Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, March 21, 1913, Page 4, Image 4

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Oregon City Enterprise,
Published Every Friday.
E. E. BRODIE, Editor and Publisher.
SEEKING LAND We should be Rld
IN CANADA to know whether the
official statistics of the IVimlulon gov
ernment at to emigration from Iho
fnltcd Suites l.ito t!ie Northwestern
.,r,.i !..... of Canada uro to he wholly
Entered at Oncon City. dr.. I est , u h(y iril lhoy glvtf
office as McondlMimiier. J Rniliul1,l, unnecessary proof of
Subscription Rates: j the Insoluble hmmcr of the rural
..so'Aiiierlftin for new Una. An Ottawa
0en'trhl- Ti'patoh. quoting an m (-
Trial Subscription. Two Monins mont Just Issued more ij m ,"...
Subscribers will And the date of ex-1 moIll, 6(at,. that, during the first
pirallon atamred on their papers M-Lve months of 1912. the number of
lowing their name. It last payment f , ,a). l uitod Slates
Is not credited, kindly notify us. and ImmlM-iiiu irwi
the matter will receive our attention, into Canada a 10 per ml gr.au
1 than the number of such Immigrants
Advertising Rates on application. !d,irs all of 1911.
Immediately following this an-
EARLY SIGNS Mr. Wilson has glv- j notincen.eiit is another, equally offl
OF A CHANGE cn a broader Inter-clal, that there have been 73.209 new
pretation of his first order exclude ) arrivals in the Western Ouuadian
office seekers from his office except provinces this year, aua mat i.io u-
...... ........ ikn Lava t.mncht wilh them, in
Upon HIS perwnai lllwinu.'U llui;iniHa
here A great diminution In South- mas County, many of whom live out
er., and Southeastern Kuropean lm- side Ih city. These hh.1 are one
migration can now be seen. .ml " l'lng toward
Hut a large part, in fact, the larg- to see the first car. approach over he
est part, of our problem, will remain, rid., of way of the road the fra.ll
While the honest and Industrious , now t"lng ready for Me lie. and
workers of these countries finding ; rails.
1 renumerauve employments! MH) peopl walling for Oregon
than formerly at home, or becoming 'W l-,.le to wa e up and get o
olonists of their native lands, will -ether with the Ilea of con,,, e. ng
.oionisis . ...., ilhe road to Molatla at least during
cease to Invade us In great numners, , .,,., 4 ..,,.
1 . .... - 1 ,Iilti IMt'iM'l.l PMII1.I.1T IU1 ' ' -
criminal elements agninsi uih
eei.'rt i.ie mum nu-s 11. nmi'i
mission of which we have been pro-
ihe public was at first disposed to
put upon it. Startling as it seemed
even when understood to mean only
the exclusion of office seekers them
selves. It becomes positively revolu
tionary when seen to mean that the
President is not to be approached by
wages are always a minor considera
tion. We shall soon ! rocolvln
rash and properly, upwards of J1HV
tfuO.eoO. This statement Is set in
such close Juxtaposition and such ap
parent connection with the other as
lo convey an Impression that all of
th 7.1 ?09 imn!l-.r.ints referred to
hn hue taken Into the country more' much tew. r Immigrants of the sort
.1 i .....I nm.k I ...... 1.1 ..I vjint.li.- hut Kot-
Senators or Representatives in sees.-, than JMO.lH'twu in miH.r. -u -
lng to urge office seekers" claims. Hut ! erty. are Americans. In all probab- lng just as many of the sort we doti t
that was the understanding of its j mtv the Dominion officials are with- at. unless the laws for their exclu
nurm whl.-h the Tres-; -,f nv oMectlon to that impression ; gum are better enforced. Euforce-
ident left In the minds of Senators j being cultivated on ttys side of the j ,Ul.nt of such laws should be easier!
Bryan and Fletcher of Florida, who j iine. At any rate, we may be sure : arter ne incentive tor uonrsi
'u ..... .-...I ... ...f II... nr..u..iil Ni.fK-l.
testing, will ..11 remantopl gue n. , ;
If pn-sent exclusion law. ha e u, , , .
found Insufficient, the Insufficle.uy Is m (whllilMl,ri ,,
,ore likely to be more fully demon- j mw
strated In the future than It has been , j(.h ti)Ug n,i,uK $-.3,000 to the al
in the U These element, will not ' ,tv iiu reoslng amount In the inc
rease their activities In trying to Lry ,, u,r(, ,,0 ,, ,,rt with
break Into a country where the "pick, j whll,h t0 bnf carg ,m( ,.e, trlc
lug" is better than lu any other, nw umJW battery motor engine,
will they locate In any colony subject AllJ ,,. ongou City will come In
to the government of the countries to (, 0 r
In which they are already tini well j think, and there Is all this lu
known for their own convenlince. stor,, fr i)0 expenditure of such a
And any Improvement In wages can i xm.ill num. fan we afford to wait
mnku nn utmeal to iHHiple to whom I m m
mm water
IMtiKoni Biking Easy
Vice l'nsldent Marshall remarks
D'.at the nom assigned him Is like a
monkey cage without the peanuts.
Mr. Marshall has not promised to be
silent unofficially.
Committee Apl'olnud to Make Probs
of Sugjntion That publle
Oock b Installed
had called at the White House to urge ! that they will take no steps to correct
appointment of a district Judge and
a district attorney In the Southern
district of their state. They were In
formed by the President la person
that they must make their recommen
dations to the attorney general
to immigrate Is reduced and it will
be easier to draw a hard aud fast line.
It was.
There Is not the slightest
It, if It ia erroneous.
Canada Is at present receiving Im-
misrants of the sort she wants from SECRETARY BRYAN On his way to
the Northern countries of Europe. , ON DISARMAMENT Washington Mr.
I She is making no effort to Induce 1 at RaH((.h ,0 Jtflver ,
I immigration from the Southern or. lVace". having
an Invitation from the North
OIll'A Pnnfereno in session
natives of tnose sunny dimes wuo . . unuaually
The dispatches report that this Southeastern Europe and Is, In f.cU ! an
.s done -courteously-. No doubt 1 tnrnlns cold shoulder to the , CaroU.m I'e
lii.ju try Into the conduct of the
Washington police during the suffra
gette parade Is lending strength to
the ida that there should be some
women police.
reason for supposing that the Presl- re oc.UR u.. ' j large audience, as might have been
dent ever does anything discourteous.; excludes Immigrauta from any and from fai,, that h() ,.MJ
' .11 -1: - .-..n .In nn. n.OflflitrA 11.1 IO . . '
lv. Kut this sort of courtesy is not . -"ulc u" " ' about to become secretary ol atate,
im i rla..
of "the courtesy of the Senate." The e financial and other requirements . uel,artmt.llt dealing i iter of tnlerprlse 1 see
courtesy of the Senate ha, become 'she baa impose. I The Canadian J-; dlrectly wltn ...ernationa. reiations - ''
am In being
i . . .k iniui. i - discussed and let me av that lu inv
traditional for the manner of its en-, nusnu.on ,a-. ... ..- , He argieJ at RaM thttt the , JlldBIlleIlt aftor a llfl. vMirvly .,
forcement, by all senators, against , Ugent and restrictive tnan our n-j lnHirative duty o( the fnlted Slates : at urosou City, there ia today no one
any infringement of senatorial pow-! tne res,m lnnl lae l""u""' . to cootierate in every possible way thing that would help more to build
era. or dignities, by any coordinate i turn away more man iney aaum. n r wor,j.1H)wers ,0 further ! u tn uusiness interests 0r uregou j ort dwelt with
branch of government. A MoT norUmntoT. The ;l "
. . . ... ' nf 71 "09 new settlers this year on j , . , . .,.., A'l petty personam es should l
must be presumed to know that un- ' "w,;"",e 1 .. ! administration just closed was actlie ' '
western, anaa.an Uuu. u.c dlrection. even beyond the .(,, lhMf , ..,
The l ity council Wednesday night
voted to appropriate ll.ium lo con
lluue the Invfntl.'.nltoii of the Mount
Pleasant water supply as was urged
by KiiKlueer llxberl Pleek. Ill" i'IikIm
eer who was einploied by the ro.ui
rll i-oiiinilttco en pure water to carrr
In this lnvestlimtl.nl. Mr. Pluck
submitted a comprehensive nMtrt on
both the present water supply and
new ones that are possible for Ore
gon City to obtain. Ills reH.rt was
much In detail and covered all pos
sible sides of lite water uucstlot.
The first part of the report was tak
en up will, a dlsoiiHslou of the pres
ent water and filler plant.
Mr. Dleck ur.'.i'd that more scien
tific methods be employed In regard
to ihe testing of the water at the 111
ter pkint and that nluin should ali
be put Into to water more In accord
with the flow of water. He discus
sed at some IctiiMh the future needs
of water in tin-nun Cltv with refer
ence to the probable growth of the
city. On tills subject he stated that
March It. To the Kd-1 there was much water being wasted.
that the mat. j lu Hor plumbing futures and by
other meutig that should be saved to
the cltv. In this way he stated that
the ii.-r capita i-otmutitptlim of water
could be much cut down
Te second part of Mr. Pleck s r
a new supply of wa
President Wilson lets the ofllce
seekers understand that the opeii door
at the White House Is for circulation
of air and not of candidates.
People Vote for Orynlntlon
Maintenance of fire Depart
ment Slrettt .re
MlUaukle Injected progress lilt"
Us city lanenuii. lit In great quai.ll-1
lies Tues.l iy III the cltv elm-Hun. New j
waler bond of iJO.uod were voted. '
along with ' lie'emuiry permission I
to condemn properly fr new etreets
and a pn.'vstt'otl lo dlil.le the city'
Inlo wards and precinct, for election!
classlllcatlon purposes. Two hundred
voters turned out and alt Ihe propo-
Kit Ion passed by a oto of two to
one. i
The new water bonds were voted ;
for Ihe pnnmsn of buying the present
waler sistem. r.'tctitunlly It I.
tended to secure Hull Hun
which will i-oat about lO.UOl) more.
It Is also planned to lay pat lug
for six blocks on Kroitt Hlrret and
10 blocks on Monroe Street. These
Improvements will rest :ll.iH)d
Absolutely Puro
Thm only baking powdor
mmdm front Royal Orap
Oroant of Tartar
Hie present I Into. I'tt-r rilnrin ir,
being made by Krout street (ht
are received by those Hint ,hp i:
reel to relaller..
This Is dun to the fart I ha I ,
ter are In nn polilon to tmm, ,n
Ihe supplies when the market g r
filled, therefore they are rouiwr4
In, i lu p.tniiD laeio wniow inn wriulMde
mtrri i market In order to unload them to
some oiner iinnier. nils rfUi( the
rase they are unable to maiu u
g.N.d returns aa Kront street wjr
has a wider market.
prices ruled on Vtmn nr
from IK to 11 13 for rase count 8i
al odier renter along lbs r.wil, .
dl-allng t hut the .m Improrvuttt
Is rerteelwl lewher.
der the established form8 and cere
monies all papers to be filed in sup
port of an applicant to office in any
department must be filed with the
taken in more uiau n.uuw.uv ..,im.,i the counlrv. Hut ' Inslorv of Drenn Cltv h,... fl... I.n.l.
them, includes not only Immigrants; ,. hv nmmmlns ness can not all be done on one or
from all partj of the world, but also j
that the I'nited States should "set
two blocks as of yore, but must branch
several springs an.! wells In and
about Or.'k'on City. The sprints, at
Willamette are not the best source
available, according to Mr Pleck.
who stated that he did not believe
that they were absolutely fr.ni fn.m
The creation and maintenance of
a volunteer Hr department was al"nlay but the hltther price was
pmvl.led for at the election, and the doin realised. Home were selling t
city council was given permission to died st h al l l ie, but moat Itn.f.
o.n new streets tine of the pnM r' asklim ll. A further ad.
anions passed proi l.l.-s for Ihe eitjr : vsnce showing In Ihe price of rji
rise of lh n'fereii.l.uu It. rettard
to cltv t.mcera and ..i.-slli.s. Illeii
nlal elections were nlo pn.ild.-d lr
Miss Ktoretice lloll, who nerved
Tuesday, was Ihe Prut woman to ev
er ml IIIM.II a Mllkatlkie elixtloll
Ixwrd. Klfty of Tuesday's voters
were wiiuen.
Milwaukle resents the action of
Coieruor Went III tnllolilug Tom
Kay lo watch the rondhoilaes. as t.ie
city already bad employed ('. J. Iteed
for Ihe purpose, and Ihe present ad
uuniniroiiKii is eu.or. ii.R uie inni. T!, .1,,,.j r.,i m. v v...
' y- 1 : h.n-n nmf rrfo t tA t snm
head of that deirtmenL To decree -auaulJU!5 "uu "a,c "'"-- it shiung example of disarmament.
th. .n.lnr. n, nnt h W,l l,v ! tOe taSiem 10 me MeMeru im..in
the president, when they appear at
: of their country. Still, there can be
the White House, to urge the claims i no ""lb- even if thl3 l,e th5 case'
of their chosen candidates, is to strike : that percentage of them were
a blow at senatorial prestige which Americans attracted by the really lib
will make grave and reverend mem- off'r not on" of ,ands but of
farms already lenceJ. equippea. ana
berg of that exalted body gasp in
rage and astonishment. What! Are
not the ambassadors of severelgn
states at Washington to be heard as
representatives of their respective
governments touching affairs connect
ed with the relations of those gov
ernments to the one over which the
president is called to preside? Are
senators to be denied a hearing when
they tender counsel to the president
concerning his duty as to an emer
gency office? Or is the president to
set up his own idea of what may con
stitute an emergency office; in any
sovereign state, without the advice
and consent of the senators of that
state? The Florida senators did not
take thtir candidates to the White
House with them. They had conced
ed the right of the president to draw
the line at the actual and visible
presence. Rut the? were doubtless
unprepared for the announcement
that they themselves could not be
heard In support of the claims of
their friends.
We are rather inclined to the be
lief that this innovation will meet the
approval of public opinion. Hut there
need be no doubt as to what effect
It will have upon the Senate. And
there need be none as to the depress
ing effect it will have upon the my
riad Democrats who have been hop
ing that Mr. Wilson may suspend the
provided with necessary buildings, on
long time and easy terms, to Buch
men as can meet the tests. If the
movement has attained such propor
tions as tht Ottawa officials are seek
ing to indica.e by implication, it is
worth looking after. We might not j
miss the men. Hut tt 10.000.000 would
mean quite a 'oss even for so rich a 1
country as this. ;
and declared that this nation is pe
culiarly fitted In standing and loca
tion to take this stand boldly."
If Mr. Hryan means that this coun
try is well located to defend Itself
against invasion there Is. geographical
ly, some degree of truth In his theory.
Ru( the new secretary of state should
tell how the principles of the Monroe
doctrine can be maintained by a na
tion disarmed. He recommends
arm Is to disarm, reduce army and
navy, and encourage young Americans
to Join peace societies ralher than
take the training of the National
Guard or enlist for service with the
The Portland I'nion Sio. k
Company reports n. folio"
Itecelpts for last week Imie lra:
entile Mill, calves l linns :''. aawp
horses 41.
will benefit the entire city.. j pumping the water Into this cltr CHJinF Mil I CTI IFFO A somewhat firmer rattle tiuirkrt
As to the location let the steam 0"1'1 "', n,"r" vpenslie that II OllAUL Fl LI II 1 1 llll 'k. Transactions w.re limit
boat men pay more It shall be located ' ml1'' '"' rrom ,,,h"r l',,,r''" " ' W ' Wl ' v ,u.. lo the light liquidation Prim
and let the business men av we an- ""' ,h' wells In West Oregon hl.By N,,.,.r, , ,0 ti, ,m,.
going to have a public dock and, n,T ,hn, nr'' now ,"in '"'"''l to V.. Hulk T.Jo lu 17 wi lt.it. b-
larne or small, can have a fair deal m)t f"r'''sh n sm.nly that will be nde- Country miller, are shading lherr rk M ,lr,1KI,r ,, t lr
In Oregon City and thereby create a ""1'" for ""' ""' "f rl"r- prlcn of mlllstuffa In order to effect Hue on market stal.lllly Is diUnilt
completion that will Klve a cheaper ; two pr.y.Hlt Ions that were favur.l n,,.k,.r n,r miu ., t 0Min so long a. r-elpi r
freight and a better passenger service i ,,'r ,Mr , n n'" "'i' "r the , nm. Urmand for cows an I helfsri
so that tourists and hom-seck-rs will 1 Probable artesian water to be found ,l"",i,1 1,r" '" " ' 're ; T( f wll4
often come to Oregon City by boat, i ,h'' Mo"n, I'leasnnt district sn.l a j l"t. and Kl In .mall Iota per Ion. ,,; s. ).,( ( ,nm t, ;
A free dock will compel the Portland 1 "",,,y ,r"m ""' i'TinK '"'"r f'anby jHhort. are quoted at :2 for large $;.,',. Calves have not been a nuf
Klectric to give us cheaper fares.1 (ll first proposition Mr. Pleck i n, - .lollnr nime for ..,ll t,.,r ket f.Mlor for Iwo weeks. attSough
a Now, 1 can hear tho kicker say you are , stated he hell-v. d goo.l water could .... .. n.r.t,, ,...,... ! prices are steady to str.mit tienrr
The off. We will lose all our trade If "e '""nil ' Mount Pleiisant. free .... ally Ihe entire raltlo mark.-l h4 in
.."in . oiiiuuiiiiKiion, I .kit wotltu lie .
any needs of (lie rlfy slve ston.ee farllliles am able to
for many years. He ha Id that If this I roiiiiiiund the nrlce askl. I
There is not enough dolug lu the
IMMIGRATION, After all of the ef
COOD AND BAD fort to restrain Im
migration there are signs that immi
gration will soon begin to restrain it
self. A falling off has long been no
ticeable from countries in Western
and Northern Europe, and since Ger
man colonization began the surplus
population of that ebpire has, to a
marked degree, been influenced by
tiie imperial policy of colonization.
bold stand for disarmament.
Idea conveyed Is that the way to dis-1 eaPr ''""'and. I j . onti
,. , I answer by saying that cheaper tniiis- "ul'able for
portation Is all that Is n-'iulred to
bring people here to reside, who are
now doing business aud Hi lug lu
Portland and in a short time Instead
of a population of less than ten
thousand we will have twenty-five
wheat trad., at this lime lo firmly ei
rlty. On the report of t,ie welts nt
busy fleets that are now assigned to thousand and the man that can not i ('nnby Mr Pleck stated that It would
our Atlantic and Pacific arming. They
are adding to their battleship strength
and enlarging their armies on an ac
tive footing. M. Hryan has had some
lar;e disappointments as a theorizer '
and has not before carried serious
national responsibilities. It Is prob- :
able that the new Congress, if not
the new cabinet, will stop his disarm
ament talk.
do more business with the Increased
population that is bound to come, had
better hunt another location. It will
not only benefit Oregon City but the
entire community. It will cause this
to be one of the gnat shipping points
of the valley when we Ret a deeper
channel to deep water. It will cause
farmers, who do not come here, to
take advantage of our shipping faci
lities and tun litcome permanent
paratively small Englisj and Scottish
, Immigration formerly coming here
' has been diverted to HritUh Ameri
' ca under the wise and energetic pol
icies of the Dominion Government.
Now there are signs of a cessation
in the movement to this country from
the Latin and Slavic countries of
Taft order extending the protection ' Southern and Southeastern Europe,
of the civil service law to fourth-class Emigration from Italy has already
postmasters. This action shows the been so heavy that the labor supply
new president to be a man absolute-' of that country has been reduced to
ly without policy, as politicians un- a point where wages are advancing
derstand the word. Plainly, he has t to a point offering more of comfort
marked out this line of action, and and of promise to the workers who re
he will hew to It straight, let the I main. Hesides this, Italy Is also de
chips fall where they may. We are ! veloping colonies fronting the Medi
on the edge of new and startling i terranean, and will soon deflect most
things at Washington, and the pub- of its emigrants to these. The driv
lic mind, always eager for a change. ' lng of the Turk out of Europe will
and which voted for a change only j open up fields for Industrial and agri-
customers among our merchants for """ M 'U'T changed in $1,000. A
their home supplies, whereas, under wl" ,,' drlllel to a depth of
existing conditions they are almost ' "ouncllrnnri Albright slat
compelled to go elsewhere to ship I '''' ,nnt ,,p believed the council should
their produce, so I nay get together no' "I'l'roprl ite any more money nn
on a broad foundation and null to-1 '"ere wits a special election nnd
ment out of that country, and com-1 nounces that first Assistant Secre- get her as never before for a greater l'ople given a chance to express
tary Huntington Wilson will retain 'amount or niisinss nnd a greater pop- "",,r ' s. ins opinion was shared
his post "indefinitely." Mr. Wilson i "h'l'.'n not . "ny 'or Oregon City
out tne entire county.
There is now but small surplus of '
population in Scandinavian lands, the j MR- BRYAN Secretary of State
amelioration of the condition of the'13 WISE Hryan. with the approval
Irish neasautrv has checker! the move. ! of President Wilson of course, an-
water were used, the wells would b
located at siirh a high place that It
unt.i.i r r in ,i .
....... ( om ... m-, miiiiHU quotation. Nominally speak-
tbe water Into tunny Dart of Iho ..... ...i . ... ..i... ...... :,. . ...
a bushel, but In Isolated Instances n
fraction above this has been paid.
Average bills for hlucHtcin range from
S to ll'Jc a bushel, tidewater trnck
basis. Hiialness Is done at fraction
ally higher basis at some point In
the country, but generally .peaking
trade Is at a standstill.
Course grains are quiet at unchaug
ed prices.
No new dciclopinc nt urn shown In
the dour situation. There was some
talk of ndiaiiclng quotations but this
Is denied by leading miller.. Trade
In patent, while slow. Is better than
Inst year at this aame period.
lie impossible in get water from
sprlncs that come from beneath the
surface of the large gravel heds al
that place. The greatest drawback lo
obtaining wnt. m this place s the
cost of a pipe line Inlo this rlty and
that II would have In be pumped In
to the city. After much discussion
Councllmnn Tooe made a motion
Hint $.',nn lie appropriated to rarry on
'he Investigation al Mount I'leasnnt
post "indefinitely." Mr.
regards the engagement as sufficient-1
ly definite to cancel his plans for a J
foreign tour. '
It was understood that Mr. Hryan j
was to be provided with a highly ex-1
pert assistant in the person or Prof- ,
illy ilulph Kaye.)
V hV lL lH ifUKt crwupu tin f In lh.lp
essor John Hassett Mfcore of Colum- j atlv.-rMsii.ic a lot of glittering gen-r
bia, who has apparently declined the jalitli-s as "Most Complete Stock"
post. ' "Appetizing Suggestions," "Clean
In Mr. Huntington Wilson-no n-l'""' ' '"'rt'-"us Service", Etc. Etc.
ation of the President Mr. Hryan Is ' . S,"n r"r 8 moment nnd consider
provided with an expert assistant of i Til I!"""; 't lH-f"r L"!,
B"e lo decide what sue shall have
sixteen years experience. Mr. Wilson for dinner or lunch. If your adver
has been in the diplomatic service ' Using ofters HiiggcHtlons In a manner
since 1S97. He was six vears secre-' t,iat wi" I",,,'t h'r appetite she is go
tary of the legation and charge d'af- "n ""r ''
falres at Tokio, where, he Improved J','" . a ,!";'",a.n1, ar,H'" ,of
., . , food or which emlcinc things can be
ms time by becoming the most ex Baid of them.
pert Japanese scholar In the service.
Since 1403 he has been one of the
Take prunes t.-ll her of the dainty
prune deserts, mien as "Prune Whin".
tnat V091- Will nnt l.O lHaonnnlnlaS mil.ii.nl A.t.lnitnlln. VUL ..ill M
There are large and spacious days ! another outlet to the surplus 8Iav j alUnt secretaries at Washington. 'lt your olWes ,,1
ahead. i nnonlatlr.n uhlch h. i.... ,.rir.t Twice he has been gazetted min-ii,.. '
gazetted min-iip.
ister to foreign countries, first to 1 No matter what Hie space you are
rtoiimania and Kulgaria and then to using there is alwaya
by Councllmnn Holmaii
A communication was read from the
committee of the I.lve Wires on the
public dock, lo which was nttAched
a petition signed by the majority nf
the tiiiHlnoKs men from nil parts of
the city. This mailer wai discussed
by a number of the citizens present,
among whom were H. T. Mcltaln and
C. Sf huebel. who spoke In favor of
the dock. The attitude- of John Cooke
and V. Harris was unfavorable to
ward the rlty owning and operating
the dock. Mr. Albright slated that he
would not vote for any proposition
that has been voted down by the
people. It was urged thnt the dock
would not only provide cheaper
freight rates, hut would provide a
Place where the farmer, might load
i.ieir products direct Inlo cars which
would be switched onto the dock.
T'pon motion the mayor appointed
the following committee to Investi
gate the proposition: F". J .Tooze, ft.
I.. Kidman and W. A. Long.
Improved lone Iml onlv for rhnlc
stock. Hire of Oil week's rrcelptl
III determine stability of piN
The hog market roiitlinn-,1 lis si
cent last week and reached the M(li
est point Wedneslny when sevsral
hundred head of choice light swlas
reallted $':'.'. Hulk of sales avenl
ed $11 lo $113 while smooth sod
rough heavy stuff brought propor
tionally stiff prices. Market eswd
off a shade Thursday but closed tin
weak steady from $9 lo (Jll l
ward trend muy be checked bill no
body ventures a prediction as 14
where It will finally art tie.
Muttin trade was a sticky sffsir
compared with recent periods. Plcntf
of sheep nro arriving hut the hulk li
contracted. Huyer. are bliMhil
steady prices for good weather. id
ewes, llesl load of wethers sold It
$" nnd ewes $150. Unib innrkrl
I. steady to firm at unchanged prlft
Choice sheared lambs brought $''1
HiiHlness In tho egg market Is con
fined almost exclusttely to the pur
chase of speculative and storage In
terests so far ns the Portland trade
Is concerned. '
Many retailers, In fact most of
them, are getting all their egg needs
from Ihe country and the only need
they have for the street In this line
Is to Inquire regarding the price so
that they can return country shippers
ns llttl.i as Dossllde. This seems to
be their entire aim In the market nt
The cold weather of the past M
days has had the effect of causln
(he price of chlckena 10 rise sllglillf
In the local market. They have thus
far only advanced about one rent l
price. Mohair lias enlerel In t!'
Oregon City market and Is sellln
at 32 coma. Wool I. .elllng from II
to 20 reti I..
Opening accounts either saving or checking, Ly mail
is a simple matter. Send any sum of one dollar or
more endorsed checks and drafts, or your own
checks, will be received. Money orders or registered
letters also assures safety in transmitting funds. Upon
receipt of the money we will immediately mail you a
Pass Book showing the amount deposited.
The Bant of Oregon City
Argentina. Hefore he could reach
the first he was promoted to the
second, and then found so much need
ed in Washington that he was kept
a way of mak
ing It stand out from the others, ev
en without cuts. Horder effects are
as a rule attractive or can be made
so. It will pay grocers to give their
advertising more attention. Thev
there by a further promotion. Uur-1 wi" ,,p surprised at the increased re-
lng a large part of Mr. Knox's term,
and owing to the latter's extended
diplomatic '.ours abroad, he was the
actual head of the department.
With the experienced and highly
skilled Mr. Wilson to attend to all
the exacting detail work for him
Mr. Hryan will have little to do be
yond Illustrating his well-known skill
In the exchange of social amenities.
Thus what will probably be Mr. Hry
an's final appearance In public life
becomes that scene of leisure with
dignity w hich everybody is willing to
see Mr. Hryan enjoy and bis enjoy
ment of which Is best for the peace
of t;.e Democratic party and the tran
quillity of the nation.
MOLALLA TRADE There are the 60.)
WITH RAILROAD stockholders of
record In the books of the Clacka
mas Southern Railway. There are
500 bootters for the road In Clacka-
Next talk on Drug Store Advertising.
Nscetaary Car.
fair lHltor -Why are you giving
Ohio's te;-tb s.nh a Ihonmgh bnish
lng': K'.i.fl Jlisirens-Oh; The fxmr
darling's Just Ihiieu M.me horrid sr
son. nnd reiillv. you know, one can't
be too careful - Life.
Pol ts Critics.
Prolmblv Hie p.:tlet UJll-lctll critic III
the world llve in lmibui. Instead of
rudely wriiin- ..I a certain viK-nllst thm
she sang out of lime he wii.l tlmi ber
Ideas of rot-reef lm. Mixtion were wnn e
ly consonant with the prevulent Im
pression. Knrmstirjilly K,l,ie imib-r like provo
cation whs II. ms ,,,n Itnlnur when at
a rehearsal of ,i s".r.noi with orclienirs
he suddenly lopsil the inii-lc unit
wid. "Plea-. mlK. Kin toil jtlre us
your AT
The Portland market is flooded with
extremely poor quality apples and
this is hurting the trade. Home stock
has been received from Hood Ulver
and White Salmon during the last
few days that will net the shipper a
loss to the amount of the frelsht
charges. One shipper, who Is well
known at The fialles, sent forward
apples that have on an average of
perhaps one apple to the box that Is
nenner rotten nor specked. Natural
ly this Is, having an elTect on the
Most of the apples now helng offer
ed are of small size and big fruit Is
really scarce and In demand. There
Is but little call for apples that are
smaller than the 4 12 tier size, but
a large percent of the recent arrivals
nn 5 eitr to the box and are really
of poor grade too.
Apple handlers are making com
plaint sliout this sort of stock being
shipped, ss it ruins the trrftje for good
fruit. They have sent hundreds of
letters to the country telling them not
to send forward such supplies, bnt
they continue to come and must be
Careful of Your Property
One of ihe secrets of our iucoess
in the Baggage and Transfer Business
Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving
Williams Bros. Transfer Co.
Phones, Office 50, Residence 1562 612 Main Street
Office Both Pbonea 22
Residence Phone Main 224
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Established 1861 Buceaaor to C. N. Oreeamaa
Rates Reasonable, Baggage Stored 3 Days Free of Charge
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
C. LaTOURETTB, Prealdent. jp, j. METER. Cashl'
The First National Bank
of Oregon City, Oregon
CAPITAL, 150,000.00,
Transacts a General Banking Bualnasa.
Open from I A. M. b I "