OWIWON CITf KXTKUIMn.SK. FRIDAY. .TAN. 17, lfiir Parcel Post Is Unit System Any One Can Learn Postaga Hates by Flping Out Dis- tance Frcm PostoiliCD, B ilSMNM Now Year tiny til 1 'i. in. Iln H' l'iirii'1 "'l law i rl llilu llliy lllllill'lllllll of I III' I'llllfll I lull' 10 aellll tlir"llgll i. ill iiii'I'IiiiimIIov of nil il'H jin' il,,n. prut Med II il"i- ii'il wi'icli in limn eleven i"iunlit mul I ii"l iiiiiii' Ihilll nit feel III l'iilll'i Irl'l'ill HIkI lilllll, Him l"'lt 11"' iH'UlllllKli'r gcll- ,.i il wb.liea einphiialreil nii'l lliiil In lliill nil I'm kiik'i'' llim' I" I't' taken In ll, ,..I1. , by thu m ini' I', mi l IhU ill mi-ii I Iiiiiii tl"' IHiliiliciid milixlu ll.ihi i'IiiIiiiiiII.V ("iili'l In ill'iiK al.uca liul tin' ii'k'"lir miIiii atnlluiia, I lu ul' knur IH Im llcllt cn il III Hu ll ilialliuitleli III wiinmia, tl"' nii'l IhIhk rc.tiinr tlm ni'Hi'iii Idler acltl'l' At preaeut llm IiiiiiiIhT of turn III IIik n I mTVlin Im lint lut'll luerciiae., Sin Ii i uli'p I iilili'H'l uiiini-rwmrjr lit iii'i'iil Tin' K't'illl'i' depart incut lull Ix'l'll WOlklllg lltl'MUlm Im I' liiat Jul), when riiiin' iiiii tlii law. pii'pmiiit; fur Hi'' liiiuiKui'iitloii of (ho lli'W aertl't'. Twenty 111111111111111 of till' limit ili'll' all- mul Inirli Ml" aculea Im v i Ifi'ii ordered fur delivery Iteforv Jan. 1. A lli"t t'liitn'inlii ayaleiu of limp hna been rinnpli'li'il, Inaugurating ..ll a t tl i . Thi-in arw I'lillil differ nil iuic. I hii Ilia llin lilt1 depict it vrlnu unit In I'm Ii "" Kvery Ihmii U ltiniU'l In iiiiinlH'riM unit. linn ii ii"'ii I In' itmp Tin' Hut oim In ntiy ill-Linn' within nfly inlli'. Tlin m-ixiiiil r"iu U N greater illntniu is uliil mi un iinlll Hi" ln"t . which tltke III A1ltBk.lt mul till' lliiwulluu In lumU. I'iit lint tlm ITillll'pliii. Tor I ii l nn '. Ihii limp nltli It" IHItll- WIRELESS PHONE A SUCCESS.! Harvard rVo'otior Baniit Sound sf Volo Thirtyfiv Mill. Aaalalnllt rrufnanr i. W. I'liTi' of tlm ili-pnrcni'iil uf plijtli a nt llnrrtnl liaa ilii Uiil a tit'W' wlti'ltta It'li'pluilio lii"(riiuii-ul wlil. li nmy rtfiilunlly ri'Vo lull nil'i' llm liu lli'ila of liitic ilUlnwe iiiui'rntl''ii. 'llu- Uf liiitniint'iit h i. iilri-u'lt ni fit iil tin' lu-iirty lu ll.. iMMiii iil of J'.lm lluya llniiiinoiiil. Jr. I'Mfi-aanr I'liTit Hit till- litlral llf Mr. 1 1 'i i ii ii m ti .1 nt lila I i li.ti.-t.itT liilmriitory itt I n-i.li WnliT I'otti riH-iiitly. wlirrv a aiTli'n of i-rluh'itla iMuiilii' ttM wllli Hio iifw ni'piiriitua Ttii' nlirlraa mwrr w na inlin'lilriitiM nlKMit nfly f.t it la i t wn li'tfl. Hjf lin-iili-i uf Hit' wiy lliMiru lit I'Mfraaur I'li-r. f cut Into roiiiinuiili ntloll Willi tin. Ilnrvunl Wln-li-aa chili, thirty llv mlli-a nwuy. mul tnlki-il with avvfrnl nf llm i lull iiii tiilmr for nic CHVurlitg llflfi'U uilliuli-a. Heart to Heart Talks. Oy LOW IN A. WYE WHAT IS TIIK MATTtR f Thla la Hie atuiy Henry Welnbiitiui or New York wn a clntliea pi.iMer em ping I2 ll week. l tliW Minn lie Mtippnlteil ilitit-lf. Ill wife mul r.nir aiiuill clillilreu. Tlm wife tiled. Wi-iiiIuiiiiii wn conrronlcd with n lliliillmi liiuMt lieiiitlireiikliig He IiiuhI cure for the four in.'tlicrlca clillilien and lit tb aiilnt- lime U- away from hla hiiinti mi l i-inpliiveil nt hla work, else Hie children would have nothing to cut K.Hiifhoiv f..r aeternl nmlitna be mall aged to gel nluiig Tbeti he illd iiliuitt the only tiling In' could do UUiler llm clrcuuiMliincea lie married ngnln. I'lifiii'tuniitely he iiindit a Mior choice of a NiH-iiiid wife. She ciiinpliiliied Hint tlm children iiindv t.ai much work mid ili'imiuileil Ihul they be puljn a puli-II.- Iiialltutloii. To miivo hi II 1 1 lo family from such n fa lo wn Wplnhaiiiif uinio In Bet ting hi children their new mother, llu wanted to ki-ep hi little brood to gether. Therefor ho refimed her r IUI'nL She sued him for divorce. On Just what ground tho dlvorc wn grnntetl I not clear, but Ihe Judge gnve her a decree A part of the Juilu nmiit Welnliiiiiin wn ordered to pay tliu woiiiiin f I -r week alimony. Of coiirae the man could not pay that sum and support Id family. Th other day he wn arrested, hi arrears, with coHt. amouiitlug to t'JU7.84. In default of payment h wa eut to I.udlow street Jnll. Nor- Wlfe No. 2 la free from the car of the troublesome children. Wetnbautn I In Jull with no proict of releas and the children are ward of charity. Even the Jnlli-r remarked when Welnbaum wa commllteil-Jnller ar not particularly fre with sympathy thnt "there must be something the mat ter with the law omchow." And there I something the matter with the law. Hut what? The law I out of gear. And yet It I dllllfiilt to find th cog and ndjuat IL Welnbaum la guilty nf nothing bat the bent Intention and yet he I In Jail. What la th matter with the law? Or I It merely that Welnbaum 1 pour? v im ma, Rich Man (to clerki-l started In at th lowest rung of the ladder. My Drat wife got nnly a week alimony. Now look at me! Paying $.301) to my last, and I Daren't stopped climbing jeL-Puck. Operated On With 8 Zoi Country Is Mapped Cut Willi 3,500 Uiiils-Government Sels Guiles Cheaply. Ifli'.l nulla pilnli'il mi ll hIiuhh Hull Nut Vmk illy l In unit 717, wliirli, uf I'iiiiiki', lx III Hit' llil "in' Cm Ii In I'll III y lull..'. Ha iiwii llri.1 y.mii', It wna in" t',.i,iry fur Hit' p inlnMI''i' il" I'lii'lliu'iit In limn prlnli'il (ii'piiriilo liiupa fur llii ll lii'iillly. Hupp'inn )"il am In null 717 In I In' tlmt i"iii' mul J ml Hunt In ai'llil It lili 'kllltn to IlllfTlllil, 'ulili h la iiiprniltniiti'ly In unit 1,1'IJ, wliii li la In tlm ai'. iuiil r.oini You I k i. Him pin kilt,'" In Un. iatiillri, it ll. I llm piialnltl't' ilrlli will plili'n It mi tliii iii'ttly iiiiiali'iirli'il aiiili'a. Ilrnt ili'uly luillii),' oil Un' a' lili'n Hint llm un kiiun la In ti In tliii M"'nlii Ii nil' . Wlli'll It la i'l;:lii'i I In- iiln will u'vi' i-lnrlly tin' ii in. it ii t in" I'uxury lo riirry tlm ( l !. t . In Ha il'l!li.il.ill. 'I In' l,ll 'im. nf IIMy Inllra Inrluilra iw luit In rnlli'il tlm li" ill toll. Tlm i ii x I in ii in rlinrui' for Un- IihkI oim la ii'ii l m for tint Itrat piiinul n ml 1 chii! I fur I'm li lul'llil'iiiiil j hi in 1 I Afti-r Hint lli.'iii la n i.-rn il u it ( ivl In rrvii"i Hiti ai'ioiul nun. hmliii; ll m illua nf l.'iil lulli-a. tin- llilnl ( Inlli-a. fir, until till) I'lu'lilll tiilm, wlili'll III rlmli'a I'Vt'ry town ovi-r l.Nint liilltn. Hi'i'iirnli' provlaluii la iiiiiiIii for nil mi'kiii.'i'a Hint Ui-IkIi four oumi' or li'aa I.lktt tlm pri wlit avail-Ill of fnurtli . rlnaa iiuilli'r. tlmrtt will Ini I tint rule nf n i nit un iiuikk. If t pni kiik'' wi'IkIih ovi-r four oiini wi It cm-a iiiuIit llm Hiiiiul rule. Kvrry ixiatinnalfr mul nmtoin'e cli-rlt , lutiuliluK piini'l "t tin mnp mul I ' Kiil'li'lMHik wlil. li Inil'la Hir ki-y tn llm ' nuniliTi-l nulla on llu limp. If vnu wniit lo i'U. I h pH'-knce to lliiffulo lila ' (lll'll'lKMlk will kIhiw lit li wlil.il mill I IIiiITiiI" la In. niul II thu mnp will AT 80 GIVES HEALTH RULES Enjoy Yourtalf tnd Ignoro D't Toblat, Snyi St Gaorgo Birdwood. Kir (liMiriiti lUrtlwwHl, ultlcrr of tlw j Ij'kMi'iiof ll'iiior. Inunntiuf tlm Frrnrb i . u.li-iny nml formerly prnfi"oor of !unloiiiy mul ph alolmry nt lloinliay, hna i-untrlliuli'il ut llm nee of I'lulity j lila vli-wa on how- to rcm li a ripe oM i nff. Ilia minima nte: iNui't tliluk nlMiut your lii-nll ti. l'ujoy yoiirn'lf na much na pommIIiIo. lliimnt illi'lny tiiMea. Knt whfimvir you fifl Im-llnnl. lHk on tin- hrlk'ht hln of thliiK. Hlr tiitirut' l I'nrtl' iihirly aromful IhhiI Iho illt'l on which miotlmr con Irlliutor to Hie illaiuaalim thrlvm nniimly. two uii-ittM of vkk. I'rfiitl mul ImttiT ilnlly "Siu-h n llfi-." Im any, "would not .i worth llvlmr. Tho itrt'iit iiietlon la im t how to livu Imitf. but how to 11 v Wt'll." SNAPSHOTS OF LA MODE. Brown Cottumee Should Be Very Care fully Planned. When planning a brown costume eclal care must la- given to the t-xm't lint of tin- inlor clu'rteii. Snniu brown a iv l"it combined with yellow, others wllh nil, mul im other col.-r will bring nut tlm light ami ahnilc of the par ticular material n well. Ill fact. It I extraordinary how much richer ami riuruiti or mbw skibt. deeper a red brown will look if a touch of vivid reil I Introduced. Plitln cloth and antln drese have Telvet ahe of a brilliant color, with Ihe uneven end falling toward one aide. , Thla Illustration ahow one of the newest klit of the season. There are only front and back portion, and the back I liipinnl over the front, and It front edge are shaped that they almost meet at the upper edge. JCDIO CIIOLLET. Thl Majr Manton pallarn Is cut In ! from tt to 80 Inrlira wlat meaaure. Bend 10 rent lo Una oltlce. alvlna number. KM. nil II will la promplly forwarded lo you by mall If In haale lend an a.UIII.'iinl two cent alamp fur leller poatace Wlian odrrlna uaa ooupon. No Ble Name Addreu Insect Bit Cost Leg. A Iloaton mn lot hi leg from the bite of an Insect two year before. To vert u?h calamities from sting and bite of insect ue Bucklen' Arnica SbIv promptly to kill th poison and prevent Inflammation, swelling and pain. Ileal burn, boll, nicer, pile, eciema, cut, bruise. Only J5 cenU at all drugglata. m n '; IM In jrfa fiJL rtiwluimto Hi' r.'ino. ' All tin ha to do In In murk li In mnli wllli I Im zone In dicator mul (In nim-hlim will hnw lliii lllllllllfll llf pilMtlgl, 'I III' llllltl'lll c lleplll tl'l Ihih IhiIII'i) ii uulilii bunk mill iihii tlmt run In- Mir iIiiimii fur V.'i I'll ! 'Jlil'lo . Hlmi nil Iiiiui nu f iiiiiiln i lima uf ml pm kiiwi-M ; iml in i-r f.'ii. Ai, oik Hie lliliu'i I li it will ini lie in--icpleil fur ilellvfry me Inloxlciniia. v pliiMlti-a, llilliiiiiluiil.il' llipihla, llvo or il' nil iiiiIiiiiiIh, llrt'iirma, llleni. Henna, liouka or prliileil iiinlii r A apoflnl M-rlea uf Nluliipa lllia lieell fiik'ri ted fur llm acrvlic. The liii'iilct ittlt iiitlui;!' of llm pnr- el mimI la In Hie funnel' w hu wiiiiIh lo kell lila pliMlil' la illici t lu Hie I'UIihiiiii fr. A pu-tul i iii'l fur n ilu.eii or inoie fieah cru'-t lit ii lie i nl un one ilny mid Hie i'k'i;m l .-. i'U i.l Hie iietl. All klluli uf 'I nl il-1 w ill lie iicce ptnhle. Ck'k'M cull lie .ll' ki'd aeplll'ltlely III cotloll llllil pliin il lu i i.rriii:nli'il piili-lMiitn Imtea u Hiey run I'f Mlilppi-d Willi fill Ire anfe ly. All pm -Kiitie cunjiilulnu ek'u iiiuhI Im linn I. iil "ck'KM " All fnik'lle ti ill' lea, auih ll a millinery, loya, luiiali ill liiMlruiiiflita, KliiMMMltre. elc, iiiiimI lie miirked frnitlle." It la fxi'ii-tcd Unit the nir-el mimI Will hurt the i-liplfha luliipiinli-a' liilal ni'Ma, piirtlciilurly lu ahurt ilellverlea, on it' ' i"l lit of the cheiip riitea of the pnreel 'Mi. The Hiihiirliitii pun ll ry mul priMlie e uiiu keta w ill ho tu-i i-nllile lo thoiiMitiida uf tow n lui.vf ra. Tlm pm. c I poat aluuiM ineuaure 1 hy 1'4 lllihin la'lWfi-ll perforilliMl llnea. Tint cul.ir la nil fur nil deiioiulniitloiia. Ill II curved piiuel lit Tuaa the I "P. alip-puiii-il hy ii piineled H-rH'iullculnr col limn lit eili'll end. 'J' t In i iK ! orniiinei.lM o.'cupy Iml U iiplaT curiieia. The ili'iiomliiiilloii In liirtfi iiti mt-rii Im In In fiich lower cor ner, with llm title of I he aulijei-t ami the wurd "i euta" or "dollura" between. Tlm dealt: na oil the acvcrul (lulioiul Uiitlona ure ua fi.llnwa; I rent 1'iialoltli-a clrrH. 1 ctiiU-l'lly citrrlrr. I it-1 1 1 ll.illwa) iiualal clerk. t rrnla- ll.il.tl rurrlar. I rniua Mull Irnin. 10 i-rnta-Hifiinialili and mall lander. lb t'.-lila' Autuiilct'lle ai-ivlra. SI t-i-nla A.-ml'Lina i arr'lli( mall. cviiIm- Miilniri'i'lurllitf. W c.-lila - I miry tin. H ci-nla--llurvaailnc II Krtill (kiwiiik RUSSIA'S BIGGEST FORGERY. Gang Turntd Out Million of Countor fait Not.i. IlUMlir e ret Hillce ure luiay true-Ilia- thu priMlurera uf uilllloua of coun terfeit notfn Hint lime Im-cii iuxel Into .-lrcululli.il lu KiimhIii mid on KukmIiiii flint IU III I hollMi-a llhrnnd It Ik till) t)lt (it mul inoMt pi-riieiliik! furitery enw they lutvi- ever tin kled. Four of the men cui. eriu-'l III the Irullic n cuinmerclul driuiiuer iiuineil luiiiiili'M'kv. u in. -reliant nuuieil Seuio tiev niul Inn utheia iiiimed l.lelx-iithal nml It.Mh lu luive li'-i'U cuptureil with MklllfullJ fort,eil iinti"t to the face Mil lie of ui-.iri.v a iiinrter of n million rul.lcM In their tMn-ioii. They lmve I ii aiil'ie-lfl lo Hie ItiiMHliiu variety uf the Hi I nl decree t-xtiliiiuutioii, lull h.ive ifV.nled liulhln Iciillllk' to tlm ilUreu'iy of the fuik'cin factory. T. -US-.- te.l nf CUipllt-ltJ ) wen.- tr.iccil In ilu to l-'nimv. Wants, For Sale etc. ulv t'vlim lu Oak Crove. would like io i il ril'ar l-ioi H at her home. Will it y (lie r (nr.-. aildret-b Hox :;;, Oak liiovv Ore. to :o per cent i.coi!iit on .;l'tves ami li.in.i -1 oil ;it Sloiu ' llariicaa Shop, on Mb St:-t 1 1 m ar Main. hn-" Mirbeo. sums of moiu ' 011 ! band to I't in on real properi;. ior j Inn:; or short ierloils of time i W.M. H AMMOND. .... , 5' i Heaver 1'Ulg.. tncsiui u.-. To Lease lor tbe Clcai iai; 10 aores. 3 mllis from small town, In good neighborhood close, to school, small house and garden, spot-cleared, pleniv of wood mid water. Owner will furnish fencing mid fruit trees. Will lease for term of years. Ad dress llov 23. Oak (irove, Ore. NOTICE. There will lie a Mas'iuerndo ball at the Crnnge Hall at Clarke on Feb 11. i a 13. Notice to Creditor. In the County Court of the State of Oreg.i'i for Clackamas County. In the matter of the estute of C. C. Sargent, deceased. Not ley Is hereby given that the tin-derslgii-d have been appointed by the Count v Court of tho State of Oregon for Clackamaa IVunty, Executrix and Executor respectively, of the Estate of C. 0. Sargent deceased. All per son holding claim against said e late are hereby notified to present the sanio properly verlllcd to C. N. Sar gent, the Executor of the Estate, at Tho Dalle. Wasco County. Oregon, or Anna Sarm-nt. the Executrix, at Clackmna, Clackamaa County. Ore gon, within lx (6) months from the date of thl notice. Dnted January lfith, 1913. ANNA SARGENT, C. N. SARGENT. Executrix and Executor of the Estate of C. C. Sargent, deceased. Summon. Number 12018. In the Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon for the County of Clncka ma. Joseph Gundry Cillllngham. rialntlff. v. Emma Jean MacDonald Ollllngham. Defendant. To Emma Jean MacDonald Ollllng ham. defendant: In tho name of the State of Oregon you am hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agalnt yon In the above entitled suit within six week from January 17. A. D., 1913. which date la the date of the first publication of thl summons, and on or before the 28th day of February 1913. which date Is the date of the last publication of this summons, and If yon fall to answer within nch time th plaintiff will for want thereof ap. ply to the above entitled court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, towit: for a decree of aald court dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing between the aald plain tiff and said defendant and for an c'ruTand inhuma. , treatm.Tof "d absolute dlvorr on the ground of liliilnllir ty mi Id defendant niul for pcrsmuil Indignities I" nld plalMff by kiiI 'I ib-fcndnm. rendering Hi life) of mi M iiiilnlllT. burdensome, mid for n"i h ntlii'r nn-1 furl her r 1 1 -f u to Ihn court limy eeni JuhI mid equitable. 'Mi In Mimmoiii In iiiIiIIhIii'i In iur ,u.,,i f un order of tlm lloiiornMo j hiiuca I'. Ciiiiip1 1 II, I'ri'iilillnr Jii'lf ! of tho hIiovii i'lillil' l rourl. mlil-li K'il'1 1 onliT wn fiilori'd on thft I5lh ilny of .liinuiiry A. I liiKI, mid illriTti-d Huil mild nuiiiiuoii Im piilillnhi'd In tlm Ori'K'ui ''Hv KntcrprlMf, n weekly neuKiuiper of ki-iht.iI rlrcillutl'iii pulillnhed In f)reiron City, In tho county n ini dinle arurcHiild, mid which an Iil onler directed Hint mild mun iiioiih lie pulillxhfd Ilieri In Bt li iiHt oiicii a week for nix HiireeaHlvo week, lievlniiliiK with Him Imkiio of Jniiunry 17, A. I)., IHII. MCl.rlflN I,. YOI'NO, Attorney for I'liilntlff. Kherlock llulldliiK, I'ortliind. Oro V.nn. Nolle of Final Settlement. In lh" County Court of Ihn filnto of Ori'Kon for Mid County of Clucka IIIIIM. In tho Mutter of tho Katnto of Harry KleveiiM, deeenai'd. Notion la, herehy i;lven that tho nn derHlk'iu d, AdinlnlHtrntor of tho eatuto of Harry Hti-venn, dereaaed, haa filed with the Clerk of the above, entitled Court tun final report of bin tranaao t i.iiih na micli Ad'nlnlatrator of aald Miiiie. and that mild Court ha act Monday, (lie 17th day of February, llil.'l, at tho hour of 10:00 A. M., at tho County Court room In the Court limine at Oregon City. Ctackmnai Couiily, OreKon, aa (ho tiino and place nf henrliiK any niul nil objection to aald flnni report and tho final aettlo tnent of till i-atato. Any and all per aoea liavliipT objection to aald final report mid the II mi I Hcttlmcnt of thla i-Miuie, nro hereby notified to lie prea i nt at aald time mid place and pro cut their aald ol.Ji tlon for tho con hldcrntlon of till Court. I luted and llml puhllahed January 17th, 1013. KHMOND BTEVRNS. AilmlnUtrntor of the F.atato of Harry Steven, deceaseil, DIMICX & DIMICK. Jt.l"!. Ad'"'"''"r"t0r-1 .. ' . . ,., i. .' , ,t u, i. r ! '", , r "k I n a rJu v Or.-,-on. for ( 1. r .m nty ID II I' IlHU'tT I ill'- n i li utiuii "i lien l.arnon to HeuUter under the Torreir Act of the Ktnte of Oregon ,: ;,,,7He her. .;,ar.er mention-;;f ,,l, which premlae are located and H.niaN'd In (MarkiimaH County, Or.1- To all whom It mav roncern. Take of matrimony now exlHtlng between ilit-: plautifl and defendant. Thla atun- That on the r.th dav of AuiiUHt. A. mon is published by order of Hon. R. I). I.Mj; nn appllcailun wan filed by l1- I'eaiie, Judte of the County Court Hiild li'-i: Laraon in the Circuit Court , which order wa made and entered of ClackamiiK County, Oregon, for in-1 on the '1st day of Dec. 1912, and the Itlnl renlMtrntlon of the title of the ! time pr weribed for publication theft. following deacrllied land, towit: i of la fix week, beginnings with the lieginnliig at the moHt 1-jiaterly S. j booio or Friday. Jan. 3rd and coiiOn K. corner or the Hubert Allen D. I.. ulng inch week thereafter to and in C. No. 42 In T. 6 S. R. 1 E. of the ' eluding ihe Issue of Friday. Feb. 14th. Willamette Meridian. Clackamas 1912. County Oregon; thence N. along the' HROWXEI.T. & STONE. K. line of mild I). I.. C. 37.03 chain: ; Attorney for Plaint K.'. thence N. 45 degree W. 42.4 links: tlieitce S. 4.S4 chain: thence N. 89 First Notice to Creditor.. ilegrceii. Ml minutes . r.L.u chains. thence N. 6 degrees E 12.327 chain. theiic.. S. 40 degrees nl mlimtea - fi.so chains; thence S. 8 degree w.i : :2 chain to the S. line of C. 42: ... ,., , ,ho ,,., . 1,.1:1I1nE. contalnlnr. 84 30 acres of land, being a part of the Robert A"""". I.. C. No. . ' , . , . i; in .-mm nun ... i. u n. . ,tJlte wtl, pi,a!ie present same to the amas County. Oregon. undersigned at the office the Kel- Now- unlei'8 you appear on or he- ; ,y HarUwarei i-aInt & Furniture Store, fore the K.th day of rt-bmay , A. D;. M1iw!iukk., Oregon, or at the law of 1913, mid nhow cause why such appll- : (l(.e of SchnBllie & LnRocho. COO-1 cntlon Hhull not be granted the , chamber of Commerce Hullding. Port sl.all be ta!:en as confessed, mid i jand. Ortgon, within six months from decree will be reiidere.l according to iIUe lHr,,of dulv xerlReli ag bj- law ine pr.iver oi ine nppiicaiu, mm ou v ill bo forever barred from disputing I'..,' jaiue. W. L. MVI.VEY, Cl-rk of the above entitled Court. i y I, M HARRINGTON. Deputy Clerk Registration of Land Title. , nm,u.r (lf ,he n ppU, al Ion of Veronica Severtn to register the title to the . 12 of the N. h. 14 ana s. E 1-4 of tho N. E. 1-4 f See. 2. Twp. 3. Hnnce 5 S. in the county of Cluck - amas. State of Oregon vs. John Musn. Mary .Muss, Helen Musn. Carl Sever - in, Herman Iteilderbusch and to all persons to whom It may concern. 1 ' , ., ,, , . , ..,., ,,.. Take notice that on the - JSth . da of December. A. .. 19 U an a pl ca- lion wa. filed bj 'e td rot iu. Severin, l.thl' r, .1.,"',Hf Clackamas (ounty for Initial . t" tn. ion of the itle to the above ei.tl- tie. and . escribed land. Now unless you appear on or lie- fore ,. 1Mb day of February A D. - " lueorp.m'ntir win "..r .V' 'ltake judgment against you for the re- shall bo taken a confessed and a de cree will be entered according to tho prayer of the application and you will be forever barred from disputing tho su me. SAM 1' EL J. SILVERMAN. Attorney for Applicant. (SEAL OF COUNTY COCRT.) ' Notice of Final Settlement Notice I hereby given that tho un dersigned administrator of the estate pf Auirnst Stuckl, decesed, has fi'-d bin I'nal sccount and report In said eslaie and the County Court of Clack amas (ounty, Oregon, has fixed Mon day, the "rd day of February, 1913. at 10 o'clock A. M., at the County Court room In the County Courthouse In Oregon City, Oregon, as the time and phce for hearing objections to aid account and the settlement there of. THOMAS SP1LLMANN. Administrator of the estate of Augdt.t Stuck:, deceased. Summons. In thu Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka maa. Amelia Schultr, plaintiff, vs. Carl Schukx. defendant To Carl Schulu, defendant above named: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and anawer the complaint filed herein against you in the above entitled suit within six week from the 10th day of January, 1913. said day being the first day of publication of thl um mon And if you fail to so appear and ans wer, for want, thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for and demanded In the com plaint filed herein, to-wlt: Ftr a decree forever dissolving the ponds ot matrimony now auu ucow fore existing between plaintiff and the defendant, and granting onto plaintiff .b.ut dlvSrc. from th defend- mil, ami forii further decree, awarding pbilnllff llm mm ut Thirty-five (?:!.'.. nbl dollar i"r iiiontb un iierina ni'iit nllinoiiy, mid directing I'ih do fonduhl to iiiy In plaintiff wiliI sum, inch prill every moiilli, mul for fur ther order restoring plaintiff lo ti"r fon.i'T iiihI'Ii ii name. Mint of Amelia Kriiier, mid for mu h other and furiti -r n 'iff im tn Hio Court nmy ai'i-iii Ju - t iinl i'ipillalilu. Thla aiiiiiinoiia I aerved ujiun you by virtue of an order made and on feri-d by Hon, J. A. F.iikln, Jnduo of tlm nbovii I'lilltli'd Court, dated on ili Klu day of .January, 191.1, and which order prcHcrllic that the ainii mona lu the ubovo eniltleil Hull ihoul.l be Nerved upon you by publication once a week for alt hio-ci-hIvo and. cmiKectitlve wei-ka, ll the Oregon City Knleriirlae, the aan e belli!? a week ly newepapor mid of K'nural clrruln tlon in tho County of (Tackumaa, Htitto ol Oregon. (1. 0. KCIIMITT, Attorney for I'lalntlff. Iiate of Ural publication, January HMh, I'Jl.'l. liate of liiat publication, Februury 21at, 1013. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice In hereby nlven that the un-ib-rslt-'iicd hua filed her final account in the eatate of (,'harle McCormack, dec-aaed. In the County Court for Clackamaa County, OreKon, and that the jiidKe of aald court haa set Mon day, the 27th day of January, 1)13, In the County Courtroom in the County Court huuae. In Oregon City, Oreiton, a the time and place of hearing ob jections to aucb final account and the a-ttleinent thereof. MARY K. McCORMACK. Administratrix of the Folate of (Tiarle McCormack, Deceaaed. JOS. K. HKOOKS, Attorney. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamaa County, '.eoiicii. Ciledon, I'lailltlff, vs. lleury Ciuedon, Ilefendant. 'ir liinry Guedon, the above namul i.e.'ciidatit : In the name of the aUtto of Oregon, i-i.ti n ra linpnli" rnnnlmiil 1 1" U nf r and an8er tho complaint filed against you In the nlxive named suit, on or before the 1 tth day of Feb.. i13, aald beln the expiration of lx weeka mm tf e first publication of this au.n- , , fall to appear or uitKwer raid complaint, for want there- M he cu for tho relief prayed ,cr ! her com- plalnt, to-wit : , )n ti,e County Court of Clackamas , county. State of Oregon, . jn the matter of the ectate of Thomas r Keliy, deceased. No(lce ',g hereby B,ven ,hat ,he ; ""m...U ua. oee,. Bppu. u nu u- i iHiraior or ine anove einuiea esiaie am hag (lu,y quaIifle(, ag gIIch. A11 . Ilcraom) having claims against said es , ,eur(Mj THOMAS V.'. KEU.Y, Aiiinlnl8trator. SCHN.VHE! & IjiROCHE, i'Hi 1 Chamber of Commerce Rldg.. Portland. Ore, Attorneys for Ad ministrator. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of . Oregon for Clnckamus County. j nol)(rt Greer! planUit 1 vg 1 Saran Greer," Defendant. ' To Snran arPor the above named de- fendant: T . , . . ,-,,., In the name of the State of Oregon, the complaint filed against and cause, on or before the 1st day of Fobnnry. 1913. said date being more than ffom fhe da,e of publication of this summons, and 1 .,,- j , lief demanded In said complaint, viz for a decree of divorce dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff, and for such other relief as may- be meet and equitable. This summons Is published once each week for six consecutive weeks, by order of the Honorable R. B. Deatle Judge of the County Court, made and entered on the 19th day of December, 1912, directing the publication there of. JAY II. UPTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Chnmber of Commerce Ftulldlng, Port land. Oregon, Date of first publication December 20th. 1912. Date of last publication January 31, t.1913. Notice of Administrator' Sale of Real Property. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the matter of the Estate of Charles W. Cassedy. Deceased. Notice 1 hereby given that the County Court of Clackamas County Oregon, haa granted an order author izing the undersigned administrator of the estate of Charle W. Cassedy, deceased, to sell all the real proper ty of said estate or so much thereof as shall be necessary to pay tn claim against said estate and th expenses of administration. And tnat on ana after Monday, the J0th day of Jan uary. 1913. I will proceed to ell at private sal all of the said real ea tate or so much thereof a (ball be necessary for tbe purpose namea. GEORGE KEISECKER. Administrator of th Estate of Charle W. Cassedy, deceased. Notlc to Creditors. Notice 1 hereby given that by an order of the County Court of Clack amas County, Oregon, duly mad and entered of record on th 6th day ot November, 1912, In the matter of th estate of Alpha A. Walter, deceaaed. th. nnd.rlgn.d wa. duly appointed ad- PROFESSIONAL Harvey E. Cro. , William Hammn4 CROSS & HAMMOND f fTOHNeYS AT LAW We have now moved t our permanent quarter In th Beaver Building. Nent to th Andrteen Building. Real Eatjte Abitract Ml" Loan, Inauranc Oregon City, Or JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN mlnlHlrator of the eatate of aald Al pha A. Walter; All person htvini? clalma at?alnat aald eatate are hereby required to prettent the name duly verified aa by law required to the undoralKhi'd at tjie realdence of Ladoeka A. 'Jrlfbn at No. fill. Mount Hood Street, In the city of Oregon City, Oregon, within alx month from the date of thla aald notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, this 20th day of December, 1912. FRANK E. WALTER, Admlnbttrator of the eatate of Alpha A. Walter, deceaaed. POTTER & HRYSON, Attorney. Eugene, Oregon. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the atate of Oregon, In and for Clackamaa Coun ty. K. R. Cameron, Plaintiff, va. Mav Cameron, Defendant. i ' To May Cameron, Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon: tou are hereby required to appear nd anBwer to the complaint filed You against you in the above entitled suit, i on or before the 17th day of January,) 1913, and if you fall o to appear or; answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed lor In sam tomidaint. towit: .... I A decree aeverlng and dissolving ; the bonds of matrimony heretofore ! and now existing between the plaintiff I and yourself, and for uch other and . further relief In the premise aa the ; Court may deem just and equitable. Service of this summons la maae upon you by publication In pursuance! of an order of the Honorable James U. Campbell. Circuit Judge of Cbjek. amas County, State of Oregon made! on the 4th day of December, 1912, di recting such publication In the Ore gon City Enterprise, once a week for six consecutive PUUT cat on be ne December 6th, 1912, and the last being the 17th day of Jan'i ary ,1913. ROSCOE P. HURST. Attorney for Plaintiff, fio Cham, of Com. P-ldg.. Portland, Oregon. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Milton F. Van Horn, Plaintiff, vs. ' Lizzie Van Horn, Defendant. I To Lizzie Van Horn, the above namea j defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are herehy required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed In the above entitled cause of suit within six weeks from the date of tho first publication of this sum- mons, and if you fail so to appear and answer .said complaint for want tnere of. the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for and demanded In said complaint. towit: for a decree that the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between plaintiff and said defend ant be forever dissolved, and that the pMntiff be divorced from said defend ant forever, and for seen other and further relief as may seem meet and equitable herein. This summons is served upon you by publication thereof In the Oregon T- ...,...'.. mir.x.Ill tn on Slt-HoP V 11.V Liucu'iinr l"".'""1- -.v duly made and entered In the above' entitled Court and cause on the 2nd dav of December, A. D.. 1912 by the ca,i.i and piiiisfi nn tho 2nd Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of said Court, requiring that service of this summons shall be made by pub- lentton thereof for six successive weeks. Date of first publication fa December 6. 1912, date of last puDli cation Is January 17. 1913. THOS. D. REED. Attorney for Plaintiff. No. 400 Oregonian Ruildlng. Portland. Oregon. Summon In the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. Anna Gelette, Plaintiff, vs. Michael Gelette. Defendant. To Michael Gelette Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer the complaint filed against vou In the above entitled suit, on or before the 18th day of January. 1913. and if vou fall tr- move, demur or answer, plaintiff will take a decree against you. forever dissolving the borrds of matrimony heretorore ana now existing between the plaintiff and yourself, and restoring to plaintiff her maiden name Anna Phillips, ana ior such other and further relief In the premies as to the court may seem Just and equitable . Servico of this summons Is made up on yon by publication In pursuance of an order of tbe Honorable J. U. Lamp bell. Circuit Judge of Clackamas County. Oregon, made on the third dav of December, 1912. ordering uch publication In the Oregon City Enter prise, once a week, for six consecutive weeks, the firBt publication being De cember 6, 1912. and the last publica tion being January 17. 1913. C. J. MICHELET. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas Connty. Arthur P. Olson, Plaintiff, va. Matilda H. Olson, defendant To Matilda H. Olson, th above named defendant: In the name of th tateof Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the c;piaint filed against von In th above named suit on or before the 17th day of Jan. 1913, said date being th expiration of six week from the first publication of thl summon And If you fall to appear or answer aald complaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for th relief prayed for In his complaint, to-wlt: For a decree) dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant Thl sum mon I published by order of Hon, R. a B..tl. Jndg. of th Count, DIRECTORY WEINHARD BUILDING Court, which order wa made and en tered on the 4th day of Decembor, 1912, and the time prescribed for pub lication thereof 1 ix week, begin nlng with the laaiie of Friday, Deo. 6th and continuing each week there after to and Including the laaue of Friday, Jan. 17th, 1912. BROWNELL & STONE, Attorney! for Plaintiff. Phone Pacific 62 Home A 151 BROWNELL & STONE Attorny-at-Law All legal bualnes promptly attended to U'REN A ICHUE1IL Attorneyt-itLaw Deuttcher Advekat Will practice In all court, mk J collection and aettlemenu offlM a Enterpriga Bundle;, a nnn rttr Oreon I 0reon cltjr- Orejon. , "-" " 0 C. 0. A D. C. LATOURETTE Attorneynt Law T CommerclaJ. Real Ette and ? t f Probt. our SpecUtUee. Of o . floe In Flrt National Bank o I BIdr, Oregon City, Oregon .....? . $. EDDY, V. S M. D. V. i . f ft Veter,. Colie at Toront0( Canada, J I .1 .fLnilln Qthnsil nf Sill. auu . ...v.v....j, - - , v. - . " gery of Chicago, is established at rasnion sianie, ruia ou, db- i tween Main and Water St, Both Telephone , Offllce Pacific, Main 65; Home, A sa. Residence Paciflc, Main 184 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada. Oregon. Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAnVAS TITLE CO, S10 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. ; t , t full eauiDtnent of maps, plat. t abstract book and tax roll. Agents for Clackamaa Couaty Inds, Money Loaned, Title Perfected. I E. F. A F. B. RILEY, Attorney A Counsellor at Law ............. ... . STRAIGHT & SALISBURY w We mahB a specialty of Install- 1 I . . . . 7 lng water systems and plumb- lng In the country. W carry the Leader tanks and Stover en- . gines. We have a full line of t Myers pumps and spray pump. Price alway lowesL I 720 Main St. Oregon City Phone 2682. T O. D E B Y I Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstract furaah d, land titles examined, estat. . settled, general law builnesa. . Over Bank of Oregon City. i hie GOOD OLD LW. Connoissenrs fift1 know that its delicioui flavor b beyond" comparison. Find oat for yoartcli Order from LEADING DEALERS. 'BARS? $rjj2f US