Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, August 08, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Wholesale and
Retail ....
Groceries, Produce
and Commission
The largest and most complete, dock in
our line in CUckama County.
We Pay Cash
For country produce. All goods told on
MONEY-BACK Guarantee.
1001-1003 Main St.
u... iii 1 lrk at hi. homo
(,MkmVi. c.r Midnllu. wn. In town
,itl' vl.lllMK friend".
Prank l.oiil.n'ii. of rrtlnuil. a
rcnnir ' Tuesday.
Al Wilkin, of Pineithi, w. n
Or nun l'H vlntUir Halunlity.
Wi.i S it.ih I i krmon hu returned
(rmn I Treuiont.
V K pant". i lnwlin""" """i '
rm In I'd" 'Ity Wednesday.
Dr. nd H H Mount w re
Portland nilir Saturday vvr-nln.
Mr. Tnrl'V, of Iirlluntt wit hu.l
iimi l.ltor In thl city Wndiieaday.
M i Km, n Imp grower of Aurora.
' In ii y mi hulne Tlnwla .
y (', CUiwr, nf Pniilo Creek, wu.
la nrremi City vIuIiiiik wIMi frl.-nl.
J (;. Ki'tiUiiii. of TIik lnltf. n
t b'uMir-n iwi.ir In town Wrdnr.day.
y u I'l.rin-. of Grain. Pa..
In On-run ci:y Saturday on buslnes.
A K lli it'll, tif Anuria, wn a coun
ty nt vwiiir on buslne. Wi'dti".-
Herbert H r.;i r. of Clear Crvek.
l butlufKi. visitor In thin clly Wedtie.-
(i. (i. Pulley, of Portland. n
Ori-iton t'ltv visitor on liule Tuc
dy. C. M. tint'lc. a hoi grower of 811
vprtun. n county ct vMnr Kil
dy. 1). M (VUKlnitl. of lleaverton, wa.
muin: m-.il viiiior on business Mon
day R V Hutu, n prominent resident of
Ni'wWrt:. w In thl city on buslne.
A. A. Meyer. rancher of Ml.
Alitr', was In till, clly on busllic
Fri lay
W II. Crlbhli.. prominent ho,i
ri'iT of Auiiini, wit. local lHltnr
i hiirliu Ii 'v. of Por'land. w
rminty mm visitor on bii'lne.. Wed
nfkduy K. It. lilliii-it. of MiiutK.no, wit u
visitor mi Imis.ih- In thl city Wed
nutny. Mr. ami Mr. K. K. Hote, of Port
li:l, -re Hrrgnii Clly vlltor Wed-
ni -d iy,
Mini Kihi-I ( ;n-n I wi-ll. of Portland,
visiting with local friend, on
Mi I1 ml Srlmlror, of Tolt'do. wn
In Ori'ii'ii citv Moiiilny vlitlllim with
Wnliir W'hl i ! haii conn to llrook.
frc. In vlsli with I ho fit in I Ly of Oik).
K. Finney.
I'avld l'. JimiIiik. of Knlnnut, wn.
IuihIiiikk i-nll.-r In lown Hit) for. rt
of lhi wn k.
Ml I-:, 1 1. u lii-yo. of llorlnK. wn In
lhi el'y Kiiniluy vIhHIiik with frlnnd.
ii1 ri' uiH i'.-i
K. Vi. W immIcdj h rnnchor ncitr Ntw
Km huh a visitor in thl. city on biml-
E. A l.iiiill, iroKii'ro rancher
of lluiiiianl. whh In thl. cl!.jr on lml
n 's Miinilay.
K. M. Marlon, of Hiilnlrr. wa. In
OriTmi city vlsltlim with friend and
M. A. Ilmrii'lil. nf firoB Valley.
Onmin, mim lu thl city vlnltlny with
rilallvi'H Mdiiday.
1'hllllii wanton, of North Yakima,
ir a riniiity m.at vlnltor tha early
i'im of ii,,. w,.it,
Nti'1'ln ti Mclntyro, of rortland. wn.
In Ori-goti cny Tiii-ndny, lmikliiK aflet
PTmmal Inli'rent. "
lii Miiiinrli. of CnsUo Hock, Wn.,
a Imsliii.H caller In the city the
nil-Idle of iht week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. While Mt
Tlnirmlay moriiiiiK for a few week.
"J"rii :ii Newport.
W. K. Iluhle, of Ielmnon, wa In
Jireirnn , ly fimfar vlHltlng with
rl'mlH mid relative.-
W. Klllott. a rnneher of Mehean.
Imro, f)rein, wn. In thl city Tue.
dav rillliiK nn old friend.
A. Mi-Xnry, a Por land attorny,
' it roiiiity neat visitor on 1okI mut
ter the iiildd'fl of tha week.
M. K. lu-nmiift, a rancher and .lock
jwlt.'r or l'cndlefnn, was In Oregon
t hy on iMiKlne Wedneiday.
John Walker, who hn for ome
tlnn i,,.,.,, tourliiK British Columbia,
rwurriid to this city Sunday.
(imtrd Trullt of tli mate peul rii
tlnry, vl.ilt'-d friend here hIiIIk on
hi niinunl viuiilloii, l '.i I ii mih k.
('. H. (.luck) l'.iyn-'. ho lia K"-iil,
the I'ltnt llin'-ii iiiiiiiiIh In New York,
returned to Oregon Cl'y Tu -nday.
V. A. Hioiit, of Denver, t'olormlo,
wn In thl clly vlMitlni! with old
frl Mid nnd Hciiinlniaui'i' Friday.
Mr, nnd Mr. Treti-I, of The Dalle,
wert u UreKon Clly Siiiidn, vIhUIhk
with friend, mukliiK l'ie trip by nutn.
Dr. U A. Mnrrl Mid family and Mr
Uinxlfeilnw are Kp'iidliiK n.oiith In
Dr, Morrl' ramtl oiilli of Ml, I'len
M. N. Jenke, of Anhluii'l. III Ore
tnii Clly Kaiunliy on bintlnen. Vy
Jen'nv own. a large orihaij mur A:i
In int.
j C. M. AndiTNon, of Amity, mud'' a
htmlm-iia trip to town lliumdny. Mr.
Aii lenum ontie a liirce dairy near
lieont'1 Ml Vek. of Turner, nmd a
trip to lh county aeat Friday. Mr.
Kick I owner of a Itirxo ranch nrnr
II. O. Carnon, a fUhmeriniili of A
lot in. arrived In thl city Sniurdity to
H'lid A few week vUltlnK wl'h
V. A. Marr, of CurvaDl. n
emitrv neat vliilor Til dny. Mr
Harr I a proiiiliient biinlnenKiiinn of
Mr. Win. Cannon and win Kver -it.
who have been eii IIiik the lal lx
wi-ek at Day (ii eati, liuv.t returned to
Hi In c tl v
(ieork-e I'liney. mill niatini;er of the
Haw-ley Pulp fc Paper company, of Mil
cltv. wn a visitor In Kusene til flrt
of the week.
Ili-nrv A Youni!. of the federal .erv-
the vlaltor at tha
court hou Tueday, lookliiK up mint
land record.
Ml Virginia S'.inw. d iunht -r of Kd.
Shaw, ha left to make a month'
visit with her uncle. C. A. Ilnnd. of
I'nlouie. Wn.
Joeph Miller and Price llnrrl both
i,l ihl rllv have Kolie to Wll'.loll,
where iher will Rpelid a week work-
Inn on a farm. '
II A lllnifhnm. of Salem,' Wit a
k.im'iiii .! vlaltor on bimluea Moll
day. Mr. IHiiKhnin la a Vopurower of
Marlon county.
i linker nf Portlnnd. a form
i ...,n nf Mavor Alhee, of
euniiii-"" I'
the metropolis, wa a vlaltor In Oregon
'li Vt'iwtii.tuflnv
... Pnirb-k 1.. Ilnnnev, nf
Seattle, wen county went visitor W-d
nesday. Mr. llanney I aeel-.ltiR tlm
i I iinmnr nf Mt. Anitel. wn In
.1,1.' nitv .ti husltie Saturday.
iinmnr .a al one time a resident of
it. . t ..i.nn ftlulrlct.
Ml.. Nina C. HalrJ. who hn li'l
..iuiiin tivhh friend. In thl city
the Inst three weeks, left for her home
In Sixi'iinne Friday.
II l Yodcr, a buslnes man id Al
1 a... rnnntv .eat visitor Moll
dnv. ' Mr. Yoder spent Sunday vIhUIiik
.lh l.utnl frliimlN
R, U Youiik, of Drain. Oreson. mad'
a hiHlnesa trip to thl. city ttaiuru. ;
Mr. YouiiK will stop over Hundiiy via-
llliiK with friends.
1 v M;.rliiill. of Kucene,
t....in..'. vl.ltnr In the city Frbhty. Mr.
Marshall .pent iom time cailliiK on
hi old friend here.
t- i umiih bun lies man
rj, 111. ....... .
....(i. .1,1 una a visitor iier. Wert
nesday. Mr. Smith was accompaule.1
by hi. daimhter. A'lce
isa uhiiv ami (Inuiihter
left for I-oiiK I'ench
where' th -y will pond two week en-
Joylnn the ea breeze.
., . ii..uil,.,. a neoliew 01 Itirs
n ...i.M ... r!ii,i,itnii. nnd Mr. J. I'-
Harry of thl city, returned to
I.. Ir mi'n TllMtMlllV.
IIOIIIV III . - ---- ,
Mrs. Inman and baby were v idtlnK
Tuesday. Mr. Inni.tn Ii the dnnfihter
of JudKe liordon K. Hayo
.... 11 ...i r wav. of Corvnlll
.:7l. LLn .Isltlnic with friend In
thl. city for the pant two week, re
turned to her nome aiuuuaj.
-t.. . rimhv. hn ac-
J"."" , 7n tin th Huntley
Pro. Co. Mr. (irahnm wa formerly
la. iVlA dtiiir huninpBi In Canny.
Mis Nnida
Mr. Viola w riKm '" "
,lde for a two weea. jor..,
after your wrrUw ba. ben repair
ed and repainted here and aee If I
tant . good a. new. You can
bent our .ubslnntial and .uperlor
work in thl. line. If you want any
min done in our line, thl. I. ti
place to hrlnR It to In.ure (food
workmanship, durability and ta.
dard excellence, and we are ai
way. fair In-our charsc.
4th and Main St. Ocgon CKy
Ml Myrlln Kbarpn, of Kstncadn,
who luii l.d.-ii vInIIIiik with friend In
Ihl city for tlm last three w-ks, r
tinned to her luime Wixlnn.iiny.
lohii W, l.oder and fainl y 11 11 1 Mln
Wi f ,rd ('a Mirier Imva kuii'i to New
im". ..vhere they v, v,.u,l n f
Week e-llJoylliK h ,. breeo.
Mr. 11 nil Mr. K. II. Peahody, of He
altle, worn local visitor Tuesday,
speiiilliiK soma time Ii-r whl'n en
route to Callforiilii by uutotuolilln.
Miss IImz"1 M, H111 It h, who ha. I.emi
vlsltliiic with friend In On-uun Clly
for the pant f..w Week, reliirili'd tU
her hoiiie In Hnlem Friday moruliiK.
M, J. Cockre'l, who lui been em
ploy id by the Huntley liro. Co., for
soiiin 1 linn past hn accepted a posi
tion with Mr. Itos Purr, of Aalorlu,
C. II. (Iiiichl.i. a proinlneiit rest
il'-nt of Hilverion, was a comity seut
visitor Thursdny. Mr. (iotchl was
at one iIiiim a resldcnl of this couuly,
The moiilhly free colleetlon of itar
lutKe coiiiiiieiii-.vl Tuesday. Kveryone
sln.iild Ii 11 v Kiirluiifii put out on the
parkliiK for collector a soon ai pim-
V. M. Coldwell, a huslness man of
Hilverion, wa lu Oregon Ciy Monday
cal'liiK 011 old friends. Mr. Caldwell
I a hop urower In Hi i Tillverton ll-
! trlet.
11. 1.. Mi blroy, or Wo'Kllmrn, wn
a county Kent visitor 011 Imslm-a Kil-
1 day. Mr. K'my up nt Friday even
1 11 K vUlllim wlili old colli'Ke frl -nils
Mis K.1I10 l.urkliiN, of Marriuain, I
spendlnK loT vai'iitlini at Willi'. I'
KprliiK. MIk l.arklns i-iil-rlalni-l
iiiunlier of friend at lier camp last
F, F", Juc ksoti n ml party, of St. Paul
Minn., who are iiinMm: an nu'o lour
f tlm Pacific Northwest, were In Ore-
K.011 City InkliiK In Hi' hIk'i'i Wed
Mr and Mr. J. I.. HwaffurJ. Nell
nnd Harold Hwiiffi.nl, have cone t
itHlde where they have tak-'ii n (Oi
Inn 1 nil Intend to ipeii'l a cijiiple .if
Miss llcrnlce JoIhikoii, who ha been
vIhHIiik with frl -ml ami relative lu
Salem, Mi Mliiiivllle and Sllvenoii for
the past two weeks, returned home
Ilev. Ceo. Nelson FMwiird and Mrs
Flilwards returned from their moun
tain 1 rip Tuesday .after an alis -nci. of
several we !. and report a moat en
joyable time.
Jit'-k Hurl, of New YorK, wa a via-
lior In this city Tuesday. Mr. Hurt
iniiklnit a tour of the Cult -.1 S a'e
and .topMtl off to ei the paper mills
and .cenery,
(Ms llav Daunherty of the firm of
Duui-.herty Pro., who are urowlnt!
d cm In at Molalln, and
who are 1
progressive farmer, wa InOr'Kon
Mty on Tuesday.
Mrs Mi 1 r y Hussell. who tins charite
of llantion Bull dcpnrtm lit. left Sat
urday nlKht with her daughter. Miss
I In -.id to spend Cielr siiinm-r vacation
lit S'llVleW, W'lts i.
H's, C. Knlser, of NewhurK. was in
OrcKon Cl'y Tuesday to spend a 1 -w
day vlsl Ins with friends and rela
tives. Mrs. Kaiser wa formerly a
sldent of this city.
1 .s 1-: -iel WVhIIc, of Portland.
who has b-en vlsHIni! with friends In
this fit y. has Rone to S -aside where
she will spend a few week before re
tiiriilni! to her iioni)
Hill'lp F:. Hauer. chaplain or me
stale penitentiary. I vlsltlm? hi pat
ent, Mr. itiid Mr. Win. Huuer, nnu
while here hj I ntienilltiR camp me l
IliK nt .lenulni; l-odi(e.
tin Siuhli. of Molalla. wn a couu
tv a.mt visitor Saturday. Mr. Stuhb
w ho o n a InrKfl ranch In the Mo
lalla district, reported that the crop
art In excellent condition.
Arehlbold K. Neemc. a ranner o.
the tiray Harbor country, was 111
nndav and Tuesday, seeking a
Clitckaiua county farm to trade for
hi Wnslilneton proiwrty.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Frel rainier, 01 1 aul
as, Wn.. w tc In thl city iot a snort
time Monday. They have Rone to tut
mountain, whir; tb ' will spend a
monCt huntln- hi K'"e.
Mr and Mr.. John wise, or ron
and. Mn'ne, -re visitors In ihlt city
Tuesday This l V- and .rs. vvis.-s
first visit to the coast, nna 1.1 y wr.
loud In prtlslns Oreon weencry.
It. A. Krnse nnd ni Elmer nnd
Adolp'nt. of Pit-. Pond, nriue
auto trip to Ore on City Wrdnesday,
nnd p.-port tha' reus nnd r n ra! dt-
velopm-nt of I'll' pan 01 uie
ar t bo h l'M- r- ss..nK rinl.
Mr. and Mm C- '!ndl;o. MUs Nan
Cochran. ,l " 1 end t nnries i..iuc
antic I to NT. Hood Sunday nnd retun
P( Monday. Tim member, of the
nivty w.Mit a distance up the moentaln
without me assisiaino w
i;.r iHverniiiit. a nroKPesslve youn?
fnrm-r of New P.rn, wa in thl. city
Tlmr.'diiv on buslnes. Mr. Itiycr
mnn n.aile the trip In hi new Over
Innd nutotnohlle. conilns hy tno
nf th - river road, which he reports is
liettir than the South Knd road.
II f: llubiis. a Inn-lnes. man or a
ein'. mnde a trip In his nuto to this
city Thursd-iy. vr. "Z.nxXL
that every .llliiK 'IU wen
bum wa reached, when he pot a
puncture and thoroughly enjoyed the
heat while worUnK on the tiri.
Miss Annti T. Smith, who 1ii neen
.1 ..1 ii.illiiiL-hnui. nt-
.. ...II..., iho nnrnntl school there, lift
u-miii.s ..." : - u . ai ihu
1 iwir nnm t ueir. m vm
.ii was one of a class of 4t
. She av thnt thors are
.imni N50 stu lents aitendlng tho In-
ut It nt ion.
Miss rCululle J. Cnrretson, or ini
cntto more or less known to fame a.
a comic opera sincer. was an Oregon
rity visitor ths middle of t ie week,
comln np irom lorintnu ... ....
..... ,...,. .,n 1. on route to Calitor-
MISS imnrl1"' . ..... ,l.u
t nd I .pending a fortnight whh
Portland friends.
Too ninny Oregon City boy. under
the ag-? of 18 have me ciKareii-e nam.
to suit Chief of Police Ed Shaw, and
he ha. Issiised orders to members of
the force to conriscnte me,
..hn..i-.r titev are found hereafter,
and to make arrests when the first
confiscation does not serve to bring
about a rerorm on me !.- ... ...
- i.,r. There Is a state law thnt
provides that no deal'-r shall se I cig
arette to bovs under 18. and the chief
has warne.l local dealers that infrac
tions of this law In the future will be
prosecuted. , A .
Th. iw also nrovld 's that any boy
caught smoking or bavins cigarettes
in hi. position may be fined from
... .n ,lr,llars. and the chief will
nk that In case, of arrest thl. fine
be Imposed. Many of the yoiing-r
the dlgnit of long
..,.ra feel that It la nec ary for
.k,.. tr. w.nder altout with a clga
r.wminff from thidr lips, and as
many parent, hare complained to the
chief that their sons wera procuring
.inrnrotte. the officers have been or
.1 dered to attempt to atop ths habit
Finds Cure for Epilepiy
After Yeari of Suffering
"My iliiiKhtrr wits r:i'"1 with
f.ilh .ile C.l for tlirus yum.., tli attnuk
ciiintiiff .ry fw wnfk. W mploysd
iv-,..l ductur but they did hnr no
tmn. , Ahuut a
your a ( 0 w
lnrd of Dr.
Mile' Nervlns,
and It cnrtnlnly
h It proved a
Mi-iimIm- to our
lllllci ilrl. Him I
11 '1 w , apparently
niri-d and 1 en
Jeylii. Hi l-"t
or hmlth. It I
ovur a yuar slm.-a
he hn hud a
lit. W. cuiiniit
spwik (00 hlKhly
Of Ir. Miles' Nnrvlni. "
(.'uinlroy, Minn.
Ttinimaii.ls of chili) ten in the
United State who are lufTrrini;
from attack of cpilrptiy nrc a
burden and sorrow to their paiciiti,
who would civc miyihing to restore
hralth to 11 t aufli-ri-i .
Dr. Miles' Nervine
is one of the lcl rnnediti known
(or this alilictiiui. It has proven
licnelicial in thou.uiid of cac
ami those who hvc i-scd it have
the Ki-catrnt (:11th in it. It is not
a "cure-all," nut a reliable remedy
for nervous ditrascs. You need
not hesitate to give it a triJ.
Bold by .11 D-uoiltti. If th flrit
botti fall to binetit your moniy I
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind.
The Itev. John Ovall, of the Swedish
Methodist church, visited OreKon City
t ie tai-ly part of this wek, and said
he wa seek Inn a (tnod lK:alion for a
ei.l'eKe. Mr. Ovall say he Is one of
a committee appointed by hi. clinch
board to find a Kite In the Northwest
f-ir an Institution to he devoted to the
education of Swedish-American youths
an l maidens, and add that he be
lieve On-Kon City I a location that
should be called to tin attention of
the board, and that hi! believe the
city has a Rood chance of being se
lected. ' The Hev. Ovall has canvassrd most
-if Cie smaller ttltlei of Washington in
the Interest, of this coll 'ge. and In
m arly every liiHtancc has expressed I
the be'lef that the particular city he I
...... . I..iln., ..a u. .11 nnlln-l In I ll O '
linill 11 1. nun .1 buiiij ... .
iitiriMi''. In which he was Interested
Friend of his say that this Is due to
h.' fact that most Western cltle are
suitable for college towns, and add
that as b travels ne pronauiy nuns
1.1., ritd '
newer and more favorable locations.
Mr. Ovall for some time ha mnde
Vancouver, Wn., hi iiea.liuartera, and
in the garrison city tins done much
good work In Interesting peopla In the
Swedish church. He will sptuk upon
the same subject In the Plrst Metho
dist church here this week.
The Pnl.ed States acquired teven
new citizens in Or(,o '.'Py Monday
fcllowint 11 naturatltaiV.n hearing le
lore Judge J V. Campbell In tiie cir
cuit court. Thos? to whom fliui p.i-
ers wero printed vers- William Hen-
Sllcox, of Or'gon Cry; 1 re-brick
Marshall, of MuIIiiq: Jn'.n I eor.ard
Moser. of Oreron City; O.itlfricd Pail
mexg'T. of W'ilsonvllle; ''hrli Knnitl,
of Canby; Prank Havor Maler, or us-
wego, and John Ilammulnieii, or tail
hy. Two of the new cltlttna wjro iKirn
in Canada and took onili to renounce
their allegiance to Itritish rub', four
were formerly subjects of Kaiser WP-
helm, and one was a natlv-.- or Switzer
The petition for cltlzjusltlp of And
reas Anton Mliyer was to have coino
up. but last February Mayer died.
A number of tho candidates tor cit
izenship were unable to comply with
the requirements, and will inter seu
right, again.
Mr. and Mrs. II. G. Tletr.e, of Ca-
nemnh, were the host and hostess 01
launch party given to their menus
Sunduy. Mr. Tletie, who I the own
er of the Bpeed boat Eva II., took the
nart up the W lllamette and Yamniii
river, to Dayton, In Yamhill county.
The narty started early In the morn-
tnir ami arrived at Dayton about noon.
Tbey ate their lunch in the shade of
the largo tree, which skirt tiie Dana,
aft-r -hlch tho town was visited and
a general sight seeing trip mnde. "The
Old lt:ock House " was visueu aitu
much time was spent In exnmlulny the
fort, which Is a object or historical in
terest. All reported an enjoyable
time and gave Mr. an! Mrs. lletze a
hearty vote of thank and apprecia
Charles W. Rlsley and John F. RIs
v and their families left Monday in
two au:omobiles for Southern Oregon.
Tuey Will oe .useill aeventl iirr,
and will tour through Southern and
Kastern Oregon, visiting Mdford,
Crater Iike and Eastern Oregon
towns. Both men ara promint-nt m-m-bers
of the Clackamas County Auto
mobile club.
Much noise wa made lately In the
metopolitan pres. meaning Portland
about some corn seven and a half
feft high grown In Cottage Grove.
Mavhe thl Is corn, but Frank Moore,
nf Oreson City, doesn't think o. Mr.
Moore ha. ome corn growing In the
city limits tbat Is Wi feet high, at n
till growing.
; -j j
While Deputletc Hunt Man for Assault
Fugitive Lock. Self In 8hop
and Fire Leave. Pa
thetic Not.
Illuming hi Inability to get work up-
on the democratic, administration, K.
Pfelffer, proprietor of a .mall paint
shop at Eighth and Main strvets, went i
home Saturday afternoon, kiiot-kKl nl '
daughter agalnt the ldo of the wood- J
shed, felled hi wife with a rocking i
chair, kicked hi small son In the :
shins, and then hastened to hi shop, 1
wIhm ho shut himself In the right !
temple with a 22-callbre revolver. j
In (lie meantime hi daughter, Mr.
Alma Traulmlller, hud picked jerself
up, hastened to th sheriff office, ,
and asked that her father be arrested ;
for assault. Deputy Sheriff Mules '
went out on the man's trail, and en-!
tering lha .hop, found him lying i
bl edlng In one corner of the room.
Mile reported that the man could not ,
bo taken prisoner, as he wa dead. 1
Sheriff Mass. doubting this, Investigat
ed and found Pfelffer still breathing.
Dr. Mount was summoned, and aftt-i
giving first aid had the man rushed
to tiie Oregon City hospital, where he
Is hardly expected to live.
The bullet penetrated ths brain, but
did not go through the left side of the
skull, lis presence In the brain tis
sue hn. caused the man almost con
tinuous convulsion, and 1. Is not ba
lleved that he can recover.
PMffer's daughter, Mrs. Trautmll
!er. has been staying with her mother
during her husband's absence In North
Dakota. After the tragedy she said
that her father had been drinking
h-avlly of late, and that he had done
but little to provide for his family.
Saturday afternoon she said he came
homo from his Bhop, said that paint
er from Los Angeles had applied to
him for work, and that he didn't see
how he could employ him, a tha dem
ocratic administration made It Impos
slple for him .o get Jobs enough for
himself. He then found fault with his
son for not having split kindling wood,
Mrs. Traulmlller says, and when she
Interferred a genera! outburst on his
part occurred, In which he attacked
his entire family.
Three weeks ago Pfeiffr Is said to
have threatened to kill bis family and
then commit ulcldi. Heslde blm,
when he wa. found In his shop today,
was a letter addressed to his daughter,
in which lie complained of his unhan-
l;0Ba. ga14 he had msdltated suicide
- . ..... - . L , L L - .
lor a long time, ana in w nicn ne assea
tils family not to come near his grave
The family lives at Sal John Q.
Adams street.
Ilecnuse A. D. Buckles, proprietor
of a grocery store and feed depot at
Eleventh and Main streets slept on
the rear porch of the building Friday
night it was not en.;erc 1 and robbed.
Shortly after- eleven o'clock Vi'.r.
lluckles was awakened Vy footsteps
and looking oitf over a ciuvnss creen
that sii'.ldcd his bed. he saw two
mjn Just Btepping down from the rail
road track to Jie rear entrance of the
"If yon don't get out of here I'll
blow the top of your hea la off," said
Mr. Iluck'es, and tho two mcu waited
not to ascertain whether ha had a
gnu, but departed In muc;i hns'e down
the railroad track.
Mr. Buckles then telephoned police
headquarters, and Patrolman Henry
Cook went to Investigate. On ths
track he found a man "looking for
work," who gave the name of Charlie
Jones, and who was locked up for fur
ther Inveslgatlon. Whether Charlio
is one of those who attempted to get
Into the li.ickles Btore may develop
before Recorder Stipp.- No other
marauder was apprehended.
Members of the state railroad com
mission will meet In the courtroom
at the Clackamas coun:y courthouse
Thursday morning, August 15, to
hear testimony In the complaint made
by Councllinen Beard. Tooze and
Long In regard to the rates or tne ra-
ciflc States Telehpone company tor
four-party lines in this city. Th
hearing is to tnke the place of 0119
postponed from tha middle of July.
City Attorney Stone will assist the
councllmen In presenting their case.
The complaint Is made upon the
ground that tha company Is charging
,1.60 to some of Its patrons for this
service, and $1.25 to others. The com
pany has answered that It Is raising
Its rate, and that new subscriber, are
charged the higher rate, while old
subscribers are continued at tha form
er rats until their contracts expire.
Telephone users Laving receipts for
tho lower rata will confer a favor up
one ths councllmen If they will give
their receipts to City Attorney Stono
to be submitted as evidence.
Members of the county educational
board at a meeting Tuesday elected
the following as chool supervisors for
ths coming term:
Mrs. Margaret Craig Curran, re
elected for district No. 1; Howard
James, re-electpd, for district No. 2,
and llrenton Vedder for district No. 3.
The supervisor, will have general
charge of the work In the rural
schools, will supervise the courses of
study, hear complaint, and make such
recommendations for change. In the
lins of work a. to them may seem
Your Money Back If
Noi: Satisfied
17 1 ii-.m
Kill. Try (y It bit. k.p. othart
way, and on ounce will .prar two
t.im.l. Th. picture toll th. .tory to
HonuhocTM and
Kc half nllm. sua. ifTl
saJlou SI 00. Try it M
and bo eonTtaead. or J.
bring- your bar and
w will damonatroto it.
Oregon Commission Co.
llth and Main Sts., Oregon City
Only "Free Territory" Left for Ca
nine. In District is at Park
place Rabies Epidemic
Gladstone's city council Thursday
nkht passed finally tha strict ordin
ance providing for the licensing, muz-1
zllng and restraining of dogs within
the city limits, and tne measure wa
signed by tha acting mayor, becoming
a law at once. The statute provides
that every dog must wear a collar to
which must be attached a brass 11
cense tag, that during the summer
months the animal must be muzzled
in such a way as to conform with the
requirements of the Oregon Humane
SocLty's rules; and also provides
penalties for failure to observs its
tui-oi s sections, and a penalty for in
terfering with any municipal officer
who is taking a dog to the pound.
One peculiar provision of the law
provides that any dog that Is killed In
tha city pound, or made away -with by
order or the city olticiais, must De
taken outside the limits of the city
and burled. No departed canines are
to be Interred within tha city.
By the passage of this ordinance.
Gladstone gets in line with Oregon
City, Portland and other leading com
munities, and provides steps wuicn
should go a long way towards pre
venting the Bpread of any future epi-
demlca of rabies. The Gladstone law
Is the most strict of any in the state.
an.1 under its provisions dogs will
have to be mighty careful of their
conduct If they do not violate some of
Its provisions.
About the only spot left w here dogs
enn do as they please In the lower val
ley now is Parkplace, which has no
provisions of Its own In regard to ca
nli.es, and which is not included in
the district effected by the general or
der recently posted by the State Live
stock Sanitary commission. Park
place, either beaausa of this, or
through a coincidence, has been the
scene of a numbar of attacks on peo
ple by unrestrained canines.
County Veterinarian Kddy, who has
been keeping careful watch on dogs
and stock that have recently been
suspected of hydrophobia Infection
says that none of the animals now un
der observation show symptoms of
the disease, and he hopes that it Is
stamped out. Dogs that were known
to have been suffering from Infection
were killed. The big bulldog that
last week created considerable of a
panic in G'.adstona and throughout the
surrounding country, and which later
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and-Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co
Phones, Office 50, Residence .562 612 Main Strtti
Office Both Phone. 22
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Rst.blished 186S
Rate. Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Day Free of Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
D. C. LATOURETTK. President
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, 5W00.00.
TranMCt. a G.n.r.1 Banking Bu.in..
Stock is
. - .
came home in an apparently normal
condition, ha since then shown no
sign, of being effected.
Dok. that have been confined lu
the Oregon City pound have also ap
peared to bs all right, and have been
relt'ased. It Is not believed that there
ara any animals In the county at large
at present that have rabies, and un
less some new animal runs In frota
outside, no further trouble U ex
pected. E BATHI
Gladstone folk who have been keep
ing cool during the past warm weath
er by bathing in the drink this Is not
slang, for they have been swimming
In the Clackamas river just off the in
take of the Gladstone water works .
will have to cut It out. Gladstone's
council passed an order to this effect
this week, and instructed members of
the police force to see to It that there
was no further swimmlngin the drink. -
Gladstone's water Is drawn out of
the rivr through a 25-foot gravel fil
ter, and then pumped under pressure
Into the mains. It is said to be pure,
but the proximity of bathers and wa
ter works has been regarded as Just
a little too much of a good thing; ani
henceforth warm Gladstonlan. will
have to swim below the Intake, or else
far above it. As the best beach for
bathing purposes is right at the wa
terworks, this Is considerable of a
hardship upon the citizens.
Hereafter a policeman will patrol
the river bank during bating hours,
which ara from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. on
warm days, and will shoo fair damo
seis, small boys and other folk awav
from the stuff that Gladstone imbibes.
Street grading in Gladstone is be
ing rushed ahead just at this time, and
it is expected within a few weekB ths
entire program of improvement map
ped out for this summer will be com
pleted. Dirt taken from the grades in
the eastern part of the city Is being
used to raise the grade of Dartmouth
street on the west side, and to fill In
the low parts of Portland avenue, and
already the subgrades on these
thoroughfares have been nearly com
pleted. Surfacing will be added in the near
future, and the wholo mass rolled, af
ter which It is possible that the new
streets may be oiled, covered with a
light covering of sand and rolled
again. Whila it is late in the year for
road oiling, it Is believed that such a
finislmg on the newly graded high
ways will prepare them better for
service, and wi'.l add to their wearing
Gladstona has its own road oiling
plant and equipment, and wph its
municipal gravel pit is in a position
to complete its street work in fancy
style at the minimum of cost.
Residence Phone Main 2624
Sticesaor to C. N. Oreenman
F. J. MEYER. Caakler
Op.n from A. M. te I P.