Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, May 02, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Many Have Riled Consumptive Graves Because They Neglected
a Cough or Cold.
You never know how won a cold
will become a serious malady. It
may be in the head to-dny; in tho
lungs to-morrow and the next day
you may be fighting deadly pneumo
nia for your life. It a much the same.
with a cough. Inflamed and cough'
worn throat and lungs offer the best
chance to consumption gorm9 to be
gin their murderous work. There a
only one way to prevent these deadly
diseases getting a hold on you. As
soon as a cough or cold attacks you,
take Dr. King's New Discovery until
you are entirely cured. Sometimes a
dose or two will do the business, sav
ing you suffering and a doctor's bill.
Thousands of cures like these below
prove its wonderful power to cure
coughs and colds.
"I feel sure it's a Godsend to hu
manity," writes Mrs. Effie Morton,
Columbia, Mo., "for I believe I
would have consumption to-clav, if I
had not used this front remedy."
"I take great pleasure in recom
mending your Dr. King's New Dis
covery for the benefit of suffering
humanity, it s a thoroughly rename
remedy for all coughs, croup and
lung troubles. We have used it iu
our family for fourteen years with
the best results. It saved my mother
when two doctors pave her up. She
had a very severe case of pneumonia
and was in bed seven weeks and part
of the time 'out of her mind so
that she did not know me. I told
father to get me two 50c bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery, which
ho did. and on taking it she soon
bejnin to improve, and four bottles
cured her cntirclv. You mav pub
lish this if vwl wish and I will an
swer all inquiries, with postage en
closed for reply.
"Yours respectfully,
"Wm. Cogger
Harold Orlhblo, Fred C.nnske. Gottlieb
Morens Oeser, Martha Noach, Huiry
Ganske, Kreddlo lianske, Emma Can
ike. Krna EueL Alfred Doom-he, Opal
The names of the MacUburg High
School pupils who hnvs boon perfect
In attendance and In punctuality
t:roiiKh th mouth of Aprlll will up
pour In next week's Enterprise.
Ccmtlpatlon Cured.
Or. King's Now t.lft PUN will re
liove constipation promptly ami not
your bowels In healthy condition
again. John Supsle. of Sniihury. l's.
' "Thw in tae bout il 1 la I over
used, and I advls.i everyone to use doing ahead anyway but probably thU
How l tills for Oregon, ""w'
storm tho lint of April. It looks Ilk
an early Faster did not bring nn early
spring this year, at leant w are hnv
lug little too much stormy weather
for farming. though good many took
ndvnntiiini of tho suniltlne Inst week
to put In rrop and a fw of tho farm
ers In this vicinity have tholr little
patches sown.
Grant Ashhy came down hut week
from Shaw. Marlon County, to plow
his land hero as hi Intends to sum
mer fallow this year, but found the
ground loo wot for good work, hut U
thorn for constipation. Indigestion and
liver complaint." Will help you
Price ISo. Recommended by all
druggist s.
a stop to plowing
homo of Jack Patterson last Haturdar
Miss I. Hi')' Peterson and Mls Cook,
of llrcshnm, worn visiting friends hi
this nolghliorhood Saturday and Hun
day. Martin (luldounops, tha ton year oi l
sou of William iluldotuopa. n Kicked
by a liorso Hnturday and had Ills lg
badly fractured Just above lint knee.
It. K. Jarl, nocompiinlixl by lr. Pin
cndilik, took III in to the hospital In
his nolo.
Krauk Dhoti, who was Injured
some (hue ago In III wood at .lonsrud
Urns, mill, bus returned from the hos
pital and Is back st work.
Sold and recommended by
John Fonnch is in the Oregon City
Whatever pleasure Is to be derived
Hospital. He underwent an operation from loosing upon ueiaa u umix
Sunday morning. ! "vvn orchards, white with the prom-
Miss Elsie Yodor is teaching at ! ise of luscious fruit and sleok. content
Linn's Mill, and Miss Anna Gockmnn . ed cattle browsing In luxurious pasture
is teaching at Firgrove. J may be enjoyed by anyone who can
Mr. Lnthold has sold his farm In ! view the landscape of Western Ore-
. . I nn..- At,t..4 tn tMa nrA tho Willi
William Gssklll. who has ben in ! birds and flowers, with their unuttcr-,0 Saturday night.
Idaho with his daughter. Mrs. Scott. : ab'e charm to. cheer the ranchman's I
has returned to Mrs. Hell Funk's. i toil. The mor material mind may I
Frank Spragiie moved on his farm ' And Its chwr in the prospect of a j
last Tuesdav from the sawmill. rich harvest, with Its store of comfort ,
Mr. Lnthwold sold his farm at VI-' In the licme and of golden gain In its
ola to Jas 'Whit. Mrs. Luthwold's ' sale. I
parents, who lived on the place, have I The ernln has been growing at a
mnveH in wit:, h. l.iithwold s on the; Pace, truly magical, in ths past week.
Pnllhn farm ! Its emrald hue contrasted with the j
An tee rrenm snrlnl will he eivn at dark brown of the adjacent-lying, new
the M. E. church Friday evening. Mnv ly plowed fields, furnishes a picture
a - I that micht well attract the artist's
The Misses Evangeline and Phoelm brush. The bright Spring sunshine.
Caseday, of Greenwood, ars visiting j though alternated with frequent rains,
nc. P Pothn Is lasting enough to tempt Invalids
Geo. Armstrong won first prize In ! out-of-doors, and this the usual health-!
..... I a ..1 ll.tAH ktj .rln. la .-..no- '
the auto parade. Mis unte runaooui i mi cuuuuiun w mm h-m"" iro
was beautifuly trimmed with apple . sumlng its tone.
and cherry blossoms. I Mrs. Sol Struubar is gradually re-
The dairy Inspection has put a num.-! covering from a tedious illn-?ss.
ber of cattle under quarantine In up-j HilrveT P Bennett, editor of the
per Redland. I C!lnt,v in.iFator. visited the Mack-
" I sburg Hich School last week.
Cure for Stomach Disorders. j jr an(i Mrs. A. A. Baldwin were
Disorders of ths stomach may be . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwartz
of West Oreon City on Sunday, the
twentieth. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Winkle,
of Oregon City, were also present
A very pleasant party met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gen. Walsh on
Sunday. th twenty-seventh, to cele
brate the birthday of their daughter.
Clara. Among those present were:
'iSr. and Mrs. Fred Walsh. Miss Daisy
Gage, Miss Annie Hepp!r and s Pm
ber of more youthful guests.
Geo. Walsh Is painting Mr. Struh-
A basket soolnl will be given at the
Meadowbrook school house Friday
evening. May 23rd, which will be th
lnst day of school. Everybody Invited
and girls bring baskets.
Mrs. Nordllng and two daughters,
Martha and Anna spent Tuesday aft
ernoon at A. I.. jrklns.
A few friends attended the funral
of John Card, of Clarkes. brother of
MVs. John l.arklns. Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs! Chase visited the bat
ters brother at Harlow a few das.
Mr. and Mrs. Honaohor and Miss
May Yeder att-nded llooster Day at
Oregon City Snturd iy.
Misses Emllie. Pauline, Katie and
Clara Hofstetter spent Sunday evening i
at Mr. Schlowe's. j
Carl Peterson oalNI on the Hofs
tetter boys Sunday afternoon. j
A number came out Friday to h'-ar ,
the program and debate given by the
school. The program and debats was
very Interesting. The question was.
Resolved, 'That Women are Intellest-'
ually Inferior to Men." The Judg"S ;
decision ,was for the affirmative.
Myrtle. Hazel. Nettle and Allen !
Uarklns spent Sunday afternoon at
O. F. Johnson's.
A number of 1'ie young folks att Mill
ed the banket social at Dickie's Pral-
on old
1 ......i..hii U'lll lull
fur few tluvs
Mrs. llerdlnn returned Monday from I Mr. and Mrs. Murp'iv. of Portland.
Willamette whor she has boon visit ' spent aoeritl days at the home of Mr.
log her daughter, Mrs. Iteams for (bo 'and Mrs Thoimis Holland,
pnst week. Miss Alia ltamsby was a dlniior
The Miillno sawmill started lip work : guest of Mrs. A. II. Harvey Tuesday,
ngaln last week after several weeks' Mr. and Mrs. Goo. !.n,'clli spent
of being1 Idle. 'Sunday with the fiimlly of Attorney
Miss Olive Jones has boon on the Prod J. Mtdndl In Sellwood.
sick list with sn attack of tin grip. L. J. Hylton Is In Colton visiting
Mrs. Churchill and daughter, Vesta, i with his daughter, Mrs. Frank I lend
went to Mulalla last Friday. They ricks.
found the roads gnmtly Improved and , Mrs. llnllnrd was calling
falrlv good. 1 friends last Hnturday. She
Mr. Yodor of Markham was In this resided In this community,
burg Friday looking after a class In, Itelailvea from Oak Grove spnt the
music, as there aro several young la-, week end with Mrs. I.. K. Potitb y.
Jl s in this neighborhood desirous of ; Twilight was well represented at
taking lessons on the piano and organ , the Stock Hhow In Oregon City April
he will probably secure a class later. I L'.lth and 2i'.th. W. J. MoCord. of M
Several of the Mullnoltes attended ; pi t l.an exhibited three hnd and
the social at Eldorado Saturday night received three prlMS lie has boon n
and relHirt an enjoyable time. j brooder of the Jersey rnttH for about
... -1 twenty years, and has one of tho best
GLAD TIDINGS. .herds In Clackamas County. The Is
- ' y.ll.t lliilrv I'n hnil in nv!itldllnn tuo
Mrs Cnrrle Ridings, of Marquam J cow s in the milk list and carried off
Tlsited with her daughter, Mrs. Ham-' one of the prizes,
mond, Sunday.
Jn-oh Schnaek and Goo. Newsomo 8TAFFORD.
made u trip to Molalla Wednesday.
Mr. Sohnaok to get some dental work I We still continue to have April
done and Newsomo to consult Dr. shower, but smnll fruits promise nn
Todd iu regard to a severe attack of ! abundant yield.
sciatic rheumatism, often termed lum-, The t rown Holds of a short time
bngo. We give-to Or. Tood groat cred- ago are covered with groou growing
it for relief experienced, enabling us grain, and thn most bountiful season
The box social given by the Ijidies
Aid Society of the Willamette church
to go ahead with work that had been
dotaved on accouut of the ailment.
John Riding was takn sick Mn
dav evenlinr. and Is no better at this
writing. Ills ninny friends and ac
quaint. itieos wish fir him a speedy re
covery. Frank Erlcson will soon begin the
of the ear iu the Willamette Valley
Is here.
, Mrs. P. A. linker came to the table
for breakfast on Sunday morning for
the first time slure Christmas, and
she seems to bo In a fair way to re
cover her health.
Mark linkers baby, who was afflict-
alcohol j Mlk ci; N r.
Adelaide iiartlimlfAl
Promotes Ditlonflff irl
ncssaiirt IVsif ouuUnnrWw
Opium Morphine ivrMuicxil.
V . . . .
LMI I S All I U I IV i
Anrrfcrl IVnwdv forfimsilei
Wurmsl iMiilssm.rcArri
FkSuiW SiSnaittWuf
For Infant nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
Signature '
. jr.r
For Over
Thirty Years
Ym. Copy ol Wrapper.
fttllllfiMIMMil kit ffTV
on the 4th of June,
on May i'iuh.
avoided by the use of Chamberlain's
Tablets. Many very remarkable
cures have been effected by these tab
lets. Sold by all dealers.
The lecture by Dr. E. A. Pierce of j
teresting and was appreciated b7 '
those nresent. Tlie closing exercises I
of the Lower Logan school preceded bar-8 ntw barn
the lecture. The Macksbtinr school grounds were
More cattle buyers are around tnis i subjected to a thorough renovation on I
week. I Thursday last. The work was done
Miss Julia Busch is ill with ty-1 bv the ppiis wifn the supervision and '
phoid fever In Oregon City. ),'pip 0f th?Ir teachers. All rubbish j
Klrchem Bros, have dumpea i j wa8 collected and burned, the ground i
pumps Ay
i m
i si mm m m
To spend in discomfort Running water in the home brings many
I .1 f .1 . "Y" l t in I
conveniences ana conuorts tneuatn sanitary toilcts the WashKoom
Mot and Cold Water, Etc., Etc. City people Wouldn't be without them and (hey
are now within the reach of ail rural or
suburban icaidenls. ZZveiy ctollar
invested in a
sacks of potatoes over the bluff,
there being no 'sale for them.
Tlis C. C. creamery has placed an
order for another Wizzard cream vat
of 300 gallon capacity. Thef have
two but the increasing amout cf
cream makes another necessary.
A. A. Crissell of Portland was out
this way Sunday.
well raked, and otherwise put Into
attractive shape.
Following are the names of the
Macksburg Primary pupils who wre
neither absent nor tardy in the montii
of Anrii: Mildred Keesling, Luther
Lorenz, Louis Lorenz. Gertrude Krax-1
berger, Adolph Kraxberger, Rosle I
Kraxberger, Elsie Kalb, Ester Cribble,
unu err
iffil. J
0 Water
will return you eventually $10 worth of comfort to say nothing of fire protection.
The Mitchell-Leader System furnishes you cool water anywhere you want it, under
any pressure you want, up to 125 lbs. Hundreds of home owners right here
have tound the solution or their wcter supply problem in this system.
Let us send you our Bock. "The Question cf Water" with circular
containing cuts of homes and letters of Northwestern partieswho
have installed them. It will surprise you how reasonably
you can secure a Mitchell Water System that will
satisfactorily take care of your requirements.
I COMPLETE i-''Nv SiMfii
i fb, . - ' m m sw sr mr im
Write Us At Once.
One Or Two Generations Ago
Most Farm Animals Roamed At
Large But We Have Gradually
Found That This Did Not Pay
The barn yard fowls have be-n the last to feel the effects of bus
iness methods on the farm but at last they have to get in their
place (In the poultry yard) and s'ay there.
The farmer who reads the magazines knows that today many a
chicken farm of a few acres pays a bieper profit than a big farm
did a few years ago. Every farmer keeps chickens because It
pays and it will pay lots better and the farm will look better If
they are kept in the poultry yard.
They are about the most profitable animals on the farm ard It
takes less space and less expense to keep them.
Enough of our poultry fencing to keep your fowls properly
will tosl very uiue nnu w 1,1 - - i
made on the farm. Ask for prices.
Furniture tnd Hardware
"r Spokane
241 Cant Morrison
and the 1'rlmurr . to Orcmin, liM-alllig Iu t.ltin C'cmnty.
, Tha funeral was held at thn Iuuim-
Thursday. Int. riiiont whs nu in
Clin kitiwis ciiiin-liTV. l i iKi'd
good neighbor, and kind friend, nj
A tmniber of Wllsmivlllrt r sldnts , was w.-ll rrnpit tcd ly all, n Mm
nre pI.iiiiiIiik to tnke tho trip to a strong nplrltiulUt. The m-r :
Chnmtioeg. on Krlday. May 2. 1 were ronducti-d by Mrs ('midnii, of
J. I'eti-r a mother Is very 111. and It, I'urilnnd. All of Die ihlldnn sere
Is not expected that alio can recov-r. at tlm fiuieral icrpt cine, who win
Mrs. Klynn hns been entcrtnlnliiK Iu tho lumpltal.
friends, who left for SKknn on Bat-, , party was given Mrs. iHinli-y WVd
iirdiiy. nesdny, April Z'i. Tho prim nt .t
The reirulnr nn"tlng of the Moth- Mrs. Towiisnid. Mrs. K, llnuti r. Mm.
era" t'lnb was bebl In the ichool lnue ' (j,.. Julmwui. Mrs l-'runk Ktull untl
on Tlinr-hliiy. j iimtlit-r. Mrs. Johtisml. Mr. I'has.
Mrs. Tnibst entertuliiKl Mrs. Cronln iu,(,.r and Mrs. llerlliii I .-arlm !f.
and Mr. Ijirsen at dinner on Tlmrsi- j Th,-y 1 1 . l three ipillts and bud a iin
day of Inst week. j ,.r K,,d tlino.
Mr. Suite cine ...f our rnstlinR farm-1 A fir,,w ,mrly Klw, , s,r.
rs. was a I'ortlni.d vUHr on fatnr, Ki(. vf.t A,r T(1, ir,. ut
l,lVy-. . . : wre. Mrs. I'cImIh mid Vt-rns llimti-r,
Why ,,ot hijve a r.e ferry a. II ft , d h. Kbrlmrli u..,
sonv II,.? Kmll Tniu-bionn would tnali-i ,, ,,.llirr-k. All spent a.
a st.lcndl.1 man to manage th(, in ; , vnM.
The road from the corn-r In W II-1 ' . ... ,, . , ,.
onvllle. Is In flrsi class condition now 1 Mr. and Mrs. S III harr and fatally
and this Is a great accommodation to; "" '' obii-oi. s Hnnibiy.
tb- farmers. wh do their trading and April 'Miry alsc. visited at Mr.
sMm.Hig here. : and Mrs, J. Heed s during tho
Mr. Dick received damages amount- Mr and Mrs. Have (iritdv sr.- vMl
In it to I.2M. In his rerent lawsuit ' Ine at p'uiinysld.i for a day or to.
with Mr. Holnnd. j The prok-ram at th Hunnn1
Mr, v .1 1 1 mmiU a business trip clinrcji Hnturdny night was reiKirltil
scroti the river recently aim min-ii
so mi iilmios, Including Mrs. Arnold's.
Mrs. Crouln and children and Mrs.
f.arsen went to the Hose City on Sat
urday. The Farmer's Society of Kcpilty
m Is every Krldny evening The fol
lowing wll known and hli:h!y respect
ed farmers nro the officers: I'ersldent,
M ('. Young; Vice-President, S -Iv;
Secr. tnry and Treasiirr, It. S.
At till specliil meeting of the
Mothers' Conuress held In the school
house on Monday. April 21st, tho fid
lowlnir deleuatis were l"ctd to help
i very good. t '
j Adolph Stoll's rhlldreii, who had th
measles are alsmt well ami In tMr
Hevan's youngest child nUo has had
them, but Is well again, ( nr u
I at homo a few days but has ri'turnwl
' to work ngaln.
A pleasant birthday party was given
1st James Heed's Monday, April 2Sth.
I In hon-ir of Mrs, Heed, who rcchrai"d
! her fntli blrthilay. Tboie present
! were Ms. I.llllun 1 Inciter. Mrs Jas
, Hoed. Mrs Jas. Heed, Mrs. Klva Una
' ler, Mrs Towitsend. Mrs. II. (irnilr.
Mrs. CotiMln. Mrs. A. Hloll, and child-
Mrs. V. Stoll, Mrs. lien. Johnson.
. . . . n .... i r-n.
wun tne wors or me congress wun. , - ... ... ... vnn ,n4
regard to the Heed InstliuM opening j ' . ' ,', " ,i
at Por-land on May Bib. loth T.id 11th. - "- "
Mrs i-iirm n nn I .Mrs. i mis "iik. r. . ., .. ,, u uhli. ber ninny hapny re-
A baHket social nun program m nn j '. .... ,.,,,.. .i,..rt -d
i i nn ... it,,, . nf, , ... .
for their homes.
Thursday night, April 2!th, was large
ly attand'-d and was a very pleasant
affair. Other refreshments were sold
npd a quilt t!ie ladies bad madfc. '
There was some music and speakim;. i
The church was prettily decorated
ed last year with Infnntlln piirnlyski,
but had got well ov.-r It upi.irently,
was taken with another spell similar
to the first hint Friday. ))r. Vincent
who has had the casa In charge was
hastily summoned, and prescribed
building of a dwelling houso for Mrs.
M.iry Ktockwell, i,( .Maniunm. It will
be for rent when completed.
Hut a Kmall amount of seeding has
been done In the neighborhood owing
to bad weather. tnouKh the planting
wun uregon grape ami nowering cur- season is nearlng its close. Yet wo! remedies, and by Monday tho little
rant. 1 he sum of $24. ?'i was realized, j should be eneouraired when we read fellow was apparently well again, al-
.Mrs Jennie Burnett, of Portland. ! the pa.isagn proclaimed to mankind ' though very weak,
and her eister-ln-law, Mrs. Helen liur-! two thousand years ago, which read,1 ,
nett, of North Yakima, visited at thn "There s'lall be eed time and hnr-1 .Mrs- ' r'''on and two children.
home t,f Xelson Waldron Thursday. ve-t-a tinr; to sow and a time to'.1? mnyf'" from f,,;lfr"r'1 " 'in-sham
inni ran, wrre viniiing reiauves anil
E. R. Martin, Superintendent for the
T'pper Coast Dis'rlct of the Americpn
Sunday School I'nlon, presented his
work in a pl.-aiing manner Sunday
afternoon at Willamette church, and
received quite a contribution for the
work. A feature of the Sunday School
was the birthday offering of Luther
Snidow, who put In 54 pennies giving
a humorous sketch of the mllestonei,
in his life at the same time.
"Orandma" Oill Is sick at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Hall.
The Patdorf men ar.i having a time j
of It. George is down with t'.ie mumns
and Sam has la grippe. Their friends
hope this Is the end of such troubles.
Lieutenant A. E. Elmer, of the 8e
attle Salvation Army and Captain Hur
bon. from New York held an "open
air" Sunday evening, and then a ser
vice In the church, at which there was
i quite a turn out.. Met. Elmer Is a
nephew of D. M. Spatz, of Willamette.
i a inn : hi wjw hiiu u
j reap."
I Miss Pereiful. who has been teacher
' of the (Had Tidings school for the
! past a months, w ill close her school
on Friday, May 2. and return to her
home In Oregon f'itv.
C. V. Carpenter has managed be
tween showers to get. in 20 acres of
oats on clover sod ground broken up
some time ago.
J. C. Marquam has on band a larger
friends for a few days (be past week
Mrs. Aernl and six sisters, making
seven hlsters In all. met on the lath,
In Portland to celebrate the. birthday
of one of their number,' and report a
very pleasnnt reunion.
A brother of Mr. Nemec's recently
arrived from Nebraska. vlHit d at
Mr. Nemec's home a number of days
men Joe took him to Willamette on
Wonderful Skin Salve
Hucklen'u Arnica Salve Is known
everywhere as tha best remedy made
for all diseases of the skin, and also
for bums, bruises and boils. Reduces
Inflammation, and is soothing and
healing. J. T. Sossaman, publisher of
News, of Cornelius, N. C, writes that
one box helped bis serious skin ail
ment after other remedies failed. On
ly 25c. Recommended by all druggists.
much business.
J. H. Poldon.
Hiie:es.;ir to F. J.
Ridings, also has a large patronage.
stock of goods than usual and Is doing nis way to visit friends at Hcuppoos.
ho came to see the country, and may
stay until after hop-pleklng, but says
ho don't see how people get a living
on such little places.
The Parent-Teachers' Club met at
the school house on Friday afternoon.
Mr. Rage's eldest sxm. Arden, came
from the coast where he now r -sides
on Friday and shortly after his young
est daiiEhtr, Mrs. Ollie Motion, came
from Portland, accompanied by her
daughter, Effle, an(L.all enjoyed ths
Mrs. Mlent Peters, who has been
111 a long time at her daughter's, Mrs.
Shipley's, In Willamette, lls very low
at the present writing and the end
seems not far off.
The road boss Is getting the road
graded up by Delkar's.
Ths school board have hired tha
Rheumatism Quickly Cured.
"My sinter's husband had an attack
of rheumatism In his arm," writes a
well known resident of Newton, Iowa.
"I cave him a hottle of Chamberlain's
Liniment which he applied to his arm
and on the next morning the rheuma
tism was gone." For chronic muscu
lar rheumatism you will find nothing
better than Chamberlain's I.lnlment.
Sold by all dealers.
Iven al Corral Creek school Satnrd ty
evening, May 17th. Everybody Invited.
The Modern Prlscllh met at Mrs.
Henry llleple's last Saturday. Tliey
will meet ti.-xt lime at Mrs llenry
Mr. mid Mrs. I'.arloii enl- rialm-d n
number of relatives and friend at
dinner Sunday.
Mr. Frank liowtv was veiling with :
his parents over Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C uts. Sparks were hs-! ....... , ,.ia1.,l nJ
tarn,., visitors Saturday nlcht. j " Mor ..pan-y.
A big dance was given nt Cogswell 4
ball Saturday night. Over eighty j The hardware building Is assuming
numbers were sold. Everyone re- proportions.
ported n fine time. j M itrlul Is arriving on the ground
Miss Hazel (Jlihens wan an Estn- f(,r thn ,.rl,y building,
endn visitor one day Inst w,-ck. Hubbard's new livery barn Is ready
This town holds Its first "llooster
tod iv In the way of a public demon
stration. A killing frost vMf the vnlH
Sunday night- probably doing iiuirS
damage to thn fruit.
Work Is going ahead on the concrete
bank building.
for the paint.
The Perry Water Tower has been
tr;iited to a new coat of ni 'lalllc
Tnttiisltn surveying is still I" P"
more contemplated.
Jasper Davis died at bis home at
Sunnyslde about 4 o'clock Monday eve-
nltif II:. ufi. In Ilia ulvlv.flrut vntir i
li.. l1, t... ..,,...1.... r ! Kress Hull
years, but was not confined to the i Molalla Avenue South, Is receiving
house. He had be;-n to a neighbor's ! s'"'1" "tr-el work, wlier.i once tn
that afternoon and complnlned of feel- j did "road work."
badly. The tried to get him loconel Miss I.iinrn Schnlzmnii was marriej
In and H i down, but he thought he , to Mr. Pcnlamln Johnson Siind iy '
would get on homa. lie goi there and I the homo of Frank 8cliiil?.man.
sat down In his big nrm chair mid J j f, (, p lodge No. 1 K I observed
plaved with the little girl a while. In !, ,', L.,'i',rv nf'tltn ord rls"!
...... ,,,,.,,.,
i Saturday night.
A. W. Snwtell has enlarg ! hlspoal-
I try Industry at Sunnyslde.
a short time bis daugbter ln law beard
bl"i groan mid culled Ed, but when
t!icv got to him he did not know
nnythlng and was stretched out In
his chair. They called a doctor, but
he was gone In-fore be could get there.
The doctor pronounced It fatty defen
eration of tho heart. Mr. Iiavls was
born In Springfield, MVp In October,
1 852, and In lh.",3 hla parenls came
Mr. Mason has moved bis rainii' -the
Otis Enr.le house on ths Win
Watt farm.
Huge signs are being erected on ths
Wilier Dibble farm, flowing H"
another addition to Molalla.
A surprise party wss tendered the
Misses Clara and Mabel Jonnid,
Thursday evening of last week.
A surprise party was given Homer teachers for two weeks loneer. there-
Revenue and M. McCormlck at the fore the principal's room will close