i . STOP ANNOYING PEOPLE BY COUGHING. STOP ATTRACTING UNDESIRABLE ATTENTION. k. i I IS 5 near twmam rnirnvra. c tiffflt: tit: ALL NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY WILSONVILLE j i H. D. Aden went to Portland on bus-1 lnesg Tuesday. j Mrs. Crown has returned home after; a three week's visit with her parent. , "Mrs. Batalgta's health is somewhat ! improved. i Mrs. Norris Young has been quit? ! ill (or a few days, and has been under the doctor's care. I Professor W. W. Graham and a par-' ty of friends motored from Portland to the Graham farm to spend Sun day. Miss S. M. Graham and nieces, Ro setta and JospMne, arrived last week to spend the summer Titration at the farm. M. and Mrs. J. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thornton and Mr. and Mrs. Aden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kruse on Saturday evening. Mr. Chahipsky is having ground clears, for a nice ne residence near our village. Mr. Morrison and family, of Pert land, are living in the house formerly owned by Mr. Cooke. Mr. Morrison is on the editorial staff of the Evening Telegram." Walter Wills and family have niov d Into the summer house, and H. Wallis and family have moved into the house belonging to Mr. Chase. These j men are bridge carpenters. Mrs. May Greer, who visited thRe-' bekah Indue in her official capacity. J on Thursday evening of last week, ev pressed herself a3 much pleased with J the work of the local lodge. j R. W. Graham went to Portland on legal business on Wednesday. ) About 300 persons attended thj concert given by Professor W. W. I Gra'-am and his two assistants at ' Newberg on Tuesday evening. Quite a number from Wilsonvlll? being In attendance. We are proud of the fact that this star violinist has his resi dence here for a pood share of the year. Mrs. Wm. Prawl and mother visited Mrs. B. Cronin last w;ek. mymsf hps One Or Two Generations Ago Most Farm Animals Roamed At Large But We Have Gradually Found That This Did Not Pay The barn yard fowls have been the last to feel the effects of bus iness methods on the farm but at last they have to gi t in their place (In the poultry yard) and stay then-. The farmer who reads the magazines knows that today many a chicken farm of a few acres pays a blgg-r profit than a big farm did a few years ago. Every farmer keeps chi'rkens because it navs and It wlil pay lota better and the farm will look better If they are kept In the poultry yard. They are about the most profitable animals on the farm and it take less space and less expense to keep them. Enough of our poultry fencing to keep your fowls properly will cost very little and will be the best investment you ever made on the farm. Ask for prices. FRANK BUSCH Furniture and Pure and Pleasant Dr. King's New Dis covery Drives Away Cough and Cold. Makes You Feel Fine. You know how very embarrassing it is to constantly cough at parties, in church and other public places. Besides sufTering the distress of coughing, you regret the annoyance to those with whom you are brought in contact, and decide not to go out again while your cold lasts, causing yourself much inconvenience. "Every winter," writes Mrs. XI. 0. Crosa, Granbury, Texas, ''I suffered with severe coughs and colds, but since using Dr. King's New Discovery, I have not been bothered or Annoyed with either for over two years." Ask your druggist for a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery He will refund your money if not satisfied. DRUGGISTS Arbor Day was observed with ap propriate exercises in the local sc'.iool. One of the Hand Bros, has rented the Hasselbrlnk farm. Eva Larsen and Mbrris Cronin en tertained about sixteen of their young friends at a birthday party on Satur day afternoon, April 12th. the occasion hein-r a double celebration as Eva's birthday occurred on the 11th and Morris' the 12th. Games were en Joyed by ths merry guests, dainty re freshments were served and many happy congratulations were given the young hostess and host. STAFFORD. Mrs. Fisher died at Willamette on tht 9th. She had been sick some time, having suffered a stroke of par alysis some time ago. She was the mother of Mrs. Geo. Sann. She was buried in the Osweco cemetery. Mrs. Schrader died the 11th and a lone nrocesslon of friend nnd neigh bors followed here to the City of the nnd. where she was laid to rest by the side of her husband In the Staf ford cemetery on April loth. A good many are suffering from se vere colds, ln some cases are almost like th grip, and a good many child ren have a couch similar to whooplns couch, but the uncomfortable msn which has afflicted so many, has about left t'le neiehborhood. An epidemic of s-rpr'sc rart! seems to have hrokn oi;t among t'le voung people. They made a descent "upon Mrs. Gebhard and family last Saturday evening, almost more In B'lmVr than the house would hold, but thv renort a eood time. Mr. C.ebhardt is preparing to adl quite a numbpr of acres to his hop field on ground bong'it ot Mrs. Ga-e. Word was received last wee'.f by Mrs. Moser that Lizzie Mosrr has be?n caring for her Invalid grand mother, who has been sick with ton silitis. All hope for her spedy re covery. Friday, the 11th, being Arbor day Hardware OHEflON CITY -RNTRnPRISK. FRIDAY, AVIUh the teachers arranged tocelebrate It In an appropriate manner. A Has which j cost M. had been whipping Itself to rug from the pole on the boll tower us It could neither be raised nor lower ed, so a beautiful poll was ralscl, and the i'.ur with K frayed ies cm ott and bound over was trnsierod to the ue pole. whlc.i a furnished by ,V Nussoauni. Kach of tin- clghl grades bad a tree to be planted with appropriate exercises, and If they are watered at Intervals through vacation they will be a beauty and a Joy lor ever to boys and girl who will at tend the Stafford school for y ars to come. The teachers and scholar had mado beds In the angle of the well j of the to room and quantities of plant were tirougiit that day. enough ; to hav almost planted the whole yard, ! showing the Interest taken by all. The work Stafford wa outllued In one bed with red Quilled daises. Hoard were laid acros the desk, and a bountiful dinner s-rved. after which all as sembled In Miss Bench room aud listened to a short programme, a song -by all. Mr. Urkin playing tile ac companiment on the organ; recitation by Homer Niisshaum. eutltled "Tree ' Plalniiug' ; "iur TrV by Lena Kl legsen and l.eluh Ttedeuian; after which Mr. Calavan. district supervisor gave an Inleresdng talk, tolling of the origin of the day in a treeless sUH. at a little country school house, how that afterward t.ie Government see ing the good Its might accomplish sot I apart the second Friday In April a; tr-e planting day. and now the won- ,wril dies ha soread to almost ev-, ery state In the I'nlon. and the day is a legal holiday In alt schools, aud , thousands of trees are planted on that j day, then the school sUng. "Happy Ar bor nay, and ten girls rami onio the stage, namely, Ceclle. Kv, Bottle. Martha, Susie. Neva. Violet. Jydla, Lllilnn snd l.lbble. with boughs of the different tre they represented. anJ recited. 'The Trees of the Forest." In a very pleasing manner after which all ; wore dismissed to the work out of doors. Willing hands planted flowers. bovs and girls led by Mrs. Seedling i raked together trash, sticks, cnipsana debris of every kind and burned them. The plot across the road had been newly harrowed and seeding, adding not a little to the looks of things and when a good fence la made on both sides the street "School Mouse Hill" as It haa been called for year will be a credit to Stafford. THE LULL ml - :mr .1 Tt . .V J-- IS 'THE TIME TO MAKE PREPARATIONS PUT IN YOUR MYERS HAY UNLOADER NOW and you will be in tip top shape to handle your crop this year-Take our advice and come in and look them over next time you are in town. A LOT OF TIME IS LOST THROUGH BAD DOOR HANGERS HANG YOUR DOORS ON Myers Stayon Hangers Or the New Tubular Track Hanger and you will have no more trouble This is another matter that should be attended to before busy season. IV. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON CANBY HARDWARE & IMP. CO. CANBY, OREGON CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES 8UNNYSIDE AND ROCK CREEK. It is announced that Y. P. I! of the Sunnyside Free Methodist church will Kive a programme at the e'iurh Sat urday evening, April 2fi. All are cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stoll and Mr. and Mrs. Joa K. Deardorff were In Orrpcn City on business on i,'nlay last. A number of the men around here took a t ri ;, ov-r to Sandy on Tuesday In fjue-it of Hmeit but they were not very plentiful that day. A f.:w neighbor boys Kalliered at fleo. f'llii -y n's last Sunday to cebv brate I.eland's birthday. They had a i;i'-f 'iine aod we wish iilrn many hap py n-lurns of the day. Mrs. Itoy flradys mother is no !-t:iltis with t.er. She Jusf arrived from the ,ast last Kalnrd-y. She had a tii' frip, but v.m tired when she uot t' ere. - Till the Dog Was Disabled. Chili I i.i .mo shoot with a d"? i: -r.,e I er iMoally stint with one -I ..'..!-1 1 M ,1 That Incomparable majli'lan. Iho aunshlne, following In the wake of the heavy rains, ha In the. past week, wrought as great a mlr.;-l as ever happened In anclont or modern time. Fruit tree that a week ago wi re ap patently In their Winter garb ar now hidcn with lover blossOms. If n blight from frost or other enemy at tack them, we may expect a frnlj harvest of unusual abundance. The orchard havs been thoroughly pray ed and every procantloa has been tak en to prevent Injury to the crop. The grain too. U growing perceptibly. Those wld stretches of bright em erulil eom to betoken tho ((wealth of nutrition and a comfort Hint lies hid den within, and when one reflect t lint many of th"a field, smiling so bright ly In the sunshine now, were a year ii'im frowning waste of Juimlo or of blackened slump, the rapidity with which our tnte I developing, cornea forcibly Into the mind. Cheering report concerning the railroad are constantly reaching us, telling that not alone In thing agri cultural Is our vicinity progressing, but that the tedious journey through water and mud to the railroad town Is to exist, only In memory, veiy soon. TI'o 1 one messenger, however, whose visit to our flnce has Instead of bringing gladness to us, taken a bright young life from our midst. Miss Mary Stler, whosp Illness was mentioned In last week s Issue of the K-.irnrUn ill. i but Tuesday morn ing In the twentieth year of her age. Miss Stler had. In her school days, been a pupil In the Eby District and was much beloved by classmates and teacher alike. Her early death has cast a gloom over the entire neighbor hood. Other members of Mr. Stler' family are III with the same fevr that proved fatal to the beloved daughter. Friend and neighbors of the afflicted family wish to express deepest sym pathy with them In their trouble. A little ho.i came last week to Mr. B. G. Sorack. eldest daughter of Mr. J. Gibson, who, alnre her marriage has resided In Portland. The rite of confirmation was per formed In the Lutheran church on the morning of Sunday, the thirteenth and In the afternoon of the same day baptism was administered to ttw In fant son of Mr. and Mrs.' Koch at their home. A. A. Baldwin made a business trip BEFORE THE STORM to I'ortland on Saturday, taking ln a lodf-'e mectlrif; at Canby In the even ing. A base ball i-'airie between Hubbard and Marksbiirg on Sunday, resulted In a victory for the latter. Uoth the Eby and the Macksburg schoof 'nouses were thoroughly rli-aiih-ed at the ':nd of the week, making them !,rl(;iit and char for Monday's work. Frank Hilton Is renovating tho In terior v.alls of bis 'honif wilh very handsome and tasteful effect. (Jeo. Walsh Is tit 111 ' working for Mr. Kiiy, Hr. Nothing bhH than a week of dark ness and rain could have iiel ;!iti-iied ) lie enjoyment of the sunshine as the past week has done., The birds, thoiifh thy sag through all the rain, are especially tuneful in these charming spring days. One may before rising time In the morning, lie still and listen to the grand -Kt con cert on eart'i from these inatihls Forigstcrs of the (..rove. .1 be wild flowers, too, grow lovelii-r. with evory finsrin',' day. Tho richly colored fol liae of the Oregon fape is thrown Into striking contract by cluster of golden flowers, whllo the violets are In such abundance that walking over them scctr, not to hurt them at all. 18, 1913 . ' MEADOWBROOK. Mr. and Mrs. It. I.. Ilolntnn and aon. Chart", visited at Hubbard Saturday and Sunday. Mre. Tt. I.. Orem and three children, F.slher. KltHe and Oliver, are vlaltlmi her father, Mr. Huff, of Mulinomall Station, who I unite III. Mr. and Mr. M. I. Clilinlgien ami daughter, Vivian, and Iho Mlsse Kill , Kdna, Kllen and lluben Nelson spent Sunday at I'. 0. Chlndgreii . Hurry Chao took a large hog tn Canity. U weighing over 600 lb. Mlsse Fmillo and I'aullno llofstot-t.-r spent Sunday afternoon with Myr tle and Hasol Larklns, Mr, and Mr. Kerns visited at J. Chase' Sunday afternoon. J. i. I.arklns was dow n to hi ranch on biislnes Saturday. Mrs. R. 11. SnodgriiK. daughter. Mary and aon. Hobert Snodgrass, Mr. and Mr. Win. Uohlendor and son, Hugh, took dinner at A. l-arkliis, and In t ie afternoon they returned to Mullno whro Mr. and Mr. Uohlendor will leave Monday morning for Tort land whore Mr. Uohlendor U en gaged In the plumbing business. Mr. and Mr. A. I.. Larklns. sou Al ln, aud daughters' Alma and lluth, spent Sunday evening at Mr. and Mr. McClurc'. Mr. refer wont to Portland Satur day to rot more men to help on the survey. ' lion Chliidgren la helping Hull I (rather run tie. GLAD TIDINGS. Many people, from the mrroiindlng country, resident of Clackamas and Marlon Counties, attended the Horse Show at Mt. Angel on Snturday. April 12. The display of horse fl 'h w truly amailng. The sneaking- wa good. The listeners were attentive and the best of order was a nottocahH feature of the day. O. L. Hammond and wife visited In Portland Wednesday, returning home on Saturday. K. K. Dart, wife and daughter. Myrt It. after several days visiting with rel ative In Linn County, returned borne Saturday, taklug In the Horse Show at Mt. Angel on their return trip. W rnllred much grubbing and rlenrlng of land along the Marimni and ML Angel road that bad been ac complished during Inst winter. Fall sown grain along the way is 91 k -! ef '.r 1 ARE THE BEST far advanced, and bids fair to make a bumper crop, but a small amount of spring gruln has been sown, owln to the continued rains. Hence, much land will be summer fnllow-d thai otherwise would have been seeded had the weather permitted. AL6PAUCH. We an still having rain. Mrs. Fn-d Kly had (!o misfortune to fall while she was fl'hing one day last week and break her nose. Sim Is gettlne alone nicely now. Miss F.'ho Olthons was the guest of Mr. Harton Saturday afternoon. Miss Knnna Dowty was a I'ortland visitor Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. O. K. Tull and , Mrs. f'bas. Sparks were guests of Mr. John Gitb ens Sunday. Fn-d Kly and Chas. Spark attend ed the ball game at I'ortland Sunday, The Wrliibt Company gave a drama ai Fsta'ada Saturday which was a prand sccceHi. A numh.-r of young people from here attended. onoon oarors. A shave In a London barls-r stvip cosfn 4 to VI rents, a tiair cut 8 to 21 ceitlM. Fjl, '' ; ' ' ;;"! i" ' .-.,,'7,7 , r f "l- I III '' ft! ' ''" "'" " ' ' r ";-l"w' Al.t 011(11, J I'KH t'KNr. ANrflt'inldriVrUCrAi slmll.illit$iik'tlujnillMiib lliigilirSiimlBaiuliltMvlsJ Pronwlos Difti'ittinfliffffJ ihss tiittl IVt runt Jlns nrittw ()immi.Miirihliv rrMiutTL U I .1AIII Ullli AyVawa-ntfrumuJi Jlx Stmm JtMhUtt- imW- i nfrci Rrntnlv for fumflp lion. Sour Shmvah.Dlaiitui ivisjaislLossorSttW- FacSuA Sijnil" aT NEW YORK. EiKt Copy ol Wrapper. MAPLE LANE. The ladle' Improvement C'lub. of MhVle lne. and acveral other put rona of the achool, conio to the chi'l h.tua.i on Arbor lir at 11 A. M. and K&vo t!u children and teacher, and our upcrvlor. Mrs rurraii. a aplend Id dinner with mnulm cixoi rooked on i'hi hool rook Move, for drink. It un the kind of a dinm-r that !m made the rooks of Maple Ijine fmnoii. After dinner a i.t and cmtviIiIiii; cleared th pupllit reiulercl H e fnl IokIhk prettraiu; H011K. "The On-torn I Irtlly. " Sc'iool. concert recitation. "I Uenirmber." .rd Krul.i; dialogue. "A New !ob" (color ed). Marlon Gluther and (leorae liar lice; recitation. "MUhell' Kianiplo." r.eatrl-e Morton: concert riK-ltntlon, "My S'ladow." -'"d (trade; itliilneue, "An Illustrated SHjry." tlcorae Kod-l-irs. Ijirii Karru-y: recitation. "rl-r Da)," l.ols I'ai.enliOff . illaleuKUe, "Fd Uor of a Taper." (coloreli. Marlon i;itith.-r and (i.-orre Harney; reclti Hon. How to Hake a Umf of Urend." llliekla Ito.n.r: recltailon. "A Fauir II,. Color." AIM- Hoik", dialogue. :r VV 01 U ll'-tl'l I'.iy." Ghi'lv Hen ri;, Ann' - 1'uii.er. Wendell Clntber. Ferrlll Healer: Itintruiiie-ital mnle. M:-.v Sl-l'iU'-r: enneert recitation, "The i lo'iers," ;'nd grad-: recltntlon, "The F.MKlli h Sparrow," Alle Kuniman; dia tomic. "Two l.ef ', Henry Itoner. and Wnltrr C.afte; recitation, "Time Fn-.UKh." Ferr.-l Heater; Conr.-rt rec littt Ion. "Suppose." .Ird r.rade; n-i Ita tlci. Hoiiie Clr-inlnr Time." K-iceiio Schmidt; dialogue, 'Mr. Cleveland on Lnivvern." (eoloredl, Mhrlon lilnth-T an, I C.'-orKB Harney; recitation, "The Hoy s For-Iter." Prexel Heater; song, Ontt Culled Mother and I'm Other Home. Sweet Home." Wl-ll-t"il 'ltl thr and Marlon fllnther; dinlotrue, How J'.m I'eteis Hied." Orph I'ark er a-id liiy Harney; recltntlon, ."The Liberty Tre:-," Mvrta Swnlti-w; con cert recitation. "The Village Hlack Htnllh." 2nd grade; closing song. "Ore gon.' HC'ltMll. Tin- pimllH an I visitor then went nut to where a number of trep ha I I ; fit plmted and (ho 1st. Snd and :ird cra b- pupil inarched around (he trees, sniulnt? an appropriate Arbor Day motion song. T'i!n conclude ! the pn-rratn, after which Mrs. Curran cave fin Instrui-tl-'- tall, on pliycround tmproveuii'iit. EAST MACK8DURC. We are lia vim; line weather, and nil of the f. riners urn busy piiitlug in 'heir eropw. M,r. and Mrs. I'aul Hinlt h mad - a (1 v In -r tili l Canby Saturday. Mn-s l.yilla an, I Nuiidia Wolfi r called on Mrs. Wells Haturda. The little so'i of Mr. and Mrs. (lo erteii has been sick. Tlu-y ure Improving (he roads her y doing a lot of griibblii't. John Nofi.li;en Is busv saw lug wood. l'etf Mori, went to Ci-nby on busl lici's mm day Inst wcel', Ceorge Dnmiii railed on tho Wolfor fitinlly last Smiilny. Tueie una n hi it id iv party given ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. (ins Uoth eiiberir last Saturday night In the hon or of Miss Helen Kotheliberg and Mlsa Hazel Moshlierg.-r, whose birthdays were on the same day. They played giiini s till a late hour. Supper was served. A large crowd attend -d and everyone reported a good time. We all wish Ihetn many more happy birth days. Mrs. Noftzlirer and Mrs. Moithberg r called on Mrs. John llehey last Fri day evening. GLAD TIDINGS. One of our near neighbors, a Mr. Murray, had the misfortune to lose his l'ijo8nd Its contcMtH by flro last week, caused by a defective flue. , Harrison, son of Ira Jnmns, who ha I J-iM -WE WANT YOUR- MOHAIR isi WOOL WRITE TO -.-HERMAN METZGER 226-228 FRONT GT. PORTLAND, ORE. YOU CAN DELIVER IN OREGON CITY TO OREGON COMMI9' ' 8ION CO. nil For Infanta nnd Children. Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature) been sick o loug. died Hun lay, April A, nd w laid to rest In the Hub bard cemetery, April a. Jacob Schnaek bad ipiltn a num'wr of vl'dtor Sunday, hi wife I rliu t ent It wa up to Jakle to ci.'.,iuln them, which he did In a rotat maiinrr. K. A. Slinvrr made a trli lo Scotti Mill Tuesday, reiuriilng with a kd of bran. Mr Hi'htiack Ihiiu'K a In. go fnl h'( of Ceo. Juil.son, which ho Imt'di.-rrJ. IVnrl Voucher vlsllcd H.ilurdny nl Sunday with her aUier, Marie Minvrr. Cbtud Marh along w ith ol-'i -r tunn ed lot nd ofher gimie Thur.iajr IllKhl. John Kl.llng visited MoluHu auJ l. Let's I'ralrle Weiliiemlay. :hlnl lo I'tiy a horse, but did Pot inakn 1 pun b.ise, Wltii the present nice weathr, farmer w ll mwu begin tlmlr delay! c'-dln. Ci-o. Jackson ha hauled Iho bl nic e of Hi t Madison oats (o hi boat, perhaps f,i) bushel remaining vtM-l are lor sale. Jiimea l(ce has pun-hisn nil lum balor and will try Iho matching suit raising ducks, hcllmlng (hut ICi propi r inauiigetneut inert will lei fair profit remaining. K0111N are fairly good agii". lib -cet!ou of a few ruts or r on a hi in. Automobile rider will soon be n again In all their glorv, , Tim horse show ( Mt. Angle tnn-'l plnee Saturday. Many from (bit nelghbrbood will allend, and an unus ual large crowd Is expected. WILLAMETTE. Nelson Wnldron returned Hund.iy from a seven mouths' stuy In M"0 roe. Wmoonaln. He wa with bU aged mother during her laM lllin-M and urn II nfti-r her funeral and tile meiil of the estate. Needles lo 1ST be Is very glad to be borne ni:ala. Mrs. Ncluilu and children went to Hauler, Oregon, Friday, where Mr, Sehultd Is engaged In lucrailve work. Ihilb-y Hill and slsn-r, Vlrs. 1. en lis Hl key will keep bouse In the c-lbu.'' taciiieil by Mrs. Hchulix. Mr. i' ml Mrs. John buiogle er I'ortlan l visitor laM Wednediy. Mrs. I.eismau and Mrs. Jiiiiklu we'll In Portland Thursday lo buy lloer for Mri. Fls 'era fun.-ral, wbbh held at the house Friday morning, con ducted bv It. l.elsmtin 1n a ten sol emn manner. There was n tar :'- al-Irndam-n at the house. a:id a '"J many went l0 Oswego, where the In terment took place. Mrs. Flslier 74 yenrs old aud leaves six children to mourn her loss. I'rencbing services were hold by Mr. Wood tin Sunday evening at Willam ette church. A new sidewalk Is great Improvement o-i the rlmnb property. Our generou rillens con trUmtcd tho funds necsciry to "'r cliiiso the lumber and Mr. Snldow snd two young men put It down. Tho el'.-hth grade had a walking l'r ty Saturday evening. Arbor Day, Friday, April 11, kepi by the three lowr rooms In simple manner. Anlhong Tour' family Is niovlusln to II. Shipley's house. Mr. Hooz from Sydney, Ilrlllsii llltnliln 1,na t.nnn lll I IIS I.Ce 1'"' con. POLK'S- OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory! TM .... t . a . ....I. r'llv Tnvtn Blt't VIIUso, iltlns Jrrlpilv. .kculi m plua. luvatlon, ponulnllnn. "')'" rrsph, .hlcplng ami umism i-" ll Olawlllia Dlrcftory, compll"' W uu.lne.fl and proi'ui-.ic.L It. f l-nl.K li CO.. hi' TTl i W XI uv hlj Use W For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA