POTATO MARKET IS STILL AT LOW EBB The market for pointers la mIiom Iiik ,i ikii of Improvement. Cnllfor .,1,1 until advlrea Inillmlit (IiiiI llm i t into 'horn In villi ovur wlili miiiIk .1 ml mi ('Inline lin ahowii In tln I'll ". Tin- lrniii iiiutMiliiii fur iiM tiiHi poind"' In Ilia Hun Fraud n niniket I ft P"f I'xiiinl mill till In iihiiiliii'il only fur branded ancka--nnil vciy ' "nit ' l'i" ,i,l above U .''. Tim Knnnrnl run of nlnik w . lit III) kin boluw IliU, I lin lilinoliie nf II lli'llilillil fur Seed I, I tnimlng much disappointment I,. Hik local Irniln, a well n In fal llniiilil liitercitla ( (m t lliul Bpnt'liliileil In llil Block 1 lT III I tin Benson While II" planting nf put nil it'll In Hit' liim been quite It lirrn I to ilnln Him xi-iiMin, mil kill" iti require III WPt llll III 1 1) H I lllMHUIH' of llltl I,. iv purchasi-a of Oregon slot k Inst ,i""ii mnull Hinoiint of lumliiKU In po I,, !,., in lll pnaalog Willi Arlmm ninl Irvnn, hut ttio volume U coiiBld li smaller tlum ununl at 11,1k Iiiiic nf tin' Benson, Very ) 1 1 r n) !ii;ii,M'iil tint IikIui Hindu to I'lillfor 1,1.1 ill llil III"". Illlt Nil Of till) In, ri wnn I'losed Bolne limn ago. ,Nn , ,1. i urn hclng made ly dealer fur Hull nr oinil at Hi" preaeiil Hum and Hi. n rir there I IHIIo buying In the i iiiii.lrr. CATTLE PRICE HAVE 1 1 .,. Cortland t'nlnii Mock Yitriln I .. nip any ri'xirl follow: I;.-. rii'iK fur llm wt'fk have been: ..ttilr li7.', ralvc I, honii lint'i ;: 4 It. nitri IS. N.ii n HlmliiiiillliK the fni't that r i,i;.ii Ihii ti lit'i-ii UkIiI mill toniiura In.li f"w mllltt rrn nfli-ruil to llm u,i.t', piltt'i hi MiiKt-tt fully twi'iiiy. In,, i t-1. 1 m nil n I hi K I"" llil". I rluif flri rn ,.IJ 7 !i0 to I? 7j, rowa Jl. W In I'lT, hi'lfrra t;.UU to t?: ami i n 1 1 1 4i A ri'.rt nt'iil a runn roileo l.r!-f miir!' iHiMintanl tt'iitlt'iiry In I hn nslni. muli' f.irl In tho vt wk litt auio clinin- i,- I ) I liulml.i). tlfli lit'ttl llKlltt'lKhl hilt, mil, I at i.!0 In It'.tu. Tbt'Mi pil t it nrn rfiity to thlrry rnt lo. t-r limn n wii'k Ht l.liiililulli)ii hm !,. , ,, wry lllirral, 4 2 hfOtl of no Inn I,, 1!. iiiiltiutlt'il lit ttt alnta Haturtluy. Muiiuii taluf rtM-fhfd a trliuiuliiii I l.iii'.lnv. iIiik to Ilia It't ui In tlia di n, mil I hn ratlin 1I01 linn ha adiTl r.l 1. ..ii, li ftp anil Um marki'la mid f t r. r mi at hualiit'ita ahoaa IiIk loiwi't ii'i,.,iri-i ltli rarly January trail". ('In. 1. " riii'r artt iloon a ijimrlrr m Is in J't lit, rwca j to U H.'i. Ijiiiih tii;ir' t i Mm. It to a nh.nl" tnkiT, liift )? tn T;i. di'iiinml not ao ur- j f. ill Imlk of tact-p hoim ofTrrlnnii iliiii.ri im)( only rrti'illiim qunllty. HOP DEALERS SAY MARKET IS BETTER lli i t rmlff a report hut llltlo hual in I' l ulna and thai for the immt imrt Let 1. mi dealer, and thu mur kitu of ihe Coaat ruuutry Kenerally are Mill in hale oiu-ed off to aouipcx tint vll hm the pa at week or two. In I'.iliforiilii (hero ha heeii aouie roiiti-riile trndo alnce the flrat of liic "nr. nnd. Ihe qunllty of (heKOoda cniiKiili red. Ihn prloe paid were aald in I, .nc I, feu a little alxive thu Ore i'"ii 1.. iiit, hut tho Southern market tin i. k ahowa a Hn!" quieter tone ninl Miini thliia' of a decline III vnluea there .1U11 lit noled. In r.ilifnrnla, a In thl atntx. the iirK. at tl. 'iiiiiiul of a few weeka hack iil'l'.uri tn have heen iiieaiilirnhly at il 'I hat dune, thn luiyer aeeni tn hint, withdrawn to aotne pitellt, ul I' .iki they am not now dlaoa"d to liiij the prlci-a offcrt'd In January. Tliere Ih atlll a demand for bop of iii'ir.t.. ninl there la little iloiiht that ire the xrowera remly to unload at tin' hy.uri a now ohlalniihlii a cleanup niili t.e cfTeflcil In ahort order. Tin- priiilucera who have a remnant of il.e v2 crop atlll oil hand, how ir. an atlll Inclined for the mont part in hnltl for heller flKuroe. In Kt'itie ciiHea they aro r"Mirt"d to he HIIiik In miikn alliiht ronceialone, ('Hpei inlly on medium grade atock, lil'li 1 nmprlitea tho hulk of the ii'ii'lliii B now remalnlnK In the atat". A Ki iieriil weakpnliiK on the part of me crow era now and thla la counted miioiii; Hie H.Kllilllt lea would lie a iiiiHilim to tradn. INDIAN KILLED ON TRACK Near Kim helle, III., an Indian went 10 mi ,.p n a railroad track and wai kll'l hy the flint expreaa. He paid for IiIb cnreleBBneaa with hla Ufa. "fii'ti Ii h that way when people noKloct '"'ikIih and rolda. Don't rlak your II" when prompt inte of Dr. King' New lipieovery will cure them and o litfii'iii a dunxerou throat or lung triinliii. --t completely cured me, In !i"rt time, of a tnrrlhle cough that fi'llti,,! aevere attack of Grip." I It. Watt. Kloydada. Tel.. nd I regained 16 pound In weight ,hl'l I hail ot. Quick, lafe, rellahlfl "'! Kuarnnteed. ROo and $1.00. Trial ""HI" fro at all dniKKlut. Knw Him. H'TOir-Kind indy! I w not al J like mi... j,dy-No. yeeterdny t" 'nil the i.iher arm tied up Wants, For Sale etc. ii,. ' Hire and hnv vm,e Ti. n.l ann-ip. rr""' K. tiregeraon, Monitor, Ore- I hm,, various sum of money on mini to loan on real property, for ""K or ahort period of time. WM. HAMMOND. lawyer. Javi-r lildg., Oregon City. , WOOD FOR SALE. "I!"." "anting a carload of 1 Inch wood (seasoned) call on Irvln. Aurora, Oregon. W. Thre NOTICE. 111 be a Masquerade ball at the ( range Hall at Clarke on Feb Coohcry points Appl Snow. Com uiul iiiuti't' Inn tin ni,( y Hint huge lint npplen Hluw ifiuli i mil ruli Ihrniigli u lem, ,., (I,, mi lli. ,,f ii,,,.,. ,.Uiit ,m witu n ,.,,,( or powdered mitiir 1111,1 bent lulu tin lplc U II. I '! 1 1 1 II 111, u . ( ,. H". I 'Hit lightly lulu n K ,, 1111 wi 111 vnry cold plure. muh nll (iuiu or mnlllii I'lmlmil with a pun of milk, tlintt vuii. level tnl,,.. fill of ruriixliiri'li 11 ml two ii,:,. , fill of augur. IUiit 1 !,i mitfiir. n.in starch ninl fun. luKfihiT until 1 1 1,1 mnl tlii'ii (Hiur over liicin, stirring rn Itlly. Ihti m iilil,M milk, lli.liirn In 1 1 , ilinililtt holler ,nr nl ,,,,!, intmlli ami thick. Remove fnuii tlir dm ninl mill lin ti nf milt nntt flnvor ln of miillln When tin, Hnui In cold frtre II nlxmt n nllff nn wnlcr li e and "'f Willi llio l' i mlil niil biiow. VHtabl taup. A Kotttt uui In liiinlu III tho fnl lowlni Hay: tm lul.lmNninful hur iff, hnlf a ciiirnl illird imluiia, H'f a t iiifiil ilii-tti iioinl'Hu. hnlf a ni.ful rut iiililmiitt, tin I r a cupful iliml rarmt. hn If a niiful loinaltK. Imlf a rupful rt'lfry cut tin", a tiililiniHNiiiful anli. a i ijuiirlrr t"iuiiiHiiiful Mhllv niirr iitl a liiliii'ttiiiliil of flni'ly i liiiiif. mi lt;y KnuM Ihrro and llitw iiunrlfi. imuiiiU iut rt.nttli of luff Inkn Ihr Imtlniii pni. Mlilib hna lln rill lmtn In VIki tlu- liit-iit wllh a tlifit f ,.( rliwisli,li put In ,ii,',.pini, covtT Willi Ihrtf iiiurla Imlllni; wnlt-r, In, II lowly nil" hmir. tlii'ii rfiiiiivr I hit 11 ( uiul mid th" fnllonlnif vriii-lnlilfa: Hur It-y. oiilmi, H,inliH'. inhliHi;". carrot. li.innliK-. and trlirr Cunk until tr it -tli r and mtv Mi miiiIiik ti t. Craamad Potatoaa. Cirnlnrtl n.lniMa mny I mail" from fit--. It ly IkiIIi-.I ur 11, lil MilntiH-a iIIi-im! Kit our pint of Mtliilm mnke a whli" aui", iittlni: a tiilili'nMHiiifiil of flour, two tittili'iiHtiifiilti of IuiIIit. a cupful of milk, a liitili'niHKUiful of rhupiMtl inrli.y. a llltli rrt'iiin ninl anil and fiH-r n -nn Mflt ihr hotter In a muifpnn, uihl tin' flour and rook Hint Hr 1111III auitMilh and writ omknl. A fri'unrnt cnioi" of fiillum with crvuinttl Ittilalufa ruini'ii from Ihr raw Inula nf (hn Dtiiir. Adtl Hip milk mid ainiainlnit anil. If you hnw H. Imlf a ctiiful of cream A anno an Ih" Bailee Im'kIiib tn Ihlt keu add Ih" Hiutie, w hole. (11, til or rot In amnll halla with a potato aciHtp. In) not Mir When heated through aerre at once. Prune Pudding. Take to one Inrw cup of prune fire aprlcoia or priinellin. Conk tender; n move th plia; return to the pot; add half a rupful of aticur and cihiIc to a pulp Iteiuoi v nn uiuch of the nklu aa Millile mid when qulle cimiI add Ihe lira leu while of two nt and ImiiI rnphlly for ten mlnutea. Heap In glim ea Hint verve with a vanilla riiHtnrd mini" of Ihe yolka of the one pint of milk mid two lnliliKoiiful of aim er. If you wih lo tine the white for another pun""1" whlpifd cream mny he aerretl or Ihe cinitnrd alone I quite aulllclent for a plain dcixcrt Sauted Codfish. For thla hrenkfnttt dhth remove aklu and iHinea from three dice of freth cod llh and cut each Nllreln twoplecen. He mt. 1 11 with a little unit mid plenty of epH-r and dredco with flour, lilp each pliHtj lu U'lilfii rug and then Into cracker men I it ml mini lu hot fnl. Have ready a dremdng uinde by alir rlnu an ounce of tmtter lo cream, add ing a tnlileiipiKinful of lemon Juice, a tnlileHKHinful mlncetl pnrnley. an eighth of a talileitiiiful nf itrntttl niittnpg. Hpread thla over the hot Huh mid aerve. (it her flnli may lie done In the earn manlier. Halibut a la Crtols. (let a thick aquure piece of hnlllmt or other firm flaketl flnli If preferred. WnMh well lu cold water, wipe dry and lay In a Imkliik' dUli well liuttered or aprtnil Willi hacon fill. Ketison Willi anil and iH-pper. Mince a clove of while garlic uh fine a posll)le aud trew over the flah. Slick In a whole clove here nnd I hew. far apnrt; then ndd a half pint of rrmli ur canned to malum. Hake until the flake aepariite aud look dry. 'lake up ciirefully and aerve with k'uniUh of parnley and cut lemon. Fillet of Macktrtl. Cut (icli min kerel Into four flllel; re e the dark xklu. i'ut theui Into tt lni.iii Hh H'PN-r nnd wilt, thyme and a I. in It'itr. Ihree "hiilltilt cut Into piece, hiihh ii'ii ol piirnley. Add lo thete Inn iiilil"iiiHiiifulH of oil and one of Kit-ie h liicmir nnd iillow them to mar In, uh- tin Hire" hoiint Driilo nm a mt iK m. Dip them lu flour, then In U'lilen "KM mill Inenilt ruuilm aud fry to a pillion coliir. Serve tanilhej wllli fried pumley. Meat and Ric CrequttU. To make theae rroqnettea ile one cupful of ruld lulled rice, one cupful of HiicI.v t iittptd meat of any kind, hair a taviNiHtoiiful of hi It. a altNioonful of pcpier. two InhleMpoonfnl of butter, half a i-upful of milk and an ecu. I'ut the milk on to Udl nnd add the meat rice nnd m-awmlng. When thla boll add the ecu. well bent nnd allr one nilnule. When cimiI form Into roll, dip In beaten ecir. and fry In hot lard. Proprly S'tuaUd. "They mny say what they Ilka agalnat him." said the couvlcted one' defender, "but hU heart I In the right place." "Ye." assented the other, "and o I the rest of him for a few year." It Kind. "Don't you think It la queer doctor should turn hi attention to writing poetry I" Nor at all Poetry na long oeen one of the drug In the market. H-Bnl- ; tlmore American. . ummUN uvn IWTBRlMiTHK. KIM DAY, VFMHIJAHY 7, 101.'J. Aa It Lookad to Him. The ililliiiiiliinp. imiy w,i vImI time hitter eiinl Hide a, IiihiI. To h't tliu liilchllieita of nmni. f , IIM,r,,r ,,. I'IIn flie iimUimI Ihem: "'hlhlreii. it hut la n, Kren,.at of II III" Vll Inert No oiie iiiiHUered. "ThluU 11 III Hit," tthe an i. "Whiit la II I IIIII ll.llll;; When I (jlvu l tlmit mid pleiiHiiie In I'liini, ui ft 1 U. Willi yoii tor ytiiir i;himV" A urliiiy Hh wmit up. "Well, wluit urn I iIoIiik, Mule UtjT' "lllllllli" llil"- Denver lleplihllitin. Bummona. In llm Circuit Court of tint Hlute of On K'Mi, for Clui'kiiiiina Coiinly, . I.lli. HlrNili, I'liilulirr, va. Mux (I, 1 1 llH' ll. Ill'fl'llllllllt. To Man (l. Illritili, iiliove iiiimed do fi'iiilmit: In Hie iiauiittif thu Hliiln of OreKuii, you iir herehy reiiiln d lo uppeuriiud uimwer lint conipliiliil filed HKulimt you In Ihe lihovi! limned null, on or In-lorn the 2 1 t day of Mun h, I'jl.'l, auld dale hfliiK the eiplriilloii of all wettka fioiii the (lrMl piililli'iillnn of thla urn iiioiiii, and If you full to appear or kiiit nil hi coiuphilnt, for wont t hereof tho pliilnllfT will apply to tho court for (ho relief prnyed for in tier complaint, to wll Kor a (lei reo dUolvliiK the honda of liintrlmiiiiy now IhI Iiik helweeu Ihe philntlff mid defendant. Thla mini iiioiin U puhlUlied hy order of I Ion. J. I . ( uuiphell, Judit" of the Circuit Courl. which order wua made on the :!rd day of Kehruary, 1913, mill roiitln iiIiik nu ll week lliert'iifter to and In- InilliiK llm laaiut of Friday, March Zlal. ItH.'l. IlKOWNKI.I- & HTO.NE. Ailomeya fur J'lalnllff. 8ummona. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Hint of OreKon, for ('l.ickiimiiN County. Claire (iiiKolmie, I'lalntlff, va. t)Hir I'. ;ancol!ii", liefendmil. vo Omar I'. tiiidcolcni', the ahovn tin tin-'l defendaiil : You nre herehy reiiilred to appear nnd aticr the r .oplulnt Died UKallih; you In tii :li 1 " en'ltli'i' couit Hid milt 1, ore hel'(r- ih 2'd day of March, i!'U Bind dalo hi Irjr, .iij weeH after rh' llrnt puhlirniiou of Ihlti nuiniiionn mid If you fi:l li appear mid aim w it or olherwlno plead the plaintiff will apply lo the court for the relief pruyed for In the com plaint filed herein to-wli, for an ab solute divorce forever dlHHnlvlliK the hittiiln of matrimony herelofuru and now i-xIkIIiij; net ween, the plaintiff arid the ili-'cmlant ahove nmued, nnd for audi other ud further relief aa lo the j court limy ai-i-m ini'ft Hil fqultaliU' III tin' prfinlhin Thl iiniinuii U m rvi d upon you liy virtue of nn order niiide mid tutored hy the llnnoriilil" H. II. Itealle, JudKO of the County Court of Clackamaa County lu the iilim ncu of thu JuiIko of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore Kim, for (he County of Clackamai, dat ed on the Until day of January, 1913, and which order rpt'Kcrihea that lum nioti In thla null ahould be nerved upon you hy puhllcatlon once a week for alx ronxt-rtitlve aud uccenlvo week In the Oregon City Ktiterprlee. a ncWHpnpcr of general rlrculution lu the county of Clackamaa. Slate of OrcKon. CKO. 11. MILLKU, A. I'. TIFI-T. Attorney for I'lalntlff. Klrat I'uhllciitlon, Feb. 7. 1913. Ut I'lihllcntlon. March 21. 1913. Notice to Creditor. In the County Court of tly Stale of Oreiton (or Clnckatiuin County. In the mutter of the citato of Ann V. JnitKitr, deceaKcd. Notice U hereby given that the uu demlKiied ha been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon fur Clackaina County, F.xecutor of the Ijint Will aud Tcntaineiit of Ann V. Jaggar, deceased, All pervoua holding claliim again! bhuI entiite are hereby notilled to pre sent Ihe name properly vorllled at (he offlco of John V. lder. Steven Illdg. Oregon City. Oregon, within six (6) niontliH from the date of this notice. Haled January 30th, 1913. FHANK JAC.UAR. Kxerutor of Ihe hint will and testa ment of Aun V. Jnggar, deceased. .Notice to Creditor. Notice I hereby given that the nn derslgned Ima been duly appointed by the Countv Court of Clackamaa Coun ty Oregon, as Administrator of the es tate of Kit Crlawcll. deceas-ed, all per sons, having claims against the estate of mild deceased are hereby notilled to present tho same to me or to my Attorney verified as hy l.aw required within six months from date hereof or he forever barred. Dated Feb. 7. 1913. C1IAIU.KY CHISW'KI.I, Administrator O. D. F.HY, Attorney for Administrat or. Notic to Creditors. Notice la hereby given that the un dersJgned has been duly appointed o the County Court of Clackamas Conn ty Oregon, as Administrator of thees- tato of Clara H. Evans, deceased, all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased are hereby noti fied lo present the same to me or to my attorney verified as by law re quired within six month from date heredf or be forever barred. Dated Feb. 7. 1913. C. W. EVANS, Administrator, O. D. EI1Y, Attorney for Administrat or. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackama County. Ethel Wallace, Plaintiff, V. Howard Wallace, Defendant. To Howard Wallace, above named de fendant; In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer tho complaint filed against you in the above named suit, on or before the 21st day of March, 1913, said date being the expiration of lx week from th5 first publication of this sum mons, and If you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wit: For a dpcree dissolving the bond ot matrimony now existing between the plaintiff and defendant. This summons Is published by order of Hon. R. II. Ileatle. Judge of the Coun ty Court, which order wa made on thn 30th day of January, 1913, and the time prescribed for publication thereof is six weeks, beginning with the Issue dated Friday, Feb. 7th. 1913, and continuing each week there after to and Including the Issue of ividay. March 21st. 1913. HROWNEI-L A STONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Nolle of Final Bettltmant Nollcii I herehy glvn that the tin deralKnitd ndniliilatrntor of tho umiite of llefijamln Jimitar, diicnaai'd. hm died hit final account and report In aiild ohIhIo and thn County Court of CluckHinu County, Orenon, haa flxml Monday, the 3rd day of March, iai,'i, at II) o'clock A. M., at thn Comity Court room In thn County Court, houan Iti Oreicon City, OrcKou, aa the tlum and pIhcb for hearlnK ohjnctlona lo mild Bcciiint and tho aettlenieut I hereof. KHANK JAOOAll, TniKleo of th entate of llniijBinln litKKiir, dnccuHfd. Admlnlatrator's Notice. Notlcit la herehy Klven that tho 1111 diTHlicnod HilinlnlMlrator of tho ealnt" of William II. (ireon, dectad, Ima ,11.,, 1 1 1 . , , ..." i'"'c 1 HwiiBimg, iiiii-h Jiuiiiir-U lied hla final account herein with the HI1(1 Keventy Nlne dollara, $:j::?9.00), ( OllUly I ilrk Of I'lm Wiim fViiifitw '...11. . ..... . - Orep.n, and the ( ounly Judiifl haaae! Monday re hruury 17. 19KI. at the hour of 10:0(1 o'clock A. M. at tint Comity Court room of aald County and Hlute aa the time and place for hciirliiK ohJectloiiH to aald final ac count and for the final aetth-nient of aald "Mtnte. IIAKVKY I). (1UKKN. Admlnlatrator. O. I). Ktiy, Attorney for Administrator Dated January 10. 1913. Bummont, In tho Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. I. Milan A. Hamilton, I'lulnllff, v. Kdmund K. Hamilton, Deft-ndant. To Kdmund K. Hamilton, the alwve named defendant: In thA name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint filed ngnlnst you In the above named suit, on or before the 7th day of March. 1913, said date being the expiration of six week from the first puhllcatlon of thla iiimmon. and If you fall to appear or answer said roinplalnt, for want thereof Ihr plaintiff will npply lo the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to wit: I For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between Plaintiff and defendant. Thla summons Ii published by order of Hon. R. H dentin, Judxe of the County Court. which order was mnde and entered on the 13rd day of Jan., 1913, and the time prescribed for publication there of is six week, beginning with the Is sue of Friday, Jan. 21th, and contlnu Ing en-h week thereafter to and In eluding Ihe Issue of Friday, March 7th, 1913. TmoWNF.IX & STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Mattlu Cordon, rialntiff. v. Charh II, Gordon, Defendant. To Charles H. Gordon. Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, on or before the 8th day of March, 1913, and If you fall to move, demur or answer plaintiff will take a decree against you, forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now exist ing between the plaintiff and yourself and restoring to plaintiff her maiden name, Mnttle Harrison, and for such other and further relief In the prem ises as to the Court may seem meet and equitable. Service of this Summons Is made upon you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Circuit Judite of Clackamas County, Oregon, made on the 22nd day of January. 113. ordering such publication In the Oregon City Enter prise. orce a week for six consecu tive weeks, the first publication be ing Jan. 24. 1913. and the last publi cation being March 7th, 1913. C. J. MICHEI.ET. Attorney for Plaintiff. Sheriff's 81. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. John E. Rutson, rialntiff, va. Jennie A. Shull and J. II. Shull, her husband. Defendants. Stnte of Oregon, County of Clacka mas, SB. Hy virtue of a judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly Issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled court. In the above en titled cause, to me duly directed and dated tho 14th day of Jan., 1913, upon a judgment reniK-red and entered In said court on tho 13th day of Jan, 1913. In favor of John A. Ihitson, Plaintiff, and against Jennie A. Shull and J. 11. Shull. her husbad, Defend ants, for the sum of $1,400.00, with interest thereon at the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 20th day of March, 1911. and the further sum of $150.00. as attorney's fee, and the costs of and upon this writ, command ing me to make sale of the follow ing described real property, situate In the county or Clackamas, state or Oregon, to-wit: IVglnnlng at a point In the center of a County road leading Irom Au rora to Portland, where a bottle Is deposit' d 10 Inches deep, said point being 15.56 chains North or the SW. corner of the SB. quarter or the SE. quarter of Section 14 in T. S 8. R. 1 W. of the W. M., and mnning thence South a distance of 660 feet; thence West a distance of 527.5 feet to the center of said road; thence along the center of said road. N. 39 degree E. to the place of beginning, containing four acres, more or less. Said land being situate In the County of Clack amas and State of Oregon, together with the tenements, hereditaments and appurtennnces thereunto belong ing, or In any wise appertaining. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree and in compliance with the commands of said writ. I will, on Monday, the 24th day of February, 1913. at the hour of 10-00 o'clock A. M at the front door of th County Court House In the City of Oregon City, In said County and Stnte, sell at public auc tion, subject, to redemption, to the highest bidder, for U. S. gold coin cash In band, all the right, title and inter est which the within named defend ants or either of them, had oh the date of the mortgage herein or since had in or to the above described real projierty or any part thereof, to sat isfy said execution. Judgment order. decree, Interest, cost and all accru ing cost. E. T. MASS, Sheriff of Clackamas County. Oregon. By n. J. STAATS, Deputy. Dated, Oregon City, Oregon, Jan. 17th, 1913. . Notice of bherlff'e Sal. In thn Circuit Court of the Slate of Ornxon, for tho County of CUwka in 11 H. Henry Klmike, I'lalntlff, v. K. II. Wliltfleld, Alice Y. Whltfl-ld, hla wife, and Maude A. Mitchell. Thn Nr.ul liiHtltute, a Corporation, llefendiinla. Hy virtue of an execution, JudKmciit order, decree and ord'r of mile la nod out of thn a hove, entitled court In thn a hove entitled cauae, to mn di rected, nnd dated tli 17th day of Jan uary, l!ii;f, iiixjii a judKnient and de cree rendered and entered In aald court on the 27th day of Jjocemher, 1I2, In favor of Henry Klnak", I'laln tlff, and aK'iltiHt tho defendanta, Y. II Whitfield, Alice K. Whitfield, hli wife, Mh 11 lie A. Mitchell and The Noal liiHtltulti, a coriionitlon, for the sum .r t-i.r,.. niti .., u ,. .. ,1 -1...... ti........t elKht per cent per annum from the llMh day of July, 1I3, and for coata and dNtnirs' merits of said suit taxed at HX.fiU, and the costs of and upon this writ commanding me to make sale of the following described real property, to wit: The land bounded by a line beginning 40 rod Fast of the Southwest comer of Section nurnb-pr--d Fourteen (14) In Township Two (2) South of Itange Three(3), East of Ihe Willamette Meridian, thence North R4 rods, thence East 49 rods, thence South C4 rods, thence West 49 rods to tho place of beginning, etrcept that portion lying south of the County Koad. being sixteen acre more or less North of the County Koad. all lu the County of Clackamas, State of Oregon. Now, Therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale, and In compliance with the command of said writ I will on Monday, the 24th day ot February, 1913 at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day at the front door of the county court house In Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, ell at public auc tion, subject to redemption, to the hlgh'-st bidder for cash In hand, all the right, title. Interest and property which the within named defendants or either of them had therein on the 12th day or July, 1912, the date of the mortgag" herein, or since said date had In or to the above describ ed property or any part thereof, to satisfy I-a Id execution, judgment Order. decree and order of sale, including lnt' rest, costs and accruing costs. E. T. MASS, Sheriff. By n. J. STAATS. Deputy Dated this 18th day of January, 1913. Flrt Issue January 24, 1913. Last Issue Feb. 24th, 1913. Notice to Creditor. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. In the matter of the estate of C. C. Sargent, deceased. Notice Is herehy given that the un dersigned have been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, Executrix and Executor respectively, of the Estate of C. C. Sargent deceased. All per sons holding claims against said es tate are hereby notified to present the same properly verified to C. N. Sar gent, the Executor of the Estate, at The Dalles, Wasco County, Oregon, or Anna Sament, the Executrix, at Clackamaa, Clackamaa County, Ore gon, within six (6) month from the date of this notice. Dated January 16th. 1913. ANNA SARGENT. C. N. SARGENT, Executrix and Executor of the Estate of C. C. Sargent, deceased. Summons,. Number 12018. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon Tor the County of Clacka maa. Joseph. Gundry GllUngham, Plaintiff, vs. Emma Jean MacDonald Gillingham, Defendant. To Emma Jean MacDonald GllUng ham, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you ars hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit within six weeka from January 17, A. D., 1913, 'which date Is the date of the first publication of this summons, and on or before the 28th day of February 1913. which date Is the date of the last publication or this summons, and if you rati to answer within such time the plaintiff will for want thereor ap ply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, towit: for a decree of said court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between the said plain tiff and said defendant and for an absolute divorce on the grounds of cruel and inhuman treatment of aald plaintiff by said defendant and for personal Indignities to said plaltiff by said defendant rendering the life of said plaintiff burdensome, and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem just and equit able. This tummons Is published In pur suance of an order or the Honorable James V. Campbell, Presiding Judge or the above entitled court, which said order was entered on the 15th day or January A. D., 1913, and directed that said summons be published tn the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published In Oregon City, in the county and state aforesaid, and which said order directed that said sum mons be published therein at least once a week for six successive weeks, beginning with the Issue of January 17, A. D.. 1913. NELSON L. YOUNG, Attorney for Plaintiff. 553 Sherlock Building, Portland, Ore gon. Notice. In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, ror Clackamas County. In the matter of the Application or Hen Larson to Register under the Torren's Act ot the State or Oregon the premise hereinafter mention ed, which premises are located and situated tn Clackamas County. Ore gon. To all whom It may concern. Take Notice: That on the 5th day of August, A. D.. 1312, an application was filed by said Ben Larson In the Circuit Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, for in itial registration of the title of the following described land, towlt: Beginning at the most Easterly S. E. corner of the Robert Allen D. U C. No. 42 in T. 6 S. R. 1 E. or the Willamette Meridian, Clackamas County. Oregon: thence N. along the E. line or said D. U C. 37.03 chains; thence N. 45 degrees W. 42.4 link; thence. S. 4 84 chains; thence N. 89 degrees, 50 minutes W. 19.70 chains; thence N. ( degrees E 12.327 chain; thence S. 40 degree 51 minutes V. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Harvty t, Croat. William Hiwiiim CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORNEYS AT LAW W have now moved lo our permanent quartera In the Beaver Building. Next to (ha Andreaen Building. Real Ettate Abatractt Main street Loana, Inauranc Oregon City, Ora JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN l0 chains; thence fl. 8 degrees W. 39X2 chains to the S. line of C. 42; thenctj S. 89 degree 36 minute E 24.53 chains to the point of beginning, containing g..'i0 acres of land, being part of the Robert Allen D. L. C. No. 42 In Section 9. T. S. R. 1 E. Clack amas County, Oregon. Now unlesa you appear on or be fore the 15th day of Fcbruay, A.'D., 1913, and show cause why aticb appli cation shall not be granted the same shall bo taken as confessed, and a d'-creo will bo rendered according to the prayer of the applicant, and you will be forever barred from disputing the 3a me. W. L. MULVEY, Clerk of the above entitled Court, liy I. M. HARRINGTON, Deputy Clerk Notic of Final Settlement In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas, j In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Stevens, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- dersigned. Administrator of the estate , of Harry Stevens, deceased, has filed, with the Clerk of the above entitled j Court his final report of bis transac-1 Hons a uch Administrator of said estate, and that said Court has set . Monday, the 17th day of February. : 1913. at the hour nf 10-ftO A M the County Court room In the Court House at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, as the time and place of hearing any and all objections to said flnai report and the final settle- ment of this estate. Any and all per- nr.II K.I'InB tl.lA,lnna , . (' J n, ----- nUu. nuno iu cam uum report and the final settlment of this estate, nre hereby notified to be pre - ent at said time and place and pre- sent their said objections for the con slderatlon or this Court. Dntprf and flrat nnhlfshoH Tanttot-v, ,. . ,; r" 1 , tu, into. EDMOND STEVENS, Administrator or the Estate or Harry Stevens, deceased. DIMICK & DIMICK. Attorneys ror Administrator. Registration of Land Title. In the matter or the application or Veronica Severin to register the title to the V. 1-2 of the N. E. 1-4 and S. E 1-4 of the N. E. 1-4 or Sec. 2. Twp. 3,' Range 5 S. in the county of Clack amas, State or Oregon v. John Musa. Mary Musa, Helen Musa, Carl Sever- In, Herman Redderbusch'and to all: persons to whom It may concern. Take notice that on the 28th day of December, A. D., 1912, an applica tion was filed by the said Veronica Severin, In the Circuit Court of Clackamas County, for initial regis- tratlon of the title tu the above enti tled and described land. Now unless you appear on or be fore the. 15th day of February A. D. 1913, and show cause why such appli cation shall not be granted, the same shall be taken as confessed and a de cree will be entered according to the prayer of the application and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. SAMCEU J. SILVERMAN. Attorney for Applicant. (SEAL OF COUNTY COURT.) Summons. In thu Circuit Court or the State of Oregon for the County or Clacka-1 mas. Amelia Schultz, plaintiff, vs. Carl Schultz, defendant. To Carl Schultz, defendant above- named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF PREGON: Yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed herein agains: you In the above entitled suii within six weeks from the 10th day or Jim.ary, 1913, said day being the first day or publication of this sum mons And if you fall to bo Senear and ans wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff j? will apply to the Court for the relief! prayed for and demanded in the com plaint filed herein, to-wit: For a decree forever dissolving the bonds of matrimony now and hereto fore existing between plaintiff and the defendant, and granting unto plaintiff an absolute divorce from the defend ant, and for a further decree, awarding plaintiff the sum or Thirty-five 035.00) dollars per month as perma nent alimony, and directing the de fendant to pay to plaintiff said sum, each anr every month, and tor fur ther order restoring plaintiff to her former maiden name, that of Amelia Frater, and for such other and furth er relief as to the Court may seem just and equitable. This summons la served upon you by virtue of an order made and en tered by Hon. J. A. Eakln, Judge of the above entitled Court, dated on the 8th day of January, 1913, and which order prescribes that the sum mons In the above entitled suit should be served upon you by publication once a week for alx succesive and consecutive weeks. It the Oregon City Enterprise, the ian t being a week ly newspaper and of general circula tion In the County of Clackamaa. State of Oregon. O. G. SCHMITT, Attorney for Plaintiff. Date or first publication, January 10th. 1913. Date or last publication, February 2ftit, 1913. Summon. lu the Circuit Court of the State of O:egon, for Clackamas County. I.eoncit Guedon, Plaintiff, va Henry Guedon, Defendant, 'ir henry Guedon, the above name! ;fcfendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suit, on or before the 14th day of Feb, 1913, said date being the expiration or six weeks from the first publication of this sum mons, and if you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court WEINHARD BUILDING for the relief prayed for In her com plaint, to-wit: For a d'-cree dissolving the bond of matrimony now exiating between plni.iliff and defendant. This sum mons Is published by order of Hon. R. I'. I'eaiie.Iudge of the County Court which orrTer was made and entered on the fist day of Dec, 1912, and the time prescribed for publication thevu or I lx week, beginnings with, the Issue of Friday, Jan. 3rd and cont'd ulr.g inch week thereafter to and In cluding the Issue of Friday, Feb. 1 4th, 191:'. IIROWNEIJ. & STONE. Attorney for I'lalntl','. PAUL C. FISCHER Attorney-at-Law Deutscher Advokat Room 2 Beaver Bid?. Oregon City, Or. Pnonea Pacific 52 Horn A 161 BROWNELL A STONE Attorney-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to m m ' i , t J ( . U'REN A ICHUEBIL I Attorreys-at-Law 1 Deuttcher Advokat Will practice In all courts, mak collections and settlement i rim,.M. p,,,i n,,,Mi. ? ' U UIUCIUIIn f 'JillIU, f Oregon City, Owgon. j -- ' ---------- . O I I C. O. D. C. LATOUnETTE t 1 9 o I o o o Atiorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real EaUta aad Probata our Bpecialile. Or i floa In First National Baok Bldr., Oregon City. Oregon. i t W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. ! J Graduate of the Ontario Veterl- nary uouege at loronto, Canada, and the McKlaip School or Sur- ery or Chicago, Is established J at Fashion Stable, Fifth St. be- l tween Main and Water Sta. Both Telephone ( Offi ice Pacific, Main 65; Home, j , Residence Pacific, Main 184 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. ; Clackamas County Headquarters 1 CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, S10 Chamber of Commerc. Portland. Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plats , I abstract book and tax roll. Agents for Clackamaa County ' Ijtnd, Money Loaned, TUIm Perfected. I E. F. A F. B. RILEY. ' Attorney A Counsellor at Law P rHAleifi aw OK natrki I t We maka a specialty of Install- lng water system and plumb- lng In the country. We carry the Leader tuaks and Stover en. , glnes. We have a full line ot Myers pumps and spray pump. Price always loweat. 720 Main SL Oregon City t Phone 268Z . 7 a D. EBY I Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstract furh- 4. land titles examined, Miate i settled, general law bualne. I Over Bank of Oregon City. For its exquisite flaTor. The choice of all men who know good vrhiakey. . FOR SALE BY LEADING DEALERS. Wi For it Mouisite flaTor.V 11