Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, January 10, 1913, Page 2, Image 2

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Sun!y and quii-kly Yield to Pr. King
o pisi-ovorv. It soo'tltes t!w inflamed nd
irritated Lnnuluiil tuU's, flops t!u couRti, in
nianv dists instantly loosens t!u
ni.U expectoration
9 J
1 I
jti i r :r t- .
cold alld
JVin't be nniiovid and :
stiller from coniiiis nna coui. i
Kind's Now llistovory mid K' curvd.
"Owing- t. a w'Mro ivit.'! and hintf j
troiiMe I could not work nt all for several
months," writes Lewis ('h:nililin. of Man-I
Chester, Oliio. "Two of tlu !'t fl.vtoM I
could not help nu My eij.'!it ran down to
11S pounds. Pr. K ii New Pivtyory
cured im and I now wcih luM pounds."
"I am an old loycr of vour most vain- ,
Me (nvlsond to MilTi-rim: ' humanity Pr. i
King's New Piscoverv," writes dennio .
rioniinjr. Now Pover. Ohio, "for it cured mo j
of a dreadful couch of th-tv years' standing.
It was so had that I would cough until I j
would 1 fptwhlcss, but, for tho quick relief
of your wonderful remedy cave me, it's '
worth more than all the remedies I cyer used
Thousand's lutvo been helped in the Mine
way, by Pr. King's New Discovery. It is
not a new medicine, but one that has boon
used effectively more than forty-three years
for the cure of coughs and colds. Your drug
gist will refund vour money if Pr. King'i
New Discovery does not help you. Start
taking right now. Sold by
tins Cottherit took a load of hogs
to tow i Tuesday,
Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Sttvmgreeti were
guests it Mr. ami Mra. P. Ilciglnnds
11 Sunday.
Mm r.sih.T Hull, of Portlaml. la'
homo visiting her parents Hi Coltou,
I I O. lix. of Mullm), wait a business i
j caller at Coltou thn, latter part of j
; l he week.
: .1 Tun liail tin iiilsloi'tune of losing
' .i cow, wtitlo cross, ng I lie creek alio,
t'eil anil drowned and was carried i
!o.i tne cicc niw'i.i a 11:111 11 nun-.
.hike Schlcue was a visitor at Col 1
ton New War's ilav.
When .M'll waul a reliable medicine
fcr a rough or old take Chamber
bun's Cough Ketticd. It can always
lie depended upon ami Is plcui.mt and
safe to take. lor mile I" HuniVy
I vs. i'o On'smi I'll), Hubbard and
"! .
The Mariene liond w ill have a bas
ket fctxi&l aud entertainment In the
hall on the evening of January IStu.
Ladies are requested to bring baskets.
The coldest nights of the season
were the nights of the 4th and itu.
The tberenionieter registered above
sero and with only half an inch of
snow for the first time this winter.
At the annual telephone meeting
the following directors were elected:
John Hows, A, C. Albright, Ed. Skir-i
ven and Wesley Voder.
A tew- more cases of smallpox are
reporu-d near Scotts Mils. One case
is at Giger saw mills. Chales McCon
ells children have the disease.
i dred Keisling. Sophia Etzel, Alfred
ltoesche. Harold liribhle. Umis l.or
em. liesbie Parth, I'aiil Morctiz Oiser.
Julia Nebo. Esies Cribble, Elsie Kalb.
Henrv Ganski. The names of the
There will be a d.inee at t'larkes
ilrauue hall Sanirday eieiilns. Jan
:.l!. yien b Ed Melulre
A leial union ortam:ed I'V the
f.;ii:ei-i at Clarkea lat Saturday
tisght. w lii.-h is ealbd l'araiers Sivl
el l' EiJUItv.
Mr. I.. taMHi. or t larkrs. was vis
itiitg Mr. E.I Melnty re. Jr . last Suu
di and spent a pleasant day.
Miss Ineii l.'0 and her sister, call
,.,1 on Mist Ellen .Veliityre Sunday
Mr Steve Saier. of (Inives Harbor,
is :s:t:in: friends at t'larkes for the
last wet k.
E.I. Melntyro. Jr. of t'larkes. has
made :' new sled. Ills friends won t
Knoiv him when he starts out on a
jov rule
It is quite rofll at t'larkes now for
about ;! inches of snow fell lit the
last three days. j
V. M. Melntyre. of Kalnler. Is hoin : , ,.
for a live day s visit with friends be
for.' he starts to work .vain at Haiti-1 ' Wilson, her father, and Frank Wil
ier. w!., re he is working for the Port- j son a brother.
land Lumber t'o. Mr- Myers has rented tho Wilson
Mr. C..W Uirklns. of flarkes. got I f"n and will nune then. soon,
back fotn i'ortland Saturday, where I The Woodmen had a bauqu.-t .V
Guard Your Children
Against Bowel Trouble
Manv v lul.lrcri at tin ly
become constipated, '! f -.t-t I jr
i leiious iouiiii'iu ' result. o
I l.eum able to tesli.r hi own con
1I111011. .1 cluld's bowrli sliould l
! c 'lisl intly .itched. ! itrntle
I'Mlue given whril tirers'.u y.
l'i. Mil. s' laxative Tabl'ti ie
-.., ci.ilU wi ll ad.iptid to womcii
au'l elul.l.. 11. llif Si.trrx of
i luntim :i.miv. j.n t ii nil-" St .
I 11.-. 1 lie, l'i . who .mend tinny
imm-1 i m.I.iii'1 .iy ol llicni:
"S..m tlm- nxo w Kn ul t'r.
M I. Irtvili ' Tiil'li ls ioi.I t.u.t ll'il
v,. 1 kk 11 mi i-iv mil' a 'I 'i'ir iieii "'i
! rx.vll. i't and mi' si 'i' t'il
1.,-iitnrf l .-ti 1 1.1.U . iMiiaii.d uii
Hiri.l Ii:i lid "! " -'i'l III
,.-ri .111.1 (In. ti,.i.r rjr
mil. Ii I ! i'
Tlir f.'iui .1 n.l flavor of any itir.lt-ciih-
1-. Miy imi'.'i t mt. no nutter
nil. 1 is to "t ike it. I he t.i-te .iml
appe.1r.11nv aic cpeeully inipoi l.mt
when eh Ureil are eoiu enir.l. All
parents kv. w lnnv hard it is to K"0
tlir .iM't ige eloUl "iih-.Ihiih-." i veii
t!ioiig!i t'ic tistc is piitnlly .lis
guisid l'i using I'r Miles' I ax
atir T.il lets, howcier. t!'i. .b.b
eu'te is .Hfteoinc The sb ipe of
the tablets, their ,ipT.ir.HH c and
can.lv t:k i- lisle a onee appeal o
any child, with the result that they
are taken without objection
The rich chocolate tlavor ami
absence of other t.iste, in ike I'r.
Miles' I axatue Tabids the idcil
remedy lor chiMicn.
If '.e first box (u's to benel'il,
the pi:ce is retuitird Ask your
druggist. A box of .'5 dose cost
only .'j cents. Never sold in bulk.
MILES MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ins.
la quite alek HI
he was on a business trip.
Thort Is quite a demand for horses
and tirggles nt Clarkes. Any young
1 iiKii. 111:11 iiiim K 11 trs 1.11.1 Iltlt'V IS.
grammar pupils who have been per j q
feet In attendance and punctuality for j 'Tlu, ,0U!1S MU ()f r;lrli,.g ., .
the same time will appear In lieu ' h(, rnlir(.h ,,., sundav eienin nd
week's issue of the Enterprise.
Will Itoth and Chris Nofziger should
receive heartiest praise from all th"
residents- of their vicinity for laying
sawdust sidewalk in front of their
premises thus making walking a pleas
ure even In these Hooded times.
the hall Saturday night and a kind of
good time affair.
There are three rases of whooping
cuiish at Arthur Prairie
Hii::h Klrehem was engaging beef
for this week. S'o trouble to dlsposo
of a sivd article In that line.
Charlie- EUworth
Mr .leeV
Mr. Jesse returned Iiihih' IVbliiv
from Spokane in look after hi Inter
chin nt home for a few days, when
he will teliirn to Spokane again. Mrs
I. n. I11 iiiiuii liiimnii'il In hen I ill 11 ml
will rem iln In Spokane for awhile yet.
Mrs. Wurfel mid daughter. Irene,
went o Portland I'lblay. It was fi-ar
d Irei would hne to have nil oper
ation l. l iippelidleltls but Hie dixlor
found II was not no.insiiir
l.ynn Van Clove Is be. faxt wllli
W ill I inner w ent to Oregon City
N cdii. mlar after bin wife nod soli
mnald, who will return home from
the hospital.
Ml.s Nellie .lohiiaoii returned to
(ilendnli' Weilnea.lav of last week
lifter a pleuaniil lalt with her par
ruts dm lug the boll. I ns
Mr Wurfels brother, if Portland,
who his been III w II h liphuld fever
Is laillug li 1 til
Mr. Pope has none, I his family t
Kelso, Wnshlngtoii. where thev will
I're.l llurat s mailt frleiula here art.
grieved to hear of Ills death, Ihtr
swnpnthy Is evteud.d to the borcav
ed o ie
Warren l.liuiett's Store was very
pristtv during the hnllilavs with
Cbrlst.niia decorations
The Civic Club of Oak Crow will
hold a meeting In the l.nsem.'iit of
the s.hoolhoiise the sill
M-a Eminoua 11 ml little son hnv
returned home after a week's visit
with her parents nt lloo.l Itlver.
The Social Club will meet at the
home 0' Mrs J It, Eiana Tlnir1
nt '.' o'clock
Mr and Mra Alexander limn
luriied t,, OaK Crom after an
aenee of n moutha.
Mr and Mra. Ih-drtck entertained
with an elaborate New Year's dlnmr
tiiseomrioiis were I'olnnettna, ferns,
and t'treon gr.iM.
Mr and Mrs Evans have putx ha
ed a farm nt Coble, Oregon, and have
built a nent liiine.ilo hut will eon
tluue in realde at their honin In (ak
1'" ..' " " " ; - -"'
ai.i iiimi. j ci n 1111 r.
PruitHilfs ni'stktnfkf rtfJ
noss iimt IVvi'uiiiJliii tt'itrn
()Hiim Miirihuv ikH'Misk'fil
Nor N.nr otic.
A- S-J'
Forlnfnnti nnd Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
ArvtCecl IV11w.lv for fumflp
lion. Sour SUm.rt.lilJtt"
lu st (uvl Loss or MUK
Fu-lsuisW 5iiuitB' "
z jr.r
ft .)V In
For Over
Thirty Years
I. last Copy of Wrapjief.
had p. xerv nice time.
Tho iiuiversal storm in which the
year 191! closed has abated and the
iast day of 1912 was bright with sun
shine thing the newly drench land
scape t'-ie ippearance of spriug.
Christmas week, stormy though it
was. brightened up for Christmas day.
If your children are subject to at
tack u.ay Le warded off. For sale hy
symptom, hoarseness. (Jive Cham
berlain's Cougu Kemedy us soua as
the child becomes hoarse and the at
tack my be warded cq. l'i ) sale by
Huntley Pros. Co., Oregon City, Hub
lard a..d Canby.
Mr. end Mrs. Jake llohleuder. the
tie iy weds and Fred liuhletidrr
and was marked by many'family re-1 were visiting their brother and sister
in-law, .Mr. aud .Mrs Win. llohleuder,
ote day last week.
K. L. Oren went to see his tatiier in
la. iir. Huff, of Multaouiah Siatiui..
last week
Mr. and Mrs. R. 1.. Hulman and s-j;i
took dinner at Mr. and Mrs M. D.
t lundf.'f-n last Sunday.
Will c.uhleiider had the miutortutie
to lose a valuable inure, which has
been sick for quite a while .
I.ar h iiulf is visiting his s-is'.er Mrs
R. L. Oren.
Mrs. C. A. lirkiiis and daughter.
Alma, called on Mrs. lialph Holmun ;
one day last week. j
ie-jrge and John liofst-tter calb-d 1
unions and other pleasant gatherings.
Mr and Mrs. George Walsh, with
their' children, took dinner with Mr.
and Mrs. Krank Hilton; Mr. and Mrs.
John Heppler and family spent the
day with Mrs. Heppler's mother and
sister. Mrs. and Miss Glade; Mrs. J.
Gibson, with her three youngest
daughters visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Keesling; Mr. and Mrs.
Will Roth, with their two small chil
dren attended a family reunion.
Mrs. Lewis Mitts spent the last
Sunday of the year with his sister,
Mrs. Frank Hilton
Karmers are rejoicing over the pros
pect of transportation for land prod- 1
ucts which the recently changed plans 1 on 'ileim I-arkins Sunday,
of the Portland. Eueene & Kastern R.I Mr. Appbton from the Ea.-.t
R. offers to the Molalla valley. j itiag bis sister, Mrs. .Mii'.on
The -Macksburg public school closed g.-e:i.
on Tuesday, the 31st day of Dee. 1912. !
and reopened Thursday, Jan. 2nd, j COLT0N.
1913. The closing exercises for1
Christmas were well attended and
passed oil pb.asantly.
Mr. end Mrs. A. A. Baldwin have
moved into one of Mr. Ferdinand
Kraxl.eiger's houses to be near school
during the stormy weather. They
will remain till the close of the school
year, when they intend to return to
A meeting was held at the school
house )ec. "0 for the purpose of or
canizmg a branch of the Farmers
society of K.uity. Mr. I'.remer. o'
Carus. who has iharge of this work
was successful in securing eiiou.;h
s'gn.ilores to enable those interested
to pt-Heed and elect officers. The
following names app.ar on the rull
as cb. irter members: ('has. A. M. nUe,
Albert Moehnke, John I'.luhm. Arthur
Hiirnsl.uh. Henry Hettman. .o!.t
Moehi ke. Peter Ho-r. I.. P. I:7v
Henry (trossmiller. Klmer Swope.
Th- following ollicers were elected
President, Chas A. Menke; Vi -e
Pr. sid.nt. Albert Moehnke; Secretary
Treasurer. Klmer Swope.
! The Choice of A Husband
Is too imiHirliiut a matter for a wo-
I man to lie handicapped by weakness,
bad bbi'd or foul breath. Avoid Dies,
killhopes by taking Pr, Kings Life
I'ilLs New Ntreiiurlc tine coniolexlon
pure breath, cheerful spirits-- thlius
that win nien follim their Use Kasy.
safe, sure. 2J rents at all druggist
IS vis
Tbe concert iiicb was tiven by th.
Voung Pi ople's Society N.-.v Ye .r's
eve .v,!S well attended. Spb-n.lid 11111--ic
atei sinini; was r.-mb red by the
orcbesira and choir.
Miss Hannah Ptromcre'-n who has
bfn l.erp visit ine reia'iv.s and
fr:enli left for San Francico, Cal,
Sunday is getung t be the favoril
day lor the stork. A daughter as
Lorn to Mr and Mrs. Frank Cap.-n,
lK-c-:ulr y.. A son to Mr. and Mis.
I'll in Dollar, the r.'nd and a nrl to
Mr. an J Mrs. l.ee llacun the S inday
l.efure that.
Mr. und Mrs. Will t'rit.t r and laoy
Julia, spirit Christina week at Ar
Ungton, Oregon.
M-s. Wright, Miss Ruth and .Mas
ter llajiuoiid. were in Portland ul
her bn.tiiers for Chrintuuis.
The lancy dress party giwu in
hu:ior of Fn-d Jimkius and U :l,lrun
Hyatt 1 rid.iy evening, lie. i-t:ii..-r .'7;
at tru tonn. rs hume u l.veij and
joyous lime. Cauies of a!! kinds pl..y- '
td and r.-fr.-shni.-nts wer r..-.i.
Tile Christmas tree and entertain
ment at Willamette
ev. -nil..-. I let ember '.'
tend -d and enjo;. .-I
I 1 ula'i Sriin0 r. ( - ,
in the 1 nmary
Utte.1U,i:j( e d-.r
Protracted meetings are In progress!
at Siintiyslde. hut 110 convert as yet
I A 1 ilph and Frank Stoll and famll I
i I. s v.tre ilsltlng at tlnir father'!
ne :r V ancouver. Wash , last week
, and report a pleasant time. '
, Mi s Louise Stoll and Mr. Z J i
, Smi'h. of Portland, were married at 1
I the White Temple on Christmas Th-
, young people took the boat for Sail i
I Francisco the following eiening, j
0 l!
a 1
ey intend
well and
to realde
Mrs. l!oe Waahbiirti. who was vis
iting Hit daughter III Canada oil he.
return visit.-d hi r d.mghler Mr
llelirv Klelliamith. of Clar'ea She
left f,.r lur Inuiie lut I'rld.iv on uc
count oi her mother llln.-sa
Mrs Sam Klmer and daughter. Kl
,1s.'. wire In Portland last erk
I l.-nu le rarmeriter Ii working for
j Lou Max -. li
Miss I'll llaug h:n relume. 1 from
her Usli xx it h her um In In St Paul
Miss- Leila Johnson la home after
spendinc a few day In Portland.
Ml Ida P.ittemiller worked for
Mra. Henry K leliisiulth Uat week.
Mr. t erinenter and family liaie
rno.el to lll.'.hl mil.
lam Max son la putting up a new
w Ire fence.
Oil' ot Mr. Maniuardt's abe.la wna
l lo.vii dowu l,y tlir Sturm of las'
w. , 1.,
Mr Hcntier, of Cnrua. was In
Clark, a organizing the Karmera So
rlety (' Koiilly, lie ha eleven mem
Estacada and Eastern Clackamas
M'"" bera r.n.l will bold
ano 11 ticcKitii! evelili.ir
I A rhilstmai purty
I.1111I a home.
meeting W'rd
whh held at
a! this place, and we wish them a
h.. - and prosperous life.
I.eais It. "Ilun and F.mmu Chltwiind Mr. i.nd Mr. Alfred Mar' In. who
were lietlv married at Rev Mr. Hie stM tit Chrli.tmaa with the h.lter s p.11
e. rs' Lome tear Arleta. ()n' I)ee. 22, ' nt. Mr. and Mra. .Marshall linui re
eh'iri h Monday
: v. as well at
i.y ad. Miss
d lirst luize
ci.iss lor must regular
;u the year and Mas-
their ranch. Mrs. Baldwin. Sr.. will j lust Monday,
keep up the ranch home in the ab-; Mr. Alfred Pa-rcbind b ft for
senr-e ul tne younger people. ! valli last we. k to attend College.
Following are the names' of the I Mr and Mrs. Adam Sviar' ; of
primnry pupils who have been neither j Portend were visiting with the lat
absent nor tardy during the month ofjti-r's parents. Mr. and Mrs M Clark
December: Rosie Kraxbersor, Adolph i of Her 1 1 j 1 1 .
Kraxlierger, Oswald Kraxberger, H'.-d-i Porn, to Mr. nr.il Mrs F l.indx'ro-i
v. i' Kraxberger, Fred Ganskt, Mil-1 a
mil danebf.
"S'mas eve.
7 Are You Going to Build 7
r at. ..... f
w ur inane iome Alterations in Vour Home
If so, look over our stock
of first-class DOORS of
all sizes-We have some
on hand. Two of them
will fill a good part of
one wall if used for slid
ing doors, creating a sav
ing in plaster, cloth or
paper These Doors are
first class in every re
spect. throughly season
ed and cost regularly
from $3.50 to $1.00. No w
we offer these DOORS
to interested parties for
! ter Ueorg- Lyons the second prize.
, Maav,- Prank iii-nneit in Mis Wal-
ilrot: s class of hoys was not abs.-nt
! one .Sunday tie- entire year though
' i..in,' some di.-'anee out in the conn
! try and !. was p'es.-ntid Willi u band-
-one- l.inl. ,y l,i teasher. Mrs.
I Kroming, lhe suiierlntetideiil, was
I i'; .' ii u good umnrelU by her class
'of roil,- ni.-n and ladies. i
K. M. Lyons from Corbctt. spent I
''!ii:.tn,as with his family.
r.eir Levi ns is visiting his mother,
Mrs. Kate I'.everis.
The 7lh, kth and 'J'li grades had a
..arch parry at tiu: school house Tues-1
a' evening.
Mrs. Prank Shipley was called to,
SiafTori to see h-r mother, Mrs. I
I ei- rs, who is v-:ry 111. j
Mr and Ms. Kd. Gross are very
Lappy over the arrival of .a nine -pound
boy at their home Monday ev-j
ening. I
Mr. Hansen from Portland, made I
Mrs. Hyatt and family a visit Xmas. '
Mr. Jennie Lurneti. of Portland,
spent Christmas with her mother,
Mrs. Nelson U'ablron.
Walter Leisinini is at. home sic
I Thi y nr.- well known in the li-
. cahty. hating lived here several
oar and we wish them all the hap
I iness in the future.
Mn. Verna lio'ev, who has been
vl-it:ig at Sunnvfide lias returned to
Or. mm City.
The recent norm has done no dam- '
aee as tar as reported, but the ro.ol
- crossing Rot k Crei k has Icon and
still Is In bad condition. j
Mr. li ml Mrs. Dick Hunter, also1
Mrs. I). (Irmly, of Oregon City, were
present nt the Christmas free at;
: Adol;. !i Stoll i C'-iiMmas eve. Mr j
and Mrs. Hunter took dinner a'. Frank
' Stoll's Chrlstmaa day.
j Mr. ard trs Kills and Nlta. Mr. !
j Kysi-r and P.urton In arilorfT spent the
day Christinas nt Joe K. Iieardorfl's. !
turned home.
MUi Mary M.irshall b-ft for K-i st
ern Oregon.
Misses Laura mid lluby Card spent
Chrl-.tii.iia at the In. me of Henry
Kleins uiHh.
Insect Cite Costs Leg.
lloHton mn lost his log from the
l'i lnn.it two vears before. To
oi h calamities from Minus and
of Ins-ets life llucKlen's Arnica
promptly to kill the poison llh,
nt. inflammation, swi I!Iiik and
bnilH, Ulcers, piles,
es. Only i:, cents
, ! It
vert I
I Salve
pain, lleais huniM,
I eceuia, lilts, brill
nt al ilriig 'is'
I. A. Ridings has completed some
wire leucine, al,.u huilt a commoillous
Sluoi.e JiotlSe.
O. L. Ilainuiond huiclieri il one day
lilal Week.
Kilis Hiding) and others trjoli a
iiiiit hunt during the cidd snap.
Tlnir dogs numbered or lmt
1 tlo y nagged no game.
I We are very mudi pleiiHed t,, )ielir
that Neva, ilinmhler of Co. Wooaler.
Willi has uei n M-iy j oneiimoii. I urd
sure road lu good health
while they last.
We also call youa atten
tion to our splendid as
sortment of Front Doors.
Thi.i mn nt he a montina be and
the vvcalher man is haniling us; any J
way we don't like that "shivery" sen- j
Batio-i it produces. Sixteen is tn '
If;'., ert re:.'istereil here. j
The sick folks are about the same,'
Mi-ii) Minnie Stelninan or Kaglej
Creek, is a U,i'n visitor this week.:
Miss l.iiise Ijuiis visited her sister. !
Mrs N. L. Kirehi-n, last week. j
School district No. 4 is given credit'
for Bumr. other distriets trouble. I
Not.li in;? wrong here, il muui . viol:.
Idi.-trict. Ue have a good school thin
I winter. i
Hardnig (; range h' Id one of the hest
inee'in-s of tj,e season Saturday, the,
..'ii. M mia r and some i-itorai
were pn-ent 'i l. hall and barn I
b;ue had a lie ioat of paint which
improws the appearance of l.oth. I
f The siirerary's re,(rr shows the I
'irane,. has had a 'ief;...,Kr and very
ii'.-i..-m.-ui year, i ne averai-e at
tend, nee l,ei:,-. U ; 1J. alH
112 members in food sumlm?. ' (,.-
'"'b' 'let-r o.'lieers H-M installed
by L. I'uriV :iv-..t,.i i..- n u
: :-on. Had a eW ,,rKr;iIn ;im) ,.,j,... ;
j n liiine;. ;
Pet.-r V, ii.-on. one of Mir old resi I
i Im.i.i :.:,', all around s-n.s'aritjal iiij I
I has renr.-rj his farm and 1
''aKf'.n ia to li-.e with his youngest
Mushier. Mrs. Lizzie Long, who has
I beet, here visitini;.
j Mrs Annie folsotn of McMinville,
usi'ed her old home here last week!
la is on tin
V.'m. Allen ha.-i again relumed to
Portland, as has also Wesley Htock
well, son of Mr and Mrs. C. A. Hnj-k
well, of Manpiiim, who spent. Christ
mas with them.
Stanley Kay l-t mo. Ing some fenc-
tug this cold weather. He hauls the
rails on a sled, ludleving tht the ,est I
way owing to the condition (,r t,i
giourid. i
'Hove (j, niucli delayed and neces-,
sary farm work that can h- accom I
pli heil now iimt could not he done
during the rainy v.iaiher.
Mrs. Clara Solium I: attended Cath
obc chur'h servieiH m mi. Angel Hun
John Woosi.r is having some slash
ing done this wlnt.-r which will add
much le the appearance of bis place
Little Mai-cie, daughter of Mr and
i Lowe, who has been (.pond
holidays with her nuronta
ens returned to Portland to attend
H' liOol.
Pen Jackson, of Pratum, Marlon
'our ty, Fpent two or three days via-b;r-f
his mother last week.
... i.ee, lateiy purchased a
Consideration, $1.'!0.
Ml Adah Murphy has returned In
her home In Port land after a few
dav i visit with Mr ami Mrs 1 hum-
as Kelland.
j M J l.ll.'elle apetit New Year's l ix-
In Mackiii.ur ". the gu. t of J. W
Mr. Smith, a Sunday School oreati
i I'or. of Portland, visited our Sunday
I School Sunday and was well pl.-iiaed
1 I'll iln SllccoHB.
If. -...I f. .1
.hi. nini .urn. iieo. uizciie were
K "t ol Mr aud Mrs. I'r.d J. Melndl
j In Selpvood ew Veiir a dav
j Mibon Muttoori and f-onilO. of mm
I w-nuVie were weekend gm-sts of lhe
i former s parenfa, Mr and Mrs L
i M.if'o.m
i Mis Abn llamsby bus returned from
a tvo ... eeici v.'cnl Ion w liii her par-
eiit i at Molall i to resuiue her duties
I 'n the eehool room,
j A tlelh-htful surprise party wna glv
n .;,.,,- I'enth v Monday evening a'
J the home of his pnr-nts by Ms many
I youti f friends. In bormr of his slv
iteenlh blrthdav. The evening was
spent wirti games mid music, d.
li'lous luncheon was served the
t'Ueats. All dcrir.rtod f.,r h, ...... u.l.l.
Ing him many happy returns of the I
Mr. Pau'e was taken to the Orei-ot,
City l'o-;plta Hnndav, whore he wllli
iind.-r.'n an ojierntlon
Cen. M. Liizelle iiliendeil pornona '
'Irntce m Osweeo Wednesday. I
Tic Coiiitnniilly Cluh will meet Sat
y evening In TwIIU hl hall at K i
This la unite a eidd snap (bit has
atru. k (hi part of the count ir
Last Tueadny earning a Wlleb lilsbt
parti wna given Kl the home of Mr
and Mra liny Woodle Alxuit fltli
were prcaent arid the i-ieiitiig una
n ry Uuraiit'.y .eit with luualc.
alur.ing i i.d In playing g mica A aij.
per of antulw t. Ilea, . iiftr", . jKc , 1 1 , 1
pie was aer.e.l at iiildnli.ltt. mid uli
w. l.t t'liiun tired but happy
.11 llongbisa tnade a bualn. a x I it ,
It to Portland laal T'niia.U).
S.h.ad dlairlct No ;,ii ;aa '-in--1
new s.-ais, which add much to t'.e:
appear uce of tile si t.iolr"'lii ;
Mrs II (i Huntington luia return '
ed fitim Portland where she apeM the '
In d Idai a
Mrs- Klt.-ri Mb r went to l'..t! iie to i
vl-.lt w i i rih.tlics a few ibtys.
Mr und Mra I'dcll apent Stin.in) ,
aft. nn on with luiiiea i.i. hi
Mr sud Mrs. L.l lioughiaa eiiier t
tiiln. I S Cll.aoii and Itiisscll J.u.cj i
St dill'let Suml.iv, I
w i lo w pnplla. Imr.i und ( nrj
tin) I, wile mill. . I to the itirollinei.t .
. .' I".'rlit No .'.il ,,ii Mond.iv. m.,l.'ii-j
... leiii. en puplla Ir, iitteinlam e.
Miss Lc'ci lillheua urganlxeil a lit
. ::irf i , ..-..tv at her school hint I'rl
duy. i
Mr ami Mrs.
illruier wllli Mr
aim Sun dav
lhe i-iii, -,ta ceased ami tut we
raised Cio window ciirlalii und In..,,,
out .) e s tiie stars a t UiV. Iiio:. x 1
llellee of heller Weather, whuh Holldi
lie duly- appreciat.., , the fiinuers (
at Ian:.', us they are far behind will, ;
their work
Nel.l Wo. sler who h."i P. en '.eljf!
Ill of uphold piieuiuoiiia. la reported '
II little heller.
Albeit Tracy and lieu Jncksou, of '
I on land, an- Mnlting w ith the hit i
j t. i a mother. Mra. C. V. .Inckron.
I Th- t h rl: tin.ia tree ut J in.u.iiii on !
j Iii-e .'Ith. along with iipprop'liiie !
! ci.-is. i waa very much enlio.-d :,v i
llloiie It, litleli.lalu e.
Mra. K. Spiiilln aud daukbtcr, An ;
lllc. f-li,, rei.l le oil the old Kile) Mill, !
I r ' h p'lice i.r Salcni wci )it.ing
III th- lieK,olhoed last Week
I ld k of pl.'pcr imalaetK. Il o... l U
well lor I He psitlulia oil lhe n
1. ii. lea In look up Ine rule lifi.u.i.i.j
SI i el ptinl.
XI r, Mike Johns. Ol la on the i.
Hat. .
i lie ItiM k Clr k I liioll hi;..ay
S. I. ool ia doing Hi.. I), in. ..in ...... 4
...ii aa e lu alli'liiltli . It Ii. l.-.rj
lltete will be lalii.r kl lend nun t.,u
(he Wri.ll.er la llllltu a.llleil
A I en. Iii ra no una will tie I.. .1 at
... i. La I ox a la. in. i Tucadax cm
ink Mn llulinuh Siriids.ii a,,.)
.'iet,.l. Slra llelile ce!ll ll-li.t.T
and ilmgl.ur. V' lim, MUaia Hutu uul
ta."' t ing and mother. Cartla i.n.
,e. v,rB giicala at A .'x.;:
bolil" lhe clelillig oa plcnili'Ir
' nt ii plii) log Him II
.Mrs Waller hinllli speiil ti.e vm . k
i lid In P.ittlulld xlKlllaK til.1,.1
A t. b pi, on., unrtliig wa i ..'i j
Mou l.i, ut liiiuiascua lhe Co. opal
i til.
..I.. Ion,
ia Il-Hir Uhlag lie... I . . !.
mid the lint- al.i a in i .. 1
Will Houglasa
and Mia II. II
if Potllanil. una
of P. W. ( annii.a-
'tis I l.i I tie i;
1. . -.: l.t in.- I.
'lhe lueellng f the ilel.utliig ui,.
literary ni!.(; wua well ntten;.i!
1 l.e i n o) in. i,t o( (he literary ptogi oii
wna much cm Pun. i ,y A Moiiu "--i
: "it, II local le.l.i ,y .Mia 1 1.1. tie l..i!y
litlu-r luiiiiliera uf Um program :
re. H iiioiia iy the f Mowing iriiiiLt
lluti blioou. Irene Kol.ert son. l.e .ill
!( 1 1 1.' 1 1 ... i ii, Liiuice Jonarud. Anna h.ii.
v. Am i l.i Caiinlng. II, Nelson .cd
h e I), i ker; a reading In lli len Mil
hi an I a in a I trlu .,v ,!r, nii.l Mi.
IIi.iii r.s Jonsriid and Ibinl e Joar .d
..'i.i.,i rveiilng, Jatiuur) I llh ths
f Mowing iinniloiia will be i.-.i.'.d
O- o.ei thai ,( liK'le pell',Ml
1'i.ui i.uiiire. ' Mr li.-M win p ad t:
nllinraliic nlid llll Nelaoii the ne a-
n-e All are roidlnllv liinted to
I. rid
spring in
down In
lhe Lu
ll clod,. The president.
memni-s to lie present ns matters of
luipoi tniice will come hefrirn the
meeting. An excellent program Is be.
Ing prepared by the committee. A
K't'-r wll he read by Mins Spltrir
Viibor:' an- iilwayn welcorno.
I'ersotiH troubled with partial par
alysis are often very much benefited
hy massaging the affee'ed pins thor
oughly when applying ChHiuberlain's
Liiiimeiit. Thl Hnlrrii lit als relieves
palim.. l-'or sale hi llutiljey Itros. Co.,
On -on City, lluhliard mid Canby.
A . ti e tree fell i, car th,.
from of New iii-inc's place
a let ol fencing
M'lell f. to Ing waa Mown
the iicij'hliorhood during
it-it in.
Llh'i IM-llue and ( laud Maish aloiig
wllli ll.clr trained fx houtidH were
out hunting New Vi-ars iil.-ht.
William Alien. wh has leiurmd
home from por. Intnl. where he has
1 1 wotl. ine will remain at home for
a while.
Pills Stolons. f North Howell. Or-'
eon. 'sited Mr nd Mrs. fi.o W.
Menlley, who live near Mar.iiiiiii,
They nini mice m-U-hhors of Mr
Sieten, and a rlnss of n- lghiMirs one
l al.vaya wishing hack again. Mrs.
lictill-.y Ilea ilani-eroiisly ab k nt tlila
time with a n vlci, r.tiilv... i i,...
all I bedside Mr. Pentl.-v tmi,,,.,! i..i.
.VewMomes place ,)ri, w,..
Oregon, for eleven years hack In the
Mis. win, wrlilue. no ncioem-ir
between I hem. for noiiii u..r. ...I...I
or l -Hi n soon round 1... u,.- .1....1
. . 7 n.m ll'Ul(
with .-ir lioiieiit man.
Jin k lloi.t has been I dling
Mrs. S,
In;' th.
i hors-
THa C'd Order CH4rt-)0S.
The old i . (, ,, l,;iiiie;i .1,-1 1 that
"golf and fe.,tl,al -hall In- iiilerly ci Ul
dune," and l-slav Hie Senla parliniueiit
does not c-dsl. wlilie foothall ami golf
have Inherited the earth - luin.lee A-l
Was Misquotad.
The king the liols.s slouched into
the olllce of the Imlly P.resil to make
a complaint.
'V-iii th' editor?" he asked.
"V. a. '
"In ion- paper Ibis moitilii' yon said
I made a tall, o th' I hi h last night oil
Hoe to p.- at , k All th' Time ' "
"You go It wnmg. Th' aubj.-ck of
my little talk ntH -n In Ileal Wort
All th' Time' I want it e'rei-leil. mis
ter. That's nil." Chit-ago Tribune.
Winter has set In to stay a while
and from afl appearances now we
will have scK,liig enough to hrlng
nil the ml ten lnt use.
The singing practice was held III
Mr. A. Nowclla Krblny eteuliig last
''' Ihiirsday evening of this week
It will meet t Mr. Waller Htnlth
'cl... . .1
. in. - i iiikb are necotniiig very pop
.-I ni. 1 1 gives ine neighbor a
c'aii e for sociability, and lhe slng
'in a chancp to prnrtlee,
Miss Cnrlson of Cresliam. was a
.v-ekend visitor at Mrs. Nathan Haw
ley s, i be ri ttii ni d to her lnmm Hun
day. Pa'rons of lliisbniidry No gtl met
'it Ib.lr hall Saturday, Jan. '-Ith, !M.1,
lo Install the oftlrera elected for tlm
insulin' year. The meelliig was open
'or vl'dtors, (here being gulte a
iiumb-r In attendnrice. Mr. .1. i
I'hltwood, past master und now mas
iter of Pomona (i range of Cliickamas
County liistiilbd lhe officers, will, Mr
S-th Voung as assistant. Ttoro be
Ing five inemheri taken lu. One re
Inatnl-d and four new eimdidntcs,
The beturer helng absent or, her hon
eymoon. Panel l-ost ronimeiireil th Nw
V-ir. Numerous packages were hell
The wind did much dainnfi- I - ,.i
tc!i .iiione w lies Inst week.
Mies Luiiiia liowty haa tak. u tic
Job of repairing the wires and site
has I lu-tu all III giH.il shape now.
O. L Tull ha hiiciiri-d n li.i. of kiis
Ing p'Ks nl the deep ( l'i i k !' mill.
The Clin liiiiuaa Itlver Haw Mill ('.
are doing a big business. They ship
ped at hast a eat load of lbs a e--K.
have I i, riitilng oak wood durl: .A
lb" past few days
I bit Mlsaea llail ClthiliS lind A It I
Hnrvcr Mlleiobd the dame al L'sta-a-da
V"w Venrs night a:ul rei-rt
a fine lime.
W illi.' SHU who has ,cfi vb eing
friends and relutlvrs In Cl.ehalia. V. a.
bus returned home again. v
Th- l-'ai'le Cr-ek basl.ctbiill team'
will phiy the Ibitiicinla High Si lioel
nl t'iclr hall Saiur-lii night Janu-ni-y
I llh.
Mr. ami Mrs. (I, K. Pull were the
go-sis of Mr. and Mrs. John (ilth-iM
oii-i ilit v last week.
Miss Ktnini Imwly was a Poitlniil
-Itor uat wt-ek.
niT-e.i-..'i( Mra Fitzgerald of
Portland Were till,,-,.,,, 0f Mr. s'd
Mrs. Henry Opticus In si alimnv
Mrs. Jink Prown was vlssi,, vi. f
J. W. liowty last week.
John (llthotis hutchercd seven bet
Inst wick.
Keeps boih rider
and saddle perfectly dni.
Made forrouiih wear and
Ioikj service in the wettest
Satisfaction Guaranteed
vej, s l(K)Kf0RTHISfUfK
$5.30 tvtrrwiirRt ,
r i
TawE Camum lift
at tne post omen on arrount of lhe