1 'Is notice. Datod. July 11. 1913- GRACE GEHHARDT,' Admln tra rlx of the Estnte of Aug ust riobhar.lt. Uecoaa.'d. Notic to Creditor. raaacur nouau or uirroH .no aA-mr III... k i.u.1 while wr never more a.i.nl.ir lu the coatume world than they 4re 1 bta .uuin.er And the arouchy fllH1....n..ble allbouutte of the pictured blur. ..nil white gown la beautifully prexerved . The material used are aatln-ln .... .. .... .... allt underskirt and :,:,:.Hl lHal.ce and white chiffon for ,e ,n-aI over ftrha ' 'c' The Itulknn aaah I or o.n-.. 1 will, ends of white aatln and orna meiita of braid In hotn lone. SONG TO MISS WILSON. M... N.vi". Aunt of Mr. S.yre. Write. Varaa to Prospective orm-. Ml-o. Ithincbe Nevlu. the KUlptor bna i-omiHiHed a song of ' ... . vvi..n daughter of the wboU,-. Mwea Sayrv. which wa. recent kjw en out for publication. It la aa foi ning th. door orn; .win th. jatj. wld elm. th. .nterln. f of th bride Hltnaav r. yo-J who lru lovt Win. JohsK com In. com ,n . I -arlntra OOld. In haMlt Of Urnmr. ia N.".t fhall h.lt.r youni I 1 Com. waal. - "J ... Jaaala. com. In. " lnl g-. pink clov.r Woom aarar hJ1 A .loom. Ih. hv.r har. with hi. Prid. of the .olden hlr "d jyea Bin. with th. lum.nou. hu. of r.i.-Ut .r. you rur ,ov . la, MltTlal 111 I waa at Mis. Nev.n . bom. Uut Mis. J.ile Wilson m MI..IM a recent Tb.lt there of tb. pair the engagement wa announceu. V.ry Judicloua. -They tell n b tightwad." .;,.. ..-.-.. that, but be. judlclou. , 1.1. .ii-ndlwrm He. promp .bout paying tb. carfare. putn It np to yon to pay tor lunch. -ntUburgli Coat .. , 1.... ninn that the un- , NO ICB l li-----'V r. -- - d rsUn d haa been duly appointed by thu County Court of Clackamaa toun- lv. Oiei'.on, a AU.n:iiisirBiur u. . 1'ai.ite ol Michael H.ui.crt. dftftid, all iH.rson. having claim against the es'ate of aald deca 'd are hereby not lllcd to present the same to me or to oey verlflid as by Law re quln-d within alx months from dale iiernif or bJ forever barred. Dn.ed, August 1st. 1M3. J. RED HACHERT. D EHY. Administrator. Attorney' for Administrator. Sheriff' Bale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the touuty 01 i-iacii-mus. Adolph Wlldman, I'lalullff, vs. Edwin Splrea and Idu .Spires, Defend aula. Slute of Oregon. Coun'y of Clackamaa, as. Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seui of the above "ntii ed court. In the above entitled cause, to uie duly directed and dated jje 'ittth day or jui: , ii-. ui" -i,Hlgmeut rendered and entered In aaid court on the 15th day of July, 1913, lu fmor of Adolph Wiliiman, riaiium. and against Kdwln hplres and Ida Spires, Defundanta, lor the aum ot SI uwiOO. with inieres: thereou at the rate of 6 per cent, per annum the ltli day of S-pt.. 1911. and the furiher aum of 10,5-i2.60 with Inter e. th -reon from the !9th day of June, lull and the further sum 01 ii.juu.uu, aa attorney', fee, and the further aum of 18 "0, costa and disbursements, and tin costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to o.uke sale of tae following described r;al property, ait uaie In the county of Clackamas, atate of Oregon, to-wlt: - The Homestead ... .... w U Smather. kllOWU On I IdllU Ul . ' ., . M niu map and plat, ol thi Cnittfl , a 1 a Survey, a Homestead Certitl- JT'I nnil heini lOt nUIIlln tell 5 of Section 29 and the Southwest Quarter of the Nortn.-aai yuarier . -....Ka. (iiuri.r of the South- east Quarter, and Lota 1, 2 and 3 of 1- Tnu..hin s Soutu. seciiou o, u " .m Range 3 East or tne w inaiueire a-;..-.- tun ennta lii nil lbl acre.. . i. .k. c,.iiivet Quarter ot me Ainu i-ic t.w.. . - - Southeast Quarter or secuou on Township i ouio "'' Kaat of tho Wl lametW Meridian, con i 1 11 nr 4ii acres. Also beginning at a point 20 chains ... ... , .ha unntiiosHt corner 01 esi 1 1 u 01 - . said Section 3u in said Towuship and . . rwf.rti NnrtJi zu cjitiuo, itaiiKc. iiiium thJiice East 20 chainr: thenca bou.n ihv. Jegrte. Weat 26 ciiaina to the Section line; thence Weat on Sect on line 4 Cuauu to tne pi ne 01 ub..'".o contiunlng 24 acre. Now, Therafore. by virtue of aald execution. Judgment c.er and decree, and In compliance with the commandi. of aaid writ. I will, on Saturday, tha 3)th day of August, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock, A. M.. ut the front door of the County Court House In the city of Oregon City, in said County and atate. soil at public .uctlon .uuje c-t to ma hi.-hest bidder, for V t gold coin cash in band, a lthe right, title and Interest which '.ho n named def rndaut. or either or h.j n . a dnLe of the mort- Bnge'hereln or since had In or to the ruiea real prup--. . ,K..u.f In et ufv said execution, 'ndgment order. decree. Interest, coat. ind all accruing cubio. El T. mass, Sheriff of Clackamaa County. Oregon Ry B. J. STAATS, Deputy. Dated, Oregrn City, Ore., July 30th lt-13. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas touniy Eva H. Steer, Plaintiff, vs. i...A.,K it QtoAi-a Defendant. To Josph E. Steers, above-named de fendant! in .tu noma nf the State of Oregon ... in hnroi.v reniilred to appear and answer the comolalnt filed against you in the above entitled ault by the 20' h j.. a.ivnat. Nineteen Hundred and Thirteen (1913) a prescribed by an r front fnr nubllcatlon of thlB summons, which said date U more than six (6) week after the date of .u- a . n..i,iiatinn herein aa ordered me i'u""'. . by the Court In the above entitled suit, and If you rail 10 so a ,.'! r Int filed herein lu v,. ,hn,i entitled suit on laid date. plaintiff wi'l apply to the court lor the reller prayea ior in sn.u ivik'- ...kink enlH rollpr la for a decree of n 11.1.11 na.u - - ih. crt fnrever dissolving and set ting aside the marriage coniraci nero tofora and now exlatlng between plain- im .n.i .oM iiefendant! for a further decree changing platntitta name to that or Eva U. scniom auu iur " n,',.r anil further relief as the Hon orable Court may deem meet with nM.i.. ...mmina la mihllntlPd bT OT der of the Honorable J. U .Campbell, t iha oiiove entitled Court and ,UUf,V V. w " said order wag duly maae ana ue aa in .oih n.niri nn the 3rd day of July. Nineteen Hundred and Thirteea lisw.i T A STROW HKIlHilV ' Attnrnev for Plaintiff Dato of first publication, July 4, 1913- Date of last publication, Augusi to, 1913. SUMMONS I In the Circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas county (in equity). lilrdle C. Gleschen, Flalnurr v. All.rf V. r.learhen. Def.-ndant. In the name of the state of Oregon. your are hereby requires 10 appear and answer the complaint M"d against you In the above entitled suit, by the fifteenth (15th) day or Renternher nineteen hundred and thirteen (1913) a prescribed by au order or court tor tne puiincauon of this summom, which said date I. more Uian lx (6) we?k. alter the date of the nrsi publication herein a heretorore oraereo. oy Iha roll rt In toe above entitled suit. and if you so fall to appear and an swer the complaint tiled nerein in tha nl.nce entitled ml 11 on said date. ,..u.n,ltr will ann.v In I ho enllrt for the relief prayed for in aia com- ( plaint, which laid relief la for a nf the enurt forever dlssolr-l lag, annulling and setting aside the1 marriage contract neretorore ana now existing between plaintiff and , said defendant; for a further decree I changing plaintnra nams 10 mat 01 Illrdle C. McDaniei, and for such nrher and further relief a. the hon orable court may deem meet with equity. This summon, is published ny or der of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Judge of the above entitieu court, and said ordor wa duly made and entered therein In aald court on tha 21st diy of July, nine teen hundred and tmrteen yivn) a shown by the affidavit and the records filed In said suit. J. A. STROWRIDGE, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication. July 25, 1913. Date of last publication, Septem- ier 5. 1913. of matrimony now and heretofore ex isting between tne above named plain tiff and defendant, and granting unto nlulnt.ff an aliailuta rilvnrea fmm iha def-dant, and for men other and fur ther relier as may seem just anvl equitable in the premise. ' This summons is served on you dt virtue of an order made and entered by Honorable J. V. Campbell, Judsa of the above entitled Court, dated oil the 1st day of July, 1913, and which order prescribe and direct that summon In thi suit should be served upon you by publication once a week for six consecutive and successive week in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation In tbe county of Clackamas, State of Ore gon. G. 0. SCH.MITT, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, July 4tt), 1913. Date of last publication, August. 15, 1913. Phone Pacific 62 Home A-151 BROWNELL STONE Attorneya-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to Administratrix' Notice. VnliaA la her hr elven that tbe un dersigned administratrix of the estate of Joslah Young, deceased, naa uieu k.f fiml necnunt herein with tha County Clerk of Clackamaa County, Oregon, and the County juage nas sei Monday, August 18tn, lsu, at we hour of 10 o'clock A. M. at the Coun rr.r. Room in Oreeon City. Ore- gon, said county ana oiaie. mi tlma and place for hearing objections to said final account and for the Final Settlement of said estate. ANNIE J. TOUNG, Administratrix of the Estate of Josiah Young, deceasea. ROBERT GOETZ, Attorney for 'Ad ministratrix. Dated, July 18, 1913. . U'REN & SCHUEBEL Attorn.ya-at-Law t Deutacher Advokat ' Will practice In all courts, mak. collection, and settlement. I Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. , C. D. A 0. C. LAT0URETTE t Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real EaUta and Probate our Specialtiea. Of- 0 flee in Flrat National Bank o i BIdg., Oregon City, Oregon. I AdmlnlBiratrlx'. Notice. nii la hereby elvn that tho un dersigned, has, by tue Coun.y Court I'l.A.n.i ronnty. Oregon, been appointed administratrix of the Es ... Ann Rnlllv deceased. All per- son having claims against the said jit r.r her eH'ate are hereby notified and required to present the aame, duly verinca wiin proper iuu. . ,h nffire. of Jos. E. Hedge, ii-'i..i,- noiMin? Orezon City. Ore- gon, wi'.Uln x months from the date hereof. ." nnARET c. REILiv Administratrix of tha Eata.e of Ann Rcilly. luiv 1 1912 - t- lniT-u, " " j JOSEPH E. HEDGES, At oraey. ; W. S. EDDY. V, S, M. D. V. I Graduate of the Ontario Vetert- J nary College at Toronto, Canada. and the McKlUlp School of Sur- t gery of Chicago, to establlahed 1 i at Fashion Stable, Fifth St, be- i .tween Main and Water St. I Both Telephones ? Offllce Pacific, Main 65; Borne, J a A 95. Residence Pacific, Main 184 Administrator'. Notlc. of Sale of Real Property. Notice I. heroby given that puriuant to an order or ne v.uui.u - lu .. .. n..nn fnr rinckamas filed aame uiy. lu lh. "'"i-'rrsLKi of land belonging to said eatale. de scribed as for.ows, to-wii. Ileginnlng at a point .I0 tli. N. . -u. r nt h corner of Sec- ana ..i c... ; "- r . a . llona 10. 11. 14 ana 1 .' -" IT nf tha Wll. Mer. limwu"" E- ;-n- smith 26.10 cha.; IV. U t't"i tuc.w - fhce Kaat 1149 ch..; thence North 2H10 chs. and tnence vveai "1... r h.innln. containing 10 me i.iiio . r, - 10 acres, more or leas, said sale to ba made on or arter me n.o ha rr 1 r" ni iirunuvu w "gl' "Ja it ma. Oregon City. flIOIlU, l"""" . , . Oregon, and to be at privam - m iN K. DAVIS Administrator Notlc. to Creditor.. ...... 1. kh vlven that the un i'iice i 0 , . j k. ,k, deralgned ha. been appointed by the County Court or taa eiaie 01 vw. r." -ki r...ni of cuekama. execut rix of the will and estate of Walter John Powell. deceaseJ. All persons I .i.im. .nina- ihe decedent or naviuR yu.. - . . re. sent them to the undorsigned at the cilice of Job. E. Heagea in . ..HHelt and witn prn-pVr voucher.. V by law reou r within six monui. - this notice. Dated and day of first publication, August 1st, 1913. ANNA E. POWELL. Executrix of the Will and Estate of Walter John Powell, Deceaaed. JOS E. HEDGES, Attorney. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for ClaCKamaa tomn. James H. W. WllUon, Plaintiff, vs. -. rtoriha Anna Wi lson, Defendant. .k .nw nf tha stata of Oragon ..... .,.,ko Anna Wlllson. are hereby 1 OU, I)W. ta ' . , i.j i amuiar nnd answer the complaint niea agamm. juu or before Iha 30tb day ot August, 191... that being six week from the first . .i.. nr ,hia atiiumonB uere.u, puuiicAiiuii w v-.- - :' j i, ,. fail tn anoear and answer nuu 11 . - . r,.. 1 1. 1 11 1 11 1 1 it u-iii auoiy to iiievuwiv for the relief demanded In the com plaint on file herein, to wnic. rc.c. ia hereby made, and which is m.fl. a nart hereof, to-wit: For a decree ot tnis Honorauie Court, dissolving the bonds of matri- .viailno- between nlatntin and defendant on tne ground of de fendant willful aeseruon i .i.u.n fnr a ne.rlod of more than one year prior to the commencement f this action, ami ior uiu further relief as may. db meet m u. ui- ...mmnna Will n A BPrVOU UIJVU you by publication thereof, for not less .v. Z ...oaiiiva wpf-kti. in the O re in u 11 Ol Dv.y- ' - . gon City Enterprise, a newspaper or . a .1 ... at In niul In T TV A general circulation, puumi. . , r..on ritv. County of Clack amas, and State of Oregon, the place where said suit is now penuiu. by order of the Hon. R. B. Beatlo. .amimrarllv nresiding Ol uouni7 J uu.kc ... , . . the above entitled Court which order la dated the 17tn aay 01 juiy, ito. The date of the first publication of this summons Is July 18. 1913. and the date or Cue last publication is August 29. 1913. V. H. FOWLER. Attorney for Plaintiff. 713-14 Couch BIdg., Portland, Oregon. Summons. In .he Circuit Court of ih, State ot nrennn. for C ackaman uouuij C. H. SUeldon, I'lainun, va Ethel Sheldon. Defendan'. To Eihel Sheldon, the above named ue- fen-dant: , 1. .k. noma nf th State of Oregon: ..... ... hunk.? rennired to auuear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court ana cbu within six week from the date of th first publication of, mis gumiuoua, w-wit- on or b?fore the 16th day of August. 1913, and if you fail to so ap pear and answer sam coiiunmui " above named plaintiff will apply to 3ild court for the relief prayed for !n hla cnuiplalQt herein, to-wu, ior riisM.ilvine the txmd3 -,n..in,nnv nn and heretofore existing between p'alntiff and oereiifl ant, and for sucn lunuer mm u.u-o.- en; reuei a 10 tuo u 1 . .nj amiitahia in the premises. Ilievv ......... -- - - Thl summons Is published In Pur suance of an order 01 mu. a. y. 1.. 11 1.1J.. nf ankt Court, maoc LttlU MJCIl, wuuno v- .... . on the 2nd day of July. 1913. and ,im nrpaerlhert- in saia oruer if. t L1C 111'. - .' " " , . the publication of this summon 1 . .o.h n'.uli f.-ir six uccessiv weeks, and the date of the first pub lication of th s summons ia tao nu day of July. 1913. pn 4. C, 1U1U U rA lfc Attorney for Plaintiff. Worcester BIdg.. Portland, Ore. Summons. In tha Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County or i-iac amaa. - Oia Hosmer, Plaintiff. vs. c.i ... w Unsmpr Defendant. To Edmond W. Hosmer, the above named defendant: In the name or tna state 01 ureguu. v... aM harahv rpnulred lo anoear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitiea t;oun ana duu, on or before tha 29ft day of August, 1913. said date being more than six week from the date of the first publi cation hereof, and if you fail to appear .. .n.mar ih enmnlalnt of the Dlain tiff herein, p'alntiff will apply to tha' Court for the relier prayea ior in u said complaint on nie nerein, io- it, , . tnrfinnanl that the hondfl of mat riniony existing between yourself and plaintiff be dissolved and mat tne cu- ..! nf lh mlnnr rhild. the Issue Of your marriage with plaintiff, be award ed, to planum ana ior suca niuer auu further relier as to me toun wj taem Just and equitible. littU. r.. uimiun, Attorney for Plaintiff. Pnat office address. 601 Journal Building. Portland. Oregon. First publication, July ia. Last publication, Augst 29, 1913. .. Summon. tn tbe Circuit Court f the State of Oregon fer Clackamas County. W. Earl, Plaintiff. , y. Delia E. EarL Defendant To Delia E. Earl the above named dfr fendant: . In the name of the State of Ore gon, you ara hereby required to ap- Q. , mmnna. In the Clcutt Court of the State of Oregon, for Clartruna. County. Clara C. Turner, Plaintiff, vs. William F. Turner. Defendant To William F. Turner, the above-nam- In the name of the State of Oregon ..,. .ra harahv roniiired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or ue.u.--the 18th day of August 1913. and ! you fall to appear and answer for want .1,. ,ha niaintirr will apply to tin- Court for the relief prayed for In her ..1 ..mniaint to-wlt: For a decree Bam vuu. i'."..... - of thie Court dissolving the marriage contract now existing oeiween pm.u ttff und defendant upon tbe ground of desertion, and for such other and fur ther relief as may be equitable. Service of Summons by publication thereof 1. made by order of the Hon. J V. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, for the Fifth Ju dicial District directing that publica tion be made in the Oregon City En- ..-.-.1. a a wepk-ir newspaper 01 mu ..i .ireniatinn nubllahed at Oreejl City, Oregon, and that publication be made for six consecutive and aucce. alve week.. ni t:ita nf flrat Dublic&tkon is July 4th, 1913, and the last publication U August lain, IS". fiflRnOV E HAYES. Attorney for PUinUff. Summons, In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacna- maa Minnie R. Webber, Plaintiff, vs. S. H. Webber. Defendant. To S. H. Webber, the above-named de fendant: In tha name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint filed against you in the abova entitled Court and cause, r.ri or before the 15th day of August, A. D. 1913, that being the date of the expiration of six weeks from the first publication ot thla summons, and if ... 'oil tn an annaar and answer said Jlll 1 11 1 1 complaint within said time, me plain tiff will apply to tne uoun ior ma ru lief prayed for In plaintiff', complaint. to-wit: a d-a. iflaantvin-r the bonda Ol matrimony neretorore nna now exia.- . ing between plaintiff and defendant. and for such otner ana runner rwuei as to the Court may seem meet ana equitable. This summons 1 puousaea in mo Oregon City Enterprise, by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court and which order Is dated the 27th day of June, A. D. 1011 Tha flrat nuhilcation of this summon is Friday, July 4th. 1913, and the date of the laat publication or mi summons is August lath, 1913. DIMICK & DIMICK. Attorneys for Plaintiff. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Eatacada, Oregon. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 510 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Orgon. Full equipment ot maps, plat, abstract book, and tax roll. Agent, for Clackamaa County Lands, Money Loaned, Title. Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorney. A Counsellor, at Law STRAIGHT & SAUSBUSY We make a specialty of ln.tall- t 1 .... . , r. m . anrl n.llmh. . . lug water ajofcoaMo aui. a. 1 I lng In the country. We carry the Leader tank and Stover en- c . gines. We have a full line of I Myers pump and stray pumps. . Prices always lowest I 720 Main St Oregon City f Phone 2682. . ! O. D. E B Y I I Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, ab.tracU furnish- ed, land tltlea examined, estate I aettled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. J Rnmmnn,. In the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka maa. Irvine Pier, Plaintiff, va. Vallirana Plar DnfpndrAnt. To Kathrene Pier. Defendant above named: in tha noma nf tha State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein against you, in the above entitle-! Court and cause, within six weem Vnn-i Ika 1th flu, nf JlllV. 1913. Said date being tne first day of publica tion or this summons. If you fail so to appar or answer, for want tiiereof, the plaintiff will ap ply to the Court for the relief prayed for tn the complaint filed herein, to wit: . . . For a decree dissolving the bonds WW VWHISXEYAI Iff The World Overxjj .'.' T a I.!.- al.aan-, VJ r j r nr m nauuiio Fnr its nauuite flavor. TV rknire of all men who know good whiakey. FOR SALE BY LEADING DEALER.