' J OKFION OIT BWTKlUMtfHK. T'UIDAY, MAY 2, 1013 u . Th.n 0"ny' Oldil. I"'1"' , ,i,.r "X. hBvliiM Im-.-, '''' ". , ai.H.orlile. ' i . Ml. AlbtlllS. 't,,!'1;:". ," i,. I... "' ; , , r.... hi. ai. V.d ...rvcl.nMiil HWM 'Tu'L bulldlm.".. ."" ,1 Nr'.lh! Hi.' !.! lr " I Hl""' Ht Co'l'l Oy'Pt"l' T;. -.n. l K ' """" ; ' . In 1 1"' "'" Ho full ,.,.,11 h.. InuuMniUlv. wn. T, . ,' I..,.!..-- -M.I II.- .'li..iiiit "iie.ln.. In Jnm " J "I,,! ,l.ll.l..'. ""' "f " rl,l l'i el bead H''"" lmw.rii. i'"'f" ''" - 'h'm'.v'' ''')' the .tMlu. . "'"I .' r tin- M.r (n ur..ml" - J I I Y' ,.N. ,..n r II Bniii." n-1'IM I, ,1,,,,,'y .....iiiiIku h ll-i''iilim milHiit". .., i, v h.. II feel I" " N,"v V",k Aii.crl.itn. f.ral I if Poboy, Tlh' not !!' Iiiniiii tfj Hint eH" l snld ' ''0 rmi. i In...' in. I.VCI. mill lu have !. (r I'M ii l mi lb "fit nf ,ivruin Wli'i1 illilni." wtlil Arch- li,,i, v W.-i. h 'ii lecturw. "Th i for i'ii tear, nml the (trvml mil mi. s i r n.iil nf ll'i' mil" Insured: I!,,, use iinuiiiiwii H lin''iitil II, ,1 i!il,l..ns illl "ii liny W. ''h. 1 wllhln the calendar )c.ir. but III lZiir.ru mulct.! f !- I'liilm un III jr n,il I rim month uf twenty- ri,-!l ild.va I'll ll ll.nl I'llMllt. Tlio court. limn'tiT. it.-1 1 1 ni:"liil tin limurwn Itnl !i t - I. ll, I to lw lil.M-K-chiin.'e Thory Fuel. i,i ym IMIiik 11 llfclil In foil IVtrf t,ii i .mi: -If I ini'i'i'ii tu l I'umI d.,' II l''l. Wants, For Sale etc. FOB HAI.i: liiilinn IIiiinr Ihn-k rsm. , fur 12 liy rrnln I'mtt. (;,.i, iiiiiiiiiii'ii, itiiiKu I, ()r'Kin cur. FOII tfU.K .,r TIIAIiH -IIoimo ami Int In l.'iKriii' fur Clurkmiii or Sl'illtmimili Cip'inly l'rort)r, ml drii Will Mo. linfce. drrKiin CHr. Hunt.- t I tin,' : r I, him ruiiK of immry on li.iiul to In ,n on ri'iil iriMn'rtjr,' fur luiii; it linrt pfrlmU of tint. VM. HAMMOND. jijrr. ILumt lilili:., (ir.r(in ntr. WOOD FOR SALE. Anrnnx nii(l k nrlnad of 1ft Inch 0:ik m! ( ii' it no ii I'd ) rail on W. W. Irvln. Aurorn, OrrRon. Cilvi' nf i.li;n ,i ut ...I Wl l trnilx pi'tiili.iB for utiick. I'hono 1163 City or .nil nt Mi'Mrum Ktirtn. fccutor'i Nolle. Niitli" U licri'iijr Rvin thnt Dm un (liTnlcn. i im lnin niMioliitixt xiru. Inr of the cHtatn of Cmwrll Klnitilrjr. di-rcnifd, nil ii'roni hnvlnic clnlnm fnltnt mi hi riiuto or heroliy notllli'il lo prcBiTit ttn unmn with proper voiirhi'i'n ilulv rortlfloil, nrrnrdltiK to l'iw, t (hi. niTi,.,, of ltrowiii'll A Htonn. Ori.Rnn Cltv. Ori-Kon. within nix nmntln rf m dut0 of 111 pulillrnllon of till nnllriv Unti'il Wiv 2nd, mil II. ('. KIMHI.EY. R'l'Hitnr of Km i(itnt of CbhwpII Klnidli'V. lm'i'HH(d. IIHOWNKI.I, ft STONE, Attorney for t'xi'ciitnr. Notice to Crtdltort. Niitlco In hi-rrliy glvon that tin tin. drnli:iii'd Ihih iiooti iiKintPd by tli County Court of tin. Htntn of Orounn, for the Comity of ('Ini'knmnti, xru t'T nf tin. u nml eitntP of llrmiln Frli'dilcli, .rcnH,d. All piTmrni hiiv jim rlnlnm nuliiHt thn dcodont or her "HLitn nn licrliy ri(iilrtil to pro 'nt tlii'in in tii iiniliTHUni'd nt llio offli- of .Ion. K. lli'dKfK, In Orritoii 'Ity. (iii't'on, (in) vorlllod nd with I'ropir niiir!i"rn, iih iy law rnqulrod lthln i.i v moiitlw from tho date of tills llntli-p. Hittiil nml day of first pnbllrntlon, Miiy '.'ii'l, imn. liKKNIIARn ntiKiinini. Ex'Ttitor of tho Will mid KHtnto of t'riula Krlodrli'h, iHin-dHi'd. I'.. IlKlMiKS. Attornoy. Admlnlitrator' Notice. Nol.. in hi.rohy pivon thnt thn un 'I'tiiIiihmI 1H ,n appdintpj ndmln Wrntnr of thn ,.ia(0 of J. I. Dnvltl, il"''iii'il; nil piTHon hnvltiK rlnlnm L''lnst xnid fntnta nre hnrohy noil "I'd to pri-Nf-iit tin. miiiio with propor voniliiTr.. ilniv vnrllli'd nernrdltiK to nt ti. mrn 0( urownoll A fitone nt Or..',o city, Oregon, within nix n 'tiilM nf th dutn of tho flritt puhll ''"loii or thin notice li.itH May 2nd, mis, . , .IOIIN E. DAVIS, A'li'iliiUtrator of tho ontnto of J. I' HfivU, ilrpcnucil. "liOWNKij, & STONE, Attorney "r nilmlnlBtrntor. . 8ummont. in Iho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of Ort-Ron for the County of Clncka- Dins. Nfllle Rlddoll, l'lnlntlff. VK, J'lwln Klddi'll. Dofnndant. 10 Kdwin Ulddoll, the ahovenamnd OffoiHlnnt: You urn horoliy required to appnnr nd nniwr the pomplnlnt Mod BRiilnnt " In the above entltlod milt on or '"''re thn lllth day of Juno. 1913. "ln dllv liotnip nftnr tl.a avnlrallf.n of alx cf.(g from tne ,lnt, flrat. I'liniicniion of Cila Biimmona, and If "0" fill to appear and answer aald 'ornpinint. for want thereof the plain apply to the Court for the '""of demanded therein, to-wlt, for a "ecre nf tl.l. - ji..w. . -- ...m ..iui i.Tio.rr .iii.m,.- iik thn l.oniU of matrimony now exlst '"1 ""ween thi plaintiff and defend "m and for auch other and further " lief an to the rourt Diay aeem Jimt and eqtnhlB TW Bummoni, , p,,!,. ''"'led hy the order of the Honorable ..I i rnmP"ell. JiidKej of the above entity court, which order wu made "". enured on the 1st day of Mar. and Iho llm n.o.o.ll. fnr Publication thereof la lz weekl, be- KlniiliiK with (b lamin of I he 2nd tiny or May, 1DH, and ooiiIIiiiiIiik each week thereafter lo and Iiii IihIIhk tl lmui of thn Mlh day of Juim, ni:i W, A, I.KICT. Atlornny for Hnliitlfr, (120 Hoard of Trnde llulldliiK, I'ort land, OreKon. Petition to Adopt Child. In Din County Court of thn HlnM of OreKun, for Ihn County of Cliulin. tun. In thn Mutter of lh Aiipllciillon of ChrU llnrlninn and ClirlMlna Hart man, Ma wife, t ndopt a rhlld, To the Hoiiornliln II. II, limit i, Jud of Hi nbovn Miitltled Court: Til tietlllon of th Ulidi'mlxued ChrU Hurl inn n and Chrlillna Hurt Iiiiiii hill wife, reapiM't fully nbowa: That your petitioner are and for a l"t' lltno pant have lex-n Itilial.l tntita and ronldetit of Clueliniiinii County, Htnte 'f Orenon. That the mother of anld child In Minnie Hlnwnrt. Thnt the until rlillil wnn born March nth. inn. That on March 11th. 1912, nt Port bind, 'rriioii, the mother of nnld child did roimi'iit In writing to thi ndoptlon bv your petitioner of the nnld child. Thnt nld ronwnt In wrltlnir In here. In attncliMl, hern referred In and liinde a fmrt of the till i"lllon Thnt the fntber of nnld child tin willfully ib'Herted nod nKl"i'ted lo provld.t proper or nnv rnr or tunln t .inlin e for nnld child for more thnu otm veur Innt pnt. WIIKIICI'OUK your petitioner pray for a decree for the adoption of nnld rhlld and rbanalnK It tiamn to Helen Mildred ItnrMnnn, and Hint from the date of the decren, nhntl to nil lernl Intent mid purpopet be the child of your petitioner. CIIHISTIAV IIriTMN. CIIHMTINA HA HTM AN, JOS. K HKIKiKH. Attorney for I'e. tltloner. Htnte of Oreiion, County of Cliicknmnn, an, I. Chrln Hnrtinnn and I. Chrltlua I Ion ifiun. b"liiK flrMt duly nnorn and each rav that I am the petitioner nliove imined and Hint the fnrcifiiliix pet It Inn trim n I verily hlle e. CllltHTIAN HAHTMAN, CllltlSTINA II A HTM AN, Hubm-rll'-d and orn to before me (hi 22ud diy of Arrll. 1911. J. K. IIEI)(5R3. ISKAI.I Notary 1'iiblle for Orei-on. I, Minnie ttfewnrt, for nnd In con nlilerntlon of Hie adoption of my baby lrl bv another party do hereby r llii'iuli.h all hit rlclit. title and Inter et In nnld baby i?lrl born to m(. on thn llth day of March. 1912. And 1 further acree that who ever adopt aald child olinll ki-u the rSlbt an their own and that I will not make any r In Im n or claim for aald child of any nature whalnoever. MINNIE STEWAItT I'lirllnnd. Oregon. March IS, 1912. MHM. E IV HYATT. MltS. CI.ARA ItAllKll. In the County Court of the Slnte of Oregon, for tho County of ClncVa- nin. In the ttnitter of the Application of Chrlt llnrtman and OlirlHt Inn llnrt man, hi wife, to adopt a child. Thin milter romlnit on at thl time reanlarly to be heard on petition of Chrl Harimnn and Chrlmlna Hart man. hl lfe, for th adoption of the child of Minnie Stewart, ami It ap pearing to thi Court and the Court find from the petition thnt the moth er of mid child ha consented In writ Ina to raid adoption but that the fath er ha not i consented. IT IS NOW THEREFORE ORDER EH AND AlUriMiEO that a copy of the anid petition nnd of t'i!s-fdiT he ,rvl upon the nld father Tierminallr If found within the State nnd If not thnt the anme be published ouce a week for thre auceeailve week In the Oregon Cltv Enterprise, nnd that Monday, the 23rd dny of June. 1911. bo and the anrno hereby I appointed the Mine for the henrlng of the snld petition, nnd ahnll be hmrd at the County Court room In tho County Court Hous.j. In Oretron City. Orecon n. ii. he An e. Cnuntv Judge, rintod thl 2 It h dnv of Anrll. 1911. kie7' aBl In thi Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for the County or i iiickb nin V. I.. Mulvey, Plaintiff, Clarence Simmon and Snmnntha Sim mon, hi wire. Henry w. lompin ton and Charlotte Templeton. hla wife, and P. T. Crow ft Co., a cor porntlon. Defendant. Stnte of Oregon. County of Clackn maa, a. n. virtu, nf todirnient order, de cree and an execution, duly Isnued out of and under tne sent oi mo inn entitled court. In the above entitled cntiHe. to me duly directed nnd dated thn 29th dny of April, r.n.i. upon Judgment rendered and entered in anld conn on the 29th day of April, 1911, In favor of W. U Mulvy. rinln ...i .riii.,at r-inroticff Simmon nil, lino n.'.,..-' - and Snmanthn Simmon. Oefendnnt. for the niim or S4:i;i. wnn mien-m thereon at the rate of 8 per cent per annum from the 24th day of Muroh.191.1 nnd thn further um of 7n.00, as at torney' lee. nnd the further sum of -r nml ditttuiraoiuent. and tho' cost of nnd upon this writ, com- mnndliiR me fo nim.e nnie o. me " lowing described real property, nlttinte In the rountv or I'tncKninni, Orecon. tn-wlt: All of Lota 3. 4. B and fl of niock 1"' all of Lot 3, 4, r and fi of liloca 119: nil of Lot 3. 4. S and of Hlork ht .u in nroiron Cltv. In the County of Clnclmmnn, Stnte of Oregon, ai i per the duly reeonled pint thereof of re cord In the ofnee of the Recorder of Conveyance In nnd for nii rouu.r and tate. AIko nil of Lot 15 In Hlock B of C.lndatone, anld County and Stnte, a dedicated bv Surah M. McCown. et al. plat to which I found of record .. a - !,- OR of Town Pint in ..on i !. - - , Records In tho office of the Recorder of Convevnncea In and ror anui loin. tv nnd State. And all of the right, tltlo and Inter est which the nbove-nnmed defend ant nnd. or alnce have, at tne time Or mis ,i no uiin-o.. , NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of anld execution. Judgment orner snu uv rree. and In compllnnce with the aom- :,. ..m .rlt f will, on Satnr- ninnii u, n,i... - i .u. dny. the 31at dny of Mnv, 1913. at the hour of 10 ocionK a. m.. t door of the County Court House In the City of Oregon City. In anld Coun o,.. .tt iii nubile auction. nnbtect to redemption, to the hlgheat M 1 .1 oln tnta in bidder, for n. . fou no.. hand, all the rlcht, title and Inlwat which the within named defendant or either of them, bad on the dntj or the mnrtgagn herein or alnce had In or to the above described rea proper ty or nny part thereof, to atlnfy n!d execution. Judgment order, decree In terest, cost and all cf!Jgg 8herlff of Clacknmna County. Oregon. Py n. J. 8TAATS, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City. Ore.. April 30th, 1913. Summon. In the Circuit Court r the Hlati of Oregon, for Clackamna County. Wllllnm T, Hiildow, I'laltitlff, a. Dora Hnldow, liiifendnnt, To Horn Hnldow, aliovn-iiniiieil defend ant: In thn un un, of thn Htnte of Oregon; You urn hreby- required lo appear and answer the complaint filed aKiilnat you In the ahoy,, entitled court and cause on or before tlio Mill day of I n ne, 191.1, and If you fall no to ai pear or aniwer thn plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, which Ih a follow: Hint the tiuirrlaa heretofore nnd now "xlxllng between you and (he 'plaintiff bo forever dis solved nnd that th plaintiff he grunt ed a decree of divorce, and for auch olh'.r nml further relief a to the court may aeem Just and eiiltablo. T'll numinous I nerved upon the defend ant altove iiiimed by publlcntlon by order of the Hon. J. If. Campbell, JiiiIkii of Circuit Court nbovi named, which order I dated April 29th. ItH.I. and the date of the flrat publication of thl summons I Mny 2nd, 1913, and the Inst date I June 11th, 1911. FRANK HCHI.F.rirX, Attorney for l'lnlntlff. Summons for Publication. In the Circuit Court of the Slate of Orri'on for Clacknma County. Kiumn l.lttle, Plaintiff, v. Frank W. l.lttle, Defendant. To Frank W, l.lttle, above nnmd de fendant : In the nnme of Die State of Oregon: You nr hereby required to appearand answer the complaint, filed nunlimt you In thn above entitled court and cause on or before the 14th day of June, 1911, and If you fnll so to np penr or answer herein the plaintiff wilt will apply to the court for the relief prayed for fo the complaint which la, that the marring, vow exit ing between you and the plaintiff bn forever dlaenlved and the plaintiff be grunted n decree nf divorce, and that tho plaintiff be permitted to resume her mnlden name of Fmmn Aspland. and for nuch other relief as to the court mny aeem Just and equitable. This aunimon la nerved upon you by publication by order of th Hon orable J. I'. Campbell. Judue, whlcii order I dated April 2Sth, 1913. The date of the first publication of this summon V May 2nd. 1911. and the Inst date of publication Juno 13th, 1911. FRANK RCIII.EGEU Attorney for Plaintiff. Nolle to Crtdltort Notice Is heirli)' given that the under liiind ln.s I. ini.nlnied ii.liuinlHtrutor uf Hi.. .Hate of IVl.r iJin.lln, dieeas.d. I,y l oiinl)- Cnuit uf I'lnekaiiiii Conn ly, OirK.m. All .r..init having clnlnm uinliml tin" nnld ilale lire. Iirnhy noil n'd nnd ir pilH d to pre. nt the saion t" me fur lumneiit at my residence at An l"rtoti Hli.tl"". I'll' kniiuis C.iunty. Ore gon, my i,to(TI, ni!di. Ix lng Crenh nni. Ongon, It. V. I. No. . I'" M. within U month from the date of the llrsl putilli at Inn In re.,f. tailed Apill Mid. JOHN KRAN'TZ. Adiiilnn.tmti,r nf the F.Htiitu of 1'eter Ijindln. clis-eaiied. (iOlttxiN K. H.WKrt. Attorney for Ad tnlnlstrnlor. Administrator' Notice. Not lew I hereby ulven. that the un- derlgn 'd. Adinlnlatrator of the en lalt) of Jame R.iBia'1, defeased, -h filed bla flnul reiiort and the County Court baa aet Monday, the 2nd, day of June. 1913, at the hour of ten o clock A. M. of suld d:iy. al the t. oun House In Oregon City, Oregon, us tin u.,,i .,in,. r,r lionrlnir nnv and HUH- ffUU 1 1 . " ' ' : ."-o ' a 1 objections to said final account and the discharge of ania Aammnnnuur. Dated. April 17th, A. D. 1913. II. J. RASTALL. AdmlnlHtrator. D1MICK & DIMICK. Attorneys for Administrator. Notice of Pinal Settlement. In the County Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for thn County oi u acna. maa. In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur lieu to, Deceased. Nolle la hereby given thnt the un .i..r.i..i.,..l ha filed her final account In the matter of the will and estate of Arthur Deute. deceaaed. In the County Court lor i incKuman cuiuuj, Oregon, and that the Jnilce of said r-..e i,u. Momlnv. the 2tUh dny of May, 1913, In the County Court Room In the County court iioime m Oregon City, as tho tlmo nnd place of hearing, objections to such Html ac count and report and the settlement thereof. AMANDA DEl'TB, Kxe"utrlx of the Will and Estut s of Arthur Deute, Deceased. JOS. K HEIHiES. Attorney. Notice of Final Settlement In the County Court of tho State of Oregon, for tho County of Clncka ma. In the Mutter of the Eatnto of John Nnchand, Deceased. Notice la herhy Riven timt the Ad mlnlKtratrlx of the Estate of John Nachntid, deceased, has filed In the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, her final account and that the Court 1ms set Monday, the 2fith day of Mav, 191.1. at ten o'clock A. M at the County Court Room In Die County Court House In Oregn City, Oregon, aa the time nnd place for consider ing snld final account and hearing ob jections thereto, and settling the MARY HIMMLER. Administrator of the Kstate of John Nachaud, Deceased. Dated this I'.Mh day of April, 1913. JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon. In and for Clnckamas County. Rosalie 0. Fleming, Plaintiff, vs. Robert P. Fleming, Defendant, To Robert P. Fleming. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and in ilia cnninlalnt filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the 7th day of June, lsu. anu if m fnll to a i) near or answer, plaintiff will apply to the court foMhe relief prayed for in said complaint, to-wit: decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony and the marriage eon tract heretofore and now existing be- tur.n the n a nt ff and yourself, ana the restoration to this plaintiff, of her former name and for sum omer ana further relief In the premises as the Court may deem Just and equitable, sorvico nf thi summon I made upon you by publication pursuant to an order of thn Honorable J. V. Camp bell, Judge of thn above xiitltlnd court, which ordtr wa mad on the Hist day of April, 1911, directing ii, Ii publication In the Orngon City En terprise, once a week for ilx consecu tive week, the first publication being April 2Mh, 1913, and the last pub lea tlon In lug Juno fith, 1913. JOHN N. HIEVKIlfl, Atloruiy for I'lulntlff. Order to Show Cause on Application cf Ouardlan for Order of Sale of Rl Eetatl. In tho County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the Matter of the (liiardliini'.ilp of the person ami tute of Alma Hub bard, a minor. It appearing to thl Court from thn petition this day presented and filed by llesiiln, (', Huliliard, Hie guardian of the person and estate of A ma Hub hard, a minor, praying for an order of sale of certain real estato belonging to Alma Hubbard, tho said ward that It la nix'enaar for the cum, inuliit m aneii, support and schooling of aald ward, and that It la for the best Int erest of suld ward and her estate, that such real entitle should be sold. IT IS HEREIIY ORDKKED, That the next of kin of tke suld ward and all persona Interested In rhe said es tate, appear before this Court on Tuesday, the 27th day of May. A. D., 191 :i, at 10 o'clock, A. M., at the court room of this Court, at the Court House In Oregon City In tin; CnuntyV Clack minis, state of Oregon, then and there to snow cause why an oftlcr should not be granted for the sain at private sule of such real estate, described In said petition a follows: An undivided ouenlneth Interest In and to the West half of the North west quarter of Section Two, Town ship Five South, of Range Two East of the Wl lamette Meridian, situate In Clackamas County, State of Ore gon. And It Is further ordered, that a certified copy of this order shall be served upon IMIa A. Marrs, llessh ('. Hubbard, Meddle K. Hubbard. Iiert II. Hubbard, Mabel II. Nendel, lewls ('. Hill, hard, Stella F. James and Josle L, Hubbard, the next of kin of said Alma Hubbard, minor ward herein, and upon all persons Interested In aald estate, by publication thereof In the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper, prlnt"d and published at Oregon City In 'Clackamas County, Oregon, and having a general circu lation In said County mid State. Suld publication shal be made once a week for three successive week In such newspaper, beginning with the Issu.; thereof dated Friday, April 2Jth. 1913, and continuing with each weekly edition thereof up to and In cluding the Issue thereof dated Fri day, Mny Kith, 1913. which shall he the date of the lust publication there of. II. P.. IlEATIE. County JuJge. Dated April 17th, 1913. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas. SB. I. W. U Mulvey, County Clerk of Clnckamas County, State of Oregon, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of Order to ahow cause on appli cation of Ciiinrdlan for Order of Sale of Real Estate, has ben by me com pared with the original, and that It Is a correct transcript thTefro, and the whole of such original Order to show cause, as the same appear of record In mv office and In my care and custody. In Testimony Whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court thl 17th day of April, 1913. W. L. Ml'LVEY. Clerk. Hy E. T. QU1NN, Deputy. (SEAL) Notice of Sheriff Sale. In the Circuit Court for the State of Oregon, Clackamna County., Win. S. Wymore, Plulntlff, vs. George E. Corson, Flora H. Corson, his wife and W. F. Shanks, Defend ants. liy virtue of an execution. Judgment, order, d-icree and order of aale Is sued out of the above entitled Court In the above entitled cause, to mo di rected and dated the 3rd day of Ap ril. 1911. upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 2."th dny of February, 1913, In favor of Win. S. Wymore, plaintiff and against George E. Corson. Flora H. Corson and W. F. Shanks, defendants, for the sum of $2000.00 with interest nt the rate of 7 per eent per annum from the 8th dny of Mbrch, 1911. lesa a credit of $25 00 paid on the Interest, and the further mm of $200.00 attorney's foes, nnd for the furDier sum of $19.00. costs and disbursement, and the cost of and upon thlB writ, commanding me to make sale of the following describ ed property, to-wit: UcKlnnlng at a point In the center of the Mnmpower County Road, which ! msn fet west and 05 ieet souiu of the section corner of sections 13, 14, 23, nnd 24, In Township z. Momn of Rnngo 2 East or tne wiiinmone Meridian, running thence bourn tua feet to a stake, thenca east CfiO feet in the center of a forty-foot road. thence north 1175 feet along the cen ter of tho snld road to Its intersection with the center of Bald Mumpower County Road, thence west along the center line of said Mnmpower Coun ty Road, 6o fe.t to the place or be ginning, containing 17.80 acres, more or less, and being a part or tne uo- natlon l and Clniirt or John C. Hncueu and wlfn In snld County nnd State. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue, or .nid execution. Indgment, ord-r, de- ere? ana orner oi m- nun in . imui-u . . a i.. , ,,n ance with the commands or said writ, 1 will on the 17th dny of May, 1913 nt 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door of the County Court House In Ore gon City, Clncknnms County, Oregon, sell nt public miction (subject to re demption) to the highest bidder for cash on hand, all the right, title and Interest which the within named de fendants had on the 25th dn7 of Feb rnnrv, 1913. the date of the docketing of the judgment herein, or since thnt dnte had In and to the above describ ed properly or any part thereof, to sntlsfv snld execution. Judgment, or der and decree. Interest, cost and ac cruing costs. E. T. MASS. Sheriff. fly P.. J. STAATS, Deputy. Dated thl lfith day of April, 1913 First Issue April 18, 1913. Last Issue May 16, 1913. Guardian's Land Sale. In the County Court of thn State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. In the matter of the guardianship of Earl Thoma Carrlco and Floyd Houston Carrlco. Minor. In pursuance of a license to me granted by the County Court of Clack ama County. Oregon, on the 12th day of April. 1913. I. T, E. Carrlco, guard Ian of the persons and estates of Ear Tlioma Carrlco nd Floyd Houston Crrlco, minor, will proceed to ll to the highest bidder for cash In gold coin, at the oflln of my attorney, O. I). Eby, located over The Hank of Oregon City, on tho corner of Sixth and Main Street, In Oregon City, Clnckamna County, Oregon, on and nflcr finturday, Miiy 17th, 1913, at th hour of eleven o'clock, A, M., all of thi rh'ht, title, Interest and estate of thn said Earl Thoma Carrlco and Floyd Houston Carrlco, minor In and to the follows described real premises In Clackamn County, Oregon, to-wlf : Commencing at the Northeasterly corner of lot numbered one (l). block numbr1 One Hundred and five (10.ri) ot Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, a shown and desig nated on thn miipa and-pints of mid Oregon City, now on file and record i In the office of the Recorder of Conveyance In and for said County and Slate, said beginning point being tht Southwesterly corner of Fourth Ic ron Street In aald City, running thence on Fourth Street i'ong the line of said lot One (I), One Ilondr-d d'Hl) feet: thence ut right angle (o snld Fourth Street and parallel with .lefTerson Street One Hundred (100) f tet; thence at. right nnglea to last line and parallel with Ifonrth Street One Hundred (100) feet to Jefferson Street : thence along Jefferson Street One Hundred (100) feet to tin; place of beginning. Dated April 18, 1913. T. E. CARRICO, Ounrdlnn aforesaid. O. D. EI!Y, Attorney for Ouardlan. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State, pf Oregon, for Clackamas County. Frances A. Llthgow-Daue, Plaintiff, v. Richard P. Llthgow and John W. Lod- cr, Agent, Ik fondants. To nichard P. Llthgow and John W. Loder, Agent, Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the aliove named suit, on or be fore the 30th day of May, 1913, anid date being the expiration of six wesks from the first publication of this anm-i moiis. and If you fall to appear or answer the complaint, for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wit: A partition of the following- land, to-wit: Beginning at a point 8.32 chs. west and 6.11 chs. north of Section corners to Sections 1. 11. 14 and 15 of T. 2 S. R. 2 E. of the Wll. Mnr. In Clackamas County. State of Oregon, running thence south 2C.10 rh.; thence west 11.75 chs.; thence North 26.10 chs.; thence east 13.73, chs. to the place of beginning, nnd containing 36 acres, more or less, according to the rlghtg of the parties herto as set out In plaintiff' com plaint filed herein. This summons Is published by order of Hon. R. R. Deatle, Judge of the County Court, during the absence of the Judges of the Circuit Court, which order was made and entered on the lut.h dny of April. 1913. and tbe time prescribed for publication thereof 1 six week beginning with the Issue dated Friday, April ISth, 1913, and con tinuing each week theraftr to and including the Ibbuo of Friday, May 3Ub, Ul 3. IIROWNELL & STONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the Stnte of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Levi R. Repstlne, Plaintiff, v. Eva M. Repstlne, Defendant. To Eva M. Repstlne, above-named de fendant: In tho name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby renlred to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above named suit, on or before the 30th day of May. 1913, sai.l uute being the expiration of six week from the first publication of this summons. and if yon fall to, appear or answer said complaint, for want thereor tne plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing oetween the plaintiff and defendant. This sum motia Is published by order oi it. u. Reatie. Judge of the County lourc. which order was made on the llth day of April, 1913, and the time prescrib ed for publication thereor is bis weeks, beginning with the issue dated Friday, April IS. 1913. and continuing ench week thereafter to and Including the issue of Friday. May 30th, 19U. BROWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for plaintiff. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned as administrator of the es tate of Cyrus K. Ballard, aeceasea. has filed his finnl account and report In the County Court of tho State or Oregon, for the County of Clackama3 and that Monday, the 19th day ot May, 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day in the cpurt-room of said court hna been ap pointed by the said court as the time and place for hearing objections thereto and the settlement thereof. JOHN R. KK1.HU, Administrator of the Estate of Cyrus K. Ballard, deceased. Dated April 10th, 1913. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, In and for Clackamas County. Amy May Young, Plaintiff, vs. Alfred W. Young, Defendant. To Alfred W. Young, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer to the comVlaint filed against yon In the above entitled suit on or before the 19th day of May, 1913, and If you fall so to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wlt: a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony and the marriage con tract heretofore and now existing be tween the plaintiff and yourself, and the restoration to this plaintiff, of her maiden name of Amy May Woodward, and for such other and further relief In the premises as the Court may deem Just and equitable. Service of this summons Is made upon yon by publication pursuant to an order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie. County Judge of Clackamas County. Oreeon. acting In the absence of the Circuit Judges from said coun ty, made on the 3rd day of April, 1913. directing such publication in the Ore gon City Enterprise, once a week for sit consecutive weeks, the first pub lication being April 4, 1913, and the last publication being Mny 16. 1913. E. U McDOUGAL, Attorney for Plaintiff. No. 610 C. of C. BIdg., Portland Ore gon. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E. Cross William Hammond CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNIYS-AT-LAW W have now moved to our permanent quarters In the Beaver Building. Next to the Andresen Building. Real Estate Abstract Main Street, Loan, Insurance. Oregon City, Or. JOSEPH E. HEDGES" Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN 8ummon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. O. '.V. Clark, Plaintiff, vs. Annie E. Clark, Defendant. To Annie E. Clnrlc, Defendant: In the name of tiie State of Oregon you are hereby notified and required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the above entitled Court and cause on or before the 17th day of May, 1913, and If you do not so appear and answer the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In the complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony, heretofore and now existing between plaintiff and defend, ant and for such other and further relief as to the Court shall seem meet and equitable In the promises. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable H. Ii. Peatle, Coun ty Judge for Clackamas County, Ore gon, which order was made and dated April 2nd, 1913, directing that the same be published In the Oregon City Enterprise once a week for six suc cessive weeks, and the date of the first publication thereof la April 4th, 1913, and tho last publication is May 16th, 1913. JOS. E. HEDGES, Oregon City, Oregon, Attorney for Plaintiff. 8ummon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. J. Ii. Herrlck, Plaintiff, vs. Mary J. Herrlck, Defendant. To Mary J. Herrlck, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appeal and and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit or or before Friday, the 16th day of May, 1913, said date being six weeks from the date of tbe first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and answer Bald complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wlt: for a de cree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem met and equitable. This summons Is published by the i order of the Honorable R. B. Beatie, County Judge for said Clackamas County, Oregon, which order was made and entered on the 3rd day of April. 1913, and the time prescribed for publication Is six weeks, beginning: with the Issue of Friday, April 4th, 1913, and continuing each week there after to and Including Friday, the 16th day of May, 1913. PERC1VAL ft TALBOT. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of . Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Ethel B. Kohl, Plaintiff, vs. A. B. Kohl, Defendant. Ta i)ia atinvA named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon , you are hereby summoned to appear, and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the second day of May, i913, and If you fall so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a de cree against you for the relief prayed for In the complaint herein filed, to wit: That the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved and for such other relief as Is equitable. n-t.1.. ...mmnna I. nuMlafcari1 Kv Or. der of Hon. R. B. Beatie, County Judge of Clackamas County. Oregon. duly made and signed on the 19th day of March, 1913, which order specified the time for answering the complaint as the 2nd day of May, 1913. and the first publication of this summons ts made on the 21st day or Marcn, 191.:. SHENEFIELD & DUGAN and YATES & YATES, , Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tiie Slate ol Oregon, for Clackamas County. Elwin Milton Nichols, flaiuliu', vs. Lena Dewey Nlchota, Defendant. To Lena .Dewey Nichols, tiie above , named defendant In the name ot tne State ot Oregon: ! you are hereby required to appear aud j answer the complaint filed agaiust y-jti i In the above entitled court aud cause wltliin six weeks from the date of the; A,st nul.llcatlnu nf thia RlimnionS. tO-. wit: on or before the 16th day of June, 1913, and it you fail to so up peur and answer said complaint Die above named plaintiff will apply to said court for the relief prayed for in bis complaint herein, to-wlt, lor a decree forever dissolving tne bonds of matrimony now and heretofore i existing betwen plaintiff aud defend ant, uud for such furtiier ana outer-; ent relief as to the court may seeini meet and equitable in the premises. A MIS B U 1UUIUUD 1 3 lU",.u--, au e " " suauce of an order of Hon. J. V. Tl! mi ninn a 1 j m.l.ltal.oH in nilr. Campbell, Judge of said Court, made on the 2Sth day of April, 1913, and the time prescribed In said order for i the publication of this summons is once each week for six successive weeks, and the date of the first pub-! licatlon ot this summons is the 2nd : day ot May, 1913. j MOSER & MxCUE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 1524-1529 Yeon BIdg., Portland, Ore. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Lydia Miller, Plaintiff, vs. Laueneelot B. Miller. Defendant. To Lououcelot B. Miller, above nam ed defendant: i In the name of the State of Oegon. ; you are hereby required to appear and answer tbe complaint filed against you WEINHARD BUILDINO In the above named suit, on or before the 9th day or May, 1913, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, nnd if you fall to appear or answer said complaint, for want there of tie philntlff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: For n decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. Thl summons Is published by order of Hon. R. II. Ileatie, Judge of the County Court, which order aa made on the 22nd day of March, 1313, and the time pescrlbed for publication thereof Is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday, March 2Sth, 1913. and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the. Issue of Friday, May 9th, 191.1. BROWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Phones Pacific 52 Home A-lol BROWNELL ft STONE Attorneye-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to i e------.---- i U R E N & 8CHUEBEL Attorneys-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon Clfy. Oregon. - i C. D. & D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In first National Bank Bid?., Oregon City, Oregon. W. 5. EDDY, V. 5., M. U. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKlllip School of Sur gery of Chicago, is established at Fashion Stable, Fifth St. be tween Main and Water Sts, Both Telephones Offlice Pacific, Main 65; Home, A 95. Residence Pacific, Main 184 ; ; J , f ? e --- CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attcmeat-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO., 510 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Orgon. Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. & F. B. RILEY, Attorneys 4 Counsellors at Law I t t I ; I I ; J j STRAIGHT & SALISBURY We make a specialty ot install ing water systems and plumb ing in the country. - We carry the Leader tanks and Stover en gines. We have a full line of Myers pumps and stray pumps. I e e Prices always lowest 720 Main St Oregon City Phone 2682. ( i O. D, EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. i J !--- immm Iff' " " XdlI nf The l'or!d Over M, 1 For iU exquisite flavor. j H The choice of all men U j who knovf good whiskey, fj I 1 FOR SALE BY jj H LEADING. DEALERS. l