OrtEOON PITY KNTrcriPRIflfi, "Fill DAY, JULY 11, 1913. I r' t i a . Cai Off lllflni lUr jUlV VlVe )UlU't Indian H uuuf r Duck rt)R i.v .wiili l'nt. (f'l.mlli" limit 1. Oregon i.iw - . iKAOI0: Hou" and roB .,, for ('lackainaa or lot I" ,..lMnir property, d- Uallni'"'"" . ... ii...,i ril citr UraKoii City, Ilm Unlit 4 I nn FOB SALE ... i...d of It Inch inynw . . r.ll on W. ...i nou i . .. ;T ,r,,B. Aurora. Oregon. ...... .n.i. A CIIOS !' . r lot ' CllH.I'"l"" Mnil.HWII V.,.. - r ddra Mr. Jolin U. Tci,.1iou; Canhy. Oregon. fifW'llll. iT. nf ilmi-atmn of nuiuair Ul i. dii-.-a"'!. wl" vtt S0 ,r'", .V . 'J Lininilim to ""'d "",c' lf rll- una """" n..u. m . . . . (uillll a. 1(1 Tim IWln! , "..i .... ,rnr of Hm ,od 'in ll H and 11. In T .1 B. It. 8 I of Ht" " " B....ih 5in rh,: ; ihm... North l m L'nat lMiclia.; iiii'ie . ..- 1 "",1 f k. and thwic Weat 11.49 rh. il 0c- ana .m.i,.!,,. 4i in rha ana in""" ! .L i. ar of bralnnln cn(luln4 Z TJ, i tnor- or .. "Id ' ' ,, 1 or afmr Ilm of Au- OiaU" IW " . ..I llrnwUMll A 1 ,.m nr Mlier in ' 1 j Badaonor- Urownell A i latl at Itm iI,,w " S, '. ;aun.dl llulldlnu. Oron ( Ity. lln and to prWat aal. Orriun. ana J0N K nAVH; . n.t. IB". ' ' ,,..,., (r..nn City. , . I Admliilalralor. t laiion. 1 rt of the State of '" , 1 1 . .t ' i ('mi ID- ... .... 1-i.r-kamas County. hCTatler of the K.Ute of Kle. . r.Bm',UT::,. Kurort N. Dod, u McCarir and Anntt . ... .. i. mnA dnvlaS till .,ac..L hi f ...1.1 dm-vaaed. and air inn " to ill other persona lnlerrsu-a nere i., in nim-h Thlrtv alx (3) Port- aw . , mouth Addition lo tne 1 ny oi ror 1 1 u,iii....,inih Cnuntv. Oregon. lain,, a. " , , I.,.. I and S. Illnrtt 1 Vsnacliolcke Addition. Ml. Tstior. Multnomah Coun Wliras by Order dated June til. 1I1. nude and fiiternu in mis cau 1U. mane anu rium .. . . ..... 1 1. ..1. !. I It aa oirwiiKi inn i ao tb Clerk of this Court to said heirs a&s dHeei oirnciina turin anu ... .. . 1 . . .. ...w ot than to appear In said Court on or . .1.. .....1 f.L J.a. . l.alial I bafore th said 6lh day of Aaguat. IJIJ. and show rsuse why aald Order ahould not b grsnted. Now, therefor. In th name of the a . . I ...1. wnll 8Utt or tiregon, you anu i.u ui 7- ar hereby cited to appr at the County C.iurt Room In Oregon City. riti-kim.a Cimiiv. Oreann. on or b fnra Tna.aalar tilVII.I filh. 1913. t& show raus If any thre be. why an order ahould not be granted oy in hna Cnnrl fi.p lha nf th allOVO deacrllied real property aa prayed for is un petition. Witneaa my hand and seal of Court affixed thla 2Cth day of June. W .U MULVEY, County Clerk. (SEAL OK ClirVTY COURT) Hy E. T. Ql'INN, Deputy. Surrtmona. , .... u f in un v imii ui i.. Orexon for Clackamas County. Eva II. K.eers. I'lalntlft. . . 1 . . Jnaeph K. Hteers. Di-relnlanl, To Jopb K. Steers, above-named de- ?:r. ... you are hereby required to PiT.r and au.wer me coitiliiailll llieu aamnai In -i ...i.i... ..... i.. ,l.. ml. .ii ...r a mil i" nil n I'll mill ,, .n .. aav nr ahviihi vin.iiauin iinnnrea anu t.i.. ' ...... ..,..j .i.iiii-i-ii iivi.ii ns pr"i-rneu w7 "" oroi-r or Court for publication or mis iiimmom. which said date Is more th.d;."o man lx tr by the Court In the above entitled ult, and If you fall to ao appear and nier tin complaint flk'd herein Iu th ahnva ...H.I ..I ...I. ,.n aaln rft. plaintiff win apply to the court for ,.v . .i.i. i. .i - I ine Hicf n rived for In said complaint hlch said relief Is for a decree of the Court forever dlsaolvlng and sot ting SHldn the marrlnge contract here- otnru and now exlntlag Ixuween plain- H and auld defendant; for a further decree chaiiKlnit nlalntlffa name to trt in" " " " , 7 , A ,.- i i ",lln " """"i i""""u". putiiicauon oi wis uuimuu, uu By t0 me court ior me reimi at.nhnn S Bailer. PlalntlS. to all other persona inlerrsu-d here Charles Cott Katato -Nolle. Is In th name of the Stale of Oregon. herehy notified that If you fall , u tne com,,ialnt Hied herein, to lePnen ,ml in. ... if hereby lvn that the undralgn.-d. as x are hereby rulred to appear and t0 appear within said time the wlt. .. T',or Fred w Taylor, W. J. Whereas upon pelltlott of E. H. administratrix of the estate of t harles tniw,,r ,0 ,h complaint filed against pantff for want thereof will apply For a decree dissolving the bonds p,,' , 'nor. 8 nay an(i p. T. gholnlrr. executor her n. an o rdr Voiln u-ceaaed, has filed her final you , ln. Bbo,e entitled suit on or , lhe court for the relief prayed for of matrmony now and heretofore v crawVand Company. Defendant. vu duly M'S'l" nd n"1 " account In lha louiily ( ourt of the Morf) ,D. 2na day of August, 1913. ln n4.r complaint, to-wit: For a Judg- ,Hllnf between the above named plain- " "0reeon county of CUcka iUis anlllled Court and cause on Hlllt, of Oregon, for t lackamaaC oun- Hhd lf you ras.ll so to appear or answer. ment snd decree of this court that the tl(f and defendant, and granting unto ' 6 ' June 2th. 1913. dlriH-tlng that you a no ,y all1 ,h,t Monday, the 4th day or plallltlfr wm ,py to the court for marriaKB contract between the plain- plHtntiff an absolute divorce from the ?";," ' of a ludemem order, de tach of you sniH-ar in this court on Aui(U. uu. at the hour of ten th, nyti for , uM complaint and the defendant be dissolved on d.f-dant, and for such other and fur ,T'd an execution, duly Issued w b,(or Auauat 5th. ll3'nl ho" oVI.H-k In lhe forenoon of M I day. ,.,. . hfl Kroundi of crue! and ,nhuman ther reef aa may seem j"t and ofd under the seal of the above cum why an Order ahould not be and 0B Vom Ko,,m 0 aa Id Court, has A dlH.ree dlasolvlng the bonds of tratniBllt 0d personal Indignities ren. equttabia m the premises. titled court in the above entitled .noted for the sale of the following bn appointed by said (ourt aa the malrmoj, and th marriage contract derlll! ,f8 burdensome, and that the Toli iuIDmons is served on you by ," . e du,v directed and dated bribed real estate tMil'inglng to the ,,, ,a pc fur bearing the ol.Jeo. h(,r.,ofor, and now exBiing between plaIltff have Judgment and deer. vlrtU9 of an order made and enured u se. 10 u 7 nponaludg nt. of aald deceaaed tlona thereto and the settlement there- ,he plaln,lff and y,Urself. decreeing aKalnst the defendant for her costs by Honorable J. U. Campbell. Judge l " V entered in said Th. fc.t one half mi of Bectloo of. . fc , - , , . wch party hereto to be the absolute J lht iult and for such other and of tne above entitled Court, dated 011 mmt nde" 9th day of June? 1913. 8t,.ra (ICI T- 1 N. II. 25 K. of W. M. ,led and Brat puhlUbed, Friday. 1 of ther reectlve properties, furthcr rollef a. mv be Just and th, i8t day of July. 1913. and which ' ' L s Ballev Plain 1. u.,rm Comity. Oregon. Ju v 4th. 1913. imm all elalm In and to the same . . . . . . ,,1 I,. sal . I that of Kva ll. Hchloth and for auch r" , h abovo named do other ami r..nh.. .n.f .. tha Hon- To Howard J. WatBn, booyo orahle Court mav deem meet with emiliv "' mis summons Is publlshrd by or- der of ,he Honorable J. U .Campbell. .ludk-. of the above entitled Court and aid order was duly made and enter- ta said Court on the 3rd day of Jul,, nr iiaitr Mneteen Hu, d ed " and Th rteii '13.) J. A. STROWimiDOE Attorney for Plaintiff. or last publication. August la' M Admlnlatrstrlx'a Notice. Notlce Is hereby given that the un- ni-.l,...i i . V. a, . ......a bh th th-"iKui.nd":.01 .rtu. Tk- of (M.'r.'J T l.ne )nll V... urMiinaa vuniy, ureaon, appointed administratrix of the K- Uien. .... o..,ii a .ii .. .., niim;, um.Tn.-v, in kt" anna hi... .i.i '. i... ,k. ..m " .,:,,",,u, - -'"..-ni or ner eatate are oereu; otlfled and requlMd to present the . ,i-iiiiru Wliu iimfui u.ii rrriueu WHO roller tuu...- ai me offices or Joa. K. Heagea, Welnliarri llnlMln. f'liv Or a. fon, within alx mo'ntha from the date hereof. MARGARET C. RE1LLY. A,lmlnlstratrlx of the Estate of Ann ncllly. f 'ted, July 4. 1913. JOSEPH E. HEDGES. Attorney. Summon. ' the Circuit Court of the State of "repon, for Clackamas County. - leirion. Plaintiff, Plk.l n. .. . "."i n.ieiuon. Defendant. l0-,-i Sheldon, the above named de fendant: In . V. - . .. . . a, ' . me name ot tne state or uregon; TO. ... v. .. . .. ,. , . . ..j .c iii-reoj requireo 10 appear auu i " me complaint nieu agatnai jon ,,OTe entitled court and cause Wllhln .4. a . , j . . , Ua wi.k " "TB entitled court and cause hln at, Wrek from the date of th wu Z'":Jr .TT: "gyst, 1913, and If you fall to"S Pr nd answer said complaint the1 A .......... .. ... nam" piannin win appiy 10 mtUi t0l,rl u" ,h rnll"( ."ayed fr In til coinplnliit liirlii, lowlt, for a decree fornvr dltis.ilvliig (he buiula iii iiim i iiuiiiif now niiii norcioior dlUllllll liclw.nll pallllllT mill ili.felKl mil, ami fir such further mi. dirf-ir nut rnllnf lit In tlm court inny seem meet mil iittiilii! In tlm iiri'iiiUi'i, i ma auiiiiimiia ia piiDiiaucn in pur- muuni nf mi onlr of Ilm. J, II, Campbell, Judgii of mid Court, Hindu on tha Stud day of July, 1 V 1 mid IIih tlllll limacrlliuil 111 aulil .,ril..r fin tlm prescribed In null! oritur fucH Ilia publication or till summons li oil)' each week f.ir nil succeaalv weclia, M ml Ilia ilutn of tlm Ural pub lication of Hila summona li t'i 4th (In of July, 11113, K. K. MILLER, Alliirmw t,.r IMuli.llir Worcilnr llldg,, rortlmul, Or. Summons. Ill lha Clcult Court of tlm Hindi of Oregon, for Clacki lima County, Cliirs ('. Turner, HuluilfT, va. WIIIIniii P. Turner, Iefeiidiiiit, a Um liovn rntlllrd ault on or butoro ,,n ""h dl,y "' "it. ' " you full lo appear and aiiawnr fur want ..... i,. n iii .,,ni. i.. ii... ilmrtwir thn 1 1 1 11 1 ii 1 1 rr will aniilv lo tin Court for Hi rlli-f prayed for In her aald complaint, to-wit : Kor dr-cree of th la (iurt dlaaolvltig thn iiiarrlag n,.l.lr. llflW ..Vl.lllll, llMlWMin fill. III. . ... ....... .1... I 1 1 1 (1IT Him oeu'iiiiaiu uimhi inn annum ui w . . 1 ...1.... ....1 I ueariiini, anu inr nui 11 iiuiwr miu mi 1 tl.r fUnf may , multalile. ...,.. ... u . ...i.n I m. - i .... Hrrvlm of Huiiimo tli - rof ! nial l.y t J. V. Campl.idl. Juil I ..I Ik. ill... on!,' r of til Jlon. , i, v miin,Tii, ii ii. ' .-.. - ,.hm .,r th. Him nf Oreuon for of ,1.,. ..r ii... I'lronii 1 i n ....w ... n,..ain,u County, fur dli'UI llalrlrl, (llr.Ttlnil ,,,, , mada ln ,i Or - i.l. ...... i'..i.,v r..r ih. Vilih J 11. Ing that tiubllca- and th date or tiie laat puhllcHtlon .... ll . . . . ... A lull mm lift iiihuq 111 iiiw wiwui-ii .1 trprlan. a weekly iiewapiiper of gen erul rircuiaiion puonaiieu ai unnJi nr. iirPKon. auu 111.1 iiuimh nun .. . '' cnaecutlve and succcs- kiv wneaa. ..... I Th ilate of first puhllcatlon la July . ...... , . . I . , II , I . I .. I 4th, 1913, and th laat publication la August lutn, I'JiJ. liiiiiiiiiN h.. ii a i r.n. Attorney for rinluilff KI.I7.A l)l( Kfc.u.. Admlnlatratrlx of Kalate of Charles E. F. A F.' II. RILEY. Attorneya. vw..-, --" Exseutrlx'a Notice. v....... 1. i..r.i, alvan that lha un noir ia ,., i. a- --- . ... a a .....I. ... Ih. aalat Of aersianeu, " . jiin Harlnas. deoraaed, has Died her ... . . 1. . . auiiK lha 1 nil n- f inal Accouni ueium ,y cierk or ciacaamaa 1 onui. A IV.. f'niinl, IllltV ha Bet . anj (he County Judge has set Monday, July fist. 1913. at ytf hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. at the County ('0rt Room In Orgon City, Oregon. . . .J Ul.la aa lha tlm .gig 1. ouniy sn duw, . and ,,are for bearing objections to Md "tal Account and for the Final u.ii lament of aald eatat. lirMMiR HARLESS. Executrix. 0. D. EflT, Attorney for Execotrlx. Dated. June 20tb, 1U. ummon a tn Ih Client! Court of th BUI of rs- C.a I lflfHBiin auw LUUIIIIi Ann 8IUr. IMnlnlllT, v. Hoy P ml or, iwmnnni. , To Uy HUUr. Uv nmd defend - A. it.. Ql.l. nf OrMim in n nsmr iii "' - " . " a .i.l ratil lit lIM-r rM an-wer or olherw -e piean .o e..... .... vi.u B rei nrrri'i , -., u . . romniaiiit nira ai.i-i Lniitir.l auit wiihin ,"V '' - J Mi..: Viir. that, if vou fall ao to am-"'. "d nw-r " " arwlae ad to iiiainii" " "'"'e'" In aald tlm n. ."...rt f.M- the relief -raed for ll. PlalnlUT. e..nH;l.ln . ?, m..HT;:i;io;;nrf,,h!;;t,;'r; Ven .n: , l. nllfr M awanled III cam, n V1." "". JT ... 1.... K Slater, r,(IMv anil niiira . . , ... I, ..,l. herein, and for men omer ik. min.ir cnim ii i...-. .r . I"":, 7" ran,., .a to the ciiurt may " " . -n,i rnulinbl hei-eln. Vou wilt furth.-r im.k noine '""" sgsfeK fr the county J 1.l,,;;m." ,; ma.t In "i"". .!, ""'I,,;.",' 'fher ink. r,V?i 1 th fimi puWicHium .f t'i '.. 1. . SI T Kri JV. Ih th dV "I" 'il"'"''" "i-., ..id di.te.1 the Mil of Jn. tlS- ai ininniia . - - if f 1U-IIFT Attorney for I'lalntlff. Summons. .. . K Walah. Plaintiff, Margaret r.. . . ' nofn,lanl. fondant: . n,.on in too name " , . ... i ,i.. raoolred to appearand ou ;;. ;;n,nla,lnt nid against you n"f J' CednLTon or before In the above nme U,M ld dat9 lh .S ol " week, from be ng the . ra on M . summmiii npiiiK i iiv " "- . . the Brat publication or in su-. ana ir you ... "---- h "r'Mttto Plnt'7 A"..n f,r In her complain', I IftaWlf ! . a - r " ao- rfun.iiv the Don of matrimony now existing between tbe plaintiff ana --" summons Is puniisnea u, v.. -- . Hoatle. Judge of the County Court I . . t i. .a tnad 00 tuO 19in wnlcn.. . ,o. .nd the time pre- day oi jhuo. ". - - . . . Lrrlbed for publication thereor is six .. k..i..in. wlih the issue uaiou, weeas, utRuu,,,n .7.. a ...ii.il T.-J . mh l13. and conttnu- rTioaj. , .nd m. in. eacn weea i"" . A,t Lading the Issue of Friday, August i ja, 171a. ..nn.uel t a RTONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. U the Circuit Court of the Stat, of Oregon for tne voum, . . UI Hfl - o Plaintiff. vs. K M..th. .rg.ret Jane W.tenpaugh. Martha 'iiroekanneld. Johanna oa.h.nnn. Emll Hcnanno. Emm; I nsribolet. AntoneU. K.trou laoulse White. Llllle Win. Alfred Bchanno. Clarence Schanno. Agnes o.k. .m all other persons ur Arties unknown, claiming any rigat title, estate, lien or rw rea i rr.,..o , lot. flairnuni iu " plaint herein. y Defendants, , Mlut, nP THE STATE OF Defendants, ZV"cktSo" To Margaret tha Ureckenfield, jonanna Chsrlea Snhanno, Rinll Hciianiii, Emma llnrlhiil.il, AntounlU Katron, Uwlae Wliliw, l.lllln Wlrlh, AlfrJ rlchamio, Clarence Hclianno, AK'nia Hctiiiiiiio, uliio ul I other person or purlins unknown, elnlmluii ny rlKlit, tit In, estate, lien or liiinrent In Ilm rim I .aula doacrllicd In the complsliil herein, liofenilnnla. You mid luicli of you are re quired to appear and anawer the com plaint IIM HKiiliiHt you In tun above lit li led null on or before tlm 2nd liny of Annual, A. I) Hll.'l, mid If yuu full to appear and gnawer for WHiit thorn- HI. I. of of of tlm plaintiff will kiiuly to lha court for Ilm relief dmiiiind.t.i In thn rum. pin lut da followi, lo wli: I'Vir a JudxiiK'Ut mill ducri'o Ly Mrl.li.lt II t.:.t.ll l. M..J .,1 " ii ii vii.!, iiw u"i.iiii m viiii llldtflirf tllllt a(lh lit auld ilf-fnnitiint J. idiluT or any of tiK'iii Iiuvii no natate or IntiTOKt wluitiivnr In or to th fol IowIhk di'acrlld lund and jirvinliiia, to-wli: l-oia flv (li), tlx (0) anil inven (7) In Knlon HUtnrn (ll'.l Towmililp Two U) noutn or itaiiKii I wo 12) f.aai or one hundred and twenty aeven (127) acn-a, morn or I'-aa, altuntn In tlm County of Cluckauiaa and Hlute of (In. iri. 11 of Alao that the title of tlm plaintiff la ifui.l mill viillrt Hint anlt rtiifiitiflun'. each or any of them and all of them lie forever enjoined and debarred from aaaertlng any claim whatever In or nininii)K Btiy rinun wuiovr m ur lo mild land and prpmlmi advr6 to thu plulutltl, and for nucb otbor and . . ' . , , . . .... 1 . , fiirlAur rnllnf In thn HriiwimiilR Court ahull loom meet and agreeable .millV . ..... Thla iinimoiia la mitillHhea niirau- - .K ant to an order made by the Honor- .I.I. J ll. ('.iiinh.-ll Jn.lue nf th ( 'Ir mil ' oun 01 inn main 01 urenuii, lur ini'aaiiina I miniv. on iiih liiiilu uut - --- , ..... . . . June. A. I).. 1913. The date of tho flral niihllcatlon being June 20th. 1911. --. - --. WM. HAMMOND Attorney for I'lalntlff. RummanL In the (Ircull Court or the State or .... I .. ...1 f... ' I n L n ... n Clackamas by the 0(hr party hereto, and for iU(.h olh.r and further reef ai ,0 line vuuri iht www upi r. . Service of this summons is mad upon you by publication, piirauant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Camp- bell. Circuit Judge of Clackamas Oa. nxmAa nn (hn 14th rfaV of Juno. 1913. directing such publlca- 1 umiij, firnuM, v ...v - ' ,1... in ih. nraiinn i iiv i-.nierDnae. once a week for six consecutive wee)(i (b. flr8t publication being Fri- Jnn. :othj j9j. and the last pnb- ll(,.flon beng Krldsy, August 1st, 191J hAniAO n UTTDCT ROSCOE P. HURST. No C10 Cham, of Com. lildg., Port- llU va -aw-af Attorney ror i-iainuu. iaf rMiiti ttt iimtii i i ui dnni ui .l.onri IHU thn Wlllainnlttt Mvrhlluu, conIttlninK I In th pronilm I.,., I -...I w 1 lOll rfkl. tircKim County va. vou to appear and anawer herein, ani - jomi ii. ,t iiiuif, ir.i HUI..I.. being at leasi i uum m ih ror WBnt tnereoi, tne piaiunu wm r i -,- I It. . ,1 I ' 1 1 1. I . lufnnjunl. I ... , .. .Ll. .. . ... anil ... a . II. . . .1 A I (VO, 8ummoni in in ui"." . ' , . a .. ,u. -... t. nt r I uric a. I ureaoo iur wo v.w..vj m.a rh.rloa A Ijikln. l'laintln. .... . ... i x- .... - --- I vs. ... Mrs. R- A. Wilis, Amy and Perry 0. Mogness ........J. h.a h, i. hand- Nellie S. jnaaiiDi, " - - "-- ltlodgett and Oeorge J. Illodgett, hor huabund; William W. Kerns anu Maria Kerns, his wife. Wellard S. Kerna and Martha Kerna. ma wiie. unra 1,. no Tnrrence: Elvira 11. Shane: Queen V. Harroll, William McWIIIIams and Hattle mc uubiiib. 1,1. .if.- lulls Ml'Willlnms blngie- ca onri Samuel SlnKlptnrv. nor L.i..nH, Hnnhmnla V. Luelllng; ik... 1 11. 1 nn Mnrv laiiisi inc. laurin Luelllng, Dale Hmltn, uuncan omuu ...1 n.,ii. Kmlth hla wife. Ullia nnu urii. . Dump, Emily A. Damp oors anii V.r her husband. n i.. n...n iiai.w i Miiiri eataie I n ...... 1 MLlrl'aatnif I and A C M dd e.U.: br husband. i i.i. .nri William Lively. vjrisz. n. M Preaar and . I? ".. ii, iMih Haran a. vrenej, ...a i Creasy and Ella creasy n.s , William W. cressy. "l,''u, it. riDiitrn - ' - a..a.nAAa i i 1 1 1 n inn n. r. i ii" i ranee. '..Van i J. Cressy and lell. ...... J, "if ,i,n all l0ZlT"an& unknown her nusniinu, r. j. v.i"i , . .! ii t eatnte ien clnimltig any right, title, estate, lien or interest ln the real e.iaie ed in the complaint nerem. , , t.m William Mc- To Mary Jane Toirence, llllam mc Williams ana i?e.n0sK band. Mary Luelllng. Lorln Lue- r 6.. PJ-'Lt"?,.. i. Z Kolta Droii", " I .-..ii.. a namn i.nn inu - Zorada Damp, Damp, . , MldJIestate ana a. u. 't, her hV'.ta! h hld and William Uvely. her husband. 8. P. Damp and Harriet ki. wifa R. E. Cressy. William a. .ni Murr Cresav. his Wife Oeorge M. Cressy and Sarah h. Cressy. bis wife, Joseph Cressy and Vila Creaav. his wife, William u- cr..y. Brt r. cr.. j U Hulen and U. r. imien. wr bsnd. F. J. Cressy and rannie t,rea ar. his wife, and each of you, also .ii .,k.a norann or oartles un- ll u"-' I- - ..... I known claiming any ngui, uu, tate. Hen or Interest ln the real estate, described ln the complaint herein, the above-namea ueieuu- .nla IN THE NAME OK THE STATE OF TV TUB, NAIHEa Ur iiioui. - OREGON, you and each of you are nereoj i"i"" -e. - . hereby required to appear anu anawer the ,nt - ---- - Saturday. the 2nd day or l un vi uw . ,, ... i.i.a. Vam . I Aaicriiaf 1 SI A &K1 UBltO lav vtm AURtHl. " , A n,tn Pkdateof the first publication of this J !u,m.. .r...... mi .n.r for want ran rawwr- " 7 ,h. tu above con" , h , a,d in his eomp. mi win ... j"":,-, ,-. ear . or you u;".ou def)m,. ,,lnMi to set up ln your i . . . i.i . v. - anis oo . - -,, answer to saia ron,.i. . nature of your several nature oi . . , l,,tiff in conflicting claim, to pWnUff in "dJ r r" 1 A of Ul. numbered Five (5) and summon. i police IS nereu; si' i"v - - , .i. riu..i fa.11, nt tha Slat of I a i a h.. Kaon annnlnttvi admin (), In Blofk Twnnly-olKbt (28), Ih. nt Mlluankli. tfVmnlY Cliu kiuimi, HUtte of ()rKon, th eral aiime apprnra or ri''iri on i:m junia and aurvnyi of aald Town nf Mil- uaiililn In tlm fifrlf. a.f Ilia n"Arl1.r l oiiviiyanitii In and f"r nu)1 Coun ty and Ktu'e; una tor aocrew i.ihi plulntllT In thn aliaolut owner In fi aliiipl of an Id run I propurty above dn-ai-rllicd and ovory part tln-rnof, ani that you dufondanui and eacb of you. anil any pi-ran 11 or pitraona nlalmliiR or lo claim dy, throtiKh or midor auld July dfundunti or any or (hum, have no rlxlit, til In, catale, H111 or liitnritHt In or (o the aald real proporty or any part threof, and that they and eali of them lie fororcr harred and eaton pud front aaaertltiK -or clalmlnK any rlKlit, tltlo, lion or Inti-reat In iaH real proporty. That plaintiffs tltlo In and to laid real property and tlm whole tboreof, he forever quletod, for plaintiff's coati and dlahiiraenienti herein and for inch other and further rtdlef a to tie To In vn.i Court may aem uat and eqtiitatue Thl. kfiitiimnn. la ntllitlahivl tiV order Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of U10 Circuit Court or the mate or Oregon, ror Clackainaa uouniy, wnicn oruer wai made and entered on 'the 17th day of June. 1913. rmia i.r fimL mill cation of thla aum rnona, Krlday, the 2th day of June, im, ana ma uain ui 1110 ihbi jjuimi- tat Ion thorfof U Friday, the lttt da? of An mutt, 1913, and the time of tie III . 1 1 .1 . aa piibllca'lon of aald aummona is il full unki frnm and after the date Of th flrat publication thereof. DIMICK ft D1MICK and O .K. haiku Attorneys for Pialntltr. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State o! Oregon for the County of Clacka maa Klnle M. Stewart, I'lalntlff vs Van R. 8tewart, Defendant To Van R. 8tewart, Defendant: in tne name oi iuo man, m wiuruu. t You are hereby required to appear nnn B...u.. il.. nmnlnlnt fllAii airalnat Hi. .nmnlnlnt fllAn airalnat I vou i the above entitled auit, on or hrnr the 2&tb day or Juu. A. v. ore the 20th day of July. A. p.. d 1913, that being the date Axed ror .. ii,.l,l. In lha nremlaes. I Th. aummona la served upon you pubUcat,on thereof once a week for BiiccpMive ww m iv.... City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of Keneral circulation, published in Ci,ckainaa County, SUte of Oregon, pur.aDt to the order of the Honor- ,bU) j. u. Campbell, Judge of the -v. r-urt Hnlv mndet ftnl iiwTB cuiii-icu vw. v. r. . I entered on the 6th day of June 5,111 1 ue oaie u. i" ... r , this summons Is June 13, 1913, and na. j . - fiMt riu ii ia r inn .11 1 of tbe lait pubiCatlon will be July 2s, 1913. EDWIN I.. MINAR and IXiNQ ,T. iiw.iva, Alfnrnnva for Plaintiff. 620 Henry Bldg., Portland, Ore, Admlniatrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the nn- oinw. " - . , . . . . .u. ..lata nf Joaonh .l igiraior ui u. - , i r.hoan. deceased. All persona having aii ni aca nst saia esiaie am - : . . i,.. - - - ... I.V. I by notinea to preem mo .u i..j ,ir.,nn wllhln alx months of the iiai.u, j dllte of the first publication of this notlce n.loal Inn 1 Itn. IHU W J KIRKWOOD, AdmlnlBtrator of the Estate of Joseph Charles F. Ixird, attorney for admin istrator. Summons. In the Circuit Cowrt of the State cf Oregon, In and for uacaamas vouu- Frances M. Thompson. Plaintiff. ty. . .... ri A To Howard A. nmP' zkts you U '"! cu""."-i before the 14tn day ot juiy. iio. ,, ... faii go to appear or answer, - -- - , t0 the court for ;ho ,.. nr.Ved for In said complaint. prayed for In said complaint, . .1 v, .-. to-wlt: a decree dissolving tne oonas to-wlt: a oecree '"''" " " . of matrimony aim iu iuii.n tract heretofore, and now "toto tween the piainun ana jouiooi. , .."w- nialntlff the care, custody and - - mlnor cMld of plalntlfI -d yoiir8plf. Krantlng t0 plalnt the sum of ilao.u'J represenuuB , feea ln m, sult and $50.00 r month monthly, aa alimony and oi i - and for such other and further relief a. itaU -f uiuci ail. . " - . tn th Court oroper ana jusi ia oquu. ....- .-.v.. ; I. marl. Service or tuis auiuuiuu. . - "S. wnit-i to ,hl Honorable J. U. Camp- bell" Circuit Judge of Clackamas t 0reKOn. made on the 29th day May uu, directing auch publlca- "'J""'' 'r. n, irtrnrlse publication being May 30th the ,agt publlcatlolI ben( . i. k ion E. I.. McDOUOAL. v. am Cham nf Com. Bid it. Port- a,u. i, i .. - , land, Oregon, Attorney tor riain tlff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Dmffnn for Clackamas county. Mae Stanley Plaintiff, va i , . Fred B. Stanley. Defendant. io rreu o. " of th ot Oregon. amvuuniii you are herby requireo 10 sppr.a I tha MM-nrtlttlnt fllAii Affalnst TOU i Kile? wi a,Mw " - I . ... .w.aa .ntltUH cauaa on or be- fore the 44th day of July. 1913, and lf you ,0 to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will ap- .i.. .n.,rt foe th relief "raved the M complaint . tjwit: k.or a decree ot the court dlfioMif marriage contract now existing k...aw,n nialntlff and defendant, and for .uch other and further relief a. may m equitable. 0" . summons by nnbl cation ".7.7; :. t ,h. Hon Vr. Tf ,V. Clli i it CamobelL Judge of the Circuit JL Vi7 Oio. for "o County, for the Fifth Ju- d.c.al District, directing tnai puo.ic tlon lie made In the OriiKon City Ku- i.rnrlii. w.Mlitv n.waiiaimr iif sun. rlrculatlon puhllihed at Oregon City, On-Kon, and tna'. puoiicaiion na rnaou once wnoa ior an niiniw:uu WMtmitn The date of first puhllcHtlon la Me -Wth, IHlil, ana tne mat puoitcauon m inn, OOHOON E. IIAYKH. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon. Hollla J. Tellt, I'lalntlff, v. Ida M, Tefft. Defendant Ma M. Tefft, hovo named defend fit- the name of the State of Oregon mrm hurnhv remilred to anoear and anawer the complaint flUd agalnit you In the above named ault. on or before the lHt day of Auguat, 1913, auld i; being the expiration of ill weeki from thn drat publication of thli aumrnona, illcatlon or this summons, , and If yo full to appear or sn.wer .til mim, n nt. fur want tnereof tne . iniir, .in :lv to th. court for the relief prayed for in nis omp.aini, dorr- dlaaolvlnr the bond. To of matrimony now exl.ltlng between ..rror otn.y ........... ... . Iieattn. Juage 01 ine o mi wo. ,f Tin SlVlZ th.?lme i YelrlZ. Of June, ed for publication thereof ! a x weeka beginning with tne laeueoatea, rrma, June 20th. 1913. and continuing eacn week therearter to ana lnciua.ng tne Issue of Friday Arler. ,r Plaintiff Attorneys tor Ptainttrr. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreaon. for the County of Clacka maa. Irvine Pier, Plaintiff, vs. Kathrene Pier, Defendant. To Kathrene I'ler, Defendant above nam -d in tne name oi me you are hereby required to appear and answer tne complaint uieu uerem ih. comulaini mea nersiu . y , ,De above entitle'. Court and cause, within six weens from the 4th day of July, 1913. aald . j I . V. I I vmiIii , ben(t th. firBl day of publlca- . ,nlg aummons. if jou fall so to appear or answer, nrder nrescribeS and directs wai 1 summons In this suit should be serven upon you by publication once a wee k ,ur oi. twMD "v. . -- 1 weeke m the Oregon City enterprise. a newspaper or general circuiauou the county or uacaamas. aiaie 01 unr gon. . cphmitt GO SO HM1TT Attorney for FlalDUn. . - . . T..1.. t . k i pate 01 nrsi puuuc.i.. -w iui 1 1 rj it nubllcatlon August, Date of taat publication. 1 15, 1913. In the Circuit Court of theState of Oregon for the Count, or cmcaa- Minnie R. Webber. Plaintiff. I . . ....j . 18. H. vveooer. ueieuuuuu . To S. H. Webber, the above-named de- fondant- I leiiuaui. I . name oi tne oiaie oi u6". u iuo uaii.o v. . w i . ,k. ..m. r ih. Ktftta or ureEou. i tnu nr hereby reoutrea to appear auu ','. ,. .ntnat vou aniww ui. wuipi. -o- ,.. .v. i. .i,i.a rm,rt and cause, 111 LUH .UVII rum - ' befor. the 15th day or August, Puu". . nA ...... ..M ynil jail LU Olf aperai ai.w . " - - ' mDlftlnt withln said time, the plain- tiff will apply to the Court for the re- cumii .Ui " , Hef prayed for ln plaintiff s complaint, . Irvft'lt . A decree dissolving tne douub ui matrimony heretofore and no exist- ,w 1 J Ing between piainim uu 5imu.a and for such other and further reuet .. n . . n,..t an.i as to tne ioun urn miu - ... i.ttnKlo Thl snmmnni U nnbliSilPQ in tu9 A U lO du"hiw a Oregon City Enterprise, by er or Hon. J. U. Campoeu, juuge oi iu above entitled Court, and which order Is dated the 27tn day or June, a. y. ion Th flrat nub cation oi mi umon. Is ida?. July 4th 1913 and lh. Atta nt the last miblicatton of this u a. m Notice. .. rnPpr.n x o . . -- ------ O DO III II i"aj vuuv.. . Notice is heerby given that Cather . application to the ----- . . clackamll County IUO AJJ Wll ... ' County Court of Clacnamaa iounij and State of Oregon, to nave nr namo Platts. persons are herby notinea o ! " P""" tna ,,..,. Court n ; Pl. r- Co lrthoU8e , ---- Countr swle , Oregon on the 14th day ot juiy. nf ten O.clock A. M.. ""'V r,rahnw cause if any there longed 'f Cn Oerk of Clackamas n..,n MOUIIIT, "6- . ...... v This notice la ordered pumisnea oj ThlMI0.t'c.e '"1 FT S -.K nn nt riaek- . - - made and en- m" 0U,57MVrSy of May. 1913. Dated Mar 29th. 1913. Dated May 2tn. isu. - n GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney fol Petitioner, Summons. Edward Joaeph Emery Thompson, Plaintiff. Va. T....ki.. R Thnmnaon. Defendant JUKjlUW " Tn Inaentilne . lnompson, auu i. k. nam. nf the State of Oregon .U lil" . . --- w . you are hereby required to appear ana answer the complaint meu su..i i i- .U. .k... nam.H .lilt. f)D or befOK in iuo niAi .u ----. .... ... ,i.k Am nt iniv 1913. aald date lua ili.i u.j v. ----- being the expiration or aix ween irum tht first publication of thli summon ..at ir fail to annear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plainlff will apply to tne coun ior iu relief prayed for ln hla complaint, to- For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing Between the plaintiff and oeienoani. iu.. u.u- i. nnhliahan hv order of Hon. .nulla - n n Beatle. Judge of the County made on the oc.k ai. nt Uht 1913. and the time prescribed for publication thereof is aix weeks, beginning with the issue A., -A SVtnav MAT 30th. 1913. SUd a.a.nfinuin. .ch welr thereafter and including the issue of Friday, Ju ly 11th. 1913. BROWNELL A STONE, Attorneya for Plaintiff. PROFESSIONAL Harvey E. Creta CROSS 8c HAMMOND ATTORN tYt AT LAW We have now moved to our permanent quarter In the Beaver Bulldlno. Next to th Andreaen Bulldlna. Real Eetate AbetracU Loana, Inaurance. ' JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer 'money to loan Summons. , ; -. ,. . . . XZLIX tT ", - "owe- ''Bintln, rKl,nd.nL Kredrlck E, H.wett. th. above '"""th. Btat(l of 0r0 - -ereby. retired to .ppear d answer tne comptaini men . . ftll . (h, .bo. .ntuled iUll, or -before the 11th day of July. "1 ll9 beln the "'tlon nnbllcatlon Vh, " -ummon, .n1 if. you uil to " ZmZlT for -- -- -- - . , . ,0 ,he Court for tb. relief prayed for the complaint, to-wlf. dlMolvlnf tns of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order or linn I IT CamDhell. Judge of the rironii rmin. hlrh order was made on the 2ord day of Mtay, 1913, and the time prescribed for publication there of is six weeks, beginning with the Usue dated Friday, nay jum, Mnnin .arii wwk thereafter ---- W and Including the Usue of Friday. ijui nm, WHEELOCK A WILLIAMS, Attorneya for Plaintiff. Ah.etffa Sal. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County or natsa- , TavTor Defendant for the Frei 1 Yi . I ayj interest thsro- K. -or.. n B mp rnt nixr an- ".. i7fh JL. ot December -" - of I1083 - thereon at the rate of 8 r cent, from the 10th day of per cent, iro waren, J9i, auu cui nn tttrnr-nnT tc. mna uiv sum of $66.05, costs and dla- ... bursemenU, And the costa or ana upon mmm.Hin me to make a.i. nf tho fnllnwinc described real i nmruirtT aiTiiRrn in iub cuumi . CUckamaa state of Oregon, to-wlt: u '7;.".-" ? JJ2 i rttni ui ' . irih.,1 aa fnllnwa- Bea-inninK at ine . - . reentrant corner In the South and Dounuoriu iu a. O...H. 1A aahalna- iuumu6 mcu w- -- -- , , -!.,. ,K. CnntH lln runninK meutc owuu. - meuce nrai - Lf aald claim No. 46. 33.64 chalna: i -- - . ... thence Nortn ZU cnains mrai I . . I soutn 85 aegi on or .halna- thence South 0.25 i avv.vw , ........ , - chains; thence North 8 degrees East ' v. ... ,.,.. c.h is is 33.27 chains; chains to the place ot beginning, con I Aii.a TO C O aniaaai halncr In PiflaCKA I LttlUIIlK ls.u --'o - I . rf-a I mas i.ounty, tsiaie 01 uresuu. Now, Therefore, by virtue of aald execution, juunmcui - and compliance with the commands a t a I, I will nn SatlirnaT th oi emu win, - I ., a a T..1 1 ml lha hmie I 26th day of July, 1913, at the hour of m nvinov a m at th front door of the County Court House ln the City of Oregon City, in saia uouniy auu State, sell at public auction, aubject to redemption, to the highest bidder. for U. S. gold coin casn in uanu, the right, title and interest which the within named defendants or eltier of them, bad on the date or tne mort gage herein or since had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing cosis. E. T. MASS, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By B. J. STAAT3. Liepuiy. Dated. Oregon City, Ore., June 21st, 1913. tummliH. In the Circuit Court of the SUte of Drwenn. for Clackamas touniy. Zwler Naber, Plaintiff, vs. ..... kt.v... riofondant To Mary Naber, the above named de fendant: i. ,k. .m. nt thn State of Oregon: you are hereby required to appear and you are nereoy requuru m Vv- answer the complaint filed against you .. k. .hna antittori court and cause within six weeks from the date ot the first publication of this summons, to wlt: on or before the 26th day of July. 1913, and If you fail to so ap pear and answer aaw comptaini u .k.. ..marl nialntlff will aODly tO said court for the relief prayed for In hla complaint herein, ic-wii, ior decree forever dissolving the bonis of matrimony now and heretofore ..i.iin. hatwaon maintin- ana oeienu- ant and for such further and diffr ent relief aa to ine coun ui.j meet and equitable in the premises. This summona is puousnea m ui..- suance of an order or Hon. j. y. c.k.11 inrin-a nf said Court made on the 10th day of June, 1913, and the time prescribed ln said oraer th nubllcatlon of this summona once each week for six successive weeks, and the date or tne nrsi pub lication of this summons la the 13th day of June, 1913. UHAKlafcS IA1M, Attorney for Plaintiff. KummOM. In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon, in and for uiacnamas County. Nellie F. Davies, Pallntlff. va. John T. Davies, Defendant. To John T. Davies, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and n.. ... a f tha onmnlaint filed BEainSt TOJ to in the above entitled suit on or before the 26th day of July, 1913, and if you fall so to appear or answer, plain tiff will apply to the court for the DIRECTORY : , . ; William Hmmon Main Street, Oregon City, Ore. WEINHAND UILDINO relief prayed for ln said complaint, to-wit: A decree severing and dlsaolvlng the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plain tiff and yourself, and for such other and further relief ln the premises as to the Court may seem Just and equit able. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Circuit Judge of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, mado on the 10th day of June, 1913, directing publi cation In the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six consecutive weeks, the first publication being June 13th, 1913 and the last being July 20th, 1913. ROSCOE P. HURST, Attorney for Plaintiff, 610 Cham, of Com. Uldg, Portland. Oregon. Phones Pacific S2 Home A-151 BROWNELL ft STONE Attorneys-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to U'REN A 8CHUEBEL Attornye-at-Lav Deutschsr Advokat ? Will practice ln all courta, make collections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. a t C. Da A D. C LATOURETTE w e I e Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real EiUte and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon. t I e a.ataaaeaSat W. $. EDDY, V. 1, M. D. Y. J Graduate of the Ontario VeUri- nary tuege ai ionium, vi"a, , and the MchUlllp Bcnooi 01 our gery of Chicago, U established at Faablon Stable, Fifth BL. be tween Main and Water Sts. Both TelephMCS. Offlice Pacific Main 65; Home, a an . - " n ... . r . . ID. Residence racmc, aisui xoi CLAUDE W. DEVORE. Attomey-at-Law NoUry Public Eatacada, Oregon. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 610 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. , equipment of mapa. pUU, abstract books and tax rolls. Agenta for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Tltlea Perfected. E. F. A F. 8. RILEY, Attorneya A Counsellors at Law .av.aa STRAIGHT & SALISBURY j We make a specialty of Install- Ing water ayatema and plumb- i Ing ln the country. We carry the Leader tanks and Stover en- I glnes. We have a full line of ( Myers pumps and stray pumps. Prices always lowest 720 Main 8t Oregon City J Phone 2682. e ...... O. D. EBY AnA,n.vjl.LlW . , . Money loaned, abstract furnish- . 1 ed. land title examined, estates I settled, general law business, i Over Bank of Oregon City. - l ior ia of TU Whhhey With. eat a Regret r afln. wit a flayer that tick I. the B-aUt aJ ! Knaara ia the aoamory. E rOKSALtBY LEADING DEALERS. GOOD OLD LW. t-jA WHISKEY