" . -. , . , . .. . . . I'Vl.' . ..... , . , r . (' i . , . ; . . .. . ' : " I j ' , I , i, . Ii " .' ' .,. I . . . . I.. " . I , I . r i .. I:.. , ! ' I , K "' !. " ''' , i mi I.' " f: ' i .. .. ... In:. ' -1 1 ' J )r : - I '.. ! I ' ' ' ' ' f 1 ' ' ' . . i J ' I ( i I r w ' I i , i l- I ... ,, -. '. I. A ' i.., i i. 'I ; , i t i , ... t. Ii. :r ! , . . i -. ,1,1 v ... ! , .. . 1 ' ... I. II, I " . , .' 1 HI II . I. , I ;l.k-i H.-' Johnson had dreadful ahork. A nun ho d known In otlirr time tood on Ilia curbstone begging dimes clothe were t 111 n mn menu ami old; hi were chattering with Hi cold, and when tie nirl bl old frtiMid'a gne he, tried to hide lili pallid face Hut J.ilinxiu would not hv It so. "What U th trouble, old friend Joel uwu ou your lurk) I didn't know what had Iwrouw of foil." Then Tom tixik hi friend's arm and led bliu from the pavement to quiet hi( where It waa warm aud dry. "Great Hci'lt.' said Twin when they bad ant down. "I IIioiil'IiI that you bad left tho town, Her, waiter. bring a good hot I ii in-h and brew a bowl of good utroliif piliicli. Now, Joo, Jilat It'll uip what jrou nood. I'm ulad w mut-I am. Indivd." Ihvn hit ty hit Ilia facta cam out Hard tlnii' bnd downnl Tom'a friend. Without a rent he'd found lilmwlf that A wo hm'i kaawn In olhar time Stood on tha curbitoaa b(;ln Jlm. niornliiK-wltliout a Job, too-ao. for lorn, he'd tiirtJ out to liej for hread. Tom JoIiiimiii aiidly ahook bit bend. "Toil alioiild lmv coma to me," he anlil. "Hut any Rood by to dnya of aorrow. I'll flint a place for you to UMirrow. You ahull bcKln th world anvw; your aky ahnll onre agnlu he lilue." Then to hla ronma Tom Jobnaon letl and tti warm clntlicn from fmit to bend he find Ii In old time friend, then an Id: "Thla la New Yettr'e (tiiy. old num. Thla town Ik doiilitlcMi full of Kod men down. Let im two aoe If we enn't find aome other who Imve run ImjIiIihL We'll take a cab and drive about and hunt them up aud iM thntu out and If . .. . ;T, ..... l r.l .A ... -I tie t ' - I'. ' . ' I .- - I '1 . . ' ' ' , I ! . v. ... : i i.l : I . ).- , i (.- i. i i! . ;M .i ii ....... . . ,. I . ,' hi t" ., ,...v s ..- i , i-. ' I ' mill . II .!-.. 'i : ..a, I V , ,t , l.-'t, I n 1 ' iii 'ii 'i : . . !, '.I I'll l f I , i , I ul in ! h . . .1 "...IT '. . . I i . ! V ' I ,11 r t-i ! - r-. . ;.. i ii.'. I ; .... -.! I i i . v,.,i : i I ,.' M f I! ' .HUi I'a ' r I ' r. IUI . il," f.I. " TO 9 t ... A ..i ii i ,1- , f M; ' y i i.: I v. 'I ' f'''!i A ' ( It- f... .i t ' In i-l. h i . ' 'I , - - I," I ! ;. VU 1 'I - I Ttia uau rr nai tiamoAT tb wan dlatrlct to notify cen-monloualy the people that the old year I gone and the new la come. With heavy etrlped corn pouuder they amlte the door- xmta and aluB the buffalo xmg: "ley- hey, yey bey. tiwa a wondey. Uwa-a-won iley! Hull, nephewa! Ilnlir With llu-lr nh ruiildlea tliey aprlnkle the rornera of (be bouae aa they enter It In tnkeu of Ita purl Ural Ion from pant ertla and then llk'ht the Ore of the new year The fee for the tiuffaloea la a baud ful of Indian tobacco, the boat el nlnliilna a he clvea II. "It clear the mind aud Mibera the thoURbt." The neat dny the whole nntlou enter Into the icame of iienrb alone db. Kneb bnitlierhiMMl of rlnn cnmhlea ak'nlunt the oilier, eniiililea rvlleloualy ml riirunmlr. Their nnrtlriilnr brand of MtliiK. however, ta In conformity to rellk'loim ciiHioiii. aim me reauil or the iinme deler.nlnea clan precedence and aupremacy for the year. The third inornliitf of the new year la devntel to the biiruliiK of the white dog The white dog of the Indiana I extinct, but the ceremony continue, for. a Chief Crow aaya: "Our rellKlon ta greater than any of Ita Inrldentiil or cereiiioiilea They are not eeiit In la -the thankful heart la" In the pre nt ceremony tobacco I offered to the Orent Spirit a a thank offering and I thrown In the aacred fire by handful during the while doc chnnt. The white dog ceremony la a rei ltnl of nmn'a ob Itgnllolia lo the Maker of nil thing for the thing of hi creation. Thunk aie given for every force In nature and every plant and anltiml tinefol to man kind. On Thtinlny morning, the fourth dny of the ceremony, the ha Jant ta-gy. nr hlL'h illicit. Iwirlna a three dnT aer moil that rum up luto the one hundred and thirty! lily lcfore It clone. Three entire niorntng are continued by !he ..rinnn. which, although It baa been preachiKl each year for Infl year, baa never rarieu even a wora The reremoiile of Krldnj and Sntur dny cloee Ibe fenat of the pew year For aevenil dny the reiiHimnkcra nave been imuuillng corn for the greni feaul dny. The iiiIIIIuk proce la primitive and I doie with a wooden mortar and pentle. the hend fenst woman atrlklng a few blow with the neatle to dedicate tho meal The corn la taken from the braided atrlng and iirpnred In rnrl on wnva for the mill. Some la aoaked I. - I; wi"-d K.b I , - I the . 111,. . ' . i I .1 : ii ill; . ' ' I j i... - I i 1 i'.v Wh i' ; 'th- , ...I i :,,,., u ;': :i i .n-.i ing ( i i: F.VJ VEAfl I 't . .. Tt .i.i inco T ' ..n il c'lf ,! , . I t.l I .. U . , I IV . - - . i ' fi t o a .;i A e 1 Y . . i Ii.- J to rtnt e r ! f l. -t V tiM e ho'it'dy beta I., h 'I ,r. lr.Ttr . 1 our t.1!' ' 'r , v ' n, r,ir " i M.u -.. out . A!"t ' o- X ' " t -1 r : .,-v-i : ' J ; Burl f .t d Id night 'ore. ! Tj.i Mivv. ! "N, . !: ! a. ..wu li'oivi . In lttl ' ( tic:ivT 1 -W hat !.. 'J ii ' r- I Of i ' Mf id- Isn't I. -r mi . . .rj i i.-i'f."- . il..iilnii l''.'i I S..nl.. I . !. ; ,. i' i f, .. -ni:-l:-? the V ' .r.n-1 . -m d lo I ' Jcea ii . it ro. ! l -'! ", . r-.-k : i ' ' nll O'l.-.i ii ;."V V .:: l. , Ki ! ..La v: .: ' t c. j i : i : OltKfJON CITf KNTKUI'MrSK. Fit 1 HAY, JAN. 3, 1013. points l' ' for Mothers Preblam for Parant le Dtoid. 'uw ijucalliin perplna Hie conaclen- ua parent more Hmu the one pre . ited when a eon or duiiglitvr reachv miirrlugciihle age: In aome In- ui(a, of cuiirwi, there la no rHm for , ' rplcilty, locniia the clioh e aulla all , rtlea, but lu Ibe iiiiijnrlty of caae i' i pnn.uu have iiiucli lo think alwut I' ulably the mother la Inure perturbed : in the fill her, but all pnreiila who I. ve Hie welfare of their children at ' irt iiiimt feel aome anxiety when ' -y arrive at a murrlngeiible age, 'lie drut autloii feeling arlne over ii rhiilre which the aoii or daughter y iiiukii. Then come the aulectlon, ' ' I Ibe iareuta wonder wbulber the , ure partner la or will prove aultable tho bent aeiie of the word. UPImiimj that the clilld la) a daughter. I future IiiihIhiimI la auhjcclvd lo the . nlal proccua often called "taking k of til hi" aud certain gueatlou ta. he (in renin, unt bllndcil by luve, aa y are Inclined to think their dutigb la, are not altogether autlalled. . lug their dnughler, Ibey aet up il. and Oil young man ut not quite .' it Ibey eiected; Ihoy are not able ixpluln em tly why. but aomchow . fnlla abort. Ilia Income la amaller Ihau they think It abould be. or be la very fond of Kirta, and they fear be will neglect bla wife III favor of ath letic pntliiien; be I. ierhapa, clever, but (like o tunny clever pereoiie) rath er erratic, aud that uu-ana coming borne to dinner at any time and mak ing Ida wife uuhnppy by conataut aerlra of little vexatloua. They may object to bl avtM-atlmi, aud they may alo fancy Hint lie la uot really In love wltb the girl or that ahe licroclf la aim ply lufatunted ami will regret It quickly. Bo tliey endeavor to exercise their rlKl't. aa tliey any. The girl dlaputea their light, aaylng that ahe la the beat Judge; they cannot know aa much about her aentlinenta aa ahe doe. It la ahe who baa to take the couMequence. good or bad; ahe bellevee that ahe will lie bnppy with him and that ahe ha the right to dectdn. Who aball dectdef Can the parent do more than endeavor to renaon calm ly with her. or have they any right to exert their Influence or their autocratic power. If they pinntcKa any, to prevent the uinrrliigeT If we examine almlliir lunliiiuc we ahnll find tliat the pnr vn ta have been right at time and tunt they have aKilled the glrl'a life at oilier. Surely the Itiintlon I dlaturblng enough to mnke iHitb tide inder gravely. "The trouble I thnt the girl I not iil.l or exierleiiccd enough to lie able to reflect proerly.H the pnrcnte would retort. Whnt U to be done? The beat aug- gcMlon Unit can le mnde la that the young Miiple Hhould lie nuked to wait awhile iM-foro tliliiklng of ninrrlnge or even of 11 II Mil enpnjenient. If thnt can lie mniinged. mid llien let tho girl ace more of other men. If It la mere In fatuation it will wear off. Th School Headache, The bruin la hiicIi a dcllnite organ. M easily hnmiTed In development, that when heiiilnclie. which In, In a sense, pnln lu the bruin, la complained of It ihould revive luimiilliite nttentlon. It may remit from defwtlve alghL It may ! ndenold. In auch a case the growth in tlie nose and throat pre vent the child from breathing In a auf flclciit quantity of oxygen, and the brain la Irrllatrd by the defective qual ity of the blood. The adenoids ahoilld lie treated or removed. Overstrain or hniln fug can be counteracted by regu lating lessons and providing more rest and sleep Headache due lo digestive dtnorders or auiieiuin Is treated by careful diet, exercise Mini plenty of frenb air. Sweets, rich illslies, fatty, greasy foods, ten mid coffee should l given up, at lemt till the chllds health equilibrium la re estnbllsliiil. Meals should bo light and easily dltestnl. It may tie neoes miry to put Hie child on a milk diet for a time. In which ciiso a tumblerful of milk should lie given ut each meal, w Ittj such a simple dish as custnrd, aoft tsillnl egg, a little tish with thin bread and butter, until the digestive ayateiu I restored to lis normal working tone. The teeth sliould not be overlooked In Investigating the cause of ill health In the B.'hool child. Not only sliould they bo carefully examined and attended lo. but cure sliould Is- taken tluii the child thoroughly ch:Ws every bite of fond Willi' Reasoning. Wlllle-rupn, If I waa twlua, would you buy the other boy a banana too? I'npa-Ccrtiiliil.v. my aon. Wlllio Well, pap. you aurely alu't going to cheat me out of another banana Juat 'cauae I'm all lu one piece. CmIi Cat!. "Doea your daughter play by note?" "No; we pay cash for all of ber lea- l.l Mllr 4 TOWER'S HSH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER KEEPS OUT ALL THE RAIN eATCNTtO Water THEJE W CANNOT Reflex Edges Run In At PuotectYoubW The r ront WATEaMOOr DU'RABUC SATISFACTION GUARANTEED SJ.OO Everywhere JvTP'e . J TOWER CO. CP Z?, BOSTON I T'i' ii A 8 .bl Rich In Color. A publlslier'a letter hiiiynVrt hold qiiiwr coiuiiiuiilciii't "s but not ninny auggiKtliiii are more, V'Virkable than one received nt Hie ,Vi Uulverlty I'reaa lu Hie fiillov'.' term; "Why not imik nn India pnper Bi ble, the pnH-r or a bright purple rolor wltb gold cnpltiilM mill silver word (or Jet black Hull" paper Willi orange or very bright yellow luttersi. or bright orange or yellow liidlu paper with large black faced typo with per- tn I n purllculnr word lu purple, red or bright blue)" No medieval brvvlnry ever bad inch a riot of gaudy hue.-London titand ard. Children should la- emiiiiriiged to play guinea thnt exercise every mu clo. They sliould have Jumping ros. ...nw. awlugs. Iintllislore ami anui-tliiis-k. tennis and basketball. Par ent and nurse should piny wltb i in. in. I'nthera who form bull team or football eleven n lining Hie boy ,t the in.iirlilMiriio.nl will have healtiuer children and will feel liettcr them elves Amateur track meet under the pa rental eve. even In a back yard, are rood wnvs of helnliig children to exer cise. Tliere can l Jumping conteaU, welghl lifting. tniH-- ami swings onu pilliehliig ling. Clillilr nil lie formed Into walking clubs. aid even miall luvs and girl uiiiv Is- eii-o'iriit'"-'l In d a certain auiuiilit ' .billy s.rn.iliig. Wants, For Sale etc. SCHOOL FUND MONEY TO LOAN Only ( per cent Interest on long time loan. Nothing buf"ood farm se curity will be accepted. W. A. DIMICK. Agent for State Land Hoard, Oregon City, Oregon. KOIl SALE: A 4 Home Power Gas oline drugsaw outfit. In good condi tion will sell, for a reasonable price, write or see Ceo. Genseroskl, Sprlngwater, Oregon. Notice of Final Settlement Notice I hereby given that the un dersigned administrator of tbe estate of August Stuckl, decesed, baa B'od hlr. r duI iccouut and report In said estate and tbe County Court of Clack amaa County, Oregon, has fixed Mon day, the Srd day of February'. 1913. t !0 o'rlixk A. M.. at the County Court room In the County Courthouse In Oregon City, Oregon, aa tbe time and phce for hearing objections to said account and the settlement there of. THOMAS SPILL-MANS, Administrator of the estate of Auguit Stuckl, deceased. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of O:egou, for Clackamas County. Leoticii Guedon, Plaintiff, vs. Henry Guedon, Defendant, 'ir hi-nry Guedon, the above namel (.e.'cndnnt: In the name of the atate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above named suit, on or before tbe 14tb day of Feb., 1913, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this sum mon, and If you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want there of the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wlt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaiiillff and defendant. This sum mon Is published by order of Hon. R. H. I'eatie, Judge of the County Court which order waa mnde and entered on tho Dst dny of Dec, 1912, and the time prescribed for publication there of Is fix weeks, beginnings with tne Issue of Friday, Jan. 3rd and contin uing inch week thereafter to and In cluding Ihe Issue of Friday, Feb. J4th, 191- 1IROWNELL & STONE. Attorneys for Plalntl?. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has filed her final account in the estate of Charles McCormack, deceased. In the County Court for Clackamas County, Oregon, and that the Judge of said court has set Mon day, the 27th dny of January, 1913, in the 'County Courtroom in the County Courthouse, in Oregon City, Oregon, aa the time and place of hearing ob jections to such final account and tbe settlement thereof. MARY E. McCORMACK, Administratrix of the Estate ot Charles McCormack, Deceased. . JOS. E. HEDGES, Attorney. . First Notice to Creditor. In the County Court of Clackamas County, Stute of Oregon. In the matter of the estate of Thomas E. Kelly, deceased. , ' Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed Admin istrator of the above entitled estate and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims against said es tate will please -present same to the undersigned at the office of the Kel ly Hardware, Paint ft Furniture Store, Mllwaukie, Oregon, or at the law of fice of Schnable & LaRoche, 600-1 Chamber of Commerce Building, Port land, Oregon, within six months from date hereof duly verified as by law required. THOMAS W. KELLY, Administrator. 8CIINABEL & LaROCHE, 60O-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg.. Portland. Ore., Attorneys for Ad ministrator. Summon. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Robert Greer, Plaintiff, vs. Sarah Greer, Defendant To Sarah Greer, the above named de fendant: " In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause, on or before the 1st day of February. 1913, said date being more than six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and If you fail o to appear and answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the re lief demanded In said complaint Tlx: for a decree of divorce dissolving the bond of matrimony now existing be tween you and the plaintiff, and for smh other relief as may be meet and equitable, . This summons I published once each week for six consecutive week, by order of the Honorable It. Ii. ileatle Judge of the County Cout, made and entered on the linh.dny of Docember, 1U1Z, directing the publication there of. JAV II. UPTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Chamber of Commerce Kulldlng, Port bind, Oregon. Date of first publication December 20th, 112. Date of last publication January 31, 191.1. Notice of Final Settlement Notice I hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate, of Joseph II'Tnert, deceaaed, baa filed her final account and report In said estate, and the county court of Clin kumas, County, Oregon, has fixed Monday, the 6th day of January, 1913, at ten o'clock A. M., at the County Court room In the County Courthouse In Oregon City, Oregon, a the time and place for hearing objections to tbe said account and the settlement thereof. WILHELMINE HEHNERT, Administratrix of the estate of, Jos eph Ttornert, deceaaed. JOH. E. HEDCES, Attorney. Notice of Admlnlatrator's Sals of Real Property. In the County Court of the 6tat9 of Oregon for the County of Clacka mas. In the mutter of the Estate of Charles W. Cassedy, Deceased. Notice 1 hereby given that the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, has granted an order author izing tbe undersigned administrator of tbe estate of Charles W. Cassedy, deceased, to sell all tbe real proper ty of said estate or so much thereof as shall be necessary to pay the claims agalnat said estate and the expenses of administration. And that on and after Monday, the 20th day of Jan uary, 1913, I will proceed to sell at private sale all of the said real es tate ot so much thereof aa shall be necessary 'or the purposes named. GEORGE KEISECKER. Administrator of tbe Estate of Charles W. Cassedy, deceased. Notice to Creditors. Notice is hereby given that by an order of the County Court of Clack amas County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record on the 6th day ot November, 1912, In the matter of the estate of Alpha A. Walter, deceased, the undersigned was duly appointed ad ministrator of the estate of said Al pha A. Walter; All persons bavlng claims against said estate are hereby required ito present the same duly verified as by law required to tbe undersigned at tne residence of I-adoska A. Griffin at No. 611, Mount Hood Street, in the city of Oregon City. Oregon, within six months from the date of this said notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, thla 20th day of December, 1912. FRANK E. WALTER, Administrator of the estate of Alpha A. Walter, deceaaed. POTTER ft BRYSON. Attorneys. Eugene, Oregon. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, In and for Clackamas Coun ty. E. R. Cameron, Plaintiff, vs. May Cameron, Defendant To May Cameron. Defendant: In the name of tbe State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer to the comulaint filed I l... l .h aKn.-A n I H 1 atilt aKllHIB JUII l il uiu nw.w -- on or before tbe 17th day ot January, 1913, and If you fall so to appear or answer, plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In said complaint, towit: A decree severing and dissolving the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and yourself, and for such other and further relief In tbe premises as the Court may deem Just and equitable. Service of this summons is made upon you by publication in pursuance of an order of the Honorable James U. Campbell,, Circuit Judge of Clack amas County, State of Oregon, made on the 4th day of December, 1912, di recting such publication in the Ore gon City Enterprise, once a week for six consecutive weeks. th first pub lication being December 6th, 1912, and the last 'being the 17th day of Jaci ary .1913. V HOSCOH P. HURST. Attorney for Plaintiff. 10 Cham, of Cem. Bldg. Portland, Oftgom ' Summon. x In the Circuit Court of ihe State ot Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas.' Milton F. Van Horn, Plaintiff. - ' Lizzie Van Horn, Defendant . To Lizzie Van'Horn, the above named . defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the plaintiff filed In the above entitled cause of suit within six weeks from the date of -tho first publication of this sum mons, and If you fall o to appear and answer said complaint for want there of, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for and alemnnded in said complaint towit: for a decree that the bonda of matrimony now and heretofore exist ing between plaintiff and said defend ant be forever dissolved, and that the pKlntlff be divorced from said defend ant forever, and for such' other and further relief as may seem meet and equitable herein. This summons Is served upon you by publication thereof in the Oregon City Enterprise pursuant to an order duly made and entered in the above entitled Court and cause on the 2nd day of December, A. D., 1912 by the Honorable J. U. Campbell, Judge of said Court requiring that service of thla summons shall be made by pub lcation thereof for six successive weeks. Date of first publication Is December 6. 1912. date of last publi cation is January 17. 1913. THOS. D. REED. Attorney for Plaintiff. No. 400 Oregonlan Building, Portland. Oregon. Summons In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka maa. Anna Gelette. Plaintiff, vs. Michael Gelette. Defendant To Michael Gelette Defendant: In the name of the state of Oregon, you ar hereby required to appearand answer the complaint filed against you In tbe above entitled suit, on or before the ISth day of January. 1913. and If you fall to move, demur or PROFESSIONAL Hrvy C. Cro. CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN IY8-AT-LAW We have now movd to our permanent quarters In the Btaver Building. Next to the Andreien Building. Real Estate Abstracts Mam Sr. Lean, Insurance Oregon City, Ore. JOSEPH E. HEDGES . Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN answer, plaintiff will take a decree against you, forever dissolving tbe bond of matrimony heretofore and now existing between the plaintiff and youWir, and restoring to plaintiff ber maiden name Anna Phillips, and for such other and further relief In the premises as to the court may seem Just and equitable . Service of this summons Is made up on you by publication In pursuance of an order of the Honorable J. U. Camp-i bell. Circuit Judge of Clackamas County, Oregon, made on tbe third day of December, 1912. ordering such publication in tbe Oregon City Enter prise, once a week, for six consecutive weeks, the first publication being De cember 6, 1912. and tbe last publica tion belnu January 17, 1913. C. J. MICHELET, Attorney for Plaintiff. 8ummons. In tbe Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Arthur P. Olson, Plaintiff, vs. Matilda PL Olson, defendant To Matilda H. Olson, the above named defendant: In the name of tbe state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the ccpiaint filed against you In the above named suit on or before the 17th day of Jan. 1913, said I date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons .and If you fall to appear or answer said complaint for want thereof tbe plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In bis complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant This sum mons is published by order of Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of tbe County Court, which order was made and en tered on the 4th day of December, 1912, and the time prescribed for pub lication thereof Is six weeks, begin ning with the Issue of Friday, Dec. 6th and continuing each week there after to and including the Issue of Friday, Jan. 17th. 1912. BROWNELL ft STONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Iwls E. Attebery, Plaintiff, vs. Freda Attebery, Defendant To Freda Attebery, the above named Defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above named suit, on or before the 10th day of January, 1913, said date being the expiration ot six weeks from tbe first publication of this summons, and if you fall to ap pear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prated for in his complaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant. This summons is published by order of Hon. R. B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court which artier was made and entered on the 22nd day of Nov. 1912, and the time prescribed for publication there of is six weeks, beginning with tbe Is sue of Friday, Nov. 29th, and contin uing wirh week thereafter to and 4n- cluding the isBue of Friday, Jan. 10th.' IV is. BROWNELL ft STONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff, " Summons, i In the Circuit Court for the County of Clackamas. , . Anna L. Miller, Plaintiff, vs. ' ' J. I. Miller ajefendant. To . 1. Miller, the above named de fendant: - In ibe name ot the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer, tbe complaint filed against you in the above, named suit on or before the 101 day of .fanuary, 1913. said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and If you fail to ap pear, ex. to answer said" complaint, for want1 thereof the plaintiff will apply tothe ourt for the relief prayed for In'her complaint, to-wit: for a decree dissolving the .bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and de fendant and that plaintiff be awarded the Mre and custody , of the minor child of said marriage, Gordon Conroy Miller. . This summons is published by orde of the lion. J. TJ. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon for Clackamas County, made and entered on the 23rd day of November, 1912. The date of the first publication of this summons Is Friday, November 29th. 1912. and the date of the last publication thereof is Friday January 10th. 1913. and the full time of the publication of the summons is six full weeks from and after tbe first publi cation. DEW ART ft MAHAFFIE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 206 McKay Big., Portland. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Clacka-1 mas. Molly C. Quinlan, Plaintiff, vs. Edgar A Quinlan, Defendant To Edgar A. Quinlan, the above named defendant: j In the name ot the State of Oregon: You are hereby required to appear I and answer the complaint filed against ' yon tn the above entitled suit on or! before the 27th day of Dec. 1912, said date being more than six weeks after . tbe first publication of this summons, 1 that being the time prescribed In the to so appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the 1 Court for the relief demanded In plain tiff's complaint in said suit to-w.lt: For a decree lissolvlng the bonds of matrimony now and heretofore ex isting between the plaintiff and de fendant This summons Is published pursu-J am to an order or tne Honorable R. B. Beatie, County Judge of Clackamas DIRECTORY William MimiMs WEINHARO BUILDING County, Oregon, made, dated and en tered on the 21st day of Nov., 1912, Judges J. V. Campbell and J. A. Eakln being absent. O. EVERT BAKER, Attorney for Plaintiff, 305 Lewis Bldg., Portland, Or. Date of first publication Nov. 22nd, 1912. Phones Pacific 62 Home A-151 BROWNELL A STONE , Attorneys-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to m U'REN m ICHUIIIL Attorneys-at-Law Dutchr Advekat Will practice In all qourts, make collection and settlement. Office In Enterprise BuIIdlsf. Oregon City, Oregon. C. u. D. C. LATOUFIKTT Attorneys-at-Law Commercial, Real EaUte and Probate our Specialties. Of fice In First National Bank Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon. . W. S. EDDY. V, S M. B. V. Graduate of the Ontario Veteri nary College at Toronto, Canada, and the McKUlip School of Sur gery of Chicago, la established at Fashion Stable, Fifth St, be tween Main and Water St. Both Telephone Offllce Pacific, Main 65; Home, A 95. Residence Pacific, Main 184 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorncy-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. I e I e t Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, 610 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of maps, plau, abstract books and tax rolls. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Title Perfected. E. F. ft F. B. RILEY, Attorneys ft Councilors at Law STRAIGHT & SALISBURY We make a specialty ot install ing water systems and plumb ing In the country. We carry the Leader tasks and Stover en gines. We have full line ot Myers pumps and spray pumps. ? Prices always lowed t e .720 Main St ' Oregon City Phone 2682. I I a D. EBY I ' Attorney-at-Law Money loaned, abstracts furitah- f e 4, land titles examined, estate I settled, general law business. ' Over Bank of Oregon City. J "sC- IslsAMtir' OLD I.W. it 1 " Vf II I II I. f mtpf-.... i, -il ii., -su- l a l 4 hi- i h i I, N' m Scientifically m Distilled 0? f liquid perfection. Always the best. SOLD BY LEADING DEALERS. HASP4 xi xir .iti i ir -r i rom choicest grain-aged un- 4 i t every drop I U a pearl of " j - - W j V