OREGON CITY ENTEUPH18K. Fit I DAY, .HINK (?, WW. MSilJiEC0llJNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY COLTON. Mr. Mini Mm. tins dotiicrg return ed from Oswego, Saturday, aftor n visit with the former' sisltcr, Mrs. Hall and family. Mr. and Mrs. Kild Kail and children of MolHlla, visited wit ti Mr. and Mrs. W. K. llonney at Colton Sunday. Andrew Jnhnsou's new Urn la nour IiiK completion. Mr. ond Mrs. V. Kstes and sons, of Oregon City, wore among t'ai pleasure seekers at Colton Sunday. iilss Ruby Countryman, who had been visiting with friends and re'.u Uvea bore, left for her home at Grand Hound last week. Mr. Vlckbnrg's brother left for Sweden last Tuesday. Jay Dlx and Gus Schlewe. of Shublo were visitors at Colton Sunday. The Ladles' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. C. Stromsreert s Thurs- oRy- v . Harlie Freeman transacted busi ness at Colton Wednesday. A Ruche has purchased a new cream separator. M'ss Nellie llonney Is home from Estacada to spend her vacation. Mr. Nyqulst left for Montana last week. Several monumenta have been erected on the Uobeson lot at he Dix cemetery since last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rowea, of Portlnnd aw visiting at the lalter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman, at Elwood. Mat Kandle assisted by Frank Nicolas tools a herd of cattle to the former's ranch in Cue mountains Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Ronney left for Sherwood Thursday to visit friends and relatives. Mr. Dix and son U. S. visited at Dix Bros, saw mill at Sbuble Satur day. Miss Freeda Hult is home from Portland visiting her parents. M E ADO WB ROOK. Quite a number attended the picnic at Molalla Saturday, also a number of tae young folks attended the ice cream social given at the church in Mulino Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkins, daugh ters, Ruth and Alma, son Allen, visit ed relatives at Marquam Sunday. Peopie are enjoying the fish they are catching at the fish racks on the Molalla river. Misses Ella and Lillie Schlswe, Nettie Larkins and Walter Hofstetter visited at R. U Orem s Sunday. Ida Burdine is working for Mrs. Milton Chtndgren at present. Mr. John Kohler, of Klamath Falls, Oregon, spent a couple of days with his neice, Mk-s. R. U Orem. Myrtle Larkins spent Sunday after noon with Mrs. Ralph Holman. Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Chindgren and family &pent Sunday at Mr. llult's of Colton. Mr. J. F. Chase left for Alberta, Canada, Monday afternoon, where he owns a farm. He expects to s'ay un till fall. Archie Dougan has a crew of men cutting saw logs on A. L. Larkins' place. Mrs. Batey and daughter. Gladys, visited at Mrs. Shepherd's Sunday. MULINO. Whilo blasting out stumps on his place at Mulino last Tuesday Mr. Long was seriously hurt, one hand be ing badly mangled and his clothing torn from his body. Mrs. Fred Woodsldes Is visiting her mother, Mtrs. Wallace. Miss Vesta Churchill returned Thursday from Linn County, where she has been visiting for the past month. Her neices, Misses Helen and One Or Two Generations Ago Most Farm Animals Roamed At Large But We Have Gradually Found That This Did Not Pay The barn yard fowls have been the last to feel the effects of bus iness methods on the farm but. at last they have to get In their place (in the poultry yard) and stay there. The fanner who reads the magazines knows that today many a chicken farm of a few acres pays a bigger profit than a big farm did a few years ago. Every fanner keeps chlekens because It pays and It will pay lots better and the farm will look better if they are kept In the poultry yard. Thay are about the most profitable animals on the farm and It takes less space and less expense to keep them. Enough of our poultry fencing to keep your fowl properly will cost very little and will be the best investment you ever made on the farm. Ak for price. FRANK BUSCH Furniture and Hardware Jessie I'arker accomp.ml.'d Ikt home and will remain for a couple of weeks vIslllnR relatives here. A baby daughter arrived at the home of Arthur Mullatt and who on Wednesday. Mar SS. Mrs Churchill went to Portland Saturday to visit her sisters and re turned Monday. News lias reached here of the mar rliun of Miss Nada 1oe to Albert Grlndo. Miss Lee was formerly a res ident of Mulino and her many frauds here wish her a long and happy life. The happy couple: will make their home near SUverton. School will close here Friday, June C, and a school fair will be given on that day. A good program has been prepared and a basket dinner will bo served at noon. An Ice cream social was given Sat urday utght. May 3t, at the grove near the churth by the Loyal Gleaners. An enjoyable time was had. The pro ceeds were $16.20. Miss Grace Forbes, of Fortland. Is visiting her sisters, Mrs. K. J. Maple. Weldor. Erickson fell out of a hack Sunday morning and came nearly breaking his arm. Merle Seward spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. Bert Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Maple and Mr. anl Miss Jones went to Wllholt Thurs day. WILSONVILLE. Mrs. Mallory of Junction City, U visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jake Peters. - Harney Cronln. who Is busy workl'ig fcr the railroad at Salem, spent Sun day at home. The Odd Fellows' lodge has taken in a goodly number of new members during the past month. Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford went to Portland last week to see Mrs. Ruth erford's brother, who was hurt in a motorcycle accident. W. E. Bonnie and wife, of Colton, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting their relatives Mr. Alison and Ed Baker and families. Mr. and Mrs. McKinney and chil dren spent Tuesday of last week, m the Rose City. Mr. and Mrs. Gould, of Salem, vis ited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Aden last week. The Parent-Teachers' Association held a meeting in the school house on Thursday. Eugene Schwartx. who met with a bad fall, and was sent to the hospital a short time ago, has returned and is much improved, although not s;rong. Mrs. Larsen. Mrs. Cronln and Mrs. Gould spent Wednesday with Mrs Fred Prawl. A young motorman arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wright recent ly. Mr. and Mrs. Bonnie, of North Plains, and their grandchild visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Baker and other rela tives last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Baker spent Decoration Day at the home of Mr. Baker's parents, and attended the services in the cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Alison Baker had a handsome marble monument placed over Alfred's grave recently. Prof. Graham and family and Robt. Graham spent Decoration Dav with relatives here, coming by auto from Portland. Mr. Erwin, of Kansas, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jones. A. 0. Westgate, of Alberta, Cans la who Is a half-brother of Mr. Murray here, has come to our village to re side permanently and is building a residence. Mr. Westgate is an ac complished paluter and carpenter, and Is already engaged In painting at the Stangol's ranch home. The children are all busily prepar- Ing for the Juvenile fair, aud Mrs. Young will probably have a good fair as Inst year, and It would be dif ficult Indeed, to make It better una, Many compliments have been pass ing upon tho beautiful silver cups, donated by the W llsonvllio business men, for the motor races held recent Iv. A Decoration Day service was held In the Hood View evmetery on that dav, as has been the custom for mn.ty years. Rev. Kldrldge. of Sherwood, was the speaker of the occasion. Ad dresses were also given by Mr. At kins. Mr. Moorbaek. recital by Mia MiHirback, and there was appropriate glinting by the Hood View choir. At the last meeting of the Reboknh lodgo Mrs, 11. 1). Aden was electel Noble Grand, Mrs. Barney Cronln, Vice Grand; Jud Seely, Secretary and Alma Mi-sen, treasurer. Refresh ments were nerved under the super vision of the Past Grand. Miss Helen Mtirray, and a spleudld social time enjoyed by all. A number of Miss Helen Murray's school pupils surprised her In a de lightful manner at tier notne on nisi Tuesday evening. Games were play ed, refreshments wvro served an 1 n Jolly time spent by nil present. WILLAMETTE. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Waldron and daughters were Portland visitors Sat urday. The measuring social given by the Udies' Aid Society Tuesday evening, May 17, was a pleasant affair and ov er $17 was renllied. Ice cream and cake were for sale and there was a short program. A recitation tha" evoked considerable amusement was called "The Indies' Aid." by Frank Bennett. Dr. T. B. Ford held the first com munion service In the history of tho little Willamette church. A collection for poor and needy people was tak en. The Clackamas County Teachers' Association held their monthly ban quet at Willamette Saturday, May 31. There was not as large an attendance as was expected but a line time was reported, and a delicious chicken sup per was served by the ninth grade girls. ! The Willamette Literary Society gave an entertainment Friday even Ing, May 30, at which there wa a i SS conveniences and Hot and Cold Water, j.t: .L jf arc now wiiiiui uic tcai.ii suburban residents. invested will return you eventually "MYERS S jf PUMPS X h j I The Mitched-Leader System furnishes you cool water anywhere you want it, under any pressure you want, up to 125 lb. Hundreds of home owners right here I COMPLETE "Sfc , V. J. VILSOH ORGON CITY, OKLGOH crowded house and a splendid time Is the report. i The orchestra from Oregon City, I which pleased so greatly two weeks ago was again present with the excep tion of Mr. Uaxter and the enthusiasm ! was evtn greater over the music. ! There was a pretty drill, a pantomlne recitation and song. I'M was ths I proceeds. j Mrs. Carl I-angford Is here from California Waiting her granddaught-r Mrs. Chartes Waldron and otter re'a ! tlves. i Mr T n. Standiford and wife and ; little daughter are In Willamette for i I awhile. He Is at the head of th I engineers who are surveying a 401 1 j tract of land for the Steel Co Into 5 ' : and 10-aere tracts. I REDLAND. I Carl Mowphat had the mlsfort'ino : to lose a fine colt last wsek. It was ; In the pasture and broke Its leg. J. li. Ripley was out In his new auto Sunday. ' Ceorge Dozler and sister. Rose, of Needy. pnt the week-end with tlnir aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. R. Kerr. Mrs. J. H. Rlnley and Mrs. W. L. Moore made a trip to Damascus Tues- 1 day and came back with several crates of strawberries. Wednesday evening. June 11, there : will be an entertainment at th M. E. church with moving pictures as one ; of the fpatur-s. Sunday test Memorial services inr-t hid In t?: church hro. Rev. Coop gave a very Interesting talk. Th1 many ha'ifiil flaw-rs In the reme- ! tary shonwed alw), the number of poo- I pie .out. J Cardr ns are all looking good in this vicinity, but a rain would Improve them. MACK3BURQ. Seed time being about over, other Interests are claiming tho attention of the ranchmen. Building Is unusually active. William Barth la removing part of bis house lu preparation for the new one that he Intends to have com pleted before full. t hus. Krnxbergcr putting so law" an addition to Ills homo that It will practically be now house, and Ira Morris Is building new house for himself. School la over and the problem how to keep the children happily employe! through vacation seem to be solve bv the approaching Juvenile lair. The children are busy with their fruit. vcgeUihlo and stock raising, and are also creating many articles of manual skill. Many splendidly-kept gardens, much ndmlrablo' live stock and the work of many diligent hands may b seeu as the result of the new Impetus thus given to tho rising generation of this place. Not one of us may forecast the outcome of this awaken tug of the love of nature In thu hearts of the young. The longing for the city and its allurements that has been tho bain of so many country house holds In largely obviated by the work necessary to success In obtaining creditable production from the soil, This turning. In the morning of life, to that generous rewanler of toll, our Mother Earth, must exert an Inlln ence that can never be lost. The Eby school gave a most pleas ing order of exercises, followed by a basket social on Saturday night. The entertainment was well attended and was protl table as It was pleasant. Ahe people of South Maeksliurg will be sorry to lose Mr. and Mrs. Slier wood, who have won the estee mand good will of children and patrons alike In the year they have spout here. The Mlicksburg school held Us an nual nlcnlc at Smith's park on Thurs day, the 2'Jtb. and bad an enjoyabl time. The weather was perfect, th games entered Into with spirit, a id the generous lunch was consumd with a relish that only hearty out-of-door p'ay can give. The base ball game on Sundny be tween the Macksburg team aud tho Molalla Stars, resulted 18 to 6 In fa vor of Macksburg. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Howell, of Port laud are visitors at the home of Mrs. LIFE TOO SHORT To spend in discomfort. Running water in the home brings many comforts theBath Sanitary Toilets Etc, Etc. City people wouldn't be k -f .11 I ui an iuiui vi Every dollar in a -1 a JL cEADER Water System $10 worth of comfort to say have found the solution of their water supply problem Let us send you our Book, "The Question of Water" with circular containing cuts of homes and letters of Northwestern parties who i have installed them. It will surprise you how vou can secure a Mifcneli Water System that will satisfactorily take care of your requirement.' Writ U$ At Once. 341 Street PORTLAND Spokane Boise & CO. CANBY HARDWARE & IMP. CO. Howell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith. ; Mr. Marshal I-azelle Is also a guest of M. Smith. Mrs. Ed Hurgess, of Friend, Oregon, is, with her little daughter, visiting h;r mo'-her, Mrs. J. Gibson. I Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Haldwln have ; moved back to their ranch for the . summer. I Mrs. John llines and Mrs. Dan Wol--fer were guests of Mrs. Geo. Walsh on ' Monday. j Joe GlbHon has rented a hop ranca and will work It tlie coming summer. Fol!o'inR are the name of Macks-: burg pupils who were neither absent nor tardy In the school yar Just closed: High School Hilda Harth, Inlce Keesling, Adam Kalb and Myrtle Ixir enz. I'rlmary Mildred Kecsllng and El sie Kalb. ROCK CREEK AND 8UNNY8IDE Rom, to Mr. and Mrs. Osterback, Saturday, May. 24, a baby girl. Mrs. Vogel has been quite sick, but is now hett'-r. ' Harry Feathers lit the proud posses sor of a 10-pound boy, born Sunday morning, June 1. Frank Ot.t, wlh his new engine Is hauling the rock crusher to Hunny side. On Hock Creek hill the engine Mused to pull and tongue of the crusher broke letting the crusher start down the bill, but hitting soni'-tliiii?, turnf-d It cross lse, which prev-nti;J a ufrHfl acr -nt. Rev. a. R. Kliss Is appointed to I T'le Dalles for the coming yenr, and will move this w-1r. Mrs. Orville Cox and chlVlren have bein vliiting at Sunnysld?. GLAD TIDINGS. Tho plctilr given by the band hoys of Molalla. hold In MiFnddcii a Grove on Saturday, May .11, was nil enloy able nftalr for all In attendance, With ns attentive a iiuiu to look out for tho general welfare of lh people a Mr. MoFuddoii. olio muld scares no nwiiv dlsiatlstleil. And such good men Harold KiikIk. and Frank Adams. as niarslmlln of the day. one who would so misbehave us lit he cation down bv tliein would sunt be a lui-i one. The platform dance engaged lit In the afternoon by the young peopl was enjoyed to a certain extent even by the older people, for II did not seem so very long since they too, were young, and llkn the young peo ple of Hi ' present generation, danced mid were merry. Musk Inns- Mrs. Mary Ridings, Pi ano; Mr. T. . Hidings, violin. The iiiuslo was well rendered and was par ticularly Interesting aud appreciated by the rlter. who nt one time claim ed those worthy people as neighbors. A celebration will be held on lheie same grounds on July . and a large attendance Is expected. Miinuel Hartnmn. of W'aplnltla. Ore gon. Informs relatives In Mnniuam that his ramlly have Hie amuii pox. Il Is a brother of Charlie niul liar vev Hnrtmun, of SUverton. Ore., and a brother of Miss Jane llartnian, of Scott MIIN. also an uncle of Mrs Dr. Todd, of Molalla. Mr. Run Is about done planting corn. Frank Erickson will start the plant Ing of five acres of potatoes on John Wooster's place week arter next. The nlcnlc to take place at Mt Angel Saturday, June 7. will no doubt be well patronlrml. The one on the same dale at Wolfors Springs like wise. Talk about gloomy winters, one al most fowls the like In the enjoy ment of these beautiful summer days. NORTH LOGAN. Mr. John Jackson, of Canity was vis iting Saturday at Cumins Mill with Dick Johnson. Among some of the sport of this place who attended the ball game at Estacnda Sunday were Jim Harry. Dick Johnson. Elmer Douglas. Billy Sagar and Geo. Sagar. ths latter play ing with the team. Win. Odell went to Barton 8unday COMPLETE SYSTEM the Wash Room- without them and they nothing of fire protection. in this system. reasonably STOVERS COOD ENGINE CAM BY, ORCOOM to attend the ball game, Martin Griffin and his brother went fishing Humliiy. but Martin says they were not biting very good. J. I). Cumins went to 1'ortland Mon day on business. Jim Harry la building a new fenc-j for J. II. Cumins around his calf pos ture. Klmer Douglas wont to Eagle Cree't Saturday to visiting his people. Mr. Smith and party of I'nrtland were out her Sunday having an outing and Inspecting J. II. Cumins' new null. Tii y drove out In two big anion. A hero Is considerable unraslnniis In the neighborhood at present on ac count of the report of two mud docs being at large here. H. I'. ChriHtiansen was vlslllng his futher and motlwr Sundny and saw a big black bear at t-ie old mill site, not having a gun at the time, he tlirew rocks at It and chased It up the hill. Gus Nescheaky went to llarton Mon day evening on busln -hs. Mr. Almond McMurray, wife and baby were visiting at Mr. and Mrs. Sam llamhb-t's Sunday. Miss Grace Stanton was visiting friends at llarton Sunday. MIhs Irene Marshall and little broth er were visiting Sunday at Mrs. J. II. Cumins. Mrs. l.otta Cumins and daughter, ?;il-l, were vlKltlng at Mrs. Ilam-bli-t s. Misi Helen Johnson, age 11 years, of alirton. ClarTiamas County, Oregon, has won the first prlre In sin-Ming In Hie fifth -rrade. She had 112 head h'-ad mark. Her fath-r, Al Johnson, was tlv hook t'-nrVr at Cumins Cnmo last yenr. Ila Lyons won the second prize In snelilntr. Hlie had 10S head marks. She was In t!ie sixth rra:l Tuiah Russel was the teachr. Children Cry The Kind Yon Iluvo Always llonght, niwl which ling hnvn lu tisa for over HO ycitrg, luu homo tho alirimiuro ot "a ' - mid linn born iiutdo tinder Ms per. Or SS'- mtnut aiiK'rvllint alnco It Infuucy. VAj7&.UA'U Allow no on todocHvo you In mu. All (ountrrolti, litiltutltttiN mimI "luat-iis-goiKl,iir but lCxperlinont Unit trltlo villi mid tudiinirr tlin health ( lufuuU utid tlilldrtn i;xKrUnco iifitlust LxiorliutuiU What is CASTORIA Castorlrt l u lniriiilf atihsllttito for Castor Oil, IftW). Boric, Drop mid Soothing- Hyrups. It U hnsiint. fontulim iH'lthi-r Opium Morphine nor other Kurootlo ubNtmice. IU no U It gmirimtnts It destroys Woriu mid nlhiya lVvrlsliiif. Tor moro than thirty yours It tin been lu roiisiitut tmn for tho relief of CoiiNtlpullon liiitiilency, AVInd Cnllo, ull Tcethlnir Troubles und IMurrlniMt. It rciruluto tho Htoiiiuch mid ItoweU, iimlmlhifcs tho food, giving- hcnltliy mid nuturul sleep. Tho CUlldrcu's riuiacu-Tlio Jlothcr'a i'rlcud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bough! In Use For Over 30 Years TWILIGHT. Miss Anna Wilehart. of Oregon City, spent the week with her sister, Mrs. J nines llylton. Mrs. r'red J. Melndl and children, of Sellwood. have returned home aft er several days visit with her pnr cuts, Mr. and Mrs. tleo. IjixcII. Miss Marin llurvey. of H-ntlle. Is sHnditu her vacation at loivn l'ol ranch. Mr. I.. J. llylton was given a postal card shower last Krldiyr lu honor of his "Sth birthday anniversary by hl friends and niul Ives Mr. and Mrs. lino. Hcbreinwr vis ited over Sunday lu Sellwood. Miss Klennor Urodlo wus a dinner guest Monday of Mr. and Mrs. lieu l.sielle. The tirango mh-IiiI held In New Eri Saturday evening was a success, bo'h tliisuiiully and sixially. Mrs. I.. K. lleulley Is cntertnlnliiK company from Mnripiam. Mrs. A. 11. llurvey lias been In I'ott land visiting with friends. Miss Alia Itumsby has returned o li.-f huiiin in Molalla after teaching a successful eight-months term of school. BARLOW. At tint cl'y ebi'tlon imld Monday evening v. W. Ji-sse was elncti-d may or: J A. Andrews, Uley Sletager and J. J. Wurfel wro elected rouiu llinen; V. II. Tull, treasurer and Chns. tls worth, recorder. Mrs. (! o. Igler lius been quite III with heart trouble, but Is recovering Mrs. Churchill went to Portland Suuduy, where she underwent an op eration Monday. Mr. Churhlll accom- panlinl lies to Portland but returned Monday evening lu tlmo fur tun elm tlon. HJnlmer Krlikson will gruduatu from 1. 10 Cbiiby high school Friday. 11. K. Melvlu went Oregon City for the Memorial services. Cecelia Jolinsou went to (Sleiidulu Monday w here she will spend the sum-ni-r with her graud-inotlier and si ter. MIhs Nellie. AiTss tlra U e. of Portland, calls I on Miss llui tie lrwlu Ix-tweeti trains Saturday evening. Tim Jernlgiin family gave a show hern Saturday evening. Chris .icgh-r has bought the farm on the west side of Oakley bill nml Is now will) his family rimidlnfl there, Welcome Chris and family to on midst. Mrs. Wurfel's sister aud ulster-i'i law and children of Portland, w re vis- King Mrs. Wurfel Sunday. Kd (irendling has triuW-d ills rnmh for an automobile, which lie Is enjoy ing very much these fine evenings. Clayton Walgamot's old friends will he grieved to hear thai he Is lxdfust all of the time, being too weak to sit up and still longing for death to re lieve his suffering. He passed Ills 12 birthday last Hun day. He Is very much pleased to have friends call and would be delighted to have hla old friends In Canny call on him as he Is still very much In-t"r-'sted In Canby. II. J. Van Winkle left Tuesday for Portland. Henry Zlegler's strawberries are among the earliest to ripen as be shipped two crates last week and Is now shipping many of them. C. O. Tull ami (iius. KIm worth came down from Schacfers mill Mondny night for the election. Kred .les.io left Wednesday for Rjio. kane. Many attended the recital from hero Tuesday evening. Miss I.bvIiio Widows took part In the recital, playing the violin and Miss Olga Howe will take part Wednesday evening on the pro gram, il lying the piano. DOVER. John Hews made a trln to the r. himbln River Inst week on his motor cyle. P. Orlff In was home from null linn last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. K. (J. Thayer is suffering from a severs aitack of neuralgia. M. M. Reld CHmn till from M,.ivi..,i. Monday, Victor Ilodlev Is entertiil brother and wife, from Southern Ore gon. C. A. Keith find wife ntl,.ni1,.l llm Commencement em-nisi s at Katncada Hltli School Mav 2Htil Thnlr a.i tlaylord, was one of the grnduat . rt. .1. Morrlion entertain, ,f frl ,tuiw from Portland Sunday Mar.'.'irei Seward. Kbnnr.p !!.. Helen hii.I Oaylnrd Keith rv home from KxfRcada, where they w ro at tending llh'h S( lun,l. GREENWOOD. Mr. Osborn died at )! hnmn li.i Tnes-lay morninr. He leaves a wid iw mi l ge;eral children to mourn his Ions. for Flotchor's .Irk Signature of lis was burled Wednendny sll-rtooa In Mountain View cemetery. Mrs. Kiiowlcs and daiiKhler, Nollt, liiivo gone lo Lebanon lo lnlt Mi liven. Mrs. Hamilton went to I'ortlaml Mondny to visit her slater ind hr two daughters. J. V. Ilraker Is hntnn thin wwk putting up fences and spraying trw Kour teams vountend work oa the road to Molalla, grading It up level, this week. W. Cassady la running Ins mill Steadily, sawing trees. Harold Urown, of I'nrtlntid Is nt lung nls uncle and aunt, Mr. vcA Mrs. Hamilton. Out Laxatlva for ths Aged. Old men and women f--el tlin lind of a Imntlvn morn than youiig foPii, but It must be snfw and hariuli-ss sod one wiilch will not causn pain. Dr. King's New life Pills, are especially KKid for tho aged, for they set prumi ly and easily. Price !.V. Itecvm nHMnleil by Huntley tiros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard and Caiiby. AL8PAUCH, Mrs. John tlltiiens and thi'iKhW, Haiel, were Portland visitors Medim day. A pleasunt surprise wns i:lv.-n M il Kile n Krli kson Saturday nU-lit by hr fro nds After partaking of a dulntf luncheon they riepnrted fur their homes tired but happy. Mr, and Mrs. Marshall AtnpugB sM'iit a few days with thu former'! pa rents. Miss Manila Hlepln Is working il l.ogiti. M-s. Chns. Sparks was In Pnrtlinl Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Kdnnr llleple alt rndi-d the dance at Kstacada Saturdny night. Mr. II. llarton was Hsletn vlillor one day Inst week. BEAVER8 BEAT OAKS At Portland Purl In ml 3, Oakland. At San Francisco San Francisco 9, Venice 8. (10 Innlnssl, At Uis Angeles Urn AiikcIi . Sacramento 1. Coast Ltagu Standings. I -oh. Angeles 813 Onklatid Sun Francisco ' Venice fiS Portland Sacramento MINNIE IS VERY SORRY Minnie Hlewart. of Ardenwald, U ivsted on complaint ot Augusta Ham. if the nil run iilacn. annenri'd III J"'' tl.io Sbuers' court Wednesday to M- swer to a charge of asssult. Ane ro fllctlng parties had settled their dll fcivnces out of court, and the cm was dismissed. After Minnie sure of this she turned to August- and said: "Well, now that this case hm wk' dismissed tlwre Is Just one thing I . . . . i . I. ..a I'm sult want to say, anil mat is insi i ui ry I dldn t smash you harder wheo I had the chance." fil'CiJD .llviWI" frEa3J5STSS,cy.LTt!:,:3fM rr r 0 t Vuo Do-.i of I'-uyr'n v;o,. QuiSH -iPi ' i ''"" (u cf t'y If yonrn - r.'ti ro.r"'-. V- - vf .'.r,.,i. t....rii t .mftmt nl ! I" J" ,' t A ' :i- l.i'in-r. I- --. ..ct ' V ! ! w' wl r V . .'il lv ? V I' ' ' ' ,. ',,. , 'iti.ni .'r-.r-l I w. .-ii.- J- .j '.if. eilUI ,ni, ci- i ft ; '. ' ft vV 'r-'lw AWFUL IIBiswn " On.&M -li rlll-l '.U to cur. 0rt on h-.n.irrd j.r.W hm Lion t: wm Ar"?Lnl. ,.rlloir.ilof.i with """'K'r"7''fc nm .U ll..t Mayr's WondfVte SMSftuf rrrfnnUily f.ft't tlvf. . 1 v9 rlilelf l iwtwn sM fKt-fni r-ir,0' i . -ii. Livftf inm. 'iJ w im' .U. A-k 1nr lntrlln lnr.tnr. fVr Arumiia iwnim 0-. r-ir- ' ;... it . u ,.i bur, v.. ' ' t irrt tumli n' nsi'" " ta uimrbM. tWdfornir fc-"!-'' ' jst n humnrh Allmr,l lo tw". " " ' UMtnut, LiA-lh VrbiUDS SW Cnuw.'' 1 1