h 1 f 1 OKEOON CITY ENTK1.H.ISK, KKIIUV. MAKrH L'H. l!i:i. : H . . . : InrAnrifl AIM lltl ll"l Ml w:r; aim MPFRiflivii; school reform ? wc VOUNQ MAN LEAVES HOME WITH MATTRtSS AND BED-CLOTHING f: C'APTURED WHILE ROAMING CODNTKY B ; S ' Victim Says Brother Did Wrong In t ' Shooting Member of Auto Party S , Had Been Asylum I Inmate llmrsc Huberts. :'T :o.ira of ai brother of Jack Roberts, who was hanged several months ago at Sa lem, was adjndnf J to he of unsound niiud in the count) court Thursday afternoon. He whs mken to the asy lum at Salem. Jack Roberts paid i death nenally for killing iJeorgo Hastings and Donald Stewart. nf .1. 1'ortUnd. party, cn mcmiiers or. an atnomoi'iie um.., ii.uiu KnaJ at Elk Kock about a year aco. The ex ecution followed an election In whieh the people hy a lane majority refus ed to i hrocate capital punishment. The insane man is almost a "dou ble." of his hrother, ,:o was hanged. He is sightly taller, but his eires gion and face and In ad r. almost the same. RoKherts -,va confined in an asylum in llaho for several month, and upon his release out to Clarke' to live with his mother. Mrs. J. IX Pfelffer. He worked on the farm several weeks and finally oanie to the conclusian that lie was not helix paid adequately for his service. About a week aco at mldniiht he left the iiouse, taking wilh him his clothing. Iiedelot'-iing. a mattress and other ar ticles. Deputy Sheriff Miles, who made the arrest, deflate! that Roberts had four loads of clothing and other articles near his junto. He wandered about the neighborhood for several days until the resident be came alarmed and made a re;ort to the sheriff. Roberts father-in-law swore to the complaint alleging in sanity. The young man converses rationally on most subjects. He said his brother did wrong In killing the young men in the automobile, and he cannot understand what led him to commit the crime. in a Crowded Car. First Strap Hanger-Sir. yoo have your hand in my pocket. Second Ditto leviih-ntly iiinrriedi-Ob. pardon me! was wondering mm- I happened to -have nil that loo- change -Ibistmi Transcript. Send Your Order jlMg Value Bargain Clubs 1 Ji Year's Reading Matter for the 'Whole Family q . , 3 wee ' For th Poultry Rairr 'v"vSw n I l r- ;,-ss:l ypg I jt-.-ghf Uffklq' 3i!-ifr vWn .ml ttKyMJM0 Your 3 Yoil v''-'i V H 'v-" i--'-- '- -- :.it k. :L. lj Choice 3 Save v:i-i' '"' '-' .a wtoi of i 8Pf& Zism 00Smf I w-mk ftssW? I lt$mbi mMm HferC? ikW Today JXXZSL. fWm Chli W jkljy tntor Ocn and Frrar h t nt nmwwpmoet fte tivea rem Ui btt ftoriea ud (etara Iroa th H it! IT hmT OsiHr IsMr Oceta. A world-wide oewi wrric, markeC porti, muktm t paper rcood to ooo. Eretr iM eoauiat itrnjw Irf ofB oocd dctirmuo, nnd a rory bw t dwngmiLed J 1 iLirtof, FubLUhed weckir. Retuiar yearly obachptioa pric TTw Famlljr Maiymttnw oontafM daa, wbotaocM 6ctk. atoriea i aaor thaa ordinary bttervat and aoappy editorial coeiaeflC oo oit Im( crawta. A conmt good BMjmac for tb twackeeapor. C(f PwVbbW aaaattfciy. lUAular yw-xiy aubacriptioti price - - ovv Taao) Fruit OowraW and Farmer. A aaaataaiaa that haa heiped Ha readera lorprora aVsr frail, ao aawtar whether they have a big n il. ar roat a arw traea ia Che yard, b it phe aartfeat trait papar la the United Skate tad aaaaaiaa anora aeiaaal auner lor peorla who waat iar oroot or ulaaanre than ali othert at loajetaer. Pahliahatf aaoaniy. Rea- a aar; THREE BIG of tfacatt combinations mean puouaner airecr. want the CLUB No. 1 witt rrpnwFit ... Sim 1.00 JO 50 M WKFttLY I.STER OCEAN FARM AND HGMg ... FAMILY ..... HOM LIFE .... r--' Prica - ANY. ONE B sure to specify which OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE John Slivers, recently appointed J.islko of the peace In this district. FU.cu'dxg W. N. II- r-aiiiMui, ..n ducted 1 is llr-t Jury trial Friday. The deleiidaitt was Aaron Anderson, no cured of lishliK In the Cla.kan.iu Uiver. w t'h Is a closed stream. i;, or-o C i to.Micll re;resenli'd Ihe il. len.lrtnt. Anderson and .lame Dunu'.eler vv.rc arrested b Fish W ar il, ns .It well ai'd Talby December I. The wj-.rdens .ieolaii.l they saw the m. n lls'iit--: with nets. The attorney lor the r.n.l-inl Insisted upon hav ns a jury trial, and the jury almost I.,,.,,.. I, U- :mer lee evidence was taken returned a verdict of not piilK. jit Is pro! aMo that Dunmelcr will not ! 1 e tried. El Iir i;.Hirci Rolec. head of lo uo- -j I u lV....,vn I'nt iarinu'ii'. oi toih"" "' versitvv urted ' Kil'u ieiii y as au t lull ment lor life In an in an auircss hi High School Wednesday afternoon. Dr. Re! ec. who also Is in charge of the extension work of the university, declared that the old order had pass ed. He called attention to how pro fessional nun formerly v. ere trained and how they are trained today, de claring t'.at the new method w is mui't stt'.'i rior. The speaker also, said thai there would scon be no more public lands for the people, and that tV boys and gir'.s must prepare themselves through el'.icietiov fertile cause. Dr. Keluc was the guest cf JY. and Y.rs. !'. J. Toco at dinner Wednesday evening. -All Clsar Gain!" The earliest ri-.nnl.il royal tnnrriiige at Si .iaes. vas Areiuleaouu Sin clair in "The Chapels Itoyal." was that ol W'l'liaiii ami Mary, ill HiTT. TlK bride w,i very reluctant, for she bail m i nor bent on n handsome young S.-ot lord, in d s'lf wept for two dais when iht destiny was announced. t'liariiK II . who was present t Ihe iveiblaig. -ii'ventl the iinw illliigms ul the bride Willi sprightly remark" When William euduweil his bride with nil bis wi.r dly goods be put a hmiilful of ."!d .-ml -Pver coins on Ihe lN.k. wbeleup.ill I'b.llles told his nil"-e 10 gather it lip ai d put It all in her hh li et. for it was all clear gain. Learned H LeMon. Crawtepl llou i it j"ii let youi w ile e.ivo n.-r en a viv? I'nitwli.iw I iiihv in. si in inp ii. -i I He wSAr : AilF Fwm and Horn la paper that wffl1 a4p te vMfce every (vra ucceaahit It tfivaa ita reader yaat what they waat. eoi tbeorica but practical facta, contributed by nee end woaaea who know." It drala with erythiui of ioteraat to ti Hooackcper, FarnMf, Gardear, Pnrit Grower, Dairyman, Lira Stock and Poultry Keeper. Pabhahed C A twice a motdh. Kcuiar yearly awbecriptioa pric wvW Hotna Life) Jnat what hi set la.pl.aa matitM that belpa Ita aubtcribera to make the hoaae attract rra aed bclphii. Good edito riaka, poetry and epecial leaturea mtakm thia a reel hocse aiata- C Af siae. FabUahed aoaUaJy. Retfalar yeay aobacripdoa price WWV Sueeaaatful Poultry JournaJ. A aaV acniMkoa to t&ia mataiioe ie year'a coorae of aatroctioa ia poultry culmre trom the for moat exiwrta and poetical breeder. Contain epecial artidea oa all braachee of pookry ratata, that will ve yoa tnooey and teach yoa how to aet the reeolta that meora pleeaere and prof to the ravrortheeipert. rahheiied nwetb Cf www VALUE BARGAIN CLUBS a saving of at leant one half, and in axUitioa yon do atot turn to bother writing i nry conipriM a variety of publication that best in theii respective field at a price within CLUB No. 2 S'TCESSFt POULTRY WPF.KLY INTER OCEAN . FARM AND HOME - . . FAMILY HOME LIFE . . I SB 1.00 JO JO SA COS 0 Regular Pries . of the above Clubs (No. I, 2 or 3) and a Year's Subscription to the Weeklj Oregon City Enterprise, all Six Papers One Year for only club you desire. Order by Number (Club No. 1 , 2, or 3) Address CHRISTIAN SCIENCE PSS ALDERMAN mm THE BOSTON MONITOR" CALLS THIS ONE OF BEST TOWNS IN WEST INDUSTRIES GIVEN SPECIAL PRAISE "Romantic 6:.iuty and Buiincn Pro (jrcsj" ai Cited Beautiful Home Alio r Given Attenton The Christian Science Moiiluu. o 1 r.ostou, in a recent Issue, hud thefol j lowing article about Oregon City: For centuries the Willamette Kivcrl poured Its waters In iinh.irnesse I ; freedom over tue falls between thej mouutuir.oiis bluffs I at mark the! present townslle of Oregon City, j I'erhaps the Indians who Hied at the liills appreciated their beauty. but certainly alter the l.ewi an I ' Clark expedition reached Oregon and1 whlie men explored the river there was no lack of prophecy as to lae city that should be built by the lalK i Dr. John Mcl.otighlii. the chief fa.'-, tor of tae Hudson I'-ay Company. ! j cated at the present site of V.uii on- , ver, Wash., welcomed and fed tie hordevf those who. in the early 4i's. joiirue.M d across the arid plains mi l (airly tumbled down the Rockies In-; to the large fur-:'ear:tig domain, lb- j e .use of lus Limitless to Close Invad-. i rs he lost Lis position with the com pany. in d so decided to make Ills' heme a! the i'alN. where he had lo cated a claim In Is.':', and to cat his lot wi!h the Viuericans About lMii he went to live there, built a saw tail! and grit mill and the great fa II-i began fietr earar of, iisefiilm ss. That was nearly T'Mrars ago and now Oregon City wilh Its population of li'iOO is known as th" mill town, a sort of suburb of Port-' land, the metropolis, with which it. is conno-'tetl l.v trolley. Put niter taking one of the com- j fo-ta' le cars fiat run half hourlv 1 rrom PortlaiuL nloux the Willamette River. v,-u d s. over that Oregon City has quite an independent life of its ; own. Is proud of it. an 1 has not re-1 limpiishe I the old pioneer dream ot j r-Hklng it a ur"at commercial rltv. escort tells you: "Yes, the mills' ,-- ' ' baeklione of the town, but let I me tirsT s ion you ot.ier icaiures. You co aloii well paved streets to the et . : ' -for this Is the conn v seat i:' ' Viekiimas County and :'.-'d it a lame, two-story concrete building surrounded by beautiful trees. Next you find yourself at the hot- J torn of a (light of Iron s'eps at the Don't Wait Do It Now KImbauT DaJrjr Fanner. A aaae aiae that appeala to ma big breeder of cattle and the geacral farmer who waat to iacreaee the pradacttoa of bM oawa. Edited by prac ticai aoea who breed aaod deir cattle, aoda. horaea aad poeJtry and (We their readera the beawat of their work sad evperlaaco. Poh- lianed twice a awata. Mipalar yearri win appeal to those who reach of alt CLUB No. 3 IHMF.ALL1 .... WEEKLY INTP.R OCEAN FARM AND HOME - FAMILY .... HOME UFZ ... 1X0 JO JO JO rlulir Price S100 $1.75 OREGON CITY, OREGON foot of an M fool bluff, and Moroni ol':er skeleton lllghls of 'e' far as )oit can see atalliiK II nl short interval j "Do people co up nnd down these every day"? oti nsk. , "Yen. for most of the residences are Ibis llrst bbift. (.cine nie on tuo second, nnd many mo around tnni bond anil ilown en too ran ' view iiml cood r nl lleie are vv oil il ' j the climb, although an elevator In ! Minder wny for the lenderleot.' The sialrs are easy and they wind! 'up throiiglt beautliiil greiierv the I nuisslve rock ribbed blu't a wondei of moss, lichens, wild How els an, I lore w nlo giaceiul La.. Inut bushes seiiucas an. I tall maples lorm a bow- ' or throoi.h which one catches glluip : ses ol tno busy Id a ii. the winding! ! river and fur away the blue hills ami: grand mountains. There nie scats j ; every lore for rest along t ie wk. At the top of the blnlT. where It overlooks the heart of the town Is Mel liichlln Park, donated half n ecu tury ago to the city by lis i?oiiervnis founder- n place m i le nnd kept beau tiful by the Woman's Club. Ta old MoLoiigltliti house, which originally siood downtown at the end of Main Street, was bioungt up to the park. It was a ruin, but the club had it papered, painted and furnish ed ns It was In Ihe 0's. It is a sub j siantial miiiiiro white building set In harmonious surroundings i The oldest churchi s are In tae low r town and the newer ones on the ' llrst bluff. Nearly all have been re modeled In modern stylo and enlarg ed lately ten III nil. representing as j many denominations. There are the ; school buildings, three m ade schools. jt'ie Mcloiighlin Institute, mil a new; ; hi.'.h school, built where It commands' a beautltul view of Ihe river, a green j 'wooded Island nnd the heights of! Portland. II tulles awav. The ritv J i school system I Considered second : to none In the West. I i Among the points of Interest point : , ed out is the home ot the author, Mr-t ' Kva Kim rv Dye, who has written the I history of the Northwest In romantic ' s-ve Kdwlii Markbam lived down! l in the Cut when a boy, ami not far, awav K'.la lligglnson spi ut her girl hood and wrote short stories. ; i Mrs. Dye's endeavors turted a i CLautaiiinin in the town. The Chan t impia grounds are a mile or so be , low town In C.ladstone pari where the tow l. people, Portland people and hundred from other places get. pleasure. Inspiration nnd new ideas i j every s"ininer. ; 1 j A Carnegie library 1. nil ling cost . ing $l.'.riOii, Hearing completion. Js ! 'seen in a Hue setting of trees wltli I ample grounds. For years u reading I , room for the public which grew Into ' j a small library, also a rest room for ; ! country women and others, have been maintained in the town. I Heslib the more stately residences on commanding heights, everywhere; on the blurts, down In the I.at and i ( business part or the place, are Iiiit- dreds of attractive small 1 lollies, bun gaiovv witn t.ieir gay pon d ioms. cottages w ith pretty lawns anil abun dance of (lowers, ro Hi the par. ings, the fruit trees and kitchen gar- ! dens. ! From the boulevard nlong the bluff one can npprei laic the Pig s'lspen ; sum bridge which link t ie t-iwu to ! the wrst side whirl! t- riaees buck ; givini; uinpl room for the big ritv of the luture. The l.ir:e paper nuils rthat sunplv the in.st v it .i paper tand like massive forts uf the river's ed.e. Steamboats puff i ff for Port land or make their way through the h. -ck.s to the tipper river. The falls, harness. d mid H'lhdiicd, pour decor- 0- isly over t ie I Ig .lam made to give the mills more power. In this Pow er City i f Oregon." beauty Is sa-rill'- ii to progress. The Cue new l-'ii s' home, the M.i .onir temple, whiili also houses the vv ide-avv ake 'onme rcinl Club and It. ..cxihu y orcini .hi inn, "I Im live Vvire.' are puintnl out. peluw. on t e So;.i;,ern Pacllic truck, cvjeuds a long train lo.-nb .1 wit a liinneii .( lo.H 2 .- e, t to c feet 111 diameter. . I in'. !':i to bo ; i - nd into piip for paper. V power limme supplies Port 1 mil, 1.". miles aw a;, with its light. Weat "f the nuiin fall is tile Hall la bb r where, ot,e n, unth in the yi.ir. the Chiunok salmon can lull their nay to the upper nv.-r. The Chinook run is I mm April to Juno 1 '. The av erage weight, c.'iue.t Is :!u piiuiids, th-'itigli the record iiiiim as hih as Li pounds. Ihr.e great, i.aper mills produce iinnually T-'i.'iou teas of paper, or J.:.i tolls dailv. 'I Ley employ more than 1 ) people ai.d distribute JsiiO,. o' U iii wag a uiiti ii:i 1 ;. T.ieir coinblii- 1- d itr.estuient is ainio-.t JiLHnu.b'10. Tilt; largest, luill Lai started iiioV adiuiraiile reforms i'.'id the men are i . v a pereciitace tp,. prolin. The lliegiin City vonlen mill, said to be the largest west of the Mississ ippi, employs '.'.'() people. Then there an- s.i -- mills, an Iron foundry, slea in laundry and other enterprise. F.very w here in ti.e town one hear expressed the desire for newcomers. CLUB ENTERTAINS Willamette !'iilv-r.ity Gle Club dlHtlnKHlnlicil ItKi'lf in a concert giv en in the Oregon City high school au ditorium, TueHilay nlRlit, undr the auspice of the Hinh School Club. The proKrani wa well balanced and mucn appreciated by a larxe nn dience, which wa generous In Its np- plauRe, to which the glee club le Hponded a generously Id popular en core selection. The program wa made up, In tn first part, inotly of musical number. with two reading by Professor P. P. Rugelmtn, the second part belig re jections from La Mascot, in which all the members of the club took part. Special nntlon hould be mad" of the chorus ' "girls' In a lit-'.t skeu ii entitled "Th (iarien of Dream 1 1 which thi young men skillfully dit" sed and a : ed the nart to the ehv; of some of the women In i'ce audience. A corJ.a. Invitation wa er.n'l"i! to the Willamette I.'nlvei-ilty Glee Club to p'ay a return engagement iv. Oregon ( liy as often as oo'Kirtunlt; ireent. A Miur'i Wish. 3rdylot. who Is rather mlnerly. wa recovering from a long tllnexs. "flow wn It. doctor." be suited one day. "thai I wa sble to live so many week without eating?" Why. yon were fed by the fever." "Ar you surs?" Then after mo ment's reflection, "I wlsb I could give It to my aervanta." STATE SUf'CPvlNTENDrNT DE CLARES SYSTTM SHOULD FIT THE CHILD EDUCATOR ADDRESSES W. C. 1. 0. ChlbVin Entertain with Singt and Reclt.itlo.-i Just Ho'ore Clout of State Temperanc Meeting ... .A h II mi. M mi Ii I )i ' Him i i -ml L, R. Aldcrmjn, State Superinten j drill of Pubic Iritructlon, who apoko at the Women' Cbltie ' 1 e"iprni.e Union Convention. I Habit Is a gr. at thin.; la a c '.nil's education." .belaud S'.n'e Sio'erln tendetit of Public Instruction Abler man. and Superintend. lit eh'; t of the Portland schools, at a session of Pu stule Women s C instl in I'einpi ranee I nion at the llaptlst Church acre Wednesday ulternoon.4 ' liidusir'.nl Fit'ioatleii Is wlut we ale sirlv.ng for. Teach 'iilldts of holiest. v, la bis try and polilciiess. and Intel .'"I the trial children so tbev will do Uid'-e work at home. "Our plan Is not. to lit lae child to the m'inii. but to tit ti e sv it. in to the rlil'd. Tiie glrli should be en couraged I" domestic Si b lice, done -s art and home ib- oral tons, l-.verv ( (,, should hav. ()f caring for an ti e r. sio:isp.!t v mluial. lb' hould A buy may deceive aeher1-. but he can PT t ' Pig W I I ,,a ,, : a.iiiiml. his pan n's nnd not i! 1'i'h e a squeal." Mrs, Ada W,i i.f tl.e St lie Wi pi ranee Ah .ma, II -:. lie in the !a. e I'lirell, pre -Id-ut ii:i i' Chflntiiill 'I'- ill- ! I ion. Sj.O,.e Oil ' Sev j t si t III- S. bool.i . She , urged II . iri'llOst can by p.iiiiili ..ltd te .' ers. Ti,.- f.il!o.vn.g .-1 V. eiln. sdav i I lev ot lopal serv b !;.-. ifal tons and i ro r un vv as r-nd-T-voiilng: e It. V. . T Millk-ll soligs, loyal Tem- pi rale e l.i spin el lb- it.i:oii II-'"!'.;'....; (Iri -oil t ity. Cl.uh s 'I 'nun. I - . .. Kill! Mllbr -v n uur liLo'-i.'s ' I --. loll . 'il MlvS Kbellv . M ir.l Molle;' Song, II Turn 'hlk Iron if lbs-pat, on . . lie. -It,, Moll . ... Ui-ciia'i- t. Saiiie- Pro.. I I': .11 il.l . I :. a!' i Song : .... " 1 1 i r r i :i (or liv I'LKdlell of I.." Thirty i t the c' ibiren pledge in, ll.i doll- Iv iift. r Mi !..irty nr.-: Flag' i ...:cii.d r 'lie e Ihe :.i.r SI ;le - - loll. the i la'n t.llllllli t.l Hill! .'..Is I I l is Superintend. i;t of ti e I. .b-li v i ri i i. ii ii d lr . blLlrefi vi. -re j-i, . - I'u nn .'it luioiin r iiieet j;i- t .' ,,we- p.irt et the l a the rolbiWUlg pogr-lll I cd: Solo Mrs. l.v Ad-Ire-. . . Dr. Mi-'la. .d-l:-e is. Mrs. Silne igh. ' llilll, ,..l la While if elite as held In i e I.-1 I 'bur. h, j lllg l.llder .11.-1 f Uinatcd of Portland j of Scuttle1 LEVITT FAILURE LIABILITIES OF CLOTHING STORE GREATLY IN EXCES3 OF ASSETS ! MEETING AF CRtDITORS IS CALLED Trutte Probably Will be Named to Wind up Buiine Head of Firm Say Horn I Exempt II. N. Hick, referee In bankruptcy, announced Friday that the llnlillltle of the J. Ivilt Clothing Btore were about $140,000. The aeli tinted by the member of the firm and as In dividual are IHO.OOO. it I harjly probable that the stock of good on band at special sale would bring a much a it would under uhiial condi tion. After the firm, which conlted of J. l-vltt and M. Ilarde, made an as signment, several creditor asked that the firm be made involuntary bankrupt. A majority of the cred itor, however, did not ubcrlbe to till action. The decree wa enter ed, and the bunlness will be ettlod under the supervlion of the United Htates Court. Mr. Illcks announced that a meet ing of the creditors would he held at the court home Aprl I, to arrange a settlement of the builnen. It Is probable that a trustee will be ap pointed to dispose of the goods on hand. Mr. Levitt says his home In this city Is exempt under the bank ruptcy law. He expects to resume business here as soon as the present trouble Is settled. Tou can say goodbye to constipa tion with a clear conscience If you use Chamberlain'! Tablets. Many bave been permanently eared by their use. For sal by Huntley Bros. Co, Oregon City, Hubbard aad Csnby. TOTALS 14010 NO.MK. AhisLii. M.mh 21- Mum (LitlHchiilk. it sailor Hum the vv lulling m hoon, r Mor-m. n ached lo ie l'l iilihl nfler n lour months' Hip over the broken lee of Holing "Hall. uMlic lug woid of t ie loss of Ills hli and the k. hooper Kllllwm h, bolll of which were crushed bv the be lines lioilll of Ihe Dloiuedo l landc hi plie ot Ihe leiilido niorum and the lack of loud, nil i a1"'" Alaska s.ilelv . cm ed I uplaln Whll lint of Ihe M'ras. who relumd to risk the trip aciims Hie i.tiall". av lug that II was sine buth. lie Hlait cd south for I'b'vcr Ibiy. Siberia, and whether he reached It or ll"l I t known. Alter the schooners were wrecked the crews, including Cnpl 'III Koreii thn Kltllvvil.k, liulklllg lese.liclle In the Vl t li . set mil for lh Herd Peiilusiila In the only remaining w aide boat. Heavy sens smashed the boil lis the) wele pouring big Hlouieto Island. For three month Ihe pmtv nibslsted on walru. Ihlug Hi huls built of stones nnd he, belore Ihov vveic able lo ntteuipl the pnage nf t v 100 mile of broken leu lo lb mainland tiottichalk report that the otb. r'lueli lire safe III nil Fmpll mo se'tlclliellt. Th Klttlwiuk was formerly the g mo)lu schooner Alva and I one of the smallest bonl.1 wbbh ever elilur d Into I -e Artie "ens. ITLOW, WAGON ABLAZE TWICE, OWNER 19 OOVDAROEf) WITH WHITE FLAKtS GASOLINE LEAKS FROM BIG TANK Proprietor Etngulhe Flam Al though Eploion Seenv Im. mlnenl Lo I till mtd t t JO James lartlow. "I'opcorn King" ( (Iregoii Cltv Is a hero toil ty. The pop corn wagon of Mr I 'art low caught (Ire Ivvpe Siiluidttv. ami, iilthoiig'i threiltelied wltl ilestrni Hull beta time, ibe duci,y owner reniiiliH"1 With Ills ginol.no elc.lne u 11 1 ) 1 lie ll.l'l stopped the leak. The root and poor, being sati rated with oil, i aught lire, and Mr. Part In was tPe en veloped In tbitnes, but tae ' I'ms-orii King " did not tliioh. The brst bliue started about I:"-'! oiloi-,. in the afternoon. Mr. part- low Ilium dutch dk.cover.'d Hie cause of the Ironl-lc, nnil. although 111 WIIKOII Which cost H..'eil, seen )'l iLioiiicil. nil I nil evpbisiou Si-rmcil Lnmliieiit. he rein iliual at ills pout until he found the I. ak an. I stopped It. Tlirtl lie extinguished the b;.i III the Inti rlor with wet rags mid ulth ti,o a - tnin e of a friend, alter n Lard II - it. extinguished Ihe bla.e In the ton of th.. wagon. Me:nvvhln he was 1. 1. in ardel with Hikes whlili eeuie from nil directions. The tlrt 1 'in.' d.nnageil the wagon to t!iu e. t. lit of Jn and the popcorn loss was it Lout f . T' e i roprb tor bad the uanollne tank rcpilred, nnd Im thought his lioiilb--. Lad i li b d. but pot so. Just n ("-' inlnnti s before curfew l.lim there was a slight evplosloti and Mr. I'.irllow dlscov crcill nliotlier bln.e t'liit wis mi ire tbteateiilng than fie III id 1'olici man lirlll'.th tunic I In an alarm and Ihe chemical engine responded. Ihe bbi.e while more spin tio ill ar than the llrst one did not Co liny uo re damage, mid Ibe pluck proprietor says be will be readv for bii;iie- ',-ulv this tnoitilng as usual, Mlclni-l long, chief of the lire de partment. In directing lili men, iol In front of the hose nnd I Im content', struck him In one eve. The member , was con-Pi. raldy liillnlucd, hut It I llioug.it ill be all right In a tlav or I wo. large crowds witnessed both lire nnd the spectator marveled nt the pluck of Mr. I'nrllow, who, til though In serious danger, did not bave bis property. EXTREME. BUT CHIC. Th Ni Spring Derb I Hr. FOR TOOTH FtTb WRlllKM. This new straw derby will be adopt ed by youthful we rem wbo ar not sfrsld of extreme snd trying styles. The elongated shape wltb Its raklnbly rolling brim I one of tbe smartest millinery modes of the spring season. What's th Usf "It did Jack oo food to marry his stenographer, for she oou tinned the habit of the office In their borne." "How sor -When be starts to dlctste she take bin down."-London Tlt-Hlta. PAMLOW. POPCORN KING. IS HERO REALBSTA1EI Iliillu iiiiii Knurl. I.) in M;lv . H in It i, bind vei'tlniia 7 nm n, Mlllp .1 miulll, rill IK n I mini; m n rly Amiii IhIIihi o h,,, Hmi. . IV HivIiik ) Tnml I'liitunnv. ..,,,i M uml '.'il, towiinlilii rimili, tittiua I .mil; II. 1 I Mi K. A, tlMrrlHcut lo ,,.B v I HluUlliiiu. Inliil III Mullliew Hriri. jiiiili II, I. (.'., Iii,vn.lip J m.iiih, tnu , .1 i wl, IK. l:iui.i' V. Crlhi In nnd i: i M( 1 11 i;r!illii, Inl !i, V im. I M. ,i',.. I liinliimir .Ailillllnu In I'ihiIi), A K, HIkk ami wir in h c (!lHk hi I. Illllll R.'i'llllll V mill n loVjs 4 noiitli. ruiiKii I cunl; u .lull Viiilbr nnil liiminiiiii, r7 li'( rlliy mid Inmliniul, K. i,.r. t oiiiI.ti. he, (', I mil Voiuli ul,,, ,nj ' lfo mi l I'ruilnrli k I'. oii.li. iu, lo t'lliitlca Vmiili rnlie, lnlli n,., !!,,,,, j mm .i, luviia.iip a iukii. rains I .-(, II Kiiiiii.i llsirliiKlim nml wiin la r, lilmlv Mlii'l or, lot I, tilmk i, T, KnniliiU sulillvlxloli: fill Hmlli" P. I'ruhl In liimi J. I'mhi h( vvlfn, Intlil sri lloii ZS, J I, ;) a j, tow nahlp 3 anulli, rmixii I (' M)U. M. 0. Mucirn In Mrlh J. I vivlt, lot 4, lilix k II U rut (llmUini,, i A W. Murry u l vilfe In Kmiik yt I, lllln, Inn.l ni'illi.ii 'M. tow iis,, noiil'i, run in 4 i-t; lu. A. K. riirt'.ilrk and alfe in A, liiietiiiier. Iiimt niwiliui i.ivtmiiij w miiiih. ruiliie T el ; ln W. V. iHlililn lo I'l.iilmnl. Kiism 6 Knuti'tn llnllwur ('ominiiv, rishi uf war lluvli Ciinlmi i I,, c jn. Kliii'ila Krnliy cmii cati v in Mis I l I. ill. on. InU 3.' mul 'U. l iuK i Terrai n Ad I lion, . c(loii "O, i inlil, .1 miulll, riiK" I: II. (V 1. Vntf mivii ami vtlfn in ri.,lv .t- to h. M.irv I". Ail.im a is, I IViIln AllllllK, lltlltt iH'llllll 7'i, lllvv liip nniilli. r in t'e & e irl ; SI I'auK of Uieuoii i'l; in rh.ulrc tilit.nl nn.l ln, lulu i nn i, ., k 7 (ireKon Cliy; n. .lopli L Kmri-y tc Ulhir M llirk ev, liiinl l.i.twe. n m'l iiiiiia i; Ut.l 17, low niili i south, raliKe 1 n-i. .no, Kifib-rli-k lliillnril nnd vir.i jn.l Clirtall.in llullnrd nnd ifi lo H l-.rt Itiilluii). laud an. I Ion a 9 ami I". Inon e li I li 4 aniilli. rnlimi I rial. l Mary I- lloliiir tn t'lmrl r.ul bird. Inn.l In Ii. 1., ('. of Uilliam llollliea. Vjiv. llilllp 2 Miulll, I'.ll.C" raat. l. Kri.l llullnrd mul wife lo riirMnn Itutlnrd, 3 mm Irai t n.lil br D.'orna ('. h:t v mill ir n llcury .Jn.-utlinr mul vvlfn; l, I", K V. liliam u'd U" I" lr.u- S vniii liilri'll. Illlld Sec tlon I ' li.an- .dp 3 aoulb. riift 5'el; I.''11", Tl.iMiilnr.i I iBiniimJ and wife in (iert null' 1 1 ' 1 1. t t. r n. frsi-tlmnl lot f" tloiKtl I'loc k 1.'. Dri'K.'U fit . ci. Ili'iuv Moc'biikn mid !( I" I'nsl Hell, liind aeilloll I, lowu.ttlp 4 Mi i.lt tt. miik 3 rual, II.IH1'' M. J. Ii-nti) mid Ifo to 11, A.l In llllol nfttii.il I.ivninlilii 1 fiiilltl, run," I eaal; flu. Lib. I North nml ( ti. Nmili U WltlUiil I.. Iioilliw Irk. liimi !.. . !lnu II. tovtiini p 2 Miut.i, riUkf ii ''i'l. I-'.I". T. 1 1. Sluliik uii. I Ifo lo i'u In A. liouw ,in wile. Illllll i'.loll loan, altlp J MM, Hi, rtllKK i C'llxl. l". ,M (', Wntnr In I'miik I'. Kio,:b. i..n.l !. i v It. 1.. C. ..iloni. I'i uml li". lottu.lili A atllllll. riillKe I il., Iiu. M.ir.-urit S. Ilirvrv t.l Uml II. IjivvIi.ii, imiil In A. K. I'., lii.v i; .iil.i J noiitli, li.-l.ee 1. I. Mtimi I 'im!. $10. II. A. Kayler lo I.. C IlilM'ilnl. lot :l. bliM-U I, K,i)eti Ad llll.'ii to l.ilUi; $JMi. .-'iiiioii II. lio,nr lo V.. It. Hoxr .mil vvl!. lirl freile)' Welch l i In.vii lp j solid, rmif.e 2 eil, II. A. ('. I'.iraoii to Albert V. I' " liimi a.lioli I .a. lovciiablp II smilh, r.iin n I eiial ; III. ',:la.'ilolln Lumber Ciillii.inv I" l.'lhl.. ii Hull, lot 12, block t i!'l Hlniie; l. .Iliniel M, IJerkiirt mul wile to M. C. tl'N'clil, ntrlp of I. mil III lb' Addition to Dn-ioii City; I. .1 ,irt f'liiirlf II. live. Iruttne. lo T U C i.irniiin. Iriiiit!'. Im L fl. !. ' "i''1 " block 1!', mi l lot 12 nnf i:i, I I"'" 20. Hontli orison City; $lo, M iry l llolinca to VI lorol.o, part It. I.. C. William llulm.-. l"i' blp :i mint li. ratiKt" 2 pnt; $''"' Cliarle II. Moore nnd wife to Cur rle K. Wood. Inuil IikkIiiiiIiik at norlln iiKl corner of lot 21, Mo-k . Mlntliorn Addition to i'urtlaiiil; $'';. Kllori iMnno lloiio to Kller M'il' lloiiiin. lot I nml 2, block 11, Annex Addition lo Orciton City; $1. Tim Handy Land Compiiny to f'hiirle II. Cox, Iol 3 and L bloc 22. serond nddltlnn to Handy; Lyilln WrlKht and Hllim Wright to Poriliimt l.'01i.nn Jb KaHtern Hll"3r right of wny through part of II. Wrluht I). L. C, miction 29. townhlp " range 2 nmt; $10. W. K, Pulton and wife to Portland. KiiKcno & KaHtiirn nallway, rlKht of way through land at northenst cor ner block 2H, Soiilh Oswego; $1. William J. Patton and wife to Port land, Kugene & Eastern Itnliwav. atrip of land through block 20, Hoot" Oswego; $10. T. L. Chnrman. tnmtee, T. L. Chr man and wlfo, to Edward Hnclti lo" 4. 6. , 7, and 8. block 19, lot and 1.1, block 20, South Oregon City: $10. Kllzabeth Warner to Annie King, land In southeasterly line of Claim No. 40, townhln 3 south, rango eat; $10. Kllrnbeth Warner to Arthur W. B King, land In Claim No. 40, townhlP 3 south, range 2 east; $10. Ellen Ml Hockwood to Morton !! Inley and wife, lots 7 and 8, bloc 8 Ardenwald; $800. fcugene S. Ilarnes to Grace !) Karnes, sections 20 and 29, townhlp 3 south, range 1 west; $10. Mary E. Mann and M. A. .Mann to M. Alva, section 33, township 2 south, range 7 east; $525. Hamilton Company to the Psnkof Bellwood. south half of lot 1 Jennlng tadge; $10. CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Land Titles Examlnsd. Abstracts of Title Mad. JOHN V. CLARK. Office over Bank ot Oregon City.