Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 14, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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I lil.1l U I II 111 I VI li- iv
in i umi iviii I
V 1 1 "
NKW YOUK. K.l. 6. -William Av
,.rtll llairiuinn today i'"l hu ''"
tram-e Into i!u dlr.vtir:ites of tlx'
vast si stem of railroads built up l
his father. K II. Ilarriman. YouuK
llarriivian. uhn U a senior at alo.
was el , t.-.l a dim'tor of tho I mon
1'Hi'lhY at a in.-rtinR called to oons.ur
for tlio iliuuvc of that man
mtlurn I'tu-tilc demandou
I . .1... seinreme CoUI't.
'llarrimtn sin-ccd II. W. ivff-
Governor T,.e. Lon9 W..K in CM.., j
: me iH'.t. ..."
I peak e Ohio, was clu'scn a .I'.rivtor
in il:uv of Julius Knitls.'linitt.
The directors of tho I'nion I'a. ili."
and tlio Soiitht-ru l':u ilk- unl idimil
itanoously ami officers of 1'otU roa.ls
held out .pnu".'s of an early a.l.at -
iiu'tit of tho I'f"! used dissolution
I l.Ui hoards received tin' report of
iho .oi-i.il committee arivo'te.l ''
.1... I'nnm PlO'llli' il.r.-!or tO ill
solve tin- Ilarriman s)st.ui. Tlio pl.iu
1. 1, -iii-irmoil liv tho Ilium ra.'illi-
I 1'Hi'lhY at a
I 1... .1... sell!
Air Brother Who It Newt
piper Man Visit
riil.WKTON. X. J.. K u. l'r
tuVnt elect Wilson has not jot decid
ed what legislation he will reivmuien.l
. . .... ...,.-..:... f ni,-ress l-c- I
10 me rxira n wn' " '
Idol the tariff. This statrmeut was j
made bv Mr. Wilson
asked tonUht eoncerniiis
whence was 1'oar.l M no a n, i- - -
ii..r r.vul for fnrthor r.c;s'.ilera-
,rts . '
from Washington to the effect that I rA-(. ; tho rnion rantic
he would urco tho next Coimrtsi to : mo. tine ot representatives of some ot
take up currency reform. j Sout::etern reads
It is known that Mr. Wilson oon- , hw ,,.,,,, aIso n,ut,, i..om.'
aiders the tariff, anti trust legislation : , !U i t:. . il with the divorced llarn-
and currency reform a tho three j man li:-.e.
nrlnritvi! suhjects uiHn hleh the -
. , , , ,, , The Hed on the Kail.
t. , t.,oni frnm nartv leaders in ! Indian viee.oy. in a l.vture In U'tuton
on tho e!lii ilurl'.-ir n-femHl to a
inn. li oriliolvil statement wlilob he ,
niaiiitMi:nii -is alwlutely tnie. When j
ever the uoervy tr:ive!tvl In India xv
lleenieii "ere stationed alonu the rail- ;
n..-..l at tnter:i:s ..f a hundred yanls j
The '!i emeu, lie said, often became
s eepy n n.1 lay with their heads ou the
nils to listen for the approach of the
train On mie iv. a-ion no fewer than
" ! ftfiy l.st tiieir heads Lord l'urzoii
LIQUOR IN ,,DRV" asked him w here he cot the yarn. He
COUNTIES IS BARRED replied. "1 cot i: from my brother, and
I do not think he would tell a vrack-
WASHIXGTOX. Feb. S The Webb "T ' "-New Wk Times
hilt tn nrohiblt the Interstate shlo-1
ment of liquor into dry states for pur-1
ljpi-a hi Nir vi m ... ui .u'i.i uu (
In Tlolatlon o th state laws." was
Congress Just what would be practi
r:il to tako uu at the extra session
Mr. Wilson said he would make no
decisions until after he was inaugur
The Govern r spent the day here
working on his inaugural address. Ik
took a long walk In the chilly air and
Joseph R. Wilson, of the Nashville
Manner, called on him tonight, leav
ing at a late hour for Washington.
nncwit hr the Hi.ikp to.lav. ?40 tn fi.'i
The passage of the bill ended one of
the most stubbornly-fought all-day
contests of this Congress.
Collecting Antiquities.
Slopay re.-elv.-d a card ou which was
engraved. "Professor '.race. Antii)ua-
lie knew no such person, so his curl
! jsity led him t.p receive tiim.
I "What !s y..i;r business, professor?"
; he asked ...;iteiy
"I am a collector of untl iulUes," an-
swered the old man.
"So I ituagiiirtl And how- can I
The Gray Kangaroo.
Perhaps the most remarkable of
Australia's fauna is the big gray tan
ranin which measuring seven feet
from uose to tail, can clear ten yards 1 serve vou?
at a jump and travel faster than a ; "Hy payng a deislt on this little
tjl)rse I bill you have owed for men' than throe
... I years "-Cleveland Plain liealer
Men Rrturnmg from Goal When They
Die in Storm One
Killed by
l.OMH'N. Keli. W At a meeting
of the l!o! Geographical So.ieU
toiiuht announcement as ii'.ole of
a disaster which has overtaken Op
ium liol'irt K Scott s Ant.uttc expe
dition, re-.ii'ting 111 the dcitli of Cap
lam Scott. lM K'. A. Wilson, l.ieiiteti-a-.it
It. U. liowers. Captain I. K. G
Cans and 1'otty Htllcer K. Kvaus.
t"a"!a:i'. Sco'l's party, said I'oug
las W. Kreshtleld. vice president of
the Geographical Socntv. in making
tho .iinotim-emeut. fciind Captain
Koa'ni Aiiiniuis. il s tent ami records
at the S.'iuli Pule. (n tho return trip
about March L". ll'IL". 11 miles from
ne Ton lvpot. a blit.-ard overwhelm
ed them. They had suffen'd great!
from bunger and exposure and the
d.ath of Scott. Powers and Wilson
virtually was due to that. They died
soon a. tor tho bll.-.-ard swept down on
the party.
Gaie.i died from exposure a few
d..s later. The death of Kvaus re
sulted troni a fall. The other mem
bers of the expedition are reported
to be in good health. A s.arch.ng
party discovered the bo.ll.s of those
who perished some time later
The "( of the apuUitig d ;.!! or
which t'.'f. I Captcin Scott and his
oomrjiiis was ri-cii.od by a signal
message from the Terra V"a. the
vessel which had carried the explor
er and h's expedition to the Auur
tic. and which late last year went
or.ee :ii.:.in to the South to bring him
and his companions lack
Cap'iiin Scott's main traveling part;
was to consist of 1''. men besides
H" s. If, whll- croups of four men
each were to return at .liferent stag-
s of rhe journev. Laving Scott and
four others to complete the final
dash to the Tole.
Ca'.t lin Scott's pur'y reached the
exact point nh.ro Koald Amundsen
riant. ! the Norwegian !!.ig at the
South Pi le. They found there the hut
constricted and left behind by Amund
sen's party.
flies fuels vv re r-- ord.'d in the
.ioi mro"it found on th- bodies of the
explorers when they vvere recovered.
Big Value Bargain Clubs
A Yeafs Reading Matter for the Whole Family
I SKATTI.K. Wash.. IVb. t! Ilirrv
A Jones, iiillltoiiiin-o of Vancouver. Is
loser of his suit for divorce, the
' cree having been granted bv Judge
Humphries to Ms wile.
. Tho court cut a million dollars In
twain It severed the marriage lie.
'It gave tho daughter. Kuth, to the
mother, the soil. Harold, to the filth
or There was nothing else to divide.
There bud been love, but money kill
ed it
It was a love match oi iginallv The'
wore married III Columbus. Ohio. L'.l
vcus ago. He was obscure In the
world of (liianoo and bis name was
Jones She was very young and verv
beautiful and she had great faith In.
Jones had Just enough iiionoi lo 1
whet .us appetite lor more n paltrv
J .(i.iioo lie brought his bride west
while opportunltv bi-CM'tiod. The)
.settled tn llrltlsh I'oluui! i.i 'They,
worked hard, both of them, and oi on
omi cd She did her ow u housework.
'Later, they said, 'when we have
enough, we will rest and enjoy our
selv es "
In the light of S'lbse.piellt i-ellts.
hi w is a ghastly Joke Tho original
J .ii.hi 0 grew to a million but tor the
las! I'.' years he has lived III one
room, sin' m another.
Perhaps she could not follow hlir
along tiie road to prosperity Ibsh
washing is not good for pink nails
and tapi ring fingers. Sweeping, scrub
. :i. g and baking tire not good for slim,
s'laight backs.
'1 hough graving at the temples,
lor.es Is handsome and youthful hok
l::g still - well grx-oliud and sleek and
having that proviso Can. id an matiiie.
w Inch he has acquired
Ho '.Tmed "curious friendships'
1 1 tv.it is what the court termed them )
vvitli oil.er woniiii Perhaps they
were younger, more dashing, more
leau'i'iil, more piquant than the once
beautiful but now fading Mrs. Jones
There were trips about the country
stops a: evponslvo hotels Tho wife,
win had helped by hi r pinching econ
omv to make such xtr.iv.ig.mco po
sil l. . stav. d at homo.
Tho Jones met one day about two
years ago as strangers, but by ,ih
poiiittneiit. on n mailer of business.
Jones is a good btisin. . man and he
drove ,i hard bargain now. His wife
signed a contract for separation In
i onsider.it ion for which she revolved
projer'v worth f !XiV" but mm up
ciiti.o hearing.
Jones came to S. attic and sued for
a divorce. Mrs. Jones , u counter
petition Ki.r days th. v have n
rattling bones in open court. High
priced liwyors cross questioned, olc
jeetod. cited precedents and argued.
Vest-nlav Judge Humphries award
ed the wife a decree and in addition
to the non-lnoouie b. .iriug property
bo awarded Mrs. Jon.-s what Is known
as the Hastings Street property." In
Vancouver, It. ('.. earning an iiniiual
income of $10.0io. He denounced
contra, ts for separation.
To the man he said: "Prop your
ha! it of running around with strange
women and settle down ud marry a
good won. an."
It is stated by eoimsr! that Jones
will appeal to the Supreme Court.
Secret E '. ntlu" Waived and
Magnate Urges Correspondents
to Accompany Him on
.IKK VI. ISI.VM'. Cob 7 Simtoui
i.f thio.l spasms . minutes niter the
oMimii'atlou had started this after
noon abruptly ended the questioning
of William Km kefeller. Stiiinl.iid MI
manual.' bv Chairman I'ujo of the
House Monev Investigating commit
I.e. and b) the commit lee ' nltornov.
Samuel I ntermvrr of New Work,
lioi kefeller. apparently, was suddenly
stricken speechless. Illld Attoine) I'll
teltliver refused to continue iplo.it Ion
tng tho w lluoss.
later Chairman I'ujo admitted re
ports of Ium kefeller s condition had
not l e l evacgeriitcd.
Ito. ki.feller I ootidllloli." sal. I I'll
!o. 'Is simply pitiable Not oulv did
ho shako like a leaf all over lilsbodv.
but litter the tlrt question ho began
to cough con v ulslv ok . i volenti lab
oring under groit excitement and to
all nppeanin.es was ou the verge of
a oollupro. '
l"r. Chappolle brought the rxamlu.i
I tun lo a halt Ho M the tlrst to
not., svpioms of (ho coining npasin
"Stop this thing at once.' ho shout
oil ' This Is cvtre tnely dangerous lo
my patient, lie may die right here'
Meanwhile the magnate, with oven
closed and chill burled oil Ills client,
shovk from bend (o foot Ho becniuo
.leal M'. pale. Ills volie died to noth
ing and lie si .-in oil to bo strangling
' IJockofoUer." I'ujo com hole. I, had
to speak slowly and In a whliper Ho
spoke ii.to tho ear of a uleiiographer,
who repeated tils answers to u Hv
en this was accomplished with the
greatest dllnoulty. tho millionaire
snaking all (be w lille
Such a thing as an examination
would have been Ijnposnblo As soot)
as IT Clllppello Intervened und re
quested the hearing stopped Attorney
I'titeriiiyor and I felt It would be both
dangerous and Inhuman to proceed
Therefore I ordered the examination
IliH'ke feller personally waked a se
cret examination and onb ;. d II. o ad
mission of all reporters to the hear
Ing. He placed at the disposal of the
newspaper men his private va.hlmid
Invited hem to u.eompanv Chairman
Pujo to Jehy l I land l!o. kofelb-r
said ho wanted the reporters shown
every court es v. Whether l!epre-ei.
tatlvo I'ujo wlli permit the n.-wspa
per writers to attend ihe hearing has
ll"t been decided
lioekefeller appeared In oxcollen'
spirits to. In, eiijoving a brisk walk
la-fore breakfast Afor Ir. Chuppollo
had s'. raved his throat the million'
air., i in, i in. it in bis apartments,
aw aiting the arrival of I'ujo
WASHINGTON'. rVli. It W liell
I'resldeiil Tafl nave a homing today
upon the new Immlgiallon bill, lie nl
so had befote hi in luolests from Ger
man), Hal) and The Net hoi lands
against the provision lib It nulhot
l-es Ihe Hectelnry of Coininelie and
l.nbol' lo plilio liispecliHB, uialliilia
and public health service surgeons
iiboiird IiiiiiiUiiiIIoii still's and lepoil
to Amerliau liumlgriillou anHioilllos
upon the tieulnieiit and condition ol
1 itl tit Ik i tt it I h ell route
Another protest from Austria Is
said lo bo ou the way and liillmaltoiii
have beill received that rtiilue and
Kuglaml will oln III Ihe prole. I. All
(lie prolesllug luil Ions ale said lo r
gaid the provisions us an lulling
ineiil ol their sxivorelgnl) over Ihelr
ships ou Ihe high seas and liiipiiKlilhK
Ihe fallh of Ihelr ottb lals In Hot rto
ciilloii ol Ihe imiiilgiallou laws
Many prominent Jews arrived bote
loda) lo protest lo the I'resldellt
against certain features of the bill.
President I alt beard the protests
in tin' Last loom o( Ihe WW lillo House,
where bo sal nl a largo table slai ked
with books and papers. Ho lold those
uppi.trlng Ihal bo was virtually sll
ting as a Judge Senators tl Gorman
und Knot, Sevctary Nagel, lleprcseii
Ullves Itoborts. I haver, K nil ll. Sal)
bat hand Curb) nud Julius Kosen.
w ild, it Chicago, and Louis Marshall
of New Work, were among a hundred
or llloto of Hume sealed about the
president, who began the Ileal Ins
with an anuoiiiiceuieiil
"The burden la upon those who op
peso this bill.' said the President. ' II
requites a very strung show lug to
In. line the executive lo override tho
action of both houses of Congress"
Murderer Thought Menially unj
need, It Denied Sail - t ,
Izz 3
rtO1 : For the Poultry Raiser ''vs m,
::fS.: ' 'gzSi ': fey
IV V-S'Si y -'"gtf ffti( r-fiVtan nrtfl Stx??'' Your
p V '"ti"- i .''; ''.1 i vo.-'jv ms U'MvMwn,i-. ?A9j I VMV
uSVC V:,v:r 4: .1 "s"- -u wa-x-.- 4J. J of
Ons .. ll ;i'----e- 1 1 ' ls. : j Three
Half rArfloE I fpL' Clubs
i lf?nr:--m
i :Si wm& 3W
!wym$m k$w7
wMi fmm f&m
is wm tiirif mm
f Order X' ?:
Each Maa-azlne " i-..''
the Best of Its Claw s
Sixty Members Say They Will Fight
to Last to Reduce Amount
of Expend!,
Do It
The Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean and Farmer ft a
grfat newspaper that vrt jrou tn hut uo-ir tnd fearure trom th
fcuodav and L.aily Inter Oceao. A nrM-wiiie newt aerrice, tnarsrt
Teiwna, etc., sual-." thia patxit aecond to none. Every in-.e contain a
icrmoo by ome noted cJtyman, and a at'jry by a d'ntifiijisried
W.bot. f'uoluhed weeLy. Regular yearly auSacriptioii price ?"
The Family Majiazlne contain clean, whnlaome fiction, ttoriea
ef more tttan ordinary int -rrat aid riippT editorial comment on ryr
rent eventi. A torkX K'od m.ift-izine for tfie booa-Heeeper. Cflf
Publ'ubed monthly. Regular yearly aubtcription price
Farm and Home It a rper that w!Tl help tt rrike trtrj farm
auccenhl. It gi.et ta readera juit what tbey want, not theoriea but
practical farn, com n.utrd ijy nrn ard wonirn who tiow." It d-ala
v-irh eervi nt of intereiMo the Houw-ketprr, hartner. (adrner, Fn.it
O'ower, fjairyrnan. Live S'ock and Poultry Keeper. Puhliahed Cfl
twice a mon'b. Ke.Jar yearly aubscriLtion otic
The Fruit Grower and Farmer. A
Bai-,e that tiaaiielp':d it redrr improve
tfisrir Inut, do maier whether they have a i
Orchard, or jmt a few tre in the yard. Il ia
thr lart-t frjir par-r in the United State and
Contains more helpful nutter for pc-ile who
4Vow fruit lor pi.t or pleaaure than all o:hr-rs
rut totefher. PubiUhed monthly. Ktu- J1
Ur f early tubactiption price T
Successful Poultry Journal. A auh-
cn prion tr ir..a nfjtur,e i a year 1 courie ol
intruction in puitry cult ire from the foretnott
expert and "'i.ctit.jl Mreeden. flontsin', iper.J
articlea '-n all braichn A poultry raiini. that
will ave you money a-.d teach yoo how 10 iet
the rt'iln that in,are pVaiire and prolit to the
amatt-jrnr tr-eip.-rt. Vv ited month- Cft
ly reaoistr yr-arl tubacripuoQ price -
Home Life Juat what It name impliea a rrajfarine that help
mi u;::;vf to make ti,e home attrciive and belpf-j. G-
j.an, poetry and Special leaturra make thia a real home maga- CA
line, rt.ijiii.fiej ruonLily. Kegular yearly iijf,cnptioD prite v
rvimnaiii uairy farmer. A nui-
aine tnat appeal to the big breeder of canie
arm the 4rn:ral farmer who want to inc rente
ine prooucrioo Ol tin cow, r.dited by pra-'
ti-al men who breed good dairy cattle, hog.
hor and pultry and give thfir reader the
bneut of tJ.etr work and ejperiewe. Hiib
lir,ed twice month. Keguiar yearly Cff
tubacription price ----.. Owv
Either of these combinations means a aavinr; of at let one half, and in addition yoo do not have to bother writine
each DUblisher d:rpet. Thw mmf.i-a . ... . r u .. . . .
- ...K. . lt n .a, m jjuDiicanons inai win appeal lo uiosc Who
war.t the best in their rebptci.ve fields at a price within reach of all
CLUB No. t
FRT.TT CROeVFR . . . .Jin
FAKM AND Ho.'.it .... V)
L ReluUr Prire .... ja
CLUB No. 2
P'Tri 'sFI-t. POI'I.TKY
HO.Vlhl.IfF. . . . .
KrCUr Price
s m
CLUB No. 3
FAk'.l AND IIOMb - . .
HOMfc LIFE . .
Rdulir Pries
1 ")
MIY (IF f alOVe C1u1jS f No. I, 2 or 3) and a Year's Subscription to tU
mi 1 Villi Weekly Oregon Cily Enterprise, all Six Papers One Year for only
Be sure to specify which club you desire. Order by Number (Club No. 1, 2, or 3)
WASIilMiTON". I'.-li. 1.'.- Iv-orioii:)
'lillii ulr.ii a aiiioi,;; rt.e lli,u:n. Jieu,,,.
i-ruls t.id.iy r.-,'i, he,j tin: lcailera ami
e.'llirtH eri.- Ill.ule Ut r'TOIH lit: tin: tU' -
i:in.s ui.,eli tj.r. ieu to pre. ipiiiiie a
c.iriiKKii: over tin: naval !ipiroinai.ioii
iill) null IIS I AO li.lUletjliiim inoviit-
-.11111 w 11. n it aj.;.i arri on Hie Moor.
-Speaker Clark, .Majority l.eaijer
i.hiierv. coil aiul Iteju-.-bi-utalnt. Knz
-:'iaii told the leailei in no inner
.'ain teniiH that tin; awiroiina' ion
ei(. ijjoiiutitJK to a union lawr li
un: than ha'l 1, t: anin iiate(l.
lie- r:f oiiiini-iirie.l M-oroua cnih in
:..'n: hills yet to l,e jki -,e(. Alter tho
;oiiI reiic: Mr, 1, ;.,ierv.ooil talked ov
er the hiluuMoii Willi ineinheii. ol tin;
Way a and .Mean., ( oininitlee.
i.at ni;ht'.s meeting ol tho :( on
omy advocate.. had takt-n ujj a rcau
lotion abkii. tin- Vvaya and .M-au
( on.iiiiuei. to ihhi i;iiiiie tin: naval a
l.uin coihinit.tei: for incrc.-aainf; tin;
na.al i.ill. I In: ,i, as framed ny the
' O'lniUli..: wonlil tarry aliont llj,
'njo.i'jij and thi; economy advocates
ih.ii.-t that it should he cut anonl
(in,iii,i!. .Mr. I nderuood c.iln d
on Ite'jierfci.tali'.c l"aili;eii ,f J uu.
-..see, chairman of lliu Naval Alfaila'
t'oiiflitn-o, and uicd him to endeav
or to ; 'it dovn tiii; hill,
.'.lr. I'iidKi.-tt calh-d tin: Ijcinocr.iiH
of tua (.onmiitt' .; together, hut th'-y
Ai r.- unai.lc 10 at-n-o on any reduc
tion and the qin-htion waa juit over
uri .l tomorrow.
'Ihe economy advocates, ho are
ahoi;t tj BtroiiK in the 1 loiine, declare
that tin y a ill liliihiiHter and prevent
ine .a.,iKe of the hill at thia aeasion
iih!ca the amounl carried la mater-,
ially reduced. .'I hey will hold anotli-1
r mcerim; tomorrow niKht, and un
leaa aomethiiis ia r.'one in the way of
reducing the hill in the meantime, a
resolution hy le,re,,cntai.ive Siaaon,
ol .Miaai.-aiiMii. will le taken up,
"hull would demand that the Ways
and Mans Committee remove the
lemocratic mcmherniiiif of the Na
val ALairs Committee for "extrava
gance and failing to live up to the
party's platform pledif."
Mount Atnos.
! Thre are 7,iss inh:i lit:i nti of (he
aacred mount of Athoa io firwe, but
Do women
Slim, 1 tu I-.-m rl.-i. Kch. il Tin- Trh.
i-li arn-y m i up) tin; 'he reiniiHiila of
I la 1 1 ii im 1 ami ilefeiidui;: (lie Iiar.ln
In -Ilea ruffered a defeul at tin. Iiamla
of the Utilitarian lron.s to the mhiiIi
of tin- Kiver Kavak We.luesilav, ae
c.iniim; to a Mateineiit hy the Hul
Gillian War (Kllce.
The (iltoiiuin trnoi.s an- said lo he
ret r.-, it ini! in ilij.or.ler to,ii. liulair,
a ainall Ioaii to the northeast of tj,e
city of (ialliiij'oli. purs i.il hy t i i - i ' 1 1
The statement c.iticludea that in
Ihe rea lit of thia siicceaa of tin- llul
l ii ian f roups the v. hoi,, coa-t of Ihe
S.;i of Marmora as r.ir aa llul.ilr la
now In the humid of the llalknn alllea.
The tiiilti ol.Ject of the Unitarian
armiea, apart from the reduction of
the fortress of A drln iiople, waa dill
eh. sed in dispatches ulvi-n out hy the
W ar OH'ce ThurHdiiy. The plan la to
reach the D.'inlahcllOM Strnlt nml cle-.r
llietii for the piishai-e of thi. (li.ek
lleet Into the Sea of Marmora. Then
the :r. i :.a will att.ick Conalantlnople
directly from the sea.
I'rotii the reporta of the liv-litinit lo
the north of the peninsula of Calllo
poll It ran . Keen that one column
of Kini! l-"-nll n.-i ihI h troops Is march.
in.: atrai.hl for Ihe rlty of (Jalllopolt.
It haa cccnpled iili-.-ady Ihe villages
or Cha.-kcul, Kavak and liulair, which
:ire on the iprk of Ihe .eilnaula. ll
las not, liowenT, rome Into contact,
with any law force or Turkhili troop,
of vhlcli there lire aald to he 7a li.lO
on Ihe rialllopoll IVhlimula. The
ruiia of the liardatirllea forta nlao ran
I" trained toward the land aid".
liii-hty peraona v.. -re kilhd, some of
tin-in .ion comhalanlH, In Ktiday's
hoiiihanlmeht of Adriaiioplc, accord
in to ireeas reporta received here
rrom Shukri I'a-ha, the Turklah coiii
ir.andatit in tin- hcleanicrcd fit y. The
hiinoiiH Holim movipii. ,vaa hadlv ahal
teretl ',inl ill houK. s dealroyed hy the
lire or ihe lluluar and S. rh riiiiiion.
Alf.-r a meeting f t,e rommitteeof
riiitiional flefenae, wi,a stated Ihal
the S.hnk I I Islam had pro. lalincrl a
holv war throiifhoul Ihe .Mnlom
world. If this H true. It will aid .
Turks In the I'.alknn atrn;:, e and will
make every Mohammedan a poaaihle
foldler In tin at nici;!...
'Hie t.-rrific huhtini; hetw.cn Tur
kish and llallan troops on rialllopoll
renlriHiila. which has horn l proj-re.l
for two .lays, was resumed nt daylk-ht 1
'"''ay. The I'.uL'ar.ana are holdiim !
Ihe villages already raptured, hut the:
Turks are niakltiR a d.s.erale stand'
or the town of (iallloooll I.. ,t.r...,l
of the Itardan.-lles.
Iteport that Ihe Turka lost aeveral
thousand men In yesterday's battle
were semiofficially confirmed here
SWV MtAN'c ISl U. Krh. C. - Adven
turer In .r ami nuaiiip, I'ol'i pl
Hit; i liaiiipinii of hrliish arlsi.M-rals
ami lien of many a il.istilnii cvplelt.
. Captain J.im. Camphcll ll.-sley l
s.iid to he a failure In ntm rli.-rlnlie.l
plan- that of weddliii; Miss Klliah.lh
WWimiI. rich In hi-r own name, ami
. il.nikhli'r ( Modnil W ihh. a sih lal
linn of l.os Aim.'li-s
Hcsle). If I'lliKelon ilelclUrs who
hunted ilnuii his record, are lo he he
In ie.. had one small olmtncle tu his
marriage In Mli.s WW ikhI thai ho has
today a wife In 111 in Sun Kruuclsni
I Lis wile who was Marjorle lieiun lt.
he m.irile.l on AuKOst 111, I'.inl, In
NiMlle Ih-sertrd h) Hcsli-.V. slll SS)S,
Ills wife 1. 1. tamed an InterlociUnry de
cre.. of iliiuro. from him In Jun.'.
I'.i'i.;. Put has hei. r had Ihe dci r'n
made p. r in .i in-lit. litnl I h I ii y Is Just as
much llessli-ys wile as on tin. il ly
111.-)' were Wed.
Hesli v, who wits pl.ivltii; polo at Cor
Oli.nl... lu st diet Ml is WW ihiiI there.
A. .pl.tll'.talii e (.noli rlpetlcd n( I
i f rl. tul ! . 1 1. and then Into love. All ar
r uuemeiit w. r.. made for tin. mar
I UIk.' and all ueiil n iiunillii'iy well
until K 1 -r ii Johnson Jr., i.m I.. of
l lie l.rl.li. to he. had ,i ini... 't. lb
i oiisiilt' n I'lul.. rtoii ..-. t t'v. ts 'in.
iii .111.1 ilehed Into lies'.-) 1 r"
j 'id an I t 'a' "ho i dnw i c i in.- , ,,t
. -ck in W I s o Illce In .,.s An;'.. l"s.
' here 1 e .le) , ill lien (o tie. ,,!l, Is
.l.'le. e, to hue llclllllf. l!e ;le
1.I01) 'lod.i) III l.os Aiii'.elea, Is wan
reported that Mo .s WW noil ami h.-r
moth, i- lett i a,i a , .,r V. .
York. WWnod. the f.nl..r. had olle
dm k IiuiiIHm: and ihe ollics In Ihe
::se ,,n the Wood fide ii-r' muni
I'.iptaii, J I'.iiupPell :!esli-y III per
haps p.iier known on the I'.i-IMc
i '..aid tli. in any other scldi -r of I, r
tune, ami has been proirliieiit i.oci.illi
In cverv city froui Sim In..u nml Cor
mi id', I'.eai li lo the ipild atl'ewn
lii aches of Nome. 111m most r. .-nl
lictll it 1,-H haw hern ii ,11 li md In polo j
plailiiK here, iiiid mining In M,....-,
At San Mateo he. with Lord i w I
inoiith. I.ord llulhert nml linl l...i
aoti (hi'Aer, made up a llrlllsh polo
loam which defeated all rumors.
KVA8VIU.K. tint . Kel, rhtB,
li.Kro.s who were rmplm ,., ,
lullllolialin fntlier's wood wotki,,,
l,.l,liinciil were shot ami ii,tui.
, silled hero loday by Alien Won i,ilfn
,aiii'il ."J, Then tin. yimiia 11 mi ,1,,,,,
lo the pollc. stslloll In III. itenK,.
h lie Slid S'llrehll..f..d
, ' I bad I.i kill them," Von iir,t
lold I he police ' 1 liry sworn In p(
inn "
lie dead men are WW alter WWj.ltinj,
tun. John Cordon, ami II, in. i.iini1)a
I All f.iilollcs In the Wclnii. r tb
bIkhm tutf were rinsed after i; . t r 1 1 Is
murder. Tim licar.i Hinilaii..ii. iliue.
ou j; lily arou..l. am roii,:n i.-,iin 8
' .il.,iu and a racn rloi is iem,, tr
).uis Sh'O III lie.'rors weir shun In
race rl l hrle
Yinilin Vim Hehrcii Is sup. ritiim,
ilelit of his lathers ralaldlshu.. m. s
had still. mil. i d Ills luletit ion ,, trut
luii liliinelf and tiMlay rarrled lu rw
4. diets I ho pollen assert Itn. l,,ii(d
ilelil.et.itel) picked nut bis tin,. i Ur
tlms The slain me II lllul death 111 ,l:(Irf.
elit parts of Ihe shop John 'ieoluu
'was wirkluc 111 shed wl.ui Vug
lie linn, without wBriiliit, pl.e..ltli.
tel oiler Os.llll'.t III.) Ilefiro s In , o iti.1
fired Cordon ilroppcd dead III Ml
tracks. Von Helireii Ihen w. nt ir.tn
another .(.-partiiieiit and sh..t M.nrj
Cordnll. the bullet almost l.-ntiin; ,,!Kba
lop of his head. Ho then hut:,. I lo
(a tl.lt -J id I'srUin iit ami shot WWu dimf
- '.on tliroi t,h tho heart.
A panic followed In tho ,,t k -'.,,;.
the iicitroee Jumplut; throtmh wneluai
ainl tiiiltiia- licbliid luiul'i-r p I,
Won lulirrli went Into his nltao,
cliiitiKcl his i lot li llift and drove In till
police station. Ihe h,, e r.-fu il to
release the )oiiuk limit ou 1:1 lie
Is belleli'd to be llisalle. as he mi
lieu!) claimed Ihe n.Kro.s w.n- ( t y
In i: lo run the factor;.
l V. Won llehrt-ii, the )ouui! m.ini
lather. ' one of the most pl.iu -i..-lil
Cllllelis of Kv llllsl ll!l'.
'Un. police this ..ftetiiiMin pr. pur
nl till, s for possible riot duly lon.KUt
ami Ihe older officials say the ma
tton Is ominous, and that troul le !
tw.ell the whites and blacks ,i nior-
(hull probable.
Won Pelirerfs mother Is ptostuitcl
from Ihe shock alieiutuiil up"" h''
a. I Tim )ouiik inau a father Is If)
t ll K to "cure hill retells lit! I. 'tills
The polii-e. It Is said, are plslinl n lo
secrilly remove Ihe killer fmin Hi-,
ill), fi alius that when nliiht f.ii'stlis
iiec.r.H s will attempt to storm 1 1... JjiI
In whn h h Is held.
cilicwcn, Feb. 0 An iiioo.'iil
companionship between mother a tut
son was ended last nli:ht uli.-u S Wl.
Collins, a freshii'.an In the -t'nln-i ity
of Illinois, died In his home l;"''.
The iiioihcr was also a student lath"
same classes with her Imy. Tin y Were
rciPlelell 111 Ihe School Of Al'.IMlil'
WW'heii 'oiiiik Colllna was prepuiuK
lo ko lo ihii university hint Kail. li
mother said: "I'll K Willi you.''
In ('hiimpiilr.il they lived In ""'
am,. lioii..i; bail adjolullllt seats In
the I'lnasrooiiia, studied together mill
attended university funcllolis ainl
Iheatres tonelher.
The companionship allracleil wide
nite nl Ion In tin. university where tk
two beiiimi. known lo the nlinhnii
us "ihe pals.'' and the boy as lh
Id Hon.'' Mrs. Collins will "
return lo her studios.
PCI- 1
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