0H1W0N CITY KNTKIUMCIKK. FNIDAY, FKWM'AUY 11. U?. AIDES OF H LIFE FIGHT t, . 't, )! 4. I 2 BOYS THOUGHT THIEVES ARE SHOT Hero Explorer, Dying, Tells Thrilling Story ' ' ' '' ' mm IDLE HEXCOS CAPITAL THOUSAND 8LAIN IN CONDUCTED FROM BUILDINGS BATTLE HIGH Women Are Constantly Being Restored to Health by Lydw E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound. "Worth mount.iiiiH t-f k)M," says one woman. Another s, "I would not j;ive I-ydi.i K. I'inUum's VccUUt: C'ninpoiind for all tin' oilier medicines for women in llic uc i'il." Still anoilur writes. " I should like to have the inn iNi'l I . dia I'.. I'inklum's Vect.uMe Compound thrown t n the sky w il!i.i scan hli;,ht so that all Milterin women could read and he t"iiv inn -J ili.it theie is a remedy for their ills." We ci 'till I I II n in i:i i' . n linns (I,,. M,. (,f t,js v Hn, I. v.c li Oc . 11 ii f 1 1 .n i glulcflll Wiiinell m.i: iinK I iiiii.-lii il .) I.jdu K. IS Issue Undecided and Will ! Contin ued Unlt'd States Consul I Hit V. M. C. A. Taken t r. UK. I.I. i (Vial!.. ('('liilllii llrriiMilisicil 1,1 II 1 1 I iiml 1 1 1 1 1 i i I iiiul ,i on Ml It Nlilllf II III till.' V, HI ill fill' llldll) II 11- II II c i. tlr v 1 1 . i' !,i al'li Is i n 1 1 - I i -. ImlllV ogl l.tl'll" nli'illlt'l. W lU llil '. I mIi.1 K I'llll '.Mill h Ii .I llulvi l:il i Mr..- -'! liV ,'..ii: iit r!- hiiin v.nsU mm ii; tji l, .'! .HI i ill Mmi'lv .hhI hiiii ly l-.,ni.t nf ii i i,ii !iu;t ui'itli. 'Jin' n-iiHon no , ! , i lit. iln iin' Inn rrr ii'j'i ii.ii lu ll it i mii is plainly iiiul nliii- J , In I , III I' llllll' II IH I'llll I l.l'-lljl llll' Ml glBl fill' Utillil 'h ills. II, ir ,n l ivu li tli ri lli.il ju a caiiin t.i tin- wiitctV iliVu -nnly two (( ih'.li-. ili'l". Iillt lulli till ii i ..!il..l ! in;' M..IV IncYi I V hlllli'lilit! wo. KUi'li'il iy tlirlll. mus. w m.i.i. mh says i II .ill V 'l" W ill I' I'l tin III - .Ili'l III I ;oM Ml.s. I). II. liicou . .,;,i. K.ni'.ui -"During llni Iiii.ii'O i( ilr I IV .li. : i. (or t AO yen .. I.c (.i i I t''k 'Mli llli illi llic 1 iiml. I It 'l Ii Bll. I VI T.ha One Pain Pill, then TaHa , 11 Easy. To Head-Off a Headache Nulliinf it Better then Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pill They Give Relief Without Bed Aflor-Effectt. 'It ki.'" nir gir.it p!i-iiri; to lfrr i word 'if in muni' n'l..t,.ii (..r l)r .Mil.,' Am. I'.mi 1'i.K. in i ji rf t''ni .ia!- sulfrrnii; lllil.r.'. -' inly Inn l !: .1 rite. 1 w.n i.il'i'li'l iiiierm.lti-titly for -f Willi l'l"ll il l:- ;( after i.'lirr ri'iii."! s I 1 'l. I f r - I I if. .' lib-,' Ami I'.-m IMS. For tisr pu-t l''ti y:ir I I; ivr curried I nil r 1 :ii t 1 11 1 y v. i1 ii iii-. v It i"K ri' ljht ti l.i f ly 11 i ' niie or t ., 11 mi ihi: ,, itu . !i i t i;i- ,.I i. lie. I I ry ;irr :ili l l!"i(i v fur I.. II ir.li'i., v'lvini' iimnr.!i;itr relief." ('. . l;i:OWN, '..illurville, la. Tor &A'e b All Oru'j.lit. ?i Dor, 15 Cen'.t. MILES MtDICAL CO , fikhart, Ind. ,1.4 1 .ir il ,, l.i iih 11.1.' ,.. in. l..m- it '. (.. I,' ,'llt .f II V r'. lliii I' l-l'liv. I .1.. I"l I'llll I'l 1 I'll ', 'I li.' M.ia mil 111. .0 Mi 1 . l..h,i 1'. I' ml1' .1 . Mil . .. . .I I., 111.' ...I'l.." .-, I, ii-. r li., . ...1 .1 . 7,:; .nil I .ili'l I I'.u. ...' ll. i.'ie It ii . I n' til.. I 111.' nll'l 1 ivu li-.t h'. ' 1111. -,1 t 1 ui'ij' It tint .1 I : U11I. N.. v 1 11111 .11 I have .rt it r.-r ) ul! lliV r, II .-.lull.'. mir mi- In iiie ! w n . 1. iii in t:. . 'I. 1 i n 1111. a . . " I" - in-u' ti. If HI. .re Mi.lli.-U Wi.lil'l I. 1.1' I'Hir llii'.lii lno llieie ...l!'l U. II, . ir lie.ti'.ltv WhIiii'II. .111 lliuv Um. t:,ii 1. tti-r fir the .mI .if i.t I in k." -Mi h. 1 1. II. llluiW , mrj Nui til W :i,nul I'.et, I. .In, Kmi. Write In IT 11 A IMnhlllM M IDK lT ( 0. i.,"--r ( IIMIIHMUI.I IA N. M lss..tiradl. i. 1 our letter III In iiiM'iii il. n uil 11ml uinwortd it uoiuuii unj hi' 1.1 In lrU'l iimllih iue. I.li.lltllt, hill. I klilfetfil fur II . ..! flulli nri'illlli' illllullltliulli.il. f... in.il' ne.ikiieoH. in,u iiml Irn vulur! t . "I'll"' iuli ill my 11I1I111 were in. -1. um'.I liy itll.uii; nr itiintiiri mi int (. i t iiml I tin. I m li tiw ful Ih hi iiik i!"ii f .'liiii.'k, nun itrjir. k.M'. in r-jiii-iti Kinl U,:niii' tlun uihI pule Willi il.lll, I1.11VV l-jen. 1 li.ul 1.11. iI.h t'.i a fi.un w 1. 1. 111 I r.'. eived nnly I. iiK.rnr v r. lii f. I 1I.1 lil.-.l to iim l.l.l.il I. 1'iliKh iln'i. Vi''. t.il.lr I 1. in h.iiii. n fiiir triil mul iiImiIIu- S.mi. live W.iili. I Imve 111. iv iimiI tlio t. in.'il r fur fmir tin in I Im 11 ml r.-unint ritii inv tlitiiil.a fur liui they ENGLISH FLEET linve di. lie fur llie I I inn I'.'i.liitli.'H, Mrrrt, Klklmit, lu.haua. Iih. Sum. - M 1 v S urn. W 11. M A PETTY TYRANT l' MAKC.M'.I 1 HKi V III !:,!y tll.'V . vlelTilte tll Bllllher mi! nf tin' evil, until. 11 ef tli i .iiiiiir.i l i'l.- Vh-ii i,nii nun li lie tte Amei I 1 e.n, . . 1 l lnte the I'l-linll uf July. i ;, ,,ii,' ,if t !.'. IlllliU iTN:rli-H tw.i I,:, 11 .in :i;LIii' mi 11 utreet In Mi, 111 I !:.) ei. Austiiiui t.iurNlH ..f I; ,. I. it. vi. e. line nf t In-lit the I'niiiitiM 1 .1., , I;. Im; i IIU.-ik nf thill eliii'lti' h h:nl I"' I 111 ll'.l'l nil Itlllv. II Ii ii-.i in I.' vi" lf Unit tliey would f.'.'l im . ;ii..i1!n lilt 1 1 !. 'Iiniti. m U hile iM'-dllC mine .eO..MlK h" ' , 1 .' :.i : : 1 l 1 1" 11 iiniti ii-t "IT .1 ' 1. I. "f l;i." in U.'iw. xeveril nf lii. h , I ,,, '., l!in t,.nlili sk' ilie-i, I n 11 In l-.i'i -I In II Shi- ww In I'" 111 1 (..! - iih 11 mi-I'm tune mid r.nlu'd nn I. . t!, ' 1,-1, :i,'i, mi the Itiilliiu wli h'ld .. . 1 1 I It I'alllii'.- mi 11 I'i'll. einiin. ' ' 1 .!,., a t him the il;iinai;e Unit li id hi . 11 1I..1,.'. ... luted tn the 1'i'rpi'tnitiil : : I .1. ; 1:111, h i Ilia lllTeHt. that hIii" 11! !,! r.-.'.n er ii'inai:i"i. The pnllreinan .1. : . I 1.1 ih. h.-r lil hllnu' If i-he ni.iild : "in!' 1 1 III. 'in ;ihe eiillM'lite.1, mid ('.. 11 nv una t,i tlie ht.illiin. lih Il ii.'i'i i-n.-.i t.i I nly n Mm k n 11 y - I ' :i. . r In i lnrKe KiiKL'i"teil tlm I M I'.i- Jiiile liefuie limn I In ease "u , I I..' iii.'il imii then I1.1l.lin; einirl 11 : . t lli. la. lies .l.ilte.l t.i leave Milan II. ! "1 im m 11 1 11 it tliev iin ill inn'O I"' f"r- him iin, I m'.- f they einilil imt I'.et It .i'...,,... nf ivltli.nit ileliiy ThU I :. ,, I 11,,. 1 1 .1 1 1. iiiiinti.. mul the j piv '"it In the I'liiirlrn.iiii, I ii . V'. 11 i.'eiill.'inali who had lieelir,i. all. : 111; the street 4 elijn) Awi the eele hrni.ni hail wltnessi-d the in- Ident It lid r.i..Hi-i the ii'H'lh'i fh-Mt In the p.ill.'e hi hi. hi mul th e to the riiiirtriiiiin 'I'li.'ie he ll-leiii'd with iiintKed iltten ti'.ii t.i the pr filltitf t The l-tdy i l 'illi. d that (lie dresx U'llK wnrtli Ih 1 nr .f.lim. She Iiml liotiulit It l Mil: nly the diiy lief.ne mid mmi "i n, i d the iiier.'lintif wlin xnld It l.i tier hi hi-ar wltneni In the prlee paid. Till'" e tahli l , h,.r ehilm. mid, iih tn H' in a nlin hud Iniriied It. lie eiinfesie.l tint he hail dune N'l. Imt neelileiitnlly The Ju.lire nrdered him tn my fur the dr.-i. hut he Maid that lie wim 11 Wnrl; I 1. .1,. 1 '. l,.T I emir! In Vienna 'l.i', ( ,..i- Ili'l r.'llielliher Hie II. T Ire lit ttie luil'l wlin llllllltelltliin iilte 1,111'iiel h.-r dre- wan iK-eimlnlled 1 l the f i t that "inr 1 pie nre t.Mln.v .-, i.-tii-atlii;' Hie ev.iil"..ii nf mir fur , im-r in iiii-r- h.-r .'..iinin men. She Iiiih tr. at.'d tin- eef.'i-tiinnte linn with ere"' 1 rtt. r. 1111. 1 I 1 r. . - t'i he e.inally ex . 11. Hn The ih . --' ln wetir ! mine , ill..! I iti-ln I It lllili i'.ll ilely " 'I 'll- iii"nt.".s. H"in. i li 1 1 iihaxheil nt tli! ik'.'.!, Mild lint "he wnllld ih' ! . r the .'.'" lis 1. 1 lis I,, ihe Intel and n-l'l 1 ! WASHINGTON,' Feb. 11. A a re I tult of an early morning conference t the White Houee, three additional i hatlleehlpe will be eent to the eatt i coatt of Mexico today, and orders will I be lued at once for the immediate j placing In commleilon of two Army triineporte for the trantport of troops I to Mexico City for the protection of 1 the lives of Americans and foreign I era should the situation there grow 1 any worse. j MKXH'O f TTV. 1'eh. II A plK li.il I I, little mm finiKht tmluy iiiikhik thu ! nK .r;iiern tilnl holm id one of the, r. nt rll lea nf th" wirld le twei n ml-j lliereiiia nf rreMlil. iit Kraiielneii Ma- i ih rii iiml Ih" revoliitluiiiir)' foreea of 1 I lietierill 1'ellx IH.IZ. ('Mill Ml r.Uirell III the HtreetH of til" ' ili ii-i.'l) p.iiuliited city and rlllii lull-j 'lets in uttered lualiiKl Ih" walla tliat ; ' him I'd thiniratids "f fnreli;nera an well an the countrymen of the cum-1 niitanln. j ' W hen il.irljtiei.a put un end to thy il aMle. lifter ceveii liniirit' flulitliiK. ! neither Hide iippeureil to have Kl"el any 111:11 hid iiilviuiliie.e. . K-itliuiiteM of camialitlea run im hlidi ,t I althoiu'li accurate. Inloriiui Hun ,1,1111, it he oh tallied at thin time Tie i. ml certainly will he counted , ,v liiitiilreilii. Thria. AinerleaiiH are known to have K-ifT. r.-.l liiliirh H hy Htrav luilleta. 'l in y are l'lnl d Oslinrlle. tllp author. , who wax "hot In the thlch; lr. It. II. M. I'riiMiiill. nf l.lnri.ln. Seh.. tun! Mark ' .l.ilmsoii. 11 iuv,n. of MaillHon. 111. , Artillery plim d the chief part In ; the .luv'K tU-hilnvr. The rltle lire was j l.i 't 1111 cniitliiilonsly. I Srara ly four Mocks separated the j 'li.-aw i-iiiix of the opposlnc forces.; Imt the i-helU f.-ll thrmii:hmit the en- 1 tire rtty. .In no (..etliui were the In-1 h.i'illniils safe. Ollli e hilllilltiKS. ie- u.tnl until now to the battles nf Ml . liiiMi ere tiiniid Into fortresses. ,.,r,,..,i intii fiirtrl ssi'S. ! u u...'ii In r. .. -.1,. i rni.tureil the Y. M. C. A. ' 1 hut the llritish Ailtnlrallty has de Ittilldlhk' and used It for a fortress LIEUTENANT CAMPBELL AND PARTY FACE DEATH FOR SIX MONTHS AMUNDSEH EULOGIZES EXPLORER Discoverer of South Pole Bays that Intrepid Englishmen Died fo, Want of Provisions GOES TO TURKEY ORDER THOUGHT TO MEAN THAT I CONSTANTINOPLE WILL i FALL BOMBS DROPPED FROM I.OM)f)N', Kl). II. With death atnrliiK tili.i In thu face, with uu pon hIIjIh Kuecor at hand, Captain Itohert K. Hcott, llrltlah polar explorer, who piirlhlied after rcachliiK Ma oal Jan uary It, 1912, wrotj with his dylnK handa th story of hla ijueHt Into the Antartlc that all th world tnlnht know. Found hcHido hi stllTened corjiKO, when rescue came too late, Scott'a story wan cabled here today from New Zealand and Klven to the world under !i!k loconlc title, "Mh aago the public." The full text of the message reads: "Thu causes of this dUaster are .1 ... ,,.,.llw r.ri,i,i.i!illr,li hut tn IIUL UIIQ 1U 1a.u1 v., . misfortune In all the risks that had In In. undertaken. NEW YORK, Feb. 11. Advlcei fi . fi 1 .j.-)rHlTie loss of pony transport New Zealand me that Lumen., n jiar(.h, 1911, obliged me to start Campbell's party, which tormeo t s .lt,.r tvian j na(i intended and obliged Northern expedition of Captain Ck lnj(l, 0f Bturt transported to be nar- party, although cut off Irom th roW(.,i, ol tne expeaition and auilerin I 'Second Thn weather IhroiiKhout tensely for more than six monw, i 1 the outwarj Journey, especially a saved. The men were face w lact ion) KaH iN s;; decrees south stopped with death for weeks. UH iind the soft snow encountered In CIIICAUU, Feb. 11. Captain 'oa. the lower, reaches of Iteardmore gla- Aiiiundscn, discoverer of Uia .'50.. 1 cier ai;am rcduci-d our pace. Pole, today paid thu following ulbut "We fought these untoward -events to Captalu Kcott: with a will anil conouereu. nui it aie In this, my first and only sign up our provision reserve. rery ue- siati'iiient regardiuK the superlatively tall of our food supplies, tlothini; and heroic death of Captain Scott and depots made on tne interior ice four companions, I wish first, before sheets and on that long stretch of I jmiut the picture, as I conceive It, 600 miles to the pole and back worked to bow before the gnat character of out to perfection. The aivance party 111 v companion discoverer. Captain would have returned tf the glacier Scott leli as a monument a record of In fine form and with a surplus 01 winr.ir,. iiiiiiinst una honest as food but nr the astonlsnine lauure the world has ever seen a greater I of a man least expected to fall, record than any mere 'discoverer" "Seaman Evans was thought to be could hope to ciiual. Sco't, Instead of j the t. trong man of the party and liisnimlni: too much, took rather too I Henrdmore glacier la not uiincun in little credit for himself. All of this, line weather, Din on me return inp we did not get a su gie completely fine day, and this, with a Bick com- 1 ti, ...... uu iiM nt Sentt nanion. enormo'jsiy Increased our dif- ficiiltieH. -We got into frightfully rough ice and nvans received a concussion of the brain. He died a natural death, out it lft a shaken party with the ported they hud brought lack all the 1 season tinuuiy r ancea. dims, it living Scott without traction 1 "Hut all the facts above enumer power. jated were as nothing to the surprise This meant that the men were for- awaiting us on the barrier. I maln ced to haul the sledges and provls-1 tain cur arrangement for returning inns. This our party never did. We i w (.re naiite adequate ana that no one figured the provisions were the most j would nave expected the temperatures Important and feared to trust their !arl,i Biirface w hich we encountered at DEPUTY SHERIFF WHEELER FIRES ON LADS HE FINDS IN BARN ONE SERIOUSLY WOUNDED IN BREAST too, although he reached the pole ouly a little nore than a month later. The latest news we heard of Scott and tiU party was In April, 1912. It j came from those retiirnitiB on the i Terra Nova. They had lelt Scott and j four companions In latitude 87 d civi', o minutes south. It was re-1 arriaco to human beings. Dogs hold rf,i,r,ni. - Weakened bv Buloarlan I out after man's strength had failed. Fire, will be Stormed by Allies Early Today I.OMiO.W Feb. S. That the fall of ( iiiistatitlliople is neiieuii iu u.: n...... the aniiniini I'tnetit today she could l'1 It Iih niint'i .I r.-fi'si'il li 'in i.il tln.e " sal.l the strilll'.Ter, "( time. an. I I refuse ! ! iteinaml inv iMl' 1 I C! " 'I'll,- l',,lv l.i.'l.e.l lit th" Jlldgf t" !, un if he u. ml. I Mil'."rt that ileiiiaii'l he in L'e had all' ii'V'' ri"'i.;lll.isl tin' .Han '.t 11 I'l ii 111. : i."t defereilif t 1,1.., ..'iil lli ' li- h.id a rl-hl cninii-: I 1! 1 1 : liearHoSrieaft Dy .s c. l" L'. ' I ' i 1 eld. d to send th- entire jieuiierrau ; can s.piiidron to Turkish waters. The foreign office today renucsieu the Porte to permit three llrltlsh war i,i:, .. at Malta to enter the nar whal clreu nstances resolved Scott to undertake to transport him own sledges is not known. His reason must have been a good one, for he was an exper'need explorer. Immediately after setting up his Hag at the pole and verifying my flnd Iirs. Scott turned buck. The story of the returning flight will never be told. It ia beyond the power of mn to do so. this time of tho year. On the sum mit, in latitude 85 degrees to latitude W degreeB, we had minus 2) to min us 31. The Trials of a Traveler. 'T am a traveling salesman." writes E. F.. Youngs, E. llerkshtre, Vt.. "and was often troubled with contsipation and indigestion till I began to use Or. King's New Life Pills, which I linnulnu Vl tiro 1 have found an excellent remedy." For was a man wno nan reacneu one 01 the noles. The world, was ready to welcome and do him homage, at It so often has done homage to me. He ' was a pure sclentftc spirit and he was all stomach, liver or kidney they trp unequaled. Only at all druggists. troubles cent Portland Young Men, on Way to Eastern Oregon, Stop In Stable to Get Feed Mistaking them for horsethlevcs, M. J. Wheeler, deputy sheriff, living near Poring, shot and seriously wounded Donald Cooper and Kenneth Specht, both of Portland, early Mon day morning. Mr. Wheeler was awak ened by a noise In his barn about 1 o'clock, and made an Investigation. He found Specht, who ia 17 years of age, and Cooper, who Is 20 years of age, in the barn. Wheeler says he shouted to the young men to throw up their arms, and that Specht held up one but that Cooper refused to comply with the command and drew a pistol. Wheeler, who had a rifle, fired, the ball enter ing Cooper's breast. Specht was shot twice in the Wt hand. Wheeler at once telephoned for a physician at Gresham and the wounds of the young men were dressed. Cooper was so seriously wounded that the physician advised that he be kept at the Wheel- . .. : a .i er home, specm accoinpanieu ma mother, who was summoned soon af ter tha shooting, to Oregon City. Koth young men denied they had any intention of stealing horses, Lut en tered the bar to obtain feed for a horse they were driving. Specht, who had been working at a meat market on .asi uurusiuu Street, and Cooper had been chums for several months. They obtained a norse ami nuggy ai me uimi mar ket Sunday afternoon with the Inten tion of going to Eastern Oregon to o!it!iin work. Specht said that he had no reason for leaving home, but was influenced to do so by his com panion. Mrs. Specht soon missed her son and began a search for hira soon atier the young men departed in the buggy. The Specht home It at' 4rt7 East Couch Street and Cooper lived at 11 1-2 Twelfth Street. Announcement was made that the men probably will be prosecuted In Mulnomah County for taking the horse and buggy without obtaining permission of the proprietor. Wheeler has not been arrested. anxious. 11s his diary shows, to cor roborate what I I. ad reported. He started un from the world s end tu- I wards linine. civiliz iti.'n. friends, ! glorv. children and w ife. Then, across "I il l is i:k ii.iv. i Icil 1 ,. 11 'il h ' s..i,l im tricn I. glent.l pleler 11 l".k III II. ' lis nr II. il. il Itell Ullchl 1" SliaH formed inns a (Ircek rr the Dardanelles scurvy that diseases becan T. ,llale ,1, '111. T nf Ills prill . 'Inline, I till- c .i f'.I'i'i" llll' the In in i'1'ti , "Wli.it"' I Vi.ll 111" . 'I li. a. ';" "Vnil s'm pur 'ii" runic." "Ami Inninl '-' J.l.ll'.e "I shall send latter TI. ie u as a km. I that milv the pur ,1, is.-r rinil.l cut II" did It ''.v making !t. I"tv all ..fter nf her dri-si for '-'.'"" lira Sill .il;. ate. II li, an il ill a stuilenl A" I. er. ivc-l in "and I ref'l inerey. I will e . mir -,(. l...'l.l!:'l illliless "I'.' tn ilisrnlie replied tin hh.ivv ynu Ins.iletlt lie : ae.ain nt the Hl'll Sic II I ill. ii In el .1 ii iti.it ai'l Vnil t'i tall," replied the i'ai urn' 1,'II'U Hllll t lltl II I in tun "i in lll.il'i hl'f s,i 'lie .lie must i-lllliT lieccpt It nr ,. ( , . .ii, n Ith.ii'i It she an ,i i,t,'. 'I'lie slrangcr took the y ami li in.le'l It tn the mall whn .nrnisl the ilrcss. saying lit the lltiie tn the lady: Iv i.h'i' in i ve l.-. s'l 1 finin et. cnillitess. has lieeil sine this ti ii ii finin yniir t.vrun ell as mir penpli' have suf iniir Aiistn in eiivertiment. I I I'l V w; ' in. i -..I "I'i'iti ei un. ruin'.: he?" Iisl.e l tin lady after ho I'lnlierto." said fie Jildgf. .1 im". i ,i'i. n..U .Ml the of lilll I i Mr eiliiry. I.lllsmi inline, One oiler mini man iiml without nnv ineaiiH whats i ; ever. ' j lie nlTeied t.i Mild hlinelf to pay, I'V hetiillincnls. but the litdv. who win , ri'Vi iici ful rather thnil needy, declined tn ii, i ,.,t Hiicli terms. T'he Judge there i "!" f-'ild Unit In default of payment ! and cists the poor fellow must gn In! .1 all until be einilil raise the limnev. "I hen," saM the num. "I shall have' l i remain M for there Is no n ! ible way in which I enn raise such a I sum except by working for It. an. I I j i" e. nil 1 can enrti to mipport myself "d my family " The JinU-e einlenvored tn ersiinde j I'"' lady to ,c lenient, but she declared that the m. i could pay If he would, and she iviniM make tin coiiipriimlse. "In that case," said the Judge, "I havi. in, dUcretliiii In tlie matter but tn v""l the mull tn Jntl." 't this point the gentlemnn who had f ' 'nweil (he party steipcil forward '""I said i,, ,e Jmlir,.. " w ill pn.T the '"'v the l.lxnl Urn she 'paid for the '''' '. but In that enw It will I mine. ";n it mar 'I'n' jmlirp ruled thnt If would. The '"ly. whose Ire had hnd time to root. ". iiiei wllllni; f.i nccept the solution, ""d the stranger, tnklnir out a pockct '""'k. lmmle.1 her the money and pn'd p.. , iiiiiii1, riiiimtiii iv Inlminati": early In the i H" '' ...I'll,'. I,, an ii". i I Im; Kc.in el a "''' ;,eci .a "ll.e hew I' s reel " l.i'ler this rs. In is'i; Ken n vui i.'ii in l.i In America f ,s .. .uIiii'IIV he received l.i "" ,.,., in i:.lln t-i mil iiiiiitvntl.v ,,., I the hikhe I dnl when Mr ;,, vvi p-nm I"" 'l'l""'r ,t"-v,,11 .,,1,0,.. m, I nn s. ISJ'.i. and "ffereil 1,1,11 IMI a i.l :'i! 1- t'li'V I" Hl"' Cork. - l.liei,i".l Mercury. spcal e." "li.i.Hl!" said I. Mv frlch.i is a cillei.-e iiriifessl. nlmve all eise. he l gieii l' I hiss. We llkM'ecl. he Oplllli'll a l.'l nt N ,H IniII.' 1 :e. Unit win.' I''1'' V me sill m e '"'' '"' " " user nf vviir.ls. smile .i( i.nilde.l iiml he wrote tlllsll. Why be hi""'Ht'eal? W ll'v pill S'l il.e-l'l'lli-e's pniile l Willi the hlllesl III lit I ii.i.l... Is'lleve that II K ls-1 Mysclt, I inn ii great mlnnier of Hu gu n ii, I ',.s,.. I nt I Hilled M my friend that 1 1 nuo nfleu nodded and Tnlstny wiiinlered '1 he trill II Is I lSc'iinse certain suUh'V" have l''" put up us cMiuil'iars in ivrliina many i pcrsmis win. canii'.l bring Uicmselves to an ilppre. lall.'ii ol un "' much given to l.ilug "I""" l"',r l"vflM" euces vnil iiieiv'ii music There tne th"i' 'hn will nttend the j recital nf ,1 severely classical pingiiun jHiul vvltlii.nl iin.leistanilliig Urn music ! will feign the utmost ii.lnili ai I-m and ; iicrsiiiially i lillnieiit the artists. ! l"'t . . I You have seen mum' lio will go Into l ecstasies of eiieniiiiinn ever n picture Inr a statue, cniicei nlic: which they have little real ii..rei lntl.-n. merely ! I ,,se sometindy has pinnounccd ' the work to be a niiisterpiis e Or oratory. It Is easy tn get the iipl:ii"e .f the for s sapient sbi r oi whn s,.ineli.ivv bus gained In the prime j ,,,,, hallmark of popular favor Let us be hma'st- Ho not iiilsiinibustiiiid tne. There nlst he stiiii.liinK and we should al ways strl't' for the l-st. Imt Why should one slmnliite an enthu slasm he does tint fei'l'? n not Imiiesiy -Im-rlty of more worth than n sham reiuitutlon for excellence In matters of taster Let us tell the truth. laiielleJ and proceed 10 v on. i.w.ii.. pie 1 lie foreign office later seml-olll-, liilly stated that the Ottoman minis terial council at Constantinople is .. -i .. ,w (It., riantinrif 'what Is characterized here n the the bright horizon of hope and long most daring feat of tlie war was per-ling came the shadow of defeat and, esl. rdaV bV t nptaltl .Maril- pen.aps. i.i.nu n.n..i.ii vliilnr. who soared ( v- l irsr. as i ii -uire u In .-i hvi roiuane most norniue ot an . .. 1 ... l. U.. ...,,...1.,,. ..Ulnrj TIl.iV mil aimed three uomns ai me i' " - - l M ildes ih!l11 '"'l'n '"""'R lIo vn food' "fn" " rooklPg down on (lalliopoll penln- j perhai-B t'-rv had taken inadequate .. . M.,rit,.,o siiw red bursts ; sutuilies owing to the fact that they of "li line. Iiiilb ating that the guns of i th, mselven .i ,.,i,i,w v.,.r.. Irvlmi to reach led sleiincs him. The aviator declared today be ; Terra '-ova. was stricken with scurvy I'l.i.le valuable observations ol tne Turkish fortifications. VIKW'A Feb. S. AUrinnopii-. wi-aie . .in 1 by th liulgnrlan lire, win I nir-l dutn Tn UAWC - C.IULHilU I v unn. were drag'-'ing the load Captain Kvans of the a few Cays niter ins return. . i ins j shows that tho semis of the disease j were pre1 i nt. Scurvy, inconceivable be cold ami low provisions then began i their deadly work'. One of the men dispatch- C'liully fi ll exhausted. There were no details are 1 dos to pull Mm on the sledges. The the heavy, other four men. themselves suTering hvuultiar and Serb siege ! terribly from disease, cold anil nun- ' ..it .1 I .s-.vm nlLvmntrtrl tn oill'n t 1 1 a I tt ft tYl Ml tl . tins has so weakened tne neieamiei-; -. . . .mis li ..- , . ,i.t. 1, m oono. Ihrt anv Hint llcll.'Illl rililiii i ii.- Hi'i'iii's """ er stor-ned tomorrow. This Is the gist of private , s from Sella While no I'lveti. II is believed that cannonading . ,1 fort iticat Ion i ,s decided the time has come when I I, i , Hf.i Is no longer to be consul- ..I'cd and that lie will throw his whole i frce against the Holy City in one grand assault. STRONG POLO TEAM. Cikbt or ten of England's best polo players w ill visit tlie L'uieil States next summer to try to lift the lnterna tini;.:l cup at Meadow-brook, N. V., June J. :i and 1. so that in case or accident Cieie will lie plenty of uieu on band to ei, Im, i anv can. The team, under the captaincy of Walter S. Ruckmas l,r. probably will be selected from land Woilelmuse, Captain U. E. Bell vil'.e. Captain Leslie St. C. Cheape. Cap! iin .1. Ilardess I.loyd, Captain It. ;. Iais.m mid I'. M. Kreake. while Ciipuiln F. St. .1. Atkinson and B. A. B. S. hiviber, vvlih one or two other play ; ers. will be nsl.isl to make the trip i Some of the teams have wonderful i rti-orda. Walter S. Buckmaster ac- CLUB COIilMEES ARE APPOINTED W. SULLIVAN MADE CHAIRMAN OF PROMOTION DEPARTMENT Actora. ii pli letters nf line liili'14'stliig l-it'les nf in ti'i'S ciiier In Wych I,- to i.'.'i a mouth cd SP.'.iHi' ' A Dutch Ironclad. It Is of Interest to unto that, accord Inir In snine iiiitholllles. the were '.he tirst in .th dcrn period of i history to build an Ironclad ti nil that j dining the siege of Antwerp by the j Spiiiiini'ds in 1 ."ST the pisiple of that cltv built llll ennnnoiis Hat vessel, in-mured It with heavy Iron The Intrilen was almost too much. , On and on. sick, freezing and starv ing, the little party staggered over , the blinding glare of eternal Ice and snow, looking, always looking, for that I provision depot that life saver. Put I it never came. I At last the truth must have reached I them they had missed it. But they I IMitch i went on. All now, perhaps, were con sumed by scurvy. Parts or their bod-1 ies were continuously frozen. Their j sufTcrin r must have been terrible. I am conservative whetj I say It must have been the most horrible tragedy bottomed ! that ever occurred in a region wnere tragedies nre most commonplace. Then (jno day when It seemed help 'A plates mid thus ei.iisiiucic.i wn.ii i.... mnHt j R crpaf Ml77nrrl sot n j the most terrible blizzard Scott ever encountered. It was too much for the tempest-tossed, dlseaso-eafen, freez- regaialed us tin liiiiregiintue liatter.v. This Uiey named Finis Itelli. Fnfor tunately the vcs-el got ngivimd liefore ..i.iini,,- It, 1. 1 aillnii nuil fell Into the hands of the enemy It was held by I their little tent in the middle of the ii... i..h ..r I'nriiiii in the end of the I bUzznrd to die. 1...1., -,.- imhtmii I And there hcy -sic"a. us ii .ii.""".' v s s,-i - A :. : ;s.-s.'."" is Ing. starving men. So they pitched '5 . Proposition to Move Club Headquar ter to Weinhard Building Given Consider ation H. T. McPain. recently re-elected president of the Commercial Club, at a meeting of the Board of Govern or.; Monday evening announced the standing committees for the fiscal year. T. W. Sullivan was named chairman of the Publicity Committee, probably the most important one. M. D. Uitourette heads the Entertain ment Committee and Rt L. Holman the House Committee. It was decid ed to hold the annual ball on the evening of Tuesday, March 25, at Buscli's Hall. It is probable that it will be a masquerade bull. lowing were mage multitude platitude Hnd Hor Third. "If vyn !.. ind want In marry Mrs Sims- ivliy (In you ind "I'l""-1' ' Ihe courts In protect jmir le-al rights?" Uiit what rights hive I under the lawT widow Is not cntit'ed to more Un, n n il.li.l mid this woman bus been luiiirled Ihiee Ill ilieady l-.X press '- Buffalo Our Inferiors. Willie- Ta. our "Inferiors" are Just people thnt knew less thnn we do. r.trt they?' Pa-No- uiy son: usually th.-y're people who merely know less than we think we do.-riilladelphla Indorsing the Ap. , Mr ilel s it;,i.,sly of Cl.s.iatrn ! rcprcsititcl In Ihe T tre Fruncals. i when the Kg.'l'Uun .piis'ii was slKiut i reailv to c ill suli Ide she held In I h.T hands r. me. haul' al hsi ot cuu j nlug wnrkiniiii-hip devlsnl hy VMilcun- I son. ti.,- most mg ik iii.H'hiiiilciiin of his lime This v mmis reptile reareil j It, bead and liefi.le plunnlliK H "I' i imrent fangs into the arm of the e I ' ,...i. , u,,.u.ll,ir tress- gave H slillll loss n -i- hereupon arose mid left the house with the simple but eir.t.sne iron.... am of the same opinion as the asp ljuod Excuse. I'ntmii - What look you so tons with . v Waiter - Pnr.lnn the delay. found them hud- Moved bv cither s ile in any action. ;"'" . .. pioiin sickened to death. But their deaths TKrAnVe ol tlie HimalayaaT " ' , are m.are triumphant thnn most of In the lliinaiav.i.s. ,.i. the side facing our lives. For they left records- i....:. ii..tiiu unit W in i mm i i'li ii i v v ... . .... I 1111 IL 'l mi ' in'" . . . I'vMvo ftt't liit:lier Ihnii tn thr (tii' rosiilt tif ttils is that vnrl- India, ill, Milt All's.' oils forms of life are tunnd in the great Asian mniiiiiaiiis al an elevation which seems evtiamdinai v Among these are many apec.e of auts I p In nearly ln.iMHi reel Uiu auts are very ahniulaiil. iiml even at the e.ewitiou of PJ.iSHi twl four speii.'s have Is-en riHind. ami It believed that more caret ill luvcstlua tleti vvniilil show that I hey exist even nt ULooo feet or more It was boa kco. "Y.-s. I was .nit in "II that storm. Mv rain -oat was soakisl. mid "- But you riia l snak N nilninnt. .Toll knii.v " ..j t . .. Oeie s the ticket for It " ceritv and bravery everything that 1 makes n man. And this, to me. Is greater than hav ing discovered the pole. IT'S A MISTAKE. ORECTN ana WAS J UriGTGM Busir.css Directory A Dlrtttory or eacn cir, iown n-i Vliln.. .li nt aeacriiune .s-iin nrll plo. e. Iis-nlloo, poi'iilftlion, lei"' ,A ihin'.iinT na uaauina pi. m;m n.wir. 'd Dlni-tory. coini,iica La-lii is nd profex-lo TT '1 Made by Many Oregon City Residents Many people in a misguided effort to get rid ol Kidney bachache, rely on pin tors, liniments aud other make shifts. The right treatment is kid ney treatment and a remarkably rec ommended Kidney medicine is Dean's Kidney Pills. Oregon City is no ex ception, j 1 he proof is nt your very door. The J following is an experience typical ot the work of Doan's Kidney Pills Oregon City. 1 James Wilkinson. 201 Fourteenth i St., Oregon City. Ore., says: "I had j backache and pains In my loins and could not sleep well. There was stiff ness in my limbs and other symptoms; of kidney trouble were present. Be-' lag advised to try Doan'g Kidney I Pills. I did and was grattlled by their promptness. In relieving me. Although I am In my seventieth year, I am hale and hearty and I give I loan's Kidney Pills the credit For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, NVw York, sole agents for the I'nlted States. rft.rn.'rnhr-r t-e p.mo TV.-irt'S H tin 1 If ,' J'hot'i by American Press Assoclntloav CAP1AIS RITSOS. i ill ml fame with the old I nutaM team, the winner of the Ilorllugham cup last stinimer. Captain Cheap was a great player with the team of 11)11, in t mul Captain Kitson has fine Indian reputation. The Duke of Westminster, who will defray the entire cost of tlie British team's visit to America, always has IkisscmsI n good stable. He has, how ever, mldcd to It by purchase during the seas.. u and In still on the lookout f.n inure good p.uii.-.. while It U jirob iible that others will l-e lent for the Anglo-American um flies. The makeup of the American polo team to defend the cup rb.-iHenged will in nil nrobabilitS.'si 1 the same as last rear's, with Harry Payne Whitney as I preniration. .niitaiii. m-verean The fol- uanied a committee to airaugeinents for the dance: M. I), i .atoureue, B. T. Jlcliaiu, Dr. Clyde Mouut, C. W. Evans and F. A. Olmsted. Invitations wilj be issued. The board considered a proposition to move the headquarters to the Weinhard lluitdiug, the proprietors having agreed to give a five year lease and add another floor for the exclu sive .ise of the club. It was an nounced that the Masonic Lodge had been made a handsome offer for the quarters now occupied by the Com mercial Club. . The leading standing committees are as follows: Publicity T. W. Sullivan, M. D. Latourette. I.. Adams, T. L. Charman and B. T. Mcllain. House R. L. Holman. Dr. L. A. Morris and T. B. Fairclough. Transportation U Adams, B. T. Mcl'.ain. W. A. Huntley, E. Schwab and A. A. Trice. Entertainment M. D. latourette. It. T. McBaln. C. W. Evans, Dr. Clyde Mount and F. A. OlmBted. Auditing Lo S. Burdon. Irvin Ran, Bothwell Avison. H. A. Swafford and Ralph Farker. The following members of the P.oErd of Governors attended the meeting; T. V. Sullivan. Gilbert U Hedses. R. U Holman. M. D. Latour ette and lift. T. MePaln. Do you knovr that moro real danger btrkj in a common cold than tn any oter rf the minor ailments? Th safe way is to tike Chamberlain' Cousr. riemcdy. a thoroughly reliable and rid jonrself of the it..uif(ilil as ntiickiy as po-,i':d. Th s and the Wnti-rlinry lin.tbers of New reme.1" is f.ir sale f. T by Pro-i " TtwTI l.o ..l(1'