I 0K1W0N CITY KXTKKl'KMSR FKIIUY, APRIL 23. WW . 1 BUTTER DROPS 10 m AND 32 CENTS The decline of 24 a pound la the price of butter, forecasted Friday bo- i cam-s general Siilunlay morning; nil I crenmerli. city and country, quoting the loner figures. The new price In effect this morn-1 tng la ."OMjC a pound for cubes and ; tubs and 32c for prints. Cartiwns are quoted at the usual premium over i regularly wrapped butter. ! The decline in quotations here still ! places the local market above the ; basis where California iiippllea can be shipped to this territory, but the differential la far lees than before) and there will be less inclination ,iu peculate In. the southern product. Price here are In line with t'.iose quoted on Puget Sound, the latur market having dropped several day Los Angeles terries have entered the local market for tin first time this ison. Stock arrived overrun? and therefore could not compete with stock Is In prime condition, and the market Is suffering from a gllg'at glut. Hood River "grass" la quoted at H 25 and over per doien bunches: Imported stock being lower. Peas are coining in with more readlnes. and hitve fall- : eu to 7 and 8 r;-nts a pound. Orange I prices have risen, the wholesale rate having gone up 25 cents a box. I New crop garnet potatoes are ! bringing 7' and 8 cent pound. I A further drop In butter Is blng forecasted owing to Increasing supply. MET PRICES CO UP IN MANY LINES TUBUS MTW Lettuce and green are in much ! demand these days, and arrivals of southern stock are uot sufficient to meet the demand. A a result price are hUh and the sufl'ly l Insutnel ent. Hothouse lettuce Is also finding a ready sale, In spite of It advanced prlc . . . i. in with more the finer Iutiana offering. ho-' . - ,t,r ever, terry bulns is quiet ou ao i ireeuoiu, anu pm count of the cool weather. j dropping about a cent a pound, l-o- On account of the Jewish holidays , . lg t0 i,0 next week mere ass ' " market. erai demand for fat hens In the whole- k . ... ... ln... l.r,i qt "ta'.'' sale trade, stocks pit ulu..,,...., to fill the wants and higher price: have again been forced. County Velnrlimrliin Timber Cruising ... Portland Und Hhow Klali Fair ... Mi.' j lit m JHa.Of HEAVY1HARKET FOR found In the but the supply is noi erj Ijiter in tha week a more .vt . ......1.. 1.. nAn.n mnvement oi mis aiai? 'a i expected. I A sharp advance 13 expected in the ! of navel oranges in the local market I earlv In the week. Higher price' i are being quoted in California, where j much fruit has been found unfit for ; shlpme-.it, and the southern situation will reflected here. Receipts for tiie weex have been: ECGS ARE QUOTED AT PRICES TO Get all you can for your eggs' seems to be the cry of poultrymen at present, and a a result th-s ctg market Is In general i ooiMT. Beit eggs are quoted from 19'i to -'5 cents a doeu, aud are teinj bougtt at all prices. The wholesale market Is altogether upset, and the only cattle 1751, calves 2S. hog 3284, sheep i 2292, horses 20. Cattle cars were full and buyers had , fine layout on jand for Tuesday , morning from the delaved Monday s ; stock train. Business was active on j a somewhat weaker basis, but the av-i erage beef quality was so good tnat killers could not fail to give Sc or better. Bulk sold Tuesday around 8c. but the tendency downward was ln evidence Wednesday. A conservative steer top for the remainder of the 1. . , ... ICAA nnrl It la Hnllht- rur if bur cou,d m , .,d p - tiers iur ouinn .... "...- a plentiful supply of eg, and d sire to unload this waile the selling is good is responsible for the situa tion. Increased offerings cf chicken are lowering the market, though local price In Oregcn City remain high. Local raisers are lindins a better mar ket for their stock in Portland. Apples have developed a scarcity, and good prices are to be had eitur at retail or wholesale for good var- ' Mies. Large sites are selling better than small fruit higher. The sentiment is decidedly bearish and price basis is not firm. Cow quality was ordinary, only one head selling at $7.00 and ranging down to $5.00. according to quality. Veal market steady to firm at 19.00. All the swine business was contract ed Tuesday and Wednesday. Prices fell on Tuesday when buyers, rjfused to give over $9.13 for the best quality light hogs. Wednesday's top was $9.10 and weak. There i a downward tendency to the swlna market and op erations are uncertain. Nit enough sheep and- lambs to sat isfy one good- killer. Only sheared wet'aers and lamb squeezed through the three thousand total unloaded. All prices are firm and thefj Is an urgent demand for fat mutton. ARB FAILING; WOOL IS SLUGGISH An over supply of rhubarb, and the fact that the luclous stems can no longer be canned, owing to t'ae pass age of a federal law against auch handling of the plant, has forced price of this favorite sauce fruit down to in the neighborhood of 3 cents a pound. There is more rhu barb and less demand for It then ever before in the local market With the advent of warm weather wool shearing ha started in earnest, and before long cutting will be gen eral in the Willamette valley. In the interior ths clip Is already partly made. Little wool Is moving, the highest price so far being paid reach ing only to tie 20-cent mark Willam ette valley offerings are being taken up liesurely at 19 cents a pound. Deal ers are Inclined o be bearish, but this is believed to be the result of uncer tainty lc Eastern markets, due to tar iff tinkiring. Hog market prices are showing a drop of from 10 to 15 rents. The 19 mark Is, hard to attain, and many sales are being made for considerably less. I ' I ' PAK JUG IS All THE RAGE AG AIM few 1 h;jxr $ Kki nr'rv'1 ' J' ft A H To Total tleneral Fund W rraiil iMimd .fiw Tolal Uiwd Wiirranl Issued lljio.(, Total Warrant Issued I",oion I w i Mulvey. County Clerk of Cliickaum ( uuiily, do li..mi,y cnf ib.il ilm 'fiiregoliiK ntittninoiit U trim and inrroft. Wllnes my hand and tii a-l th foimty Court of i'Urk,Bl County. Oregon. tl.U SIM .lay of Mnrrh, lIS. Comily c,rk HMI-ANNUAt? .TATIMINT. Of th Coi.niy Treasurer of Cl kama (i.uniy. Oregon, fr Ul, , month ending on the 31-t day of March A. !.. of mo.u.y and tuild out. from whom received ami lmt mrr. and ou Ut ,ri)u l'ld out. .... , . tptclal School Fund. To amount on hand from last rpor ...f To iiimint received from delluqili'lU lae,,.,, a7 11 To amount received from lll taxe ,"iin To amount received from 1DI3 taxe HUMx To amount paid out from Hp.'clal Hchmil Fund. Ilalaiicit on hand BptcUl City Fund. To amount on hand from last report To amount received from delinquent laxea... To aimiunl received from It'll inxc.. $ 40.721 M ii l.Ul M nmouut received from 1U13 taxe J,h;Mi AiiioiiiiI paid out fmm Special City Fund.... Hnlnucn on hand t 21.i:i ii . .;: s BUTTER CHEAPER; E Livestock, Moats. BEEF (Live weight) steers 7 and 8c; cows 6 and 7 c, bulls 4 to 6c. MUTTON Sheep S to ( 1-2; lambs 6 to 6 l-2c PORK 9 1-2 and 10c VEAL Calve 12c to 13c dressed. I according to grade. WEINIES 15c lb: sausage, 15c ID. POt'LTRV (buying! Hens 12. 13 1 to 14c. Stags slow at 10c; old roos ters 8c; broilers 19c. Fruits APPLES 60c and $1. DRIED FRUITS (Baying). Ptubos on basis 6 to 8 cents. VEGETABLE! , ONIONS $1.00 sack. POTATOES About 35c to 40c f. o. b. shipping points, per hundred, with no sale at going quotations. Butter, Eggs. BUTTER (I lying). Ordinary coun try butter 25c and 30c; lancy cream ery 75c to 85c roll. EGGS Oregon ranch case count 16c; Oregon ranch candled 18c. Prevailing Oregon City price are as follow: HIDES (Buying) Green aited, 7c to 8c; sheep pelts 75c to S1.50 each. MOHAIR 32c. WOOL 18 to ?0 c. FEED (Selling Shorts $26; bran $24; process barley $27 to $2t per ton. FLOUR $4.50 to $5. OATS $22.00 to $27.00; wheat 93; oil meal selling $38.00; Shay Brook dairy feed $1.30 per hundred pound. Whole corn $30.00. HAY ( Buying) Clover at $8 and $9; oat bay best $11 and $12; mix ed $9 to $11: valley timothy $12 to $13; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida ho and Eastern Oregon timothy sell $14; selling alfalfa $13.50 to $17; Ida Ing $19.50 to $23. Heart to Heart Talks By JAMES A. EDGERTON H I'M '1-1 I I I'l I I I I I-I-I-1-1-I-H- RECORD SEASON FOR $ ROWING REGATTAS 'l-M-H-;-!-!-!'1!"!1 1"! : ! MM i'H- i There is a weaker tone all through the butter trade of the country. Port land prices are the highest along th? Pacific coast but the trade kas weak. An Immediate decline of at least 2c a pounl is likely within -tiie next 24 hours as a result of the lower figures quoted elsewhere. San Francisco is quoting 26c a ' pound for extras but the selling price is -from 1 to 2c a pound for extras, and the market is weaker there, too. Both of those markets have a direct bearing upon the price of Oregon but ter, and there is not 'he slightest doubt that values will be revised im mediately, and downward. The output of butter both here and at country points is showing a vry liberal increase and a surplus show ing in some quarters. Supply is bet- . il.. ..nninnH anil nniY Inwpf ler UJu u " - - 1.1,1... .nrt rur Jun a. Intrreollririat price will again bring tnem togetner. rw(ts t 0,hke,J-le flKhlK A fractional decline in showine in (ph,hm(,n and fours twtn or- h local market for new potatoes, ndi. penntyivanu, Columbia. Syracuse Whil most Interest are still askin? nd WI-oniin. H-iiuyUIII r.avy retratta Te a pound for supplies, some are of- "' Enailih Henley r- (C a poiiuu iui " i K . , satta. Thsin river. Ix)tidun. lndepnd- the south are more HberaL Club and i-'illeae oiirxmen will be umixmiliv :i.'tlvr thix Keiiium, and the list .r r.--.il!ii w-lietliiled Indicates the Diot mii-i-ewfiu eawiii ill the Uihtory of I lie Hirt The list of club and col lep nn e for the yenr follows: April IV. Oil'fnrnia. Htanronl and L'nl. vermt of WjHtnnKton iKeattle,. varsity, three iiih.-s. di.o i.'ii:ilurma and Utanfoid frefhmn. io rr.iin on Oakland eatuary. Calif'.rrila May 10. tri;iiiKu!ar varalty race. Har- vaiu. Hennylvaiiia and prlnci-ton. on I Churli-a rlvr lton; May Yi. Princeton yprruc .nn'iirfilis at Prtnrelon; May 21. Cornell K-:!iu Harvard mi Lake Cayuga. Itlia.-H. Mj reiinsytvalua versua An napjiln at Annapolis: May it. American reraita on Bchuyiklll river. Philadelphia: May ). Harlem Klver. New York City June HI. Harvard versua Yale, at New lnuror i l-ond'in. i.onn.. varait ana rrennmen ONE TOUCH OF NATURE. The world 's growing In kindliness. Brotherhood is becoming more than a preacher's phrase. The late flood in Ohio and Indiana and the disinters by wind and turu Id other states have olire uiure rrrea ird the universal sympathy f nian for mr.n. From the president of the United States down the resHne of the nation was quirk and suhslautlal. Message of sympathy poured Id from the whole world. Every agency the Red ?rns. the army, the churches, national, state and city goverunients Joinetl In the work of mercy. It Is o In every cniustriipbe The Sun Francisco earthquake, the ilnklrg of the Titanic, the Messina horror, each contributed It chapter to the bonk of human brotherhood. The wealth of affection revealed com pensate. If that were possible, for the sii kenlne bms of life and property. With Hie passage of the yenr we are growing more human, which means that we are approximating more near ly to tbe divine standard. We are appmarhltig that happy era when the whole human race shall be one family. After nineteen hundred years we are beginning to be Christian, to reflect tbe Sermon on the Mount In our everyday lives. Beginning, mind yon! We still have a long way to go on that road. We are also learning that complete Individuality Is only possible In com plete brotherhood; that we can live our own lives best only when we are In full sympathy with the lives of others. This Is a wealthy age. hut It Is not richer In outer than In Inner treasures It sometime requires the destruction of the outward wealth to reveal that In the spirit of man "And now ahldetn faith, hope and charity, these three, but the greatest of these Is charity." Perhaps a be'ter translation would make It "fnlth. hope and loving kind ncis." The floods of the central west brought forth equal flood of loving kindness from the hearts of the people. The physical waters of destruction have receded, but the life giving water of love will flow on forever. Prptual Pension. Terpetual wuxiii are to be found In France as well a In Kngtaml. On Aug. -I. the iliiilpbln. son of Louis XV.. when out nililillliig acci dentally shot Vvcs ile In lliilKsleiv, on of bU suit As a iuui.iiK!itlon a pension of 'J4U was conferred on Bois siere, with remainder l Ills lielr lu periietult). Ieeille Hie miiuy change iu the form of iruveriiiiielit. tbU puu sluu has been .lil eer since, and no niemlier of the Imdu-el inuiiiilttee ha ever suggested luppiug It. "By Jingo." The term "By Jingo' a many year old when It gav With to Hie Jingo. It was originally ucd a a conjurer' iluiiialii.li. "My Jlii." aud It l'iear In Mullein Iraimlatloii of Italwlala piitiltNhed in IStM. where the French original I "put llcu" (Joldamltb alw used II both In the "Vicar of Wak. flelil" and 'She Stool lu Conquer But the Ideu ibnt Jluto la short for that nioM resie.-tal.le wilnt. St. (Jeiigulphu. I tine of the Joculur fancies of the au thor of the "lligold-by U-gend"- I London Mall. Central Fund. To amount on hand from lat report To amount received from delinquent ttnf To amount received from It'll lae To amounts rwelved from 1913 lac '. He.-t.tvcd from W. U Mulvey. survey of road Uecelved from Uitila Noble In lieu of over draft..,, Kecelved from unclalmi'd eslates Kecelvcd from II. II. McDonald, bill of gnserle.,. Itecnlvi'd from J. Hansen, lot In retii''lry itecelved from founty Clerk' fi'es Sheriff' fee Hecorder' fee Beet'lved from County lteci'lvcd from Coiiuty It'iceiled from Flue.. 1.313 M IS.3H.H it A lili i it i.k;:i j:su t.u;u $i:uriit Amount paid out In County Warrant I tl.JlM! tuount paid out to Informant of violation of game law.. I OH Amount paid out to Thus. It. Kay for Htt Te V.r.T.i Anioiint paid out to Tho. II. Kay for Home of Feeble Minded IiHt Amount paid out to Tho. Kay for one-half of fine for viola tion of game law I'59 Halanre ou hand MXTl $i:jjn.u County School Fund. To amount on hand from last report '. Amount r-celved from delinquent laie To aitiount received from 1911 tale To amount received from 1811 late To amount received from Fines To amount received from V. 8. Forest lleserve llrntala.... 31) i.s:o.:i M.fMU trntaa Amount paid out In County Bchool Warrant $ Jl.OliiJ Amount paid out to Oregon Htate Library Commission. . . l.tlMJ Balance on hand U.MH A Friendly Jab. The Fiancee - Yew. Percy placed It on my fitter lnt night l-'n't It a iKoiuty? tier Dean! Friend-Yes. but III aliout a rortnlgnt yon u nnn it win masxlve slreuuin: funny black murk on your linger. It1 fBTrln.r did on mine -KxHihiikp. "Yew," he replied That Won. They were talklliK elKiut tre-- "My favtirlle." she said. "I the oak. It I so imlile. so maitninceiit In It But what 1 your Americans Are Not Money Worshipers as World Paints Them By JOHN L. GRIFFITHS. Consul Central of th Unltd 5tnt at London IIM.IUC District Road Fund and Special Fund To amount on hand from last report I SS.HtU To amount received from delinquent tales.... l.KXtf To amount received from 1911 laie !!''ISI To amount received from 1913 taiea !i'9,:".U To amount received from Fine ti.iW To amount received from return" rement sack To amount received from W. U Mulvey for road district No. 3u and 37 ; l.ooow To amount received from W. L Mulvey for road district No. S3 W To amount received from warrant lisued by road dlst. No. 31.... IMit To amount received from warrant Issued by road dlst. No. 31.... To a mow h is received from sales of cement and gravel l-- To amounts received from U. 8. Forest llearve KentaU $:t.jo; Amount- paid out In rond warrant $123,1131 Balance on hand UI.MJ.II $:6i.w:.M II PAYS TOIBUY EGGS HEAR Egg contlnoe to hold at present srice. though there U Difference In reUU quotations between the local market nd Portland. Here fresh Tgg. are quoted t 20 d cenU . dolen. while la Portland 1 tb , prev.n lns rate U J5 eent. Chicks are Tsparagu. I reported a. aetllnf off several cent. Both grB wnlt ence dav (Julr ). people's regatta. Phil delphia: New England Rowing associa tion. Ifoaton: Connecticut Valley kowlnf saoclatlon regiiU; Roaoda.e (N J. club. Hackennack river; July 1 and 17, Central gtatm Rowing aaaoclatlon regatta. lao Julr and I'J. Southneatern kowlnf as. aoctatlon reg-.lta. both at Peoria, I1L; Jjly 19, long liland Rowing association: July 2. Hudson river regatta. New Tork. Aug I and I Canadian Henley, at 6L Catharines: national regatta, at Boston. Aug. t and : wees of Aug. Perry cen tennial regatta. Put-In-Bay. Lake, Erie, Detroit Boat club auspices. 8pL 1 (Labor day), middle state re (atta. (probably Baltimore); New Eng land Rowing association, at Dowtmi. Oct U (Columbus day). New England Rowing noctailon regatta. Hoston. England's Royal Family. The annuity paid by tbe British peo ple to tbe king and queen of England is f2J3.V).'- Moth and Butterflies. Rome moths look very much like but terflies, but there are two way In which you can alway tell tbe one from the other. Each has little slen der feelers growing from the bead, but the butterfly' feelers, or antennae, a thev are called, have knob on the ends The antennae of the moth some times have tiny feather on them and sometime little spire, but tbey are never knobbed Then, too. In alight ing the butterfly alway bold ber wings erect, while the moth's droop or are nearly flat HE ATTITUDE Or THE AVtRAOE AMtmmn mninu WEALTH 13 NEITHER HOSTILE NOR SERVILE. HE NEI THER DENOUNCES NOR EXALTS A MAN BECAUSE HE IS Pirn is- A RICH MAN USES HIS WEALTH WISELY FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD HE IS APPRECIATED) IF HE SELFISHLY HUS BANDS HIS GREAT WEALTH HE HAS NO PLACE IN THE PUBLIO REGARD. We do not build MONUMENTS though this might 13 regarded as one form of punishment to men in America who havo amassed vast fortunes. Nobody of great wealth nor any lawyer represent ing great corporate interests has ever been elected president. American inquisitiveness I prefer to think of as divine euriosity leading our people, as it docs, over oceans and ucross continents in search of something they wish to see or know. A dUIDEHOOK WOULD NOT BE A BAD NATIONAL EMBLEM. It would not appeal to any one afraid to venture far from the town pump. It speaks of a desire to visit places where great deeds have Ix-en done and galleries where great pictures hang. IIISTOKY AND AHT AT TRACT AMERICANS FAR MORE THAN DO THE SHOPS AND BOULEVARDS. We often hear of a hustling, expansive and even shrewd Ameri can, but seldom of the ARTISTIC AMERICAN OR ARTISTIC AMERICA. Found a Cur for Rheumatism. "I suffered with rheumatism for two years and could net get my right hand to my mouth for that length of time" writes Lee L. Chapman, Mapleton. Iowa. '1 suffered terrible pain so I could not sleep or lie still at night Five years ago I began nslng Cham berlain' Liniment and In two months I was well and have not suffered with rehnmatlsm sine." For aal by all druggUta. SEMIANNUAL REPORT OF THE COUNTY CLERK OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY, OREGON. 8howlng the amount of claims allowed, on what account, and the amount of warrants drawn for the six monras pr-ceBumg mo oibi u, ...., 1913. , County Court and Commissioners .Invent Court Circuit Court Justices' Court Sheriff's Office Collection of Taxe 1,0(115,90 101.04 3,28.8) 973.70 2.1K9.74 639.45 Clerk's office 2'!K, Rolls 605.14 Recorder' office 2'i'ii 9 Treasurer' office 1:1"?; Coroner office School Suuerlntendent Assessor' office 1.SS0.34 Tax Rebate ' Current Expenses Court House Expenses Jail County Poor, Care of Indigent Holdlr Insane Election Expenses Wild Animal Bounty Printing and Advertising Surveyor and Road Survey Fruit Inspector , Board of Health , Armory Rent Road Damages 35S.15 3,393.53 344.62 428. 1,554 i)9 73S.10 4.0.-.4.32 120.00 102.60 .,298.01 196.00 1.122.97 1,262.60 47.10 743.58 150 00 25.00 To amount on hand from Slat School Fund. laar report $ !03i Amount paid out Balance on hand. . In State School Warrant. ..$ MjtrM I !0;53.M Institute Fund.. To amount on hand from last report t Balance on hand. To amount on hand Indigent Soldier Fund from last report Balance on hand f Library Fund Balance on hand from Inst report I I Amount paid out to Oregon State Library Commission... I T 17I.0S 171.01 171.W ,11 M 143.1! 143.H 143.1! 143.1! STATE OF OREOON. County of Clackamas.-.. i, J. a. i una, do Hereby certify that the firnirnln l a Irus and corrw stntnment of the amounts received, paid out aud remnlnlng on band, the County Treasury of said County for the six months ending on the 3lt day of March, A. I)., 1913. Witness my hand and aea this 5th day of April. A. D., 1913. J. A. TUFTS. County Treasure SEMIANNUAL STATEMENT SHOWING THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF CLACKAMA8 COUNTY, OREGON, ON THE 31st DAY OF (MARCH, 1913. ,. . Liabilities. TO (tenersl Klind Wari-Bnla rf.nH,n ... n. - ... outstanding and unpaid $ 2.241 Interest accrued thereon !!',!!!"!!!!!'.!!! County lload Warrants, outstanding and : unpaid! . . . . . . . . '. 10, fi Estimated Interest accrued thiiron 3,000 w Tolal Liabilities ; $109,703'' Resources. By Funds In hands of County Treasurer applicable to paymont of ., denial Fund Warrant $ 54.9W " Funds In hand of County Treasurer applicable to payment of .... County Road Warrant J41,0n" Total Resources Balance $195,965 8 !!!!.!!!!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! !$s.2C2.6i W. I ML'LVEY, County ClerK. SEMI ANNUAL REPORT OF BUSINESS OF SHERIFF'S OFFICE, CLACK AMAS COUNTY, STATE OF OREGON, FROM OCTOBER 1st, 1912 to (MARCH 31st, 1913, both Inclusive. Caah on hand Oct. 1st, 1912 Tax collections prior to 1912 roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.. Tax sale ' Tax collection, current Fee collated .... year. 3; !! 29.5H !! 626,J J.U M .$ wr .. 620.7291? loS-l,1-0 I hereby certify that th above report Is correct y. Sheriff of Clackamas County, TOTAL CASH COLLECTED Paid County Treasurer, account Tax Sales ! Paid County Treasurer, account collections prior to 1912.. Paid County Treasurer, account collection current year. . Paid County Treasurer, account fees collected Cah on band April lt, 1913