ij ; .... C 1 t ; I 1 1 "lungs sore, chest feels stuffy, cough DRY AND DEEP. CAUGHT A SEVERE COLD These Symptoms Call fcr Or. King's New Discovery. With a Rec ord of Cures for Over 43 Years Back of It. Dr. King's New Discovery is not a cure all. It is prepared to treat and relieve every kind J 1 InfintO ftl COULtl UllU LIUU l'i h'i.iiii.'i OI LOUU a. children, adults and a,cd. it , aiong.natcd during a severe couSh epidemx years ago, . was an impute "i and is probably t;;o o' used cough and co'd pvo.-cnp- tion in the v.- -.Id. our money refund.- n- 1MIV S New Discovery n--.es not re- lieve you. j Don't put off getting reliet. Buy a bottle from your drug gist today. ALL DRUGGISTS NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTi OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MARKSBURG Tnie to ancient tra.lirio.i. tlif hrst veek it 1913 with its li-nilho"!ns day. hrooht 8trtn;then f.s coIJ. Ivs jiito the frozen asiiett. no - or, out cf tloor work hag gone on w.ih a v i;or that must certainly mti.o uslf a!i parent Ir the coming ."irUis. Kv.-y-where is heard thestrok. of tht i.'eilue antl wedge, the sound of the i.') hoe and at intervals the lbs of hn iinite shivering the mammo'h stumps All this add'od to the illumination tho TuhbisU fore tells that :ne lot. a stretches of unhorsed land in this new region will give place, tj tlio s icccs sion of cultivated fields tn.it n'eet the eye of the travelers in ctvstin our continent. The activity In acrkul tural advance is greatly stimula;ed hv the unfailing account n:at coa.c to us ueeK y oi ine ieau ri....iu V,' I ine roriiaaa. cupeue ac rts ..'i,t .v.i , way. ine roaa is to iurmsa uiai-, ket fcr our produce and connoo is j with the outside world. i u.e .ons j rainy season, we long for the comfort ot ti e ranroaa car i found in any other vehic atH Macks. . mtrg nas every promise ..tat h .n .i, . , to he hers at no very distant ,iav The Macksburg public achcol teen i ed Thursday, January " v i'h a mill attendance. notaithstaLdinj tbf in- j clumju'. weather. j The saw mills continue a double t debt to pay. Not only are thty 'lim ing out building material.thus turnish ing employment to men. but they are providing excellent suhsiarao for side walks, so necessary in .1 ni,;y sea son. The masses of saw dust that here tofore went to waste, are now tuiiued in changing almost impassable wplks to comfortable footpaths. True, tilt) will have to be renewed each ar but if as we wish the mills contain.-: t'atir present output the supply will be unfailing. The Ely school opened Minday. January 6. Mr. Sherwood, the prin cipal, has returned from the noli Jay visit which he and his wife were rrw ;- One Or Two Generations Ago Most Farm Animals Roamed At Large But We Have Gradually Found That This Did Not Pay The b'arn yard fowls have bten the last to feel the effects of bus iness methods on the farm but at last they have to get in their place (in the poultry yard) and s'ay there. The fanner who reads the nwazim-s knows that today many a chicken farm of a few aires pays a bigger profit than a big farm dirt a few years ago. Every farmer keeps chickens I.ecauRe it pays and it will pay lou better and the farm will look better if they are kept in the poultry yard. They are about the most profitable animals on the farm and It takes less space and less expense to keep them. Enough of our poultry fencing to keep your fowl properly will coat very little and will be the beat investment you ever made on the farm. Ask for prices. FRANK Furniture and "It eunl me of (i dtviiiUul COlloll writ.' Mrs. J. F. Pavis, Stiikiu v Corner, Mo., '"aftor iKvtor i treatment ami nil other remedies had" I , ,. . oOHL'll. Cold . F. ,ri,m. pf fiW o. , a lhan lwa d.l for owr any 0ur fin!ll!y rtV0.. ,.,,,,. n,. v;,-( s,, pifcWnr , nt-,1 niv linsluiud lioiiL'lit a dollar . (u,r Vj.hv, tw(V.thinlj of it niT trouble cased" down, and it was not lone till I was completely cured. Dr. King's New Piseovery surely tie serves all the prsise it gets." Sold by I iiu at the home of Mrs Shorvv. o.i'-i I iHOl le I'.'ar The Iiallcs. I A little son was Lorn last v.tv'. to ' Mr. aii.l Mrs. John liflv.y. A aicetins was held in the Ver.',.i I l.all last week for the purpose if pro tmit us liett.-r roads. It was de.-ided to levy a ta on ail proierty to mo. t I the cvu-ase of this work A loli h Clans was .'liHli'd road supervisor for I : tins district. John llawt-n and Miss I'athnne Winseim.r. who were married lat w,-. k. n turned from their edding i... .... C.,f,,r..,i- nil hat. I'OIll meiK'.-d lu'iistkeeiniiS tn Mr. 1 'aw en's , h.ime Mrs. Stein is very ill with lypnou 1 fever. ' A. A. !';:'., l'.vin made a business tr.p to Portland Saturday returning n." i same eve Mini:. ; Mrs. A. A. i'aldwin erjoved a visit from a number of her pupils ..'e,t Years Pay. .,, M ,. ,.l!K rt-.tfl..,i hoUilaV vUU Irt)m ,h(.ir ,wo 80n!l, Us(.ar who are ,v,,rkil... Wa,jl(us;ton. Mrs yral,k Hiltn is flalte in wi,, Xn,.ir little t(0V. suerley. . ...... gi(.k u entirely I V.f I Il.ev N F F 0 Mirs o-.t Visited .lis Moto'cii of I'orllaii.l, K'toh.'l Siieu.-e New Y'ear s. Hill Jackson has been visiting in i'ortlanl. Jim Ml;:s was iran-aeiiT- t-n-isiita in l)re-,i i.'r.v U'.-u i to iy. M.-j,. .'.lolir is i,..;t? ill villi ;,i ra chitis. EJ. Mi ts was In Oret'on i'u. .' tn- j ' n-.-day on h isn ;s. lie p, s ) ,-, i, . : pointed 'oal '-iperv.nr for u.o .Nr.t'y ' district. ( np-i-e .M ill. v.-:, ine mer sun-r. isor. Ml-is '.i-v .Mil's is tvorklnt. Mrs. A. M. MiH-r of Mol. l'a. M. G. Suv'h OTi-l familo weni Hubbard 'stinJiv ,' n"en1 ti e ini -.j BUSCH Hardware ok Knox crrv kntkk'PKMsk. ri.iiAV,.iAX. it, - ! I,.... v hurt In r buck Mini Mip. two I of his f'Hti'l- ! 'H,! " S"'1'' I 1b .mis who 1'iit I'f'i m"e !lor Hi.' no'ido i ' i-u. .1 fi'i'l al I Candy M.i. ill iv. I iT.iren." Mill ' !! m " ' lea hiislao-1 A '.ln' 1 11 1 !'..' .l-i '' o" '''' " '' : 11 I liM hut h ..' I.' I I'" ''' 111 -K ' 1 i Wtl.MI M'll Milltl I'l liable Uicilll'lll" i , ,.,.!u-!i or cold Ut" Chamber Couch ItVnicli II alwii.s I .... ,!,.;,, , a. .1 HI'.'" i'lul I I'!''""'' "' ; ,,, t or tulo l Hunt..'. ' r.i.. iie.;en Ciiv. lluhhai.l aii.t l anbv . I .... ..... ( i MARQL'AM j n.inilvr of cases of grip a"' : r, . ,i M;s. K-l. Ilobatt ami '' ' I !. Klh.l. ipiiio ill. a I vi i'l'i'is . -.i. -kn anil t i n 1 1 t I Mrs. M.iry J:n son l. '-,' 1 ,'i iiu iri'in' Itio !i!.'iulu liM. S ; Is ! :;..,.' ;..!. r .! tin nti"-. ; I K.I. Ilt:'...:ii .l wl'.o lias l' " ";' : ,;!,,. ivi'.iml'i.t . ' r .. t ' I m .i s.uv nilll. , ; -lf at Ik'""' MS.t'.ll- In" I'-" -W- Mr ' ;1il V: . 1. IS. HuM .ir.l j lien' . M.'KIihui o! Kii'1-..'n t'H. I .. i- .Mil li.'i-.' last .io'!' " j . :r, ln; for l..''.s S.ii'ol.-oti Join's ' .;:nt oiIh i s. i Mrs .Inaiio I'l.iir "f S.Mttl.'. 1 ' u;:ins l:. r motli.'i-, Mi". -VrH'1"" ' 1 K,.!i, ris. j Mio tiotl mil.. HI J. II l-'ol.l.'iiH' ;,!,mv Iiiti" Siittinl.i.v n 'll !'"tru ; i... ( n ,i l.irio ,-roA.I II.' "ill Imo , 1 .1:1. h, r falf tii-xt S.iiur.l.i.v. I Mors.' t'ixui s.'M l";1 ''o's ''IS' ! w c k lor IT 1 -' I'i'T i.Hiii.l. 11,0 im i-illli.l i.i!!,'ov m Si-oil I Mills ti is alal.'.l. 1 li.' !"'' t '.i-i 11 ' ;i:io i'.:..r;uilKii' o:f lli"M' I" 'I 11 ' Mr. Mihto of Sal.'iii. will I10M U-ir t. i' m..'i:iii; lioro In t:.o M. K , .!iiir.':i Jat'ii.irv 1.!. , lSo Nii li.'lsoii aii.l inotlior ttont to r Mt AlKl'l l.lr-l Moii'lav Oil l.llslllt SS. Tov.v ! 5 1 . 1 1 . ai..t Join; Ku; : orr . ill Si! . .'i'l, Ml tho tirst of t!H' .'. I.. Mrs. A. 15. Tahor. of t'rul.r. M'. l'..,,i 1, ll lroa'1. d with si.'k lu .i.la. lo' ;or alon! live years, when she I'.-ciu !..;.;.; I'l'.anihorlaiii's Tal'h'ls She has taken two dottles of them and ihev l aw cured In r. Sick head i. lo ts ca'.'.-..i l a disorder, d si, .ma, h for vh','h tuese tahlels lire .'.-',..' lallv in tended. Try them, not wel and sia .veil Soiil dy liuiillev Itros lo.. Hp-' s.v fit' , IliiL.dard and t'.inl'.v. MEADOWBROOK i I On TmsUa evi iiiiik'. Januarv i.lh. ' Mr. ai.d Mrs. IS. I., ilolmaii n-ne u !,,:,....r lor a fow of lilt IT Ir'.etltiS. AI tl,r i ii , . h.,,t i a; :. line tl.e ei. i.,.i- was eat vuih music and nin.es. Those present were; Mr. and Mrs. it. I.. Hoinian mid sou. I'l.as. the Misses Maoel and Until I'hiiiiUicii Misses Mvrti... liael and Nettie l.ar kins and Mart'.. a Toll. ae. II. .-man. llel.me iiuaeti I'iillidcri'il al.ti lileiia Uirkn.s. Mrs. l.ouis sttainiitut-r t. i inldreii and sister. Mrs. Jim Hunt, and tan children of V. a.-h:iutoii. was M.-i;in at A. I.. Uir..ll,s last eek. Mi.-s Martha Toli.tie ot loltuu. Walled at Mr. (. hiinlrei; s the last evc T v. o vvonieu ii.iie I, eeu l;u!d;n-i Iii,oilli.-b at tl.e Meadow i look b.'iiooi ( tiiii.se vt liloll Lave I" ' ll U'lUc well at tended. i A ve.-y phasaut lime was spent by 1 ., . , ., . , :.. ,t Mr u ,i . I I .1 vt '.lie ,',...,..e ... ..... ! Mrs. ii. M. t'i;imiren Thursday et- . .111:1-;. I 1 Mr. and Mrs. j. V. Chase culled oil j A. I.. I. ark. lis Tuesday ailernooti. ; 1 V. e an.- eiaj to hear that Miss I Mi... I Chii.,,;re!i who is ill Is mi- , l.iv.'U. I j .Mr. and Mrs. IS. I.. Un-m tailed on ir. and Mrs. MU'lure Sunday aiter- .. Ill 1 ulileinl-r ti.iA a load of sheep U.-'son t ny for Hob Snudrass Mi litlav ..Ir. and Mrs. J. K. I'hase are Koine, lo spend a lew days Waiting relatives at Kurtlnud. .Mr. and Mrs. A. 1.. Larkms and children, Allen. ISutli and Alma spent .SiiiiiUiy at l.ouis StandinKer. MACKSBURG. Tin: annual January freeze lasted the traditional three days, and was succeeded by a ram o warm tnat the atmosphere sti lus lilied vwtn b'mges Hons of Sprluii. The twitler ot tin; iiieail'i,.il..rK and the nvwil.tii; of tin; pussywillow t; ids too, up. ak of the V, Intel s ipclil.e. '1 he siiis of up-proa'-liii.g Spring b ud new impetus to the raixnin-aii's zeal in the clearing of tne land. 1I-. erv w liere tin- mam ni'jt (t Ions art; disappearing, wi.ile in tln-ir plaei.. are .-enr.-s of piles of cord wood. The stumps yiebl to dynamite and 'lie jun'.;ii'H of underbrush give way before tin- 1 (instantly glowing fir-s. The r'-gul.-ir sound of the whistles tells that tin; sa. v mills are keeping up their work. A case of scarlatina lias broken out in the family of Mr. Marsh b.-rger who livi-H in the Kby -'hool district. As ipiUe a number of the pupils were ill and Hho.ving symptoms that held pos sibility of Oevclopitig into the same disease it was liiont'lit b'-s'. to close the sell 00 1 on Thursday, Jan. Iith, to reoo. ii ns noon as all danger of con tagion is pa-.t. The Maeksnurg si hool was closed on aoeoiint of whooping cough for the v. i:-K beginning Jan. t,th. TJit gram itnr department under charge of A. A. I'aldAin, opened Monday, January lil'.li. The primary, however, owing to the ibness of its teacher., Mrs. I'.aldwin remained closed till Wed i .nlay Jan. 15th. Following are the names of the pu pils of 'lie Macksbtirg Grammar S'-bool who w re M itln r absent nor tardy in tr,.; month of I-ember, ISlii: Sam Marenb Oeser, Eric Ifoes. he, George Graves, Adam Kalb, Alvin l.orenz, Thiisulda Kraxberg.r, Myrtle Eor enz, Inge Keesling, Walburger Krax berger, Elma Kraxberger, Hilda I'.arth. Mr. Haldwin spent Friday, the loth at Lis ranch home. .Mrs. Stir is still fci-riously ill of typhoid lever. Mrs. Nuss, with her children, has returned to New Orleans for the re mainder of the Winter. W'ii.a deepest regret we record the death, at the age of three months, of the infant son of Mr. hi 4 Mrs. Ed I Mi'ts. The loss was rendered espe cially painful by lis extreme sudden- 1 nes.s. The tiny sufferer was thought to he only slightly ill with a cold, 1 when, without any warning, conges- tion of the lungs set In and Immedi ately the little one was beyond all , help. 1 Mrs. Frank Hilton, sister of Mr. i Mitts, had been quite 111 with an In I flammed hand, but was able to be i with her brother and hia wife In their 1 trouble. Sol. Struhbar Is quit ill of (rrippe. Mr. Hilton ia taking cream route Heart Discnie Almoit Futnl to Young Girl "My ,1niilil.r, whuil UilHwn .,1.1, ...n .HLK-'ii Uh krt lriM. Mis n (mM niHir wlmlKW a, .ha .'..ill.) irr tirn.Ui on ,1.vt,.r ..it. I'isT .'till.1. I" lkllf t,. lull .tii'.l Hn.i.' A filrn.1 ft I t .1 III 1 'f Mil. ,1. K. in. M I' 'I (..ll.rr. .' K. . ik, (.. im- ' S',r. l-'k .A ' . K'.al I...I.V to it .lav. ' N'.. ..in' 1 i I t;., ,.' In I'. A U l-AM'N. , ll. , . II.' Mil. " .it 1.. hi. il Tl'.c iinhonii lcl eoiih.1. lie' Mf l uion liu in l'i M'a-v' l'-" K-,M- r.iy i- i otlirrs iv h. r'ri it ih'.- r, ly ihou-ni'lv ''I know it v .i' .if ft .'in N!.mv hen! .l.sot.lrn if!, I lo tn .t'i is riht H V. !:oit l'H'.ll!l. I in of loot or t!io hrait Jii,l !.l!l.'!l, VVC.lti ,.;: h,.',it l I c lio.Kt KtIII0.lv .lit. ,1 l!,o ;o l.ot It r.ilinrnt .10,1 with 1'1'IS, mvi'II- I aim jhont hli.los. pal 'i,:r s).oll, ur.t a 1 1 k ' ' ,:i,hi i .ui.l in ii' it . l'i V .'. ', !.,:,( I'jr ,'o tlio cvi'oiini.e t'f s while you may. Dr. MM..' Hrt Km,l l .'d ".' Buojntcd by .In ,j t. MILES MCOICAL CO., ElKhdrl, loj. MCOICAL CO., 4 til's week on mint of Mr. Siruh- i n s illness. Mr SihulCe Is -at Mr. Slrithdar's Inn. I for ito I'hur. h. of w hi, h Mr M r S.'hnlt '.' art' iiienil . i wo. ..I on Id. i Meiinoti Sirah! ar an,l ' rs. I lllie Itolford W in. Harlh. Is v n of Mr. mid Mr i v ill of I ron, -hills I The Maekshiiri; s hool In 4 oh are ). In pre; at at handsome liwn Mr S; on is d.'ini: tho work. tar, I la d.- ' ooi for it . liesl.-r lilh : V, S.'N VILL i M Y ,v a t tile f I Si count v of the w. ll. ( 'r. mi in i a road tri.,1 ' ,st w .In, I S 'v . '.a Inisiness rae.nl i . A. I'. Told .ih Itor last we-k. Mr. .t -nr 1 I ad ' Is l'i. . t. . I wit' ,e ' t I pines on I'u I I I llav I aker a w .-.' i hai in ; den! .Norman Say v III I or'!. Hid last ..". '. I 'r, ;.,i ( i l'i visitor on Weill;. !.' ' Esther Nendel an I br-t'i. r. returned to Ih" r hotii' Sai.ir,!.i a v isit w Ith fi .. ii I- here Mrs. lieed t;.-i'ri,n arrlv.-d Monday lifter sp, c I ig a ! relatives In I'ortl in. I. lit.' all. h..,ne with Ed I nker was a i Dr, Cliv Itor on Wednesday. Friij; lladersil, 1 ..f Mad' n. '.-'It for his home Sniol i nfi- r a visit at the home of his iinele. Ilr 1 Lit .1 1 ;i t. Mr. Angus spent Bnrietiin-' in i'- ,'t land 1 1st week. Miss.s Chrlstini .iid M.nv I'a'al gi.t spent their v'Heail'in at their h near our village. The farmers ar- begin iln.; to won der If tiny will .;.-t any plowing d me this year as the w mi o r lias l.er. so unfavorable. The I. n. O. K 1, a I ins'alla'l n t.-r vi, es Safiirday ..'. nin ' at ithp h time W. Stance! was insiall- l N"l le Grand Mr Sh ir!., viee gland; Tom Mull iv. si-.-retary. The 'ns'ilPng oil", et y w as M. ''ris.ell. who Is a wr.- comattentj and popular iiiemh.v of me i i' nl lodge. i Heed Graham. Mr M.-l'iillv nad! Sherman Se.'ly had b ii'iii. ss a' t',y 1 .oiirt house In Of.vj'iti i'.iv Weilii.-s ! day. ; The basket ball earn., in which Wll- j s'uiville renewed a r.-pul 11 bm l-irvie-, lory In the rivalry wi"i Pi-ict'i ii ! ,..,eiy was a spl.-ndld -l'i" an. I Mn'r,,.. ! . spei'lally covered himself with ibir. The Iteba.ea I.otlge re'entl edit id tin- following oflb-ir.': Mist 11 1 Murray, Noble Grand: Mo- II. Ii. Aidui, Viee Grand: Miss I'it.waler. 1 secretary; Emma Slaaoel. ir.-a. .ii-.t ! The be'. ! Is in ilouri 'hitig condition I and the new nffleers wll1 i-i.ri.ui.lv ns-, sure the tirder continued rood work and prosperity. About thirty-live of tlio f..imera toar WiNonviId- hold a ineiiiiig In 'orral ' r.-ek s''boo horse Tuesday fii'ernoon and Protective A-' ham w.-is eb-.-ti formed a "Tax Pavers ociallon,' .1, W. Gra il c linn 1 1 . c tin in'-ef. in1' and Slierman Seely per-rcarv t.-r wbieh biisito ss tit Ir'.poriati' transae'eil Af 1.11 The Choice of A Husband Is too important, a matter for a wo man to b" hatldi'lippeil by weakness, bad blood or foul breath. Avoid these hillhopts by taking Dr. Kings Life I'ills. New strength, fine complexion, pure breath, cheerful spirits - things that win men-follow their use. Easy, safe, sure. 2.". cents at all druggists STAFFORD Anna Nernec wl.Tis better nnd hopes to renew her studies at the McLaugh lin Institute next week. Mrs. I'. A. linker who has had several bad at tacks of heart disease, but still un der the doctor's care Is now we trust on the road to recovery. Mr. I'owell Is also Improving with Ir. Mount In at'endatn e. Mr. Oelkner Is able to be around the house again. The young daughter of Mrs. Wllklns Is out of danger from typhoid fever, hut still very weak and Eva Heedling who has been out. of school In consi'ipience of III health Is better. Mrs. fitters who has been very sick with complications of diseases is somewhat better and was to be taken to her daughters at Willamette Tuesday. Grandma Friedman who fell and vm ni'M'li'lv lllll I IllT l.lll'll mill III I'OHt IIIH I'll"'' I'"'"! Hi,, tlnio iniili f IT. Mount inn. Inn li.il imu ll llii.ii l I'llliTllllllnl of Ih'I" irininv i.ii itiTHiiiit of li.r ilaiii''l ,;... Slio l in or ili'.ln.i )''" ol.l Jin. N. iihv ulio linn l.i i'il all ''l I1"' , i ni.t it- ir In Hi" ini'iii ' i'"i. i. ."I" I ,.. in Ms loll. . Iat 1 1 lav ami I'"" i .. rn shall UK haiiils Mill ohl H'l:ll I ol- i, ! f'Ml I ll;, 1 . ill ' 'lui : a n, I li.ui 'rr lioit;lit a " '"' . a.iliu i.iii.' lor 'ii iia.l ,1, lit his lo i'.. oil linli. i v Hti hi. II. hut t.'H I'U l.o l,.!'l , h !mii 4 ii, 'I loss t '.an I no ...'H'.I Ih tin... t lo h. i . a I. .a. I I In1, i .iii Irini'la'i. koiiK iii Ih'' I 'laailm 1 'a I mil i:loll In I'"' H' af lutiii" 'ni'.l .oiii.l.uio: Ih ok" I" 'I'" , i, , hal ! n'llto n il.n loilllli'l ' ,,'ll, MHJ.. t llml !!. tatvo , II llli. I hi ml, I I, .is',, I , .'! , nili an. I I'h'iitv I i s i.ir a 1. 1 .-.lit s ratno. ! t Mis W Shaul'.'i Ii k.llln.; ou't : h. r lull I a i inn. I., ol mo n I m a. ,o .: . in ill,!' !v all. ah .ml on i nit. hi s now i an. I I ,1 1 aio wllll I" I' at , en n'lit i ln Anns I ,,:'l ih. ir hi ' ,.f l',.. slums I nn. I i, mi w, to llii.'O n it. l.inl ii I'. vt h. 11 ulio :i,U ai:, I liu. In. i .' ran a a' . I In" hoi a ,,n,l Hir li,,i ,,' ii.il H i n. ill'.', I hlllls.'S s aiil.l.' i nt sovrr Iv. Mr V lii. ninu slail.-.l on his Hau l, .ii'iln M.'ii.la. in. ii nn -;. this llni.- ,.I1I1, I, if ll.'tlVtT in. i.i ainl Ills iv if., fr.nn North I'll k,'i , h.tv,. h.'.-n vl'.Hiin'. Willi. i, i Si I all an, I I n .1 Mos.'i s I'll ii. .,.l.ii in. ii nlni; SlalTuril a .'l.i' ! I'n i to a i hiic v oi 1.1 ill I. r lii o .lavs sit.. ,v . i an fiio.lv wiaMur ll hailiK a', out a ' II'. h vt hu h till din, In it lew h.Miis STAfTOHO. I ii.. ..i.i , in.- dost with (In t tn- weather will : . (I the id a.l V. r hop ,e! Illll es to1 "...in I 110 .. s uln re tie 1 ,u.. 1 est n: tho nn ..in.; tn,, 'i li t la K -.. to ill., I f.el l sh...i. lei tin' Jo. .Nellie.' left ,' s tt lo IV fir I a fit. a, M.,i,l.iv aioi niiu lor ! a ii 1 hit. fain, r ha - e ! h..p I.. I.i I Hi Hie Hales flMll. nri .of l!io st ra .. oerrr . Mr hi. ". i e , Id. .Mr i ii .1 a i Mint 1 I,. I'. ( is. nil w jti I.. ,. n r il.t ;v;!ii. r s at ill and tied unpin', inn .'iitrilaltt. d for I'd u I. - I'et, rs. her h.r Mis , . ailed .01 ll.-r I Mesda) . Ii.ik, r I. id nni.tti, r s.t i. u' heart tn'iiMe on M.a Mrs K , ; ..' ' . l, ,htv ituht Mis i it ' le I,. s.-ni.tu h ,.o,,. IS n l:.e .liu to 1 1 for a , a atll short Ih.. s. k ure inipruv ttiit slowly. Mr. and Mrs Gage at!, lob, I I'otnoiiii Grange i n e.lm si, lav , also tb.. lit w. i-t ll'M i;i, oti S adiialat. Tile Ladles' rir. l" 1 111.'.-' tltt Mts Gage nt, their t.glllar till), Ibe llurd Iht.r.s.'.uv .,( the iniiilh. Ilil,a, of with Mrs I'owiil as tbei are slid far from well at Mrs l'i. wells A fllll at'eli,l., e IS ll -till Us It pr.'H 1, lent niul secretary are In do ibslid ,tli, I In .l.ilbd that iU). n .... ,v a ate (.a,!, r ia.it Mm Kllle Swei-k, daughter of Mr. Gage. of this place, has t eon uj.-i led W M of the Eastern Star nt Purlin ami hc will p.- t xpe. t.,1 1,1 wot rtnilatitl 111 the Spring III (be iuiet,t of that or i il.-r. I Mis Ho,.., Ell. t-s. 11 Is In I.., sent I lo lb.' hospital to undergo an opcrn I ' I r appeii. Indus I In. young hi j d. is a 1 rim.- f.n.inti. with .voting nnd i old nnd sin- .111,! the family have the j s? ",pat ,. nt nil. I Mr I let. I,, r s heaPh has b.-.-n poor ; b.r i.ionibi and he 11. .vt Hunk he will ;hv. 1 " to . III -ell ,,r r, ar tio'di, III 1111. 1 limit' al .is Is'ance ' 1, lo 1 ... II 1 ; lu ; : 11 i.i WILSON VILLE. Ill 'il; 11 their nice I A.l ii 1 1 .. lie w Oi nun illle w . nt to Pert land 01, lll"S. I bllslu 011 W Klni'-r Jones and Mr. N'eiidel linn, bought Home sheep, and Mr. Joins .vi nt to bring tin-in to paslnru Inst Week. linl Si ' ly w.nt tn I'.irlbind on Sat urlay on dii.ituss lor ih,, Onion Glowers iiici.,t ,1,11. of vvbicb be Is il.e 1 '!., put liian iglT. I'l.lli l llilnl IVl.let l.pler UHlt.-r their grandparents. Mr. ami Mrs Kidder, r- . e,ty. Mr. ..ii:n; spent a i;,y (,r in,, I'r, 'oil City 1,11 business last Week. V.i' are pleased to note that the name of Mrs. Cora I in-selbrltik. of W ll.- utiv ille. was in the Il.t ol names i iv. ti of tlmm, who recently passed , Hie teachers' examinations In Clack lamas ' ouiity. Mrs. I Inselbrlnk Is a wry popular I. in her and her many lri.-nds ate glad to know Hint she -,v ill continue in I In- work. I Another Ine lecture, given under j Ho- nu ,pi. ,-i ,,f td, ,.ue,,i ,, , hers ! IIS O. I.illoll will ,e e, In ,e village I s, lioollioc,.,.. in the i,. ar fuluie. 'j j,( affords a splendid opportunity In In-ai Hie bent speakers In Oregon and ll I is lo l,e hoped everyone who .an do -o will lake ndiuiititg.. of Ibis (real , Hie ladies are giving. Two freight cars Jumped the track I at ihi- WIIkoiivIIIh musing on Satur day night but little damage was don., i ami everything was quickly repaired The Ifohrkah Lodge Installed t. o' rs on Wednesday evening January Mb at which time Miss Helen Mur ray became Noble ('rand and Mrs, il. l. Aden vlei-Grand ItefieMhmenls were served and a dellghtrul Hmi. spent by the menibers o( the order Two or three carloads of onions are being shipped this week from WilHOtiville by t,i, Onion Growers' Association, We are Informed that the suit of Clari-nei. Gibs against the Oregon Electric for Injuries received at the time or his accident has been settled by compromise. Timber seems to be In big demand at present, and some of the farmers are contracting in this line, A license to marry was Issued at the County Heat on Thursday Inst lo Edna K. 1)111 and A. C. Fuller. Miss 1)111 is p popular and highly esteemed member of the younger set here, and Mr. Fuller Is a capable young man holding a good position on the Ore gon Electric We wish them happl nesa and prosperity. I'rof. Wilson, of the O, A. C and others who accompanied him, lectured In WTIsonvlllc on Friday afternoon at two o clock, but owing to a misunder standing about the time, there were nrK many In attendance. The farm ers understood that Saturday was the day for the lecture here, while some did not know about It at all. These lectures are of ureal benefit to the farmera and really amounts to hay ing the best agricultural knowledge of the day delivered free at their doom. wick ago l resllim en' iimsi " i ' . -i" n - ' ' - i rl Children Cry Tlio Kliul Vmi ll.no A I want llonulil, niul vlil.h lnm i,,,,,, III II so lor imt IM )ur, liu ImuiioIImi klu'iiulnm o( niul lm lirrn imuiIh iiihIit IiU i r O Jy ni'tinJ nMini lln1 ll liifnii. y, WLvV; t't; Allow lu iih luilorolir )mi In All 'i'iiiil r(.'lts. linU.nl. hi tin-1 .IiisI-iis-uimi.I " nn, ,m r.urliiii'li(s llml I I'll In ll niul I'llililliUiT tint IkiiIIIi t,( liilmita liinl i lillilrni-i:n rli'iuu iigalusC l-iju iliutuU What is CASTOR I A rimirl.i n liiirml.'s milhlliil (or 'nlor Oil, lnr. K.irlo, lrn iumI So.'Milnif syrup, ll U loiiuti, jt liinl. it'll mllliiT tilinii. .Iiiil'liluo nor ulliir Nnri'nilo ciil. stun.... IU ii u' ! I'" Kii iriiiiloi'. It iloslroya i t.rm mil iill.ii t ilslinoss. I or inonv tliuu Ifilrir ir.iti It luts Ikth III roiisl.ilit Itso lor tlio n llol of t initl..il.,. ri.iliil. iir, Mul t'ollo, nil li rlliltiif Trutilil. IMnri Ii.im. It roifiilnfos; tlin Miiiiiik Ii iiii.I lluwt l llssllllll.lll'M Tics I'tM..!. uhllllT lllllltliy llllll llllt IITuI lc'JI, j ho t Ullil r oil's l'iiiiiii ii- lliiv .Mollirr' I rliuJ. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS I lHca-3 tho SI 'flic Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years NOMTM LOGAN. , 1,1 , ,,f Mr , . I 1 M1.1 I N.o ih ! Fa, lea .hiure was ntt ..Oiif I'mlell, II at the In Kiel V do, I V i K.s'd time Anna lainl. teaeh.-r -, . 1 1 . In, ol mid Mr , , nl In I .i.Hi In . h'i ,f the Arlttur Ii r : nit .lav j I.. . : ' .1 1 -1 Graft, w do has I tk In.; ill-. .on Git) 1. in lb w or , ii f,.r M t l'i. in. 1 ,,r.-e S.i, wr .111,1 I l k ito I, w . r il nt J II I 'nniln. Sun, I 1. . Mr n i l Mts Jehiisuu nml d.i'.i . ,l.-r I .,n. .tiiil Vr J H t 'ti in 1 11 k w. nt to r.ittbltld V,!e,.t HCDLANO Mis. K. ,!..-1 1 till. I, , , Mrs 1 llltli le 1.1 o it lllnkli. Is vi r , .I, u lib 1I11-MS fill nnd rsti t r .1 .1 y iiiortii' I, i..i . h. r Had Ids. la irlppe an I in imps ale pt. Ill-Ill III til.' .,es,,,,it !,,,,,,! Mis .,K.i,. Wlicot I .1 m r-lt.-.s Is .pilte se . t' rtl. llll'i.l Isj.ii ll.t'll l ., WO...I, tl! Miff a ),.,! Iluel S in or . r Ho se ,1,1. ,1,1 it,., t .ais lite K.'ttltig wnrin nnd Worse rlrrj llav CLAD TIDINGS Jacob S. hilar k has implnveil thr. luiill.tn t.. .I., ii..:...- giiidbing for tilm 1 lliev nr.i fan Ii f 11 1 wurk.Ts and i t pet IS 111 llleir llli" tl k .1. II. Holdi 11. siici . 'or I.i F J I K.dn.g. In Id mi inn Hon nt bis ix.,r.. I 111 M. ii, pi, mi .I.11, 1, .11) ll wlih 1 Inn,,, I .r.diit luting us an, tin nn. r I In re 1 was a large . lovtil In .11 lemlaii, ., and, I, I, Id tig 1 1 V , I . A l.llge iillimllit i, Is win ilispo m il sif. Ibe gouils III ; ; 1 .0 Ii Insiai.ci. priiied as r pi . 11 lite.) 1.01.I 1 'mil lie p. rf.irtn. d his pall In 11 i,e,ilaole nun, In r nn, I nt the close Ibe i-ro-wd dlnpe,.il lii gtHid liuimir 1 j 1 .oh on.- ..alluded wlili their pur. bits.. 1 as r.-girds both prb o and ipuilliy. ! Mr.-. G.-orge lleiille) who has In 1 11 ill a ,,ng tune Is 11,1 lu-tier nnd Mis ! la, 1. s inulber of Hnrioii Is wr nnd. r ; : stai d toar id nili s ihmr Kltli littb, hope of recotery. Sill' bits been 1,1,1,, inc. hit bono- wllb hei noli lii law Tolbi-it I li mk, for si'Vitiil yean, ' I llle ,V Olio till I'll I Ij Sell III .. 11.' this i sin i.iy are pa slug away but Ih. lr , l.obb. deeds ,111.1 lll.l ll silllllloes lii i '-mn In III Ilio minds of 11. ,, living I Ml. life lain, la I in. Iiopu bi, In 1' I HI 11 r.' state Of ivl.slell.l' ,iy vvlll. en. ii re, .ve ibeir Jii' t r.'waid lor all the e, ,1,.,-iIs i.i hi. w ie M.Jtai I II I llg bete oil earth " i Mr. ( I. rift Lu, Gig.-r, a hignly es lecnieil i;, nn. m cltl.eii of I li t:t vli Inlly Is crill, ally III al this wrlllug. '. A. Ileiigle has been appointed road supervisor In the G,i, Tnlliigit do I r.' l. He served as supervliior Hai' I, ei, ne last, -,'ltlng Keinral satis liistloji ii, nil. "lo Hie has not returned from ln, to sola where ho went to -ht his aged father. A surveyor lias arrived upon the ground nml will nl once pirn I In e-tabllsh Iln. cihI ami wesl line Im- 1 "'ti I'o.le Jones and llenty llatteii. Wo surmise that there Is a stirpilHi' In store for one of the parties when III" line Is csIiiIiMhIiciI as there opltl lotiM dllfer widely, still II o .ioilbtciioh Is holiest his opinion. Fin nit ErlcBon has taken a position of griibiilng fur John Wooslnr. Mrs. Eta Hengli. cnlbd on Mrs. I ""it !. tiinii Wedliesdny, Mis. Mary Knrtnti nf Piirtbnid, Is vl-liltig wllb her sister, Mrs. Eiiimii Nii lor. Kd. Incksnti has llnlidied an addi tion to bis chicken lintisi termed us a scrat hlng pen. Htraw Is thrown In to 1 1... depth i,f 4 to ft Inches grain Ih thrown upon II. nnd In that way the ebb kciis exercise this chilly wu.ther to procure their feed which work up su appellln, warms up their blond, cnnse(ti.,y, greater returns J. II. Ilolden our enterprising mer chatit, will hold an auction sale of merchandise and If the venture prove rniniitieudve will hold aucllon sales again at different times In the future He Is a whin awake business man. a square dealer and wull liked by all. Ernest Kklrwln who has mndn his home In Montana for many years, la visiting relatives In Maripialm. We are waiting patiently for the Enterprise Annual or New Year'e edition. Don't miss us; If there ia extra eost added which no doubt there will Im no difference. AL8PAUGH The anow has all disappeared and It la raining again. William Kaake and Hyde Havens have started a wood yard on John Olthena' place. They bought about for Fletcher's 8M VV'VVV.V.K.,VV.,i Signature of .1.1.1 . Illil. Itf wifi.l .if hi s.-ietal hnliiln-d I olds i f , 9 1.1 ill. -S'41 l.ltsr llelple 'I lie I U, ka 1110 1 Hlv.-r M.ll i ,,icst Ills p. Ill ll.isi'd sett-Ill t lloios it.il ps pif lit the Kit il" ad I'allk al.l liln,,'., la .an Idem Into lies f. t Hi- ' cl.i I mml I'einpmi) Kdi.--.ir lll. plo n nd" a , u",.t U!. In Portland last Thursday I, d ll G, til. MS H all "leg'-tl I'll' Wsi'or I t V.1. rdlte.iU ! (In SI. Hi. a, ,... Int. d load siip.-rv ls..r of IHittlr Nuiiit'.-r 4 Alia S.trt.-r nlnl lata t'onavs ', '. ,i,,., tin. I, ins, (Hi ia, It' ball si rBi .'-..'tlllbtV Miss i nin, u liowly weiil tu toff land S.tl.ii.l.iv wli.-ro slit Imt r..s urt'Ji .t p nil loll I I, din Gl'hens and dniighier U .' culled on Mr and Mrs Ohm : 8;g.! lues, In ".rtillitf. The) '!.tjd lt? tinill it Isle hour Biol after ;titt! of lef lel,ll..liJ ictiiriit-d lion.''. t J w, liowly ur. 'u I .' s tllt..r l u "day and .'.IticUy Miss Gtts.l" tit if It Is .-nt.-iit!'.,;! ,.' to lb rtl.itid lo work tinl s,.-. I ( I, din GUI, ens lias I'i'.'U build.;; I Kin, f. ii.is during the past Week. I Miss Mali, I.. 111. 'pie I winkiul I i'.,tla:i,l I OAK CROVE Mr mid Mis Karl I ic.lt I. k uii k ; i. gau ,, oi. i lotvii r iiiriud to I" homo ,u l.ui.i CP). "M k hi. sli'l 'i vi al t.i Hi, . i pan als, Mr. and Slur ., ., ,t,;.. I '..ltd s nf link Gl. i"- I Mis. J. II. t-.isi.s eliieltn.i.'d U- s... ml t liib I nut., la) Willi an "' ll.'l'll t. u. I Mrs F. W. tirntt'S and Mrs Knu Wills o I Inrluiiid, wet" V p.ium t;' link Gievn Kii.l.t'. Mr. hlnl.es, our u.'iilul tiriser, a main., I tltirliiK th liollda).. V Jn) mnj hapiuii. s uilenJ in. hi Hie Clvt. Cluli held tt nieeimi -i Hie bnaellielil of lilti Oak Grove BlU J hiniuo ll," elgtil. Soilit' IllipotU-i sill.pc'.. welt.' dliii'llsa.-d. 'I hi.Ml F'f S' III d. Il k H I) llllll ll llltel. "I'd- tn,r ,,nlulllie at ok l.iov.i : ho. Ill ll.l.t) It lleW plitl llllnlless, 1l pies. ii, Mis Kills, having l mlf-: will leave for I lllllnrillll sholllj 1 join her liuiibiind mid sun. Mr. to. bus pun ham il a liniiie lln re K Kuiliinlis of Ih" brio '( I.liia i Ai Kiiimnus Is hating a arn tin - III his Inline baling uchu.M'il s aiitoim :,d . ELWOOD. At Inst the snow lias clear, d ; Wo lire still gcttllii: plenty nf fi wind and ruin, keep the fanners 1, putting up fences and clutrlug U ; Id Ids of falling trees. J Jin k GrliidMlnlT an old resident ? this phict. died list Tuosd'iv t I in nf his sister, Mrs. Huser Ksiiicinln. lie Is survived by f V lives and many friends I Mis Anna Melkle Is liniini f' J few weeks after a few months f f III Oli'gnii City. f .Supervisor Juiiies inndi' a v F. I our si hoiil. The actum! Iiouss i j crowded wllh visitors Thursday. Jessie Cnx w its re elected rnail H ervlsnr. i Nnuinii" Vulleli has been BiinW, frniii a very sore eye. , r Mr. and Mrs. Zerklo spent Frl; afternoon nt Han Htaliliieckeri. J Mr. Melllke was In EsIiks'Is -IiiibIiiish Friday. ! vlsltnts Thursd The freezing weather did diitiiiiKK to grain that was not ( I'd with snow. V x Urm. Out At r t r w w r j ww i r - "-i V.NT; . l i v:'vv tHCVC0ATTr)ATVV' A 'Cskari-tAtlf .1 IDI1 MU V xXXVvWoAY' AjNtbwra towiWv s