jflAL ESTATE ,"""T,,,I wtf l Hi'iiry Her- jTM;!iiiVia. IK' ,11 j..lm-n t""1 ,'.! ''T , II' ' ' i,& tt, r" "' H'n , (;; l. (To correct). ' T 1 iVn'l um.I lf. to J- Tlirn- " 'i, r M..nl wife W JfAlul 7. """" """'J ui...i.r ,lVCIJ"r ''."''w'rni'i i""' l M. V'lr i.T im.. it. a i Miirund and wll W. .,,'5 rM,, U ,,,,r,,", '"".''""a MoNiml ami 10 J' V' ..., wife, un.tlvl.t.xi half In """I N W U of N- W. A Hoc. rj 18, R. 4 F, nrlway rlKhl; P.1 .. -.. A wlf., to 1- C. if U' Kw-riimi -- , uiiur ft ,1111, I" lMtl imlim' l'l""t'l "I l .7"' '"'le-kama .KM: I.UB. a . it'll Hi him ' :. bulUlnrt. a, - . y H Taylor b'kI 10 N"" T"r' J smitHd-d third ln"n-t In 133.32 KInT 3rt . II. K-i II- tt'llllim I' H. hnii.ll and !' " .JlS jl Willi . M ! XI ln "tool adtllilon to 0 r T M. i-rtf r. lo Candar- M. lUritHi, It I""1 W !''"" l,1 Alinnn Vi SMI-ley to James A. Bhlb u, ,:id wife. 6o nrr' more or le I" Lluj . T 4 H . R. K-i ! Kdlih Mniid i"'l A- Tliomaa to U A IMrdr. lou'fci na off north dj ut lot i 8rt'. I'', anil li "t half nf tlw i'l half of tola t. 0. 7 au.l H. grt II, and luia I ami X. Hw. 30, T. ID K 1 K: l" I To forrrci). tVaiid II. V. AdU to K. K. and i C. Il'rrlnij, l"l 1, Kw. 31. T. 3 8., R. IK; 110. K E. and J ('. IN'rliitt to C. I.. AJli 10 a r a lit Hno. T. 3 .. It: I C ; lio. . A!uin M. Shlldi'T to lanuta A. SMlilry and !'. I arn a inure or Iru id 8w . T. I H . R. I K : 110. Iloui'-r A. Kruno and wlfu to I. A. R. 10 n-a mnr nr laa In Hera. Tina U, T. 3 8.. It. 1 K ; Ni-li I.. All, it in Julia M. Rldi-r. lot l Canby ;rdi'iia; I.Sf0 AiWI II. daliorii (u lAwyxra Tl'l" I Tmi niuipnur, north half or N. W. U T. 3 H . R. 3 K . and 2" trrra In rant Imlf of wiat half of H W. and Imlf of thn iat half of lh ! huir of H. V, KC. 3:', T. I S, It. J K ; in. Ann"ttn and K". K. Allirlithl to Chaa. N Un. part of loia 3 and 7, block 13!, Orccmi City; 12.60. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Tltlat Examlnad. Abrtracta of Tltla Mad. JOHN P. CLARK. Mcr. Offlce orff Rank of Orrina City. Ulcara and Skin Troubli. If ymi nr iirfiTliiK with any old, running nr frvcr onrca, nli'cni. holla, ivirm or iiiIiit akin IrmiliU'a. Ret R biof Hurklcn a Aruliji HhIvh and you III i't ndli'f promptly. Mra. Itniro Jonra, uf liiriiilncliam, A In., aufrvrnl fruni an iikIv ulnT fur nlno inontlix tai HurkL n a Arnli a Hulve cured 'ut In two wei'ka. Will help you. Only 21. Hwoniini'iidi'd by lluntN-y llroa. Co., Omnuu City. Ilulibnrd anil Candy. Wants, For Sale etc. FOR 8AI.E; Indian Runner Duck 'K. i for 13 by Parcela 1'iiat. flpo. llniuiiion. Route 1, Oregon City. Ton 8AI.E or TRADE: Houaa and lot In Kiinciin fur Clarkamaa or Miiltnomnh County property, ad "Irniii Will Moehiiko, Oregon City, Honta I. WANTKI); Honoy beea In any kind of atnmla. Will pay $1.00 per ainnd and call and Kt them anywh.ro within 20 mllea of Canby. Addreaa, M. J. Lea. Canhy, On'Kon. WOOO FOR BALE. Anyone wanting a carload of 16 Inch Jk wood (auaaoned) call on W. w. Irvln, Aurora, OroRon. CjItm or plga wanted, Wl I trade Potatoes for atock. Phone 1152 City r call at Melilrum Farm. fort 8AI.E OH TIIADK: Stump pull r and 2 humlM feet of cable, all In rik.iI comlltlon. 8, O. Ilalley, Ronl'i . Ilox 173. OreRon (Mty. Frlonda nn iinxloua io know tho prea nt Hililr.RH of Ddimim 8. Klyin, w II. Stocknmn, lxl..vod to be "iiH'WhiTf. In I'liickatnas County. 'I l b natlv of Slorra Valley. Hrr.i County California. Ilnformn ""n to bu nddreaaed to this office. A'Jminlatrator'a Notice. r"tli-e la hendiy given that the un O'Tllttni'll ll.'l I...., n nm.nlntul l.lltlln lairir ,,f tllB pllate of JoB()pl, n. t'i'Hi, ilisf-eiiHed. All pcraona huvlliR flu. tin :m;,Ht gairt mata are here ' "otlll. d to prca.'iit the name with ,r,;" r Win, hern, duly verified accord " In, ut tbe offlco of the undot " '', hi ine oniro or tne unoor "''"oil ntiorn y. 1010 yon HIiIk., I'ort laiifl, Or..,.,,,,, witlilit rlx niontha of the of the drat publication of thli I it'-il. ,,ini fl, !)is, .. . W. .1. K1RKWOOI). n ''".i-.i tr.ii.,r of the Katnte of Joaeph r,H- '"'-n. Dereaaed. 'nrlm y fAtri ntorney for admin- N,,! of Admlnl.trator'a 8ale of Rel Property. 'MJriCK m HKKHY (JIVEN. thut in 1'iraiiiiiiK, of nn ord-r of the County ""it of the state of Oregon for the " 'nty of .Multnomah made May Slat, duly entird In the matter cf the caliito of Tliomna Mun-nr Hlmlnter, diuvaand, (lie inidnralKiied, Adiiilnla trutnr of an Id eatiite, from and nflur llm Hh diiy of July, ll, will pro mil to ai'll at prlvniu mil ii all ili Internal llm driioiit IiikI ut tin iliiln of hla din III, or which lila ealale now lliia, to wit, an almulillii i'iiilliilin owuera'ilp, aulijni'i lo the clnliii of (laoran . MiicliouKnll In (he auin of Mi 1.1 1, with Inierunt ilieri'iiu at ai'v i n per uwit, from H'm-i'IiiIht 7i)i, HUD, In and to tlm fullowliiR dnai rliicd r.-nl liroperty, attuiild In cim-kauina Coiiiily, OreKon, to wit ; Nolthi'iinl (pinner of Kuiil ' we,.t iiuiird r (NK 14 of HW 1 4) nnil Huuth half of Hoiiibwnat ipuul'T (H 12 of HW 1 11 of Him linn four III, Tnwimlilp Hire (3) Houth, Kiiiiko five (,) Ka l or llm Wlllniniille M'Tlilliin. Terina of auin, iiimIi or iili tlilrd or morn niti'i ami tlm halnui'e on i n-dll, aerured by a timrtKimJ ou the In nl or Hi" port Ion thereof aold upon rri-illl upon eniillriiiatliili of ante by the cour' and tin etiH-ulluii of Admltilatrnlor a imim1. MPIa will be r'ved fur tho Nile of aald land In one pnrri-l, or in aparu(n parcela, at the ofllro of thn OroKiin City Knterprlmi In OrKu City, OrcKon, at thn orricoa of I'l.ill At l-luit. V'lIK Hoard or Trude HI, Ik., I'ort land, Ori-Knii, or al the ofrire or the iimloralKiii'd in the 8pniiiK III In , Purt Imi'l, Ori'Kou. Ivrual title rent a III Cortland Truit Company of OroKon, whn h thn admin, latrattir will rauae to he rouveyeil fre of all iipillli-a and liirumhraiicea m puri'haaera at a price and on la-rma aiiTptMliln. Abalrai't will Iki furnlah d and reaaouable time at 1 v -it (or ex amliintliui of aame, Hnl will x aiih )ert to rMiflrmiKlon by thu Court. Kor further pnrtlculnra, lniiilm of thn Administrator In thn Kpnldliirf ItulldlliK, I'ort land, Omiion, or of I'lutt k I'I'itl. hla attorimya, No. 901 K Hoard of Trade JIuIIiIIiik, I'ort lam). OroKim. Wtl.MAMl (4. TI'RNKR, AdmlnUtrutor of eataln of Thomua M'rrer Hlmlater. Decraaed. Notice. To Whom It May Concern: Not Ire a heerhy Klven that father Inn I .yon liaa made applli-ntlon to IU County Court of flackamaa County and Htate of OroKon, to hate ii-r uunut ihaiiKed lo Catherine I'lalia. All peraona are herby notified 'o aptear before thn County Court In the court room at thn CoiirthoiiKe In Oreaon City, Clackamna County, Hinto of Oregon on the 14th day of July. 1SI3. at the hour of ten o'clock A M , of aald day to ahow rauae If any t.ieru he why aula name alioiild not he (haiiKt-d accordlnx to th,i praer of the iwtltlon now on file In the office of the County Clerk of Clarkamaa County, OreKuii. Thla notlre la ordered publlalied by order of the Honorable R. II. Ileatle, Judne of the County Court of Clark amaa County, Or'i Ron. made and e:i tered on Ihe 2Wta dy of May. 1913. Dated May Z'.uh. 1 1 1 3. CATIIKU1NE LVON. GORDON E. IIAVKS, Attorney fof Petitioner. Summona. lu the Circuit Court of tho State cf ()rrn, In and for Clarsamaa toun ty. Frances M. Thompson. Ho lot Iff, ta. Howard A. Thompaon, Defendant To Howard A. Thompaon, Defendant? In ih name tif Ihe Htute of Oregon. you are hereby required lo appearand answer to tne complaint nteu skho" n,i In thn alliiva elllllled Suit on OT before thn 14tb day of July. 1913, and If you rail so to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In aula complaint, to-wil: a decree dissolving the bondi of matrimony and the marriage con tract neretotor and now eilailng be tween the plaintiff and youraelf; grant lux to plaintiff the care, cuetody and control of tho minor rhlld of plalntltt and youraelf; granting to plaintiff the sum of $123.0') representing coata and attorney's fees In thla suit, and liO.OO per month monthly, as alimony and maintenance money for the support of the plaintiff and aald minor child hereinbefore mentioned; and for auch other and further relief aa shall aeem lo tho Court proper and Just In equity. Service of thla summons la made upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell. Circuit Judge of Clackamna County, Oregon, made on the 29th day of May, 1913. directing auch publica tion In the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for el consecutive weeks, thn flret publication being May 3at 1913, and the laat publication being July 11th 1913. E. L. McDOl'OAL, No. 10 ChanV of Com. HhU., Port Innd, Oregon, Attorney for I'laln tlff. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamna County. Mae Ktunley I'lalntlff, vs. . Fred P. 8tanley, Defendant. To Fred 11. Stanley, the aliove named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are herby required to appear nntl answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled cause on or be fore the 14th day of July. 1913. and If you fall ao to appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to tho court for the relief prayed for In the said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of too court dissolving the marriage contract now existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for auch other and further relief as may aeem equitable. Service of Summon by publication thereof Is ninde by order of the Hon. J IT. Campbell, Judge of the I Ireult Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, for the Hfth Ju dicial Dlatrlrt. directing that public tlon be made In the Oregon City En ternrlHe, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation published at Oregon City. Oregon, and that publication bo made once a week for alx consecutive PTbe'dnte of first publication la Ma 30th, 1913, and the laat publication 1 July 11th, 1913. CORDON E. HAYES. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons. Edward Joaeph Emery TjB1,intoa' JosnphlmV'n. Thompaon. Defendant. To Josephine H. Thompson, above named defendant: In the name of tho Stnte of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and .newer the complaint filed agalnat yon In Hi above named ault. on or before the 11th day of July. 1913. .aid date being the explrnllon of alt weeks from tht first publication of thli summons and If you fall to appear or answer sal.l complaint, fur want thereof the plHlnlff will apply to the court or the relief prnyed for In his complaint, o- WFor a dccre.i dissolving tho bonds of matrimony no elating between OUKOON 0m the plnliillrf and dnfmnlant. Thla auin moiia la pubilahed by order of lion. It. H, Itciitln, JuiIkii of tlhi County Court, uhlrli order na made on Ihe 2Xlh day of May, 11(13. and tne time liriairlhid for pul.lli allon thereof ia alx week a, IKlnnliiK with' the Ikhuh dated, Friday, May .'Hull, lui.'l. nd coiillnulim each week thereafler lo nil I Hi' IihIIiik tlm Inane or Krlilay, Jie ly I lih, 11113. HROWNEI.1, t HTONK, Attorimya ror I'lalntlff. Notice of Cuaidlan'i 8alo. In tint County Court of the Hlu n of Or -Kon, for the County of Clarka in ft t. In the Mutter of tint (iuardliiiiMlilp of the pi'iaon mid ckI of Alma Hub I'Hi'iJ. u minor, Nulli'i la hereby nlven, that Iho unilirli:nid, Cunrdlmi of the p.-rBon and eaiiiio or Alma Hubbard, a mi nor, by iiuihorlty and direction or nn order and lli-enan of Rule made and Klliuti-d by Hie llouornble It. II. Ilea- li t, Jiulfe of tho above nut II . court upon Ihe 2K!h day of May. 1913. will on or after Ihe Uth day or July, 1913, al ten o'clock A. M. aell at private aile all of the rlkht. title and Interim! of aald Alma Hubbard In and to Ihe fol owing described n-al property, to oil An undivided one ninth Internal In and to the Weat half of thn NorlV wt-at quarter of Section Two (2), Township Klva (u) Houth, of RanK Two (21 East of thn WlllameUi) Meridian, situated III Clackamna County, Hlittn of Oregon. The sale of said real property will be made on or after lite time and date above nlveii and he subject to the roiillrm.illon or I he almve Court. Ill.la receivable liy the undemlRiied at th offlie of my atfornnya Dlmlck & Dlmlck. Oregon City, Oregon. Terms uf auin, rush In hand. IIKHHIK C, IIL'IIIIARI), (iiinrdlun or the person and en Into or Alma Hubbard, a minor. Date or first publlrailou of this nolle,-, Friday. May Suth, 1913, and of the Inst publication thereof, Friday, Juno 27th, 1913 Dl. MICK ft DIMICK. Attorneys for (iiiardlun. Summons. In tha Circuit Court of the State of Oreg in, for Clackamas County. Colla I.. Hewett. I'lalntlff, vs. Fredrick E. Hewett, Defendant. To Fredrick E. Hewett, the above nnumd defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you aw hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaljit filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 1Kb day of July, 1913, said date being Ihe expiration of six wocka from the drat publication of thla summons, and If you fall to appear or answer thla complaint, for want thereof tbe pTalntlff will applv lo the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. J. I'. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 23rd day of .May, 1913, and the time prescribed for publication there of Is alx weeks, beginning with the Inane dated Friday. May 30th, 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the lasue of Friday, July 11th. 1913. WHEE1.0CK ft WIU.IAMS, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Maynie L. Weat. Plaintiff, vs. Frank 0. West, Defendant. To Frank O. West, the above-named I)cr--ndant: In thn name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear i,,l miawep thn rnmlitnlnt filed agninst you In the above entitled ault. on or nerore tne in aay or juiy, nH ithln air weeks from Iho date of the first publication of thla sum mons, and If you rati so to appear .nH in,ar nlutnllff will annlv to (he court for the relief prayed for In tier compintni nerejn nieo against n..-lf- tnr m H ,w rep forever dia solving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore existing between you n,i nlnlntirr and nUowine nlaintiff to rciume her maiden name of Maynie U Ogden. and ror aucn oiaer, further nnd different relief aa to the court may aeem moot and equitable. This summons IS punus.iea in im suance to an order of tbe Hon. R. B. Ileatle. County Judgo In the absence of th9 Judge of the above en titled court, dated May zsna, uhtnh nr,t.r nrnvldes that this sum mons he published In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weesiy nenimi-r uvUoA in uui.l rinckamna Count v. Ore gon, said publication to bo made not less tnnn once a wee, ior hi .iu secutlve weeks. Thn rial a nf Ihfl first tlllhllcat Ion 01 thla summons Is May 23rd. 1913. and thn date of the last publication there of la July 4th. 1913. MUSKK tt Mi'i l'ii. anu WM1 A. WILLIAMS. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1524-29 Yeon Hldg.. Portland. Ore. Citation to Heirs. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. . In the Matter of the Estate of R. D To the Sheriff of the County of Clack amas, Greeting: i. .ho nama nf the State of Oregon: you are hereby required to cite Eliza Price, John A. Price, Lowenna Prlco Ryan, Margaret Kruger. Annie Lance, vi....n... Prim. F. Milton Price and Calvin I. Price and to all others un known to be and appear in me i.oun i., ho rvumtT Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas, on Monday tne itn aay ouuue. ,oii a a n'rlnrk A. M. of that day. then and there to show cause, If any they have, why an ordr of Rale of all the real estate of said estate for the purposes set forth In a petitlou of Florence t rice. AamiiiiBiruiri m ia ..ma ahnnld not he granted. according to the said petition on die. WITNKSS mo iionornuiB n. . Reatle. Judge of the County Court of it., aiata nf Oreson. for the County of Clackamas, this 6th day of May. 1913. (SEAL) Attest: ' W. U MULVEY. Clerk. Hy F. W. GREENMAN, Deputy. tl. naerintlnn nf thn nronertr de scribed "In the petition Is aa follows: ,ots 8 and 9, Wock m. rna view Add. io Oregon City, Clackamas Coun ty. Oregon. .... This citation is pnnnsnea Dy oruer . .Ko cniintv Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas, dated My 10, 1913, requiring puonca tlon once a week for four weeks. KIAWEM k run Administratrix. CLARENCE I EATON, Attcrney for Estate, 815 Electric mag., roruana. , OreRon. ENTRKPUTHR, KIHDAY. Summons. In Iho Circuit Court of tho' State of Oregon, In and for Clackamas County, Thomua Furrell, Plaintiff, vs. Mury Furrell, Dofondttnt. To Mury larrvll, Defendant: lu Ihe tin int. of the H ale of Oregon: You aro hereby required to appearand answer lo tlm complaint riled against you In Iho above "titltletl suit on or before the 301 li day of Juun, 1913, and If ymi rail so to itpiienr or answer, Plaintiff will apply to the Court ror tho relief prayed for lu said com plaint, to-wlt: a decree dlaaolvlng tin bonds of matrimony and the marriage contract heretofore, and now nxlntlng lieiwe.in tho plaintiff and yourself, and for nu ll other and further rillef In the premise aa the Court may deem Jual n nil equitable. Service of thl summons la made upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of thn Honorable R. II. Il'-ntle, County Judge, acting In the absence of the Circuit Judges of Cluckamns County, Or-'gon, tnado on Ihe lli'i day of May, 1913, directing auch publication In the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for alx con eeculivs weeks, the flrat publication being May 14, 1913, and the lust pub Mention b.'lng June 27, 1913. K. h. McDOl'OAL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Bin Chum, of Com. Hldg., Portland, Oregon. Summons. In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Nellie Rlddell, Plaintiff, vs. Edwin Rlddell, Defndunt. To Edwin Rlddell, the above-named d'-fendnnt: You are hereby required to appear and anwar (he complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on pr before the 13th day of June, 1913, said day being after the expiration of six weeks from tbe data, of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to appear and answer aald complaint, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the Court for tbe relief demanded therein, to-wlt, for a decree of this Court forever dissolv ing tha bond of matrimony now exist ing between tht plaintiff and defend ant and for auch other and further relief ca to the court may seem just and equitable. This summons is pub lished by the order of In Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made and entered on tbe 1st day of May, 1913, nnd the tlnw prescribed for publication thereof Is six week, be ginning with the lasue of the 2nd day of May, 1913,' and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the laau of tbe 13th day of June. 1913. W. A. LEET. Attorney for Plaintiff. 628 Hoard of Trade Rulldlng, Port land, Oregon. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the 8tat of Oregon, for Clackamas County. William T. Snldow. plaintiff, a. Dora Snldow, Defendant. To Dora Snldow, above-named defend ant: In tbe name of the State of Oregon; You are hreby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause rn or before the 14th day of June. 1913, and if you fall ao to ap pear or answer the plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, which Is as follows: that the marriage heretofore and now listing between you and the plaintiff be forever dis solved and that the plaintiff be grant ed a decree of divorce, and for such othr and further relief as to the court may aeem Just and equitable. This summons is served upon the defend ant above named by publication by order of the Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of Circuit Court abov named, which order I dated April 29th, 191.1. and the date of the first publication of this summons Is May 2nd, 1913, and the last date Is June 13th, 1913. FRANK SCHLEGEL. Attorney for Plaintiff. summons vor Publication. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Emma Little, Flalntiff, vs. Prnnw W T.lttle. Defendant. To Frank W. Little, above-named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and anuvnr tha enmnlaint filed against yon In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 14 th day of June, 1913. and If you fail ao to ap- rnr nr answer herein the piaintin will will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In the complaint hfeh la that the marriage vow exist ing between you nnd the plaintiff be forever dissolved and the plaintiff be granted a decree of divorce, and that ... niaintirr ha nnmtitted to resume her maiden name of Emma Aspland, and for such otner rener as io me court may seem Just and equitable. This nummons 18 servea upon yuu by publication by order of the Hon .,Mo T it Cnmnhell. Judge, which order Is dated April 28th, 1913. The date of the first publication of this summons is May zna. iia, ami mo last date of publication June 13th, 1913. FRANK SCHLEGEL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff Sale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mna. Oregon Iron & Steel Company, a cor poratlon. Plaintiff, vs. Edgar W. Cook, unmarried, Defendant State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, B8. ii- virtue nf a ludgment order, de cree and an execution,- duly lsatud out of and under the seal or tne aDove entitled court. In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated tho 19th day of May. 1913, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In said court on the 15th day of May. mil in f ii vor of Oreuon Iron ft Steel Company, a corporation. Plaintiff, and against Editar w. tJOOK. unmarrien. Defendant, for the sum of $2,935.40. with Interest thereon at tho rate of 6 per cent per annum from the Gib. dar of October. 1911, and the further anm nf J17SI for taxes paid, and th3 further sum of $175.00, as attorney's fee. and tho further sum or iu.v. costs and disbursements, and the cost of and upon this writ, commanding me to make snlo of thn following descrih ed real property, situate In the coun ty of Clackamas, state of Oregon, to-.it- All of Txits numb-red Thirtv-one (31). Thirty-two. (321 and Thlrty- threo (33) In Rosewood, according to the rinlv recorded metis end plats thereof, situated In tho County of Clackamna. State or Oregon. KJnm Thamlnrs hff V t r T 1 1 . nf AJ xecution,' Judgment order and de JUNK fi. 1013. cree, and In compliance with the com. mnnds of aald writ, I will, on Satur day, tho 21st day or June, 1913, at the hour or 10 o'clock A. M., at tha front door of the County Court House In (ha City or Oregon City, In nld County and Htnte, sell at. public Ruction, sub. Ject (o redemption, to the hlgiiest bid der, for V. H. gold coin cnah In hand, all the right, tit In and Interest which the wlihln named defendant or eith er of tlinin, bud on the data of the mortgage herein or since hnd In br lo the alio vi) d -acrlhed rcftl proper ty or any part thrreof, to sntlai'y said execution, Judgment order, decree, In terest, costs and all accruing costs K. T. MASH, Sheriff of Clnckumns County, Oregon. Hy H. J. STAAT8, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Ma 20th, 1913. Summons. . In the Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, In and for Clackamaa County. ' Rosalie G. Fleming, Plaintiff, vs. Robert P. Finning. Defendant. To Robert P. Fleming. Defendant: In Iho name of tbe State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer to the complaint flhd agalnat you In the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of June, 1913, and If you fall so to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in aald complaint, to wit: a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony and th marriage con tract heretofore and now existing, be tween the plaintiff and yourself, and the restoration to this plaintiff, of her former name and for auch other and further relief in tha premises as the Court may deem Just and equitable. Service of this summons Is made upon you by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable J. U. Camp bell, Judge of tho above entitled court, which order was madi on the 21st day of April, 1913, directing uch publication In the Oregon City En terprise, once a week for six consecu tive weeks, the first publication being April 2Sth, 1913, and the last publica tion being June 6th, 1913. JOK'N N. 8IEVERS. Attornay for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Pearl Livingston, Plaintiff, vs. Wm. A. Livingston, Defendant To Wm. A. Livingston, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In tho above named suit, on or before the 5th day of July. 1913, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to appear or answer said complaint for want thereof the. plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This sum mons Is published by order of R. B. Ileatle, Judge of the County Court, which order was made on the 19th day of May, 1913. and the time pre scribed for publication thereof g six we?ks. beginning with the Issue dated Friday. May 23. 1913. and continuing each week thereafter to and Includ es the lue nf Friday. Julv 4th. 1913. BROWNELL ft STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. August It. Boenlg, Plaintiff, vs. Auguste Boenig, Defendant To the above named defendant, Aug uste Boenlg: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before tho time prescribed In the oi dor for tho publication of this sum mons, to-wlt : on or before the oth Oay of July, 1913, Bald date being more than six weeks after the first publica tion of this summons. If you fall to appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In his com plaint to-wlt For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony tow existing between plnlntlff and defendant, and for such other and further relief as may aeem equitable and just to the court In the premises. This summons is served upon you by publication In accordance with an order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, County Judge, in the absence of the Judges of the above entitled court, which order was made on the 20tb day of May. 1913, and required that summons be published once a week lor six successive and consecutive weeks in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper published In Oregon City, Oregon and of general circulation in Clackamaa County, Oregon, and re quired that you appear on or before the 6th day of July. 1913, and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed herein. SCHM1TT & SCHMITT. . Attorneys for Plaintiff. 000-3 Oregonlan Bldg., Portland, Ore. Citation to Heirs and Parties Inter ested. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the estate of Sa mantha Jane Davis, Deceased. To the Sheriff of the County of Clack amas. Greeting: In the name of the State of Ore gon, you are hereby required to cite Zelphla Holdaway, John E. Davis, Mvrtle Rankin. Ardella Close. Mime Colson, Blanche Davis-Watson and Gladys Davis, to be and appear In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas at Jthe Court Room thereof, at Oregon City, In the said County of Clackamas, on Monday, the 23rd day of June, 1913, at 10 o'clock A. Ml of that day, then and there to show cause. If any they have, why a certain petition In writ ing, presented to the said County Court, and now on file therein, should not be granted, directing the admin istrator of said estate to sell at pri vate sale, the following described land, to-wit: Beginning at a point 6 10 chs. N. and 8.32 chs. W. of the corner of Sctlon 10, 11, 14 and 15. in T. 2 S. R. 2 E. of the Wll. Mor. Clacka mas County. Oregon, thence south 2S.10 chs.. and thence West 11.49 chs. thence north 26.10 chs. and thence West 11.49 chs. to the place of beginning. containing 30 acres, more or less, belonging tc said estate, for the purpose of rais ing money to pay the debts of ami claims against the said estate, and the doctors bill as tt out In said pe tition on file. - Witness, the Hon. R. B. Beatie, .Tiide of the Con nty Court of the Ptnte of Oreconl for the County of Clackamas, this 21st day of May. 1913. Attest: W. L. MVTVF.Y. Clrt. . F!v E. T. QCINN. Depntr. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Hrvy t. Cross . CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN EYBAT-LAW W hav now moved to our permanent quarter In the Bavr Building. Next to tha Andreaan Building. Ral Estat Abstracts , M, Sl,ttl Loan, Insurance 0 c 0r- JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lavyer MONEY TO LOAN Sheriff's 8ale. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oreron for Clackamas County. John K. Niwton, Plaintiff, vs. R. J. W'olcka, Defendant. Cnder und by vlriue of an order of sale and decree of foreclosure Issued out of the Circuit Court of Clackamaa County, State of Oregon, on the 144h day of May, 1913, In tin above entitled suit wherein John R. Newton, tie above named Plaintiff obtained a judg ment nnd decree against said R. J. Wolcka, Defendant, which said decree was on Cu Uth day of May, 1913, en tered in Hook 33, page 451, records of said Court, I am commanded to sell the following described real prem ises: All of lot No. Two (2) Canby Gardens, Clackamas County, Oregon, as described In plat thereof recorded In the office of the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon. Together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belong ing or In any wise appertaining. Notice is hereby given that on Sat urday the 14th day of June. 1913, at 11:30 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the front door of the County Court House at Oregon City, Clackamas County. Oregon, I will in obedience to said ord?r of sale and decree of fore closure sell the above described real property or so much thereof a may be necessary to satisfy plaintiffs Judg ment with Interest tb?reon and At torney's fees herein, costs and accru ing costs to the highest and best bid der for cash in gold coin of tbe Unit ed States. E. T. MASS, Sheriff for Clackamas County, Orjgon. By B. J. STAATS, Deputy. O. D. EBY, Attorney for Plaintiff. , Final Notice. 1 i Notice Is hereby given that the un- J I .A . 1 .. , ,Un . . n, I Thomas Martin, deceased, has filed her final account in said estate In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and that tbe Judge of aald court has appointed Monday, the 15th day of June, 1913, at 10 o'clock A. M. for hearing objec tions to aald account and for settling said estate. ALVARETTA S. MARTIN, Ex-scutrlx. BROWNELL ft STONE. Attorneys for Executrix. Administrator's Notice. Notice is hereby given that tb.9 un dersigned has been appointed admin istrator of the estate of Nela Nelson. deceased: all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same with proper vouchers, duly certified according to law, at the office of Brownell ft Stone, at Oregon City, Oregon, within six months of the date of the first publi cation of this notice. Dated May 16th. 1913. DANIEL PCRCELL. Administrator of the estate of Nets Nelson, deceased. BROWNELL ft STONE, Attorneys for Administrator. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Agnes E. Williams, Plaintiff, a. Wlllard Williams, Defendant To Wlllard Williams, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed againBt you in the above named suit on or before the 20th day of June, 1913, said date being the -expiration of aix weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and If you fall to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant This! summons is published by order of Hon. J. A. Eakln, Judge of the Cir cuit Court which order was made on the 6th day of May, 1913, and the time prescribed for publication there of is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday, May 9th, 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to and including the issue of Friday, June 20, 1913. BROWNELL ft STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, tor Clackamas County. Elwln Milton Nichols, Plaintiff, vs. Lena Dewey Nichols, Defendant To Lena Dewey Nichols, the above named defendant In the name tf the State of Oregon: you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, to wlt: on or before the 16th day of June, 1913, and If you fall to so ap pear and answer aald complaint tne above named plaintiff will apply to -said court for the relief prayed for in his complaint herein, to-wlt for a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofora existing betwen plaintiff and defend ant and for such further and differ j ent reuet as o me conn may wem meet and equitable In the premises. This summons is published In pur suance of an order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of said Court, made on tbe 28th day of April, 1913, and the time prescribed in said order for the publication of this summons Is once each week for six successive weeks, and the date of the first pub lication of this summons Is the 2nd day of May, 1913. MOSER ft MVCUE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1524-1529 Yeon Bldg., Portland, Ore. Summons. , In the Circuit Conrt of the State of , Oregon, for Clackamas County. ' ' George W. Cruzen, Plaintiff, j vs. I Aen-!s Cnuen. Defendant. To Agnes Cruiea, the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause within ix n ecks from the date of the William Hammond WEIKHARD BUILDING first publication of this summons, to wlt: on or before the 2Sth day of June 1913, and if yen fail to so ap pear pud answer snld complaint the aliove named plaintiff will apply to aid court for the relief prayed for lu his complaint herein, to-wlt, for a decree forever dissolving the bond or matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defend ant, and for such further and differ ent relief as to the court may seem meet and equitable In the premises. This summons is published In pur suance of an order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of said Court, madi on the 15th day of May, 1913, and the time prescribed in aald order for the publication of tbi summon Is once each week for six uccesaiv weeks, and the date of the first pub lication or this summons la the ltitb day of May, 1913. E. J. MENDENHALL, Attorney for Plaintiff. Phones Pacific S3 Home A-151 BROWNELL ft STONE Attorneys-at-Law All legal buslnes promptly attended to 8CHUEBEL " I a a U'REN Attorneys-at-Law I kicuiMcr novvmi Will practice In all conrta, make J a collections and settlements. a I Office In Enterprise BuilJing, I Oregon City, Oregon. C. D. ft O. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and. Probate oar Specialties. Of- o lice in First National Baak o Bldg, Oregon City, Oregon. e -aa e a se W. S. EDDY. V. Sn M. D. V. Graduate of tha Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKlllip School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, Fifth St, be tween Main and Water St. Both lelepboues Offiico Pacific, Mala 65; Home, A 95. Residence Pacific, Main 181 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. at.taat(attaatf Clackamas County ! Headquarters 1 CLACKAMAS TITLE CO., 510 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, 6rf on. Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agent tor Clackamaa Couaty Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. ft F. B. RILEY, Attorney ft Counsellor at Law s.b..b--bb STRAIGHT & SALISBURY We make specialty of Install ing water systems and pltuak ing in the country. Wa carry the Leader tanks and Stover en gines. We have a full lias at Myers pumps and straw pumps. t Pricea always lowest 720 Main 8t Oregon City Phon 2682. t O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law busiaess. Over Bank of Oregon City. "TaQ Oaks From Little Acorns Grow" Fifty years ago LV7. HARPER was but little known outside the Old Kentucky State. Today its fame is world-wide. Yow faxl it crerywhera. SOLD HERE BT LEADING DEALERS. a