Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, February 07, 1913, Page 6, Image 6

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Dr. John McLoughlin
His History His Place in Our Temple of Fame
(By W,
G. D. Mercir, Sergeant-at-arm
Stat Senile)
Nor wnnt we skill or art. frou'
whence to raise
Magnitlcienoe, atul what tan hoixoi
show more?'
- Milton
Today I sat for a Ions. I"ik tun.
looking at tH' splendid painiinc of
Dr. John Mii.oughlin li u li li.u..
ahuv- the irosl.i-tit s desk in th- sen
ate chamber of the eapitol ot Un
coil. And as 1 n't In d-op tlouuh'
mid looked al the remarkable pi.-mr
of that' on -rs'.iadowlnc character -that
mysterious admixture of mci.in
rholy and merriment, of hmsht-r am.'
tragedy, ot mirth and tears- 1 lan
ded that his u.-uo is one of f.-i.n-lii
m-ss and confidence that his eyes
are turned from the pine of h:s
lauding upon our slior-s and .-.r-reading
artlit the lessons of t.-.ord
ed wisdom that Ills hack is turned
f.ir,- me Ono hx one these
inn-Ado are blown toward me and are
spun l-v the wheel of my fancy Into
ii-nn mill then woven
111.1 II.- - -M-'i . -i . : . i
, . .... . .1 I... !).. ilinlfl.l Of till I tl
111IO UK' lai'li. -'. - -
p. n Into the warp and woof of this
fabric I hax o. doubtless woven much
that tou the most astute of m' read
,: - i.ol su- i'i. t. t.ir h t-s dlseer-.i.
al 1st n-'t pause 10 nuai n-. i
n reason I merely feel
rit the looms of time are
:,lh. and the busy tinkers of
:, s are ever weaving, as In a
nl tapestry, the many threads
dors that make P our several
iml when tlies-- are eHsed lo
1 in I
i an 1 --
to vcr
the fa
! -. aim
a ai -1
-1 1 s.
II ip rharaeler wlileh ho. more '
nnv other man. nave to to the common ;
wealth ol Oregon l H ''"O- t'gi""
Fxot v one of lis Is dally enjoying the
. ne. U of his widely known and wide
spread hetietaetlonii to perishing emi
grants of his wisdom, and of his pub
lie H'inl- Thus he Is today our bone
faetor; and thus he Is to ho the bone
factor ol our pos-trUy through age
to eome. Today a grateful people
look on this painting and loxo to
Hunk that his dying H-'"' "''' m-',
HI...M1IIIL. u u-n on v me i,r- ......
i.urtiitL' soul mux Know- t-
i.,.i,..i. that ill the silence of th
reding woild he heard the meat
waxes breaking on a farther shore,
and felt alr-ady upon his venerable
l.ivxx the bronlh of the eternal morn
Inn-- we hue to heliexe that
1 lie ,:ood begun 1-x C ee shall
' '' .......
enn nn pre ch u
LUu rnitLO oiiuii
hue 10 I and
re j taking
ila s.
linn- o
tliex w
The most noteworthy change In the
il..- mist week was the drop
in i h.i in lee of eggs and
Egg whleh haxe
inue for sotm
lieeii d
lime, now sell ni .
, ,.-nis. w llh lair prospe. i o.
another tuml-l- beloiv man)
Hens are ow lor the pi-sent
f die xear and II I" likely ihM
n gnat oeai i
Im some lime to
:v critic a-ul to admirer there
hh.ill l-e found none of iTichter colors
o.- of nohler i-artern than the life ol
t'-e Kaflur of Oregon Ae. when
leer.lh n i.l'iiy si'.aa ass ui-'i
rio-is li ...1 in their final l'-m-i-!-re
xx ;!I l-e found within IIS
walls lr. John Mel.ouKhliii -
ward (low
main a lirauihnii; stream,
w ider ci'i- i .
The .;ood that In these few and fleet
r.m hours.
Thy hands, ursi-aritu; ami iiiuxeaueo
M-W ,
Shall d.ek ihy pr.ne wifh aramait
Cune tiowers.
And xl.-UI the-' (rmt dixiue In
xens liir.nerl.il l-owers."
,il not xary
mesellt ciiee
I'olalei-s still remain sii.-in:.
i ni these who are on ia- --
1 ih.. .r. i.KiiL hm mi! w ill
i maintain m.-- i
and '':' l"M "llUl l'l,,M'n(
I e.l.
Tim telephone lines, wlllelt
i i .,( .'.iiiiinlssloit iluei
snow, art- helntf lepilied rapidly
as possible.
Mrs I.. I. l aliU was
herdmiKhler who '
Kd. Mills Is haullim
Ill Kill l.
, hi. kens. I Mrs planner i" i-
Iin.nu l-i'somo ' r " .lr
(lol.lle. Ihe lime ""
and Mrs. II II lUlh-n. has hIIkHI
ni niieiimoiila
lilt .laeLsou iillend- d tho
,," Molalla Sal in -lav
,ed (list Pil.e lor 1-elliK the most
, ,-iiili al represi nled box
rxoiilu wnn ni" i-iiK-ni"
Mr end Mrs. peulI
tit i-t tinned M-xel.il
i.n.l.iv Ihi-v were
Kriiuk I oaidman and (amll
Mis (' I I aniei"ll
Mills and d.iiUJii
a re
Ullest n(
In Kastoin
potatiien in
and family
nf (heir menus
Mr and Mrs
Ml and
and Mi" J
Miss Lillian-
MilvvauKic and Northern Clackamas
tin modern throughout, u e,-, c
motor supiilyliiK Ilin wamr
lesl llolii-rls riiteilnlniMl t
I.I Tarty Nl her ln-ino nil Monday ,
UlliU III lliiliur u( lii-r Ihlrteeiilh him,,
day, In th vui-snltiit eniit,.i,i i-i.,.,
' t'nitln won Ilin i-rln, 'I'hh ! u ,1k.
Mr. rlhiixer may doeldn ri-iflit c.aiiiea ntn rtijoxed ,r
land lllrnl Hrueehi.il, l.llllau n,l
Aiehln Hhaxer and daiiHhler. Miss
Helen, umt son, Unbolt, airlx.-d fioin
l ronton, lows, on Tltinsday and '
vlnitlim wlih Mr. txhir' niolln-r,
Mis M A Hhaxi-r ami lslr, Mis.
I .l.o oh.
to loeiiln llt-K'
Mr. and Mis. W UUains. ol WanliHiK j
(on. p n based lh lluim-a luopeil) j
mid liioxed to thl ilen I Ills w.n-k,
(heir s.-n thai lis einolU-d III III"!
, hool this week.
Mr. and Mis IliikU SainUtixUii had j
Ihe iileiiuiie of (ho ioui i(iiy of Mr. !
and Mi", niowi.e ami aii.s i....i,..k ......., r,01
Wash., and Miss .... . ... .
! mm Is Hand ilmiii, I lot Is rainioii,
Mnrr I'b-rei., Klli-n llarl, Klnuui H,.
ry, lles.lo lloberts. ('l)dn and l.hiti
('until, h'rank and t 'lydo J.-m s, i.
v HI i..nliiK. I Hum 1l M l-'ui litni..
do Haldorf and Arthur Unbelts
Mrs I dllll Tiilseolt, uf Un i.h.ita,
was a l.i-dti" taller on Ttlesd.i) ,
early M-nni:
1 - ..'.-
1 1 I
III I i a a
unit i-i
l.JX-litlU-S MOMt K.t -slOKt L)
i Tl siinai'.oii for Urecoll apple Is
-j i:ett.iallx better abroad, although the
f ! market has been rather erratic an I
U jfore.d one way or the other by th-
Uesardiiis the situation. W. IVu
nis a: Sons, fruit brokers, write from
'iVivent C.-rden niiir1"". I.lxeriHHil. un-
cne of th-- grand personalities lu mod-; Jor llaI ,l( January 17:
ern history. In saying this I am not .-rh market for barrel apples In
been very
I I oe.il skus say
, h.-l'e so at least.
. are clad to barn ta.it
' I ,,-k iV-t.llo. the 3 xear old sou of
jlr and Mrs. John losti-lio. ol this
! i!.u-e. who fell on or ml Inms.-ll HJ
i ihe Mil.- x ttli a kmto wr ' adl and
I ,,ear fatally will soon l-e able to baxe
ihe ho-pltal and be brought home.
I Mis Storm Is xery b k al Ihe home
x . .. . ,, ...
( Iter .l.iu;liler. .urn. .mi i
. . ... i .t.iii.u
tin xer; oui, in-"1.'
ful. , .
The tanslea are about si:al(;hi.'iii
.,i .,i th.. t.'leiihone lu-.. t at: a in.
inpio market coiuinues 10 uo , ... n-amrrv bulUUni; will i-o n;uv
an impioxed xolume o( sales. t't i l l( w (n lurse aleolud lamps s.hu.
nri.es are stationary as a rule. There i .,,,., ,. (..i(eiueui was i.iu--
ed Monday b) terrltle exi Iom-ii t.ut
j.irr.-l house as well as nerxes. near
the lower l.ocaii sehool. for ahll - U
was thought a meteor had fallen, but
Kxiu.ui I worklnii lor IM !
Iinr tttiin.-i 1 . i 1
.nut.. 1, 1 u.ouxei. xxa.ii.. a.... ul - - rollietl Hai.lUI mi,...,.
l un. II. 01 l aii.pla.rt on Sunday. , ln .o , K .,,..
Al lht ini-i-llnit of thn ol!li i,, ( n,,
1'Brt.nl 'I paehrrs' I'lreln al lhn l J
ruiiix" season is
till en
ll-'d. thete
Tbniii'h II"
,,,.1 I- i btniirv bus l-isl "I"
Is iiiii.'Ii l" tell us that wlnl-T his
looseu. l his ttrasp. The rose l-ui.-s
an- inn out I'-.ir l-.ids and Ue
,.,tt,..!,N are n-ar x readv to !
There will be tdelitx of those eo.ilell
I.U-ss.-iiis for W as niu-.ton s blrthda.'
The - I ildr.-n al" -a ehliii! Ihe pus-i
wlll.ws mid ar- i-.i.ui-lin; to use (h.-'U
as .-. el.s11.11nd ' 1 'he bright yi I
l'-.wrr. Ill
is Ultle lirst class shhk 10 n- inn. ,
Ktra fancy Spifeuberi; are unotv- j
tamable and the trade does not care .
(or the yellow- sorts
Home of Dr. John McLoughlln. Oregon City
toward hi former countrymen and
tho Hn.lsnn lUxr romnanv and from
his present commanding position hM ' disposed to dispar.ue the great men j , rn,on this ,.,.i( has
look i on and on ox-er our wid ex
tended and prosperous common
wraith, an outlook which is both a
promise and a prophecy. We can not
know all that was in the mind and
heart, in purpose and in hope, as this
wise and beneficent man first put on
that far-away look.
"A spirit fit to start Into an empire,
And look the world to law."
But we do know that exen this as
tute man. w ith all his for thought,
could only have regarded as a wild
Imagining, an empty dream, the pro
duct of an unrestrained fancy if the
story of Oregon could have been told
him a story of magnificent develop
ment, vast wealth, unthought of re
sources, a teeming population happy
in indrustries not then conceived of.
and that the smiling eddies of the
dimpled Willamette with Its mil
of any olher land, to despise the ; ,r;u:mn,;. due in a great measure to
home of any people less favored than I ttie wot am depressing weather we
we. Let th- ltiulian sing of his glori
havt oxptTU'tU't'il ivid tins piwriittHi
ous skies and ttaliny air. the EnnllsD ! tlu, rtaiit.r from cU-ariii his (t'uvks.
if hi u TittIrli1 liiinmir. tilt It?! I 1 ..I r Mj ,v,,r m,( hw,
: ::n .:: ,: "'. 1 " U1 :.::::r.. . . ... ... sup.-nutend.-nt
li.au i-l 111s k.in.r - n-Hiraw n our .ox.l jiuub nl ' I ,. . ... , ,i. ,,l,.,
!,:.,,!. the Swiss of his mkhtv Alps , .1.. ...11 u- uh..n first one for thi lla-e.
we rejoice in a land where there Is 1 hopi tnat i.(ter condition of things
no petty kaiser, o grinding oppres- j wiii pr-vall. The ' Shenandoah" i
iwas u heniy ihargo of uyiuiuiu
off by a fellow lu the road
I The New View of K-lu.alion
I,.. nl.i..i-t on which U x I'. I'
ll: l.. 1.1 I'ortland will lecture
ilerest of the cIuhI al llirdnu
liraiige Hail Saturday. Kebruary li at
2 o clock.
I Miss Anna Hachmun. principal, ol
I Lower Logan school is airanglug a
ll-rogrum which will be glx.-n by pu
j pils of to r sehiH.l and also I i'i-er la
! gau and Stone. Turents, pupils and
j everybody welcome. This is one of
a series of lecture arrang.d by State
in the isl
and th"
(he s- h- ol d--. oriiil.-us oi-
Im The re" ns do not il- s-ri 1 ,1
us N'oi a day im -n.es wllhout so-ne
lunt-ful note from the little harbinger
1 I in
Still, the news of progress oil the
IVttlaii.l Kiig-ne Kastern lallrond
l.-lla that we are not long to llv In
our present Isolation and the regular
s.muil of the mill whistle show II
there Is no abatement of activity III
those Industrie
The Kl-V school lned on Wedne
diy .l- 'i -"'th The children of that
dl'ifli are netting oxer tho com
plaint that trade It necessary to
l-liis,. (tli Si'lllMll.
The Mar.-hhnrg.T rlilldrrn r
sh-.wli-g d.- lded Improvetneiil and no
new e-s.-s of scarlatina haxo aptar
.Mr. l.iindwald, ol Seallle. Is p.-ltd
lug a lew day Hh III UaugltU-l,
Miss Klbel at the J I-'. Jeliului.s liolliu,
Mis I iui v I111 1 -I and daughter, of
I'm Hand, spent Widins-lu) with Ml.
liiKoii.sl lh l-iiuluiul and I'"-Kotn-sl
(alliill.s renidid III Milineap
oils lit the same lllu.
t'. I', M-H:.e all.-uded tho ineelllia'
of tho I'.'asl Side Capital Highway A
ill. Mi III Uii-koii I II) oil riiurs.lay
if, ti. r.oaidiuaii Is siifl.-iliig from
ait uil.uk "I erysipelas and hi culi
diti.ui is seilous Mr. lii-aiiliiiaii was
a lotnu r lesldeitl of till pla. e, but
lor Hi" l-ust year has be.-u a rest-
lit of 1'oitlaild.
Mr. and Mr K. M Uoblusoii, who
lia.o o.ilipb'd Ihe Hi-t house, rrinox
ed t lor I laud dullllg lhn wet-k.
Ailhui- S01 sl ha gone to NelHrt
to reitmUi.
Miss Hellllie liuekles, of Urrgoli
lluliliinoii lioiun 011 hrldny nn tin, ,,,.
lowing n-iiiiiilll-es were nai I
Ham l niHiiilili e, Mia lleo iii.ir,,tll
Mr II. M. Hart, ami Mix K.:b..r
'Campbell. Mettibership. Mr Will J.y
I cobs. Mrs I.. W lleo and Mis lu a
tltueilierl, Ix linln gal loll, Mrs I . mm,,
, Mi-isn at-d Mr A, K. Kussi ll. -r,.a,
Mr Hugh Huberts; HiM-epllnn ami
; Music. Mis. ('. I., Smith. Mrs M A.
I Shaver and Mr. It. N Hmlth. M,u-a
tli.e, Mr I'.-lia lliil.c-rt. Mis Win
Cunk. Mrs Jelililn Join-.
II. 'til r Kurges.ui. of laiiilsaiia liu
has s lit two month with his u int,
Mis I'oile. In retilllinl In ia
' home
Mr. ami Mr Jintd. of Miml.txilla,
will spi-iul si-xeral days wild tln-lr ils.
Miss Itutk Cook spent Friday In
I I'ortland and attended a party al the
I homo of Mr. and Mrs. IViu-n
sion, no clamorous and wretched
retinue of Italian beggars or arrogant
and diseased aristocracy In a land
where, every forest is a fairyland, i-v
err field a picture, every landscape a
poem, and every flower a tender
thought in a land where:
"The Sky is as a temple's arch.
The biue and wavy air
Is glorous with the spirit march
Of messengers at prayer."
We joy in a land where the natural
scenery is sublimely beautiful where
of shipping far above lu outlet ! grandeur meets wun me aw mi.
flows by homes that In verdant lawn I 'h.re the weird mingles with the
and flowering terrace. In modern ele- i wild, w here the warlike monotone of
gance and comfort, or in baronial ' the cataract's thunderous fall is the
magnificence of atructure. may well ; mighty symphony of great depths,
challenge comparison with the no-! great heights, great reaches, wher
blest examples of English or conti- j the summits of rocky walls are kissed
nental suburban life. And then on : by freighted clouds waiting at anchor
and on as the clear beautiful current I for the wind Then like great ships
of the rippling McKenzie or the in-1 heaving anchor to a single command
dian-named Mohawk comes to view they sail dow n off the heights and
in all the iweep of rich valleys or I the great forest becomes the center
rugged mountains and the spreading ! of the most sublime scene where rude
foresu that are ever whispering I hail in eddying, rattling tempest
bronchi 2S.0OO barrels of Nova Sco-
lian fruit.
We auctioned today a very fllnerar
of Oregon Newtown, the best fruit
we haxe seen this season. The a;v
pies were competed actixely for bv
the best London trade and real'.red
top. price of the season
Mr. and Mrs. Wurfel went to Tort
land Sunday and brought their little
daughter. Irene, home with them.
Irene Is much improved In health and
is feeling fine after the operation.
The residence of Will Hauer was
fumigated last Friday. A deputy
health officer of Oregon City, doing
ihe fumigating. Little Donald Hauer
is improving and Is now able to sit
up a little each day, although he was
xery low Wednesday night of last
week. Dr. Mount was called and
found him In a critical condition. He
immediately telephoned for Miss
Jackson, an experienced nurse from
as If God was consenting to hear j forms. And as we walk the dim aisle ! the hospital at Oregon City, the 9:30
that th? ancient earth Is Indeed our
mother and that we have found her
again after being lost among houses,
customs, and restraints In other
lands that are now fuller of pomp
and emptier of prosperity whisper
ing the call, the awakening of an un
tamed wilderness with the necessity
of peril and calm acceptance of it.
If all this could have been told him
this man of tempest and sunshine
In the painting well might he have
regarded it as the wild Utopian
dream of one intoxicated with visions,
of more than oriental magnificence.
And as I sit and meditate upon the
life's work of the Father of Oregon
this man of romance and pathos,
qf fun and logic, all wedeed together
I fancy that like Elijah of old
he is listening to "a still, small voice"
which tells that the deeds of time are
governed, as well as judged, by the
decrees of eternity And this tlinucht
reminds me that th? soil of Orison
has time and again been made sa r.-d
by the blood of pione-er patriots. I
also remember tbi simple dmiiity of
bare plain pioneer gravts fitting thi
ol the column-like trunks of the
stately Oregon fir and white pine we
will hear the tinkling footfalls of
! swift messengers who will whlsp-r
that unseen hands are about to draw
back the bolts from the gates of fu
turity. And while waiting half-expectantwe
will have strangely
beautiful thoughts of far away lands
and dreadful storms to which thes-.-magnificent
products will come as
proudly erect and grandly beautiful
they carry the sails of a commerce
the world wide over No wonder th?
hearts thrills with reverential a1;!
It is there amid such surroundings
we find religion harmony, law, va
r: ty. freedom; living, growing, ever
clrdncing, through the season- ages;
yi- ldiiig to ea-.h season the things
that n-Mng to that season, lying dor
mant sometimes, it may be. but al
'.la 's t:;-re. There we find God.
And now as xx
i's Hunt the
i-'-il liif-nms. the
: ; 'h ix MbMities,
M li. Ku-bhoff is preparing to
launch forth In the mercantile busi
ness and Is preparing to erect a suit
aide building for the puriKe. Wo
wish him success in hi new xonlure.
Mrs. T. K. Anderson Is having the
Saturday. February 1st. Harding
Crango held It regular meeting,
about forty were out. A resolution,
urging t ur legislators to aid lu keep
ing independent tel. phone stein
from the monoiwly of the Hell Tele
phone Co.. also one In regard to the
Canam.i Fair appropriation. That
meat inspection bill received a grill
lug also. If said measure became a
law It would decrease the supply
from the farmer and dlscourago the
raising of anlmala for meat. Auyone
with goggles on or off can ee what
interest lie behind that measure.
The out that would control and et
City. X lulled with Mis Ity Haldorf ou ! Mr Hugo Hsnilsl rom I re. o rt-ln
Sunday. i from a exrr attack of rheuiuatum
Mrs ti. Sander, of I'ortland. spent Mr. and Mr J. A. Johns.. 11 s;-ent
Tuesday with h.-r little nrnd.liihl Sunday In Cortland with Mrs l(od
er I ''i"
Wm. liregau had latgo form of
lin n at work 011 his hoiiso first of the j OAK GNOVI,
week and the house which t-olialsla of
Flno fmit tree. 1 and 2 years, at
less than wholesale. Write for
A. J.
WALKER. Nuraeryman.
Mllwaukle, Ore.
train stopping to let Miss Jackson off
here. The child Is Improving and it
is now thought he will recover.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Irvin, of Au
rora, came down Wednesday evening,
when Lionald Hauer was so 111.
Ivan I'helps Is quite ill. Dr. Ded
man is attending him.
Miss Certrude Evans, of Portland,
was home on a visit recently.
S. It. Here, Henry Zeigler and Mr.
Martin went to Oervais Tuesday to
attend the Livestock Show.
r, "'", .y . . ......
... t - "
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'"Vlf '-' ' .. 1 ,-' ' :
; f : :
. :.'. - - i
f'- - ---iiliinih -i--a -
Mrs. JI. Midgett made a trip to
Oregon City Friday.
Hert fJard is visiting at the home
1 of F. Nichols.
Mrs. Elwood Frost of Oregon City
'is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
iT. Kirk.
of today citch in! Mrs. Caldwell and children called
principles of real- on Mrs. Kandle Friday,
go'.dni domes of j F. Shanks w ent to I'ortland Sun-th-
purpling hills day.
its. our beans are .Mrs. cope, 01 romanu. is vivhiiik
i-rnk-red by (lie recol ; her daughter. Mrs. Wirtx, and Miss
j Ruth I'ope.
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Kandle gave
a party at thi-ir new bungalow Satur
lay night. The evening was spent in
dancing and games. About 50 guests
were present and a delightful time Is
reported by all.
Halph Caldwell, who Is attending
school at I'ortland, is spending a few
days at home.
Misses Ruby Schrans nnd Marion
Mudgett, who are attending high
schol at Oregon City spent Saturday
and Sunday visiting their parents.
Mrs. Chaii. Kirk, of Crescent is vis
iting Mrs. T. Kirk, who has been sick
the past week.
There will be a basket social at the
M. K. Church Saturday evening.
Mr. C'athrlne Jonea Is not much
imnrored. She has a trained ntirae
from Salem.
I.MHI Oninn of Oreeon City, was
out to see his grandmother, Mr.'
Jones last week.
Kev. Mr. Chllds haa returned to his
charge here, after being absent three
Orvll Thomas Is sawing wood for
different parties In this neighborhood.
Miss I loll Marqiiam ha returned
home. She took the teachers exam
ination In I'ortland. which she paused
with a high average.
Some talk of having a school pro
gram -U our school tinder the supet
vision of Professor Hargreave and
Miss Watts.
Ed Albright hud the misfortune to
lose one of his fine hounds he had
lately received from Kentucky.
.1. C. Manjuam sent to Ohio after
two Ferret t to catch rat and mice.
His first experience with them was to
let one loose In what he supposed to
be a rat hole, there was a gray squir
rel In the hole and he soon found out
the squirrel came out victorious and
he was minus one Ferrett. They are
a curiosity. They are specie of the
mink only they are white and are
quite tame.
Ed Young of I'rosser. Washington,
is here for a few days looking after
his property.
Lorenzo Thomas and wife of East
ern Oregon, were In tow n Monday, the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stockwell.
The -bile daughter of Oeo. VV.t.
who tixe hid w hooping cough, ar
so far tecoxer.-il that they are hopii-
to be back In sehool on Monday. Feb
Sol Struhl.nr has liuproxed so much
In the lust few daxa that he hope to
take the cream route again next
Frank Hilton and WIII lioth are
Improving their place materially by
putting up new wire fence.
Jllr. and Mr Hilton, with their chil
dren, were guest of Mr. Hilton
father, at Needy on Sunday.
A. A. Ilatdwlrt was In Portland on
business last Saturday.
Mis Margaret Zenger I tlll very
III In Portland.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Kraxt-rrger
have gone to Paandcna, 01. to spend
the remainder of the winter.
Oeo. Srramlln took In the Itetall
Grocer' Convention at Albany nt
Hilly Miller I taking the short
course In agriculture at Corvallla.
Ed Kraxberger I working for hi
undo, Ferdinand Krnxberger.
Mr. and Mrs A. A. Haldwln took
dinner with Mr. Haldwln. Sr. on
Sunday, at the Home ranch.
The Hoesrhe children, also those of
Ftudolph Klaui, are recovering from
the whooping rough.
The Infant daughter of Mr. and Mr
Harvey Hilton, who was alarmingly
111 of pneumonia last week. I much
The dance at the Vereln hall on
the night of Feb. 1st, wa largely ut
tended and greatly enjoyed by the
young people.
Mr. Nas. with her children, left
last week for New Orleans, to remain
for the rest of the winter.
eight large room and a large strop-
lug riK-111 enclosed with glass la IH-ar. ,
I tig completion.
Mr and Mr A. F. Kussvl have rn
tertuin.-l a uuuitwr of friends recent-'
I). On Sunday Mr. and Mr. J. II.'
TubesilHi, of Haker Clly. Orrg.ni, were
their gin-si and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kusseli and daughter. Pansy, of Port-1
laud, and Mrs. T. C It Ice, of New-
l-erg. were their xlsltors.
Mr and Mr. Haldorf and their
youngest son left for F-antern Idaho
(or a month visit.
Mr. and Mr Huston, of I'ortUtud.
We understand that Mr. I .-.! I. k
hss sold three tola on the rlx.-r nmd
and a mw resident will hortl; ho
eti-rli-d on them.
Our genial station agent. Jack War
ren, has stared a wood ard lie will
also keep on hand concrete., brn k and
cement blinks
Mr. ami Mr. J. II. Ku and Mx.t
rr Teddy made, a trip to Trouldnln
Saturday, returning Sunday et.-nliig
The mother and teachers' I
at l-ui will moot at the Oak liruta
school house Fbcruary Hth.
Mr. Spauldlug I taking adianuga
mined to the Albert Pierce homo, of (ho good weather and l giving hi
which I one of lhn prettiest situated ' rotlago a new coat of paint
homes -.hat ororlook the Willamette.. Mr Alexander ha been on the
To supply the great demand for d-slt li list thn past week. We are glad
slrabte rlvt r front cottage for the ; to learn that she I able to be out
summer season, Mrs. II. II. Ktnnion , again.
I now hailng two built on the bung I
slow order with cobblestone trim-1
mlng al her place The ground
will be beautiful and the cottage will
A ground hog day wa itirh a
pleasant one, wa must abide by the
old laying and expect six week more
Estacada and Eastern Clackamas
f ,
I.., i
. I 11
Cornel W. G. D. Mercer, Sergeart-at-arrrs State Senate. J
brevity of life, the littleness man, Ieetion that, tt.e ;,ri:e!-sH heritage of 1
Yea. the cap-lcfe of fb.-etii.g existence' t,1J0r d.d, u rnight.-r for a nations!
tnat nerds thus bend to th- iu.mova (1,.f, u ,Un va,t armies and muni-1 i
bie Omrlpoteriee. which plains its f war. u mm mlirl an)j .,
foot on nil th e-nf:ri- and ha? ,,,., r, ,h(, fo3 ,jf U(.,m ifi '
neither change of p-irpos.; nor repose. htM.st ,iationg no grater gift '
And yet these myri .-is of lia:n-l'ss ,),.-, jryent. and good in-n. And m,. ', '-
pioneer martyrs did not do in xai-. ,,, ;,.ld ,.,v K, t;e rea,Jer uroud of i
They were fortunate even in tn-ir u.pl,r,llv rontented v.ith today,' .''
deatb. for an event so tiaglcal calls . R0..f for ton.".w with tnr I ",'
the world imp- ratively to a eoref.il - f,r tl, d,.ad ,(th . iie-rs for the liv-l 'l
study of their lives and characters and , riKi)avp . in4 for l)ripf time tr. I j,
!H,sierity. Yea. in all that speaks oftday for tli(. ,ir,(glJ of w,aving 1 '
luus anticipate the sure praise ol . chil,A,.t ( fraKrant flowers and ! i
loyal devotion, heroic endeavor, and ; .rt.vi,r, tllP jr.atin t nature atKi-it ;
valiant contest Oregon shines un-i th.- memory of Dr. lohn McUugblin. I
dimmed In the luster of her untar, ,f H la a 1)lpsaing that any VM rnan i .
nubed gloi y amid the galaxy of the of orpS,jr, Bjth oriiinarv health in 1
states. BUun. u and loyal. t:is (amiiy nJ the ordinary bltssing j i.
And r.ow the griy Sabbath d -.y j of Uod ujion his innustry, may give j J
nnwarned by any sunset glow has to son, without sending him away I '.,
dirkencd Into nitht while I have be-n I trom hom, the b-ft fduia'lon the' '
linking fancy to fancy dreaming I country affords if there is any ol B
dreams I never thought to dream b-l ing in having a home at one of the ,
fore about this straneely interesting fountains of life for this vast confed ;
cross and pile of silken threads 10 wy of states then that best privi-i ,
eurlouslr interlaced to form the nnt.lWo ma 1.A trarwl tn lha In ft..-r,ri, I
!. I,.,
I ,!e
ll let of inside
it P.i'iMiklyu g.-iine.
pit- bii'g ngiiinst
I nut bins ev.-ejit
he xv;is (b-fl-is
slenitPig them
I'lll.S ItflT"! bxik-
s.iriin- e ugeiita be
tiie pbile. Among
nt i- i-.-t Johnny F.vers,
: .... -. 11 11 . n f the rnifliest ex-
l"ii n's of t'.e higher baseball.
Aieiiher iri.niineiit figure was
ll-iiiie '.rtiue niiun. xx Intse prin
cipal -. e;ii, itc. i is that he hit
,-iru, ;re.l!i- v.lii- h prexenfs I1I11)
from bulling more than .Kl. .Mr.
Zin.nieiiiKiii. houever, has no
r-i lititii'.u wh:it.--o-ver as a star
t iiiMib- linsebfill. Kver barely
do-tiri-d ;i lu'gli iniile shoot from
liu. I er th.it would have brained
the Ktrtiest second baselliHn.
1'r.mk I'b.inee was sitting on
the U-n.-li nnd gasjii-d out: "tie-;
.N;.p nearly seattcrnl Kvers"
brains oxi-r the ivhole Infield:"
"I winlt (, bad." reiiiarketl Zim.
"Id l--ir -eit there nnd get a
handful for future emergem-ie!
W bi-h would Indii ate that Zlm
agrees w jtli hia eritli-s nnd does
not think he knows It nil.
tern ot the man In the painting be- of Dr. John M. Ixn.ghlin. to the pern-' H-rVW-M-H
Heaver Creek Is still alive. Qul'c a
few of t.tir telephone lines are out of
commission, yet since the snow storm
but we hope to have them In shape
F.veryone around has been laid tip
with the grip.
Mrs. Fred StelrnT and son, Walter,
went to .Willanv-tte Saturday where
they mede a visit with Mrs. Shiner's
HSter-ln-law, Mrs. II. fiteiner and re
turned home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. liichter, of Canby,
called on their son. (!. Rlchter and
daughter, Mrs. J. Ilohlander, for a
few davs last week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Wm. Mohlnnder and
son, Hugh, called on Mr. liohlandor'a
parents, Peter Ilohlander, last Sun
day. Miss Illod Thomas made a trip to
I'ortland one flayaiaat week.
Miss Illod Parry called on her sis
ter, Mrs. Rowland at Portland for a
few days last week.
Mrs. Dora Shelley has been visit
ing a few days with her brothers,
Fred and Ili-nry Henrlcl.
Mr. and Mrs. T. If. Davles are vis
iting with C. E. K pence and family.
Horn to the wife of Owlll Thomas
a boy. Mother and son are doing
Mrs. Hugh Hughes and grand
daughter, of Illwaco, Wash., are visit
ing Mrs. Hughes' son, Ed Hughes
and family.
Next Sunday, February !. Rev. J.
It. Griffith will preach a Welch ser
mon at the Welch Conrregatlonal
church at ly.ao and at 2 o'clock In
the aft' moon. Rev. W. E. Williams
will preach an English sermon. lioth
minister are from Portland.
Miss Edith Heft, who has ben work
ing in Portland Is home again for a
while. .
M. J. I.azelb- is 111 Corvallla this
week attending the agricultural col
lege. Inking the short dairy course.
Miss Alta Itamsby Is the happiest
girl In Twilight, her two pupil hav
ing pained the elgth grade examina
tion. They are Elsie Hwick and Earl
Miss Marie Harvey will leave for
Seattle Sunday for an extended
visit with her brother, Clyde. Miss
Marie will be greatly missed by ht-r
circle of friends as she Is a general
Mr. Schincld.-cke, who haa been
making bis brother. Carl, a visit wa
tailed home suddenly by the Illness
of his mother.
ti. E. Splger Is clearing land pre
paring to put In his spring crop.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Marsh of Wichita,
Kansas, were the guests of Mr. and
Airs. A. H. Harvey Tuesday. They
are old friends and the tislt was en
joyed very much. They have been
traveling In different parts of the
stale out Twilight gave them the
best Impression.
Mr. mid Mrs. Curtis M. Dodtls
entertained at dinner Mr. W. A.
Dodds In honor of his sixty-eighth birth
day anniversary nt their home at
Crystal Springs farm. Father Dotltla
has many friends lu this community
who wish him many more happy
bin hdays.
The Community (Tub met
day evening In Twilight hall,
was a large attendance. The
gram was In charge of M. J
anw was well rendered. A well ed
ited paper by Huron Hond deserve
much credit.
Mr. Hoy Douglas visited with
Mr. R. 11. Ulbson Tuesday afternoon
Mr. Kate Ikiuglas called ou Mr.
Hert ha Douglas on Wedtieaday.
tiuy WiMidle having recently pur
cuhiu-d a Una milch row of hli uncle,
I'. It. Dun-by, of Gladstone. went
down and brought her home last
John Ghortnli-y of Portland, a nep
hew uf Mr. Huntington, his (later
and husband, were the week end
guests of Mr. and Mr. II. (i. Hunt
ington. Last Wednesday evening a crowd
gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Itoy Douglass and spent the evening
with them. The evening wa plea
snittly spent In inl chnt and thn
playing of game after which an ex
cellent supper of coffee, sandwiches,
cake and pie was served ami soon at
ter till departed for their home.
Sunday being Mr. How let seven
ty second birthday, Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Wooille ami children, Mr. aftd
Mrs. Will Douglas and Mr. It. II.
Gibson took dinner with lu-r ami Mr.
How let lu honor of tho occasion. K
was also Mr. Douglass birthday.
, The tanner are getting Home
the plowing done.
Thcre pro-l.uzell
Made by Many Oregon City Resident
Many people In a misguided effort
to get rid of kidney backache, rely on
plasters, liniments and other make
shifts. The right treatment Is kid
ney tr'-atinent and a remarkably rec
ommended kidney medicine la Doan's
Kidney Pills. Oregon City Is no ex
The proof Is at your very door. The
following In an experience typical of
the work of Doan's Kidney 11 1 In In
Oregon City.
.Tames Wilkinson, 201 Fourteenth
St., Oregon City, Ore., says: "I had
backache and pain In my Joins and
could not sleep well. There was stiff
ness In my limbs and other symptoms
of kidney trouble were present. lin
ing advised to try Iioan s Kidney PIIU
I did and wa gratified by their
' promptness In relieving me. Although
I am In my seventieth year, I am hale
i and hearty and I give Iioan's Kidney
Pills the credit."
For sale by all dealers. Price M
cents. Foster Mllburn Co., liuffalo.
New York, sole agents for the United
Remember the name Doan's and
take no other.
Al last the snow ha about cleared
aixav. We Are now having freedug
wealher which la rather hard on
Harry Itlttner Is quite elck wUh ty
phoid pin-iimonlu. We wish him a
peril y recovery.
I. Mile Park, of Walton, Is veiling
relatives and friends here.
Miss Allen, of Dodge, wus visiting
friends ut Elwood Saturday and Hun
day. Super xlsor James made a visit In
our school Friday.
Ila.i-l nnd Dolph Freeman nre vis
plug In Portland this week.
Mr. Mtdllke drove three beef rnltle
to Oregon city, which netted hi in a
good price. .
Carl Mellike wa at hoino Sunday
on a visit from Molalla, where he I
al work In u logging camp.
Mr. Cox had thn misfortune to lose
a sliet-o. which was killed by dog.
Women Right have taken effect at
Elwood, two riHtd petition are being
circulated by ladles of our town.
Mr. Welch and Price June ar haul
ing bark for their Mroplar.
Knill Krantnttl, manager of HIkhIu
dnndron hotel made a trip to Port
land. K. Coleman returned to Govern
ment Camp after a few day visit In
Hen Tottou ha gone to Sandy for
a few uay visit with Arlln Mitchell.
Mr Walter Cn-lghlon lost oue of
hi big white mare last week which
wa snug.-it In thn neck while In th"
Rowe burn. The mare wa valued at
about film.
Mis IMhlreil Fnublon has gone to
Marmoe tor awhile.
Mr. Tawiry ha ix-en hauling hay
from Hilly Welch' place.
Mr. Hen lotion and Carl Rachel
were caller at 'Iji ( as Monte'' hist
1 week.
I The new Ml. Hood hotel at Arrah
I W'annn park fell In about ten dns
I ago. The anow became oo heavy for
I It.
Some of thn little folk at Web ins
I have lenrned to master the art ot
j skelng ton (hla winter. little Vol
ma Morton. Master l-onard Murphv.
'Hilly" Fnublon, Mis (.title Welch
ami Master Felix Crutcher each have
a pair. '
Mr. Donald llotlly of Dover. Is visit
Ing friends at Welche.
Mr. P. Domenlgo, who I working
nl Rhododendron, relumed Thursday
evening after a few days visit In
Mis Resale Lewi, our achnol
leat her ha again resumed her school
duties, ufler a week' varatlon on ac
count of deep snow.
"Had" Crelghton I oh the sick list
(hi week.
At last the atoriny weather Is over
and we are having lino wealher again.
Misses Alta Sarner and Hazel tilth
ens were Estacada visitor Wednes
day. Mrs. H llarton. Mrs. Jack llrown
and Mrs, Hal Gordon were the guest
f Mr. John Gllhen one day lal
Mr. .1. W. Dowty nnd Mrs. Noah
I lei ph. were in Portland last week to
see tho play of "Hen Hur."
Mr. and Mrs. Cha. Spark were
Portland visitors Saturday.
Mr. Cleve llelple Is wearing very
broad smile now as an eleven pound
hoy has come lo bis house to live.
Edgar llelple Is grubbing up some
oak stumps.
Miss Gurrle Glthen ha gone to
Portland to work.
Henry (iilbens has been having the
neuralgia In hi eye.
A dance wa given at the Odd Fel
lows' Hall at Estacada last Hnturday
Mr. Cha. Sparks purchased a num
ber of hogs of John Glthena lant
The farmer are Inking advantnge
of thl fine weather In plowing ami
preparing their ground for spring
grain, If It continue good weather for
another week or two there will b"
lots of grain sowed.
Charlie Rider sold hla potatoes
Geo. llrown, of New Era, and he Is
busy hauling tlnun.
I air, .-.orton, who na neen mjin..
with her daughter, Mr. Cassatly, Is
Improving nfter a bad attack of th"
Mr. Hykes ha rheumatism this
David Kcei,f Emporln, Kansas, Is
visiting bis nelce, Mr. Walter Owen
and his brother. Wm. Ilees. Mr
Ree wa here on a visit about five
year ago.
Walt'ir Owen lui gone on a hl-
nes trip lo Portland.
Preparations are being made for the
entertainment In the school house.
Mr. Hancroft went nfter Ihe organ
nnd It I Installed In the schoolhoiise
where it should be for this ttse of the
Winding "Big Bn."
"ltlg lien." I the name of th K""'
bell In the parliament clock tower, In
London. It wa cast In DCS and I 0'
Immense size The winding of Dig
Hen I a tedious erfirmanc The
hour weight and Ihe quarter .weight
have tit lie wound twice week, the
os-rnton inking about five hour In
each ciise. The weight for the quarter
I Just one tmi and half, and the hour
weight U over ton. The endiiluiii.
thirteen Hiid a half feet long, vibrate
once in two set-mid and weigh nearly
700 pound.