Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 24, 1913, Page 5, Image 5

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Groceries, Produce, and
A car load of drain tile
Just received.
Cor. 10 4 Main, Oregon City, Oregon
John I 'Inning' r of Itodluml spoilt
i li tiluy In lu ii.
k I .it u ri.nrn II in oiilrh. who hurt ht'eli
III, l t llllWlll BI OIll
; W. .1. Mlli'), ill Aurora. In Ore
nun I'HX T Imrml.iy.
John II l.ewlliwultn In rolilllud In
. his In it Willi llio t,li'.
. II. Mcliuuni u In 1 Iri-Koti
' Cllv nil N lilinllnnH Hip
.1 A Faulk of I'miby wu II II Ore
gon Cllv visitor Friday.
J, . 1'unrm. of Mnhilln, wait III
On K"H I lly our Monday.
II J Mi' 111 ill l iinl.v wim In Ore
gon ( II) Friday mi liilnliii'iiit.
Arthur Hurldcr. of Wutnlhiirii, wa
In (iri'i'.un I'Wy over T uemhiy.
K ('. Shell, uf I an ! y . ha iei'n In
.. Oregon illy fur m-wml ilnyn.
Fnd Si n. id r. uf Mul.illit. wan In
On-goti I "it v T urnhi) mi liiminii.il
- Nrllli Itli-liliun. of .linltoiio, Ik
i riiiiliiinl to her bed wllli i' ii- u i in n l:i
Mr ami .Mr. (i. W. Cono uf Maple
Limn wore (ii cull I'll) lllnr tin
i: i: ii,l .1. I., r In
i niiti. Lute it'iuriutl to tlulr llollio III
I Mr ini'l Mm T ll.'iitnaii if New
? y.ttk wee In r-rni City Friday un
1 l nm ill (ihiiU'miff Hillnl.iv In Ml H
x c V. Smitli. nf Spokane, mi "IkM
i Hlllll
lifuri'.i' II citnKury ant il .1 uk Ii I r.
I.culia, flulil M nil I III in rn In Ori-gull
j t in I liitii!ny.
W. II. Htol.e, formerly nf Mil i lly,
Inn now nf tak Grove wait III Ore
i:mi Cllv Thursday.
i M. It. H It n. nf Muliilla. wu a
litiBiiitna vlnliur In Orrgiin i'lly the
lifil i u 1 1 nf llu' work.
Mr hikI Mm. t' Kit 1 1-tiliitiH.. tif
Aurnrn. it In Oregon City during
f I lii hitter part nf the week.
; Hone I U: Kt'tl .daughter 'f Kill)!-
- mn uii.h -r -m an operailou for ap
ifinllrlil- nml In doing ult-t ly.
Harold Vnil. r has r. lur m il to thin
cllv In i cumin a few week wllh Inn
'' i-iii iiIm Mo tin h boon In SKikant' for
.. n vt'ial yt'im
Fnd SrhaTer of Molnlla. wait In
i Oregon I'll) Wednesday. Mr. Scliaf
ff r U president of .Hi" Siliafffr l.uin
I it- r Co.iipany.
MIm llioiiy Miiliaiity. of I'lilon
: MHIk. I tlm Rum! ol Mm. Ct-ori;"
Kly Mm. M ihain y U iinow luiniiil
' In tirtKiii CHv.
Mmi"i I't'iitl iinil lluliy I'raml
' tiTit 'ii (irt'KDii City tlif lalli-r part
nf thi wi't k. iiiti'iullnK (In Ir antil,
' Mm Jolm Clllitlf,
. ('. S llt-riiiHii lm linn 1n upt'iiil-
tti K n ttt-rk with din family nt Mulnlln
lnm rt'liiriuil In llifuoii City niul lia
; n hiiiiii iI lil poHllloii at tlio I'lii llli'
"iKliway (lunint'.
i l.awri'iirn I lnriinlmrli. of San Fran
I Ihi'ii. ttpi'iil Snliilar Willi III" itlHlrr,
.Mm. ('. A. Klllolt. llu will ri'liirnlo
liin liniiii' nftt-r Kpriitllnu Hfirrul il.tyit
w lili Ilia iiioiIiit In S ilt'in.
.lolin V. Ltini;, of Knnli Mill, no
"tiiM'il nf iiiliKl.lm! John (llllurt lnl
- Hiiliinlay nftrriioon wan llnntl $U ami
Klvi'ii ii Jail mill. in c of in ilayH hy
lli-iiiiiliT Sllpp TniHilay uftiTiioon.
Wa.uif (irt.fii niul lilt fatlirr, J. It.
Crt't'ti, riliirin'tl t rt l.i'lmnoti iiftnr lit
Ifinllim tlio fniii-riil of tin' Into liar
limn llruM. fatluT ot I. It. (irifn of
Ihlit cllv. Ilarinon Crn-n Jr.. hitoiii
.iiiili.i tliini In tliflr lioint'. wlmrtt In'
will ri'iniiln a few wm'kii. I
i .loli ii H. I'ltirlHli, of Allifrninrlo
Coniily. Vii.. luia n'iit (. K. Frt-yiulK
inatinniT of tht I'lilillrily 1 luparl infill
of Hi" Ctiiiiiiit-rclul Chili, ft lo of up
pli'M Kitiwn In Vlrtlnllu. Mr. Kn-y-t.iK
Invlli'H ri xl.li nm of thin i lly iind
coiinly in mil lit lilt ollli'i' anil I import
tllt lippll'H.
! Horn lii tlio wife of H. ! Ht'iirtl.
.l.iniiary IS, a Hon. I lot Ii inollirr and
chilli an ilolnu wryy. Mr. Iltaril In
Ihn Bon of William lli-artl. fhf ()n
f.'ii Cllv ct mi in-1 1 tint ii . UnrliiK l ho ah
Ri'iit n of II. I.. Hiviril, who U In Hohc
lure, Mm. Ilfiiril ami thllilifii aro
inakliiK their liomt lii thin city with
W 1111:1111 llonril.
' Iti v ('. II. Mnlloon rntnrniMl from
IiIm holhlay vIhII nt Oronon City, on
Yni'Hilny. Aflur partakliiK of thnOrn
t n City wMtrr ho hni iiinri ii nonr vic
tim of typhoid fovrr, Imt with prtiniid
Inoill'-al alloiiilmico wuk iilih' loruiiii
loraot Ilio hurtful cithih. l-'or thin
ri-iiNon hlii holhlny IbIi wan hoiiio
jvliitt unpliiiHiiiit. Ilo Ii n h iiiil!! ro
: Huiiit-il work on litn h'tiukI voIiiiii"
f (ho I'liptlxt A n nit Ik of Orofo'l Tol
cphono ItoKliitor, Mi-Mliinvlllo.
' Mr. niul Mm. Chnrlim Cuiillnhl will
Ii'iivh thlH illy I'rhrnary 2 on nn ox
ti nili'd trip to I'niiniiwi. , Mr. hikI Mrn.
(itiuliold will kii hy tho Soiilliorii I'liclllc
In Now Oil. -unit, will Htop on Iho way
nl San Kriitirltft), I.oh Aimilon. San
A nl. mid anil Now Orl.-nnn. whoiiro
tlioy will til.. o Ihn uti-n im-r "Kron
.I'rlii'.on Coidl" for I'anaimi. Aflor
'ripi'iulliiK novornl duya on tho Islh
Iiiiih. (hoy will take tho muni' Htomuor
V Ii Ifli h on n Hi'oflal rmlao.'tii Cuha,
Jainnlt a nml tho Cnrrlhoiin iHlandn,
Hint thru bark to Now Orlotrm. From
Now tlrlouiiH limy will ku to ChurU
Ion, Ni w Yolk, Molilroal nml Chliu
en. niul thou lank In Oroiioii City.
Tiny oipi-rl to bo iiiiit iihinil Iaii
IIIOIllllH ,
Olio of (ho lllintt llllororlllllK wril
iIIiiki of Iho vrnmill wan that of MIhh
I UT' ha K l.niii; In Ulna Colo. Tim
wi.MlUK n l-in n I i-tl In SI. I'ii ii In
Kpim niiil ('hurt h nl I.' ::u Sim.l.n
Hi 11 1 Dlillll, Hov. C. W. KlllllllMUl, rrr-
(or of Iho t liiin-h, oltlrlalliiK. Tin
hrldo wait Klvrii away by hrr urn lr.
I. Iv lli .li'.i h, and kIio vun hIIi iiiIi .I
by MIm Aiidi lb' FruHl Only tho lui
iniilli.il f.uully mid n fi-M frli-uilH
rio jiIimiii. Afi'-r tho corriuiiiiy
iho brido ii ml In lil.'Kriii.in 1. (I nr ii
wrrk'n trip to Si'iiillti mid oibi r Koiuid
iTili-N 'I hoy will liial.n tholr hunir
In I'm tuiinl upon llulr roiurii, Tho
l.rldo U it tlaurhlrr of Mrn. Klliibrih
1. 1. ill', and la onii of tho mont a. -ruin-pIIbIh
d kItIh of tho i lly. Tho brldo
(Tin. in la tho aim of J. V, Colo, mid
la it t lvil i'iimIihit.
AHi'kIiik that lila wlfo fuund fault
with him tlally ami iiukkoiI him at
IiIkIiI bii that ho wua unalilo to aloop,
.loai ph (lii' ilv CIllliiKhaiu Thuraday
tlli d anil fur it dlvuiio HKiiliiNt Kuiiiia
Ji-mi .MaiTional.l Clllliii.haiu. Tin')'
wrro iiinrrlrd In Oak tirovo I'ark r
lol.rr I J, ls:is. Tho pluiunrf avrr.i
thai tho brratliiKa of lila wlfo linimlr-
od lila lir.ihh mid rondoiod him unlit
fur IniBliiraa. Tin y aoparuloil Nuvrin
bor 7, I'M:', Aniilo Itolilnatui, of I'orl
blind. Kt'oka 11 dnori'o f ruin J.u uli Hub
Iiiboii alli'Klni( lnm aupinrt. I'liiln
lilT nlb'Kia Mint lu r liuilnind frriuout
ly told hor tluil It would bo rasy for
lit to Kit nnolhor wlfo, and (lint
wlvoa iiiiild bo had for $-'.Mi a tluy.
Thoy w.-ro iiiarrlod In I'cirtland May
Vi. IM'I.
AIIokIiiK that hor huahaml hart ro
fiiBod (u contrlbiitu to hor inpport,
.liillii Kvla, nlhiM Julia Harlnmlt. hn
bird anil for ilivon'o iiKalnat Kdwurd
KkIb, iillnt Kdwnrd Sarlaudt. Thoy
wiro niurrli'd In Kuaaln Juno 4, 1904,
tind Iho pliiliitlff avrrs that hor him
band 1h now a roaldoiit of St. IVtom
Mattlo (iordon aookn a dooro"
from Chnrloa II. Cordon. Thoy wrro
niairlrd In Cortland Ootolur 12.
llMi'.t. t'ruotty la hIIokoiI. Minnie
ruttoraon aooka a dorroo from Wil
liam II. Puttemon, iiIIokIiik crnolty.
Thoy worn inarrloil Novmhor 1, ISO.
Tlio plaintiff hay a hor hiiHhaiid ro
ninlnoii nwny from homo at night ami
ooutrlbuti'J I U t It' to hor aupport.
One of the most remarkable run
away that ev r occurred III Chicln
man County was (hat Tuesday even
Ititf of a Irani holonuliiK to Henry
Klllolt. The horses Btartod to run
near the Southern I'mlllc Station,
and, crosaliiK tho susieiislou bridge,
ran toward Hollon. There was n Inriti
crowd on tho bridge when tho team
crossed and many person saved their
live by clltiKlim to the railing. The
horse ran almost to Oswego, a dis
tance of six miles, when they turned
Into n brunch road. A bridge cross
ing n creek, the banks of w hicli. were
Hooded, was a Hunt and when the anl
mnls got upon tho bridge they stop
ped. Tho team and wngon uninjur
ed wre found upon tho floating bridge
Wednesday morning.
Alleged Forger Arrested.
Guatnv Cordell. who was arrested
by CoiiBtabln Frost Tuesday on a
chnrge of forging a note for $lftnwns
relenacl Wednesday by Justice of the
Peace Samson on $:!00 ball. The de
fendant delile that ho forged tho
.n. no explanation! and renaons
for our failure to do your repnir
work properly or deliver the com
pleted Job to you on tjme We
won't stand for such thing. Wh'-n
we take your-ordor for carriage or
vehicle repairing, wo will do it
right or not at all. Modcrato
charges. High class work only.
4th and Main St Oregon City
koo is n
Sullivan Say Car. Should b Uad In
Obtaining Supply and Inalit
That Wall Civ Bait
Thn i lly rouiii'll at a ri'Kulur Boa
bImii Will in nilny I'VouliiK dlhcuaBi'd
I In. walor fiioailiii mid mi upproprla
lion of $.',lm waa inailu with whlrh lit
inako an luvral IkhI loll of tho proa
out. aupply an. I of fuluru Hiiplloa.
('iiiiih ilinan Tno.ti, wild opoliod Iho
illm un: Inn, Hindi, a luollou (hat thn
tlly iiiiiro(ir'-ilo with whlih to
oiupluy u oh it I'lmlnror roiniotoit to
lin'Klli:;ilu tho iioanlldo auppll' a uf
pino wit. r for tho i lly niul to ro
port to II. Aflor Humo tlla'UBalon
Mr Timiii t'liaiiKi'd thla motion looiio
irovliliiK for I'liin, and thai n t-hoin-tt-.i
I I'liKluofr ahoiild iilao In.. inploy-
oil to luvoBtlalo (hit tlly'a proHont
walrr aiiiply. Tho motion waa paaa.
til. T. W. .Sullivan vlalod (hut xn-Hl
in if ahoiild l.o u:ii'd In K'tllui; Kood
walrr and that ho hollovrd n aurfart.
aupply wua not na kuoi aa nn artoa
Ian will would bo. To lllummto hla
pollit, ho ell rt tho iiiatt of Taoohiu
whlrli una BiippoBid to havi' had purr
mountain walrr Mint wua fno from
- ( 1 1 1 1 ii ti i i tut 1 1 1 i . but laat fall It una
pron that it had undoulodly bu
ronio luipuro and tho lari'o umoiint ol
inoiioy Ii. v iMtfil In It waa to a laml
tutriit lux t. II. T. Mrllaln aiiKKt-Hti'tl
that a (Ih'IiiIhi bo apioluti-d by tho
t'oiinrll t'oniinltloo to rurry on an In
MBlli-'alliin of Iho rlly'a prraoiit aup
ply m lull k wllh thai whlrh la to be
t iiliilut'H d by tho Walor Hoard. , Hiatal-d
thai two fiiKliioora iiiiikliix iho
IiimbIU'iiIIoii would bit brttrr (ban
olio. Ciuri'.u Itaniliill alali-d that
tlirro una a Kroat (Lai of fovrr out
aldo of ()rt-i:oii CUy and h" waa not
outlnly auro that tho walrr waa tin
bad aa had bt i ii utatod. Ilo, howovor,
ndvorali'd Unit n thoroimli InvoatlKti-
t loll hIioiiIiI bo mailo of Iho walrr.
A ri auliilloii for tho Improvoinoiit
of Thlrlo'iilh Stroot, botwot-n Monroo
and Jaokaoii Slrrrla. waa iidoplod.
nflrr aiiino iIIhi ukhIoii iih (o tho advlM
nblllly of prof ling wlih (ho work
at (lui prtaon! (Imo. Tho plana niul
Kporllbatlona for It" improvomont
wi ro adnptod.
Tho naitor of havlni? (ho dirt rn
movi-d from (ho hlork boundod by
Twolfth, Thlttooiuh, Monroo anil
Adama Str. rla waa illariiHsod. Tho
aiibjot't la In Iho hnntla of tho com
iiililio on atrt'ots. Tho matli-r of an
iiiilu'iiltliy barn on tho aamo propi rt)
Mn hrtiulit to Iho atlontlon of tho
roiini'll by Dr. Norrla, t lly hoaltli of
tlror. niul It waa rofrrrod to tho com
mlt (ff on honlih and pollfo.
lii" mat r-ailim! or a mrnanro, tip-
liroprlaluii: III l.,,ri to rofurnlali tin
roouia of Coltimbla Hook and l-iidder
Coinpany waa nmdo. It waa voted to
piirt'haat a Iiob. rart for Xanana City,
tho ran to be located on Sixteenth
Street. Tho mutter of tho io w con
crete -elalnliiK wall was referred back
to the original coinmlUoe with Miwer
to m l
It waa decided that Iho city bonda
I"- placed on aiilo at 5 per cent. Tho
mailer of purchasInK Instruments for
the city ennliifera ofllco wua referred
to tho at root committee, tho Hnanco
coiumliiei' niul the city ont;lneer.
The mailer of the neceptimco of tho
Main Street newer north of Four
teenth Street was referred to th
alreet committee and Hid city outiin
oer. '
Louis ('. Kclsoy. civil and hydraul
ic engineer, who has charge of (he
scheme to furnish water to Willam
ette V.illey towns from Clear Lake,
has been furnished a report of the
nssi'Bsed valuation of the reirl estate
ami personal property uf tho various
cities nml towns of this county. The
report was mulled to Mr. Kclsoy
Thursday by J. K. Jack, county as
sessor. Mr. .luck furnished the na
soHsetl valuations of Canby, Oregon
City. Willamette, Gladstone and Mil
waukle. Mr. Jack considers it Im
probable that Willamette would con
tract for tho proposed wnter supply
for that city bus ono of the best
water systems In tho state.
A special election will be held In
Mllwaukle March IS to vote on tho
proposition of Issuing $20,000 with
which lo estnlblish a municipal walor
plant either by Teolliig a new plant
or by tho purchase of tho present
one. At this election tho people will
also vole on the matter of amending
tho charter lo permit tho council to
levy n t pedal tax with which to o
tablish a flro department and to carry
out tho extension of street. The tat
ter amendment Is modeled after the
Portland charter.
Tho council, which met Wednes
day night wllh Mayor E. T. Kbner
presiding, made provisions for this
special election on report of a Joint
committee of citizen and tho coun
cil, which prepared the amendment.
Tho council took no action on tho
liquor license of tho Milwaukie Tav
ern. Arthur A. Hum, tho proprietor,
I under arrest on a charge of selling
liquor after 12 o'clock at night. It
was decided to await tho resint of
Iturn" trial iK-fore doing anything.
Milwaukie gets $S00 a year for the
license of the tavern.
John J Edgren, a real estate dealer
of Portland, and formerly a resident
of thl city, died Wednesday. The
arrangement for the funeral have
not b'-cn made.
Tim VYIIIiiMietle I'ulp tr Taper Com
fin ny ha contracted with mi Op-kuii
City coiilrnclor to bore lx well 'tw
feet d"t'p on Ha newly plolteil home
triirl on thn Went Kl.lu known aa
Wlllaiiii Hi. HelKhla. It la ei per led
Hint a milllelont aupply of artealan
mil rr will bo found to aupply thn
eiillrn rt'eat Hide from Wlllamelli.' j
CHy llnu north to llolioii. It la nlao
poHalbln Hint a In ro enouiih How
will bo found to take cure of Oregon
CHy'a proaenl need.
Thn llrnt well will bo bored near the
Woat Kldii Illl Hihool liouae whore
there am very valuable aprliiKH ami
artealan water. Thla trurt la to be
provided wllh a aewerni'o ayMioin,
pei focily iur water, piivi d ai recta,
electric lliihta nml aldowalka and It
la exprriod ( many lionn will ho
built by tho comi'iuiy beforu Fall for
It H employe. Iui K. Meldrum, en
ului't-r, la In cluirKo of tho bualne
for tint company.
The laxpaycm In a hool illalrlrl No
14, wt-ht alilo, at a inoeiiiiK T huraday
ovonliiK. adopted a reaoluilou provid-
ini; for the plattiiiK of the land In
front of the "Hill School" the prop
erty bi lux In W ill un. -tie HelKhla,
KriiiMod by the lllametle I'ulp At
I'aper Company for hoinea for employ
ea. The taxpayer dit lded to did
Late the remainder of the alreet to
the achool dlatrl.t. It will not re
ipilre (he removliii; of the fence.
Klecirli! Iluhla have been ordered for
Iho Hfhool hulldliii.'. It alao haa been
HiH-KoKtod that another achool build
I UK be e reeled in order to provide
quarter for a hlKh srhool.
Tho Oregon Clly Transportation
Company has withdrawn the Ktculmcr
Pomona from the Corvnllis run,
which means that Instead of a daily
service Corvallla will enjoy only Hie
marine facllllles that a steamer call
ing three time a week provides. Sa
lem will continue on the list of the
cities having a dally service, it the
Pomona will turn hack there, and
Tuesdav. Thursdav nml Saturday tho
Crahumoua will continue to Corval
lis. In cutting down the schedule the
Yellow Slack Line will retire from
the Held. The Pomona will look after
Dayton huslncs on her return .trip
(o Salem. Tho change went Into ef
fect Wednesday, when the Stenmer
Oregona arrived from Willamette Val -
ley points. The company bulllt the
Grahnmoiui las summer to meet ex
pected gains In business, but after
trying the dally service system to
Corvallls since November 10. the of
ficii Is concluded It was a losing proi
osition. 0FHRS.J.W.L0DER
The Derthlck Club met Friday af
ternoon lit the home of Mrs. John
l.oder, who was assisted in entertain
ing by Mrs. Lydln Olmsted. Mrs. J.
I'. MoiTutt read the opera "Hans and
Ciretel ' and Gustav Flechliier. ac
companied by Mrs. van Urakel, plny-
ul selections of the opera on the
violin, which were much appreciated
by those present. Mr. Flechliier and
Mrs. van llrnkel also played other
selections. After the program refresh
ments were served By tho hostess.
Those present were: Msdumes W. A.
I Huntley, Ana llujs, C. II. Melssner,
W. A. Dliultk, M. D. Latourette, L.
Adams. Fred Olmsted. J. E. Hedges,
Flier A. Chapman, S. O. Dillmnn.
Leon lies I41r7.es. Theodore Osmund,
J. P. Moffatt, J. F. Clnrke, L. L. Por
ter. John Loder. Carl Joehnke, Lldiii
Olmsted, and Misses Marjory
Muriel Stevens.
Hoy Ellis was adjudged an ingrate
in Justice of tho Peace Samson's
court Monday. Evidence was Intro
duced to the effort that Ellis was in
need of assistance Saturday evening
and that William 1 truce, who lives on
Division Street took the wayfarer in
to his home, and, boBldes giving him
shelter, gave him food. Ellis, howev
er, after having his outer and Inner
man given attention became obstrep
erous, according to evidence, in-4
sisted that llruce had not treated him
right. Itruce tnsiillod that ho had
been a good host. Ellis struck Ilnice
and tho police were called in and ar
rested Ellis. Tho prisoner was lined
$:0 by Justice of the Peace Samson
and upon his failure to pay the fine
was sentenced to serve 15 days In the
county Jail.
For Infant and Children.
Tha Kind Yea Hare Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
The residence of George Denely of
Liberal caught fire at 3 o'clock Fri
day afternoon and wa saved by the
hard work of the neighbor from total
drat ruction. The fire I upposed to
have started from a defective flue.
Little dsmage was done to the house
other than severely smoning and
charing some of the room. The fur
niture wa ruined.
8ulllvan Sugyett that Member ol
Wire Aid In Foitering Fac
tories and Live Stock
hairy product- valued nt JI.'io.j.
'mo and anlne on the hoof valued at
$'1,000,01)0 worn brought Imo Oioko.i
laat )t ar from the Kaat for con
mi In li( Ion In (hi:i Hlate. Tlila alu'o
meiit wua made Willi ebt-ti ifyinn of
feet Turad.iy hi the weekly luiHMii on
of the l.lvo Wi.ea of the Oregon Clly
l oiiilncirlul I lub b' W. A. hho'.vmaii
editor of
who haa
the Wi litem KlO"k Journal,
iiin.le n tlo-;e altiii .. in
llvealot k liidiiatry In the North we:,t.
Ho Bald the tolal value of li .ettot k
product nnd of product of an arl
cultural character shipped Into Ore
gon In 1912 omounti d vt l.'..,000.'loit.
and Into Washington the value was
$;o,OOu,i,tO. He (old of condition In
Washington towns, notably Pullman,
and explained how money co.ild be
liui'le by the fanners in prodii'lni;
pun- bred sw ine. Mr. Snow mun waa
followed by T. W. Sullivan O. IJ. Kby,
II. h. Cross, J. K. Hedge, A. A. Price.
C. II. Iiyc and L- L. Pici.ens, who
talked in the need of an Armory,
which cculd ho used for holding Imlry
and Slot k Shows, a wi ll as lor oth
er purMises. .
O. U. Kby and T. W. Sullivan pro
posed a resolution opposing the bill
to repeal the law of lill. under which
county tourt are authorized to spend
J.'.o per annum to assist Fairs and
j Shows, in cases where sites have been
j secured and buildings are maintained.
I The resolution obtained the iinaui-
moil endorsement of the Live Wire.
' M. I). Latourette announced It is
the purpose of the Promotion Depart
I ment ot the Commercial Club to hold
! a Pooster Day In Oregon City during
April or May and that the celebration
I migh work hand in hand with a Live
I stock Show.
i A. A. Price, who heads the commit-
tee to secure cluster light along
! Main Street, reported progress. It
Is the luirposH of this committee to in
! duco property ow ners and business
! men in the retail district on MainJ
I Street to Install cluster lights, keep
! l,a,e llh otu,'r Willamette
l I' )' tow ns.
Declaring thut the business inter
ests of Oregon City could do a great
deal toward cooperating with the
farmer in producing more stock, T.
W. Sullivan said every thing possible
should bo done to foster manufact
uring concerns and stock raising. He
said the various manufacturing con-
1 r('rns llf ,ho rlt' are 'e'l to
look after their own Interest without
assistance, unless hampered by in
sane itnd destructive legislation. This
was a pointed reference to the Dim
Ick and Schuehel labor bills pending
In tho legislature.
F. A. Olmsted, a chemist, made a
report on the city water consigned to
his care for examination at the form
er. meeting of die Live Wires. He
said a bacteriological examination
had not di." losed the presence of col
on bacilli.
The folloving standing committees
j were named by Main Trunk Line
Public dock It. T. Mcllain, M. J.
nrown, E. E. Prodie.
City hall John W. Loder.
Dairying anil hogs W. A. Shew
man. A. L. Ilcatie, M, J. Lazelle.
Main street Pavement M. D. Lat
ourette. Weights and measures J. E.
Good roads T. P. Randall.
Urodie. Livy Stipp.
Sheep and goat raising T. J
O. E. Freytng.
E. E.
, Gary.
Fire, presumably caused by cross
ed wires during the heavy snow storm
consumed the ollice of the Portland
Railway, Light & Power Company's
engineers at the upper dam. two
miles above Cazadero, destroying rec
ords worth several thousand dollars.
The building Itself wns of little value.
Among the records burned were
the water guages of the Clackamas
Uiver during tho past two years, the
surveys and plats of the proposed ex
tension of the lino above the present
terminus and pints of the power plant
near Cazadero . It is said there no
duplicates in fxistence, thus making
it necessary to resurvey the country
toward the mountains as well as to
secure additional records of the rise
and fall of the river.
The lire was discovered about 1
o'clock hy John Ilrooks. an employe,
who lives near the otl'.ce. Hy the time
he reached the building tho Interior
was abla.e and no was unable to save
any of the contents.
This Is the third fire that the Port
land Railway, Light & Power Com
pany has suffered within the last six
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Sparks
of Estncada, gave a D00 party In
honor of 24 guests at the Hotel Esta
caila Friday evening Airs. E. E.Sal
lug and J. R. McCurdy won first and
Mr. K. W. Hartlett and A. Lindsay
second prizes. Following a luncheon
dancing and music were enjoyed.
The guest were: Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Ilelfil, .Mr. and Mr. E. E. Saling.
Mr. and Mr. C. C. Saline. Dr. and
Mrs. H. V. Adix, Mr. and Mr. H. M.
James, Mr. and Mr. J. R. McCurdy,
Mr. and Mr. E. W. Hartlett. Mr. and
Mrs. A. Lindsay, Mr. and Mr. J. W.
Reed, Mr. and Mr. C. E. Sparks, Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Currin. G. T. LaFoI
lette and Dr. L. A. Wells.
j Aler aerviiiK tho city of Katacada
1 fjlihfiilly for livn and oiih half yeara.
J M'lyor John V.. Heed (emlered hli
i realKiiallon and It waa accepted by
, the council at (he regular moelliiK
held Tneaday ninht. J. H. MeCunly,
a iiu-n hiiil, wua appoinled to aervr
I Ibe remainder of lh uiiexplred term,
! which "iid July 1. UoKer W. (iary
and Ab aiurr K. Hiiarka, pioneer rea !
Idrnta ol Matitrmla. wrrw iiiii.olnlfd
to lill tl.f vara in Ira tnadii by Lie r.-a-ighatloii
of Alilrrmon W. A. Join
ami William l.'nderwood. Mra. .MTlle
V. Miller aat for tho llrnt time with
the council and took an active part
In the iliariiiiaion of vaiioua meaa
urea that tiinie before that body.
The t lly haa voted a apei ial tax
of 10 nulla for the purpcmn of nil
lux and nutradmuizliiK a number ol
the principal atn-eta and a special aa
aeaanieiit haa been made providing
ftiri'Jrt lor the conairurtlon of of lat
eral avwera, which will Involve the
! expendiluni
of aeveral thounand tlol
laM on theae two improvenienta aa I
Fi.oti li th work can be done Tho!
ppaeiit counill plana to order new '
aidewalka, and the malnialiienct of
'lean aT'-ei and alley, with a view
I of b- ttln? a new record for civic lri
euo nra. A oiumiUei; of private
( iMzeiiH n:ta in ti appointed to act in
! conjunction wllh a like committee
from the council to supervise the var
ious pi-ins outlined with a view ot
putting to the best use the funds
available for the new work.
, Atter II. Chane, 1C years old, was :
arrested by Chief of Police Shaw Frl- j
d.iy afternoon on a charge of steel-1
lug a bicycle. The boy who resides
at 4o" Stark Street, Portland, came
to Oregon City Friday and went to
the Chicago second hand store and
was trying to sell the bicycle which j
Is the property of George Decorsey, ;
who lives In the-house where Crane ;
lives. Mm Chief Shaw arrived. The
boy tried to sell the chief the w heel.
The boy first said that he lived In :
Lewiston, Idaho, and later said that ,
l,e lived In Portland. Cran finally
admitted the theft and gave his ad
dress. Shaw then telephoned to the 1
Portland police and in the evening t
the boy s parents came to this city
and he was turned over to them, his aa evening aner naving drawn ii,4uu
father nmmlsint? m (nkp tho lad in,'111 'he bank. Chief of Police Shaw
the Juvenile court in Portland.
The funeral of Mrs. William
Sheahan was held at St John's
Catholic Church Thursday morimig ;
ot 10 o'clock, the Rev. Hillebrand as-,
sisted by Father McGinn, of Columbia
University, conducting the services, I
which were the Requiain High Mass. j
The funeral was one of the largest
ever conducted in Oregon City and
the church was filled with friends of
Mrs. Sheahan and the family. Masses
of (lowers were received from friends i
In Oregon City and elsewhere After
the ceremony in the church the family
and intimate friends went to Moun
tain View Cemetery, where the inter
ment took place. The choir of St.
John's Church furnished beautiful
music during the . services
The pallbearers were Dr. E.
mer, T. Lovett, .Mat .Michael, u. 1 .
MoHain, L. L. Pickens and T. W. Sul
livan. Mrs. Shealian, who was Miss Mar
Jorie Kuertan before her marriage to
Mr. Sheahan, was born in Germany.
She came to America when young i
w ith her parents nnd was married to I
M. Sheahan in Salem In 1S92, moving j
to Oregon City shortly afterward, !
where she lived with the exception ol j
two years, until her death. Mrs.
Sheahan was a member of St. Johns
Churcn in this city and also a mem
ber of tho Ladies Alter Society of
the same church. Mrs. Sheahan is
survived by her ' huBband, William
Sheahan. four children, Joseph, Marie.
Edward and Louise, besides her molh
er, Mrs. Hertha Kuertan and a sis
ter. Mrs. Edward Sheahan, of Powell
River, it. C.
The oeath of his youngest child
brought freedom Friday to Ray Daly
who was arrested several days ago on
a charge of non support. When
County Judge Heatie was informed of
tlie death of the child he told Daly,
that he could go provided he would
obtain work and care for his family.
The 111 in promised that he would ob
do so md a position was obtained
for him. He pleaded guilty to the
charge of non support and conse
quently obtained his freedom through
parole. He was instructed to report
to the county judge at intervals. The
charge against him was made by Mrs.
C. L. White.
The funeral of Ferdinand Gross who
died Sunday morning of pneumonia,
will be held at his father's home In
Willamette Falls at 11 o'clock today.
Mr. Gross, who was a son of Mr. and
Mrs. Iludly Gross and a brother of
Marshall Gross, had been 111 about
two weeks. Mr. Gross, who was 2
years of age. wa unmarried The
interment will be In Stafford Ceme
tery. T. J.
T. J. Whittier. one of the best
known night watchmen in the city,
died at hi home at Tenth and Main
Streets at 1:45 o'clock Tuesday morn
ing. Mr. Whittier was 79 year of
age. He is survived by his widow, a
son and daughter. The funeral ar
rangement will be made today.
Chief of Police Telephone to Nearby
Cities Without Learning
Anything of Mming
Carl Ho.l.a, Interested In two in
loona. and one nf (he heat known men
in the city la myaterloualy miaulm?
and It is dared he has been the vic
tim of" foul play. Mode disappeared
at 4 o'clock hiitt Saturday afternoon,
and. according to one report ho bad
$1,400 and another ho had almost
$100. At the p quest of his w ife and
! children the police bocan a ieurch
for tho min-ln man the followinn
i mornlna but bo far have not obtained
the aliihen cme aa to what became
of him.
j It Is not believed that thu rniaHlnK
j mun purposely left the city, for ho
: has a large family and waa devoted to
j his w ife and children. When not at
j tending to business he waa always at
i home, and enjoy d home life above
I al othij- pbasures. Ill youngest
j child U only two months of
I a!;e and the father wag especially
fond of it. Mr.!. Hodea is versing
upon nervous prostration a the re
sult of her husband' disappearance
hicf oj Police Shaw said Tuesday
nli;ht that he had telephoned to all
nrarl.y dtlrs and would continue the
search until he obtained definite In
formation rgardinw the missing man.
Despite the effort of the Or-gon
City, Portland and police of other
Oregon and Washington cities not tle
slightest trace has been found of
Carl Hod'-s, the saloonkeeper, who
mysteriously disappeared last Satur-
telonhoned to the various cllipa Kniilb
j of here asking that a lookout be kept
for Hod-3. It is thought probable
that the saloon man has been foully
dealt with. He had lived In Oregon
City for more than 10 years and was
one of the best known men here. He
was temperate and was devoted to
his family. His youngest child is only
two months of age.
William Dyer, of Oswego, having
allowed his stock to run at large to
test the stock law, the state, through
Assistant District Attorney Stipp. has
fll-d suit against Dyer asking that the
penalty provided be imposed. The
defendant, through his attorneys,
lirownli & Stone, has pleaded that
there has been no violation of any
at the : stock law. He avers that the law ap
1 proved by the people at the last elec
A. Som-1 tion ls not constitutional. The cap-
tion or tne bill on the ballot was "for
: and against stock running at large."
I Dyer says the caption should have
: been. "A bii to prohibit stock run
j ning at large' He avers that as a re
I suit of the faulty caption many per-
I snnn nrp rnnnictpri
Fined for Intoxication
Albert J. Todd, arrested by Police
men Woodward and Griffith on a
charge of being intoxicated, was fin
ed $9 Wedmsday by Recorder Stipp.
If your children are subject to at
tack may be warded off. For sale by
symptom, hoarseness. Give Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy as soon as
the child becomes hoarse and the at
tack my be warded oq. For sale by
Huntley Pros. Co., Oregon City, Hub
la nl a. ol Canby.
(By Ralph Kaye.)
Don t burst into large space think
ing that its size will enable you to
"Put something over" on the public.
Let us consider the psychology of
large space. Things out of the or
dinary nttract attention. Familiar
objects in new garbs arouse curios
ities. When we come across a page
advertisement we infer it is some-
thing important the size of immen-
sity emphasizes it. Our attention is
attracted. If upon reading, the ex
planation warrants the attraction
we are Impressed and glad our atten
tion was called to it.
Hut what happens when our atten
tion is misled What happens when
we spend time In reading an adver
tisement only to find nothing new but
old undesirable goods being forced on
us like bitter pills w ith a sugar coat
ing. Such an advertisement does tho
merchant more harm than good.
What will he do when he really has
something important to offer? Won't
people think it's the same story of
It's the arvertiser who plugs right
along, telling the truth In hi adver
tisements that wins. People read his
ails because when he takes large
space It creates interest and business
because people know he tells the
Deafness Can net
bv local srp,li--it 31 Uf V mr-' Ot rr;.
v. li-
eavil wri..,ii ul irw rur. iarp ,1, 1. ly .1.1 ivy .a
nirr .1, jIhi-m. and Urnl t tin..ililut..al rriwiljc
Ih-iluinl bi caiiH.il tiy n Hi Hamed ritiuiu.rfl ol tl
muo.'ja li::irrf ol II K'l.itii. liinii Lit. W hi'D O,
tut.- u l.iil.m. U vou Live ft ri.uii'lu.rf mm d or lm
tTf. -t tl-ir- .'. 'I "1 ''il'nil c..l, 1-Hf-bhm
la trtc r'iit, ai.,l ui'l.-al n li.tl imnmlino cu lw
UKca iMit -.d Hi s tnur i-t'.il U Ita norm;,! c.,1 'le
tl-n. heart:. will iie ,i,-lr"yi-il iuccvr r u.c
o-tt il t.i an? rul 1T l ii irrtL wi rn 14 n.i.j
but na t!,flu!i,fl r,, i.t; tun of the m ic.'.. nir: .
W will f:v. ir.e Ili. -lr, .'. l"'li.ri lirf a: y eu of
Ocafnc .,-i.t.i hv cuirBi ua. r-rn.-.t tj citrvtl
by Hail CaUrrU t 'ire. -I'-l i rc iura.
V J. cui-M.y; ID.. l-JeO-
n(fl br tint". ; c.
Y..- II .... 1 I. I . (a. rnr .Or.