AT r! Kon OK E(l ON ENTER PR I S K. FIvlPAV, MAHCH 21, 1913. . i . YOU SHOULD TAKE PURE AND flBBnBB DISCOVERY. YOU WILL GET QUICK AND PERMANENT REUEF, Stops Cough, Loosens Chest, Soothes Inflamed Throat, Nose, Bronchial Tubes and Lungs. Start Taking It at Once. Dr. Kind's Now Wfcovrry was onV'i nated 43 years a so. lis wonderful tower to (op conjoin?, euro colds, relieve bronchial and lung affections made it quickly popular. Its use steadily iiu-real. Now it is un doubtedly the "most ut pres.rii.noa for couch and cold iu the world. Millions of bottles are aoM nnnually, and thousands tes tify to its merits by testimonials and con tinued use. Whv experiment with unknown aud untried remedii-s? Pleasant, tried and true, Dr. Kinc's New Discovery is piaran-tec-d by vour druimist to help you or money refunded. Get a bottle to-day. Keep it for emervneies. "Tvphoid pneumonia had left me wiih a dreadful couch," writes Mrs. J..E. Cox of Joliet, 111. "Sometimes I had such awful couehine srvlla I thought I would die. I could pet no help from livtor? treatment cr other medicines, till 1 used Dr. King's New Discovery. I owe my life to this won derful remedv, for I acatwly cough at all now." Quick, safe, and reliable for all throat and lung troubles. Sold by 1 WW i1 V' IA'M V. i h i t'ijitSSJ"- CHICAGO. ILL ALL DRUGGISTS bate. Tin' matter of erecting hall ! wa also mentioned. The l.egtH 'elected a committee of three to look j Into the feasibility of erecting one. I Charlie Swan Ir to Colton Mu'i- lav. i IHdph and Charlie Freeman, of 1.1 ....... I ... ... l., culler III "ho j w oo,l, ,. Colton vicinity last week. I . S. li hauled some oats 'ion Clarke last week. Frank Hendricks and Wm. Sihc.f fer ciUbd on Oscar Muller a eck a'.'O last Sunday. The Farmers' F.pUtV Society m 't In lianlelsou's store Saturday evening. Charlie Swan lionisat lVlherl Hou ney sl.lnglo mill and will move 11 up on Ma place aoon. -: c l.ohndorf call-d on Oscar Mill er st Tuesday. W-il.or C.orbett did mm team work ' fo- A. XiU'hson last J Ktifstrom hoiuht a team l.i"t , w eek A. X. Swansea did some plowing ( r 'l'ii HiiiiiJlaud last wee a. The Coltou school went down to James tor mi Arit.iiuot'c trstch win I iv seliiHd nt liiat place last Friday. We an proud to say otr mgool wa- v letnricus. I K. I i rli n,l had the " , I.m olio of Id hcrse last wok. Phillip niul Hubert l'uti ere t.i Olefi n I'lty last T ivsday. Til ' re ,'tv snine 'an I lim rrs !i.'!.. n.S uiiT i-lll Homey 'l u e !st w'e.'!;. 1'illst liOtti elS .l a litlMlOTS ittller at t'olton last Tuesdiv. H. l Itayner, ot flarkes. a- m the t'olton vniii;tv .:t week pos' sale Mils. Mr. and Mrs. t'arl s-'troui-.-ron mat' a business trii to t'olton last Tuesday. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM All PART) OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY NEEDY Miss RUacSel Spencer who has been on the sick list Is Improving. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mitts and fon. Eriuan. of Al!any. visited the former pareois the latter part of the week returning home Friday. L. L. Untz and sen. Cecil, went to Canby Saturday. The sale at Mrs. R F. Smltj's Fri day was a great sucesss. Everything sold hUb. About a hundred teams were present Carl Casedy w ao has been working for J. E. Mitts returned to his home at Carcus Monday. Austin Taylor made a business trip to Canby Saturday. J. E. Slitts and son. Lewis, are work ing oil the telephone lines in the Ceonce neighborhood and through to Hubbird. Many people were taken by sur prise when they heard Wednesday, that Miss Kate Spasle was married. The Ladies club held Its last meet Dg at the home of Mrs. H. Jackson s. A very enjoyable time was had by all present. The next meetiug will be March 22ni at the home of Mrs. Eugene Mitts. Herman and Fhelps are making land plaster sowers for themselves. Have you seen Molalla s newspaper yet? And are you toing to be one of its Sea) subscribers tor IS 12? The "Molalla Pioneer" would make you tlad every wetk. Our special road improvement has received a set back which means more mud plodding next winter. V. V. Everhart has a new hog house just completed. J. R. Cole has received a fine uoc j from Illinois, the freight ti'in,- :o , cents per pound. CLARKES. MOLAlLA. Fifty new buildings for 1913 will be no mean pace for growing Molalla. Gravel is being hauled tor the con crete work of the Molalla State Hank building. No new cases of scarlet fever have developed in the Echerd family. . Willi two railroads coming to town this vear, and two more dentists to locate here, there w ill be no urnent need of going abroad for lentist treatment unless you just wait to ride on the new railroad any way. C. W. Herman has secured a saw mill to be moved on to his ranch this summer. Ties will be cut for the P. E. & E railroad and hauled to Mo lalla, a distance of 5 miles, t j is will be tl'e nearest sawmill to town. COLTON. One Or Two Generations Ago Most Farm Animals Roamed At Large But We Have Gradually Found That This Did Not Pay The barn yard fowls have been the last to feel the effects of bus iness methods on the farm but at last they have to get In their place (In the poultry yard) and stay there. The fanner who reads the magazines knows that today many a chicken farm of a few acres pays a bieger profit than a big farm did a few years ago. Every farmer keeps chickens because it pays and It will pay lota better and the farm will look better if they are kept In the poultry yard. They are about the most profitable animals on the farm and It takes less space and less expense to keep them. Enough of our poultry fencing to keep your fowl properly will cost very little and will be the best investment you ever made on the farm. Ask for price. FRANK BOSCH Furniture and Hardware MACKSBURG Could the originators of the Juve 1 nile Fair witness the enthusiasm of; the nins generation in Macksluirg t':ey mkht feel that they bad not ; worked iu :vu. The children are, preparing the grounds tor seed, put-! ting the young stock in. caring for, tbe poultry and working generally j with a degree of earnestness that 1 -remises a creditable exhibit of fruit ; sto.k and handiwork In the coming fall. This new opening for t'.ie show ing of youthful skill Is also an Inc it-! culaMe advunt.ue in the home. Many grade between Canby and Molalla and will put down Hie rail without delay. MEADOW BROOK. Mis. P. t). C.ilndgreii. daushlor, Mish Mabel Cliliuigieii. Mr. Milton Chlndgren and daughter, Vivian, call 'ed on Mrs. Miophord Thursday alter noon. , , . Mm. lleo. Ilolstotter and daugh ter, Miss EmUl. wont to Portland Sat unlay to etf tivorge llotstetter, Jr.. :o is in the hospital. A lew of the parents and friends attended the program given by the iniplls Friday, consist lug of song. liiaiitiiul Hells" by the school; r ! Itatlon. Pauline llorstcttiT: reading, taihort Hutchinson: song, ' I'lp, l'os 1 Dip the Oar." I school; recitation. Myrtle llutchiiisoii; leading. Paul Si lilottc; song. "Mud Words Can .Nev er Pie," l.lllle Schlowo; dialogue, to tear icrs. Nettio I rkms nod KHa ' Siliiewc; recitation. The I'liud Ciil." by Cbiily s Hatey; dialogue by throe !o. W lllaid kern. Oliver Or. ui and Wallace Hutchinson; song, P.irlliig. Nellie Crav," by tiohool ended by a il , alo by Hie small pupils. The ipies (loll was. -Hisolved, that the llre is more val :al le than the Cow." lead er en ti e altlrinatlv e. Ola llulchinnoii. lir-,.itnc. Iv.itie llotstetter, the Judge dc 'ision was for tlu ailii niatue. T he :,-!.. V" s ,11.1 well. .','.:s Myrtle an 1 Hail l.arklns spent Si. inlay afternoon with Maude and lll.uii he Trulliiiger of I nion Mills. Iteruiall Chludgri'li timk a bud of fat hogs to Canby Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W in. Ki rns uud fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. i M l. I'.iludgren. Mr. Meart. of Portland, has the surveyor out surveying the places, which he bought of I. ! Ijirkliis. II II. Snodgrass and Mr. Vaughii. He alo has a man plowing. Mr iinj Mr, ltrown, of Portland, visited his sist.-r and brother In law Mr and Mrs J. F. Can so. J. M. lairklns Is visiting his broth- ' er. A. U Laikln. WILSONVILLE. Attorney Ames, of Portland, was In W'ilsonvtlle, on legnl buslnes Satur day. Mrsr IVdson. of SherwiHid. visited her brother, Elmer Jones and family. not croak Inn about hard tlnif". 'iil r surprUed at the way bualnssi haa kept up. pesplto thn fad that pota toes and onion have teen ay blow normal. , ,. The t'ulon (!rower Association hipped another ear of olnlou last week. Mr ,lttlgla'a many Mend are glad to know that lie la able to h" ni.out hi farm wialu. bMt hi .ever.' Illnes. H (. Aden ha purcha4 piano. Cllve ll"'iir, oim of the New bora High rVhool pupil Mccoltipanle I Harol l Say lioun" on Frldav evening, nuiiallilnt mo II Sunday. W hlbi walling at a Million not many mile from tloii llle recently, where lie walling room door wa locked, and iioaisoiitldo welhoiight of our own little village depot, with it Well ciiilpi'cl waiting room, and obliging niai Ion master. Mr. Fliuer .lone eutoi tallied lh mciiilicrs i t t ,c I (idle' Aid So. b'l v of the Hood View Congregational church, i.No a lnro umnl'er of ticK li bor In a very delightful manner a' her home on Thursday, March 13lh. Pinner wa nerved at lioou The regular meeting of the so elety was held III Ihe iirtoito,"n. and the l.idli sowed carpet ra durlin the .lav. Mrs. Joins w.i ably alt e,l by ir. pod-ion. of Sherwood STAFFORD. A hook wa caught Iu i'iim wav Iu the nose ul one of Mr. Wcddle horses. A vi terlnar.y iirgeoii wnl called, who ewed t-i' woind llj'. but It I very or yet, aud the lior U unable to work On Friday last. Henry Pakcr and Louisa Shelwo went to Oregon City, armed with a paper from thn mother of the g rl. who Is but lteen. to the effiK-t tliat the inotber gavo bst eon- j cut, uud obtained a license and on i Sunday they were quietly married at tht hotu ol the uioitier. Mr. P. A. Hakir. who I an invalid. The pas tor ol the Paptlst church, id w.ileh the I. ride and mother are niruibor. Rev. Lucas, officiating. Tim groom I the eldest od of V. A. Ilaker, a high ly respected young man. and thi' bride I the yoniinest daughter of Mr. P A linker and John Seblewe. her llrt hilsl iind vvhii died a nutni'cr of years ago. The young bride Is well liked Ulil For Infuntt wnd Chlltircn. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Boars tho Signature of Ali'DlloU J If M IIS P. ANrtJcluMe Irrniliin ErAi slmil.iilirjihrrikiljntlltinjtft lliit'ilH'NiniiultsniullUvbi Ptumnh's I'liytllotilltrfifJ r,ssiiwlll,v.ronu!niirlsT tljviuti Miiri!iiw nurMbaTI Nor NAitruTio. 1 jJ,i,.- f mW I An.-iffClR.'tnfdvf.H-romli.-i lion. Sour Mimurli.lH-Hti"' Wonw JlistMiNaun fr'vt iv wsiataiLossorSarr. rar.Sui SiCnaiaft uf NFW YOHK. I um " 1 X. Ill AW IF m Copy ol Wrapr. In Use For Over Thirty Years IMOEI. THE LULL BEFORE THE STORM Mrs. Lewis, of Highland, was roll : ing loi;. one log rolling back crush ed 'lis leg. Mr. Lewis Maison Jnm:ed down , from the hay loft, bis toot hit tho ' tongue of the sled and hurt his ankle. Mii-s Esther Stout is home from , Portland. Mr. Widner purchased seme s'.eep ! from Mrs. Lee last week. Ilemice Sihnte, of Highland, is working for Mrs. William Marshall at present. i Mr. German and Mr. Heche are j plowing on the Sherrut.le place. Sam Klmer is breaking new land ; to sow grain. ! Otto I'uol is plowing on the home place at present, i Jtrome Parementer was working for Mrs. Lee on Lewis Maxson's place ' Mrs. Nicholas and Mrs. Craves, of HiehlanJ. visited tieir parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. X. I-arkins last Sunday. M?r. Widner. purc!iased some hoes in Clarkes last week. la'fK.ti!! 8 John Arquette, one of the Colton ; pioneers di d recently at the hospital i in Portland, where :e had none for treatment. i The Young People's Lutheran i Leatrue met in the church Sunday eve . ning. A good program was render i ed, including a very interesting de- IS THE TIME TO MAKE PREPARATIONS PUT IN YOUR MYERS HAY; UNLOADER NOW and you will be in tip top shape Vo handle your crop this year-Take our advice and come in and look them over next time you are in town. A LOT OF TIME IS LOST THROUGH BAD DOOR HANGERS :IIANG YOUR DOORS 0N Myers Stayon Hangers Or the New Tubular Track Hanger and you will have no more trouble This is another matter tlut should be attended to before busy season. VV. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON CANBY HARDWARE & IMP. CO. OANBY, OREGON baiiiidiing the lillehln poils, Ho n r resting one If hi lioraea art hitched mil -il le a liver) burn over to hour. Wo soliielllue go to low It l.i'Oll luil Hess of our own, and prefer t i bave our tr mi In lie omii, where it net puie air tin. I 1 ready t mit wlnti wo have attended to bunlue. Imt by till short ii hied ruling we may away from tin-ton City ece.t when obliged to go to our munly et to pay our taves II look lll e lit.. Int. ereal of tie llvetv laid. I pur mount to nil other A lady lulug two iiilie out .tl I she world I k.- to drive Into town, hut I here wa no lare to lie iter horse, and she ill ill I feel like pn.-l-g l.'O lor lor hot- while he loi.ed for tin hour or mi, and s -e Iher.-ioji l ikes a uir or bout for other pl:o Ktirmers go in I'ortl.wil and M.ier place Willi their produce, and di their loavy Imvliig at oih. r towns fur the name n asuii. A wind to (be wine oui ht to be uMlticleiil, R L DL AND. K. A .lotu s, of Cresent. had the mi folt Hie to bleak i'ls leg while log gill for l altescli . .Mr. Avltt and wife are moving to Li nt to wink In brick ail John 1 : . i I ire.arlug to mt up a building lie ha Informed u to wbettiir it will be a burn or a garage. The lauioii It. dlat.d I'ras Hand I preimrltiK a play and will give an en ti ll iliinieut at I. e Logan tliange hull March X. S. Oldham iia moled to Chicmi tuns lleli lits and Is hauling lien for Sell wart A- Co. Mls iiuelah 111 mi. of Lewistoti. I ia in. I a lo on visiting her aunt, Mr I. M Smith. The (rCiinin-r Uro. nro eleariug land for Mr. Unbind. Iledland was ruver. d with a blanket of snow Inches In d. th, March l:i CLAD TIDINGS Agencies CHAMPION MOWERS BINDERS RAKES ARE THE EEST an hour would otherw ise be misspent i is now CK.upltid In healthful, pleasing ; wor with such gratifying results as ' well tended gardens, finely stocked poultry j arils and no ends ot beauti ful flownrs. The high school department' of j Macksljurg opened Tuesday, March 1 11th, Mr. lialdwln having ho far re covered from his recent Illness that' he returned to his work on that day. A llittle son was born to Mr. aud , Mrs. John (Jirster Friday, March 7tX Special services are to be held in the new church of the Menaonltea on Raster Sunday. 1 Mr. Gforge Walsh was the guest . of Mrs. Wesley FJIiy on Tuesday last. ; Mrs. John Hippler's mother, who! has been seriously 111, Is recovering. ! The home of Mr. and Mra. Carl ' Dawson was gladdened by- the birth of a little daughter Thursday. Mrs. Frank Hilton with her little feon, vlbited Mrs. fieorge Walsh last Ki-ida. V:.hs Mararet Z-ncer with her two brothers, Messrs. Hans and Andy Zenger, visited Mr. and M'rs. A. A., lialdwin on Friday evening. Mr. Hubbard's large new barn li -completed and Is a material enhance ment to the appearance. Very phasing Is the news that the I P. E. it E. R. R. has completed the i last week. Geo. talalgia has been sick for a week past. The revival meeting have been well attended. The Vincent family have moved to Sherwood. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton were Port- land visitors recently. Mr. and Mrs. Could returned to their home in Salemi after enjoying a visit here with friends. Mrs. Young was aj Portland visit or last week. Mr. S. Peters recelfed a carload of farm Implements laat week. If. p. Aden has ifinlshed taking stock'ln bis busy stoae. The Odd Fellows hold regular meet ings on Saturday etenlng. Visiting brethren are always cordially Invited to attend. R. VV. Graham spent Tuesday in the Itoee City, on business. Roy Nendo ha returned to his home in Stay ton, after a short rlslt with Ray Laker. The H'llHonville school trustee are making nlans for new ww.;Ttihof4 which will improve the ajuiearance of the school ground. Corral Creek school has been pre sented with a heaittlful picture, "The Kirthplaee of President Lincoln." by the Mother's Club of that district. The WIlHonviile store-kecpera are i by all n'w know her and in common i with all their friends we predict for j .hem a happy future. We beard thai I the neighboring boys were well pro vided for. as It was feared the din of a charivari would be bad for the sick mother. Joe Nemee lias been repairing the barn where the horses kicked their stalls to pieces. .Stafford had unite an exodus on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellegsen, Mr. and Mrs. Clans peters, Mr. and Mrs. Kruse, Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Gage were among those seen on the SI reels of Oregon City, while Mr. Nussbaitrn and Mr. Powell went to Portland with l load of potatoes and hogs. Hog are riilte a profitable crop late years. Last week Mr. Kchatz sold a load alive at his door, which brought him the neat sum of 113.0 and he raid the sum wa pretty near ail gain. ; Mr. Gage has a few white seed oats . to sell. J Mr. Powell returned from Portland Sunday night at 8 o'clock, having ; been In Portland since the pr'-vbcn : Friday on business, and walked from I Willamette, which Indicates he Is bet- ter in health than for soma) time, It looks quite as If "power that be" in Orecon City were trying to drive the outside community away from t'.iat little burg. In the first placs An iinen lane has been couiiileled running from A. Olson's d.o e to the main ro'id. Henry llatler has been "ttiug noma hop poll's. Cuts Herman, a prominent Molalla larmer. was transacting business In Wednesday. Itudolph, the German boy, Is agnln working for hlin. Mr. Herman calculates to have a t cam saw mill running on bis pine III t in miir future. I!y so doing hi timber will be sawed Into lumber, fur li'shitig Mm material to build a Imu,,.., barn, mid ot'ier neenssary building on his place. Alfred Olson has moved his family Into Holnh Myor house In MiiMunn and renting Ihe Schnmaker building has opened up a pool room. Judging from the rrowd In attendance on the opening night w would predict that it will prove n money making business Mrs. cithrlne Jones having Im proved In health of late, her nurse has returned to Salem and her grand daughter, Miss Webb of Woodbiirii. la titteudlng her. A trilned nurse, has lately been employed to wait on MVs. Ilentley, Mrs. Hidden of Mnrtinit, iicnm panled by Mrs. Annie Hidings spent several days In Cortland Inst Week procuring an up to date supply of millinery. ALSPAUGH. Mirs. AlHpaiigh nnd Kiln Uickehy were do guest of Mrs. J. W. Dowty ; Matiirnay. Mrs. II. Harton culled on Mrs. John iGlthens Saturday afternoon, j John Gltlietis has all kinds of inn ! sic nt his house now as they hnve i purchased a piano and sewing ma chine. A number of young people from lore niteiidi-l thn dame m llu!e Creek Haiurday night. Another dune will .e given theie April .. by sii,i. William (ilthen. of Canlo. hi lieetl illdlllg a tew dnv. here oil In l.i iMreiit and friend Millie l-utler attended lie i....-r tuluuieiit giveu at l.ariol l l i cm littht Mr. and Mr. Fred Kb pi '.! S..t utd iv evening at the uune nf J,.' u .ens RCOLANQ. We are pli-nei to be M.. In i",rt Mr C.'ia. Jeuklu luueh ii..t..u-tt. Mio w i. very low tor a ! d.n- hr. Strickland wa t(enlltig het Mr. 'Kill link u wa Willi lot a dm . Will Lteluu ulid lirot lor in ia, liniii luosiird, ate clearing bind mi tit Htocftor ptuc. J. II Hlpl. y .old two fine i .i l.i week in a cow buier from 'mi:.:.4. Several of the bo) ll ttll IK-Ib-lioriood have find team nnd .o nrr busy alter school bourn tn'..iui I belli 'I lie iteilbiiid band I Ic.o.iiiv :ir no tit for a com i rt nt l..raa tirnuge Hall Saturday night. Mu'-ri ;:n I. it I mi one Maieii 2',i, at tl.e Fir Grove hi hool house. We were ( really rdiocked to .jenr o! Ihe death of Justice of the Peace .JD soil nur heart i,o out In iu;J!l.f to hi family. ' Kedl. n l ha bad u toih !l cf tl.c Kastern blixard. and we .ill .ei'' this Mill be l ie end of winter. ; ROCK CREEK AND SUNNVSIDE. Tho Kiouiid wa covered with ul till place Wednesday morning, b'tt Ini ne.,iy all Inelted. ! A basket social was held at BuD nynlde schiMil bouse Friday iiIk iI ("r the belli lit of the telephone Co. AH i who mi, in ei cnJo)ed a deaanl eie- Plug. The house was full, the bulie't I basket aa inn tinned for v.uu. '! ."' I made 111.00. The program wu ' follow ; Selection, Orchestra: reading. Hr' I ry Schmidt; solo, Nir. It. tirndv; read j lug. Addle Heed; Duet. Zclla l'"k' , lin and Gladys liavls; readiio-. Kn'l Hudson; selection, Orchestra; read ) Ing. Karle .lobiii.oii ; duet, H Grady and Frank Hunter; reading. , Frank Kberhait; selection. Orchestra. A new family has moved mi t" I Hargroves place. ! Misses Mary and Hilda Stull ret Adolpli StoH nnd intend to iinl" ! giMid ilHlt of a couple of weeks In I t'ie neighborhood. Mr. uud Mr. Conklln returned botu 'from California last Saturday. Sha Mind enjoyed good health while there. hut the first night at home she not sloei on account of the aihm. ' we sorry aim Is troubled that way ' agnln. ! Mr. mid Mis.' Sehoports grand diiiight'T was burned severely Tues day evening by tipping thn tea kettle over on herself. It la reported lti skin came off from tha knee down, j The telephone Una la out of order so the partlculara have not been had. The n.nll carrier on route No. I had the mlafortiiiin to get hi buggy and ' harness kicked to pieces and hd to I I borrow another to finish delivering ; the mail. j Adolph Stoll'i horse ran awav M i j Saturday. He was clearing land and J I the horses got frightened at a failing tree and ran, one. stopped at ' berg's plnce and tha other was caught near Frank Htoll'i. The harnesi was broken some. m Frank Stoll has been having a -vere cold. We are glad to take note' that lre Ident Wilson and wife will aerve n wlne.or lluor nt the White House. -WE WANT YOUR MOHAIR WOOL WRITE TO HERMAN METZGER 226-228 FRONT ST. PORTLAND, 'ORE. YOU CAN DELIVER IN OREGON CITY TO OREGON COMMIS SION CO.