OI1E01ON CITY ESTERPlilSE. KlilDAYiMAYiO, M13 NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTEKESTINC ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY NORTH LOGAN Mr. J. H. Cumins wont to Oregon Cltv Wednesday, shopping. Klmer Hainblot and Otto Christian urn went fishing Sunday and caugM flue airing of trout and a few grey lines. Mr. Wm. Johnson was calling on Mrs. J. 11. Cumins Thursday. Mr. Ed Stanton was railing on Mr. Neachesky Thursday evening. Miss Johnson, of Davenport, Wash ington, made visit to her sisters. Mrs. Cius Neschcsky, the forepart of the week. Mr. Geo. Eaden went to Oregon City for freight for the Cumins Mill Frt day. Ml-. Wm. R. Sasar has been Indis posed the last few days. Mr. Sam Hamblot was to see J. B. Cumins Thursday on business. GLAD TIDINGS Mrs. Boldon and mother wer call ed East to attend the funeral of their son and brother. Mr. J. H. ItoWon ac companied them as far as Portland. Annte Spurlln, whose home is near Salem, came on Monday to make week s visit with relatives In this neighborhood. The pool room In Marquam. conduct ed by Alfred Olson, is doing a tilour- ishtng business this rainy weatner. Nick Beer bought a new wagon of J. H. Boldon, agent for farming im plements of all kinds. Mr. Meddelt and wife, who have been living with and assisting Miss Miller in tending Central in Marquam have gone East to make their home. Muss Spurlln will return home Tues day. Cora Thomas will lose a valuable mare, she having got snagged in a shocking manner. John Riding is somewhat improved in health and can do light work. Clark McKinney has erected a small building to be used as a well and milk house. Fall grain and clover never looked better and the little spring grain that was sown earlier is in fine condition. CENTRAL POINT A birthday party was given at tie home of Mr. and Mrs. George Randall Satnrdav evening. April 10, in honor of Mrs. Randall and Miss Ethel Yate s birthday. The evening was delight fully spent in playing games and swinging in large swings which had been erected by Mr. Randall for the occasion. At twelve o'clock delicious refreshments, which consisted of ice cream, cake and wafers were served. The guests departed wishing Mrs. Randall and Miss Yates many more happy birthdays. Those present were Pearl Cflinn. Clara Revermen, Kate Revermen, Edith Newton, Viable Had man. Li!a Dustin. Helen Wanchard, Rachel Cauthon, Alice Walker, Mat- tie D. Hayman, Ethel Yates, Emma ! Staehely. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P?n man. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Randall, Walt er Staehely. Willie Staehely, Carl Rev crman Frank Reverman. Charles . . ., ' H-uari camn, .-.orma .onon. t)rn ..iuu. , finev rendered one wa9 -Henelict Ar-Axch-Jionipw.. Bert Newton. Pet j noM:5 Death," bv Frank Bennett. Walker, l-eslle Yelton and Freeman j Misg AuJrey Tour delighted with t:ie Smit'a. I numerous "Caleb's Courtship," re- A large crowd attended the unusual 8ponding t0 an eaCore, gave an equal program which was given at the lv ,; , . di,i,r; . l . . . o i .. tu. , r .. . . : i '- - Ctiurca iasi ounuaj uifcuu .name Mmer miller, who his boen 111 of pmmnonla in the IWaon City Uofiiil I la imnrovtn slowly. Mothers Day will be honored her at he church a week from next Hun' day with a program and picnic. Franklin Young, who ta ill of ty. nhold fever remains about the same. Mrs. Ella Randall had the had luck to lose a valuable horse last Wednes day. WILLAMETTE. Mr. John Johnson is seriously III. Mrs. Tompkins, her daughters, El sie and Olive and son, Earl have mov ed to Lents. Oregon. Mrs. Swift, who was operated on at the Oregon City Hospital last week is doing as well as can be expected. Mrs, George Slier, Miss Violet and Master Guy, spent the week-end at Hillsboro. where Mr. Sixer has locat ed and will move his family there In the fall. Miss Bell Matley piloted her sew ing class through the woolen mills Tuesday after school. Mr. Dave Courtn?y Is recovering from a severe attack of pleurisy. Class No. 4 of the Willamette Sun day School hare organized, calling themselves "The Willing Workers.' Miss Hattle Snldo was elect ?d Presi dent and the first regular meeting was held at her home Tuesday. A chimney sweep cleaned as many of the chimneys Friday as he could persuade th good housewives needed cleaning. The blooming rose and one ripe strawberry are reported by the school children. Verily it is a late season. The Gary's have moved into tents for the summer, and Harry Berdlne and family have moved into the house vacated by Mr. Gary. Mrs. John Ream Is suffering from blood, poisoning in one finger. The Willamette Literary Society held a very successful and lengthv meeting Friday evening. May 16. at which a large crowd was present. The spacious assembly rooms of the High School were prettily decorated with branch? of snowy dogwood the desk and piano were graced by bouquets of white iris and Easter flowers. The program was largely musical. a fine orchestra from Oregon City. composed of Messrs. Baxter, Holland and Schoenheinz, with Mrs. Bolandat the piano, played three times, respond ing after each selection to an enthu siastic encore. Little Miss Meta Higginbot'jam ren dered the Flower Dance and Kathar ine Cobb sang very prettily. "The Frogsie's Swimming Pool." her mother playing her accompaniment. The Girls' Chorus sang and a quartette, composed of the Misses Audrey Tour, Frances Boland. Florence Kromong and Elizabeth Ray sang "Daisies Fore tell." SfTs. Boland and Miss Gene vieve Capron played a duet that pleas ed greatly. There were a good many recitations. Mr. Snido had one in prose. "Intellectual and Moral Power;' Miss Capron s class recited, "The Charge of the Light Brigade." A long the teacher and officer with a white carnation. Rer. E..A. Smith held a aorvlce Wednesday evening. His subject was "Excuses." The Udles' Aid Society held lt regular meeting Thursday. It a do. elded to hold Measuring Social Tuesday evening. May 27, and ell lc cream and cake and lemonade. 1 lm public t cordially Invited. REDLAND. A Pie Social will be given at 110 Flrgrove school house Friday night. May 2;lrd. by the Flrgrove school. A program will be given by the pupils and the Redland band will play. The proceed will be need for suitable wall pictures and additional books for the library for the school. The school closes May 23rd. Ladles, please bring pie aud gentlemont, pleas bring la dles and well fllld pockets boods. Ad mission free. The heme of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bonney was the scene of a very pleas ant party Saturday evening. May iTth. Sunday being the birthday anniver sary of Jack Hlndle. Game's were played until a late hour, when dalnt refreshments were served, aftr which the guests,' with kind wishes to Mr. Hlndle, and appreciation to the host and hostess, departed for their homes. Those present were: Mlsse Ethel Robb. Grace lllnkle. Vera Jensen. Grace Allen, Rosella Jones, Ann. Bacbmann. Bethel Smith. Haxol Kerr, Ada and Emma Brock, Jessie Bonney and Mrs. Courtright and daughter; and Messrs. Will Kerr. Joe and Mil ford H inkle. Lester Swarti, Earl and Frank Allen. Jack Hlndle, Paul and Walton Courtright. Waller Patterson and Alva Bonney. NORTH LOGAN. The toot of the whistle of the donkeys and mill will soon be heard at Cumins Mill as tay soon expect to he sawing timber for the upper deck of the mill. Sam Hamblet sold Mr. Cumins a load of potatoes for the mess house Saturday. Geo. Eaden hauled th? grates for the furnace and Wm. Sagnr trunk from Oregon City Saturday. Mr. Neschesk's baby has bwn sick the last few days. Miss Johnson ha gone to Fortland MULINO. Henry Solder and hi sister, Mr Goucher left last Friday to visit a sinter, Mr. Sherman, near Chehall. Washington. The Colton orchestra vlslfd Mil lino Saturday night and there was a large crowd at the church to hear them and reHrt a lino lime. The heavy rains till last week grain of old Clackamaa far ahead of any thy saw. John Gage, of Ht. Helen. Oregon, U visiting at his parenl hero, wM Inld up with n Injury lo his hand. Mr. Nenier, also Mr. HulitswaUt, of Green Point, was milking culls thu forepart of the week. Mr. Neineo i rnjoWllil better hcultu than for some lime. II. F. Wed. lie I hunting loose tint- . .. .i i i.... ....i .i-.. ...rk 'ot iv hnv to Oswego. on Ihe railroad. Everyone I wlahlm . ,H ' '' for fair weather . It I. very dlgr-i The work being done I. p m -Mr able working In the mud, both on ,h ; rm klng an 7,'r '"Vr" " '"' . farm and the railroad. . . " """"M-H to navlim Thursday of Inst week while Wleh. douce repMlh ed .... U-....I.. .h.. ..-h.u.i h,,,.l Wm. Scouts tins been cultivating rivtnv thn .ii-hih rH,.. elimination "'"I reslnklng hi grape. his aged mother fell and broke her hip. Sho wa In her bedroom and managed to dra herself to the ud and pulled the cover off and spread them over her and lay on the floor from 11 A. Ml to S P. M.. filtering In-teiis-dy, when Mr. Wright came home he immediately summoned Dr. Bed man, who thought it unwise to set the brokeu limb It wa a badlv swollen that he could not determine the extent of the Injury, so th limb wa not et until Monday evening and she was resting nsy the taat re port, although her ago I against her. She is nearly 90 years old. Her many friend hope for hr recovery. WILSONVILLE. the week-end Dick Oldcimtndt bus uboul wore Ills Iiom out. trying to use up hi lui' mense potato crop. C. W. Urson ha been Improving hi door yard by spading d rear ranging the shrubbery. AL8PAUGH. Roy N'endel siient with Roy Baker. R. W. Graham went to Portland on Wednesday. A number of deleentea from Wilson- vllle attended the Reed Conference i It h Chapman were the guest of Mr. John (lltheus ha a crow of men working on the now road betwoon Hclplo's and Taylor's. Edgar Hi'lpWi lost valuable horse last Tuesday. Mr. Hal Gordon and Mabel aud Sarah Hoe were the guests of Mr. John (ilthens Tuesday. Mis Hniel (Ilthens ws an Ksta cad visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Morrow, of Omaha, Nebraska, were visltluf rela tives here. Mr. Morrow I a slst r of Chas. Spark. They expect to lo cate In Portland. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. Gibson aud Kd- last week, and report a very enjoy ble and protltable time. Cha. Kpler and son Glenn visited relative and friends In our vlllago last week. The motor rare were posttond un til next Sunday, and a large crowd is expocted. Another of the splendid lectures provided by the Parent-Teachers' As sociation was given last Friday night, in the school house. A showing of oil ha caused some little excitement In the Corral Creek district this week. Mrs. H. D. Aden Is happy In the possession of a driving horse. Wilsonvllle public school Is plan ning a picnic at the close of school. and Mrs. John (ilthens one day last week. A number of people of this neigh borhood attended the picnic and dance given by the Kaglo Grange aud re ported a fine time. Mr. aud Mr. Chas. Spark attend ed a musical entertainment at Spring water Tuesday night. Mlsa Emma Dowty and Goorg Douglas were the guests of the form er parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. IHiw ty Sunday. William (ilthens of Canny, wa via itlnvt hi parents Inst Tuesday. Hal Oorilnn and George Dovor pur chased Mr. Butlers Interest In thu Clackamas Itlver Sawmllllng Company. Hayman gave a reading entitled. Tin Death of Absalom, and Ethel Yatc-i gave a reading, entitled, "Tie Heai ins of Jariuse's Daughter." Whil-! these readings wers being givm Rev. Piper illustrated them with flash lign pictures. School will close here May 23. T le teachers, Ethel Yates and Matti-; I). Hayman are preparing for a proirram Bnd picnic on the last day. Louie Wilson, who has been ill of typhoid fever wiii goon be able to re turn home. The d?foate. Resolved, "Thai the Present Jury System Is Best." was de fended by Mr. Tompkin and Mr. Gar meir; negative side was opened by Mr. Snido and closed by Prof. Boland. Negative won. The present chairman and secretary are two High School boys, Fred Junkin and Walter Larson. They presided with dignity at this. their first meeting. Mr. Davu Puneil held service at the Willamette church Sunday at 3:15. It being Mothers Day Prof. Boland presented the members of bis class, One Or Two Generations Ago Most Farm Animals Roamed At Large But We Have Gradually Found That This Did Not Pay The barn yard fowl have been the last to fe?l the effects of bus iness method on the farm but at last tbey have to get in tbeir place (In the poultry yard) and stay there. Tk fanner who reads the magazines knows that today many a chicken farm of a few acres pays a bigger profit than a big farm did a few year ago. Every farmer kep chickens because it pay and It will pay lot better and tte farm will look better If they are kept In the poultry yard. Tbey are about the most profitable animals on the farm and it take lets space and less expense to keep the. P'nAtltffl of our noultrr fencing to keep your fowl properly will cot rery little and will be the bet investment you ever made on the farm. Ak for price. FMfffi BUSCH Furniture and Hardware S4J COMPLETE SYSTEM MYERS PUMPS LIFE BS TOO SHORT To spend in discomfort Running water in the Home bring many conveniences and comforts theBath Sanitary Toilet the Wash Room- Hot and Cold Water, Etc, Etc. Gly people wouldn't be without them and they are now within the reach of all rural or suburban residents. Every dollar invested in a 3 1 Vv I COMPLETE N, N. yll MD f t?' AJritJ1 J vv a i trf System will return you eventually $10 worth of comfort to say nothing of fire protection. The Mitchell-Leader System furnishes you cool water anywhere you want it, under any pressure you want up to 125 lb. Hundred of home owner right here have found the olution of their water supply problem in this system. Let us end you our Book, "The Question of Water" with circular containing cut of home and letters of Northwestern parties who have installed them. It will surprise you how reasonably vou can secure a Mitchell Water System that will satisfactorily take care of your requirements.' Wrif Ui At Once. Spokane W. J, WILSON & CO. OREGON OITY, OREGON PORTLAND Boise : EST- i W?S CANBY HARDWARE & IMP. CO. OANBY, OREGON after vlsltlns with her brother and ! sister-in-law a few days, i Dick Johnson and Geo. Sapar went to Harton Sunday to witness the ball ; game. Martin Griffin and Wm. Odell mad? ; a visit to their respective homes Sun 1 day at liarton. ; Ed Stanton was calling Sunday eve nine on Mr. Cuming. Mr. N'escheaky went to work Mon day at Cumins mill. Geo. Eaden hauled a load of gro ceries from Clackamas station to Cumins mess house Monday. Pupils are still waiting to hwirfrom i Wm. Knake and Clydi) Havens ari their 8th grade examinations. jngnKed In tearing up the Kstncadn Mrs. Curran, one of the county su-, Bank B. S. railroad, pcrvlsors, was the guest of Mr. and j Mr. 11. Ilarton and son Elgin, have Mrs. Aubrr-y Wood, on Saturday and been visiting In I'ortland during the Sunday. past week. Elgin Intends to go to H. I). Aden and Dora Seely wer5 1 work In I'ortland soon, delegates to the Epworta league con-1 ventlon held at Newberg last w?ek Mr. Thompsf)n and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Wood on Sat urday, and attended the school so cial. Despite the pouring rain, a large crowd attendi-d the social given at i Corral Creek school on Saturday eve- nlng. May 17th. Mr. Curran, one of r.i in Tiniunt the county's able school supervisors (gave an au.iress on i. gni ana ve u-, M((g Mme r,crKgon, f Portland Zri?i?Zl fi-h "'..! Mrh30Mrs.VVe,etti;, a new r'"rr. ''n. """ibaby at their bouse. This Is one of lalla BARLOW. I Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, of Oklahoma, I are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jsso. Mrs. I Mayes Is a niece of Mr. Jesse's. Mr. ; Hayes like the climates and country ! and declares lie will nevr return to the Kast to live. Willis Young, of I'ortland, is also visiting hi uncle, Mr. Jesse Hood View. The baskets were auc-i met with quite an accident In ; tioned off by Ed I'.a'Ker, one of the tms- upsetting the wagon, it causing much extra work. Tbey moved it with Cross's larg? Engine. In front of the Shaver place they carried rail and corduroyed fie road for perhaps 60 feet. We left them as they were as cending the next hill In good order, hoping they would reach their desti nation without further accident Geo. Doucherty and family visited at K Cot ts Mills Sunday. Annie Spurlln will return to tveg of the district, and the um of i,f.C' was realized, which will he I used for th Improvement of tho i sciiool. I STAFFORD. Roosevelt famllle. this being the 15th child born to Mr. and Mr. Ve teto. Mrs. 0. G. Toll went to Portland Saturday. Alicy Widow imin"d his ankle at school one day last week. Harold Sage and Elmer Irwin, "got the wheiiliarrow Cy" an! took him home Walter Howe was home from Port- No more need for" the spring poet. The weather is too nice to spoil it ; land a couple of days. reading noetrr. I Harold Clancy, of Portland, visited ! Chris Milem has put a cement curb ! hi brother Sunday. bT i amund ht Int In ih mihllp cemetery ! We henr that W. II. Tull will sail home noar Salem after a week's visit i an1 otherwise Improved the ground. I for Europe in September. We wish here with friend and relatives. She other have been doing much towards we might go with you, but may you will attend tlie Moose Carnival In j improving the ilent city. enjoy the well-earned trip. Salem the coming week. Mrg Gage, accompanied by hcreld j Will Naton ha accepted a (malt Ion Ephram Giger. who was taken to put daughter, Mrs. Ella Sweek, also in Oregon City, where they will re Portland ome time ago and operated daiighf-r-ln-law, Mr. Henry Gate, I stile. We are pleased to l-arn that on for appendicitis, we understand, both of Hums, Oregon, arrived home I Vera will locate so near us. will be able to return home soon. i from a trip to Albany, Corvallls and The Nazaiines have painted their riell Hammnnit a barber bv trade. ' Eugene, and while gone attended ; cnurcn, mtiicn makes a oecloed lm who worked in Oregon City everal ; State Grange, and spent a very en years ago. i now home taking a well Joyable week. They report crops np earned rest nd having much nJoy- the valley as looking very backward ment in country life. and feel the UH grass and waving km roaa m Children Ciry'for Flotchcr's Tho Hind You Il:tv Always llonglit, nnl vblt h lui Wrn lu o lor oror IM j-rnr, liua bornotho tlgiiuture of -j? - anil lins bocn iniulo under It It ir. sZfJ-t-f1- niHrviiloi ulncoltsliifunrr, fCi,lcA4tf Allow lui one todocclva you In tu, Alt CouiitorfclU, Imlfiitlon and Just-iks-good ro but i;iMrlmnt Hint trlftu with and endiinirir tlie lirnlth o( IiifMJiU uud thUdrt'ti-lCiiKjrlciioo nguluit Kxiivruueiit, What is CASTORIA Caatorl 1 a linrnlc snlintltute lor Cnstor OH, Taro. frorlo, Drop and NiMitlilnir Hyrnp. It I lKunnt. Jt i-ontnln iieltlirr Opium, Morplilno nor otlicr Kuritlo siibstunco. It aire I Its gitiiruiitee. It donlroy Worm anil alliiy lverlhii'. i'or more tliait thirty yenr U lm been In constant use for th relict or Const fputlon, riutiilcncy, AVlnd t'ollc, all Twitting- Trouble smj )lurrhii. It rrRUluti the Htoiuui'h and llowrl. iiasluilliitoa tlie 1'oikI, glvlnir lieultby and natural sleep. The t'bildrou's lNumceaThc Wotber'a Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS l Dears the Signature of Si The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years J. K. Andrew left Monday for Yam hill County to look after hi Interest in a titular claim. MACK8BUR0. Another week has been iibriv In hy golden sunlight, following day of heavy rain, but though tho weather Is alumst no evict reproduction o( what we hud a week ago, nut so the greiil world of vegetation. Thnl lim udvnncii lieyund Indlef. and can only do vtTllled by seeing. The Rniln Is higher snd thicker, the apple and other blossoms have fulli ji and been iMplncl by embryo fruit. Tim rune buds hnve doubled In U and lonv rows of vegetables are perplng lllmve the ground, even the humble spud, undaunted by thu tart t tut t tons of Its predecessor are still lying unsold. Is bravi ly lining it dark urcm leuv.-s In Ih.t mill I tit t l)i DrttCOIl rHIll-h man affords no exception to the max- lt H.nurdny an I Sunday, lm. "Hope springs eternal In the lm UcoiRe Newsome. of (.lad li.lltisx, man br'iisl." and as many acri-s of potatoes are being plumed as et er. Win. Ikirtfl aud ('Is lirlium are Imiil ing tinnier for the new bouse, which Mr. Ilaptli I planning lo comtiieiire in the approaching Jun. Sol ,-itnniUir has iiunpli'ti'd t'le I'l trrnal arriiiiKfiiient of bis new barn bv buylti't H nrw automobile, (ieo Walsh Is putting the finishing cout of MARQUAM. The l-ndles" Aid Society nri' going to give an entertainment mij k crentii social at Hie ball Krld.iy tit nlng. May ;:lrd. The Muriimin baud Kill fin tilah the tniislc Mrs. M. J. Stmkwell U li.ivlnx ia. other house built on her ru-rt)r In (on. to be occupied by Mr. mid Mrt J. C. Mariuam. .Mr. J. II I'olilon rweltcd ulo Krum lust Krliloy from llllmiia trll lug th- new of lir brnllii-rs Ueata, She lelt for I'orlluud the suiiie evra lug uci-uiiipaiib-d by !i T inotlir. Mr. and Mr Welde lelt (or 1111. linls liisi wooV Mr. Wmlibl Is to eiigagn 111 bliiikatiilllillig Mr. Wtsi did linn been assisting lor aMvr, MIhs Itirtliu Miller III l!li Maniuiui I leph.uie oltlce, J, M. l.iirMns, of Oregon t'lt. H visiting bis brotlii-r. I. I. I.irklnt, pulnt on Hie said iinin. Mrs. A. II. Ilnldwin etijoytsl a very pleasant visit from Mr. Chris Nof?.l. yer and her two lit t It son on Tues day nfti rnooii. Tho Nfiicksliurg Junior, a goixl bull tenin. averagliig In agi alHiut II ft "on years, would like to arrange games with anv teams of their own rlas. Itufus Kraxberger I mitnager. Ad dress, Aurora It. K. I). No. 1, telephone Canhy Mutual. The Maclislitirg leaver dcf.-ated the Klilorado teiim on the local ground Kundiiy, si'ore & to 2. Tin game as much closer than Is ludl rated by the score, as it was a tie. 2 to 2. from the 2nd to the 9th Inning Sid. Smith wa in thu box for tho visitors and pitched a fine game, hold ing Ch strong butter to five hit. Hilly HcvoiiI Ih, for Miickaburg. pitch, ed a star game, and also fielded bis position In a aensationul manner. Tho Macksbitrg Junior went to Ml) Tn 11 it on Sunday nud played a coin, posit team of Molnlla Itlius, Cray and Stars. The game resulted K ti 9 Itl favor of Molalla. Tim Miieli- burg Stars bad a giiinn sihcduled with Aurora for Sunday but the Au rora team fulled to put III an appear ance. This in th.- team that Marlis burg defeated a week ago Sunday, 15 to I.I. The many friends of Marshall Scrumlln will lm Horry to learn that hi house was destroyed by lire lust Saturday nud that Im was uniil.le to save anything except Ills base ball suit that he was wearing at the time. Andy (irlblile Is suffering from n Severn aliscess on Ills face. Mr. and Mrsl Sol Htrubliar took a trip to Canhy on Monday In their new auto. Mr. Struhliar brought Mf. Ilaldwln out to his ranch honso In his auto on Tuesday afternoon. TWILIGHT. Mr. ('line has rented bis farm to Mr. uidnke and moved bl family to Portland. Mrs. Ib'iitley's rnolhur, of Oak flrove, is making her an extended vis it. Miss Hose Splger lins accepted a iwisltlon in the Oregon City Enter prise bindery. An automolill, coming from Cor vallls, had the misfortune to Jump In one of the mud holes In front of (leo. I.nzi lie's place and break an axle. The driver wanted to "know what county this was, he said "You have good roads." Mr. Schmeledeke, of Portland, but formerly of this place, was a guest of Mr. and Mr. A. II. Harvey Sunday. Walter lliilltird lately from the east Is visiting with his sister. Mrs. T. Kelland. M. J. Ijutelle attended the booster meeting at Mvilalla Tuesday evening and M one of the prominent speak er. j. K. Ilentley was called to Mar- fiuam Wednesday on account of his mother's death. He ha wide cir cle of friends her who sympathize with him in his sad bereavement. t)'o. I.azelle was in Woodburn Son- day vlnltlng with friends. Miss Alta Kamshy and her pupil cleaned tlvj school yard Tuesdav. which adds much to It appearance. A delightful surprise was given Mrs. Thomas Kelland at her home Saturday afternoon by a numlx-r of provment In the building. her friends. A luncheon of cak and Mr. VanWInkle Is having her I coffee was served the guests. All went house painted, which Improve thijhome declaring that tbey bad a very looks of the place vsry much. j pk-asen. time. j whs In town last Alitor i.iy. The fori'tiinil on Ihe .Mcllrlile rsnrh, belter knowu n the Jordon ranch wu i irouiili her.i Mou lay btilng coail UH-k cattle. C. P. Thomas lost a valuable luarc last week Iroin the effect of a sua. Tin' Mnniuim lusil Hl clow May 2Mb. frank Krlckson and P. A. Manpum null loir im Mr Stoi'kwell's build ing. Mr. Ackerson. of Ixino, Mirlon County, Is Hnillug a few it.iva IU hi duuv.liter. Mr. Iluttle M). r MEADOW BROOK. A number of the young folks nttcod ed the concert given by the Col too or chestra at the M. K. Church, of Mil lino, Saturday night. It. U Oretn stietit a few dnyi (I MiiKiioiuuh Station visiting his fut her who I lck. Miss May Yodcr spent Sunday it P. (). Chlndgren'. Mr. mid Mr. J. V. Chase anil ion. Hurry, Mr. Johnson, dnughters, Ainu anil I'reilu. and son, Unrol l and Ol io llofstetter were visitor at A. L. Uirklns Sunday. Mrs. Sliephutxl Is on the sl' k Hit. Misses Mabel and Itutii snd Ha muli aud lltiben Chlndgren and Mr llu lloyle spent Sunday Ht Itulph llol man s. It. I,. Oretn I preparing lo mail brick soon. GREENWOOD. Mrs. Walter Mead an I )i r to Ut ile girls. I.ury and Alberta, are Hi lling with her parents, Mr. and Mn llraker this week. Hoy (Iregory and wlK from I'ort land, spent Sunday with (heir tt cuts Miss Stroup Is still sick, but l to be about Ihe house, Mr. and Mrs. Gregory gnv t to the young people Saturday night. The evening wa spent In danclM At 12 o'clock supper was served W Mrs. (iregory. , Mr, llraker and Mr. Ml-au c"" on Mrs. Hugh Jones Friday. Auction Sale AT Lone Oak Farm ONE MILE EAST OF CLACK AMAS STATION ON THE DA MASCUS ROAD, Thursday, May 29th AT 10 O'CLOCK. 6IX MILCH COWS, TWO FRESH WITH CALF, TWO HORSES, TWO BROOD SOWS, DOUBLE SEATED SINGLE HORSE HACK, SINGLE FARM WAG ON, BUGGY HARNESS, FARM IMPLEMENTS, CHICKENS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE ETC, A.W. Cook, Auctioneer