Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 27, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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I ':
An advance tn vegetation that would
cvm fahulouii to any but witnesses of
It, wti the result of the warm. molBt
atmosphere that prevailed on the threo
longest days of the year, vlt: June 20,
!t and 22. Especially was this notice
able In the new experimental corn,
received by all the ranchmen who
wrote for It. Corn could not look more
promising than does this today. We
shall be clad to welcome the visitor
from the O.-W. R. & N. Co., when he
cornea to see what has been done with,
the se?d, so generously distributed by
them. I'nless attacked by some 01
.u 'i...Li.. .,o omin flwM i
goohors. gray diggers or Held mice. I
h.N, I. vr re.ann In hooe that
Mndtshurg may be able to send a
creditable exhibit to the State Corn
Show to be held at Pendleton the com
ing fall.
Th 9 annual meeting of the Macks
burg school district was held In the
school house June 1G. Mr. Stevens
was elected district clerk, as uccessor
to Mr. Charles Kraxhereer and Mr.
Keesling was chosen director to take
the placs vacated by W Uliam Rarth.
w o jt 1- --.. ln Mullnn 1
with her daughter, Mrs. Hcrt Wallace.
whose home was gladdened last week
by the arrival of a little son. Mr. and
Mrs. Wallace were residents of Macks-
burg before their marriage, and were
so highly esteemed in the high school !
as well as elsewhere that Macksburg
still claims them as her own. and con-
siders It fitting that any important
rant In thplr fnmllv stimild be regard- i
ed as Macksburg news.
w. i.,. -i.h ni.,.r- thr the
new public library, formally opened '
last week in Oregon City is to be'
free to all residents of Clackamas :
County. As renewal of books may b3l
made by telephone it would seem that
tew Clackamas County readers need!
be deprived of this valuable privilege.
This will be appreciated ss favor
that will, very acceptably, tide us ov-,
er to the time when we shall have a
public library of our own.
A. A. Paldwln left home on Monday
afternoon for a business trip to Port
land. Mr. Marsh, carrier for Aurora Rcute
4. is gradually recovering from his ao Is Improving.
cident and may soon be expected to I Miss Margaret Bat?s. of Redmond,
resume his work. j Ore., made Mrs. Schwartz a visit while
John Helvey was obliged to c.nit i on her way to Corvallis to attend sum
vnrk at Smith's mill on Moudav owlns , mer school.
to sudden Illness.
Mrs. A. A. Paldwln Is expected home
from Hood River July 6.
Ths Lutheran League social was
held at P. O. Chlndgren's Wednesday
evening. A short program was rend
ered afterwards refreshments were
Born. Wednesday, June IS, to 'Mr.
and Mrs. Shepherd, a boy.
L D. Larkins. of Marquam, and
daughter, Mrs. McPherson. of Athena,
were visiting relatives at Meadow-
brook Saturday.
suss maDei i. uinuKren visiuii Mrs. i
Milton Chindgren one day last week. Three new wpre ,nstaea ln
J. M. Larkins, of Staple Lane, was I the hnmeg of th fonownK named par.
visiting his Brother. A. L. Larkins, ajtieg Mr n Wallacei Mrs Churchill
few days this week. ,,, Mrs jYank Manning.
- Mullno was visited by a regular win-
GLAD TIDINGS. (er gtorm Wednesday evening, the rain
. o t . I coming down In torrents and the wind
A may rnena or .Mrs. t. are oennde. .
of ML Anzel. visited with her last
Ed Jackson lost several tons of clov
er hay, owing to the continued rains.
Mrand Mrs. Ole Rua visited Satur
dav and Sunday wi'h his three broth
ers, who liver n?ar Slivenon.
Nick Beer has hauled a portion of ,
the lumber necessary to build an ad
diUon to his house. His brother,
John B?er came down from Silverton
and remained with him Saturday night
and Sunday.
Nell Jackson visited his aunt, Mrs.
C. V. Jackson Friday and Saturday
Ed Seaman has finished training his,
hoDs. will plow and clod wash the
ground once more and will have fin
ished for the season.
The Ladies' Aid gave an Ice cream
social at Marquam Friday, June 20,
which was attended by quite a num
ber. Fred Mtvers is engaging men neces
sary to assist him in caring for his
hay crop, something near 100 acres.
A moving Icture show is now hold
ing forth at Scotts" Mills, for the edi
fication snd amusement of all who
wish to attend.
Mrs. Ed Seaman was elected clerk
of Marquam school district. She will
fill the position, and perform duties
reonired in a creditable manner.
Hammer's saw mill erected on
Caius Herman's place, has began oper
ations, and win soon turn out a fine
lot of marketable lumber.
The annual school meeting was held
on Monday evening June 16. Charlie
Itlder was chosen director and Mrs.
Hamilton was re-elected as clerk.
Miss Dorothy Green Is home after
spending a week with friends In Port
land during the Rose Show.
Mrs. Walter Mead Is spending a
week with her mother, Mrs. Braker.
Mrs. W. H. Jones spent a few days
with Mrs. Erickson in Meldrum
Johnny Cougle is making his home
with Mr. and Mrs. Yeske.
Mr. Williams, of Abernethy, Is build-1
Ing a fence on Mr. Green's place. j The concert given last Thursday
Miss Stroup, who has been failing J evening at Eagle Crek by Mr. and
In health for a long time, has return-1 Mrs. C. Aue and Miss Edith Chapman
ed to her friends In Iowa. Her doctor j was quit? well attended despite the
says she has to undergo an operation short notice and the inclemency of th
-for tumpr. Her friends wish her weather. All enjoyed every number
speedy recovery. ' on the proeram. Mr. and Mrs. Aue
Walter Mead Is working In Casstdy's are excellpnt violinists and Miss Chap
mllL j man Is a fine pianist. They intend to
Mr. Bancroft is hauling lumber to given another concert at Eagle Creek
build a new barn. In the near future, and all who eiJov
good music should not fail to attend.
LOGAN. ! Mrs. Guy Woodle and children went
; to Dover last Friday after berries.
If Jupiter Pluvius could only learn j Eagle Creek Grange held Its regular
when enough Is enough. session last Saturday, with forty-five
Hay is down flat or badly lodged. ; of the members In attendance. About
Some will learn not to cut hay before thirty of the members of Lents Grange
the 4fil of Jul7. J were present, their grange having re
Peter Wilson' Is visiting the home calved an Invitation from Eagle Crek
folks He has been making his home Grange to come with their degree
with bis daughter in San Francisco, .team and assiBt In Initiating some
Grandma 8mlth visited her grand-; candidates in the third and fourth de
children here last week. ! ees The work of the team was
Wis Anna Rlebhoff is at home now. very impressive and beautiful. They
Louis Hampton U the proud daddy , were highly pleased with the courtesy
of a new son,
who arrtveu a wee
Funk is around
Mrs F S Hutchius. who has been
...u",,?'.. ht r
IJU I n ... ao '- --
111 o r M.f
wi. i. .ha unrrnri-wrr nou
ronirflT and will soon
IB I'l flL I rpnm. " 1 J
be ready to grade.
Mr and Mrs. N. N. Robbins attend
t h nloneer meeting ln Portland
last Week and report a good time.
relets SPS.
nlc eround for the Fourth of July.
nlc ground for the Fourth
Charles Harrington Is sla.-r.ing for
Mr. Huche.
Mrs. Mir t.ee and Lewis Mavso'i
are back from Hood Klver, wiunthey
picked strawberries.
W. H. WettiauLr purchased a bay
loader In ft week.
Mrs. William Marshall, wr.i Is 111.
Is Improving.
C. H. Hergmnn hauled a .load or lum
ber last week.
Miss Ida Hnag boont Simla villi
Miss Minnie Steeiaan.
Jerome Parmemer Is home i,'ln.
Misses Dora and Ebla Marquardt vis-
Ited Mrs. K. A. Cumins Sunday.
Mrs. Coulter n'lended the poitl.uid
Kose fcnow last WeK
Rudolph and Ida Haag were ia t'vwn
last week.
The Grangers are building tin addi
tion to their hall.
S. 0. Dillman from Oregon C'ty was
in Clarkes Inst week and purchased a
fresh row.
Mr. Huche wa in town lasi Vrldnv.
W. H. Wetttufer and daughter VI
oler were in town last wee.
Miss Ruby Carl 6penl Su.'day with
r -. i . . i ni
, Miss Elsie hlmer and he, frlctM
from Port ..and. f visit Ins Mm hi
w ' family last Sunday
nkG- m , P-r''"
" Natives la.-t w-ek
San:lmr ,U """i ttl
M s. n,a Elmer came bi n... from
Portland la st week.
C W olfson has a sick horse
Ms IK,ra ian.unroi is ri.eu.i.ng
I to work for Mn. Albert Larslna
cnaries iian n is ne-pn .vr. i.ici:e
dig his well
Henry Kellnsmlth s children have
the whoop ng cough .,.
Margaret Lelchtwise has chicken
P- n..in.,r
Misses Ida and mmr
'J"' Sunday with Miss Dora and Elda
Uttle Xonnan Fischer, who cut hi-
knee and was threatened with blood
poison, is getting better.
Geo. Catha. who has been very sick.
E. N. Hrock Is papering and paint
ing the interior of the M E. church.
District No. "0 held its annual school
meeting. Mr. Rosecrans was elected
director for three years and Mr. Da
vies was re-elected clerk, and District
No. 116 re-elected R. Kerr director
and E. N. Rrock clerk.
Mr. Norman Is building an addition '
to his bam and Mr. Hendrlckson has
built a barn. i
Mr. and Mrs. Crook have sold their
store at Mullao to Mr. Hart, of Ore-
1 gon City, who takes possession this
bIowlng nar(1 from the gouth-
r8. and Miss Jones went to Port
land Tuesday to attend the adventist
camp meeting.
An enjoyable time was had last
Tuesday evening, June 17, when a
number of the friends of Mr. and Mrs.
Irtavne Hnwarrt rave them a siirnrise
party at the- home of c T Howard. ;
the occasion being their fifth anniver
sary or wooden wedding. The young
couple received quite a number of
presents. At midnight refreshments,
consisting of Ice cream and cake, were
served, after which, wishing Mr. and
Mrs. Howard many happy returns of
the 'day the pWfits d9parte(j for their
homes. Those present were: B. A
Howard, wife and children, C. T. How
ard and wife. Rev. Mr. Piper and wife.
B. G. Howes and wife. G. W. Smith
and wife. Oscar Hult and wife. E. J.
Maple, wife and daughter, Mildred, R. ;
H. Snodgrass and wife and daughter.
Mary, Frank Shaw, wife and daughter.
DeEtte, Frank Manning, wife and chll
dren. Walt Waldorf and wife. O. A. ;
Davis and wife, Mi-s. Udell, Mrs. !
Churchill, Misses Pearl and Hazel j
Erickson, Edith Manning, Cora Graves
Inez Snodgrass and Vesta Churchill; ,
Messrs. Cans, Claud Howard, Hsnry ;
Fischer, Fred Wallace and Rob Snod- j
grass. j
Born ,to Mr. and Mrs. John Capler,
June 21. a daughter, weight 12 pounds
Mr. Cans, of Oswego, has been vis- I
iting his daughter, Mrs. B. A. Howard, j
the past week, returning home last ;
Thursday. !
Mrs. Tom Fish Is reported to be on
the sick list.
Mrs. Lucy Glover and Mrs. M. C.
Glover were the guests of Mrs. How
lett the other day.
Miss Edith Chapman went to
Springwater last week, the guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Aue for a day.
Mrs. Tracy Cluster made a trip to
Portland last week.
Malcolm Woodle was over this way
the first of last week.
am uupu"i; "
Kreuder, master of Lents Grange,
made an Interesting talk.
A surprise party was (riven trnett
and Willie Hoffmelster last Saturdav
evening. Quite s crowd was present
mnA ...frnn.
had a good time
a hi - - . -
Mr. snd Mrs.
Holder of Garfield
were Grange visitors Satur-
M V. Thomas, of Sandy, visited with
Eagle Creek Grange Saturday.
R. B. Gibson was Dreamng dis nn-
H on May.
It Is raining again.
Mrs, Hewlett Is feeling very nmcrt
Mr. and Mr. Koy !ouglas made
trip to Kau. Cnk Monday evening.
Henry I'd el I Is sawing wood for Guy
Mrs. and Mrs. Abbott, have rented
Miss Wolhert's cottage.
Jesso l-awrence visited his niothxr
this wek.
Roy linker has been having a slt'ge
of la grtPiMS for a few days.
Mrs. Wm. Ellerson, of Portland,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hut
son. Mm. A. K. Say and Claire Say spent
a short time ln Newberg last week.
Emma Stangel entertained the Wll
sonvllle Club ln a delightful manner
on Thursday afternoon.
H. P. Aden went to Portland recent
ly and purchased some beautiful china
ware for the store.
A goodly number of farmers have
have out In the rnln this week.
The. oil well la keeping up a steady
pumping, and the driller on the well
thinks the Indications for oil ar-J
Little Harris Callnnan. who hns b?en
staying with Mrs. llutson. has gone to
Idaho to visit his grandparents.
Mrs. Red Graham has been 111 with
la grippe for about a week.
At a recent meeting of the 1. O. O.
F., Walter Shnrp was elected Nohla
Grand: T. A. Mulloy, VlceC.rand: It.
D. Aden, Secretary and Ed Mulloy.
Treasurer. Meetings ars held every
Saturday evening In the A. O. V. W.
hall, to which visiting members are
cordinlly Invited.
About 15 members of the local Rv
bekah lodge visited In Tualntln ou
Monday evening last, and helped to
organize a lodge at that place. The
Columbia lodge, from Portland, exem
plified the work.
The boat containing the members of
the G. A. R. passed through Wilson
villi on Tuesday, and was a pretty
sight, with its flags, etc., and somo
of the staunch old veterans were beat
ing a tatto with fife and drum.
The Mower, Rake and Binder shown below are THREE OF A KIND.
The kind that will make you smile with satisfaction when you use them,
for they Rive service Real Service Honest Service-Full Measure for
every cent you pay for them That we uiunmt.cc
1 3
ment of bar, knife and
matic device for taking up wear in the Pitman knife head connection. These
are points that make the Champion wear better and cut better than others.
The Champion Binder
Ha three exclusive features: The Force Feed Elevator
which insures a continuous flow of grain to the packer arms.
The Relief Rake which "prevent clogging at inner end of bar.
Balancing Sectors which balance the machine in any
height of grain.
bacbved Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. "ST
Ths Chautauoua program has ar
rived, and is filled with god things in
store for those who And themselv.-s
able to attend.
The Parent-Teachers' assoclatloi.
held a meeting in tha school house on
Thursday afternoon.
The school elections are over and
Wilsonville and other nearby schools
sre planning for a good many Improve
ments Hove yon planted anything for the
Juvenile fair to be held ln September?
The boys and girls are busy with their
gardens, and will probably have a
splendid exhibition
A merry party of Estacada peop'e
enjoyed the hospitality of tha Frank
Ewing home above Cazadero last Sun
day. It was In ended to be a fishing
party but the rain spoiled that and
the guests fnjoved a great big dinner
on the porca and occupied the after
noon visiting and Just having a good
' The prospects are for a big celebra
tion July Four;i at Kstarada. The
beautiful park and pavilion is quite
an inducement to plcnlcers snd tbi
various attractions, such as go wlt'.i
an old fashioned celebration, will
bring hundreds of people all along
the car line and surrounding coun
try. Mrs. Pauline Lahleste, of Portland,
arrived Sundar to visit with her
brother, L. E. Belfils for a few weeks.
Miss Stltos. of Portland. Is the
guest of Miss Sturgeon this week.
The lawsuit of Dubois vs. Hunt
came off In Jus'iee Givens' court Tues
day afternoon from 1:30 to 6:30.
There was a large audience to listen
to the battle of lawyers which was
fought to a finish and resulted ln a
v.r.n..t f,.r xtr liiili.il. The lltlua
tlon was over the pries of lumber Mr.
1uIn)Is sold Hunt.
Mrs. K. 11. Kellog gone to
Lono Park. Or., to visit relatives for
a few weeks.
Jack Casualty visit Vancouver,
Wash., the latter part of tast wek.
Messrs. Avery Klrcbner and friend
Fred Itowen, of Peterson. lo. ar
rived Friday to visit al the home of
the former's cousin, Mrs. A . K
! l A. Chapman was called to Seat
tie on account of the death of his
mother and will remain for a few
Tho children of Mr. and Mrs. I..
Relsland. who have been III with scar
let fever, are now convalescent un
der the care of Dr. Adlx of this placs
A young man employed In the Otto
Kletch saw mill, by the name of Ar
thur Howard, was painfully Injured
ono day lust week while hauling log.
The team ho was driving coinm.'tuod
to run and In some manner durliu
the mlxup his leg n crushed
badly that Dr. Adlx. who was called,
thought It necessary to tnl; the young
man to' a hospital In Portland.
Mrs, Anna Hunt, mother of Kd
Hunt, of this place, who died last
Tuesday evening, was burled Satur
day In the cemetery near Kstarad.i.
Rev. Mr. Jones preached the fune'
sermon, services being held at the
house south of town. Deceased was
born In Indiana in lSHi. She came
to Estucada In 10M and is welt and
favorable- known. She was the moth
er of seven children, four of whom
survive her. Ed Hunt and Mrs. Oliver
Shock of this place and two sons
who reside In lows.
Rev. J. E. II. Simpson, of Portlan I,
has been secured as orator of the day
for the Fourth here in Estacada.
Abe Klrchner. Fred Rowen, Mrs. A.
E. Sparks, Mrs. I toy I e and Mrs. Eck
er auioed to Portland Friday after
noon returning the same day.
The wagon road across the river Is
being Improved by removing the old
plank and replacing with crushed
rock and gravel. A new road Is also
being laid out south of the railroad
Champion Mowers
means perfect align
Note the loner wearing plates and the auto
Champion Rakes
Rake Clean
Dump Easy
and Last Long
track and this too, will be a great
Improvement over the old plank form
erly used. Let the good work con
tinue. Mrs. A. K. Morton spent 8unday
with her sister In Portland, return
ing Monday.
Victor Adlx returned Saturday from
Portland where tin had been visiting
for a wek with relatives.
Prof, and Mrs. Ford returned Fri
day from an extended visit with rela
tives in Portland.
A Rod and Gun club was partially
organized In Estacada last Friday aft
ernoon. Quite an interest is being
ta';en and a permanent organization
Is expected to be orgaized soon.
The strawberry and Ice cream and
cake social ha I to be held in a vacant 1
building on Main street Saturday eve
ning on account of Inclement weather, i
A fairly g'd crowd was ln attend
ance and the proceeds amounted to
$14. The proceeds were for the pur
pose of helping to defray expenses of
the Fourth of July parade. ,
The Mall Carriers' picnic In the Es- j
tacada Park, which was to have. been j
held las Sunday, was spoiled on ac-1
count of rain. We understand that
2700 tickets wwe sold for this event. I
I Editor Hoyle returned tbt latter ;
part of last week from Montana. i
Nf al lironson and family have
moved Into their own residence In
the east part of town. j
Russel Reed went to Corvallis last i
-..v r ake a two weeks' sgricultur- j
al course,
KiBa- ada Is to have a lecture course, i
the first number coming about Oc
tober 10. I
Charles Sparks Is making some ;
much needed Improvements on bis res-!
Idence on Terors' Hill. i
J. W. Reed transacted business at
Portland Tuesday,
O. II. Flllonwldor. deputy dairy and
food rommlsslonnr, of Portland, spent
several days In this locality,
Miss Kate lliiwlaiut and Mr. Hot)
a rt Carey left for (heir homes In Ohio
Tuesday after an extended visit with
MIhs Kate's brothers In this (own mid
Oregon City.
Mr. Joseph Hunt had the misfortune
to fall and cripple himself up badly,
but la getting on nicely.
Dr. Mount was called to Willamette
Wednesday to attend Mr. Marsh, w ho
is visiting her daughter, Mr. 8. A.
The Olrl Cadets of Willamette, met
at Miss Audrey Tour's Friday evening
for a Jo'ly party. Refreshments were
Miss Helen Fronton returned Wed
nesday from a visit to her uncle's at
At the recent school election Mr.
Thompson was elected director III
placo of U Bnldow whose term was up
and Mr. Jesse Hyatt siUTeedinl Mr.
Rod iters as clerk.
Mr. Cha. Swift has been prostrat
ed over the death of a dear brother at
St. Louis, Mo.. Tuesday evening, He
was a railroad engineer and was mort
ally hurt In a railway noeldent. It
had been only six months since her
mother dld.
Mr. Cha. Wuldrou snd her aunt,
Mrs. Dent, were at Vancouver. W?!t..
the last of the week.
There ha been a number of mar
riage among tht Willamette young
folks recent'v, but all kept Very quiet
Mis Lucy Rice wedded Waller Wall
ing at Rorkaway Ucarh: Mis Jesslii
Hall became the bride of Mr. Wilkin
son: Ernest .Young married a fair
young lady, and Everett Downey and
Miss France Curran were married.
The excessive rain hurt Die lata
strawberrv crop and the cherries.
Dr Ford will preach at Willamette
Sunday, June 19. and Issues a cordial
Invitation for all to be present. Sun
day. Juno 15, he preached an luteret
in nrniiin nn I tin nature snd ordi
nance of Haptlmn and bapttted Mr.
Do better work than
others, because made
that way. Just ex
amine theChampion
Compare the wide
yoke with others.
You will find it wider
and stronger. This
Viola Dennett and son 'Frank, t'e
Misses Meta Hlgglnbotham and Fran
ces Waldron.
A lucky chap Is Grover Grandipils'.
who woi a fine camera snd a Ji. tO
box of choice candy In recent chance
contests at II. IMsman's.
People, especially the ladles, are
busy registering for the coming city
election June 2H.
Th Idlsr Works Hard.
Work. Ideiilly. should lie congenial,
fruitful, snd the worker sware of his
worth to the world. Noliody works
tuiriler than the Idler. He hns on his
hnncls the dire disk of killing time.
Knowing the awfulness of vsrulty, be
fills the dny wlih s semblance of sctlv
Ity mid while gnnwliig st his pence Is
diiim-loii of the bitrren folly of It all.
Tlie Hm-st argument for real work Is
the siiirle of Its counterfeit presentment-Illi'linrd
Purtiin In the liellmnn.
Inclosing ( 6tmp.
"Every dny you leiirn something
new." retnnrked n tnnn that was busy
oieiilng letters "I get about fifty let
ters a week with s postage stamp
stink on the corner for a reply. There
is only one niim Ir America that knows
bow to stick a tnmp on a letter."
" Wind's bis stunt?" demanded the
"Instead of sticking the stamp by
a corner, so that I have to take a daub
of inurlluge to uiuke that corner stay
down, be sticks it by the middle, so
that when I nse It again sll the edges
srs gummed, snd the little spot tn the
center does not matter." New York
q 1 . -1 - - -r A" """ JTun'niH
alcohol j riH n k n r.
ling tlse Sinnincto anlLkmvB al
Promolcs Difttrionflr- fi
ncss mid IHX onlalni nrKiw
Oriimt.Murnhiiv norMucrjl
Not Narcotic.
AptnVfl iWnwdy rorOnnllBi
lion. Sour Stonwih..)Urrlri
fee Sin SinW
Exact Copy ol Wrapper.
Remsrksblt Lis of Ltctures and
Studies Secured Proves Draw
ing Card to Hundreds
Tents in Demand
Attendance records of former years
wilt be shattered at the coining ses
sion of the Willamutto Volley Chau
tauqua If early predictions count for
anything. The assembly opi-ns at
Gladstone park July Mil for a twelve
day srsslon,, closing the 20th. Tenl
reservations are coining In by ti
score, and the ('hauliiiniiia "t nt city"
bids fulr to run way up Into the hun
dreds. This Is an unusually good
onion of a record attendance. The
season ticket side begins In earnest
Monday next, but alr-ady a Inruo
number of patrons uro taking advan
tage of tho "hook" plan, whi-reby they
ran secure their season admission
whh-h are good for all rlnsses, loc
lures, main platform attractions nnd
In fact everything for thit sum of
$2.00, thus cutting off CO cents trom
the regular price. Theso book tickets
may be secured from 1. IL, L. & I.
Co. office. 1st and Alder, i'orllund. or
from Mr. Cauflclil. st the Hunk of Ore
gon City, beginning next Monday, on
payment of the $2.00, ocoompauled by
the list of the ten desiring tickets.
The office of the secretary, Mr. H.
E. Cross In the Heaver building, has
been a mighty busy place tint past
two weeks. Fifteen thousand book
lets of the Chautauqua have been sent
to all parts of the surrounding coun
try, nnd In addition hundreds of let-t-.-rs
of Information have been wlrt
ten to Chautauqua enquirers. Win
dow cards by the score have been
sent to nearby towns, and the county
Is being billed most thoroughly.
The railroads are making pr3parn
tlons for handling the big annual
crowd that throngs Gladstone park.
The Southern Pacific will slop Its lo
cal trains at a point close to the
grounds, while the P. It., L. t P. Co.
will run cars every half hour to and
from Oregon City directly Into the
park. From Portland patrons should
take the "Oregon City" car at First
snd Alder streets, and tho car service
continues until late at night each
way. flaggage may be shipped on
either line. Tho P. IL, L. A P. Co.
as a courtesy to the Clinu'anqita, will
douhW the lighting cap-iclty In the
auditorium, and In addition will In
crease tho number of electric lights
on the grounds.
The summer school classes which
occupy the morning hours each day
will cover a wide range of practical
subjects that will appeal especially
to tha women. The collfge work this
yenr Is to be a feature, as practically
every educational institution in tlie
stale will have charge of at least ono
forum hour, from 11 to 12:00 eacli
day. The twenty-six big afternoon
and evening programs will Include
such noted attractions as Prof. Ilaum
gurdt, lecturer; Frances Carter, read
er: Ng 1'oon Chew, Chinese states
man; Walt Ho'comb, lecturer; Sierra
Mixed Quartette! Colonel Haln, lec
turer: Maude Willis, Interpreter of
the drama: Frederick Vlnlng Fisher,
lecturer; Tyrolean Alpine Singers,
Grace Lamkln, "Superviser I'lav," a
dlstlnce feature for all the children:
Dr. W. Tt. Hlnson, of Portland s Wb'te
Temple; Mr. E. O. I,ewls, lecturer:
the Portland Ijidles" band of the Arti
san Lodge, In dnlly programs: Dr.
Matt 8. Hughes of Pasadena, Calif.,
lecturer; Pamahaslka and his pets.
Portland will be well represented In
the Chautauqua music. Prof. F. T.
Chapman has general supervision of
the 1913 musical program, and Prof.
J. It. Cowen will direct the special
chorus work, which will consist of
over 100 choir singers from Portland
snd Oregon City. The Shakespeare
club of Portland, the Women's clubs,
the W. C. T. V., and the State Sun
day school association will maintain
headquarters on the grounds.
tl 1"
rr a
rnn mil llTi 1 1 All I
For Infant- rind Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tlio
For Over
Thirty. Years
Auditorium DsdlcaUd,
ANN AKHOII. Mlrh.. June 21. The
itiniiiilfii-ent auditorium pruM-med to
the University of MIchlKiiii a nieiu.
orlul to tha late Arthur Hill wit form
ally dedicated today In ronnectiuo
: Willi the alumni day relebrnll'ui at
.tlie university. Ulsliop Wllllnin uu
led th dedication exen with m
Invocntbm, folio lug which adilreurs
were delivered by Governor Kerrii,
StMintor T'wiisiid. I'resldeiil emer
1 1 us Augell and Id-geut W. I., t'lem
Should Convince Every Oregon City
Tlu frank statement of s mUlilor,
lulling th merits of a rMii-l .
Hlds you !tiis and bcllcvtt.
The sumo endorsement
iy mini slraiiKer far awny
Command no belief at sll
ll -re's nn Oregon City ca
Oregon City rlllielis tesllflrs.
Head and be convinced.
A. (! Vt)dwiii'd. Prop. CUnr a
Confee;loury s'lire, 412 Mum 81..
OleMHI J'lt.v, Oregon. : 'I su(T'rJ
a nr.'Ui deal from my kldiis snl
I in i-j M bark as wi ak ami Pain
ful nn. I often iiiv rest was lrtiion. I
Id! til m.-tlng better steady nft"r I b
van using I loans Kidney I'llb snd
I ns noon we'l, You limy rniitlii'j
publishing tin i-mlurni'iiielit I have
given I Hum's Kidney Pill b"(nro. I
still h great confidence In them.
For rnln by all dealers. Tries Q
ci-nts. Foster Mllluirn Co.. iuihs.o.
New York, solu agents for the i'liliud
Heiiiemlicr tho iismet-Ikmn's anJ
take no other.
In tha County Court of the Slats of
Oregon, for Clackamas i imniv.
In the Matter of the Kstate of ties
.if KhiitnLirw.
To Ira IL Dodge. Herbert N. I"J.
MUry M. MiCarty and Amiens
Lynch, heirs at law and dovls-e un
d -r I he Will of aiiltl deceased, od
to all other persons Interested bore-
In. ,
U'lmr.-iia mum n.illtlon of h. 1I
Hholiilero, executor herein, an ordif
was duly mads snd entered in u
nt.,.. .a ui..iti...i r,uirt Mntl miiso oo
June iitiih, 19U, directing that you and
..m il nf von nmu'iir lii this cnurt OS
or before August 5th. 1913. and ho
cuiiso why an Order siiouw noi
,.,,i.u tl... mnu nf the fllllllS'iDI
described real eslate belonglim to Uw
estate of suld deceased.
The Knst one-half ("4) of Section
Blxtwm (16) T. 1 N. It. 25 E. of VV.
In Morrow County, Oregon.
Lot 10. Illock Thirty-six (381 Vont
mouth Addition to the City of lor
land, Multnomah County. OreKon.
Uts 1 and 2. Illock 1 VansrhoIrM
Addition, ML Tabor, Multnomah Coun
ty, Oregon. k
Whereas by Order dated June
1913. made and entered In this cauM
It was directed that Citation Issue W
t...i. iki. r.iurt tn said Rein .
and devisees directing them and e"
of them to appesr in saw court -.
before the said 6th day of AhPiii.
1913, and show csuse why said Order
should not be grunted.
Now, therefore, In the name or u
State of Oregon, you and each of y"
are hereby cited to appenr at V"
County Court Room In Oregon U"
Clackamas County. Oregon, en or
fore Tii'sdav, Ang'is' tV. i:M3.
show cause If any ihero be. why so
order should net b rrnnted by w
above Court for the ss'e of thi sw"
described rnl property as pr iea "
In said petition. - rt
Witness mv hand and s-al "f ' T1"
affixed this 2fith day of ,M
W .L. MIlLvb'.
Countv rterk.
(SEAL OF county roriiTi.
Iiy E. T. QCINN.
Administrator's Notice of Sle of
Property. ,
Notice Is hereby given that PlinT"f
to an order of tho Countv e-in
he Rtnte of Or-gon. for rlnrMmjJ
County, msile June 23rd. WX
filed snmo dny. the imdrslgned nmi"
Isirator of the estate of S-imsn iJ .
Davis, debased, will sell .".0 rr
land belonging to said est;ve, u.
ed as follows, to-wlt: ..v.
Iteglnnlng at s point .i rn, Bp-.
snd S.32 chs. W. of the corner or
tlons 10. 11. 14 and 15. In T i 8
E. of the WI'. Mer. Hacks (W
ty. Oregon, thence South
thence Kast 11.49 chs.: thence
26.10 chs. and thence West H .
to the place of heglnnlng conian'JJ
30 acres, more or less, said sair '
made on or after the 4th day of A
ust, 1913. at the office
Stone, Caufleld Pulldlng, Oregon M'
Oregon, and to bet P-,;
a iF in