OK KAON CITY TJNTEUPRIHK. FUIDAY, MAltCIf 28. 1013. 1 THE 1913 PARASOL Tl Bunahada Thai Liioki ti Hat. r i Cochcry points .1 . l,.rl,e' u H lilh' lliil" Mill l g"H- " M II u l a favorite modal h.,,,,,.! on n lik i'f ebony la . il ilic . " er I'f A iinrl-n ii I Ilk. illnl III" rllMlialiiU I tit, -li in' feature. l.U- ..r c BALKAN BLOUSES. .... ,. L.I..I EMail In Ih Na Want. !,. ,. nf riilli'll rani, voile or ,, ,,, t:.,r anfl. lilnglr.g eoltoil alUlT Hl, f vivl.l ii.lnr la n f.-nlura ,. .. ....hi I h.-r iiHMlrla are II it! nil l.lniiwn Mini relied llio u Mi Ii ill'" ir "I wr i; i, linvlui! "Ii f nilftliia nH.ninia Itulkiiu limk. Iihuiaea utul lull i.. ,i'l ih.. iiiti' Hi I'nrla now For th t;,i .il. . ..f 1 1 'J or fi:t IHH.T I picked u, i. riii.l.l.- MM of a Itaiknn Moiiae lli.i.l.- .if l li'll. Il .nMnll ITIIM. Willi all ,.,1.. . IhihihI with rl or green allk l,i.:. mi. I a atiuill lirnl'l IhmiihI hrriit ... ui finliiiil.l.'r.Ml gayly to mulch . . ..i.i ll.ii mi: illicctiillu dinar, ami mam mil unit nr.. up" of Biijr liMllolia down (i.mi. uuil thorn yon r. not miu'h :, f..r join III i.rliM In the v i.r fnlirlc nii'l I rimming. 'but I i.l il... .Ilk Mini the mil, aa ma d.fl .lllca rwll III Il Hllli' bh'UM I,,,,, uur.. joii Mi.tiif of thew ll.iikuiiH hate tt TurkMi nckllea of rrliiiuiii or .nrilo llk embroidered In omiriMiug lniw" rin'w lli ar ilniwu a.. rili iii.iI.t iIik rolling collar and knot' f..nr In huml "i.vlo. Ho long end pn-oni.- iimli-i buttonholed alu-he In i In. ft.. ni of Hi.' liioioM himI tlo'ii fall Itit free In fla wiil-l Hi"' One of thwe ll.iit.in IiIoiimni inailn of 1I0IU1! while mil -mi Mini UmiiiiI al the froiil. auvtc iiim I collar rilgn Willi green allk hrnlil n imteil tlm othcl iimnilng al n f;ilil..u.ilili- hotel, llio blona Mug wmn ifi n mnmt lii' InlllHir of iiiU. il I. In. I. ulnl wlill worliil afnlT ami a I. In. k nillnii alraw lurlwn Fad al th Baaton. W.M- I. tin. iHllnr who ni'iilwia tha lin. k or hl owliiim Nowaday th lrfwlion or Hi liaiH U or mora liu 1 l lio iiililillnii of ; t - yif in tlm mk. will. Ii : ti -J- llilikl'll rrrlllll .- -3 m V'- "if x- ' m OP Mlll'HV nilAV OTTOMAN BILE. iHirtmir thiin ilu- hniio of the front l"in "f ii fiiK k mill dciimniM apeclal mii.I.v mill iiiii'iiiliui. I'lo' huh pii'turi'il M of inoiiKH Rrny nil. mi, mi Milk mill la niiililii'il by but loiioil IiimiN nf initiil li'iithiT with grf aiii'ile iom Fata of Author's Wila. Mm Anilrow Ijiiiu anya In a recently Miliiihi.i volmiif of i-Hwiya that tha wlf of h lllrniry mini iihihI b pra- I'nri'il in icnoml. roiiHclniiHly or on film. lniKiy ,v pmpl who are either utinwiir thai ah xlala nt all or are lrnfiiiiiiillv IiiiIIITithiiI to Ih fnct What Ailad th Bpaach. At Hi i-Ioku of on of the aeaalona In th trhil nf Warren UaatluK when niimt r (how fiiKngi'd bad pithered In Hi Hiitrrootii Dr. I'arr atnlked up and down tha room in hi pvdnntlc, pom Poua way, KrowlliiR out pralaea of the iwlin of Koi and Sheridan, hnteay Iiik imt a word bImhH llnrke'a. Rnrke. iM-iwItlve at tlitn umlaalon and anxlona for Mime t'omnicndiitlon from the (treat authority, roulil at laat coutalu hlmaelf no lunir and bnrafont: "lK-or. didn't yon like my pecbr "No. KdiiiiinU." replied Dr. Vrr, almly vyUig liU eiclted qnatlonr, "Your aiei'i wna oinrad with met' "liliiir. dlalorntiHl by iinreotbeaea and fl'lillltHtd by amplification!" Lunthaon Daintiaa. rpoiiii I'ii.IiIIhk Tiikii live plerea of plain aHHin ciike, apllt I linn mid aplead Willi liiiller. I'ul tlieiu t u 1 1 r nitiilii and iny In Hit- bottom of n Iml (..red piiililluu illnh Mnko a riiHhinl of Hire iuua. Hire viipfiila of inllU ami half cupful of aiiunr t" In vol Willi a teiiMpoiiful nf viiiilllii. pour ntcr your niku ami Imkn Imlf an hour Tha enk will awrll and till Hi rua lurd Cream of Ulee.-To three plula of new milk add a aal k of cIiiiiiiiikiii, two Inlilcnpoiiiifiila of rl.v and llirin' Inlilo aHMiiful of auKiir link down alow ly tint It II la redmvil lo on part Kervv cold. Itiiltered l.wra -l'nt tt tulileiHNiiiful of butler lu )ur oiiu'li'i pun mid when lied lirenk In in r.-f il 1 1 y na liiimy etr;: ii you rtiulle without criiwdliiu Ihein An Rixiii it. I Iny lan:ln to aet puiir "i if tin-in eii.Miuli but w utcr lo Juki enver iiud lei llieiu llulall iimiLIiik without ln.llli.it Helium Willi anil mid H-iper mid riin fiilly plnce en. I) ek't! "ii a rniiiid of Well bulleriil. aofteiieil lllllKl liriilniui I 'ni. -Take a cupful rued or riilHlna aiifc-iir mm. I aour creiiui. Mew . II,,. hiI.iiih in, ill t Ii-r Add fl.iur mid i f a teiiMpiMililtii ill iiimpii v nun i iiiiin II, nil. Imlf II t.'ii l)tif III of aiNlii, II W i.l nt h nf ,iit mi, I eii.ini'h criilniiii Ihiur In iniike riili. r -1 1 rT two ei'i' I I Itiipro la an exeelieiil inn1 I '1,1. k.Mi I 'renin ll. ll. Iiiiik. mill It a lint Hie :une n .re.lllied I'hll l.iMI I T llliy lllellll" The illn-i-iiiiiin me Ilinl you vln.iilil miiiiii oiie half nil. fill of conked t lil.i.en til pille in, .lll Willi nne n Mil a half In l.il.leHii.HintiiU r llilik creamy aauo-. mile red pepin'r mid iu I h I )iii m , n fula of liuller Ail. I one cupful of atllt a'le l on t,il'l''t.fill of llilik cienui. pill lliroiik-li a !ev. Miiir Into a .lull and put It In a nx.l plHcn. found on half cupful of lean tllltll or loiioil with one and a half tableHpouiifula ol tniiuilo aailie. a wIlieKliiaaful of aherry and a very little red .epicr. Mil In on cupful of Haplc. put tlimuuh a alet and put awny to aet. Mil aoui uioliU with naplc. place In em-li a round of III rlil. ken puree cut to III Ih mold, acl tbla with a Utile aaplc. Iheii a layer of Imin pur., and (III (be .luh with alleruiil layer and put axlile aniln until art Turn out on u platter and arniut alaint a murednlne of cold rooked vecrlnlili-a w ill) mayoii nnlae lu the in-liter. rittMhui i;li ritnli iKaniilii Caruivr -VVnah mid Mir laitaiiM-a. cut In on half liirli aihca and alle lu on hit If Hull culwt There bould be on iumt Add on iiniill onion, tluely cbopiHHl. and ck lu uollliitf anlteil water lo mm aeveu mlimli1. Add oiieluiir ciin of pimento, cut Into alrlpa. and boll flvw uiluiiti. then drain. I'ut In a Initterwl baklni: dlali. IMiur over iwo ciiia of white aiiuce. to which hua Ihmmi adilwl onehulf (hiuikI of Kriiu-d cheeae, and bake until potu tnea are aofl Salmon .Miuiwe.-A Ifood cold dlah la nown aa moiie of aiilmou. Keuiove Kin mid Ih a from Half a poiinti or raw aiilmou. ul It Into a luitlenii oaa lug dlh. apnukl with aalt and pep mt iiud iK.iir over II a win. KiiiaHrui 01 wlill wlfie l over eioeiy wun a pl.Hf of liultenl piUHT mid lei Jt cook went)' iiilliutea In a numeral oven. ben colli put the nn inruiiKO a wire lev and ant Inn. il olio and one-ban unfiila of 'mil "t aspic Jelly which iiiih ihh-ii tiinroiiKiiiy utiiieu " ....mi ..r wiiliiiicd creuni. Add one teiiainxuiful or anchovy eawnce. a rew Urmia of lemon Juice and euoiiuh tkb- lnhlu colorlnil (rcdl to make me una Hire a clear, pale pink and till china wlili it. Hinooth the iiirface. inrlukle with chopped trulttea or par lev and net It away on tne ire lor io houn Iwforv afrvlnu in. a t'uatiinl - Idee ciiHtnrd I not a .i. uio ii,.. ..nllniirv rice iiuddltiK To inn L It vou iniiHt drat Uuit thorouKhly touelher two euKH. one-half cupful of aiiKiir and on heiiplnif teuaiwonrul of butler Net put '" rupriii or com imlled rh-e tbroiiifh "lent itrtiuler. iikIiiii Ih llnct cutter, or through .i..v Mix thla well with the i'KK. upir iiud imtler. mid two rupnua or hot milk ami aur i""".".' i r i.i.tini.L' for tliivorinu anii bake In a pun of water until brown. (ennui SiimlHlchea -There are aev , .. r,,p Hi.tttl emi way rnr iihihk penin."- .. i. I'hev inav be Hlmpl.v ounue. ... ,i,.,ih line well anrlnkleil wun i-toiie.l with n Tew (tropa 01 ,,.,. I -pread thhkty t'eiwwii . ,.. ,.t hollered hreml. or they may uleie.1 ami ntlrtvd in mayon ,,... i, the llllliii!. mixed with rreiim mil -pread lietwcen crnckera ,,i -ine- t ihln hiitten-d bread. An .ith.i win: Willi a hi I rMM c,,r - M.1,1,,. il hreJUl rniiiid. nan .o " Hint awecleiieui; iinoin !lUJ .IV nil Ionian s n ona Uataila of Oraalaal Na tional 8ullrui Parada, il U ' ': L- ''".ji ' '- :'V." " Wants, For Sale etc. I Iiiivii various nil in n of luoiiey on hand to loan on real properly, for Ioiik or abort period of tlm. WM. HAMMOND, lawyer. Heaver llldi?., Orison Clly. WOOD FOR SALE. Anyoii'i watitliiK a carload of IS Inch Ouk wood (aeiiHoned) (all on W. W. Irvln, Aurora, Oreiton. HERE'S A GOOD TRADE. Will fxcliatiKo good piano for cow (.leraey preferred) and other thlliK For particular addre V. W. 1'riul lidiniiiii, Hoi 373, Oludatone, Or, or call. HOMESTEADS. Und redy for tha plow, good rich soil, crow all klnda or vKctuhie and gralna, railroad now bulldliiK. wrlt or call UHi Hallway KxohaiiKe llldx., rortland, Ore. you fall to appear and answer nld coinilalnt, for want thereof, the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded therein, to-wlt: for a docriin of till court forever dlmiolv Int. the bond of matrimony now and heretofore cxImIIiik lietwcen plaintiff and defendant, and for audi other and further mllef aa to thla court may aeein mete and eiultahln. Thla mimmon I published by order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, JudKe of thu above entitled Court, which order wa made and entered on the 12th day of March, 191.1. and the time prescribed for publication there of I six week, beginning with the lasiie of the 14th day of March, 19U, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the Issue of the 2"th day of April, 1911. fJKO. N. FA FlfMN, Attorney for Plaintiff 708 Helling Ilull.llng, I'ortland, Oregon. Notice of Change of Nam. Notice Ih hereby given that tho un derslKiieil has Illnl a petition In the County Court lo luive hi nnmo chang ed from Mehiike to Men he, ana tnai same will come up for final hearing on Hntiirduy. March 2!uh and all per sotiH having any objection thereto are hereby notified to appear In ald court and make the same known, a by law directed In such case. Dated March :!tii, 1911. CIIAHI.KS A. MOKHNKK. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvey E. Cron William Hammond CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS AT-LAW We have now moved to our permanent quarter In the Beaver Building. Next to the Andrttan Building. Real Estate Abatract , Main Street, Loam, Inturanc. Oregon City, Ore. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD IUILDINC Notice of f.hanae of Name. Notice Ih hereby given that the un-deralKU.-il has filed a petition In the County Court to '.iiive lila nanin chang ed from Moelmk'i lo Menlie, and tliut same will come up for final hearing on Saturday, March 2!Mh and ull per sons having any objection thereto are hereby notllli d to appear In aald court and make the snme known, as by law directed In such cases. Dated March i::t!i, 1911. I'liKI) HAMI KI, MOKHNKE. atiw. rtTiiiHA aTiirpr (toj1), miw. olexha H. TINSIN ireSIKH), HUM. IIKI.K.N OA11UE- hKH (IIKUIW Never In the comparatively abort his tory of the suffragist movement In this country were surb elaborate plans Hindu a for th Inaugural suffragist parade at Washington March 3. Win ning their way against constant opposi tion by Hi fur.- of public opinion, snilli-s and reasoning rather than wni klhg wlndowa and destroying pub lic proH-rl.v. the women of the cause gained practically everything they ask ed for. There wn a alight trouble lu eeiiluir the use of Pennsylvania ave nue for the procession and the use of grand stands and the staging of the ml. lean on the south ateps of the tren tiry building, which I within bloc of the Whit House. Through the effort of Mr. Uicnna 8. Tlunln and Miss Hazel .inciae uv onderfully lieautlful tableau orlginni ed. Mine. Nordlm a Coiumiun. ure ed lu classic costume, alnglng "The Star Spangled naiiner" and surround ed by the five virtue with which ev ery woman Is endowed-I.llierty. Jus tin. Peace, Hope ami Merry-couui am fail to l an Inspiring Right, me ar rangement lulled for the virtue to be luiierioiiiited by Florence Fleming v..ve. the fnmoiia classical mincer, as Liberty; ,MI Flora Wilson, daughter ,,f the secretary or agriculture, as ju- tl. and oilier iunlly well Known women ! th other virtue. An account of the pageant wouta ne n.H.iinili.te without some mention be- ;it lunde of Miss Inex Mllholliuid. the L.,oilful New York society girl, herald of the procession reviewed by Ml Co lumbia. The object of tlm procession, pag- . . .......... .nM nntnrnllV emit ami mnss nn-einm " ' conceived by the eufTniglsl to Impress umu congress and Inaugural tumors fmin al narts or tne couuiry m. strength of the movement In the Cntt ed Statu mid other countries and to actively begin a campaign ior uu amend'ment to the federal constitution letting down the bar against women voting all over the country. This cam paign will lw actively carried on In On fut ore. Woman In 1400 B. C. In It treatment of women the Egyp f lino It. C. was far abend of Its neighbors. There women suffered un der none of the rigorous laws or eti ...,,, that made llfo a burden to thos who lived lu the countries to the east. The Kgvpllnn woman of the lower nnd middle classes waa more Independent .i.,... n.,v niher woman In the world. She went nlsmt the streets unmatched and talked with whom she pleased. n.. inwiinnd had no right lo coiunr hr ...Km. ao long as she remained a r,,itlif..l wife nnd kept tne nouso m . . .. ... E.wrtliil iler. Wllhln tne nouie .-k.m-- .if i.ii,i aiiiireme nntnoruy. ' i.. .-...i Kiieak of the husbamV position a that of a mere privileged guest. Final Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dcrnlrncd administratrix or the estate of John Cleiisotl. deceased, haa file! her final account In said estate In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for cincknma County, and that the .lodge, of aald court has appointed Monday, the 21st day of April, 1911. at 10 o'clock A. M. for hearing objec tions to said account and for aettllng aald estate. JESSIE V. GI.EASON. Administratrix of tho estate of John (lleasnn, deceased. imoWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for administratrix. Notice to Creditor. Notice I hereby given that the un derslcned ha been duly appointed executrix of the Inst will and testa ment of George Collins, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamaa Coun ty. Stale of Oregon. Therefore, all creditor hnvlng claims against aald estate are hereby notified to present them, duly verified, to the undersign ed at the office of Arthur R. Smiley, 602 County Court House, Portland, Orccon. within six month after the date of first publication of t'alB no tice. ESTHER M. CHATTEN. Executrli of the last will and testa ment of Georne Collins, deceased. AHTHl'R R. SMILEY, Attorney for Executrix. ). , Date of first publication Friday, March 21. 1913. Date of last publication Friday, April IS, 1911. Notice. 'KNOW ALL MEN IIV THESE PRESENTS, that, Whereas, the State Hoard of Fish and Game Commission er fa well n II nredocsaor. tne Hoard of Fish Commlsslonera of the State of Oregon) ha propagatel ana alneked. and I nropairatlng and shock ing the water of the Willamette Rlv er in the State of Oregon with sal mon fish, and WHEREAS, said Willamette River I frequented by aImon fish, and for the purpose of protecting the same. tho State Hoard of Hh and i.amn Commissioners has decided to close the said Willamette River and Us trib utaries below and north of the falls thereof at OrR-nn City, to prevent flshlne therein by any means whatever for salmon flRh, except with hook and line, commonly called anglln durlnn the period of time hereinafter apeci-Ic-d' NOW, THEREFORE. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN by the State Hoard of Flnh and Game Commissioners that that portion of said Willamette River nnd Its tributaries below and north of the fall thereof at Oregon City are and each of them is hereby clr.:ed to Ashing of any kind for salmon fish, except with hook and line, commonly soiled aniline, from and after 12 o'clock noon on the l.'th day of April 1911, to 12 o'clock noon on tho 1st day of May. 1911: and It I and will be unlawful to fish for. or take, or catch any salmon fish by any means whatever, excent with hook and line, commonly called ,anelng. in any of said water during the period of lime herein specified. Any and all persons whomsoever o fishing In violation of this notice will be prosecuted as by law provided. GEO. H. KELLY, Chairman pro tem. J. F. HUGHES, Secretary. C. F. STONE. M. J. KINNEY. Pnnatltutlne nuonim State Board of Fish and Game Commissioners. Citation: In tne County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the County of Clackamas. In the matter of the estate of George D. Ely, deceaaed. To John K. Ely. Eitallna Pauerriflend, Veradell E. Walters, Mollle E. Wil son and Nora E. Wilson, heir at law of George D. Ely, decead. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to be anl appear In tv.e County Court of the State of Orccon for the County of Clackamas at the Court House In Ore gon City, Oreson, on Monday, the 21t day of April. 1913. at the hour of 10 o clock A. M. on said day, taen ana there to show cause If any there be. why tne order heretofore made and entered In said County Court, admit ting to probate the will heretofore filed In salJ court bearing date the 21th dav of October. I'.iOS, as and for the last will and testament of said George D. Ely. deceased, should not be revoked, annulled and set aside and why it should not be adjudged and decreed by the court Cat said will is not the last will and testament of Bald deceased, and that the will presented to snid court with the peti tion of Clnra E. Ely and bearing date the 30th day of July, 1912. Is the last will and testament of said deceased and to show cause If any there be w-jy the letters testamentary here tofore Issued out of said court to John K abon d not be revoKea. ana whv letters testamentary should Issue out of said court to A. F, er. Thla citation Is served upon Bucn of the heirs at law of ald deceased as do not live within the State or ure-. gon by publication for six successive week in the Oreeon City Enterprise.; a newspaper of general circulation by , In the above named suit, on or before the 9th day of May, 1913, said date being the expiration of six week from the first publication of thla sum mons, and If you fall to appear or answer said complaint, for want there of tiie plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summon Ih published by order of Hon. It. II. licatle, Judge of the County Court, which order was made on the 22nd day of March, 1913, and the time peacrlbed for publication thereof is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday, March 2hth, 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the l.;s'.;e of Friday, May 9th, 1913. IinOWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Phones Pacific 52 Home A-131 BROWNELL & STONE Attorneys-at-Lava All legal business promptly attended to Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas. Ethel 11. Kohl. Plaintiff, vs. A. R Kohl, Defendant. To the above named Defendant: In the name of tho State or uregon you are hereby summoned to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before the second day of May, 1913. and if you fall so to answer for want thereor. the plaintiff will take a de cree against you for the relief prayed for In the complaint herein tiled, to wn. That the bonds or matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved ani for such other relief as Is equitable. This summons Is published ty or der of Hon. R. . Heatle. county Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, dulv made and signed on the 19th da? of March, 1913, which order specified tho time for answering the complaint as the 2nd day of May. 1913, ana tne first publication of this summons is mado on the 21st day or Marrn. SHENEFIELD & DUOA.N and YATES & YATES, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditor. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed admin istratrix of the estate of Henry Lay man, deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon. All per son havine claims against the said estate are hereby notified and requir ed to present the same to tne lor pay ment at my residence at Oregon City, Oreeon. with proper vouchers and du ly verified within six months from the dnte hereof. J HARRIOT ROBINSON? Administratrix of the Estate of Hen ry Layman, deceased. Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney for Administratrix. -II .....I i-rellltl 1 ...... .ItlfblV anine la-mint line ami minim- over Hi 'renin ' f"r ferno"" luncheon linked. S.ii.ish -Cut open the iuash. ink out lb 'ls and. without paring It It Into liirge piece ' ,h,w , naking pun and t Itvi'modcri.te lv but oven, and bak "!o"t '" l,"nr Wbrn dun rv th lc hot on dls'i season wlib butter, salt and pep Home Mk little cinnamon or nutmeg Squash hn Oner flavor and U sweeter baked not , Knod- U'REN A 8CHUEBEL Attorneys-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice in all courts, make collection and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. order of the Hon. R. B. Beatle, Judge ... . ...i ,. i w- of tho shove entitled court. Given under my hand ana seal oi said Court, this 2Sth day or renruary, 1913. (Sgd.) W. U MILVH.I, (Seal) C'erk- D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank BIdg., Oregon City, Oregon. Administrator Notice. JOHN C. HACKETT ESTATE: Notice is hereby given that the nn deraiened has been appointed Admin istrator, with the will annexed, of the , tf . ennv v C U n V. estate of John C. Hackett, deceased, I . 3. ' by the County Court of the state oi , uraauaie oi iue uumnu Oregon for Clackamas County and has i e nary College at Toronto, Canada, ...iio ah nranna havine claims ' and the McKUlin School of Sur- agalnst said estate are hereby notified , to present the same to me at Rooms . e 709-10 Couch Building, Portland, Ore-; gon, with proper voucher and duly I verified within six months from the , date hereof. I gery of Chicago, is esiaounea at Fashion Stable, Fifth St., be tween Main and Water Sta. . Both Telephone Offlice Pacific, Main 65; Home, A 95. Dated and first published Feh. 28, j J Residence Pacific. Main 184 J Admlnirtrator's Notice Notice Is hereby given tnai me uu- dersigned, Administrator or me e into nf David Robeson, deseased has filed his Final Account herein nlth the County Clerk of Clacka mas County, Oregon, and the Coun tv .liulee has set Monday. April 7, io.l i nt the hour of 10 o'clock, A. at at the Cunty Court room in Oregon City,. Oregon, said County and State, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final account and for the final settle ment of said estnte. C. D. ROHESON, Administrator. O. D. E1IY, Attorney for Administrator Dated March 7. 1913. Summon". In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Clara Hawkins, Plaintiff, vs. Charles E. Hawkins, Defendant. To Charles E. Hawkins, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above named suit, on or before the 10th day of May. 1913, said date helnz the expiration of six wpks from the first publication oi mis sum mons, and if you fail to appear or nnawpr said complaint, fpr want thoronf the nlalnt ft will apply to me court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving me Donus oi matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This sum. mons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 5th dav of Mhrch, 1913. and contin uing each week thereafter to and In cluding the issue of Friday, April 13th.i 1913- ,.. W. J. HAM.U.1, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1424 Yeon Bldg. An Eapantiv Luaury. A New York essayist and critic wild at the Pbiyrr' club: Poetry I delightful. But poet re , very poorly M. koW 1n1,n llol,lllre who haa a iH-autiful. goldeu hllre, alei.ou-raplier Th (Mr" ,n her emplojer III other day: -I am g'diig I" married. lr. and am golnij ! marry l-l ' --la-Mr to'' ""Id Ih millionaire. Then .ion will leave ii. hT -N... sir. she replied I -hall not av o.i. Iml I fhiill nd more pay ' " -Nw Vurk Trlbiiii. A Nv Embroidsry Apron. So absolutely simple that the won der I that sum woman did not design It years ago Is a little embroidery apron of half ovnl sha.c slightly curved at .i.. ..-nut line to fit smoothly into band and directly in It center eqnip--lth half ovnl pocket about third of the sire of the pinafore proper and affording ample sneucr ior ........ ,. ,.r fnnev'work. The apron I dainty In white batiste, edsed all ronnd with scalloping in a im with It pocket similarly edged, but carrying in It center an emorum floral design. A Poor Prophat. Conan Doyle told or an experience which he had when leaving cbool. Ills teacher must have been one of tbow noble old Roman ucb Tback eray cescrlbe I oaring at young Pendennl when the major, bl nncle, called to take Ih boy away. When Conan Doyle bad tlnhibed bl course In school tbe head master called blm aside nd, after eying hltn with omlnou dis favor. K)k to him In measured tone as follow: -Doyle. I have known yoo now for seven year, aud I know yoo thoroughly. I m going to ay some-thlna- which yon will remember In aft er life. Doyle, you will never come t any goodT- Hook man. Notice. Pursuant to an order of the County and entered on the "th day of March, A. D., 1913. sealed bids win ho received by the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon, up to Tnoarinr. Anrll 1st. 1913. at 5 o clock P. M., for the erection, of a bridge on the Oatfleld road near Evergreen Station. Bids for a reinforced concrete SrMro ateel brl.ice and wooden h-wiro will be considered by the court. nirtiWa will submit their own plans and specifications, and each bid must ho aeeomDantea by a ceruneo. cm- for 10 ner cent, of the amount bid. The Court reserves the right to re ject any and all olds. W. L. MULVEY. County Clerk. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County or Liacaa mas. Florence S. McRoberts, Plaintiff, TS. Pnhort F. McRoberts. Defendant To Robert F. McRoberts. the above named defenJant: You are hereby required to appear and nwr the complaint filed against yon in the above entitled suit on or before the 26th day of April. 1913, said day being after the expiration .1. .M.k from the date of the first publication of thi summon, and tf 1913. nrn r t i r t TlATTIU'irW V 1 1 . 1 . 1 A .11 ij. iV XA " , Administrator with Will annexed of: the Estate of John C. Hacuett, ue ceased. Ben Irwin and J. T. Elli. Attorneys. I ..a.a.a-- a-a--a--- In SHERIFF'S SALE. the Circuit Court or me iaie ui Oregon, for the County of Clackamas. Relnhold Weiss, Plaintiff, T. . Thos. W. Lane, Defendant. State of Oregon. County oi tiatna- mna ... Pit virtue of a ludgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and un ler the sen! of the above en titled court, in me above entiuea cause, to me duly directed and dated .ho ofith rtnv nf Feb.. 1913. upon a Judgment rendered and) enterea in said court on tne tun nay oi neiu.. iqi In favor of Relnhold weiss, Plaintiff, and against Thos. W. Lane. IWonrinnt. for tne Slim Ol "U. nu the costs of and upon tnis writ, com mainline mo to make sale of the fol- inwln described real property, situ ate in the county of Clackamas, State nf Oree-nn. to-wit: Tho South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southewest quarter oi sec. i, i l s . R. 3 E.. containing 6 acres, more or less. In Clackamas uouniy, uresuu. orf ll tho rteht. tit e ana mierem which the within named defendant had . tho timo of Judgment or since bad vn Therefore, by virtue or saui liidcment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, the f.th day of April. 1913, at tne nour oi 10 o'clock A. M.. at the front door of the County Court House In the ritv nf Oreeon City. in. said County and State, sell at public auction, sub- Ject to redemption, to the hlgnesi oia Aar fnr it S. eold coin cash in hand nil the right, title and interest which tho wtthin named defendant had on the date of the mortgage herein or ainc had In or to the above described real property or any part there.', to satisfy aald execution. Judgmment or der, decree. Interest, costa and all ac cruing costr. E. T. MASS, Sheriff of Clackamaa County, Oregon. Br B. J. STAATa, Deputy Dated, Oregon City, Ore., Ma. oh 3rd, 1913. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. J. C. Devlin, Plaintiff, vs. Lucy Elizabeth Devlin, Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against vou in the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 31st day of March, 1913, said date being more than six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and an swer 'aid complaint, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said enmniaint. to-wlt: for a decree for- ... . m l ever dlsolving tne Donas oi main mony now and hertofore existing be tween plaintiff and defendant and for such other and rurtner reuei as vi the court may seem meet and equit able. This summons is publlsnea Dy iue order of the Honorable R. B. Beatle, County Judge for satd ciacKamas County, Oregon, which order was made and entered on tne um ua of Febmary, 1913. and tne time pre scribed for publication is six weeks beginning with the Issue of Friday. Febmary 14th. 1913, ana conuuuius ooai, week thereafter to and lnclud- ine Friday, the 2Stn day oi raarcu, 1913. FRED J. MEI.MJL.. Attorney for Plaintiff. CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. t Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 510 Chamber of Commerce. Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Tltlea Perfected. E. F. 4 F. B. RILEY, Attorney 4 Counaellor at Law STRAIGHT SALISBURY Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Carl Nelson, Plaintiff, vs. i,.nMr. Kolsnn. Defendant. ! In the name of tne state or uresou , you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 31st day of Mnreh. 1913. said date oelng more than six weeks frojn the date of the first publication of this summona, and if vou fail to so appear and an swer said complaint, for want there-j of the plalntirr win appiy j court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wit: for a aecree ior ever dlsolving the bonds of matri mony now and hertotore existing Be tween plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem meet and equit able. ... This summon Is publlsnea oy xne order of the Honorable R. B. Beatle, County Judge for said Clackamas! County, -Oregon, which order was) made and entered on tne lam nay. of February, 1913, and the time pre-! scribed for publication is six week beginning with the Issue or Tioay, February 14th, 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to ana mciua- Ing Friday, the 28th day oi Marco, FRED J. MEITDL, Attorney for Plalatlff I We make a specialty of Install- ing water syatems and plumb- lng in the country. We carry tbe Leader tanks and Stover en- a glnes. We have a full line of Myers pumps and stray pumps. J Prices always lowest. 720 Main St. Oregon City Phone 2682. ' I O. D. E B Y Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. I Lydla Miller, Plaintiff, ! vs. I Lauencelot B. Miller. Defendant ! To Lauencelot B. Miller, above nam-, ed "defendant: " j In the name of the State of Oegon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you i a " I I if ;iFlfv ii vi y ' v. Get That Name in your mind memori it aav it mnrt Umm yon boy wbukeyand yow will alway get the beak. ORDER FROM LEADING DEALERS.