OllEOON CITY ENTERPKISB. FRIDAY, AUGUST I. 1913. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MACKSBURO. The haying season Is on. with or feet weather, dry. with bright Bunshino nnd a hreez. so cool t!int even that hard work can be June In comfort. The farmers arc rushing iho hoy, shocking, fearing they may be Inter rupted lv rain. The hay crop U heavy and of pood quality. A law quantity of ots h;is also bm cut and seem to he exoel'ent In yield, as well as superior In quality. Wheat ia about ready for tile reaik-r, and. from appear ance, promises well. N.w potatoes are in general use, and are of the fin est quality. Small fruits, Including the wild hlacVberry are about all fathered, but the early appl. are tak ing their place. The pasture holds Its own to an unusual degree, for the sea son a la show by the fine appearance or th.' cattla. as well as in the large production of butter fat. Frauk Hilton has begun cutting grain on Mr. Baldwin's Ranch. Mrs. Vorse, of Astoria, who. with her snn. has (wen spending sometime with her sister, Mrs. Carl Hoesohe, has gone home. Miss Uertha Roosche is staying at tlie home of her aunt in Astoria, but ia expected to come home in time for the threshing and the hop picking. On Wednesday evening Mr. Frank Hilton with hia party, returned from their touting, having caught over four hundred- mountain trout. Wit the rlslug generation of Macks burg, next In Importance to the Juve nile Fair, cornea the annual hop-picking. Not alone for the sociability they enjoy in each other's company, but also in view of the neat bank accounts that year by year are augmented by this Industry. Thus are the children In our agricultural communities learn ing the true secret of honorable and substantial gain. Each year tbey on that their Mother Earth Is ready to give them ric'a and sure return for all , the labor they bestow upon her, and day by day, principles of integrity are taking root In their minds, leaving no room for that selfish cunning that many people are pleased to call by the agreeable name of "business tact" Mr. J. Gibson is enjoyiug a viai' from her two daughters, Mrs. Ed Bur gess, of Friend, Ore., and Mrs. Voegel. of Eureka. Cal each attended by her two children. Mr. and Mr. A. A. Baldwin drov to Canby on Tuesday morning. Evangelistic services are he'd niglu ly in a tent near the Mennoni'e church. rh. writer taken this opportunity to inform the Macksburg readers of theP Enterprise that the State uiDrary c om mission wishes to place one of Its traveling libraries in their town. The Best Pain Killer. P.ucklens Arnica Salve when ap plied to a cut. bruise, sprain, burn or scald, or other injury of the skin will Immediately remove all pain. E. E. Chamberlain of Clinton, Me., lays: "It robs cuts and other injuries of their terrors. As a healing remedy its equal don't exist." Will do good for you. Only 25c. at Huntley Bros. Co.. Ore gon City, Hubbard and Canby. MARQUAM. Haying is a thing of the past. Some have commenced to cut al syke clover for seed, which is a heavy crop. Grain is ripening fast, and there is good prospect for a good yield. Mrs. Kathrlne Jones is in a critical condition. G. W. Bentley is to take a trip to to the county Beat soon. Mrs. Harry Jackson returned from the Salem hospital last week and Is improving. Mr. Oster had the misfortune to lose a valuable horss last week. It got hurt In a runaway. Te Marquam band furnished the mu sic at Wilhoit Springs last Sunday. The Ladies' Aid Society is planning to give an ice cream social soon. Barton Jack made a business trip to Oregon City Monday. Costly Treatment. 1 was troubled with constipation and Indigestion and spent hundreds of dollars for medicine and treatment," r u Hinpn of Whitlow. Ark. "I went to a St. Louis hospital, a'.so to a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure was effected. On returning home I began taking Chamberlain's Tablets, and worked right along. I used them for some time and am now all right" Sold by all dealers. CLARKS. Arthur and Fred Bottemiller, from Dt,irofloM waahineton. were out in Clarke and visited their uncle, W. H r.nttoiniilor and family last Sunday. Miss Ida Bottemilier is working In Oreeon City. fw Mamuardt is hauling his nay Mr. Buche was in town on Monday. Olga and Edna Elmer, cnanes una v,rr, i-'.rnKcm ill er and Ott Buol at tend camp meeing In Oak Grove last Sunday. D,.Hf,itih Ham helned Mr. C H. A. w . , . - Tltirirrnan haul ha'. Miss Ida Haag and E'da Marquardt spent Sunday with mibs Mary i.ouj miller. Mr. and Mrs. Bottemiller and daugh tor Ylrir uern in town las' Friday. Miss Laura Gard went to tasiern Oregon last week. Berry Huckner is visiting Mr. Max- son. Remarkable Cure Dysentery. ' I was attacked wit dysentery about July 15th. and used the doctor's med icine and oth:r rome-Jies with no re lief, only getting worse all the time; I was unable to do anything and my weight dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suffered for about two months when I was advised to use Chambcr'ain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea R'medy. I used two bottles of it and it gave me peimanent relief." writes H. W. Hill of Snow Hill. N. C. For sale by all dealers. ELDORADO. Will Wallace wa in Oregon City Tuesday on business. Grandpa Wallace called on Gord en Smith's folk one day this week and took dinner with them. John L. Evan, and O. Dix and wife and C. Mallette, of Mulino, left Wed nesday for Tillamook. The Misse Ella White and Jennie SchaU came out from Oregon City and spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mr. C. Smith, of Mulino. Miss Ina Smith is getting along fine with nernrosic Mr G G. Graves, of Mulino, I im proving In health. She ha been hav ing troubls with her throat Ed Howard made a hurried trip to Mnlino Thursday. The women and children are buay picking blackberries. . Robert Bcbuebel has Just finished his barn. WILSONVILLE. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. 1). Aden, have re turned from a trip to Seasid.-. Mrs. Brown, of Klatnmii Fulls, is visiting Mrs. Alison Baker. Mrs. Aubrey Wood has beeu on tho sick list for the past week. Elmer HnsseUirlnk has been clerk ing for Mr. Aden whllj he enjoyed a vacation. Mis. Corby, of Portland, ia visi.ing relatives near Wilsonville. Miss S. M. Graham and nieces, Iio setta and Josephine, are enjoyiug a vacation at Hood Klver. Baling of hay has been the work of th. past wc-'k among tae farmer. We are glad to hear that our villus.' residents ate sndluri In subscription j to the Morning Enterprise where our items appear each week. Mrs. thai. Wagner will entertain the Parent-Teachers' Association, as well as some other clubs at her homo on T.iursday, August 7th. Mrs. Ed Baker, is visiting at the home of ner daughter's, Mrs. Turner, in Portland. C ara Epler la visiting her grand mother. Mrs. Ridder. Kuhy Baker Is visitiug relative iu Portland. Don't forget the basket social given by the Indie of the Frog Pond Ger man Reform Caurch, on Friday even Ins. Auiruac Sth. at 8 o'clock. The young ladies attending are requested to bring basket of lunch to help out the happy occasion. Mrs. Wm. Baker went to Portland on Wednesday to meet her mother, who will accompany her borne, and visit nere for a short time. Tfccm will lie an Informal icj cream uncial zlven in the Corral Crtk school grove on Saturday evening. August 2. Ice cream and cake will be Id cents a dish. There will be no formal pro gram, but gam? will te played and a very pleasant evening is anticipated oy tne Momers chid memwn, wuu are giving the social. Come and bring your friends. Professor Graham went to Portland on Tuesday, where he has pupils !n music. How the Trouble Starts. Cnnatlnatlnn lit tho cause of many ailments and disorder that make life miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tab lets, keep your bowel regular and you will avoid these diseases. For aale by all dealers. 8TAFFORD. Who darea call this "ralD-aodden" Oregon, wh3n we are enjolng such beautiful days, and health-giving niehts, and no rain since July 6. NiVs. John Adn, and Mrs. Claus Pet ers have f.ono to the seashore lu search of health and strength. Mrs. Ida Delkar ana cnnaren re. turned home last Sunday after a week's outing by the sea. Mrs. Sager and Mrs. Keckel, both former residents of Stafford spent a day with relative and attended church last Sunday. Mrs. Nemec is resting as easily as can be expected with her broken leg The blooa blisters below tne Dreasi are rirvinff ud and Dr. Mount who IS in attendance gives her a hope of get ting it into a plaster cast in ano:ner week. She seems uniformly patient under her many afflictions. The horse Otto drove last Sunday got scared at a passing automobile, and in Its frantic endeavors to get far awav Irom there, broke one of th? shafts of tbe buggy. A fine hop nouse is ueing uuui on the p'.ace owned by tiie late Gus G ib- hardt. Hons am looking fine and promis ing a heavy yield in all yards. The halins machine, owned and op erated by Weddle and Dick Old'sn- stadt, is very busy now day baling hay in the fields. A hnv ann of Paul Schraer. ran iu front of an automobile on the Oregon City bridge, ana was Knocgea aown mi rendered unconscious on Satur day last. He was picked up and tht auto tootc mm to tne onioe oi vr. Mount, where his bruise were attend ed to, and the man with the machine took him home. He was not serious ly hurt Mrs. Hamilton better known as Har thr .4chu.w who married a few years ago, has been obliged to seek relief by divorce, which was grantea a snort tima o and aha and her two year o'd baby arc now with her sister, Mrs. Fred Schauber. Mr. and Mrs. Holton motored out to ber father's, Mr. Gage's last Sunday, returning to town on Monday morn ing. Mr. Weddle, Mr. Nussbaum and Wm. Schatz were appointed appraisers of the personal property of the late Mr. Powell. Mm. Powell has sold her cows and most of her chickens and will sell the horses and the other per soual property to assist in defraying the expenses of her husband's sick uss and funeral. SUNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. Wo are anrrv to have to report tin death of the Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Thorpe, Alva Herbert Thorpe, who died at Damascus aionuay ai j i o'c'oo:. of whooping cough, aged 4 tnr.nrhr Fnnera 1 Wednesday. July Z. at the Fre Methodist Church at Da mascus, at 10 otiock A. M. inter ment at .5ultnomah Cemetery. Mr. Thorpe was a merchant at Sunnysidw until recently wt'en he sold out. They have the sympathy of ths entire coni- n.nnitv In rhpir Had hpreavemciit. Farmers are having fine weather for haying and cutting grain and are im proving it by the looks or tne neia.i The votin;,' on the stock law at Sun nyside went 67 to 14, so we are living in hnnea nf havinc the stock off from the road soon. The ladies were some of thm registering at Damascus Wed- nPttHaV. Mrs. G o. Johnson has her mother with her for a few days. Mrs. Dick Hunter has one of her hospital friends visiting her at pres nt The Rev. G. R. Ellis and wife have movfd to Tbe Dalles where be Is do in? missionary work. Nita Is staying with her grandparent until school commences. Mrs. Burchell 1 on the sick list. Mrs. Bevan and Miss Elva Dear rinrff who are solournlng near Klicka- tat, Wash., write about there beins rather too many rattlesnake to be comfortable. They will probably stay until September. Minister Praise this Laxative . Rev. H. Stubenvoll, of Allison, la., in praising Dr. Kings New Life PilU for constipation, writes: "Dr. Kiug's Vn t if A ptila am aurh Derfect Diiis no home should be without them. ' No better regulator for the liver and m i. rrr nlll Fnaranteed. Try them ot at Hnntl2T Bro. Co Ore gon City, Hubbard and Canby. ALSPAUOH. Tho farmer are about through mak ing their hay. Mr. and Mr. John Gltliens and Mr. and Mrs. CUns. lllvely called ou Mr. Jack Brown Sunday. Mrs. Addle Marshall wa visiting wit"! Mr. and Mrs. Kdgnr lllople Sun day. The Modem I'rloelia was en ortal'l ed very .lellghtfully by Mrs. E. E. Eric!, son lust '1 hursoay. Those pres ent were, Mesdame Frank Boyer, Marv llleple, Henry Hieple. II. Yont. K. K. Salln. E. E. F.rlckson. Spring, and Misses Edith Trow bridge, lailu hii I Bessie Congdon. Echo and llatel It hen, nnd Ellen Eiickson. Mis ll.ixel Gltliens culled on Mrs. O. E. Tull last Tuesday. David Barton, of Salem, dle.1 Mon da. v. .Vr. Barton w the con of II. Barton, of this place. Mr. Etta Graves, a sister of Henry nnd John Gl.hens. is visiting friend and relatives here this week. Willie still, who ha been on 'lie sick Hist Is able to be about again. Mia Mnmln llleulo and I lilt U Ker- sham attended the policemen' picnic Sunday. OREGON CITY DRUGGIST DESERVES PRAISE Tie Jone Drug Co. deserve pralai from Oregon City people for Introduc ing here the sitnplo buckthorn bark and glycerine nilxtur known as Ad-ler-t-ka. Thl slmpie Uerman remedy first became famous by curliig appen dicities and it .is "ow been discover ed that JUST A SINGLE DOSE re lieves (our stomach, gaa ou the stom ach, and constipation INVFANTLY. It's quick action is a big surprise to people. Nearly l.-Ht eartnquaae are revorn ed anuually in the whole of the Jap new empire, and In Tokyo alone there are on an average a fly earthquake that can be felt during tbe year, or about one a week. THREE OF A The Mower, Rake and Binder shown below are THREE OF A KIND. The kind that will make you smile with satisfaction when you use them, for they give service Real Service Honest Service-Full Measure for every cent you pay for them That we guarantee. ment of bar, knife and pitman. Note the long wearing plates and the auto matic device for taking up wear in the Pitman knife head connection. These are points that make the Champion wear better and cut better than others. The Champion Binder Hai three excliuive feature! : The Force Feed FJeyator which insures a continuou flow of grain to the packer arms. The Relief Rake which prevent clogging at inner end of bar. Balancing Sector which balance the machine in any height of grain. BicBvED Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. P0ND SOLD AT RIGHT PRICES BY W. J. WILSON & CO., OREGON CITY, ORE. CANBY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO., CANBY, ORE. Good Reason for Hi Enthuiiatm. When a man has Buffered for sever al days with colic, diarrhoea or other form of bowel complaint and Is tfieu cured sound and well by one or two dos of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Reme'lv, an Is often th case, It Is but natural that he should be enthusiastic In his praise of the remedy, and especially is this the case of a s-v-!re attack when life is threat ened. Try it when !n need of such a remedy. It. never fails. Sold by all dealers. Practical. Sound praetieal advice given by uitaiiitlirope: if ever you should be at tneked by nlyht never shout "Murderl" fur ni one will bother about you. Yell Tire.1" and everybody will be out of dMrs Id a Jiffy The Turkish Mangal. In most of the houHe In Constanti nople as well as In other rlOe of Tur key heating in winter I done by means of the so called 'mangal." Thl con sist principally of receptacle for burning charcoal. A mnngal may be( nothing else than a simple brass ' or Iron receptacle or may be quite an ' artistic and expense rtlcle of most rare and valuable workmanship. Tbej charcoal I first thoroughly burned through, and when it no longer emits j sny (lame or odor the mangal Is j brought Into tbe room for purpose of hen ting. Sometime It happen that! proper attention Is not paia w ine burning charcoal, with not Infrequent fatal result. Estacada and Eastern Clackamas ESTACADA, Miss Kittle Hengan was a visitor In Portland Tiiitsdny, A. E. Sparks wua a business visitor at Oregon City lust Thursday. , Milton Kvatta, who went to eastern Oregon lo worn In the harvest fields, arrived homo Thursday. IIj he could not stay there on account of th alkali water. M ,11. Boyle wont to Boring Frlduy and to Portland Saturday. Mr. Cnake visited Portland friends for a couple of day Inst week. Mrs. Carl Cary returned home from Victoria Friday, when she hud been visiting relatlvoa for a couple of week. W. (ilven who supplies tho pul pit at the Christian church of thl place, received a surprise Sunday morning when he wint to church after an absence of two weeks. During hi absence the ladle of the Aid Society of tho church made some sub antlal Improvement to the Interior of tho building. Mr. Given manifested his appreciation In few characteristic remarks before the sermon. Ilev. Wright, of Portland, preached lu the church during Mr. Given' absence. Harold Givena had a party Sntur day afternoou to which about twenty children were present. Some of the mamma were also there. It wa Iho occasion of Harold fifth birthday. A minister Irom the Church of Chrlat, held orvlce on one of the main street of Estacada every even Ing all last week. A. N. Johnson vlalted relative In Portland over the Sabbath. Miss Vnl Ecker assisted Miss Sturgeon in look ing after the post office. County School Supervisor Jatne re turned from Oregon City last Thurs day. Ml". Jame ha been teaehltu mnthematlc at the unimer chool at Gladatone for soma time. Mrs. Champion Mowers Champion Rakes Rake Clean Dump Easy and Last Long Jame and ths children who bad been visiting at Oregon City, returned home wlih him. Miles Blandish, of Portland, a broth er of P. S. and "Hob" Standlsh of this place, was married last Friday even Ins to Miss Margaret MclntOHh. al:io of Portland. Those from here who at tended the weddlnn were Mr. and Mrs. "Hob" Standlsh, 1'. 8. Standlsh, Mrs. Elizabeth Evlus and Milton Kvlns. ify-s. Straight visited relatives at Oregon City last week,. Mr. Straight going over Sunday lo accompany her home. I.. E. Beinis vlsitiid at Lebanon, Or.,, last week. Mrs. J. .1. Owens and daughters, Ag nes and Emma, of Independence, Mo , have been guests at the McCurdy horn"! for the past week. Next Sunday the butchers of Port, land will enjoy the beautiful Estacada park. We understand that there will be a regular barbecud. Miss Ethel Ilrartford, formerly of Rstarada, was here from Portland last Sunday calling on old friends. Miss Ijiura Stormer, lady clerk in thi Cary Mercantile store, left Mon day on her annual ten day vacation. She will visit at Cloverdale, Or." Editor Iioyle and wife and son vis ited at P.orlng Sunday afternoon. Walter Oivens returned Saturday from a trip to Kansas and Missouri, hit old home and Is back In the depot as kind and obliging as ever. His sister. Mrs. Grom attended to the du ties of station agent during Mr. Giv en' absence. About 30 mem!ers of the Mazamas, from Portland came here by car Sun day and then walked to Clear River, about eleven miles east of Estacada, wbre tbey bad lunch, returning in tbe evenlnr. TUe Portland Policemen' band and their friend to the number 'f rvenil hniuliid, were lien Sunday for a pie n 1c. in Hie park. Theso peace iimkoia set a good example for nil who should follow and behaved theinle lu a very becoming manner. It wn the most orderly crowd that an plcnlced In lh park till season. The band dlMOUlsed wee! music most of Ibu !iftrnooii mid was th.i chief Attract Ion but I hero W"T p'enty of other amuse munis. Tim dance at tho iiavllloli lust ed until seven o'clock waen the lust cur starl 'd buck to Portland. It was a great big day and tho weather suit- d lor the occasion, Tom Morton rame down from the mountain hnturday where h I work lug for I'lirlj Sam und visited 111" mother and Ea.acuda friend until Tuesday. Jeff's restnurant building on Broad w ay ha been great ly Improved during the past week by a liberal coat of pnlnt. There are other w'ao might follow suit. I). Wright a ranger who wa slop plug at t'axadero one night last we -k. wa ioloned from eating canned meat of some kind. Dr. Adlx was culled and the man was taken to a hospital at Portland. Whllo suffering very much from the effect of tho poison, It Is thought that he will recover. iimv W It V. Browne und family left on Monday morning for a two weeks' outing at Ocean Park. Wash. We understand that two or thr.o other Estacada fumllle will enjoy the pleasure of the seaside at thl mime place, In a short time, among them belug. Mrs. H. V. Adlx and chtldron, and (ho McCurdy family. Mis Tresslo Hick went to Bull Run Tuesday to visit frleuds for a few days. Miss Itarhael has taken Miss lllrk place In the telephone of flea. Mr. William Bradford and win, of KIND Do better work than others, because made that way. Just ex aminetheChampion. Compare the wide yoke with others. You will find it wider and stronger. This means perfect align Portland, visited Mrs. A. E. Spark last Sunday. Mrs. U. 8. Morgan visited ner sister at itosehiirg for a week, returning Inst Tuesday. Harry Morgan went to Ocean Park Monday evening for a few day' out ing. Mm. Adallne Miller ha bpnn visit ing Estacada friends for sever..) days. A lar(;e force of m tn have been working on the bill road east of town for several days, and are doing a good Job. Wm. Kaake's little girl is sick with tonsllitls. (. R. Klmniel came over from Clov erdale Sunday to visit bis family. Dr. Wells, the dentist, has gone south on a hunting trip lo be absent until about August 15. Hills are out announcing a dunce In the pavilion Saturday evening, Aug. 2. The Estacada Juvr.!!s Fair will be held In September tinder the supervis ion of the following committees: II. MV James, Estacada; John Ely, of the Eagle Creek Grange; Chas. Duncan, of Garfield Grange, and Mr. Moger of Sprlngwater Grange. The three granges Join with the people of Esta cada and will hold a picnic at this time in the Estacada Park, There will be addresses by noma of tbe best speakers In this section. George Kelly, the land man for the P. R , I., t P. Co., wa the guet of W. F. Cary for a couple of days last week. A fallow by the name of Stone, who 'Ives at Harton. wa brought before Judge Given to answer to the charge of cruelty to animals, lie plead "not guilty" and will have his trial next Saturday. The arrest was caused through a humane officer, who It Is said bad to kill the horse which It I alleged Stone Ill-treated. Children Cry ;i U VAV 1(111 l A. The Kind You llnvo Alwny lioulit, mul which luu born lu UNO fur over 110 ur. !iu huruntho ntutmttiro ( 0 Mid luu boon mmlo tuulrr liU r S?i sj7-fu tnal niiMrvUloii ltii'o lu lnlunoy, V&JXJ&lcAtit Allow m one to riwH v you in thl. All Counterfeit, Imitation ami Junt-iu-ifood nro but ICilwrliuriiU Hint trlllo with and rmlanuor the limltli of lulunU Mini tlilltlrcu HxiktU'IU'O itguluvt lxpvruuuuU What is CASTORIA Cnntoriii n Imrnilr unlmtltute for Cuntor Oil, Pans. porif, lri atul hiMithiug Wyrup. It U lrumit. It contain neither Opium. JMorphlno ttor other 'itreitlo " aiiliNtanoo. Ita nite 1 It gniinniteo. It letroya Horm nml allnya IVverUliiien. For more thun thirty ycur It liu been In roimtrtiit Uo for Um relief of 'onnlluUon, l'lntuleiiey. Wind Colic, all Teethlnir Trouble and JHurrlueft. It reirulate the Htoinueh Mini 1 towel, . n"linllite thn FoimI, giving liealthy nutl nnturul sleep. The C'hlldrru's l'unaceit Tho Jlother'i i'rlcud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Dears tho The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years The qurMloii of mnkln omi much tiitvlfd repnlr on thn tir work Hilt m l till pliire. I l.i'lnit Klliit iil by Tie hullt'd of tlm Civic rluti. It In rilliiinliHl thnt iiliuut lhnuiii(l dnl ara nulil put the plunt lu Rimil liape nod thorc re ivirl pnum noli i liiiHlnot men of lha town who Iihvu exppwaitl their Interi'iit In h liiK Homo d.'iciit wlir to uiw. hy of TorttiR to Btlvnncti iiii or fluu on (heir tr rvnt o m to make thr linprovrm.nt. It l to bo hopeil thai (hn kooiI peopU of the town will run (Inuv lo RKll( thl ( u. -m Inn 10 omothln may be dune hfor mi epl dmlc of KMim Kind frc pinipln to dlMi'onilnuo the u of th cliy 'wr. A puny of mon. conRlMlnit of Win. I'mli-rwooJ, K. Mliiiiiion. Wirrvn Mm, Nenl Mronaon. ClyJe Henoch, fhnii. llr)non, p llroiixiii. Win. llron mid Cinthninn left with rnmplim out fit for t h j mniintnln to b nunc couple of month. K. W. Ilnrtliilt traimacletl biiilu -kj at lire county et TucMily. ('. V. i)evur) vUltod Dn-Kon CII) Monday. EAGLE CREEK. Mr. atid Mr. Wnln r Douvlim np-nt Siindiy afternoon with Mr. W, J. Howl tt. Mr. nd Mr. Vlritll May. of HreKon City, were th gueiu of Mr. and Mr. Itoy IoukI part of lad week. Mr. aud Mr. I.ou linker vlilted wl.h Mr. and Mr. A. J. Kl(xmlllr Kunday afternoon. llouniwlvi have b-en vry bnal'y tiiiKaKfd In rnnnliiK blnckberrle late y. The bcrrle are viry plcutllnl this year. .1. I'. Strahl built a urannry for Walt er DotiKlaaa luRt wk, Mr. and Mr. It. II. (illnon i:nl Sunday afternoon In Katncada. (ieorKB DoiiKlaa ranio 'out from I'ortlnn I Monday to attend lo ome liuslncK. He plans to toxin harveit Inn In a few duy In Kaatnrn OreKon. Several from thl nnlKhborhood ut 'ended tbe ball game In Sandy Hun . Tho farmer In thl vicinity are nearly all through haying. SANDY. Open air services were held by the German Uilherans In the grove nuar tho church Sunday afternoon. Mo linn residence of Martin 1.: niar'x Is nearly completed. Ot'o Melnlg has returned frcm o trip to the mountains. Dr. llarendrlrk spent tho forepart if th- week In I'orl'nnd on pMlessiua III business. At the special school me 'tlug held Monday u two mill tax levy to defray expenses of a ninth and tenth urj-lu failed lo carry. Thn vote stood twen ty yeas and twenty nos. The business nien of Handy have offered liberal con tributions toward putting one of the uper rooms of the school housn In shape, for high school purposes. Leigh Harder, of Portland spent Sun. day here. GREENWOOD. Rev. I). II. Jones and wife, of llolsn, Idaho, Is visiting his brother, Wm. II. Joms, On Sunday thn Rev. Jones baptized the Infant son of bis nephew, Mugh .Ion s at 111 home, in thn presencn of relatives anj a few friends. Mrs. I'.rakcr is sleit with a nervous breakdown. Dr. Mount Is attending her. Her dnughter, Mrs. Walter Mend, of New Era Is home taking care of her mother. Mrs. Hoard man had her parents and sister from Sllverton paying her a vis It. They left for California last week. Edw in Hamilton of Toledo Ohio, and his sister, Ellen, Is visiting his nr- en's, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. The young people took a trip to the coast last week. Mrs. Yesle visited wl'h friends In Linton last week. Hugh Jones and wife took his uncle aunt and mother up the Mlilalla river for an otitlng. School district No. 69 ha not en gag.'d a fanner yet, many applications come, In from enexperlencj teacher Would like to see some young ladle wlih some experience send In their ap plications. KELSO. The Kelso Nelghborbod Club will have picnic In R. Jonsmd's park on the bluff Sunday Aug. 3rd. Everybody Is Invited. Ilrlng a dinner basket and enjoy an outing In one of the moat scenic spot of Oregon. J. (;. Loundret recently purchased an auto truck and la making regular trips between Portland and Sandy, hauling freight Mr. A. Olson and so., Oscar, of Portland, spent Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Jonirud. for Hotelier's Signature of Woman's World Mr. Ouilferd Plans luf. frag Rolltr Chsir psrsd. 1 .. mm cll ooitroaa Huff nice ou the board walk! Yes; It bn reached pveu thai Binge. You simply cun'l get wy from the yellow Imi nnern with their Inscription "Votm For Wnn'ieii" nowaday. Coney Island was Invaded long ago So hn lieeii Hit olemnlty.of bnselull llelds all over the country, ami u willy not surprising flcr all Hint th "ciiiiso" liu Ked II Irreprcssiniri bead up on the board wulk of Atlautlcl city: t Hevoied to pleasure and fiitnl i HioiiL-ht ns this snuie Isinrd wnlk Is, It lias icHmded with delightful courlcM I . the presence of all alien. In mn lirii nulliltiir imwi t til t tllffV. nD 0C- ciislnunl niosipilto, rolling chairs ! moving pic ture a little loucli oi serious nature I a welcome n black velvet bow ou a light iinimr fris'k. Tim Invader of th board walk this summer will be the suffrage roll" chair parade, which l to take plc lu n few week. Mrs. Elm uuimmi. an ardent New York suffragist, wni tho Instigator of thl very novel Idc. No iwechmuklng I permitted on th lw.nl-,1 WBlk nf Atlantic CltV. fnlt to uuperlnteiideiit hn promised permis sion for a "voiceless pnrode." Jrt see what women can ulTer for f ' cause! Fifty chair, with women ; yellow and while, currj lni' v ners, will make the hist'" ' sit uu and take notice, t:: efforu of Mrs. Oullfon' Buddhist Monk. In many of tbe monasteries of TIM ml Riberla the Huddhlst monks l print lu the manner which has l"'" bunded down from Beferatln to f" ersllon. Movable type I not m1 but ench pnge la crved upon wood blm k. and lhu, whenever biH.k I printed, entirely new blisl1" have to be made. Assessor's Notle if Meeting of Bo" of Equalization. Notlca Is hareby given that Pon tbe socond :)nday In September, to wit: September 8. 1911, thu Hoard oi Equalization will attend at the Court house in Clackama County, Ore?1"". and publicly examine lbs smnt rolls and correct all error In vs.u tlon. oVcrtpt!on or nnalltles of liuiia, wM:ripLHMiai 'f lands, lot or other propcrtle t" ed by tha County Assessor. Dated at my office tbl 1st M ot August, 1913. j t JACK. County Assessor. 1.0 7 ; is