OltrcnON CITY KNTEUPmNR FIMDAY. MA HOI T 14, 1913, 7 HOPE OF POIATO DEMAND VANISHES1 ill hoi"- ' ' '" ln'l'rovo- fn,l!Ji. It now o wall ndvan I iliitl U would '' Impoaalliln inn m if ,r" I" ,,,"Jr "" n , . ..( lb" Norll.....!. it i. 1 ,. Hint not morn I'"1" I'lilf of n, crip l I"""' t)," r" ;',Vw lll producer any It dona l ,, iu ill t'""'1' .ertlielna, t""r" l'ot"toi.a ,nii offered tlmil lb trndo can LV ,'ar r. There I lint1iU..ly no hurlim i Mutitry points and commi .,,u iKiu.llxrM contlnu to writ thulr Lutry ahlip-r mil to mm it lorwsrd J ut cr ,,""n' Wl,hln "'" i, ,n...ry f H' """, ,h,lll'"r L .i...llr to thai show. .1 jirea Nl-V.T before llM " I'""" ...entire lack of demand. Thnrn have been "" periods i.n potato i,rl,-" ""'"""ir I.nl IH.VIT when ther w 110 ill- 1 hi any prlc. California I ... i,,,,!,.,! with lir own growth Hint ihiTH Is not tl' llMlitt'l demand fur flihrr Oregon. Idl or Wnahlngton ...-ii Arion and Texas nr not buying fm Weatern Orgon. beeauae H.y .nil ulilnin auiiii.a ' , i'ri.cs from California. Altogether, .i.. ......mi in adverse m fur at a nic.n iii. iit Is concerned, POIATO PRICES ARE STILL AT LOW EBB Thi. wcakncaa I" tlm potato trade -ml ihr alownca of the Ictnan.l .OUI.I.-.I :i tlm fad lil country ImIt.'Mb are overloading the trade I. aurrvliiil tlin rolllllllaaion men. In in., rurtland trade there baa brrii a fnlr movement of polnluea i.i i v imt for every ck aold iiixm have been three mow rwclv P, recently. Naturally. lhl ha not had a good effect upon tim trade lim-.tvera am unalila to fill 1 room f..r Hi.. Increased offering. Their un ninriTimma ara full. the docaa are full and lh iirli-la no low that d.i not waul lo takn Ilia rlianrn ol iHililtiK ihi-in In imlillr atori-hoiiaoa ail.UMonnl rol. tup pri'a for anvoral rara, f)25 to fH.IIA, for yniirlliiKH, r.!iB for awna, 7.2ft fur luinlia, I'ni'knra worn ovl dntly imiiKlit alioriluiudud and aa tlin nnuuiil aiirlim run of alumni! alurk la alow nnuliiK tlii.y Kranpi'd tli opportunity in dd a tniiipomry urpliii. rfault Iii.Iiik a adlora inark.'t, wlili'li wnkind toward thu oa. Marlint Imala la uiiHliiuily. APPLE Tra.lA In itid appla market (sinlln ui.l .r lll.iral In rortlnnj mday TIip mil ward movmiiil of applt'a l ih li.'.l.-nt rvi-r knowu althouKh I ln moM'iiH'iit Ima not In any "way af f.- itul I In. prlrn. H.'iMirla fnim thn country Indlrala that Mix-ka are llli cltanrd up fuat Smi.ii;i,h lii Hoiim of the li.adlim ill irl.'H rtiimlat iirliH'liiully of Hn !) via. an l thi'HO are thu liardoal to ai.ll in any prim. Home vi-ry Kood Hotia an k.'IIIiik down In COo a box In the Knml Hi rod Initio, and the movement la r. nlrti tcj. OiiIhIiIi. markola an allowing no i.i'1'.'lul lmnrovimi'nt In the drmand u it i tin. t.tri'iitlon of California whlih U now milil lo le aim Inn " hnivl.'Hl niiiile iiiiiv.'iiii'iit of tha at Hon. II Ik Mill mI t!iat with the t-xcep- tl"ii of u very limited amount of ( ! itnriiiii aioek, pnuMlnilly all of th I.UBiiieKa there la In Orenon olterliiKa ltiiF.ni. HH In the aiuilo trade In h Kiuit la luil.lluii fairly well at low prlrcn. KurelKn advlcea are mlxudaa lo eliarneler. hut the K''nerl Imprea nlim or the trail., alirouil la thut tn I'lix.il fruit nuirket la mther eay, Bi llion.:!! Iurrele.1 alock liaa allow aiiiii.. r.Teiit lirovement. IOP CONTRACTS ARE The market for hop coiitrucla I ruther active mid firm at 1 .r.c a pound. (jimlili riihlo hiiHliieaa liaa puaaed at Wllliimi.IlM Valley polnla durliiK t" Inat few iluya, tlin acurenatii Iii.Iiik he areateal of the aeaaou to date. Moat buyer have lii.nn operatora and aonie of ihem have nirrhitm"l eli. naively. Tim iiiarKel fur apAt kooiU la very quiet and aomewliul Inrllued to aiiow weukneaa. Tun future of the trtulo do pemla entirely iiihiu the crop advlcea. I'reaeut tiroaporta are for a good out put hut the acamm la at III too early lo any much reitardliiK thla. Many hluiia may happen between now and picking time. The heat iiopa avalluhle are now bo- tn w imoteil at llio a pound. Thla I fractionally lower than prevloua fig urea allliotiuh quality cunalJered the market la aubatantlally the aame aa llurlng revenl duya. Moat of t.ie hopa left In growrra' handa are of medium grade. REAL ESTATE EGGS SELLING AT 14 CENTS DOZEN Kt'KH probably reached the loweat maik Tucmlny Hint they will during the ciiniliiK year. The price waa H anl If. renta Wed day and Thura- ilay fu thla city. The chiincea are pretty fair that before many days are lat they will again lie on the upward Kriule, aa egg merchanla have already begun atorltiK. Ilena have taken a ilrnii of one half a cent during the it week and will remain atntlonary for Homo time. , CATTLE LIQUIDATION . MUCH MORE LIBERAL I'lrlcU Cantenbeln to Helena Ran tenbeln, laud Ktlou 7, townahlp 2 on I h, range 4 rant; liana Anderauii and wife to Mnrlln Aiirteriin. land a-ntlon 6, townahlp 2 aoiith, lange 4 eaat; H()0. Calvin Jouea to l.ydla Wright, land 1). I.. C. No. 3K. townahlp 4 aouth, range I eaat; ft. K. Coulmau and wife to John K. Maronoy. land aedlona 13 and 24. towuahlp 3 aoulh, range 8 eaat; $10. Edward C. Hlckemeyer and wire lo Kralik W, Wallher. land J. Garrett I). U C., aH-tlon 31, townahlp 1 aouth, range 3 naat; iu. John II. (ilbmm and wife to rote McCarthy tract 3o li'baon a Bubdlvla Ion of tracta 10. II, U and U; 11.100. Enoa Cablll to Charlt-a Htehllg. land auction 2. townahlp 3 aoutn, nan i eaat; 110 Anna !ng to Anna Btehllk. land ectlon 20. townahlii 3 aoulh. range I eaat; $1. Ira u Hoyer to ik.ii nairer ianu , aectlon 2. townahlp 6 aouth. range 3 eaat; 110. J. C. Chaluuaky and wire to Knui f. Healul and wife, land mvtlon 25. townahlp 4 aoulh. range 1 enat: 110. W. II. If. Wade to 1). M. Utarahnll. part W. N. Wade I). I.. C. townahlp 3 aouth, range 4 eaat; $1,200. A. (1. Uiundagln and wife to M. C. I )u via and Arthur Davla, land aectlon 36, townahlp 1 aouth. range 1 eaat; $ino. W. II. II. Wade to Mne R Howe, part W. N. Wa.le I). U C. townahlp 3 aoulh, range 4 eaat: $250. I.. II. Wang and wife to Jea M. Iiarilelt, lota 1 and 2. block 19. or iginal town of Katacnda: $100. 8. II. Covell. truatee of the ealate of T. W. l'litenger. Stella K. IMtten ger and Ml Kthel I'lttenger. helra. to H II. Covell, land I). U C. lHonc U well, townahlp 2 aouth, range 3 end; "Anna 1.. McCormlck and buahnnd lot 6, block 45. Oregon Iron Steel Company a Klrat Addition to Oawego; 'h II. Covall and wife to Baylor E. Smith, land In laanc Utwell IXI C.. townahlp 2 aouth, range 3 east; $io. Henry Koenlg and wife to Ilcrmnn Koenlg. bind aectlon 4, townahlp 2 aouth. ri.nge 1 eaat; $1. w w llarrett to P. C. Knechtand wife.' land aecllon IS. townahlp 3 aoulh. range 1 weat; $1. Ellen M. Hoekwood to A. II. PemKe i..r i'i n,...iiwn.t Acred: 1 1.025. J. K. Illcharda and wife to Otto J. Jlliwh and wire, land aeotlon 36. townahlp 1 aouth. range 1 eaat; $1. Joaeph Wall nnd wife to A. v. Kra mer and wife, land aectlon 22. town ahlp 2 aouth, range enat; $t0. I O O K. Udge No. ITS. ilalacnda to Clark Donny. lot 1. block 13, Ino Oak cemetery; J K. Ulnney nnd wife to 8. II. l.o veli pamaanc I.aawell D. h. C. town ahlp 2 aoulh. range 3 enat; $1. (Jln.lHlone Ileal Kalnte Aaaoclatlon to William Hammond and wife lota l. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10, II an l 12. block 69. liladHtono: $10. Kllen M. Hoekwood to F. H. 011 belt lot 6. block 1. Arannwiuo. Ellca M. Hoekwood to jr. TV. Knappand 3. P. .J"' ''i1: block l; lot. 1. 2. 3 and 4. block 3 lota 5. C. 7 and 8. block 4: lots 12. 13. 14 and IK. block 7: lota block 8; lota 17. 19. 20 and 21. Mot h 9; lota 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. 8. 9, U and 15, Mark 10; lot 10. block 11; lott i 2. 5. 11 15 and 10. block 12 Ardenwald: $1. Town of Mtllwuukle to J. F. Wetx erland iu Mllwaukle; $1. Minnie M. and M. E. !-ee to J. W. Cha.laey nnd wife, tract 92 and part tract 77 Peach Cove; $10. Aage Anderson and- wife to John Olaon, tracta 16 and 17. Foster Acrca; Charles II. Moorea and wife to . K Uoberta, lot 36. Sellwood Gardena; 'riroo m Kirk to Myrtle M. Kirk, land section 34, townahlp 2 South, range 2 East; $10. Willamette I'ulp Paper Company m Bchool District Thirty-four, land section 25, townahlp 2 south, range 1 east; $1. . ri,orl..HA Snmundson to C.iarlea N. Walt, lots 1 and 2. block 1 Roth's Addition to Can'by; $1. Frank nuaeh to Annie Dnach lot 2. block 10 Oregon City; $1. Sherman Gets to M. T. Hyldelraunh eaat 10 acres east one-hnlf northwest quarter aectlon 26. township 3 aouth, rang 5 eat; $10. Lir.xle R. Roberta and husband to Mary E. KnottB, land aectlon 17, townahlp 2 southfl range 2 east; $10. Aahhy E. Alatrop to E. V. Mwlman lot 11. block 18. Windsor, Oregon Cltr: II. ' ,w Ollrer K. Jerrery ana n w in, townahlp 4 gnuth, range 4 east; II. Willamette I'ulp k Paper Company lo Hrliool IHalrli't No. i)4, la ml aec tlon 25, townahlp 2 south, range 1 earn; $. George M. Kirk to Myrtle M. Kirk, lam! aecllon ,'14, townahlp 2 south, rniigo 2 eaat; $10. John Hfiumclaon and wife to Cbnrlea M. Walt, lota 1 and 2, block 1 Uooa A (1.1 1 1 Ion to Cunby; $2,500. Jauiea Heed and wife to (I. (I. White, land auction S, tewnahlp 6 aoulh, range I cflxt; $1. Herbert H. Tyler and wife to Ixiula C. Meeker, 15 acres at southwest cor ner tract conveyed from n llllnin Albert Deardorff und wife to Herbert It. Taylor; $10. Mary Dlcken to John Genglur, Iota 7 and x. block K (,'lackumas llulghta; $200. J. Coleman Mhrk to Julliia Cunake, liiml aectlon 27, township 4, aouth, ritiiKO 1 eaat: $1, Phillip M. Wagner and wife to Clacknmaa County .land aectlon 26, townahlp 3 south, ruur. 4 east; $129. A. Veater and wife to Clarence N. Aekcraon hind section 17, townahlp 2 aouth, range 4; $2, 100, Helen U Htrutlon to Theodora Os mund nnd wife, fractional lota 1 and 2, fractional block 42, Oregon City; $10. II. I). Hryanl and wife to C. W. llryant, aectlon 17, township 2 aouth, aingo 1 cast; $1. itertlia K. Near and wife to Mer lon V. Crocker and wife, block M In First Addition to Jennings Ixidge; 12.500. worthweatern Trust , Company to Giia I'nhlke, lota 29 and 30, block 1, Hall View: $300. W, J. Wilcox and wife to Edward U Heed und wife aectlon 14, townahlp 4 aoulh. rnnao 4 east; $Tj. I. W. Hlvera to Charles W. Kannoy lot J), Tract 67. Willamette Tracts; 110. iini.lu McCoy, by attorney In fad, iv, M McCov to George W. McCoy, lott 1, 2, 15 and 10 Hoaewood; "itoHulInd Gibson and husband to E. T. Elmer and wife, lund section 30, township 1 aoulh, rauge i eaai, $1,090. . The Portland Und Irrigation, Lum i.er Kul Comtmny to George W. McCoy, undivided half Interest In lots 1, 2. 15 and 16 Hoaewood; $1. Fred 8. Morrla to the Caiedero Heal Estate Company, land section 28,- townahlp 3 south, range ei ti W. X. Chapman and wife to Orlan do M. Mvermore, lund section 28, townahlp 5 south, range 1 east; $1,760. W. II. Hulr and wife to It. M. Kel logg Company, lota 1. 8, 49 and 65 Cnnby (iardena; $4,500. Ijirlinf 8. Htlnaun and wife to Ja. cob M. Iluberly ane" wiic. ianu auc tion 6, township 2 south, rango 1 east; $10. . . 1 Thomas It. A. Heltwoou 10 stance Paulson and husband, lot 5, block II qulncy Addition lo Milwau- '''caster Kerr and wife to Theodore Flsch undivided one half Interest lots 23 and 24. block II Kerr and Shind ler First Addition to Mllwaukle; $1. E I Frnley and wife to A, M. John, aon. lot 4, Fraley'a AJdltlon to Ea ....,1. enrrnrtlun of title: $1. W A. Huntley, trustee and V. A. Huntley and wife to J. 8. Freeman, and wife, land m Julia Ann Uwla D. U C. townahlp 2 south, range 1 east; ,lpe?cy A. Cross and wife to Carroll C. lete, lot 3. block 5 Gladstone; ' Percy A. Cross and wife to Kate WWte. lota 11 and 12. block 52 Ulad atone; $350. . Mike Welsh and wife to h. Pert White, lots 11 and 12. block 14. Ore gon Iron 41 Slwl Company s Hrst Ad dition to Oswego; $10. further relief at to thla court may teem mote and aqultubln. This summons la published by order or the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made and entered on the 12th day of March, 1913, and thn time prescribed for publication there of Is tlx weeks, beginning with the Issue of the 14th day of March, 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the Issue of the 25th day of April, 1913. GEO. N. FAnrtIN, Attorney for Plaintiff 708 Belling. Ilulltllng, Portland, Oregon. court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. Thla sum moiia is published by order of Hon. J, U, Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court, which order was made on the 6th day of MUrch, 1913, and contin uing each week thereafter to and In cluding the Issue of Friday, April m.il. 1913. W. J, MAKEMN, Attorney for Plaintiff. 1424 Veon Hldg. Notice. Pursuant to an order of the County Court made and entered on the 7t'i day of March, A, I)., 1913, sealed bids will be received by the County Clerk of Clackamne County, Oregon, up to Tuesday, April 1st, 1913, ut 6 o'clock. P. M.. for the erection of a bridge on the Outfield road near Evergreen Station. Illds for a reinforced concrete bridge, steel bridge and wooden bridge will be considered by the court. Illddert will submit their own plans and apecincutlnna, and each bid must be accompanied by a ceritnea cneca for 10 i.er cent, of the amount bid. The Court reserves fie right to re ject any and all bids. w. j. BDIAM, County Clerk. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY William Hammond Harvey C. Croat CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS A T-LAW Wa have now moved to our permanent quarters In tht Baavar Building. Ntxt to tha Andrtsen Building. Resl Estata Abstracts " Main 8tret, Loam, Insurance. Oregon City, Ort. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. C'burles I.ynn, Defendant. vs. Charles Lynn, Defendent. To Charles l.ynn, the above named defendant: In the name cf t!ie State of Oregon: You are hereby commanded, summon ed and required to be and appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff In the above entitled suit now on file with the Clerk of Ihe above entitled Court on or before the Inst day of the time prescribed In the order for the publication of this summons, which order is hereinafter referred to to wlt: on or before the 26tb day of April, A. D 1913, and you are hereby notified that If you fall so to appear and answer the anld complaint as herein required, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above en titled Court for the relief as prayed for In her said complaint, to-wlt: For a decree of the above entltlel court eaneelllnir. annulling and dissolving the marriage contract and bonds of matrlmonv existing between tne ptain tiff and the defendant and forever divorcing her from the aerenoam, that the nlalntiff be awarded the care. enatndv and control of Vlda Margaret l.ynn, during the minority of said ml- nnr. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereor by oraer oi the Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, made herein on 'he 11th day of March. 1913, directing publication thereof once a week for six consecutive and successive weeks, In the Oregon City Enterprise, a week ly newspaper of general circulation published and printed weekly In Ore inn Cltv. Clackamas County, Oregon. beginning with the Issue of said news paper of date the 14th day of March, 1913, and ending wun me issue oi date the 25th day of April. 1913. Dnte of first publication nereoi is March 14th. 1913. J. F. YATES ANT) K. v. HuiiuAw, Attorneya for Plaintiff. Citation: In tne County Court of the State of Oregon, In and for the County of Clackamas. In th matter of the estate of George I). Ely, deceased. To John K. El. Kntallna Hauernfiend, Veradell K. Walters, Mollle E. Wll aon and Nora E. Wilson, helra at law of George D. Ely, doceaaed. In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to be and appear In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clackamas at the Court House In Ore gon City, Oregon, on Monday, the 21st day of April, 1913, at the hour of 10 oclock A. M. on aald day, then and there to show cause If any there be. why tne order heretofore made ana entered In said County Court, admit ting to probate the will heretofore filed In said court bearing date the 21lh day of October, 1908, as and for th last w and testament or aaiu George D. Ely, deceased, ahould not be revoked, annulled and get aside and why It should not be adjudged and decreed by the court that said will Is not the last will and testament of said deceased, and that the will presented to said court wun tne pu tlon of Clara E. Ely and bearing date the 30th day of July. 1912. la the last III and testament or saiu aeceaaeu and to ahow cause ll any mere uo why the U tters testamentary aerw tofore Issued out of said court to John K Ely ahould not be revoked, and why letters testamentary should not Issue out of said, court to A. F. Knod er. . Thlt citation la served upon suen of the helrt at law of said deceased as do not live within the State of Ore gon by publication for six successive week In the Oregon City Enterprise. newananer of general circulation by order of the Hon. R. B. Beatle. Judge nf ihi ihnva entitled court. Given under my band and seal of said Court, this 28th day of February, 1913. fSed.l W. L. MULVEY. rsean Clerk. JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN WEINHARD BUILOINO 8ummont. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Carl NelKon, Plaintiff, vs. Josephine Nelson, Defendant In the name of the State of Oregon yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled suit on or before Monday, the 31st day of March, 1913, said date being more than, six weeks' from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fall to so appear and an swer said complaint, for want there of the nlalntiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, to-wlt: for a decree for ever dlsolvlng the bonds oi matri mony now and bertofore existing be tween plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as to- the court may aeem meet and equit able, i This summons is published by the . phn,Pa.ifl k? order of the Honorame n. r. neau, . County Judge for said Clackamas ( BROWNELL & STONE County, Oregon, which oraer waa; made and entered on tne l.stn oay. . t. . .ill ...t V. n Km. npA.1 CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT TRUST . i COMPANY. Land Titles Examined. , i; Abstracts of Title Made. JOHN F. CLARK. Mgr. Office over Hank of Oregon City. ; Wants, For Saleetc. I have various sums of money on hand to loan on real property, fot l011g or short - ""J,, Lawyer. Heaver HUlg.. Oregon City. WOOD FOR SALE. f 1R Inch Anyone wanting a " , " w Oak wood (senaoneui . W. lrvln, Aurora, uregnn. KOR SALE: A genuine Webber $600 piano, taken in excusim p ano! Price. $345.00. Can be ,ieen nt Mrs W. E. Pratt's residence. 706 Water St' Address Eller'a Mdsic House. Portland, Ore. Hecelpta for the week have been: cattle 1204, calves 9, bogs 2544, saeep '-H, horses 20. Cattle llnuhlatlon was compara tively llberul last week but ateers were the only class which showed steadiness. Nearly all steer offer I"ks graded a shado short of prime, selling $7.75 down to $7.25, lth on small lot at $8. Tops are considered teady at 7.70 to 17.75. Hntcher stock hna been slow due to lack of mmllty but demand Is not vory broad for the best. Although an urgent all for prime calvea rules, receipts have been Insufficient. A good bull trade at steady pricea shared butch er activity with cowa. Generally the cattle market la steady with downward tendency. The hog market la rapidly advan cing to the $9 level of two years ago. Thursday's run contained several loads of prime light swine and they all brought $8.75 bids from anxious buyers. Week's total gain haa been approximately 60 centa. Receipts V. . i . . j n arm t. , .1.- t.i..h..t nnir unma Jin ldera. lots 2, 4 ana B, . "imhiiu ib again iiib i . . .ui iiihi.- 110. HERE'S A GOOD TRADE. I tw .Mil '..nira UOOU Illlinu IU. - 1 (Jersey preferred ami for particulars aJdress'F. W. Prud n,. 373. Gladstone, Or., or call. :.- IliTnitrator'a Notice w.,v Biven that the un- ders.gned Administrator of the es n.M Robeson, deseased, Tas filed hi. Final I Account herein with the County Clerk of CloUa tnas County. Oregon, and the Conn ... i...i h,.a et Monday, April 7, 1913 at the hour of 10 o clock, A, . L, t!, fiintv Court room In ritv Orucon. said County and State, as the time and place for hearing objections to said final .ern.int and for the final settle ment of said estate. C. I). ROHESON, Administrator, n n EHY. Attorney for Administrator, Dated March 7. 1913. market In thn country. The sheep house furnished several surprises last week. Mutton and lamb marketa have been shakey for the last fortnight and the sudden ac tivity last week uoBet all calcula tions. Killers showed they could be Clara M. Hlmonton and husband to R. II. Metcalfe, lots 4 and , u"v Oak Orove Park: $10. E. T Mass, sheriff, to R. Ken. land aectlon 36. township 3 south, range 1 east; $3.6to, Aummons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for tne uram McRoberts, Plaintiff, maa. Florence S vs. dk p McRoberts. Defendant To Robert F. McRoberts, the above namait defendant: You are hereby required to appear .n .n.wer the complaint filed against vou in the aoove entitled ault on or before the 26th day ol Apnu said day being after the expiration ..I, from the date of the first Ul Bl cenB , I ,in nf this summons, and If n tn .nnear and answer said complaint, for want thereof the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded Uerein, to-wu . j hi. court forever diasolv aecrr- ul - . .k. Knrf. nf matrimony now and heretofore existing between plaintiff court may seem meet ad equitable In the premises. This summons Is served upon you by virtue of an order made and entered by the Honorable R. II, Heatie, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County In the absence of the Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas, dat ed on the 30tb day of January, 1913, and which order rpesciibes that sum mons in this suit should be served upon you by publication once a week for all consecutive and successive weeks In the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspaper of general circulation In the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon. GEO. H. MILLER. A. P. TIFFT, Attorneys for Plaintiff. First Publication, Feb. 7. 1913. Last Publication, March 21, 1913. Home A-151 Attorneya-atLaw of February, 1913, and the time pre-! acribed for publication is six weeks, beginning with the Issue of Friday,! February 14th. 1913. and continuing each week thereafter to and Includ ing Friday, the 28th flay oi marcn, 1913. FRED J. MEINDL, Attorney for Plaintiff All legal business promptly attended. to Summons. In, the Circuit Court of the State of , Oregon, for Clackamaa County. J Ethel Wallace, Plaintiff, vs. I 8CHUEBEI1 REN . ' Attornayt-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Will practice In all courts, make collections and settlements. Office in Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon." Notice. KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that. Whereas, the State Hoard of Fish and Game Commission era (as well as Its predecssors, the Hoard of Fish Commissioners of the State of Oregon) haa propagated and stocked, and Is propagating and stock ing the waters of the Willamette Riv er In f.e State of Oregon with sal mon fish, and WHEREAS, said Willamette tuver Is frequented by salmon nsn, aim iur th purpose of protecting the same, the State Board of Fish and Game i-nmoiUloncr has decided to Close the said .Willamette River and Its trlb-J utarles below and north or tne rang thereof at Oregon City, to prevent fishing tbereln'hy any means whatever for salmon fish, except with hook and line, commonly called angling, during the period of time hereinafter speci fied. . unw twekkFORK.' NUiua i iTrcnEnY GIVEN by the State Board of Fish and Gnme Commissioners mat that portion of said Willamette itiver and Its tributaries below and north of the falls thereof at Oregon City are and each of them Is hereby closed to fishing of any kind for salmon fish. except with book and line, commonly called angling, from and after 12 o'clock noon on the 15th day of April 1913, to 12 o'clock noon on the 1st nv of Mav. 1913: and it is ana win be unlawful to fish for. or take, or catch any salmon fish by any meanB whatever, K-xcent with hook and line, commonly called angling, In any of aald waters during the period of time herein specified. Any and all persons whomsoever so fis'ilng In violation of this notice will be prosecuted as by law provided. GEU. H. KEil'Ul, Chairman pro tern. J. F. HUGHES, Secretary.! C. F. STONE. . M. J. KINNEY. Constituting quorum State Ronrd of Fish and Game Commissioners. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the Circuit Court of the State of T . . . . M ,11. 1.n Oregon, ror tne uouniy ui ,.-nomas. Reinhold Weiss, Plaintiff, rm. Thos. W. Lane, Defendant. State of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, ss. Tiv virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and un ler the seal or tne anove en titled court In the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 26th day of . Feb.. 1913. upon a Judgment rendered -and) entered In said court on the 5th dav of Sept., 1915, in favor of Reinhold Weiss. Plaintiff, and against TboB. W. Lane. Defendant, for the sum of $500, and the costs of and upon this writ, com manding me to make sale of the fol lowing described real property, situ ate in the county of Clackamas, State of Oregon, to-wit: The South half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of the Southewest quarter of Sec. 18, T. 3 8., R. 3 E.. containing 6 acres, more or less, In Clackamas County, uregon. and all the right, title and interest which the within named defendant had at the time of Judgment or since bad. Now Therefore, by virtue of said execution, tudgment order and decree, and In compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Saturday, tne r,th day of Anrll. 1913, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., at the front door of the County Court house in tne City of Oregon City, in said County nnd State, sell at nubile auction, sub ject to redemption, to tht highest bid der, for U. S. gold coin casn in nauu, all the rinht title and interest which the within named defendant bad on the date of the mortgage herein or alnce had in or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to satisfy aaid execution, Judgmment or der, decree. Interest, costs and all ac cruing costs. E. T. MASS, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By B. J. STAATS, ueputy. Dated, Oregon City, Ore., March 3rd, 1913. Howard Wallace, Defendant. To Howard Wallace, above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit, on or before the 21st day of March, 1913, said date being the expiration ' of six weeks from th first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tne court for the relief prayed for in her complaint, to-wlt: ' . ' For a decree dissolving tne Donas of matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant 1 nis summons Ib published by order of Hon. R. B. Featie, Judge of the Coun ty Court, which order waa made on the 30th day of January, 1913. and the time nrescribed for publication thereof la six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday. Feb. 7th 1913, and continuing each week there after to and including the Issue of Friday, March 21st. 1913. BROWNELL & STONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. C. D. & O. C. LATOURETTE Attorneys-atrLaw Commercial, Real Estate and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldf ., On.gon City, Oregon. W. S. EDDY, V. M, D. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKlllip School of Sur gery of Chicago, Is established at Fashion Stable, Fifth St, be tween Main and Water Sta Both Telephones Offl ice Pacific, Main 65; Home, A 95. Residence Pacific, Main 184 ' . Notice to Creditors. Notice la hereby given that the un. dersigned has been appointed admin latrntrli of the estate of Henry Lay man, deceased, by the County Court or Clackamaa County, Oregon. All per sons having claims against the said estate are hereby notified and requir ed to present the same to me for pay ment at my residence at uregon wiiy, Oregon, with proper vouchers ana au- ly verified within six months from tha data hereof. HARRIOT ROBINSON, Administratrix of the Estate of Hen ry Layman, deceased. Gordon E. Hayes, Attorney fpr Ad Administrator's Notice. JOHN C. HACKETT ESTATE: Notice is hereby given that the- un dersigned has been appointed Admin istrator, with the will annexed, oi me estate of John C. Hackett, deceased, by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County and has qualified. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to nresent the same to me at Kooms 709-10 Couch Building, Portland, Ore gon, with proper vouchers and duly verified within six months from the date hereof. Dated and first published reD. zs, 1913. WILLIAM L. BOTHWICK, Administrator with Will annexed of the Estate of John C. HacKett, lie- Ben Irwin and J. T. Ellis, Attorneys. Executrix's Notice. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the Estate of An dreas Anton Mhyer. Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned baa been appointed Exec utrix of the Estate of Andreas Anton Mnver. Deceased, by the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, anil has duly ouaUfled as such. Per sons having claims against said es-, tate are hereby notiflel to present tne same verinea as vj u to the undersigned at Mil waukie. Oregon, or at the hv offices of Fred J. Melndl. her attorney, isoi-M Yeon Building. In the City of Portland, Multnomah county, ure gon, within six months from the date hereof. . Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, eD- ruary 19th, 1913. EMMA VICTORIA MAYER, Executrix. - t First publication February 21st. i 1913. ; FRED J. Mfclisuu, Attorney for Executrix. I CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. Clackamas County ; Headquarters' 4 I CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 510 Chamber of Commerce. ' Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned. Titles Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorneya A Counsellor at Law STRAIGHT & SALISBURY We make a specialty of Install- ing water systems and plumb- t ing In the country. We carry the Leader tanks and Stover en- , gines. We have a full line ot t Myers pumps and stray pumps. Prices always loweat I 720 Main St. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of t , Oregon, for Clackamas uouniy. Linzie Hlrsch, Plaintiff, vs. Max O. Hirsch, Defendant. ; To Max O. Hirsch, above named de- t fendant: ! ? in tne name ol me ma u. . , , you are hereby required to appearand j answer the complaint filed against you . in the above named suit, on or before )-..---- the 21st day of March, 1913, sam aaie i , being the expiration of six weeka j I from the first publication of this sum- j mnn and if vou fall to appear or Oregon City Phone 2682. "'n. rimers anowu iucj i - , tn t I heretoiore hj"i) . Induced to Bid for prime yearlings. John W. Lehman .and wife to i I defemUnti ,nd for such other and Summon. tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County. Clara Hawkina, Plaintiff, vs. Charlea E. Hawkins. Defendant To Charles E. Hawkins, above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon in the above named suit, on or before the 10th day of May. 1913. aald date being the expiration of tlx weeks from the first publication ot tblt sum mons, and if yoa fail to appear or antwer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Summons. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. J. C. Devlin, Plaintiff, vs. Lucy Elizabeth Devlin. Defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agnlnst von In the above entitled ault on or before Monday, the 31st day of Moreh 1913. said date being more than six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to so appear and an swer "aid compllnt- for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in said pomnlaint to-wit: for a decree for- disolvlnc the bonds of matri mony now and hertofore existing be tween olaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief aa to the court may seem meet ana equu- hie This summons Is published by the order of the Honorable R. B. Beatle, Connty Judge for said Clackamas County, Oregon, which order was made and entered on the 13th day of February. 1913. and the time pre scribed for publication Is six weeks beginning with the Issue of Friday. FebruarT 14ta. 1913, and continuing each week thereafter to and includ ing Friday, the 28th day of March, 1913. FRED J. MEINDL, Attorney for Plaintiff. answer said complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for jn her Knmnlntnt. to-wlt: For a decree dlsolvlng the bonds of t matrimony now existing between the nlalntiff and defendant 'inis sum- mons is published by order of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit; Court which order was made on the , 3rd day of February, 1913, and contin- j ulnar p&ch week thereafter to and in-. eluding the issue of Friday. March i 21st, 1913. BROWNELL & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. O. D. EBY Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furnish ed, land titles examined, estates settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Claire Gaacoigne, Plaintiff, vs. Oscar P. Gascolgne, Defendant To Oscar P. Gascolgne, the abov named defendant: You are hereby required to appear and answer the c-.mplalnt filed against you In the ab-i'e -entitlcc" coutl and ault cn ore before the 22d day of March, HV4. said dale being a!x weeks after ths first publication of thlt summons, and if you fail to appear and antwer or otherwise plead the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the com plaint filed herein to-wit for an ab solute divorce forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and the de'endant above named, and for such other ad further relief as to the 'I 3 "Tail Oaks From Little Acorns Grow" Fifty years ago LW. HARPER was but little known outside the Old Kentucky State. Today its fame is world-wide. I,' Yo find it evarrwher. j: SOLD HUB BY L ' J 3- $WtlH- LCADING DEALERS. an a i.mv.. Tko. at leant cave ' w. He wooo aim , --