OlfEOOX CITY KNTKltl'lilSK. KIMI' VY, KKIIIil'AliV ' H'K. YOU SHOULD TWE PURE USD PLEASANT DR. HUG'S NEW DISCOVERY. TOD Villi GET QUICK ASO PERMANENT RELIEF. IF Stops Cough, Loosens Chest, Soothes Inflamed Throat, Nose, Bronchia! Tubes and Lungs. Start Taking It at Once, Pr. Kind's New flrrrr vis orir cated 43 vean ap. I: "n.I. rfu! r- r t- itop coughing, cure cc!k rv.iev bron-h:il and lung aJtvtions, ma.lo it quickly popular. It n.e fiJi!j ir.w-naj.rL Now it is un doubted;? the"ni.vt cd prwi-r :'n f"f cocehi and cells in the vor'.d. M.'.I.oiw of bottlea are wM aanual'.v. ar.d thoii-ar. : l' tifj to its r.'T.t by tit:mon:a!j and ?oa ti&nrd WV eijvr.nn'st .:h rjr.kz.ow a and untried rowed it? FUaJaV, tr.-.d i"d trw. Dr. Kinc'i Kew P:.viverv :s cuana twd It your drn,r.'i.t t r- 'p yon or mo t refunded. Get a bottle tdar. Kp it for em fancies. "Typho,! pncoa:a had !o:t me w-;:h dreadful con;h,n wri't Mr. J. K. Cox of Jo'iot, I'L -Sorr.i'tirr.t I had reoh awf-1 couchirs: irvLa I thought I wodd d:e. I could get no htlp from d.vtorj trvatnier.: cr otNr medic::., till I ted Dr. Rizf't New Discovery. I ce ray life to this won derful remedy, for I scarcely co'jb at all dow." Quick, fife, and r; able for all throat aod Ice.?, troubles. Sold by ALL DRUGGISTS crd was In attendance, who were atieati listeners to aa able and i ll d inere.l sermon Mr. Kylo. who bought ( acres "If lit.' ohl'Mnry Salmon place. ' riisy t. I'li.t rr-ra fur rouo.Jai.vn puryve as be Irtends buiM.ng a larse tarn th.s u:ni:;rr .. - SME5S i II. re : od 5 -0;H rilulj , r tie y a con-turn.! 1 Sol,) r- II" C;t. H :s: is a n-.e.ie of hope a-id V. r (rvti Mr. '. J Mar;;::. M..:. a. !s. i the r.i.x.'"'T of i i .1 lrrn Mr Mart.n n ;:. h trcu' e a:-. 1 cor.a : ( cham.-eria-.n cf .?.Ti!. r-' ,ev ' to t!n? I :i! I;" '. r.4 i''- J CLAD TIDINGS. O I. !.-.: .rod Is cfr. i ., for J V K! -John N iH-f fr haii W'! in - :o .r. I.J5 Of i'..-.i r.a.-i ; i;.i v -t. ' Wr irlt!iin la'in he-l !xl Tu'l mortiinf In th I'U.k ani.m rtir ljt S.timl.r Oirl Klr.hm l:oir (r h: hnh-r. liilt'l . ii h.. of hi'" l l If furrvi '"r p;otni a!ut Pflr h, l .ot .r.J it mill 'l I" h''a i t.ur.l II n; a Irv n.l k It Mr K.O in a ' ;itlr.it hrv t.TiiaT. ! i!l lUirih .'ill ;itJ SaoJ ' toiun V.'tr-r It t-.a.T. Mr !!-Ksrilt t.ri..l h.-n i r, l l"it !:! !hi ,x-,U until M'lulir morn i-c Vr I'lirthan!". ! Li'nrr at J. l::.'.'ii msll. T Trij't of a Trlr. I mi a tnm-hiit :.":';.m ' nf K K Vour.ss. y. P-rv:-.ir. Vt. ami t o.':n troii!..l :!h . .'.!.; dlion n l ;i t'on ti.l 1 f-.-m t. ;r K :.i Ni t.if I"' ! '' I hi,,' U Di.t an riri'lli'Mt r-r. -,t " for :; :. :i,h. Iiwr or I..!:-.' i riMi' IN r (rw unNua:'l. 0;.: Ji tent ' jl! ilr"nt;t. lr K M anil ilaunthi-r. AiU. ' rr MtlUiiH'ltfi calU'ra fturUr and Sutnliy ! Mm In. lufon from fanriiubj ....ni Th'i'nl "h l"i,'r ' l . rt Vnm l aroiitul l!or .t flklit Hh iiimiimniila. Mr K. M I Jon "'! i hll'Ir'H nt Sjhir.Ui Hh frl n.l III l ort la'l . ' I!,.- . rii of ni'Ttlnut hiM al "II liMi.u.. i luiri h tli i.t " !' ' ,1 , ,.n 1'rl.l.n IT M.ll'k.-i Ut"t !.. I.it i'ir H'J niaqT ,i, it iiiji.W on t.' i.'k i l KisiKri l,!ron ho l .,:?.. I U 111 rc:nn- a!i.l H" .in..' Itrr lti r Mr J,'inili lluriir; i . h.-r Silurljv Ironi rorllnnJ. II... iitrrar' -xit hal a Bn frit.ii rn-iilii A or lire . nlhi.. al!.Mi.I.ni-o Mr : i,.a . !.i.. I mot 1 itlful ; I.-. ( o:i on t!;o I'iui" .-i.-,Tt lull" '.t! I ..onl i .'l tttrrr fllwi tnt i!i- M::. fjttur an. I oq. tollq tvrn MAPLE LANE. :t. io l:..- r i . .1. Mr . K. o: -I , L-rtTTTtti A trotS-t of M-v V, A: "o... I ,! rtC5 hon: ha .a if.:,-. ... tor 0j' , V", at th: t.rre j a . m V.::r.. -a S irs a-L! tu rn fiar-..'- k'S of !- -a:r,-. :o h.a .'t. c.r.f.:-J '3 a hos .Ml rp-:a-..l f r a T.ir.-.:T of 4 rr ur.d-rta:4 a. .- far r- I aolJ ,'a:oruta. ',f'Aloa !i-r Ilia'--r NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY !.NTESTlC ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COLSTY fovt-rJ as to o! Th K-Thr,l fa U ilV.ir;? hai nun l':n'.".or Yi not ii H.r.r, K ylWt a: h.ivf a.-h got til.o' .! t"-(. Farmrra I;rr !;'!. !-n' hri" am rr.l of ol'o In ttv d",'P muJ ant planktr.a K r.'l from Cor firm h.oc to r.t th r.rar.to H'.'. A nr rl roir ix?rwrm',r.t Th' Mar' '-an Ixprnti-mont Cttih m- r !:''!i ith M- A Srlmt TK. T har nnrrha,,'.! rlattk for .!-a)' for . rovl i'h::Jr,-r. ru t . . oO! tn. .1 i tin1 l'l io iia!.oii vr 'or ol.l ami th I'rof i.ari. I'tof io!a I an.l .on all iloina flnn Tb ilplato ...I l!ut I ho K'Mlrra of (b r, !. nar ar Jmr.o-a aroirr i'n- t!..iti f'o.o of !! iiiH r' Kr,-. !'iiinii. an.t J.. fin U'iiom. af :: i:;ii. ai'ot Ki.o SuMo anJ Krir Vo. uol n.'ui'i- Th.- Iiin on lh. larrn of I'l'.Toril M.Uor. lm i kilioil h.io trju: to UrJ a .."iih'.o .ii.l fr.-uht. t. hi rrmalna 1 a. k to th. ir hoii;r Tui Hilar of lat Th'-ir r. .a-i. hrt. .!! Kl 1;, ! a i. I fi!r.:l i :-.t a far an I'ort UnJ fh thrin EM AU OlltlL j rta 1-Hr AjlrrrrUl (u!liruulml(liNli4 For Infan( nnA Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho i a a J h.i. a: MULINO Mr. Howe of thii pce le?t la i for Caomia on a buuiesa tr.p Linn coueij for lie past tire mctthi. r;t;ir-eil home tie firs: of last wk and haa noar ?one to Wil lamette lo crt for Mr. Eenlise. Mr. Jce. our school tpa,:lr. ho aa talea to the Uu Tator saa.tor ium aa3 ofrateJ on for a; ;so;.i:i ek a?o Mondav, Ls reporir-J to be Retting a!on5 n:cei-. H.s friesls hope he sooa be able to r-r3':s:e bia school da tie. Kayne Howard rttanied week ajo Sat-jT'iaT from a huatsn trip or the coast. Whether he broaiit back anr faae his not t-ef a !ar;i. Mrs. B-rt Wallice who has bes ob the tk't list is able to be oat. Mr. and Mra. Volgatnore who hare been Tisitinr relatives a: th:s rlac-. hare ret arced to their borne at SJrer -loa. There UJ be a basket social at th Moliso Orange baU Sardinia y eteuina; Kebmarr li. The proceeds to t used tor the new sidewalks. The public ts eordiaily invited to attend and help oat a Rood ca.s. Miss Florence Ganbel of Portland wis an over Sandaj visitor at the home of Mr. and Mra. G. W. Stnita. Lewa Csurchill boccat a fine horse of Mr. Pipta Saturday. Harry BertLne as a visitor at the Beniine hone Sunday. Misa Olive Morey haj ten spend Ins a few days with her sister, Mrs. Arthur Mallett of this place. i R. H. S:o.Jras as-1 fa.-.-.::y. of Ma I I.r.o. v;;ted th-:r on-ir:-iaw. W'Cl ixitieliler S-isda-. R U On;x ar.d s. RoVn. are ii. ;:s d.t-ries for Ka:;i iioisax Rath Ctxd-rea ca:! oa E.-.vr ar.d E!s:e Orem Wid-eidar aftenooa. i - is. ; a er a vera' c' Wash.sit.-a. " :' .. 3 h.i ta'..r :..h:a; hrtsi for Sam U Vi: F.o s sa-h.r. e:::.s r..i.r. M..on car.a ha tea di r..-h'ro.rh.x-d th ;at w.-. Th.e NaV.or brothers have crc-j c-j'.::r.r a '.:: - t i .-.-r u-" the r r.::a'S of Art E.tr at War. : rr two th!r.c rif rr.:!r a( v.T r.J pl!.!i l'-it I'-K-U.-ns ra Salve will I ir.:h r:'' In a;iv 1 hrlf t tin '--(!rr nml.i in niadn i for i o'.d than t'hansN-r!in tVtiab j K.ot-..-,:v It arts on taMrf s f-Un. tr' !:, c the luiit. o;h :h th n-llona. aid n, ctoratoTi . and r-ntorrs the; i,rrti to a h.al'h condition. Kor ;.y H ieiVi I'ros 'i. l'r- in i !. li it-Lard. a::d 'aa!-y T"i ran i Ta IVmolr DfVfiiwfVrrf 4 Upturn Nliirpftuw r.vaJtri Not Narcotic AW-aW- at,aM A nerVrl RmdN fur rom. I ion . sour Mniwa MiLattni Wornu A'nmaaMit Jrvtrti wssaikiLosscrMur. Sirvv WRK. Sigiiaturo Af t ,a In IT Use For Over Thirty Years WILSONVILLE h.-ar teea ' 4 Z Mrs !n"ar!-.n:s' :"n rcfirt. In!' ' '.urns. N-.'i e-'j,-rr.. a'l Cn!r Z'j c-r.' h n.-hin 1r illini It ii i;r-t.t :!.--m ru'. ';:::-,1!.--. Vi'.n a: aH Ar:t Jj t. Paul. .nt It r a I l"ortta::d Si!jrda N'or:::aa Sav n.t to I'ortUnd Sat -.ir.!i ai'coi..; aii-.rd i-y son. John. lri f.:n nt oii.r'inir In I'ort land riTrntly haln d. r.'al ork a 1II1IIJ VI IV I Villi! MUIMMM i',u4rntcJ itwaVr ft J k Kitk.1 Coyy ol Wfpj, l"ta It a: rr.esi. For l i; ra.r. ; :a izi hrj;a s Ljr..ier.t .v'.lrt.t. '..? th :a.a. rvrr.oies the so and 0v5 rtsti rs the to healtry cci.J.t. n. aaJ i-.' ca xt for sa ty H-jat!y l-.rv-s. Co Or-z-.n City. HahUnl a-d Caaby. GLAD TIDINGS. MEADOW BROOK. Mr. Shepherd and famiiy are mov ing on L D. Larkins" place. M:s Mabel Chindrren v.5.-ed Myr tle and Hazel Larkins Wednesday. Mr. and Mra. R. L. Hohnaa and son Charlea. visited at Hubbard Wednes day and Thursday and brought fcack our teacher, M:sa Yoder. P. O. Chindzren and fami'iy viii--r-i at Coltoa Sunday. P.ne weather cace core and tie fanzer man is tie busttt ever. tL'.'.j Rtd.-ss mad-r a bw-ir?s tr:? to S..v-?rtca Knitiy aad s.Ie :a to: .ijt-i lj pare at. Mr. a-i Mrs. A R:o.as. AM Katie Joas. of Mari.a!. :s no tetter at tha wntisg. ac t ta:r.it hr ad.aaced ae into cocilderuU'-a. tiere a.:s-s grave doubts as to her recovery. Ktr children are all at her l-ds;de. M.is Watt, one of Marquam' suc cessful xdy teachers r.;teJ Satur day and Sunday with her unci- and Aunt. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Par, who re side near Moiaiia. Oriron. Lea judd and 'aatiy visited Sun day ith Mr. and Mrs. J. E. .aylor. Geo Xewsome and wife vis. ted Sun day ai:ernoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ja cot; Sehaaek. ho retrntiy purcaased tie Mart Leaoo place. John Wooster mad a flying tr.p to Caaoy Moclay. O'ur roads are certainly la Str con dition, aa an automobile ia;.::. fo;.i so a-ra: a aaSiciea'. icosa of t-orer to propel it forward, so a h-avy 'taai of horses was hitched on. and up the hiil and aay they v-nt. Rev. fhiiis. Mar-.atns -i.'tor. ices at the i,.a1 T: t:as : HAVE YOU SEEN THE ELECTRIC LIGHTED STAYER BUGGY ? The newest thing in Vehicles the Buggy that nukes night traveling Safe, Comfort and Go combined with well known Stiver staying qualities. We have a big stock of pleasure and business Vehicles Staver and Parry Grades and can make you prices. 7X FRUIT GROWERS te'.d Chirca ho:se Sua- s z enciri - CH - C-j-wjC--z--z--- ----- a J -r- - i"if irr ?t;; -' - -". . t - '" - . i . - One Or Two Generations Ago Most Farm Animals Roamed At Large But We Have Gradually Found That This Did Not Pay The barn yard fowls have bn the last to fe-l the effects of b'is itess methrls oa the farm bT. at la -t th-y have to gt In their plare (in the poultry yard) and sray litre. The farmer who reads the rtaa'i'.-s ;:noa tha' today cany a chk ken farm of a few acres pas a I zzi-r profit than a big farm did a few years azo. Every farrrer 't.-v thickns l-ca;se It pays and It will pay lots Utter and the fara w,:l Jock better if thy are kept in tie po;;!rry yard. They are about the ires', profl'a'le Liniais on the firm aLd it ak Itss space and l'ss ex?r..-.tr to ke"p them. Enough of our poultry fencing to keep your fowla properly will coat wery little and will be the beat inreatment you ever made on the farm. Ask for prices. FRANK BUSCH Furniture and Hardware Vim know that sprayir.;: makes yur.r fniit Ixt tT. Xo qut-tin alx'mt it. MayU ymi have only a ft-u trt -s an-1 1" ii'-t ftvl like I'liyinir. an exjx'nsivc 51-my -i;mji. We can tit you out in a Myers Sjray Pump that will prove to he just what ymi want ami v. i-rth every rent we ak for it. Ask for a copy of our Fruit Growers Catalog IT'S FREE AND A GOOD BOOK TO HAVE We carry a Big Stock of Spray Pumps, Power Sprayers, Pmnners, Etc. Select Your Garden Tools -FROM OUR- Planet aJr. Stock Good Goods at Right Prices PAY US A VISIT vi. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON CANBY HARDWARE & IMP. CO. CAN BY, OREGON Agencies llr ladlan ij aua l-ly i,f Ihr M y. chur-h is , intirulilrrli.a a tx-autl ful ajtokraj-h quill. Ir.xrta narnrt at in i,'iil rai ti tin. tooairr u iml-rr ot th Morn It:? Kii!riirl. l.aa arrlwd and la ir. : a irrjit t.j irt, li City aa ai to Cla. tamai muiiti Thr )li -r.ntlr:s and lio(okrai.:.l. ri-a ar.- ai.1,1 of art, Ihr quaiily of a; r ! hi; i.ni ti ao'tjn' u. .1 fur such i.ir..a ar.-l altuc-lhrf thf hra khr,-t rl-4..l u liB )rlj,i ii'irr and roiitainiii autrt.i.tu ta! tatli a of th:a rl, h old inuntn. makri ilii a U'k.-t which wr :ll a. I 1 iroud to f,irard to our fru inia Mr ti.li-iiian. our city liU. k.mi'h j a bo haa l.,.n la I I ui for llir .a.l i thr arrkt with a at-ramr.! ankl wiil lm a.;i lo rr I3i bla dutira Monday Mra N W. outn int a part ot Sal ir-l ir at thr t rdii-li, of hrr slater, i Mian lUjman. who la coiinrj.d In Or In a. II a 1 at (irrS,,n ( iiy. aft-r a! ae of typhoid feirr Mm lUinian la niu- n l-ttrr and Mra Vounc m-ecta to maw her by Uwt lo b r Lome at Wilaotnllle Saturday. Oorae Hrr-ly who has brr-o quite 111 for In iat f,-w werka now haa nura and la aittie a kixh) trained better Hied at her home between Wllaon ulie and Malatliie. Monday nlitbt, January :T, Mra M-t'onaell Mrs M-i'oniiell I.-a.a a thrre airtC old at mi: pa and (carina thins- np r-ne,-ally. tii'aita Mr Crt-haM! . .1 if front uf A-lolph Irlkar a Mr. ;'. Iiar.lt worked T-i-.!a s the achto bullae, rhanaltig ar:,t, f r. -as one r-itt trt the othrr. ml(in: :.--a kx'Va to doors, etc. and Mr W. tKMinhl Br eto for the pr-nury rirn Mlaa llfwltje ban ao mar iu plla brr room rould hot ae on: ir.. .!a!a thrin aril, and aa there arrr u met of tke hirber cradra Ihrt Jr, ,, iu i::ake the i banc Mr lairklna. the nrtnrl:al ha, irk a:tiri, Saturday tlirrrf. rr ihrrn haa Ixro n-l ax-ti mI In 0 r-'lil -h. wreh. .t he ho;w-S lo re.ume h: 1-J-lira ill a frw data He bad tak.n hraiy old and waa Ihrratrnr.l aiiU t tirtim-iri a A atoi-k t-iivrr and his a.sn'atil rre In Htaffo r.) Turadav lot kli c for tat etivk. tr. Ilk mai. etc Tbrt n-t iiil- of Mr Kor.Uln. oimlie lt ',.re and one (.f Vr ;. sfwv1nt for arh ii' !.i There are in itiaar roa for aale. as tnuH tit I He fartr.rr a'Mi.il here ararate their milk arid a man rortira certain davs evrrv .-n and ra-hrra up lh err am. maklnt K eaalrr for lh hou.ealfe than lo i loirs and .II butler The I 'a relit-Tear her" Aaa,-la':on hrl ihrlr rnonthl meetlna at 'he a-h.MiI houae on Kn-lay. ib :t. with lh pr.-.l..-nt. Vr. Seedllr.s la lh- chair and eni-rU a vrry Plra.aiil afternoon dl iialria stibjerta of li.irr babe, bes.drs her huatiand. three et and etaminlng the PUpll work In oturr ctiiioren and a hot of friend and relative lo mourn hrr la The funeral waa at IVaaatit Hill Januarv Mr. liarti.s of Mallory. who Is still under the doctor's rare la able to alxmt an-l .attended the Nature at the J! K rbun-h by Or. Your.. 1 h.- i,;..K,t hall came at ll.on i. le fat unlay was of CHir lm) The hiic iioO-d and will play a team In tir.t.)n f.ty Saturday. Kebuary . H..rn Youna an-l a party went to re Madame lu-rnhardt. Monday. Mr und Mrs Joe Thornton rntrr taa.e.l tourt.-en friends al a crab apple supper al seen o'clock Wednes day eietiuiic. after wbuli th- part) pla)rd proKrraiive file hundred until Itie small ,-e hour of the licit day Mrs M. ('. Youuk and J-x- Thorium, as partners carried off first prize aud Joe Thornton Ukinn in. .it (jinis aa an liolii l-Piul, 1 be luuiatioua read crabs at s.wir und promptly at tio- hour t:ie Kueata mel the smlliiia Mr and Mrs Thornton at the door. ho were rec. iw.l in th.-lr rri Home wnere the table was with a crab lor ru. li guest, braldea salails. craca ers. cue, ae. pukles. white bread und rnuniriir. Com jl-S! I lln nd M ap drswinr all of whfeh s very cn-1 liable. 1'mfrsaf.r Cary and Mr. lal nan rre prraent and nave some ery aixyj uika. A pxxir old county rbarte, who na-.e even bad U-ra loat. as he had hrea known for years as Old Jie. n found nuddle.1 up in the corner ( :. lo ii In fanof ! niom -lead Friday mornlnK. br l U-ys are t-com - I'akrr. with whom he had bwti ! t for a y.-ar or two Mrs Arml was al k on Tues-ln ' able to h aiHiut the house hm! in She aa thrown from her burs ' couple of nuinths sko. ben the ri ran awar and ha been subject ti time st--k sells since. Flying M(n Fall ilcilnia to stomach, liver and kl-l - tnmblea )u,t like other people, with like results In loss of appetite, back ache, nervousne.s. headache, sod llred. li.tlea. nmdown feellnr Hit thrre- no need to feel like that T I) Peebles. Henry Tenn, proved "Sn 1-,-itles of Klectrlc Hl-ters- he writes, "dl-l mure In ait me new strenrih :.d stood npieiiie than all other atoma-h remedle I ii-ed " Ho Ihey help er erylxMly. Its folly to suffer whenth: yellow butter, apple aud d.litloua 1 rp-" reme.lv will help you front th' ftoiiie n.ade I- ii.oii pie, lakea of a j nr"' "-Hie Try t. Only 10 cents st dor.ru kinds and pepa-rlii hot coffoe j " druitslsts. li or turre each, and II is needless to say that the best of food prei ail ed whi -tj made a splendid beiuiiiug for a itood few hours of soctaUtulity Aiiioiik the Kuest were Mr. and Mr Jake Peters. Mrs. II. Aden. Mr. and Mrs. M f. Yoiiiiic. Mr. and Mrs N. W. Youuk. Miss Kate Wolbertoo. Mr. (Jeorne StaiiK-d. I). . Youna ' and Maater Wallace Young. REOLANO. Srhwant and son have taken a '"' contract and will start their mill in a few davs. The Kilmer and Mingle mill Is do ed for the present. Mrs. ('anile Ijiwrence. who has been III for a long lime of rheu. is I Ism la slowly Improving. lo yu know that moro real danirer i . " "ubert waa taken to Portland lurks In a common cold than In anv ' "nrtnr "' ' lo B aerloua condltuoi ' nr l.l.u.., u..l.....i Eva i!er.:lL Our highly er.eemd friend and r.-ighbor. Chri'tiaa iit;er. died Mon day, January 27th and waa buried Jan. T). A kind and affectionate fath er, an obliging ne.ghbor, and a sin cere fhrifi'iaa. be will be greatly mUoed by all. WILLAMETTE done. otner if me minor ailments? The safe, way is to take Chamberlain s Couirr. bemedy, a thoroughly reliable preparation, and rid yourself of the Thia is the season of the year when mothers very rxiur b concerned ov er the ireuent colds contracted by riicir c iii-'ren. and have a'-undant rea n for i as every coid weakens the i;rr. lo-rs the vitalnj and pavei t';e a Ut the rr.ore serin .a disease ti..--t i-o often follow, ( hjiberiain i ( i i ' i f.v.nedy is famo'K for its r-ire n i i' ii,asant and safe rj, u,.. por H'iritley i.roj u. Or-.on ( i: Hut tard ar.d i.'.rii-v NORTH LOGAN. The people of Karton are giving akat-r.e parties ever P-inday afternoon at 2 o'-lock. The ftarton hall has '-een cr.;wd-d with skaters the last ro P-irdayr Mr Ho4y w!!l give a dai.re Feb.1 oh in the I'.arton hall. Everyone is invited. Johnson's amill at Ftarton closed) Tuesday Loon. blo k with ties, the' A bab) girl was fjrn to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Tour Tuesday. Janu ary 2-i. Dr. Strienland relicts t i.it mother ar.d child doing well. The little g.rls of Mrs. Critzerj's Sunday school cUu have lormud a dub aud met at her bouse recently sewing for Iheir dollies and otnerwioe' enjoyins themselvea. Imnanas aii 1 delicious cakes were served. II. Pollock recently moved his fam ily to Portland to be nearer bis bum liens Kverette Oowney took the la dles and children in bis automouue. : hoUr.-t Hunt from Koseburg nailed ' bis father, Joseph Hunt, and sister, j Mrs. t'ourteny, last week. Mr. Huatj is a veterinary surgeon and came with the famous horses for the lieu Hur chariot race, which be bad to see in good conditioa before entering, the race. I Mrs Geroge liartdorf s father. Mr liul. is again on the delivery wagon j after Aeyeral weeks severe Illness. Misa Gladys Laker and brother. Charles, went to F'or'Iand Saturday to see Mme. Sarah ISernbardt and lien Hir and were greatly pl.ased with' both. Old Mr. Fl her was so much ,i ... i. . . . . . . j.me ictera, nas returned from . 'oiu as quickly as iK.sslble. This Junction City whi te she has been ! reme.l - Is for sale by Huntley Hros uniting her sister. Mrs. Mallory. ; Co.. Oregon City Hubbard and Can Mrs. Marlon Young penl some- 'by. tune in Portland last week visiting with relaUrea. j STAFFORD Geor having a ! e Seely who haa hern in i... sometime is no better. Mrs. Cronin has been seige with la grippe. Mr. ta.ntman. a real estate man ol Or-goti city, n WllaonvUle on business Monday. Options for right of way for a flume throught Corral Creek have been taken this week. ei- ..... i ne twisonv e .ankei i.ii SaturCay was a pl.-asant day ar.d S-inda). the second, a beautiful day ending in a rainy Oregon drizzle, whi.-h seemed hound to remain wlib us for the allotted sis weeks more of winter. However, we feel assured of heavy crops nest summer, especially of fruit. I-ouls Nemec. who was taken In in. , Oregon ICty Hospital two weeks ago. i. forging ahead and lM.eM,.7 H. ;":r . "urr n i ", of late. The game Haturrlar . . 1 0an'c''r ,,,lt nl" nan other ac.lp added to the b. .. . , ; M"n'1' hl 'T """'--WlUge team ' b " f "r j '"T 'rial. I. pa,,. His ni.age last Week. I Tfc Ik.,, ! Say. S Kelso A,, u,- , lH-UT l!ro- " up a wood be h-ll and othe, B,, of rei , 'nd ""T here ,1,,,.,,; t , ' V ,,".n, ho"" "'" - and In a few j-.j nst ust , noura they made about 2D rlrks of ! stove wont for h.f I, . the -hool nle.e ...er.H.: . ' ..... , alla lnv appr- app-ared on week. The old shed house is soon lo we are told. near oe torn down an nii.ua . n.a This .in .h.i "a. : . . """- eamsseis were usable to seoire cars . worse L,st Fridav that a physician' 'he apirance of ih. " I . nurrn r God nv been hold . ,- iu i;ulJ a piace "" m ue caneu ai lour a. m. one "'"'l nouse which tO StaCK the t'eS. ' i alwltt fl. a.mn I in f.n ,n l . new ing easily get el. of blood Milsonlng Grandma Storm I very sick with a cancer She Is with her dam-hr.. Mrs. Nell Smith. Mr Hlnkle. who baa been alrk for some lime la Improving. The Frank Hprague mill la to start up soon. Many will be glad lo liei.' of It as work I scare this time t the year. (Continued on psg 6 ) a rles of meeting at the cha.r j aaaj loaaj kowi of aaasar will Bad yosi dry aad ciawisitabai i yaw esss a TOWER'S FISH BRAND REFLEX SUCKER Mktt-fai R4 Eilan fpat'-l) thai tve- ae.iniw.il. N,mnitl(aata,lahlii J.a. Urn MreWLW " aw aa iKe Aa 0W fUA UtmuUkinpafdkina. $3.00 Evenrwhere 1ATKFACTCN CCARANTF ED A. J. TOWER CO. fCW'EB.y BOSTON Sasff 1 The supervisor baa been blasting Tev-a, lllJ!jk