Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, June 06, 1913, Page 3, Image 3

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H' om men to tall or
o R.m-ri.bl. Talent In
Mia Co".dy 'Wed with
Action and Sprightly
l 1-row.M Hhlvniya
. mil iitwitl
Hum." HHirilr ""
rh.-d T!..-r -r- ''I"'1
' . l rr.Mllili.i r.Klu. ll.n. mul
rd '" '" "" ,;m f,"M
,..d ui' Hi" r. hw.r-l by Mr.
ii h ('jriluU'". ,
iurii II'" "v" "rl ,h" ,)r0,
. ,. . hi.. iir. tini.lrn of eight
r'..'i.'' i "'" Nu
mp! . mad "l t ""'
SlnfUi- mlirr rlaaaes to lutt-rft. r
,m& tlie .l , aa ' ''' 'M'-clml.
, j the -.rUlnljr
ZmM l l' thru"" r""", w,,,,
r ilr.l-1.' HH.-II. Mr JK-i
ailniclcd I" th" M"t, wb'':1,
,r wnu. local character t male
the urn'l ' '''' '""H ""'
ind i..Ium showed llm apprecU
L of II..' umlh'nc.'. The lm..il
Luwlves. in"" of '"
l,r wrii'.l t ni.mt enjoy th" gentle
4ii'l'ii t'lir Hupi'rliitiiidclit Toii
,) 'rflfr ITl":trii.
u.i , i .if tin irtilinilnn. In
..,kh the fii'Ul.ttll tram nittiln III P
Linnce, t"i-i''l ' " ,'",,l,
trw H'fli.i' th" l'"t of It
fert.l'nlr '" i"''',,'lr
,w) rrll"H' Tlw. fourth act. depict
Int I room I" home 1 "Portia,"
, ,'jo rr.'itli'nl!y ""H I"" ".
tad the rk t'f Inn actor hd art
rrxrt In tlii received much -aliute
Th balance- f Iho produe
tlog won. limn fulfilled the e-vpm-u
tkn of tho hit lln. rd tb pr
torminr. unit llm hnnrty ppUiim
Itri-n lh rrf.irmi'ni thni tlmlr et
lorn rw ppiwlid.
WbiU th ork of lli rnllitt ct
u ry r.hkI. pt.'lnl niniill.m nuit
t ilii'ti Mi lrn llminy, who
-Nrrtui" on'il nun of tli h I of
tlw trnlim. Ilr pr'nre wt wr
Iwt throuKhmil, htT riiuiirlntlon
flr and ilnUin l. and n.'Vrr for a
nuni'Dt did ii at all 'tf on
Kkiu. Htn cniiiploli'ly al'Mirlt
Ml by hr 'irt. and ahowwj rniark
lhl dramallc ability. Tb 'Tort la"
of UIm Aduli Maita atao parllcu
Urlj luwl Hit llii" riilrl a an-nt
! of rltort, and ah arqutttud hir
elf aolily. Having MTliapa thu
Iradlni part In I'm production a Krvat
dt! w rnulri.i of hr. and tint
iba arqiilitH h.TiwIf ao well waa a
irrat trlliutK to both Imr own ability
and to th. atk til or Mra. CartildKO In
wMn and tralnlnx. Mlaa Hand
Mlii II alio on murh pralna fur hvr
clprcr rharai l.T work.
Among tli tioya honor wore about
m:ir divide Thn Hhylork of 81
br SbavtT wna Kood. aa waa ttia An
toolo of J- Hhrahan. OthiT mom
bfra of lh rant handlod Uinlr parti
tawtily and .'ffivtlvply.
Th full rnmi at a follow!
Duka of V. iiU Itur Rottrr
Antonio JoMh Hlirnhan
Huunlo Kdward lltiarb
Cratlano lorralnit Oalrom
Shyiofk Bhnlliy Hhavr
Tubal l,on ard Wllllama
Uunorlot ti.itilM Hoy Kinnlxan
Th I'mfi'SMir John Damharh
Pollrnnian Wallace lapoun
Polly, Antonlo'a MothiT
llaiel Mltrhnll
Portia Adah Maaa
Mr, (hilibo . (icnevliive Mumpowr
Norlma Iran llanny
JfMloa Mary Itarliur
Teacher K'lale Tolford
I-ONDON, Juno I Tit marrlana
of Mlaa Kramt'a Hcovllle, a bpatitlful
Amrlrn ulrl, and Waltrr Da Mumm,
of the FriMich fiimlly of champKne
fima, tiKik piaiti qtilntly today at 8t.
Orw-'i cliunh, Huuover, Square.
Tni-ra it no attnndanta and the
only iwmona proaont wr the rola-
ia ana a rw intlmut mono oi
th oontractlim partlna.
The brliln la the diuiKhtar of Court
ney K. H.'ovllUi, a banker of Wonoca,
Kaa. After her graduation In hor na
tl'i town aonm year bko ahe cam to
England and Ima alni roaldod lixr
"lib her aluter. Mra. Ixul Treadwell.
8h la u tuna aoortawoman and la
ld to ho th onlywoman who hn
r (tono down the Croat Run at
8t. MoriU.
ST. TAl'I,. Minn Mkt 3n Otiar
t'rmaBter Andrew Koohn, of the
t nlted ritutoH army, haa complotod
prnparatlona to turt from Tark Ran-
oa tomorrow ninrnlnv An aiinn frill
!wn tin, MlHHlaalppI rlvor to the Otilf
ieico. The trip 1 to be made in
the lntertat of thn recruiting orvlo
or thn navy. Koehn will top at all
Important nolnla ilnnr tb rlvor and
lv ahnrt tulk on the advantnuo or
toe navni aervlre aa a training for
"oya and young men. Ha expect to
reach Now Orl. ana In nlnoty day,
t will aleep and eat In the little
u during the entire voyage.
Should Convince Every Oregon City
The frnnk atatemflnt of a nelfttabor.
,hfl ",r,l, r Mn""ly
"Ma you pauae and believe.
The fcamB endoraemont
ly aome atrangor far away
ommanda no belief at all.
re a an Oregon City caae.
"renon City citizen teatlfle.
ad and be convinced.
A. 0. Woodward, Prop. Cigar
Jonfectlowry .tore, 412 Main St..
"renon City, Oregon, ayi: "I uff3red
great deal rrom my kidney and
f.?i i ,Mr baclt n,, P,n-
nd often my rest waa broken. I
Pt getting better eteady after I be-
ualng Doan KWney Pill nd
r.knVonn we"- You may continue
Pihllahlng the endoraement I hav
aim" ,)01'n,, Kidney I'illa berore. 1
' "v Kreat conridenc In them."
e.!,Pr Ml or " dealer. Price SO
N. . - Fo,ter Mllburn Co.. Ruffalo,
8uTeJrk' le agenU ,or Unlted
Rememher the name Doan' nd
u" bo other.
llei'HH ii ll i llinilKlit It It ItiT III
iIbmIi ii into t-i ifi i,f inK.
I ii M Iho rU,i or duHliing Ma f.uiilly m
pliM-en, 111 n )iniiig ami or KriMai Kl
Unit ran bin fiiDier'a iintdiiiuhll.i In
to pnrt of a fencn on thn Mulluo roud
lulu r.iiiidny nfU'riioiin, liiul an proli
ably iiivH t!m t.i of , H hioiIht and
alnli r. T in' until hIiomii giitn wna
aliiituT. il, fit 1 til in apir. Into thn
Itrnvlty or thn run.) ut Ural, Ihiwovit,
iiiiiI until tin iarin'd llm pnrlli iilnra
wna much lin eui.nl at llm fining mini
fur diiintiKliig hi properly.
Young lOlllcitt. according In repncta,
had b'-li out with hla inoiliiT ati'l
al-r for a abort nutoinobllii trip, a'xl
when cutnliig (In w n a aip griulii on
llm Mulluo rnii'l, auddeiy reitiliteil
t U ii hit cur wua out of cmitrol. Tbo
inin lilno, a new liulck, rnlb d to ri
aiuuid In tin' hrnkea, Mr. KDIoit aiiya,
and lixlihiT could be get thn genra to
ni 'Bli ao that h'roulil atny tin pro
arena of ti rutmwuy car by aliillltn;
lila iirtlne. Tbua i mif riiliN.il with
on 1 1 ii ! n l iliitii'.er of a.rliiua Injury, bo
leer.! thn nun bln Into a gato by
I he al I" of the. road.
Thn r aultlug cranh threw hla alnter
out of the cur .but h wna not' a-T-louxly
inirt . Mra. Klllott, tin ever,
aa Htrmk by flying plecen or puling,
and wia painfully hurt. The young
limn at thn wh.H'l wna alto aerloualy
Juried and ahiM'knd K.-ll -f wna aoou
given nieiiitiera of thn pari, and
Mini. lay all w.-ro reporti-d to Ik. reel
ing coiiifortnbty and doing well.
In thn mailer of the r'red Kainru'h
county mad.
Onlered that thla mutter bit luld ov
er until June term.
In thn matier of the petition or J.
II. I.nwtbwaltn to vacate road.
Order, d laid over until June tvnii.
In thn matter or the Carl Anderaon
(.aid over on account or InaurTcleii-
cy or bond.
In l!i matter or the S. T. KJmlaton
Vlnwttra to meet at point of begin-
itlng of an Id road on May 20, 1913.
In Cm matter of the U Hchaber
Viewer to meet at point of begin
nlng of an Id road on May 20, 1913.
In llm matter of the Wni. Iieveny
Viewer to meet at point or begin-
nlng or aald road on May . 1913.
In thn matter or the C. A. Keith
Viewer to meet at point or begin
ning of aald road on May , 1913.
In tb4 matter of the A. J. Morrison
Viewer to meet at point of begin-
iii ng or aald road on May . 1913.
In thd matter or the W. O. Vaughan
Viewer to mmt at point or begin
ning of aW road on May 1913.
In the matter of the Donahue road.
Kilo approved by District Attorn
ey and road declared to be a county
In the matter of Town plut of Hr!t-
ton lubdlvlHlon of tract "IT and "N"
of Willamette Acreage and alao town
plat or "Opportunity."
Ordered that ald plat be and are
In the matter or plan and aped-
Oration for erection or bridge acroaa
crook near Evergreen Btntlon.
Ordered that aald plant and ipecl
flcatloni be approved and clerk di
rected to advertise for bldi for con-
tructlon of aame.
In the matter of MeUler and Hart
addition to Molalll.
Ordered that aald plat be approved.
In the matter of appointment of a
county fnlr board.
Ordered that O. D. Eby. to rve
throe year, Albert Engle to erve
two year and Grant II. Dlmlck to
erve one year, be and are appointed
a auch County fair board.
In the matter of the petition to va
cate a rrt of 3rd Avenue In town of
Robert ion.
Ordered that ald petition be dla
mlnaed. In the matter of application of H.
M. Courtrlght for rebate of ta.
Ordered that warrant laue to
anld applicant In the following umi:
$5.08; $54.05 and $46.80.
In the matter of petition to vacate
a portion of Robertaon.
Ordered that nld petition be latl
over. '
In the matter of doed from Port
land. Eugene and Eastern Railway
Company to Clackama County for
road purpose.
Ordered that ald deed be recordod
In deed record of Clackama Coun-
'in the matter of the claim of M.
Trulllnger for rebate or tax.
Ordered jthat a warrant, lsue to
said M. Trulllnger In the aum or $8.43.
In the matter of the claim of A.
W. Cheney for a rebate of taxe.
Ordered that warrant Issue to said
Cheney for $84.76 In settlement of
aid claim.
In the matter or petition or A. W.
Tarsona tor construction or a bridg.
Ordered that nld petition be dis
missed. In the matter the offer of ettl
ment by Z. T. Trulove of certain Irf
linquent taxe.
Ordered that the sheriff accept
amount offered In ettlement of eald
Notable Wedding In Vncouvr.
n rs Tun A 9
VANCOUVEK. i. """". ,K.
Chrlat Church In thl. city wa. he
icene of a noUble wedding today, the
r . . ... xi... flora ri nA PlDOn,
bride oeing m. "---"V r.
daughter of Major u" ,
U.. realdent governor of the w,r or
tendon, and th
Oeorge Herbert Head( to"1' '
Uondon, and now a resident of Van
Manual Training Dlaplaya Of Such
Uniform Excellence Judge
Have Hard Time 8alect'
Ing the Beat
luiiuxuriiliiig thla year a custom
that it la 1 1 1 1 - ii l1 i-il to keep as a per
manent feature of the school ' year,
tli i Hubert lluriia society of thla city
offered two prlwa for the beat enany
uptiii the greitt Hcotch hard whovj
iimiii.i the orgnulzutlon beurs. Mon
day ineiiihi ra of thi society spent tho
greuter purl or the afternoon going
over t tin competitive -aHaya, and
found them all of audi a itaiiilanl ot
iixcell. ncn that c-lon of the beat
two waa extremely difficult. The
coiiilnllli o finally tiindn tint award i,
howev.r. and aa a result Minn hi l'at
vron, or (iliulatoun, waa adjudged to
have ailhliiltted the beat paper, and
will receive rive dollara In gold, and
will have the honor or having her
eanity read before, (hit next mc-etlug
of thn Huriia aoclcty.
A aecond prize, or two dollara and
a half, was awarded to the t-asay wrlt
leit by Karl I'adduck, of Caiieinali.
Hla essay will also be read at the ao
clety'i meeting. All the eaaaya suli
initted shuwi-d great enre In prepara
tion. 1'rliee In the aihool exhibit held in
the gyinunaluin building pn the Har
ney grounds were alao awarded Mon
day. The judgea hud much difflrul
ty In m in ting those to whom the
awarda nhoulu be madn, ao generally
good were thn exhibition. It was
decided to bine the award upon two
points; rtrat. thn greateat ainouitt of
prngrveii shown by the pupils In five
selected exhlhlta; and secondly, the
brat five dlaplaya made by any one
t'nder thl arrangement prlrea
wore awarded for manual training
work aa follow.
To William Ittcnmaler and Wal
ter Dungey, of the high school, for
manual training, two awarda, each
ronslatlng or a high grade saw.
To Aubrey Dillon and Howard Daw
son, of the grade schools, for manual
training, to the first a plane and to
the second a bill for a quantity or
In the domestic science division
awarda wore made to Angelina Dye,
rr the bet exhibit of sewing Trom
the high school, a pair or ciasora; to
Alelie Itennelt. ror the beat exhibi
tion or cooking rrom the high acliool,
a hand painted dlah. No awarda n
donnaUc science were made In the
grade school.
Thn Judge In the manual training
awards were E. W. Scott. T. J. Gary,
county superintendent or school,
and A. O. Kreel, principal of the Har
clay achool. The Judge In the do
mestic science work were Mr. U E.
Jonea. Mr. George A. Harding and
Mra. K. A. Olmstead.
Warning Conatable Jack Frot that
he had better arm hlmaeir Heavily
and be on hi guard. Augusta Haun,
of Ardonwald, appeared In Justice
Slevers' court Saturday and demand
ed the armst of Minnie Stewart, of
the same place, following an alterca
tion fn which the two women engag
ed. Tho complainant was quite ure
hat the woman ahe wanted arrested
wa "dnngerou," and told the officer
to "watch out or she"ll get ahead of
yu"-" . , ,
Constabla Frost took the advice
and went to Ardenwald. 8omewhat
later he came bark with Minnie Stew,
art, and there were no signs of
trouble, nor was the constnble carry
ing anv noticeable amount of artil
lery. The two women will tell the
court their troubles next week, when
Justice Sievers will decide wno wa
to blame and how much.
Asked If he had round hla prisoner
"dangerous," Constable Frost mlled,
and said there had been no desperate
encounter. "I JuBt talk to the wom
en, and they come along," he said, re
vealing the secret or his success.
MARQUETTE. Mich.. May St. Col
onel Theodore Roosevelt won ma
libel suit today against ueoreg n.
Nowett, who charged the Colonel
with drunkenness. The Colonel, re
ceived damages after the defendant
bad uttered a retraction and the Jury
awarded the nominal damages of 6
cents provided In such cases by the
law of Michigan. Each party to the
suit will have to pay his own expen-
Judge Flannlgnn Instructed the
Jurors to bring In a verdict for t.ie
plaintiff, which they did without leav
Ing their seats.
The Colonel left for Chicago and
the East at 6:303 o'clock thla after
noon, less than two hours atter the
conclusion of the case.
NEW YORK. June 2: Sometimes
It Is quite difficult to escape from bo
Ing run down by an automobile.
Automobiles seem to be bound to run
somebody down and If they cannot
riA anv victims upon the public
street! they pursue them into houses
and stores. There were a number of
.w,rons. among them two women
ith .mull children. In a grocery
nn rtrat avenue, near 74th 8.
the other evening, never dreaming
that they were In lminlent danger of
being run down, when a wicked and
bloodthlrst automobie became unman--ni,u
n1 crashed through the big
plate B'sss window right Into the
store. The people In the store were
wholly unprepared for tb sudden on
slaught and wre bowled over like
ninepins In a bowling alley. All re
ceived more or less serious Injuries.
uiiiiqom Wis.. Mar 2. The
state of Wisconsin reached Its sixty
rifih birthday anniversary today, hav
ing been admitted to the Union May
29 1848. The annlvtrsary passed
without observance, except the riyinjr.
of the national and state flags from
th capltol.
For the pleasure ot MIh Mlllnn Mil
ler, who Hoon leave for her luniin In
Lincoln County, Mia-, Morsn enter
tnliii I on Thuiadiy lnnt a number "f
the l;l"il'ci or !'! Ureron City M.
K n,ur h, or whl' h orti Hilzailon Mia
Mill- r lr presldi n . 'Iho home wjih
tiioiit iiri!ii'i-uly ariangei) with iiiikhim
or Hoicli llrooin and do siiitclou v
raiirl'i v.aa also gny In y dlow dowers.
The evi-i.lng wna spent informally and
dellci'iiiH refreshments curried out In
llm enliT Mchetnn of yellow and white
wen hcrved to the following guests:
Mlllnn Miller; Hadye Ford; fieneva
Young; Myrtln Crosn; Nettle Krone;
Anna Myera; Ivah Ford; Mable My
era; Adah llulbiirt; Mary Rose and
Mi-Hdiiuics Krnnia Johnston; Grace
Cox nnd Mollurt,
T'm mliool closed on Thursdity,
Mny 2'MU. A marHhinnllow toaat at
"l.nohoiit" on the banks of the Will
nmeitn was enjoyed by the pupils of
I'rof, Thompson's room. Refresh
ments wr later served by Mlas
('iiuiphiill and the Mendumes Ilrtto
chert and l'lnrce,
Mr. Thompson present each of hi
poplin with a very pretty souvenir
booklet of memory gems, and a pic
ture of the school building, with a list
or the names or pupils and alao tho
board or directors, It being dexlgnod
by Mr, Thompson expressly ror the
Heboid at this place.
Ml Cuinpliell Inn! bidden the pu
pils of her room to a lawn party at
the home of MIhs Far mini on Satur
day afterniKin. From two till five the
little folks enjoyed the game MIhs
Campbell had planned for them. Min
nie Hoethe receiving the prize In the
ganiH content. Refresh menta were
served diarlng the afternoon.
Mr. Clyde Newell, who wa Injured
at a sawmill in Waahington, Is ahre
to be out of St. Vincents' honpltnl an. I
Is spending a time with his parent.
Mrs. Hoy Welch of Kelso, Wash
Im ton, will occupy her cottage; on
Cm river the coming season.
Mrs. Hess Hreuchert and children
will leave on Monday for Seaside,
whera they will spend the summer at
the beach.
Mr. and Mrs. If. H. Emmons spent
Tuesday lust at HlllHhoro.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson and son,
who were former residents at Seattle,
spent Memorial day at the II. J. Rob
inson home.
Mrs. I. D. Newell returned from a
week's visit at Eugene.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Soesbe and Har
old ramo up from Newport on Wed
nesday. The annual school election will be
held on June lfitb, at 8 P. M. for the
purpose or electing a director for a
term or threo yean and a clerk for
one year.
Jack Hampton, Jr., has returned
rrom an extended trip to Alaska and
was accompanied home by his uncle,
Mr. King.
I'rof. F. Roas Browne and wire or
the Agricultural College at Corvallia,
will visit with bli parent at this
Mr. Wendell Smith 1 visiting with
friends at Washougal, Wash., going
up on his wheel on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mra. Rrowne have return
ed from Camas, WaBh., after an ab
sence of several days. Mr. Browne
assisted with the singing at the fun
eral ot Dr. Wright, who met sucb a
tragic death at Camas recently.
Mrs. Dlckeni and Mr. and Mrs. Sod
en and daughter or Portland, s;ent
Sunday at the H. C. Robertson bome
on Addie street
The Senior play at th Shlvely Op
era House waa attended by a number
or the Lodge rolka. Tney rrienas oi
Shelby Shaver being particularly
pleased with the manner be handled
his part of the play.
- On May 30th, a ball game between
the "fats" and "leans" wa played at
the school grounds at 10:30, the leans
being defeuted. Arthur Roberts, cap
tain of "leans" and Donald McFarlane
of the "fats." In the afternoon a
game was enjoyed between the mar
ried men and single. The latter car
rying off the honors.
Mr. H. H. Emmons has returned
from a business trip at Astoria.
The Circle met with Miss C .Scrip
ture on Wednesday. The afternoon
was spent In sewing. The rooms were
very pretty with white carnations and
snap dragoons. After tea was served
each guest was presented with a
bunch of carnatlona. Ten were pres
The regular meeting of the Com
munity Club was held at the Batdrof
hall on Wednesday evening, June 4.
The Question of having electric lights
on streets was discussed and action
taken on placing Bome on the area at
this place.
Mra. C. Robertson, or Tacoma, sua-
dayed with Miss Mable Morse.
Mr. and Mrs. Judd and children and
Miss Heatrice Card, of Portland, spent
Sunday ut the home of G. W. Card.
Rev. E. D. Hornschuh. or Portland,
will preach on Sunday, June 8. at tne
Grace Chapel, Immediately after the
children's program. All are Invited.
Mr. Frank Davy, a former resident.
was a business caller at this place on
Mr. H. C. Palnton made a buslnessJ.
trip to Garden Home on Wednesday.
GETTYSBURG, Pa., May 30. Con
gressman James T. Heflln or Ala
bama, wa the orator at the Memorial
Day exercises at the Soldiers' Na
tional Cemetery here today. It was
the first time that the memorial ad
dress was ever delivered by a South
erner. Summon!.
In the Clicult Court of the Btate of Ore
gon for Claokamna Count)'. .
Anna Bluler, Plaliilirt.
Roy Slater. Defendant.
To Roy Bluler, the above named defend
In' the nnme of the 8tate of frrepon.
,mi ,r hr.tv miulred to auoear and
answer or otherwise plead to plaintiff!
eomplHlnt filed airntiist you In the above
entitled stilt wllhln six week from the
.1.,. tt en.t imhheAtlon of this etim-
mens and you will take notice that If
you fall ro to appear ana nwer or oui
erwlee pliad to liitntlff'a complaint wtth
u aoi. .im. th iilalntlff for want there
of will apply 'o 'he court for the relief
prayed for In plaintiff e complaint, to-wlt:
for a decree forever dissolving the bond
of matrimony now ana nereioior
Ina between you ana tne piniunn ncrem,
that fhe plaintiff be awarded the care,
ruatody and control of 1-on F. Slater,
the minor child of the plaintiff and de
fendant herein, and for auch other and
further relief an to the court may aeeui
meet and equitable herein.
You will further take notice that thla
munitions Is putdlnhed pursuant to an or
der of tho Honorable R. B. Beatle. Judge
of the County Court of the State of
Orea-on for the County of Claikamaa,
made In open Court and dated the 4th
day of June, 191J- You will further take
notice that the first publication of thla
mtmmons la made Friday, the 6th day
of June. IMS. R LAWRBT-
Attorney for plaintiff.
Business Directory
Jk Directory ef each City. Teww aad
VUlace. ilTlo deeortaitra sketch ef
aeh place, location, population, tela
Tapta,,anlppliui am muuw po.mi
alao CI tamed Directory, compiled by
kualaae aad profeattoa.
b. l. rout a cix, imttu
Further Bldi to be Sought, and
dined Railway Plan Also to
be Coneldered Fire
Chief See Danger
A tannic over the public elevator
question, abd another tangle over the
test well being bored at Mt. Pleasant,
as well as a number of airy passages-nt-srm
between memoer, enlivened
Wednesday night's council meeting.
After much routine work bad been
takon up and disponed of. It cama
time to open the bid for elevator.
Two bids were received, one from
the Oregon Hrldge & Construction
company for $14,4C2; and one from
the Hurley-Mason company, or $13,
000. A the bond Issue to provide for
the elevator Is but $12,000, there Is
little chance or either bid being-accepted,
though both were referred to
ronimrtlee for consideration. It was
alao ordered that rurther bids be in
vited, and that they be submitted
within ton days.
Fireworks on the elevator mafer
slatted when a Mr. Ueckwith, srho
said he represented a hoisting ma
chinery and equipment concern, or
rered to submit plans and specifica
tions to the council for an Incline
railway running up the race or the
bluff from Eighth to Seventh street.
This plan, be said, would save tha
city a considerable sura of money,
both In construction and mainte
nance, and could later be utilized as
a link In a railway line on the bluff.
The Idea seemed to strike some of
the -councllmen favorably, and It was
suggested that Mr. Ileckwlth be given
time to submit his plans and spbiifl
catlons. Representatives or the oth
er bidders wanted to know If they
would bave to compete with elevator
bids against the Inclined railway, and
after much discussion were finally
given permission to bid on Inclined
railways too. Some of the council
men then recalled that the chosen
site for the elevator was Seventh SL
snd not Eighth, and the Inclined rail
way scheme was attacked on this
ground. Councilman Tooze finally
suggested that a "figure eight," such
as is to be found In cheap amusement
parks, might be built at Seventh St..
and the laugh killed rurther discus
sion. Shortly after this a report was read
rrom Fire Chief Long, calling I'm
council's attention to the fact that
many roofs in the city were covered
with moss, and thua were a fire men
ace. Mr. Long said h had notified
property owners of this through tha
press no less than three times. Aside
from the fact that this has not been
done, the council did not consider
such notification even bad It been
given sufficient, and referred Mr.
Long's communication to the city at
torney, who will serve legal notice
upon the property owners concerned.
One of the gentlemen cited by Mr.
Long as maintaining fire menace ot
this nature rose to say that hi prop
erty haj a tin root and was not moss-
The water matter came up next
Superintendent Scott or the wall
drilling outfit, rose to make a report
on the progress, but councilman
Tooze volunteered to lay the matter
before the council for him, and Mr.
Scott subsided. Mr. Tooie spent
most or his time urging that the coun
cil consider M. J. Lee s offer of Can-
by water at the same time thai tney
were determining whether or not to
continue drilling the test welL The
council finally took the matter in its
own hands, and ordered an ordinance
drawn appropriating sufficient money
to sink the test well 100 foet rurth;r.
or as much less than this as might be
necessary to reach water.
Mr. Scott volunteered to do the
rest of the drilling at half price If
the city would furnish him. pipe, and
his offer was accepted with thanks.
Pipe will cost the city 65 cents a foot
as It may be needed, and the drill
ing will be carried on at a cost ot
but $2.50 per foot.
Mr. Tooze, and other members of
the council, were hopeful that water
would be struck within the next 100
feet. Indications of a gravel vein
have already been found, but the well
at present ends In body of Hue sand.
Mr. Holman was the chief opponent
in the council of further drilling, but
did not vote against the appropria
tion.. Mr. Long favored spending
$500 more for drilling If chance of
striking good water remained.
EPSOM, Eng., June 4. Today'
race for the derby, the "blue ribbon"
of tha nrltish turf, was one of tha
most sensational on record.
It was made memorable by dar
ing militant suffragette outrage in
which Emily Wilding Davison was
terribly Injured whil trying to stop
King George's horse. Anmer, when he
was running at full speed arouno lai
tenham Corner, by the disqualifica
tion ror bumping of Craganour, the
favorite, after be had finished flnt,
and by the award of the race with Its
stakes of $323,500 to a rank outsider,
Aboyeur, a 100 to 1 shot
Most Children Have Worms.
Many mothers think their cbildran
are suffering from Indigestion, head
ache, nervousness, weakness, costive
ness. wben they are victims of that
most common or all children's ail
mentsWorms. Peevish, 111-temper-a
r-etful children, who toss and grind
their teeth, with bad breath and col
icky pains, have all the symptoms of
having worm, and should be given
Klckapoo Worm Killer, a pleaaant
candy lozenge, which expela worms,
regulates the bowels, tones up the sys
tem, and makea children well and hap
py. Klckapoo Worm Killer Is guar
anteed. Huntley Bros. Cc Oregon
City. Hubard. and Canby. or by mall
Price 25c Klckapoo Indian Medicine
Co.. Philadelphia and St Louis.
Estacada and Eastern Clackamas
MIhs 7.03 Irwin arrived frr.u f'or
vallls, Oregon, Sunday to Visit :i tvur
al days with ii-.-r friends, Mr-. Davs
Mrs. Harry Eckles, of I'ortlan , has
l.eiu viuiting Kxtucadii friends daring
the past week.
"firaiidpa Hurling came over from
Portland the latter part of last week
to vlait friends at thl place.
J. C. Ecker took his little granl
son to Portland Mouduy to attend the
The Morrow livery has bought an
Mr. Oraham, one of the teachers
In the Estncada schools, had a pic
nic Friday for her pupils, down In the
J. A. Honny drov a-car to Portland
Wednesday night after the graduat
ing exercise to take Dr. Homan to
the city to catch an early car for his
home. They were accompanied by
Pror, Ford.
The Civic Improvement Club met
at the town hall Wednesday after
noon with about fifteen members pres
ent. Three new member were en
rolled. Committees were appointed
for the Fourth of July celebration and
are as follows: Parade, Mesdames
Krazler, Ford, Evans, Reed, Drown,
McCurdy. Mary Smith. Mtislc and
dunce: Mesdames Adlx, Iloyle, Belflls,
Kwlng. Refreshments, Mesdames
Itartlctt, Lindsay, Homer, Grimm, Giv
ens, Simmons, Eshelman. Printing
and advertising, Mesdames Ecker,
Morton, Jorg and Messrs. Roswell,
Givens. Concessions, Meswrs. Spark,
Hartlett 8tandish, Reed and Will
A young man by the name of Pratt
arrived from Maryland Sunday to take
a nosition with the government sur
veyor who were at -this place last
week. -
Thursday evening this year's grad
uates and those of former years who
graduated from the Estacada high
school, had a meeting at Hotel Esta
cada and formed an organization. The
beautiful dining room at the hotel was
tastefully decorated with this year's
class colors and a sumptuous four
pminiA sunner aerv-ed. At the busi
ness meeting which followed, the fol
lowing officers were elected: Presi
dent, Miss Ella Erickson; Hapry
Morgan, Vice-President: Kilty Kae
ran. Secretary; Will Dale, Treasurer;
Rachael Reed, reporter. The organ
ization Harts out with fifteen mem
bers. fn until the evening before election
day. S4 was thought that "the hatchet
bad been buried" In Estacada and a
quiet election would be the result but
It seems that tne old spiru oi conten
tion was only sleeping. Only one tick
et was put up. which was supposed
to be satisfactory to all. but election
day told a different story. It seems
that some very quiet worg nan oecn
done and at the last minute Fred
Jorg's name was placed on the ticket
for Mayor, and Wm. Straight for Coun
cilman. 12 votes were cast about
fifty of these being women. Mr.
Jorg's name bad been placed on the
Republican ticket for Councilman or
the 5th ward, but be was defeated by
Wm. Straight, the independent candi
date and also lost out for Mayor by
two votes. The balance of the Repub
lican ticket was elected as follows:
For treasurer, Mrs. Jess M. Bartlett;
recorder, Claud Devore; councllmen,
Stanley Pyle. O. E. Smith. Robert
Marchbank, and J. A. Somers. A few
scattering votes were cast
The Methodist Sunday School had
their annual picnic Tuesday out in
The Estacada ball team defeated
tha Montavilla Cubs Sunday afternoon
with a score of 11 to 8. Batteries:
rtmnson and Meltzman for Estacada
and Baker and Bingham for the vis
Chas Dubois arrived home from
Cottage Grove the first of the week.
He reports that his new saw mill Is
about completed and that he had
bought a large timber tract, haying
300 acres in all now.
Ahe M. E. church was filled to over
flowing last Wednesday evening wben
the commencement exercises took
place. Red Carnation was the class
flower and an abundance of these with
a beautiful green foliage for the back
ground, nearly hid the graduates
from view. There were nine In the
class, four girls and five boys, con
sisting or Musses Doris Lovell, Rachel
Reed, Nina Taylorfl Myrtle Woodle
and Chas. Kandle. Milton Evans,
George Keith, Harry Morgan and Mai-
com Woodle. First on the program
was a violin, cello and piano trio' by
Mr. and Mrs. Aue and Mis Chapman.
Rev. Givens followed by prayer, after
which Miss Chapman gave a piano so
lo. Dr. Fletcher Homan, president or
Willamette University, then addressed
the class, which was a very "ae'.pful
discourse, not only to the class but
to the large audience. Following the
able address Mr. and Mrs. Aue, wio
are favorites with Estacada people,
Auction; Sale
At my place. 1-2 mile we.t of "LOWER LOGAN" SCHOOL HOUSE,
on and one-half mile outheat of Baker" Bridge, and 8 mile east
of Oregon City, known a the Harvey Cross Place, on
Thursday, June 12, 1913
Consisting of 19 Cow, some fresh, 16 giving milk, rest fresh soon;
1 bull calf; 3 Heifer Calves; 5 Grade Jersey yearling heifer; 1 hore
weight 1000 pounds; 1 Mare, weight 1100 pound.
50 Brood and Stock Hogs 50
5 full blooded Berkhir Sow; 5 Stock Hogs, weight from 125 to
150 pound. 40 Pigs, S to 6 week. old. 1 old wagon, 1 2-eeated hack,
1 buggy. 1 et double harne., 1 aet alngle harne., 1 Walter Wood
binder, almo.t new. 1 Hooeler grain drill nearly new, 1 elevator pota
to digger. 1 diae, 2 teel frame harrow., 2 16-Inch plow 5-ehovel cul
tivator, 1 almost new No. 17 DeL.val cream separator, 1 baby alpha
' cream separator, milk can. and buckets. om. houeehold goode. A
W. E. WOOD, Auctioneer, Vancouver, Washington.
agnln gave a musical number and then
Prof. II. F.- Ford presented the di
plomas. Another Instrumental num
ber followed and then the entire awn II
cncB sang ",MV Country 'Tls of Thee."
The fruit growers of this section
held a meeting in Estacada Monday
Dr. Adlx performed an operation
Monday morning one the Utile so i
of Mr. and Mrs. Fre.'l Jorg, In the re
moval of adenoids. The little fellow
Is getting along nicely.
The Kxtardda Mra department will
have grand hall in the new pavilion
Juno 14.
Estacada was filled with visitor!
laai Sunday and the park was foil ct
people from early morning until the
last car to Portland at night.
Miles Standlsh of Portland visited
Estacada relatives Sunday and Join
ed the merry party of plcnlccrs at
the park.
MesBrs. Jay Templeton and Miles
Standlsh and Misses Margarlte Mo
Intyre and Florence Amerett, all of
Portland, were guests of P. F. Stan
dlsh last Mbnday.
Mrs. Roger Cary was the guest of
honor at a party at the home of Mm.
Harry Stoke, of Garfield, Friday aft
ernoon. Music and reading occupied
the time until delicious refreshments
were served.
A woman belong to a band of Gyp
sies, who have been campInK, near
town for several days, nearly "passed
In her checks" Tuesday night when
she took an over dose of some kind
of rheumatism medicine. Dr. Aflix
was called and brought her out all
right, so that the outfit could go on
their way rejoicing the next day.
Last Sunday evening, Mrs. Keith
and daughter who were alone in their
home, the son being employed at thJ
lower mill, heard a noise In the rooms
down stairs some time about midnight
and on investigation found a man in
the house. They ran out into the
street, after the intruder had gone up
stairs, and called for assistance or
the next door neighbor, but before
anyone came to their aid, the burg'ar,
or who ever he was, had disappeared.
The ladles were badly frightened.
The annual rose festival dance of
the Eagle Creek athletic club Is go
ing to be given Saturday night, Juna
7ih, at Cogswell's hall.
M. A. D. Burnett was takea down
with the appendicitis Monday.
Ward Douglass made a business
trip to Oregon City Monday.
Mrs. A. J. KiUmiler went to Port
land last week to make her son, Per
ry, who has an abscess on his hip, a
Mrs. R. B. Gibson and Miss Edith
Chapman attended the Estacada High
School commencement exercises last
Wednesday evening.
Mh-s. Ed Douglass, accompanied by
ber mother, Mrs. Clester, haa gone to
the Wilbolt Springs o spend a month.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodle and Wal
ter KiUmlller enjoyed the High
School commencement exercises at
Estacada last Wednesday evening.
Roy Douglass waa a Clackamas vis
itor last Sunday, having gone down
to play ball.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gibson and
Mrs. Pbiebe Palmateer were the din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gib
son last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Woodle spent
Decoration Day over this way.
Mt. and Mrs. Walter Douglass and
children and Mr. and Mr. Will Doug
lass went on a fishing trip the other
Guy Tracy and Charlie Clester re
turned on Tuesday from Molalla,
where they had gone after their moth
ers' household furnishings.
Morris and Hunter Cahill went o
Portland Tuesday to see their broth
er. Joe, who ha been In the hospital
for some time, but who is much bet
ter now.
Mrs. Tracy Clester called on Mrs.
R. B. Gibson Monday afternoon.
Quite a number or the neighbors of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murphy were
present at his log-rolling Saturday.
The men rolled the logs into heaps
ready for burning and the ladles halp
ed with the dinner, which was excel
leht and then spent a pleasant after
noon chatting.
H. S. Gibson made a trip to Port
land the first of the week.
Miss Helen White was the week-end
guest of her sister, Mrs. Tracy Cles
ter. KELSO.
The Neighborhood Club will meet
at the school house Sunday afternoon
June Sth, at 2:30. Everybody is in
vited. ' '
R. E. Jarl and Robert Jonsrud and
family were Oregon City visitors last