Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 07, 1913, Page 8, Image 8

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WATER SurrLii i uu-" 10 1110011,0
$200,000,000 ASKED
Constitution and By-Laws ars Adopt
ed t Meeting M. D. Lat
eurttte Makes Sugges-tlon
The Clackamas County Medical So
ciety at a meeting Saturday after
noon adopted a constitutes, and In
laws. Dr. W. C. Schtittze. president,
presided, and the follow Ins members
were present: Dr. Schultze. Dr. H.
S. Mount. Dr. C. 11. Melsner. Dr. M.
C. Strickland. Dr. W. E. Hempstead
and Dr. J. W. Norrls Pr.Xorria ex
plained that Dr. C. A. Stuart had been
called from the city on au emergen
cy case, but was In thorough sym
pathy with the movement. Dr. Karen
hard, of Sandy, was enrolled as a
member. H. E. Cross. Main Trunk
of the Live Wires. bo was Instru
mental In the organliatlon of the
society was elected an honorary
member. Dr. T. B, Ford, pastor of
the First Methodist Church, also was
elected an honorary member. M. D.
Latourette. secretary of the Commer
cial Club, attended the meeting and
offered some valuable suggestions.
The water supply for Oregon City
was discussed and It was unanimously
agreed that pure water should be ob
tained. It was admitted that It would
be a difficult matter to obtain water
from any other source than the pres
ent one. but the physicians insisted
that a thorough Investigation should
be made. They favor finding another
source at once. The next meeting
will be held March 1 In the Commer
cial Club rooms.
Siamese Clothes.
Id Flam both men and women wear
the "pauung." whleh Is described as a
piece of silk or cotton cloth wound
round the hips, the slack being rolled
op. passed between the legs and hitch
ed up behind In such a way as to give
the appearance of a pair of loose
knickerbockers. For waist coverings
the women wear Jackets or blouses,
and the men wear mats.
NKY YORK. Kelt. 4-John Knit ,
Kurrell. a Janitor, confessed today that ;
he sent Hernard llerrera last Su'ul.o i
the bomb which resulted In the death;
of Mts lierrera and serious injur) ,
t Herrera and Miss Kughtman. ai
'''ll'euVarrell astonished the police '
l,v , iiv.lv reciting that he sent the
!;,;.).. vl.ich killed Mrs. Helen Ta or
)o:u ,w. adding that Mrs. 1 a or ,
as his daughter. NeU Karrell solv
e, the mvsier.. surrounding t.io t"s-
rv of a bomb last year to Jiitl
tiuo Kosalsky. Kmally he explained ;
the death of -Kid" Walker, slain In ,
"lie slew Mrs. Taylor, he said, be-,
eause she was his daughter and had,
,-eno wrong. "Kid1 Walker was Kill-'
cl he declared, by a man named
Lost range because wair.fi u.ii --
ed M:
Drifting Craft Boarded and Cabcl Is
Attached to Rescue Ship
Line Broken by Heavy
.SHUTOUT XKWS. Ya. Feb. -Another
mjstor of the deep, prac
, .......... it,-., v wir.i le IIU tne u!iop.iiiiie.i
Tay'ors oowmau. . )f ,
;,;e. he added .was nl h ! roor.e.l by the U.ti-
tutmed to iM.ars imp i v chlrnlw ,llini! noiir the
I ,"n know n to Fam 1 only as i .Uores. she picked up the Norwegu.t
a man known to r.irnu ; iark Kemittent. seaworthy, piwis-
3fex sum wr-tayt: ass:
rt . in -1.. inf. . .
Met) miles of Cape Henry, lost her in
iM. II . employed at the -tu'tit
licese where llerrera is super
Ivf. e '.l.o astonished !e vw.
th.- .na'.-er of dead' l-om'-s tvn.-.ruit
rii. Infer id -- hmo
I, .ni d i. he ma ; it. tat be put
. it ! :. v it ope' c i .v -1 wb.il I'm
damace would be to tho person who
should open it .The Tabr and Kos
iik. I.rm!.. he sa. I. were m.-i.m
. to the ms'ls.
in th, ran of Herrera. Karrell sard
he had crept upstairs when Herrera
a iolent gale.
The Mane Celeste was found at
sea with a ot boiling In her guilty
and her captain's papers on the raMn
(aide and every indication that her
crew had been aboard within a few
hours of her discotory. lut nothing
ever as heard of her skipper or
The story of the Remittent )s
scarcely less strange.
The Roumanian sighted the Remit.
ne nad crept upsiaus ......... . u n --
was away and had placed tue tomb, i tent In latitude It) degrees 30 minutes;
wrapped in a pasteboard box. on the ' n.i longitude 27 degrees 30 minute',
landing outside his doer. Ho insisted, riding a heavy swell without a .land ,
however, that he Intended orly to to gulda her before the breeze, "lhej
scare Cue family. big tank steamer's lookout then re-
Arrested yesterday as a r.aterul ported her as a ship out of control
fsuH on!v niter 1 , I'mitnin Chiri.lee set out In luir-
an all-night grilling. He held out till j gUtt.
daw n. Then tne detective., seni ior while the Roumanian was coming
Deputy Police Commissioner IHiueh- , up pn nor tht, Komittent. with tiller
l.tNlON'. .'an. SI - Demand for
I 00 poo ibiil cash Indemnity tor Hie
war 'w.i. presented this atternoon to
Tuikev by representatives of the Hal
kail allies The Moslems i.ere also
lnfotme.1 that If the war is resumed
this demand will be Inej-ensed.
Of 111.' KOiVl'OO.I'OO asked. $;.'-.0ii.-,V,I
Is to coter llldebledness of Hie
eomiuei.d Turkish ten Holies, lor
'which debt the Halkaii nation to which
,-e territories are lliiall) allotted
xmII be reM'onstble, aecoiditig to an
agreement with the powers
l-ONSi AM'INtX'I'F. Jan il 'I he
Turkish cruiser Hamldlch I.hI.iv at
t.eke.l and destroyed three tireek
, ii -hips lu the harbor of Si.imp.illa.
u Isln-ul of the Sporades.
The porte has ordered the Turkish
peace envoys to return to Constanti
nople from London forthwith.
The summary withdrawal of the
Ottoman plenlpetioteut l-irles. while the
MUe. agreed io leave one envov each
m London. Is regarded as retaliation
tor the allies' hurried denunciation or
the armistice.
I.ONMOX. Jan 31. Determination
not to permit the I'.alkau allies to
partition Turkey as they please. If
war Is renewed and .the allies win.
was reached today at' a conference of
the KuroiH'.iii ambassadors at the
lirit'.sh foreign omoo. Notice to this
effect was communicated to the tal
kail envoys.
It was learned front a semi-official
source that the territorial claims
would be adjusted at a general Kuro
pean cuference If the lurks are
again defeated.
Hr. D.tneff announced today that
none of the llalkan envoys rieept the
Hiilgarlans would leave London be
fore tomorrow. The ambassadors
here are still hopeful of peace, be
lieving that Turkey ultimately will
accept the demands of the allies.
Deputy rouce iraimiuiT i llp ori her. the Kemittent. wttn tniei
erty and the prisoner went over with . banKint; to and fro. was running w il l
him what he had told the others. The; firs( to 0IU, 0f compass and
uiiu uc liitu . , j0 ont, poini or ine compass h.oi
construction of the dummy bomb to1-1 ,nen t0 tne otht.r. The Roumanian
nHA4 I . , .
lowered boats to take a line to the
.bark. After more than an hour's jock
Banishing ths Avalanche. (eying, during which the Remltt-nt
ilnnff thu i.t .if on l't.inA mUrrM.t ' e-.il.wt In auiioda unit dAshes. HOW
an ingenious cYvK-e ias been put Into ! stopping dead, atremhle In the eye of
. : the wind, and then bound ne away to
use to prevent avalanches from falling
upon the track. A wall has been buiit !
which intercepts the sliding snow aud I
fore It to precipitate itself In a leap j
whereby it clears the roadbed and i
burls Itself Info a canal upon the other
side. I
the cracking of what canvass was not
furled, the pursuing small body final
ly caught and boarded her.
Diplomacy consists In Unit present
Ing your ultimatum, then seeing bow
much of It yon run eo!le-t. Punch.
Big Value Bargain Clubs
A Year's Reading Matter for the Whole Family
j N K W YORK. Feb. L Congression
al investigation of Oregon and Call
I fornla frauds, provided for in a res
olution introduced into the I bum,, by
Ri'presentatlve Ferns, Is welcomed
' by Hetedive William J. Hums, accord
' lug to his declaration here today.
I I most earnestly hoi and pray
that th resolution Is 'passed." said
i Hums. "Nothing would please tne
better than for the report furnished
by the pardon clerk to the attorney
general in the case of William Jones,
recently pardoned, to be carefully In
vestigated. It contained the most
ouiraK'-oiis falsehoods regarding my
self that were ever uttered. Pres
Ident Taft and Attorney-C.eneral
Wlokersham were outrageously de
reived. "I have Incurred the 111 will of those
who have suffered from the hundreds
of lmortant Investigations I have
made. I welcome any Investigation
of my official conduct during the
many years I was in the govenment
service, and I will gladly submit my
self for trial before the I'nlted States
A'Ktvssadors Agree that Reply to
Powers' Note Affords Poor
Dsns for Negotiations
LONDON. Feb I. Ill Turl,l'l Mid
llalkan heailiiiaitei the evp-ciatlon
has beitl (Mouse the VMi'le dv of
mono mine by the .'e,. either
collocllwl) or separaleh, Ii avell
tin, lineal, md war llissu mid
Auslili, the two nations most Inler
ented ill Near Kasteru colidll'.ous. it.ld
Ureal Hrliain. which tin peculiar
reasons as host of tit" conference lor
wishing to see It succ 'cil, are locked
to pat .cularly f"r an cfVrl In midge,
the narrow gulf which ep.tr.ilca Hie
coin' ali.;its.
Although the delegates fia'ik.d
Kngl.tnl in glowing term for lor
hospitality, some of "hen think she
did not give as much a ilsUiu n
she might have given Thev point
out that they came a gtea: list.ince
from the llalkan slates to lmdoli,
which lu some wats Is not adapted to
Intercourse between delegations, on
ly becinne they trvistel that Hiltlsh
Influence In favor of pe t w mid
make Itself strongly fell The dele
gates of this mind oppe Him idea
of returning to London ior tht con
elusion of peace. If the wa.- Is renew
ed. The ambassadors of the jxiwtrs
met today and later notified their
respective government that the
sense of the meeting was that the
Turkish reply to the powers af
forded a poor -asI lor 'esanilng
peace negotiations The suggested
bringing this view to be attention i.f
Itiilgarla. but any atteinl ( by the
powers toward a r.'con. illalln.i of the
belligerents Is hampered by the fact
that onl) two days rema.n b'foiethe
armistice end.
lB STARTED $ m J0 yNffl
.OH ANtlM.FtL Cal, Jan. ill Af
tor II laS devoted lo procullllg
Jiiiv, Hie second (rial of Clarence H
harrow, former roiinsel for (ho Me
Nainaia biollieis. on a Jury bribing
chin go Ml" mil out ol t lit famous dy
namite trial, finally got under wav
Tin. (list willies tailed wastioign
O Monroe, ileik of the Hup.-rlor
Court under Judge Walter Hordwrll.
who presided nl the McNaitmra trial
Monroe's lent Imoiiy was technical,
relating inetelv to the fact that there
was a criminal ca titled ' Tcople
a McNamara. on trial lietohor .
Hill." the date Dai row Is alleged lo
bate bribed Robert IUIii. a sworn
luror. through Hut linotri nlalUy of
Itert Franklin, who was a detective
for the McNamara defense, and Inter
became tht. chief witness against thtr
row In Ills nr.l trial on (he rharga
of having Irled lo bribe (letirgn lan k
wood, a McNaliiaia veiilreliiall.
Halu. whit rolifessed lo having lak
en a bribe from Franklin, smut after
the midden and sensational rlosn of
the McNamara (rial. In November.
Ill. Is epected to lake the stand
immediately after Monroe Is rcused
CIIIOAUO. Feb. I - - A lone robbfr ,
Inst night held up an etpress (rain
In the heart of Chicago s business'
district and fought his way to fien-1
dom with the valuables varlousl? r- ,
(linated a( from ..n.0ou (o loo,0oo.
I'slng a bins silk haiidert hlef for
a mask. (h thief forced (ha express j
mMttgcr (o (urn over (he key to ,
his safe, remaining; yesterday s eu
(Ire receipts at (he I'nbm SdH kyards
The contents were thrown Into a
leather bag and the robber started
lo leave the cr.
The eondtictor. with a revolver, at
tempted to bliM k the thief II palh. but 1
wa kniM-krd down by a block from,
the bandit s fist Then (he robber I
Jumped from the train and. mingling ;
with (he theatre trows In the street,
The robbed train Is known as tho i
"SliH kyards Special" and Is used lo
carry money and valuable rtprejia
packages between the stockyard
and the downtown district. Although!
the chief clerk of the Adams Kxpresa
Company said tiMlay that the loss Is 1
not more (ban f MoO. (he pollen In-1
slated that the train never rarrled
less than 1 .0.000, and asserted that j
(he loss would eiceer) ths latter fig- .
isk mmz. m
1 xzZzmZewy I
v?.----- -r.-jtm wvm WW i
. v . .-. j. y.- i-i - y, nt wt tmrj mur inrraTt ana. jrrjt; , ,.. . Jgr-'i I Our
9 I OU '-w-X-5t'i i b- i"' w ftwi'M is& "h" is V l-yji: r Choice I
p. wmm PWmW
$Mx W0mm XMmk l
Order kk'
ST. HELENS, Or.. Feb. 1. Walk
ing boldly up to the dock frotit, where
the Steamer Yosemite was anchor
ed lnst evening, William Morarlty de
manded of the crew that they htdp
him place the gangplank. Taking
him for an officer, the men assisted.
Morarlty went aboard and stole $640
from the captain's cabin.
He was arrested an hour later and
will be sent to Salem Monday to re
sume his sentence In the peniten
tiary, from which he was paroled
less than a year ago. He had served
two years for stealing horses and was
paroled on the recommendation of
the loral court.
Do It
n. Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean and Parmer h
treat newspaper that iivet too the het ttorict and features trwm thai
bund ay awl Jaily Inter Ocean. A world-wide new aerrie, market
rr porta, etc. makes thia paper econd to aooc. Every issue contain a
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The FamUr Magazine contains clean, wHoleaoiM Action, storiea
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Published monthly. Rei'iiu yeariy sutscriptaon pnee vVv
The Fruit Grower and Farmer. A
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Home Life Juat what ha name rmpliea a tnii.ilne that help,
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lished twice a month. Regular yearly Cfl
subscript toe price . 9Vv
Either o. to" combinations means a savins; of at least one half, and in addition yon do not have to bother veritine
each publisher direct. They comprise a variety of publications tha srill appeal to thoae who
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LONLON, Feb. 4 The Times says
that a report Is current among some
of the Balkan rupr'isentatlvei that
the I'orte has already telegraphed to
Sofia offering to cede Adrianople on
the conditions laid down, and that
liulgarla Is ready to accept. This re
port haa not been confirmed at the
liulgarian legation h;re, but it Is not
LONUO.V, Feb. 3. The Ualkan war
has been resumed. The bombard
ment of Adlanople was begun at 7
o'clock tonight, and a small sklrmlHb.
occurred at the Tchatalja lines. The
armistice has lasted exactly two
Itiilgarla has turned a deaf ear the
remonstrances of the powers, and
unless Turkey yields to the llalkan
demands, the allied armies will now
attempt to drive her completely out
of Kurope.
According to a dispatch tonight
from lielgrade, Scutarla already Is on
the point of falling. It Is reported
that the TurklHh commander has netil
two representatives to the Servian
commander to propose the capitula
tion of that town.
Official Forces In Constantinople De
clare that New Reglm, Will
Have no Trouble In
LONDON. Feb. 4 The Turks re
main on the tMi'tislve at TrhutnIJa
and Adrianople. The Adrlannpltt fort
ress replies only feelily to the Hill
garlan bombardment, and apparently
no attempt has been mnilo In the way
of a sortie.
A bombardment of Adrlnnople, de
scribed as terrific, was begun Inst
night, the HulKarlnns and Servian
troops Investing the place being esti
mated to number lOU.nuo. Mllltnry
men who know something about the
several lines of forts willed form the
defense of Adrianople look for a pro
longed defense. This opinion appar
ently prevails within Adrhtioplo It
self. Shurkrl I'asha. the. Turkish com
mander, who Is defending Adrianople,
has declared that he will not, surren
der the fortress until the last of his
soldiers has been killed.
The Turkish newspaper Tanln as
serts that Adrianople has sufficient
provisions for four months, and oth
er TurklHh reports declare that the
fortress certainly will he able to hold
out for several weeks.
Official quarters In Constontlnople
rndlate a spirit of great confidence
i In the new regime and declare that
the conditions of the country and the
wintry weather preclude serious op
erations along the Tchatalja linns for
the preselnt.
Meanwhile, diplomacy has made no
step forward since the resumption of
hostilities and the I'orte has made
no further communication, either to
the powers or the allies. Should It
turn out that Adrianople can resist
for any considerable time, diplomatic
negotiations are likely to remain at
a standstill, although In the Kuro
pean capitals a settlement by diplo
macy rather than by arms Is hoped
The new Grand Vizier, Mnhmoud
Schefket Pasha, Is already showing
the organizing qualities which won
him reknown and gives many hours
a day to superintending In person the
military arrangements.
Although no serious fighting has
occurred along the Tchatalja lines,
the Bulgarian troops are not Idle. Tho
village of Tchatalja, which haa hlth
erto marked the limit of the Bulgar
ian lines, Is In flames. Its destruc
tion was apparently decided on for
tactical reasons.
CLUB No. 1
. r Atl A.NU iiOllt - . .
Retular Fries
St "0
- 1M I
CLUB No. 2
HOME LIFE . . . .
.teaular Frica ...
S3 00
CLUB No. 3
KtfaJar Frica . . ,
Ctr I
a ITTT Aijp of the above Club (Ko. I, 2 or 3) and a Year' Subscription to the
All I U11L Weekly Oregon City Enterprise, all Six Paper. One Year for only
Be lure to specify which club you desire. Order by Number (Club No. I, 2, or 3)
LONDON. Jan. 30. After a four
days' discussion the House of Lords
rejected the home rule bill tonight
320 to 69. The speeches aroused little
interest because, as the Earl of Hals
bury pathetically obKerved, the posi
tion of the House was now that of
an ordinary debating club the peers
could express their views and rejct
the bill, but they could not prevent It
from passing.
Siting Up Dsd.
"Son, yog will never be rich unless
yon learn to profit by your mistakes,"
counseled the millionaire.
"Dsd. you most bar made a trig
hnnrh nf mmtrm MM ih. "A (j
i scion.-Buffalo Express.
WASHINGTON, Kelt. l.-Ftnal bal
loting ou the constitutional amend
nient proposed by Hetiator Works,
which would give future presidents of
tho I'nlted Slates a single term of
sli years, resulted In ths resolution
panning the Senate 47 to 21.
Senator llltchctH-k'a amendment to
the Works resolution providing that
the presidential term after .March 3.
1917, be sli years, and that no person
election, was defeated by 1 vote of
electelcui, was defeated by a Vote of
37 to 42
Senator Cuiniulns In advocating
the Works amendment said:
"There has been a continuous and
persistent demand for the enactment
of this amendment. I believe the
president will more faithfully and ef
ficiently perform the duties of his of.
fire If hit Is not veied or disturbed
by the thought of renomlnation.
"Every president, erept only Wash
ington, would have been a belter ex
ecutive If he had not been eligible
for celectlon. The president should
be removed from Hie maelstrom of
politics and should not travel from
one end of the country to tho other,
appealing to the people as candidates
for other offices do."
Unii'ii Psuiflo Payt fur Iw.ooo.ooo la
lluck, Clvss f lt.000,000 Caah
sod 6.0O0,lXX) In V
Ni:W VtUlK.. Jau. 31.- Koh.,,1 y
Uikett, rhalruiau of tilt) l iilun rl.
lo rtn iilhe i olllllllllen, laaiu-J t
slate tneiil today miiUHiinlug ,i,,tt
lliiuiiiKK of all lialtlc di'iwrtiiunt
lepluaeliUlloli hereUifiiro Jollied
Ilia Southern !'' Illc t'ompaiiy.
I'lider the plitu for dlaaolwiiu tlia
inrrger of llm 1'tiliill and Sunt hum
I'ariric roads, tho main line m,
t't'lilral I'si'lIU' Is pold lo llm I iu0
I'ni'ille for f lu.'.oiiii.tiuo. Mr. Ijh..
alalellieut SSJ-S:
'Tho operating orgahlialloii uftba
t'liioii I'ui lllc and Southern I'm iOc
111 the West were separated a rr
ago laat Hituber, from the pr.ai.liut
dooil. Hit) ulily Joint unirrs and u(.
IU l.ia It after that rvorgaultutlut
and at the time ( (lie Uerlalou of lbs
Supreme t'ouit In lie-eiuler era ths
dltiM'lots. chairman o( tho viecutlta
i-oilillilttre, tlm tllrvi tors of liiullitala
ane Biol Irartlc am) other orfliea lu
valid In New Yots and tho idinuier
clal and aollrUlug agu(s.
"When the Attorney (ieiieral s hs.
Hull rrsKH-tlug tho Ulspualtluu o( tha
I rlittul I'nrinr were lliado klumtf.
thereby showing a iHiailldo rmirilct
of IlltrrtSt Willi rewt lu that prop
erty, that rhalruian aud dlrrn tors u(
tho I nloii 1'ai inc Informed him thai
of rourse they could not ait further
fur the Soulhera rat ine and Immed
iately resigned from the Southern I's
eiric so that the latter htwrd rtiuld bs
roiniKiarU of dlriHlors not lutereitetl
lu the I liloll I'Bt-lflc.
'This occurred on the Uth Inatmit
Today the remaining Joint officers In
New York resigned from one a) atem
or the ether and circulars rhaiigliil
the joint agencies and appointing sep
arata commercial agents were lasued,
taking effect tomorrow, thus romplei
Ing the elimination of all Joint offi
cers and agents Many of Iho offl
cla poattlons vacated have not been
nlletl yel. the duties thereof tlevolv
Ing temttrarlly uin oilier officers."
At a ine.-ting of the Southern I'a
ride directors tha following officers
were apxliited:
y. W. Malil. director of purchases,
to succeed W. V. S. Thorne; A. I.
MclHiiiaUI. deputy controller, to sue
rend C. II. Seger; T. O. Edwards, au
ditor at Han Kranrlaco, lo succeed A.
I). McDonald and Hugh Nelll. clerk,
and secretary, lo succeed Alelandar
The resignation of William Itorke.
feller as director and member of ths
eierutlve commit! was accepted,
but the vacancy waa uot filled.
LONDON. Jan. JL The auffra
geltes today adopted the sluugshot
as a weapon In their campaign. With
It they hurl leaden discs stamped:
"Votes for Women." Ilwaiisti of the
weapon's newneas, their aim Is not
good, and the dninagn thua far caus
ed has not been great, hut the disc Is
sutd by doctors to lie capable of kill
Ing a man.
An actress named "Jackey" Mid
ford was charged at the police court
with bombarding shop windows with
one of these catapults from the top
of an omnibus. She waa fined $10 or
a month's Imprisonment. 1 1 r father
paid (he fine. Several thousand let
ters were destroyed today In fires
Set by women to tho contents of mall
Dements Best
Careful of Your Property
One of the secrets of our success
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His Ancestors.
An Irish gentleman win once attend
ed by an eminent London physician,
who, pausing mid looking at him with
an Inquiring glum e, wild:
"1 should like to know, sir, If your
family have lieen long lived;"
'I-oiij.' lived, Im If" retponded the pa
tient thoughtfully. "Well, doctor, I'll
Just tell you how It . Our fnmlljr Is a
west of IrelHiid fitnilly, and (lie nge of
my nncettor de-iiler entirely on the
Judge and Jury who tried theiu."
Ktrund Mnguzlue.
Dsmartio s-allolty.
No money Is better spent than what
Is laid out for domestic satisfaction.
A man Is pleased tbst his wife ia dress
ed aa well as other people, and a wife
la pleased that aba la dressed.-In-Bamoel
Office Doth Phones 22 ' Realdeaca Phaaa Mala 2614
Pioneer Transfer Co.
Establlahed Ui Sucesaor to C. N. Oreenmaa
Rates Reasonable, Bscgage Stored I Days Tr of Charga
Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER
D. C. LATOURETTaa, President f, j. METER. Caahlar
The First National Bank
of Oregon City. Oregon
CAPITAL, 110,000.00.
Transacts a Ganaral tanking lualnaaa.
Opan from A. M. U I P. M-