MH" Mormon Tab.rnaoti. - i iKK CITY, I'tali, Jn 1. nnmniUlo In char ma It. irm or fur llm annual 0' '""fth Null"-"" Kill''"""" tioB ' minim I In OOII vn (IhIIX ,t llM CT r advims """ "" lp,., c. will mWIU " I.Ik! BSBIlcIl ! H Will I'll llm TlllMTIIit'l". rainuua i..r p""n"n J.' Kl.d.rftil acoustic UKV- prop sr.. , C(,nn.oout oo,, Tour,y' 25.- KK ,'fo he ch nin mi pn"1 .jil it If ill BB l'M H'U UUU'T HI ySlw Country club. fii Wants, for Sale etc. "TTaic -Indian Itunimr Puck .... li rnr u "y "" ,W iLnllton. Route 1. Owm CUT' u.K or TIIAIB:-Homm and w in KK"" r ' or K, Will Muohnke. Or.gou CUr unnn FOR 8ALI. ,. ."rto.d of II Inch, Otk ooi I """""' Irrlii. Aurora. Oregon. nm SAl.K - Thoroughbred Duroc L.. N.r plita. II. Tliel.acn and Mia, M ll sukin. J; t ss' icutrl'i Notice. Noilr la htTxl'X glvn ihnt inn un a-rikaed. Executrix of lh mat of J.Tn IUrl.-. dm.l. bas IIUhI h..r rinal Afroui. r..ln will. Dm Cmn- , ork ..f '' ;','' fr ,,,n and Ihn "n r Judge Una MtNaJaf. Julr b", h""r .,10 orkH-k A M. at lha County Court Hwn. I" Oregon City. Orgtin. kl dainty and Hiaif. ll" .,ud '"r hi'arintt objectlone 10 uid Final Ai--tiiint and for 0m Flunl Milrmrtit of '! 'IM. J K.N NIK IIAKI.KrIS. Kiwutri. 0 It. Ell V. Allorni'T for K otrl. IMIrj, Jllll" '.''.'I., I"'- In lh t'lt -)t C'.mil "1 Hit Nwli. nf Or- r (nr i'i.' I'uun.v. .! MlalT. I'lnliilllt. W Wl"r I'rf.-lidHlll ... . T Hi HUlrr. Uii- Ihh limner 1 rpti.l 'ih iim. f Hi" Hint f w hi l' l ltuHllr. l 111" n'"l lB-r olhrtln lO lilallllilT rnni.hlnl i.ii III 111 wllliiil unit mililn n tha li"lll 4.1. ill II"- fllt ! il'll. nlli.ll uf llll" Hum- in.1 t..n olll Inkn li.illr Hint If vmj fill m l.i nin-nf Mini Hj!i"W.T r .! rHr pl.n.l I" flrtlMt IfT .illlilllll Willi III H I.I lima lln I'lullllllf liH ll lt-rr-vl lll mi'y In Hi" i-""'! frn- ll irld-f hi)r.l 'ill In l-l jlnllft r..tll.lillht. ll- ll ( iKi'ti- f.i'irr lt.illl 111 IM..I.IP ol mil'limiliv li. w mi. I li"-lif"f rlil IM ri'rn i.iit 'iii'l ii. ilitiniirT litii i-iri ; thai IW itlalnlllT In a;ililij Ihc rnr-. rt,I..U in. ii.iiltiil "f I.hi V. Hint iIk minor ( Hi" ilnlnll(f ami 'I" l.n.lsfil he-rin, mill for muh ullur li. (ultlirr rrll. f ai In til. -'Ult lll'l)' lU'Oin Bi"l atwl f.iuli.ili!r liiit-ln V..U fui li . i luk millx Hint till" In iwlHli-l iiiiiiiiI In all or ilrf of III. II. in. .mi l.. K II. Itrnlliv Jll'lt.'" nf Ihr- I'.mtilv r.illtf nf III.- Hltll nf OT,.n f..r li,.. r.iimiv of ri i, kjinii", ftiftilf In ii..ii ...till int. I tittle! tilt III. ruy til J'Uii. f'll 1 .ill will litriltrr iiibp IIiv llul 11. Ilml of til." tLinmiitu In Krl.lwf, tilt fclh ttnv Of Julif. I'iII J II I.AWHKY. A 1 1 ..r ii. fur I'luliiliff Summona. Marfturvt K. Walhh, I'lnlntlff, va. Howard J. Wiilnh, I)-felnliilil. T'l llounrd J. WuNIi, abovu liatnod ,i- (I'lulniil: In Iihi iiuinn nf tht- State of Ort-uon. yoo ire hereby required lo npixtar and iiii,t ihn riiinplalut lll.'d nmtlnat you lo th't aliut e tiuined ault, on or before tr 1m day of AukuM. HH:i, aald dnia being Mm eirutloii of alx weeka from ha Drat pulilli iiin of thla aunimoi.a, nil If )mi (;ii to atipt'ttr or ntiawir wid rniiipliiint, fur vnnt thereof tho Haiii'irr njipiy to tho court for thn relief pruyi-il fur It. her complain', to-it: For a de ree iIIhhoIvIiik the bou U nf nintrlimiiiy now (xlallnR Detwceil b plHlntirf ami dofend'nit. Thla aumnmna la pub.Uhed by ortler of H. H. Iii'iitle, .lutlun of thn County Court, blrh ortb r wa mndo on din ltu day of June, mu, Bm the lllno pr IftlU-d publication tlwroof la alx wka, liediiiilim with I Iki laauo dated, "Way, Junn :i)th. 11(13. and coutlnu ln earh we-k Iheretiflnr lo and In fliidlnx tlie iHniie of Krlduy, Auguat lal. 1913. HUOWNEl.L 8TON12. Attornoya for I'laliitlff. Summona. la tlw Clrculi Court of the Btata of 'rt'Ron for tha County of Clacka tnaa. 1-fna R. Holll, Plaintiff, va ' MrKart June Watnnpaugh, Mai tha "rerkenlleld. Johanna llartlett, narlrt Hchnnno, Kmll Bchanno, tmma Hartholet, Antonntte Katrou, lilan White, l.llll Wlrth. Alfred nehanno, Clarence Sclianno, Agnnl Bchanno, alao all other poraona or Partle. unknown, claiming any right "I, eamte, lien or Intnreat In the "al ratine dearrlbed In tha com plaint heroin. . Defendanta. IN ' THE NAME OK THE STATU or f'RKdON: To Margaret June WalenpBUKh, Mar ha llretkennnld, Johanna llartlett, Uiarles Bchanno, Emll Bchanu), f-uiina llartholel, Antonntte Katrou, '-oiilae White, Mllle Wlrth, Alfrnd nchanno. Clarence Bchanno. Agnea Hchantio, alao all other pnraona or partlea unknown, claiming any r'Kht, tltln, eitnte, lino or Intereat thn rnnl atate Jacrlbed In tie fnniplalnt herein, Defnndanta. on and oach of you are rn 'I'Mred to appear and answer the com lilt?! aitalnat you In the bora 'nolcd ault on or before tha 2nd day ' Aiixuat. A. U., 1913, and If you fall 0 appear and anawer for want there- the plaintiff will apply to the court or the relief demanded In the com "''ill as followa. to-wlt: whi I J'-'-Kiwnt and decree by T,h " ":m" De declared and ad ' ni:cd that each of aald defendant. "'r cr any of tbm hava no eatate ln.V rest h'p' er In or to tlie fol io, wit 1,'",'rliM'd 1,nl nd premlaea, ' five (r,). six (C) and aeven (7) (" "ctlon Slutcen (1) Townnh'p Two tit. ",,h Ran Two 2) Kaat of Willamette MerMLin. containing on nundred and twenty acven (127) fv,A" "mr" or f9- altuate In the Owp.n 'll,,amn nl1 8,a, of 'J8' thn till of the plaintiff la narh Tlld- ,nat M dcfeixlan'a. hn f,,,r nr of nd all of them aa.?,'r enJlnd and debarred from to ttii"? ,ny cUlra wbaterer In or a '""d and premlnea adverae lo lit plrtltitlff, and for amh other ami fiirthor rtillnf aa to Ilia . Ilnmiriililn Court al.Mll imtiii iiitt.a and auroaalila to oijiiliy. Thla auiiiiiiiina la iiiIIIm?i 1 mrau anl lo ait orlr iiihiIk liy llm liinior. ahttt J. V, Catiiilinll, iIikIkn of tliaClr mlt Court of llm Hluln of Ornaon, for Cliii kaniiia Coiiiiiy, mi llm litinl. iluy of Jiiiiii, A. I llll.l. Tim diim of ihn flrnl piihllcalloii Itnlnn Junt zoih, Hill, and Hi tints of tim Iiiki iiiiiiutl'ji lilliK AiiKimt lal, A, I)., Ili;. WM. HAMMOND, Alloriiity for i'laliitlff. Summont. iioi ia j. Trri, riiiimiff, va. Ida M. Trtfft, Dufi'iidiiiil, To Ma M. Ttiffl, aliovii ihiiihhI anl: In Ihn iiHinti of thn Htitla nf Orrxon you are hnnthy r'tilrcd lo apix-nr nu,l aii itr ihn roiiiiliilnl lll..( aKulnat yon In ihn nliova iimnnd anil, on or Itufurn Ihn lal day of Annual, l!H:i, anlil dal linlnx 1110 iilrailim of all wui-ka from tlio II r tit iiulilli-iitlnii of ihla aiiiiuniiiia, ami If 011 full to mipcur or ttnawir aiild romiilaliil, for waul tlwrnof llm plaintiff will apply lo the court fr llm rt'llitf (iraynd for In hi complaint, loll: for dnfrt-n dlaaolvliiK thn I1011U of liiatrlinony now rUllliiK lntwitin tho pl.iliitlfr and ditfi'iidant. T'il aiiiiiitiiuia la by ortlor of l(. II. Ilt atlit, Jtiilitu uf thn Comity Court, hU li ortir vraa nintln 011 tint IVlh day of Jiiiin, 1 11 3. and thn lima irai:rlli- ttl for imhlli ntlmi tlitTt'iif la alx wttolia lii' llh lht Uatindalnil, Krlila, Jiilin L'mli, 191.1, and rnntltiulna mrn rmk (hfrrafti-r lo ami liirludliiK thn laauo of hrlflny, AiikunI lt, I9U. IIHOWNKI.I. HTONK, Attonmya for I'lalnl Iff Summona. In tha Circuit Court of the Htnm of Omgon, In and for ClNckamna County, Marie U Wllhlte, I'lnlulirf, va. Jnlin II. Wllhltn, Defendant. To John II. Wllhltn, Defendant: In tin name of the Htata of Oregon, you am bernby required to appear and unawnr to thn complaint died attain! you lu the ahovn nut It lint ault on or hrforn the 2nd day of Annual, 1913, and If you fall ao to appear or anawer. plaintiff will apply lo thn court fir thn relief prayed for In aald complaint town: A docrna dlaaolvliig the lunula of matrimony and the n.nrrlniin contract heretofore and now rtlatlng !wlwrii the plaintiff and yiuraelf. decreeing oat h party hereto lo bn the aliaoliitn owner of their rvapectlva iroperllea. free frtnn all claim lu and to Dm aamn by thn other party hen-to, and for mil other and further rv'lef aa lo thn Court may aeem n-l and prop- nr. Hervlre of thla aummona la nud upon you br piiltlirntloii, piirHiinnt to an order of llm llouorubln J. I'. Camp bell, Circuit Juttte of Cluckamua County, OreKon, madu 011 thn llth da of June, 1913, dlr.-ctlng am i. publlca- tlen In Hm Oregon City Kuti-rpriae, mien a week for all conaecuilve Wiel.a, the nrtt iiiililli-ntlim being Frl day, June 2otb, 1913, and tho laat pub In M lull being Krlduy, Auguat lat, 1913. HOSCOK l. IICItST. No 61 J Cham, of Com. Hldg.. l'ort l:iud. Or.'Koli. Attorney for I'laliitlff. Summona. In the Circuit Court of I'ib State of OreKon fur thn County of Clacka nu.a Charlea A. Ijiklu, I'lnliUIIT. va. Mra. It A. Wllla, Amy K. Mugnna and Terry (i. Mngnnsa, her hiiMltand: Delia M. McCarver and Oconto W. MrCarvor, her liUMhnnd: NSIIIn 8. Illoilitett and Oeorgn J, HlodKeii. her huKltind; William W. Kema and M:irli Kertia, hla wife. Wellnrd S. Kvrna nnd Martha Kerna. hla wlfo, Mary Jane Toiremn; Kivlrn II. Hlian: ijucen V. Ilnrrell. William .McWTIIama and llattln McWIIIInnia, hla wUi; Julia Ml WIIIIaina Sliitflii tary and Samuel Blnxli'tary, her IiiimIi.iiiiI; Hoihnuila V. l.i.elllnK, Don Liielllng. Mury l.u'llin. l.orln I.iii'IIIiik. Dun Kmltb, Diinian Smliil and Itetta Smith, hla wlf.t. tiilhi Diini. Kmlly A. Dump (lora and (!or, her huaband, Zorada Damp. Iletay J. Mldd'eataln and A. O. Middleman, her huabnnd. Hell In l.lvolv anil William Lively, iier hauhand. 8. I. Damp and liar rlet A. Dump, hla wife. It. B. Crea sy, William Creaay and Mary Crea ay, lila wife, tleorpe M. Crcaay and Harah E. Creaay, hla wife, Joa lh Crenny and Ella Creaay. hla wife. William . Cronay. Erneat K. Cres ay, Kruncei 1 Hulen and II. K. Hu lun, her huabnnd. K. J. Creaay and Kaiitile Creaay. hla wife, alao all other poraona or parties unknown claiming any right, tit lo, eatato, Hen or internal In the real estate describ ed In the complaint herein, DefenJ anta. To Mary Jane Tormnce, William Mc Willltima and llattln McWIlllams. hla wlfo. Julia McWllllama Slnglo tary and Samuol Slngk-ttiry. her hus band, Mary Limiting, Lorln l-uel-llng. Dale Smith. Duncan Smith anl Hotta Bmlth. hla wife. Gllla Damp, Emily A. Damp Cora and (lore, rior huaband. Zorada Damp, tlotay J. Mldilloatate and A. C. Mid dleatatn, her husband, Hettle Lively and William Lively. br husband. 8 P. Damp and Harriet A. Damp, hla wife. It. E. Creasy, William Cressy and Mary Creasy, his wife, George M. Cressy aud Sarah fc. Creaay, hla wlfo, Joseph Cressy and Ella Cressy. hla wife. Wllllnm i). Creasy, Erneat F. Cressy, Francis L. Hulen and H. F. Hulen. her hua band, F. J. Cressy and Fannie Crea ay, bla wife, and each of you. alao all other persona or parties un known claiming any right, title, ee tBte, Hen or Interest In the real property described In the complaint iTilir name OF THE STATE OF OHEOON, you and each of you are hereby required lo appnar and anawer ... s..n...iuini flinrl aitainst you and each of you In the above entitled suit on or before saturciay. mn u u, ... Auguat, 1913. aald date twlng the ex piration of alx weeka from and after the dale of the first publication of thla iimmons, and If you and each of you - . ,.,.o.r mnA answer for want inn tti ri - , thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the above court for tn8 reuei ouiu In hla complaint on Ale herein, anl will take Judgment against you and each of you aa follows, to-wit: . .n.l each of you defonil- anta be required to act up in your anawer to said compiaini iu ... r aavanil adverse ana conflicting clalma to plaintlfl In and to the following aescriueu w ""lr.... hered Five (5) md nil t lAim m. - - Ittu. Six (6, In Illock Twenty-elpht (2MI. In the Town of Mliwaukle, County . ci.ia nf Orecon. as the aame appears' of record on tie plats and aurveya or saia m 1.1- i h nfr.ra nf ihn Recorder aautlie, im 1 " - - 1. ... of Conveyancea In and for aald Coun- OKKflON CITY ty and Htain; and for a doorea Plaliillff la Ilia ahaoluta owner In fn lmil of an Id rual proimrty alxivn do rrlliml and nvnry purt thiirwf, au.1 that you dufi'iKliiiiia and mu h of you. n,l any purnon or pitrr.oua dalmlua or li t'ltilm hy, tliroiiKli or iindr aald d.'fitii(,iiiia or any of thmii, hava no rlKl.1, lllln, (talato, Ili n or Intnmat In or to Ihn an Id noil propnrty or any part thrnof, and that limy and ac'.i of thfin ha fornvKr hurmd and natop Pl from aartlnK or rlalmlng any rlKht, lllln, tu or lnlirat In aal'l n-al propirly, That plaliitlfta tltln In and lo aald n-al iiroimrly and IIm whnln tlmroof, hn forovnr qiilntftl, for plaliillfT'a Poata mid dlaltiiranii ta IhtIii and for ain h otht-r and fiirtlmr n-llef aa to tin Court may mwii )ut an l miultuhln In tho rrtnlaia. Thla rtiimuiofia la pitlillalicd by ordnr of Hon. 1. II, ChiiipIihII, Jiidxn of thn Clrnilt Court of thn Ktatn of Or'K(in, fir Clai-kaniaa County, which onlt'r waa uindn and eiiinnd on ih 17th Uny or Juiin, 1tti:i. Dutn of drat imlilli atlun of thin tun niona, Krltlay, thn 2"t;i day of Junn, ami inn ialn of (tin laat pulill I'lltl'in tlutritof la Kritluv. Ilia lat tin of Aiixuat. 11)11 and thn limn of fin piilillni'lnn of auld aummona la all iiiii wiM-Ka frntii and after tl.a data of Hi llrat piihllt atlun thnrnof. IM MICK DIMICK and (J K. HAYKH Attornnya for I'lulntirr. Summona. In thn Circuit Court of thn State of Oregon for Ihn County of Clackn ni 11 a. Elaln M. Stewart. I'lalntln. va. Van It. Stewart, Defendant. To Van It. Htnwart, Defendant: In the'namn of tbn Htatn of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear und anawer thn complaint filed agalnut you In thn above entitled ault, on or before Hie 2.rth day of July, A. I). 1913, that being the date fixed for you to appear and answer herein, and being at least alx weeka from the first publication of thla summon; and you are hereby notified that If you fall to ao appear within said time tho plaint Iff for want thereof will apply to thn court for thn relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a Judg ment and decree of thla court that the marriage contract between the plain tiff and thn defendant bn dissolved ou thn grounds of cruel and Inhuman (raiment and personal Indignities ren dering lifn burdensome, and that the plaintiff have Judgment and against the defendant for her costs of thla ault and for such other and further relief aa may be Just and equitable In the premises. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six successive weeka In tho Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, published m Ctackaiuaa County, State of Oregon. ptirmuint to thn order of the Honor- aid.) J. I'. Campbell, JudKn of tbn above entitled Court, duly made anl etiteml on the (tth day of June. 1911. Thn date of tho first publication jf thla summona la June 13, 1913, and ef tbn Inst publication will be Jul)' 2.1. 1913. EDWIN L. MINAIt and J. M. l.ONd. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 620 Henry llldg.. Portland, Oro. Administrator's Notice. Notion la hereby given that the un dersigned has been appoint -d admin latpitor of thn estate of Joseph . (iheen, deceased. All persona having clnlma asalnst aald estate are here by notified to present the same with proper vduchera, duly verified accord Inn to law, at the office of the under signed attorn -y, 1019 Yeon Hldg., Port land. Oregon, within six months of the ditto of tho llrat publication of thla notice. Dated, June 20th, 1913. W. J. KIRKWOOD. Administrator of the Estate of Joseph V f:li.iti llorenaed Clmrles K. Ird, attorney for admin istrator. Notice of Administrator Sale of Real Property. NOTICE IS HERHY GIVEN, that In piiraunn of an order of the County Court of the Stat of Oregon for the county of Multnomah made May 31a'., 1913, duly entered in the matter of tho estate of Thomas Mercer Simlstnr. deceased, the undersigned, Adminis trator of said estate, from and after the !l day of July. 1913. l!l pro reed to acll at private sale all the Interest the docedent hnd at tha tlmn 1,1. ,i..iii nr which hla estate now has. to-wlt, an absolute equitable ownership, aubject to tho claim of Goorgn R. MncDougall In the sum of $4071.11. with Interest thereon at sev en per cent, rrom urerauwr mi. tt", in and lo the following described real property, situated In Clackamas County, Oregon. 10-wu: Northeast quarter of Southwest .... vh i.i or RW i-4l and South .intuit-. .-i - . . half of Soiithweat quarter (S 1-Z 01 8W 1-4) of Section lour tii, i'"if ..-.:. 111 Smith Ranee five (6) Eait of the Willamette Meridian. Terms or sale, casn or oii-inuu more cash and the balance on credit. ..... t. mnrteace on the land or the portion thereof sold upon credit uiion coniirmaiion 01 aui vj - .-.. and the execution of Administrators deed. Hltls will be received for the sale of aald land in one parcel, or .u aeparate parcels, at the office of the riiv Knternrlse in Oregon City Oregon, at the offices of Piatt & Pllitt, 911-8 Hoard OI irauti iiiub., ,...t,.ni nroann. or at the office of the undersigned In the Spalding Hldg., Portland, Oregon. 1 ...i ttti. ,at. in Port and Trust Company of Oregon, which the admin istrator will cause to be conveyed free of all equltle.8 and incumorancea u at nrtea and on terras l)liri:iintteii t f- awoptabln. Abatract will be furnish ed and reasonable time given for ex amination of aame. Sale will be aul ject to confirmation by the Court. For runner pariu:uii, iu.....-o the Administrator in the Spalding Hulldlng. Portland, Oregon, or ol Piatt A Piatt, hla attorneys, No. 901-8 Hoard of Trade Hulldlng, Portland, 0reKn- un.l.lAVft a. TURNER. Administrator of estate of Thomas Mercer Slmlster, Deceaaea. Summona. In the Circuit Court of the State cf Oregon, In and for Clackama Coun ty. Frances M. Thompson. Plaintiff, va. Howard A. Thompson, DefendanL To Howard A. Thompson, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand anawer to tho complaint flltfd against you in the above entitled ault on or before the 14th day of July. 1913, and If you fall ao to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In aald complaint, . t.. . i-na rtlMolvlnc the bonds ttfnti. m - . . of matrimony and the marriage con tract heretofore ana now c"i's - ENTERPHTKK, FRIDAY, twnnn tha plaintiff and youraalf ; grant ing to plaintiff tl.a earn, cuatody and control of lha minor child of plaintiff and yourai lf; granting to plaintiff thn mn of 1125.00 rnprnanntlng coata and ittonicy'a fnna In thla ault, and I.IO.'i'i pur niot.tli monthly, aa alimony and mulnttiiiaitc) nionny for tha a.ipport of tho phlt.tlff and aald minor child hnrttluht'forn nmntlonnd; and for au b other and further rnllef aa a'mll annm to tha Court proper and luat In eiiulty. Hnrvlcn of thla aummona la madnl upon you Ity publication, puraunnt 10 an order of tha llonoraltln J. V. ( amp hell, Circuit Judgn of Claikamoa County, Oregon, niailn on tha 2Uth day of May, 1913, directing; am h publica tion In tha Ornicon City Kntvrprlaa oncn a wnnk for all conncutlva wneka, thn Brat publication being May 30th, 1UI3, and thn laat publication bnlng July Uth 1913. E. !.. McIKIIJOAL, No. (510 Cham, of Com. Illdg., I'ort- Innd, OreKon, Attorney for I'laln tiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Mae Stanley Plaintiff, va. Kred II. Stanley, Defendant. To Fred II. Stanley, the above named defendant: In the name of thn State of Oregon, you are hnrby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In thn above entitled cause on or be fore tbn 14th day of July, 1913, and If you fall ao to appear and anawer for want thereof thn plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for In the aald complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the court dissolving thn marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for aucb other and further relief aa may aeem equitable. Service of Summona by publication thereof Is made by order of the Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of thn Btnte of Oregon for Clackamas County, for the Fifth Ju dicial District, directing that publica tion be made In the Oregon City En terprise, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation published at Oregon City, Oregon, and tiiat publication be made once a week for six consecutive weeks. The date of first publication la Mn 30th, 1913, and tbe last publication la July llth, 1913. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice. To Whom It May Concern: Nnili-a la heprbv tiven that Cather ine Lyon has made application to the County Court of Clackamaa county and State of Orexon. to have her name changed to Catherine Platte. All tiersons are hnrby notified 0 appear before the County Court In thn court room at the Courthouse In Oregon City, Clackamas County. State of Oregon on the Nth day of July, 1913. at the hour of ten o'clock A. M., of Bld day to show cause If any there be why said name should not no thiini'iMl arrordlns to the nraver of the petition now on file In the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon. This notice la ordered published oy order of tbe Honorable R. H. Heatlo, Indira nf thn Countv Court of Clack amas County, Oregon, mndo and en tered on the 29th day or May, vtia. Dated May 29th, 1913. CATHERINE LYON. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney fn Petitioner.. Summons. Edward Joseph Emery Thompson, m.i.iial I lUiIillll .ToBepMna B. Thompson, Defendant To Josephine H. rnompaon, a rove nama aerenaani: In tha nnntn nf thn State of Oregon tan nra hor.thv renuired to nonpar and answer the complaint filed against you In tbe above named suit, ou or oeiore 11.0 mh rfuv nf .Inlv. 1913. aald dnte being the expiration of six weeks from tht first publication or mil aummona ir vnn full tn nnnnar or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plalnlff will apply to tne court tor me relief prayed for In his complaint, to- wit: For a decree dissolving the bontla nf mnlrlnwillV nnW eXlBtillK betWeel the plaintiff and defendant. Thla aura- mona is putmsneu oy orucr ut imu. 11 it Untitle .Tnden of the County Court, which order waa made on the 2Sth day of May. 1913, and tne lime ,.rar.riitl fnr nulillcflt Ion thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated. Friday. May 30th, 1913, and ..nntimiin eaeh pelt thereafter to and including the issue of Friday, Ju ly llth, 1913. HROWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice of Guardian's Sale. In the County Court of the State of Oivgon, for the County or uacita nias. In the Matter of the Guardianship or the person and estate of Alma Hui bard, a minor. Mntira la hereby liven, that the undersigned, Guardian of the person and estate of Alma Hubbard, a mt kv authority and direction of an order and license of sale made and granted by the Honorable R. B. uea tie. Judge of the above entitled court .,nr.n tha 9Sih dav of May. 1913, will on or after the th day of July. 1913, at ten o'clock A. M. sell at private .ni ail nf tha rleht. title and interest of aald Alma Hubbard In and to theJ following described real proparty, to- It tn undivided one ninth Interest In and to the West half of the North west quarter of Section Two (2), Township Five tol souw, 01 mango Two (2) East of the Willamette MitrMiati situated In Clackamas County, State of Oregon. The sale of said real propeny win k. m.ria nn nr after the time and date knffA fftvan And be aubiect to the confirmation of the above Court. BIJs receivable by the underslgnea ai me n-ioo r mi attorneys Dlmlck & nimlrk. Orecon City. Oregon. Terms of sale, cash tn band. HESS E C. HUUHAKU. of the person and estate of Alma Hubbard, a minor. nt,i nr flrat nuhlicatlon of thla no tice, Friday. May 30th. 1913, and of the last publication thereof, naay, June 27th, 19U. DIMICK & D1M1UK., Attorneys for Guardian. Summona. In tha Circuit Court of the State of nrnn for Clnckamae County. Cella U Hewett, rialntlff, vs. p.riri v. Hewtt. Defendant t Fre.lrirk E. Hewett. the above nmp.t ripfefldant: la the name of the State of Oregon, you arj hereby required to appnar the comolaiut filed against yon In the above entitled sull, n- hrnra tha litn aar 01 Juir 1011 aoiri Hata helnar the expiration of alx weeka from the flrat publication ,TUNF! 27, 101 X of thla aummona, and If you fall to appnar or answer this complaint, for want thereof tha plaintiff will apply to tha Court for thn roller prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bondt of matrimony now exlutlng between the plulntlfT and defendant. ThU aummona la publlahed by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order waa made on the 23rd day of Mby, 1I3, and the time prescribed for publication there of Is alx wnnks, beginning with the Isaue dated Friday, May 30th, 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the Isaue of Friday, July llth, 1913. WHEEIX)CK at WILLIAMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summona. In the Circuit Court of thn State or Oregon, for Clackamas County, Mayme L. West, nalntlff. va. Frank 0. West, Defendant. To Frank O. West, the aboee-named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint fll -d against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 7th day of July, 1913, and within six weeka from tbe dnte of thn first publication of thla ium mons, and If you fall so to appaar and answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint herein filed against you, to-wlt: for a decree forever dla solving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between yc-u and pltlntlff. and allowing plaintiff to resume her mald-n name of Mayme L. Ogdn, and for such otber, further and different relief as to the court may aeem meet and equitable. This summons Is published In pur suance to an order of the Hon. R. B. Healle. County Judge In the absence of ths Judges of the above en titled court, dated May 22nd. 1913, which ordjr provides that thla sum mons be published in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper pub lished In said Clackamas Couiv, Ore gon, aald publication to be made not less than once a week for six con secutive weeks. Tbe data of the first publication of this summons Is May 23rd, 1913, and tbe date of the last publication there of Is July 4th. 1913. MOSER & McCUE. and WMl A. WILLIAMS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1524-29 Yeon Bldg.. Portland. Ora. 8ummons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Zwler Naber. Plaintiff, va. Marv Nnber. Defendant. To Mary Naber, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: you are hprehy required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the nbove entitled court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to- wlt: on or before the zim day 01 July, 1913, and If you fall to so ap pear and answer said complaint the ahovo named plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief prayed for In his complaint herein, to-wit, for a decree forever dissolving the bonis of matrimony now and heretofor? existing between plaintiff and defend ant, and for such further and differ ent relief aa to the court may seem meet and equitable in tne premises. This summons Is published In pur suance of an order of Hon. J. U. Capmbell, Judge of said Court, made on the 10th day of June, 1913, and the time prescribed in said order for the publication of this summona Is once each week for alx successive weeks, and the date of the first pub lication of this summons is the 13th day of June, 1913. CHARLES tA 1 KS, Attorney for Plalntil. Summona. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Clackamas Countv. Thomas' Farrell, Plaintiff, vs. Mfirv Farrell. Defendant. To Mary Famll, Defendant: in the name nf ihn state or Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and minr tn tha rnmnlaint filed asahlBt you in the above entitled suit on 01 before the 30th day 01 June, iku, ana If you fail so to appear or answer, niointin' will aiinlv to the Court for the relief prayed for In said com plaint, to-w'.t: a decree dissolving ttn bonds of matrimony and the marriage enntraet heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and yourself, and for such otner ana iunner rsnei iu the premlsea as tbe Court may deem Just and equitable. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of the Honorable , R. B. Po.tio rvnintv Judee. acting In Xhe absence of the Circuit Judges of Clackamaa County, Oregon, maue ou the Uth day of May, 1913, airecting such publication in the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six con secutive weeks, the first publication being May 16, 1913, and the last pub llcation being June 27, 1913. E. Lu Mcuuuuan, Attorney for Plaintiff. G10 Cham, of Com. Bldg., Portland, Oregon. Sharlfr'a Sale. In the Circuit Court of tha State of Oregon, for the County or ClaiKa- mna Stephen S. Bailey, Plaintiff, vs. Ella F. Taylor, Fred W. Taylor, W. J. Patcrson, Lenora S. Day, ana r. 1. Cmu.a and fomnnnv. Defendants. State of Orogon, County of Clacka maa aft. Hy virtue of a Judgment order, de- raa and an execution, ouiv issueu nut nf and under the seal of the above entitled court, in the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and datea the 19th day of June. 1913, upon a juag mpnt re ndered and entered In said court on the 19th day of June, 1913, in favor of Stephen S. Bailey. Plain tiff and Acnlnst Ella F. Taylor an! Vrod w Tavlnr.' Defendants, for the sum of $15,000.00, with interest thsre on t tha rate of 8 ner cent oer an num from the 27th day of December. 1911, and the further sum of $106.83 with interest thereon at the rate of A nor renr from the 10th day o' March. 1913. and the further sum of tnnnn aa attorney's fee. and ta further aum of $66.05, costs and dis bursements, and the costs of and upon this writ, commanding me to mako aula nf thn followinK described real nmnortv. sitimte in' the county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-wit: All that part of the D. L. C. of, Jesse Bullock and wife known a3 claim No. 46 In Tp. 2 South R. t East of the W. M. bounded and de scribed as followa: Beginning at the reentrant corner In the South and East boundaries in said claim and mnnlng thence South 10 chains; thence West tracing the South linn of aald claim No. 46. 33.64 chains: thence North 20 chains; thence South 85 degrees West 20 chains; PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY, Hirvay E. Cross CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS AT-LAW We have now moved to our permanent quarters In the Beaver Building. Next to tha Andresen Building. Real Estate Abstracts Main Street, Loans, Insurance. Oregon City, Ore, JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN thence North 29.83 chains; t'.ience East 0.25 chains; thence South 20.83 chains; thence North 85 degrees East 20.85 chains; thence South 0.23 chains; thence North 85 degrees East 33.27 chains; thence South 13.IS chains to the place of beginning, con taining 73.62 acres being In Clacka mas County, State of Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution. Judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, I will, on Saturday the 2fith day of July, 1913, at tbe hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, In said County and State, sell at public auction, aubject to redemption, to the highest bidder, for IT. 8. gold coin cash in hand, all thn right, title and Interest which thn within named defendants or either of them, had on the date of the mort gage herein or since had In or to tbe above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy said execution. Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. E. T. MASS, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. Hy B. J. 8TAATS, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., June 21st, 1913. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, in and for Clackamas County. Nellie F. Davles, Pallr.tiff, va. John T. Davles, Defendant. To John T. Davies, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the 2fifh day of July. 1913, and If you fall so to appear or answer, plain tiff will apply to the court ror tne relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: A decree severing and dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plain tiff and yourself, and for auch other and further relief In the premises as to the Court may seem Just and equit able. Service of this summons Is made upon you by publication in pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Circuit Judge of Clackamas County, State of Oregon, made on the 10th day of June, 1913, directing publi cation in the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six consecutive weeks, the first publication being June 13th, 1913 and the last being July Zoin, 1913. ROSCOE P. HURST, Attorney for Plaintiff, 10 Cham, of Com. Uldg., Portland. Oregon. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Pearl Livingston, Plaintiff, V8. Wm. A. Livingston. DefendanL To Wm. A. Livingston, above named ' defendant: . In the name of the Stata of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit, on or before tha 5th day of July, 1913. said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of thla summons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof th9 CHIIU lUIllJiiuiUl. i"t tiout tuci tu. iu . - plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing betwe;n the nlaintlff nnd defendant. TMs sum mons is published by ordt?r of R. B. Bcatle, Judge of the County Court, which order was made on the 19th day of May, 1913, and the tim? pre scribed for Dublication thereof is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday, May 23, 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to and Includ ing the Issue of Friday, July 4tfl, 1913. BROWNELL & STUMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summona. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka maa. Auguat B. Boenlg, Plaintiff. vs. Auguste Hoenlg, DefendanL To tbe above named defendant, Aug uste Boenlg: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit on or before the time prescribed in the or der for the publication of this sum mons, to-wlt: on or before the 6th day of July, 1913, said date being more , . 1 1 ... ,k- fl.a, miKlia.l lUaU BIX WOTllB ' I' . ." f'.- tlon of this summons. If you fall to appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in hi" com- tut t'l" l -' " ' uv .i.i."". " ' nlalnt. to-wit For a decree dissolving me Donus ui man iiuuuj uuw -.". ( between plaintiff and defendant, ana for such other and further relief as may seem equitable and Just to the court in the premises. . This summons is served upon you by publication tn accordance with an 1 order of the Honorable K. H. iieatie. County Judge, in the absence of the Judges of the above entitled court, j which order was made on the 20th day of Moy, -1913. and required tha. summons be published once a week for aix successive and consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper published In Oregon City, . n n 1 t n n . -.. 1 nlpAltlDtlnn In Clackamaa County, Oregon, and re - that v .... annofir in nr hefnre the 6th day of July. 1913, and answer , tha nnmnlalm of rtlaintiff filed herein ' SCHMITT ft SCHMITT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. 600-3 Oragonian Bldg., Portland, Ore. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. George W. Cruxen, Plaintiff, vs. Agnes Cruzen, Defendant. , To Agnes Cruzen, the above named defentf-.nt: In the name of the State of Oregon: hahv Miuirnd tn amiear and VU u u ua ' J . v ...... . - I . j answer ine compiaini nieu hjuijijiii in the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the date of tbe William Hammond WEINHARD BUILDING first publication of this summons, to wlt: on or before the 28th day of June, 1913, and If you fall to so ap pear and answer said complaint tha above named plaintiff will apply to aald court for the relief prayed for In bla complaint herein, to-wlt, for a decree forever dissolving the bondi of matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defend ant, and for such further and differ ent relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable in the premises, Thla aummona Is published in pur suance of an order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of said Court, madi on the 15th day of May, 1913, and the time prescribed In said order for the publication of this summons li once each week for six successive weeks, and the date of the first pub lication of this summons is tbe 16th day of May, 1913. E. J. MIENDENHALL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Phones Pacific 62 Home A-151 BROWNELL k 8T0NE Attorneys-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to ea a U'REN aV 8CH4JEBEL t Attorneys-at-Law 1 Deutscher Advokat W1U practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. e Office in Enterprise Building, I Oregon City, Oregon. C. D. 4 D. C. LATOURETTE , Attorneys-at-Law ' Commercial, Real Estate and o Probate our Specialties. Of- o flee in First National Bank 0 Bldg, Orogon City, Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKlllip School of Sur gery of Chicago, Is established at Fashion Stable, Fifth SL, be tween Main and Water Sts. Both leleplaeiiea Offlice Pacific, Main 66; Home, A 95.. Residence Pacific, Main 184 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Publio Estacada, Oregon. Ia aaa Clackamas County Headquariers CLACKAMAS TITLE CO., S10 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. 4 F. B. RILEY, Attorneys 4 Counsellors at Law - HKAlljill dc jAUjOUKI rwn a inu m ril trt I n We make a specialty of Install- J ing water systems and plumb- lng in the country. We carry ? the Leader tanks and Stover en- a glnes. We have a full line of t Myers pumas and stray pumpa. Prices always lowest t .720 Main 8t Oregon City Phone 262. t t a I e O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. f I a I t e - UVer XJBUB VI WI C&UU VII., 0 i Over Bank of Oregon City. 1 1 1 I, J The WMshey With oat a Regret Pur, mellow, with a flayer that ticklea tha palate and lingers in the ancinory. FOR SALE BT LEADING DEALERS. f! p I aAAI All. f tit 1 I t UUUU ViAJ 1.YV. fc.'v i saas mm WHISKEY .. , . I! . I Vassal mm