OUEOON CITY ENTER PIIIHI'J. K.flDAY. JAN. 3. 1013. a 0 - h v 1 . hi .id Im ; i. r LARSEN & CO. Groceries, Produce, and Commission. A car load of drain tile Just received. Cor. 10 4 Main, Oregon City, Oregon POORFAMILIESARE BROTHER AND SISTER HARRIED SAME DAY AIDED BY CHURCH LOCAL BRIEPS Klim-r lijonmoii of Taioma. Wh , wa in iirmmi iity Tuesday. Jacob Wi-lilnur, of iti'Hwr Creek, In Oregon City ou builue Tues day. Mr. John Krausa of Aurora spent Christina villi f rloncla In Oregon Illy. Fred Hhdir, of the Mulalla Haw Mill, tat In Oregun City on bulne Kuturday. Mr. ami Mr. William MurrU, of MiinrtM., Or., bav bom vUltltia th rnrra over (lid Holiday. Mr. and Mr. Joseph (irrber .pent l ririmnma with Mr, Oerbur' parents, r, ana Mr. , v. tranci. Um Atlaint, of (he l'orllauj liar Kan ('oitniany, waa In Oregon City Tuwi.v. fitrouia lo ill ranch. Kthel June la visiting friend I liolimi. Mia Jinira a a graduate of Ilia hmerwoti Hihnul of Oratory, Mr. Marry I'fuffer of Han Joae. I al,. baa lin the bona guest of M and Mra. J. Mi NkIIi of Willamette. Mr. and Mra. W. U. Maiiaoii, of Coo ( utility, were In town Tutodny lookln over real tai offering III (hi ! rlnlty. I. calf r. iba youngest aon of Joaoph llniiiii. r. Cilattladttirt. la aorlmialy III of ri'wv Mr. Iirtiiiiu-r a eldeit aon la also III. Mra V. A. Falrweather ami dnugh rr, rrjiicea. 01 i aroma, Wli., an' KHfia of Mr. ralrwvaiher'a later, Mra. U. II. 1 trail and Mr. U I'. Wil liam, Mr, anil Mr. Inliain, who have been rrlil..nia of Oregon City lnr Juno I!"I2. hav movrtl lo Marahnt'ltl, where .Mr. lalintu la employed Willi the 8 I'. Railroad. C H4-h11r.lt. ii'ti lo ! out of the bonpltal by (lie vni of (tin work altlmuKh far from being eo,tml lo the demands of hla profr-anton for aome time lo rum. Mr. and Mr. II. 8. Moody and aon Kt-nl. havn returned from Albany where they were guests during the I hrutmaa holiday of 1 r. and Mr II. A. l-anltitter. Mis llnrtha llirry. of Fourteenth and Jiickaon Street, wa abla (o get out Tii'Uy for the first time. Mlaa llerry baa Ihh-ii auflnrlng from typhoid fever alni-a lnfnr Thanksgiving. John Ktark uf Maple ln was In Oregon City Saturday. It I doubt ful If any othr vlaltor to Oregon City goa away with aa much reading mat tir. HnturtUy, bl buggy wa piled with homo and foreign newapapvr nnd mugaalnp. Kli-barii Jobnaon and George Haw yrr, employes of the J. I). Cummin niilill, have Miiruod from la An gib-a and Han Kranrlaco whore they pent a three week' vacation. They bad a delightful vlalt and will return In work Thursday, (irero l-arklnn. merchant of Clarke waa In Oregon City on bualnea Fri day. Mr. I.arklu revolved (ha con dolence of bl many friend on ac run lit of the dealt) of hi father, John t-arkln. which occurred at 6 A. M. Thuradny, IWember 20. The I'ak place KIkIi School I to laaue In flrat Annual early In the new year. It la In the hands of the prin ter, and It la promised that the pub llcatinn w ill be an excellent one. Amy l'eckover la edltnr In chief, and Edith I. Mile, hualneaa mmiBKer. New from the Mineral Monntnln Mine, In which many Oreiion City people are financially Interested, alatea hat the dnvolopment work la niiiklng good prngreaa, and Ihnt val uc grow richer with every foot of ledce which la uncovered. The Clackama Hlvcr It way tip, drlftwond romlng down In vaat quan title which la alwuya a algn thnt the Th iiirveyor for the Moody Ijind Company ara practically Ihrough with tlia platting or the In ml toon to im put on the market, ll la under.io.ul that (ho company baa perfected title iu an me luniia iii diaputu, and will aliortjiy offer for aale all the property between Hie Nuapelialon bridge and Holton. and between the telephune lluu and the river. A. C. (Joodrlcb, one of the Btate lliirtlculiiirnjl Commiaaluner, togeth er wllh O. K. Kreytag, Clackamaa County Krult lnape tor, accompanied by a member of the faculty of the Oregon Agricultural College, will bo gin a lerle of educational lecture throughout Clackama County, atart lug with Handy on the afternoon of January 7, and Katacada the aaine ev enlug, Ji Ian Iderhoif, of Htafford, wa In Oregon City Haturday. lie bad Im (Hirtaiil biialneaa with the marrlagq llcenae department of the county clerk a office. The aeijoel t0 bl via II look plain Inter on In the evening, when Mia Matilda ZImktIIiik, of Park I'lai e became hla bride. The wedding waa aolemnlxed at th realdcnce of the bride a mother, I'arkplace, and wa attended by many Intimate friend of the family. C. W. Hwaliow, of Mil pie Une, had an excltlug time In Oregon City Tue day morning. Mr. Hwtniow waa In town early, and whether It waa the early hour, or the proximity of Wil liam lirotnera, her former ownera. Mr. HwalloWg horao. "Nell" took It into her bead to run away, fortunate. ly Mr. Hwaliow la an eiperlenced horaeman, and aoon got control of the animal, but not before abe had rac ed from Klghth Htreet t0 Fifth. A. II. Hughe of Woodburn. but formerly of Oregon City, wa In town tor the (hrlatma holiday. Mr. Hughea I enthuilaatlc about the fu ture of Woodbura. Within the laat few month he ha uaed aeven car load of lumtier from the Inman-I'aul- en people, bealdea what be ha been able to ecura nearer home. The farmer, he tay have made big mon ey and are building houae that would put to iliaifie many well-to-do people In more urban communltlea. 'ark I'lace high achool undent are rejoicing In th poaaeaalon or their flmt annual. The magatiue I exceedliiRlg cn-dltuble, and glvea pi ry evidence of the moat cart ful ailu- crvinion of the editor In chief, Mlaa Amy 1'eikover. Tbu number of d vertlaemeuta alao aliowa that the bua liie mdiager, Mia l.lllle, waa on he Job. Ikiubtlea the next year will aee another anuunl, and by that time the editorial ataff will bav had more experience. llcrt Seely of Woodburn, whoaa realdence waa built by A. II. Hughea, can boaxt of one the modern equlp- ed private realdence in the couti ty. He baa a full cement and atone baaeinent. complete water ytem, ralnnge ayatem, a 720b air tank llh a gasoline engine of four home- power which not turn the cream ep- rnlor. chop wood, work tne grinu- one, but does practically cverytning I bo almut the place. Mr. Seely ha wenty eoven feet of ahaftinx crowd ed with pulleya. and utlllie power ml machinery whenever and where- ever ptiaalble. He cleared over 10. Ouo fomi 10 acre of onions lust year. vhuimirhood Of SAINT AN- DRIW DOe B8T WORK IN IT! HISTORY SIXTYflVE CHILDREN HADE KAPPY tia Lodfl Aiilat In Supplying Artlcl for Many FamlllOth. ra In Nttd Will b Given Atilstanc Two wedding of more than utual Inlereat were aolemnlxed at the I'rea bytorlun Church In Oregon City Chrlatmua day, The bridegroom of the flrat wedding, and the bride of the aecond are the son and daughter of Mr. imd Mr. K. ll, Andew. both of them being popular lu church and aoclul (Irclca. The flrat wedding wa at b o'clwk; Ml iieislii I'lckthorne, daughter of 8. 1, I'lckthorne of Portland being the bride, and Wilbur I). Andrewa the bride groom. The bride who ex- quliitely gowned In white aatln, car rying a boquet of llrlde Itoic-i, wa attended by ber (later, Mlaa Itutb I'lckthorne, Klden Aldrkh. being the groomsman. Mia Kathleen Harrison played the wedding march. The bride la a graduate of Mrs. (Jiilcpsle's ncnooi or hxprelon, and la highly girtea. Wilbur De Witt Andrew, th bridegroom I a graduate of the Ore gon Agricultural College and Is en gaged In l'ot Iii nd a an Estimating engineer. DIM FIGHTS PAYING ED. SHAW mm oBffl fgiMiic mm INJUNCTION IS ASKED AGAINST CITY TREASURER LAT. OURETTE WARRANTS HAVE BEEN TRANSFERRED Plaintiff Insist That Defendant ha not Served a Chief and Is Not Entitled to Salary The campaign of the llrotborbood Of Halnt Andrew, of Bulut I'aul'a Kpli t'OI.Ilt l,,.v,.k ....-I.. .1 i --.-. . ..,. ,, kuiii inm year for a Llirlatiim for tho ioor children had hearty support. Throuuh hi. i..un. aixiynvo ctilldren. who iiihri. eoinu oave beeu forgotten In near Oregon City were aupiilied with ioy. ranuy, uuta and In a good munv caaea clothing, shoes and Christmas fl I n Intra ciiKiutwr. me youiiff couple wm Of th Hlxty five children. thn. t. mukn ihlr- h,.,,, n ....... , n,mu7 .cnooi or tne Kpla- doulile ring ceremony waa used, the "' v.uvm, mo tuuri'D ut wuif-n l ifev. J if Linil.l,nMi,,t,li ,.,n..i..,i.. Ik. ll...,!..... - . . - VUH.IUIUI, UUUu in marge or me it a nviir mu. iv.. i. a. .... ... " mj yiuiuiiitjui wueal grower of Eastern Oregon. The bride's wedding dress was of white satin. wiin a bridal boquet of white carna tlons. Mr. Irby, slater of the bride groom, waa matron of honor, and Wil liam Mtieod, a brother, waa best man. The bridesmaids were Miss Helen Ely, Miss Kuth plckthorne, Mlsa Helen Marr, and the ushers Murray Miller, Corliss Andrews. Jos eph AlldrHue and Wilbur Andrewa. Miss Mube) Volkmar played the wed ding march. After the second cere mony t reception was given the bridal Irties and gueata by Mr. and Mrs liles ,wbo received B aupply of thing to eat only one wa In any way con netted with the church. The money loo which furnlahed the luppllea of an ginui, and the good furnlahed came In a largo part from the peopu wuo are not conuected with any par ticular church, showing that the spir it oi i uriatiiiaa giving wa truly aoroau in in town. Tbe H'k'a lodge aaaialed the Ilrotb- nrbood to a large degree by supply lug three needy families, not only wllh a Christmas dinner but also with a quantity of supplies aufllclunt to last for some time to come. Individ ual gifts to the fuud, In money, varied r..., ....... . t.n i Jj.i..." K- Andrews, In the church Darlora. '"'. W,,W V'J .1 . in f IU, uu U UlilllUU ,lil ... , , . ' to this the merchanta were exceedlug h'ch ! " ded br mor6 than 100 gi'iieroui with discounts, tbe trans fer companies delivered good gladly without charge, boya gave np a good part of their Christina day deliver lug package without any thought of compciisnllon and the women In charge of the purchasing gladly laid aside their own Cbrlatmas prepara tions Tuesday afternoon and eveuing to aee that th children bad the goods to make them happy. The Urotherhood possibly missed some who should have been supplied and If this I tbe case, the funds are not exhausted aud there are more funds and people ready to help If the canes are reiiorted. K. T. llarlow, who sturted the movement laat year. and who fanned the llame Into life again this year, will gludly see that alt are taken care of. persons, many of them belna- from Portland, 8eatUe Corvallia and near by towna. Iloth bridal couples were the recipients of numerous wedding presents. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod will take a short honeymoon, after which mey will take up their residence at Kent, Sherman County, where the bridegroom has a ranch. HISS DEMPSTER AND LOUIS KRU1EL WED ILWORKER'S LEG wenlhnr h M. Humdrum, employed by the Wil lamette I'uJp & Taper Company, was seriously Injured Friday morning while al work, Tho man attempted , i ,i i o : ..'!.. -. i- '.,.. ,if I... A I . . ... Jiei ana preuy wedding was aolemnlxed at the home Mr. and Mrs. vs. H. Dempster Christmaa Dav at 5 o'clock In the afternoon w hen Miss Ella Dempster, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dempster, waa married to 1-otila Krummel. Dr. W. T. Mill! ken. of the First Haptlat Church, offl ciatca The bride, who was charming In dainty gown of white, waa attended by Miss Anna T. Smith, of R'adinnB At a meeting of the Oregon City and George Ackley waa beat man lxdge. Uiyal Order or Moose, io. mi. After the ceremony a light wedding Thursday evening, piana eru inouc i supper waa served. for a big entertainment which will be BIG RECEPTION TO BE BY E held In Jnnuary. This entertainment will bo for the members and another entertainment I n'anni'd when the new home Is completed and dedicated. The work on the new addition la progresalng rapidly. The basement has been dug and the plans have been submitted and approved by tbe trustees of the lodge. The plans mil for a largo billiard and pool room oa well as reading and writing rooms. A card room will adjoin the kitchen and refreshment room. The entire club rooms, when completed, will be elegnnCy furnished. ad tho "MooBe Herd" is eagerly awaiting the comple tion of the addition. The membership committee ils bringing In a number of new member at each meeting and the membership roll Is Increasing rapidly. The following relatives attended the wedding: Mr. and Mrs. Krummel. Miss EllnKlln, Miss Maud Cook. Mr ana sirs. u. c. Williams and child The bridesmaid was MIbs Anna P. Smith. George Ackley waa the best man. ST. AGNES BABY HOME PARK- PLACE. il i, ,. , , v in ' ;i :ih iie..r..' : iluiivi ! l ii... I feu !i i.i.u gi w. 1 h.iv.i I on: h-i-in i , ; .. . , . ll, ttl' r.; , The Sifters of Mercy In charge of t M- a' Kttby Homo, Parkplacc, re- , , ; lr sincere thanks to all the ions hearted people of Portland, . i ! City and different other : .vho sent donations for Christ Si i.. lr i t the v U -I,., I.- elm .11. K'lt' ,.l ....K ,!.; : lot (ill ; 1 .Hi .... n' ,.f!' t r r tU ' lei rf. , ll '!! ,i-t i ... .- ! ! , - -Unit fill I. Ol.il v ."I. 1, r " vii t'1'" :'' ,n.,'. t..,.. , r- vl 1 1 . ..li . lr.' . , '.:-i-IH. I h'ini; l Oi l K :" ', Sii'l''' " ,M f'V ft 1 s .1. r lll'IM'l D Ml ti ll In t It- .i ..'-.'i- : i hi, .I, iu.it. i v i uU-TUj (if I ti"i it let ile.l t :is lui 'a it I i a hsii' li ' V ! ' l . ictlo orphans had a delightful i.-. ''( crowning event being . i. v nas tree, laden with all the i' i:.' r old Santa CJaus could car- '' . ' scene around the Xtnas tree i i .' pretty, ao many bright and inces, and Snntn had plenty for I la :1s, bugles, dolls, etc., togeth- .il' randy, nuts and oranges, made h, ; niiig hearts bound with Joy and clB.inew and It was not over until d was resting on Its tiny pil MISS ANNA MUMPOWER AND MARK SPRAGUE ARE MARRIED One of the prettiest weddings that nas neen solemnized In the county this year waa that of Miss Ann. Mum- power, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mumpower and Mark Sprague at 12:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon. The Prides brother, Luther, was tbe best man and the bridegroom's sister. Alice, was tne maid of nonor. lot untie was Deautlluliy gowned iu white. After the ceremony a c. clous dinner was served. The cere mony was performed by Justice j tne peace samson. Many present were received by the young couple. .a.-!: t low Th" i'iij I" 1 1 i 1 ! l.i !.,t.'' ! M'll '.' ' t I.I I -. II I ' . ' . flM ' , I I 'll it itr ii'1! W. ( A R i , .-ilw , - - ...... .... s ! n-sii' who contributed to make tho lorable for the little ones are . i .!;... a: f .-. T. Oovlln, ARtorla .' $ 50.00 I -i-t- lii.rrlngton, Portland .... 20.00 , .!!!. Mmley, Portland 10.00 M . i. '!! Golden, Marshflold.. 10.00 ciil'ilr, ., of St, Mary' Parish j ! M I'd 13.00 . li -. . J Mnsterson, Portland . 5.00 iiir V'ii 'tland, Oregon City.. 6.00 j ' mi ., i al Hank 5.00 ! 1 " 'i.i r & Andresen, Oregon 1 i " . . 5.00 i, Oregon City 2.60 I limit t ii nick, Oregon City ... 2.50 2.50 hi irt v. 1 I ' It 'u i. t ,,i :l It) e j-u ' I '. th i. n.i ,ii.l km.v, I.Hne I' ol.ii e it..:., In .'.'id OWEN ' '.; sill . !l St' i i, O. Keane, Portland.. 'te Pulp & Paper Co. i i City 10.00 i.erty, Oregon City ... 1.00 L. Straight, Newberg bed . ..ill.: g. U f. Malley, Portland Grocerlea. ra. I ons, Willamette clothing. .Vary Schnoch, 'Oregon City and cake. I'th, Oregon City Clothing. ' ththtu dolls and candies, i Co., Oregon City Grocer- Gros. Co., Oregon City ,)pHes and decorations. a Co.. Oregon City clothing. !" !ourt, Portland Candy. ' 1 k Co., Oregon City Chlck- MISS PEAL KECK AND CHAS. TEMPLAR MARRIED The marriage of Miss Hattie Pearl Keck, dnughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. heck, of Milwaukle, to Charles A. Templar, was solemnized at 6 o'clock Christmas eve, at the home the bride's parents In Milwaukle, In the presence of the immediate family of the bridt! and bride groom. Rev. C. W. Robin son, rector of St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Oregon City, and of St. John's Church of Milwaukle, was the otliclatlng clergyman. Mr. and Mra. Templar wll make Milwaukle their home. Grant 1). Dlmlck, Mayor of Oregon City, Tuesday filed suit for an Injunc tion against M, D. Latourette, City Treasurer, cashing tbe aalary war rants of E. L. Shaw, acting chief of police for the year 112. Bbaw. It Is said, has sold the warrant and the court will b asked to enjoin the city treasurer from paying the holders o." tbe vouchers. The suit Is the result of a controversy between the mayor and city council which started when the mayor took tbe oath of office last January and appointed Charles E Hums thief of Police. Tbe council by . vote of eight to one refused to confirm tbe appointment and Insisted that Shaw be retained aa chief. Tbe city bad the unique distinction for four months of having two acting chiefs of police, uiirns finally re signed and sued for his salary. Circuit Judge Eakln holding that he was not tbe chiet and, therefore, not entitled to aalary. Mayor Dlmlck several weeks ago died suit calling upon Shaw to prove that he waa chief. A compromise verdict was reached In which Sbaw admitted he waa not chief, but con tended he was entitled to the same salary as Jailer, an office created by the council and to which he was appointed. The plaintiff In the suit tiled Tues day insists that there baa been no chief of police since January C, 1912, which be avers Is admitted by the defendant. Shaw was removed by Dlmlck on that date. Tbe mayor avers that the council over hla objec tions audited and approved warrants for aalary for Sbaw drawn on the city treasurer for $1,100. He declares that Shaw has rendered no service as chief or otherwise and that the city treas urer unless restrained will cash the warrants. A restraining order against the warrants being paid until . bear ing la asked and a perpetual Injunc tion is asked at tbe final, bearing. Mayor Dlmlck is represented by At torney 11, N. Hicks. GOLDEN WEDDING captain J. T. Appcraon and wife, who was Mis Mary A. Elliott, who were married In Fori Walla Walla, December 24, 18fi2, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at their home In Park Place Christmas day. It was alao the celebration or C.n. I tain Apperaon's 78th birthday. t Surrounded by their nearest rla- lives mey enjoyed the reward at a weiiapeni live and experienced a pleasure mat comes to few. Two usuaual circumstances attend ed this celebration. The bridal gown or io years ago was In evidence, and the Captain's slater, Mrs. Elvira Fel lows, who cooked their wedding din ner 60 years ago, was tbe hostess at this celebration, and .ad prepared a nne owner. I fie table decoration were golden chrysthemums and beau tiful centerpieces embroidered In yel low, me tauie was loaded with ev ery good thing one coma wish. The large parlors and the library were decorated with holly, with its bright red berries and ivy. tieverly Apperson was master of ceremonies. In his own happy way be called on members of the family to answer appropriate toasts. The presents were . silk umbrella with a gold handle for both bride and bride groom. A ruby ring for Mrs. ADDer- son and gold eye-glass chain for the captain. This celebration was one lone to be remembered by all present as a rare treat and joyous occasion. Those present were: Captain J. T. Apperson, Mrs. Apperson, Mrs. A. J. Apperson, Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Ap person, Donald Apperson, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Apperson, Norwood and Mildred Apperson, of McMinnvllle; Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Connor, of Mc Minnvllle; Miss Elva Apperson, Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. George Prosser and Mrs. Hen nenger, of Oswego; Captain and Mra. G. U. Sanburn and Dr. and Mrs. J. A. White. INSTALL OffiC EftS CEREMONIES IMPRESSIVE AND BANQUET SERVED IMMEDI ATELY AFTERWARD CHAPMAN NEW WORSHIPFUL MASTER O'Mallsy Bacomes High Priest of Royal Arch and Mrs. Gardner Head of Eastern Star 1 Probably the largest attendance at any masonic meeting In this city was that Friday night at the exercises In cident to the Installation of officer held In tbe big lodge room. The ex ercises were impressive and Immedi ately after a delicious dinner waa pre pared by the members of the Eastern Star and served by daughters of ma sons, several or tne prominent mem bers responded to toasts. Members of the families of the masons and oth ers attended the exercises and partook of tbe dinner. John Walker, retiring Worshipful Master of Multnomah Lodge, No. 1, waa master of ceremonies at the In stallation of officers of tbe lodge. The following were installed: Worshipful Muster Eber A. Chap man. Senior Warden Henry O'Malley. Junior Warden Don Meldrum. Treasurer John Humphrys. Secretary M. D. Latourette. Deacons Charles Spencer and H. J. Teete. I 5 DIVORCES ARE ;1 Circuit Judge Campbell has grouted decrees of divorce in the tallowing caaea: F. C. Pruner against Mary Primer; Frances Mclver against H. H. Mclver; Nancy Kadderly against George J. Kadderly, plaintiff given $45 . motnh alimony; Marian Hannah Conrad against Howard L. Conrad, and Ellen Waufle against Ralph J. Waufle, modified decree, olatntlfT be ing awarded her maiden name, Ellen Greenwood. Floyd J. Irwin, through his attorney, li. N. Hicks, asks for a decree of divorce against Grace Ir win. They were married in May 1912 In Missouri. Desertion ia alleged. Marled In 1862, and living happily and successfully on the same farm for 47 years. In the proud record of Per necia Warnock and Mason Warnock, who celebrated their golden wedding Christmas day at their place In Springwater. Both of them crossed the plains with their parents In '63. and have known each other nearly me wnole of their lives. Mra. Warnock In a daughter of Samuel Hughes, who came from Sa llna County, Mo., to settle in Clacka mas County. Mr. Warnock is the son of Mason Warnock who came from Indiana, also to settle in Clackamas County. They have four children, all living: Ira D. Warnock, of Evanston, 111.; Samuel Warnock of Oregon City; Fred Warnock, of Elk River, Idaho, and Mrs. D. C. Howell of West Ore gon City. ' Many friends from all over the state Journeyed to Srpingwater for the cifebratlon. Mr, and Mrs. Warnock were the recipients of many valuable presents. The Oregon City delega tion Included R. D. Wilson, Charles Howe!!, and Wm. Samuel Warnock. .T.J. MYERS' IS MRS. TAYLOR WINS II Mrs. P. W. Van Buren, wife of P. W. Van Iluren of Astoria died In that city early Saturday morning, of heart disease. She ia survived by a hus band, three sons and one daughter, Mrs. Thomas J. Myers, of Oregon City. Before moving to Astoria, Mrs. Van Buren lived at Salem. She waj fifty-three years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Myers left Saturday afternoon for Astoria, to attend the funeral. Mrs. Van Buren enjoyed excellent health until recntly and the news of her death will be a shock to many friends in this city. Mrs. I. D. Taylor, of Oregon City, is receiving the congratulations of her mends for winning the fourth prize for . potato pie recipe, offered by me Armour's Monthly Cook Book management for Christmas 1912. Her recipe 1b as follows. Pare and cut four good sized potatoes into dice. cover with boiling water and cook ten minutes; drain. Add one table spoonful each of chopped parsley and onion, one half cup of Armour's Star ham minced, one huif teaspoon of Armour's extract of beef dissolved In one half cup hot water. Churn into buttered baking dish. Take one pint of flour, one heaping teaspoon of bak ing powder, one half teaspoon of salt, one third cup of Armour's lard and sufficient milk to make a soft dough. Roll out. Make two slits in tt and cover the top of the baking dish. Bake In a quick oven 25 minutes. CASTOR I A For Infanta and Children, The Kind You Han Always Bought C. H. DYE HEAD OF Senior and Junior Stewards Em ory Noble and William Hammond. Marshal Llvy Stipp. Tiler Duncan Shank. At the conclusion of the installation exercises Clarence Eaton on behalf of the lodge persented Mr. Walker a beautiful gold mounted pipe and thanked him for his work aa Worship ful Master. It was announced that the lodge had reduced Its indebted ness during the past year $2,500. .. - William Beard, retiring High Priest of Clackamas Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, was master of ceremonies at the installation of the new officers of tbe chapter who are as follows: High Priest Henry O'Malley. King Theodore Osmund. Scribe M. D. Latourette. Captain of tbe Host Charles Spen cer. Treasurer J. E. Hedges. Secretary Eber A. Chapman. Principal Sojourner Don Meldrum. Royal Arch Captain Henry Teete. Masters of Veil Earl Walker, Clar ence Eaton, and "Nick" Humphrys. Mrs. Orpha Anderson officiated at the lnstallationo f officers of the Eas tern Star. She is the retiring Worthy Matron. She was assisted by Mrs. Linn E. Jones, Sister Marshal. The following are the new officers: Worthy Matron Mrs. William Gardner. Associate Matron Mrs. A. Mathe son. Secretary Mrs. W. A. Scott. Treasurer Mrs. Duncan Shank. "Conductress Mrs. Charles Spen cer. Associate Conductress Mrs. John Walker. Chaplain Mrs. Mary Cnarman. Organist Miss Gertrude Fair clough. Sister Marshal Miss Shank. Representing five points of star Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Samuel Stevens, Mrs. C. S. Noble, Mrs. George Grif fith and Mrs. E. H. Cooper. Inner Guardian Mrs. Duane Ely. Franklin T. Griffith was toastmast er and music was furnished by an or chestra conducted by Gustav Flecht ner. Among those who spoke were Eber A. Chapman, Mrs. William A. pB lSn,-.?eT- E' S' "'nger. Colonel R. N. Miller. Mrs. E. T. Avlson, J. E. Hedges Mrs. Linn E. Jonea and Henry O Malley. The banquet was one of the most successful ever giv en by the masons ana It is generally agreed that St. John's day waa never more fittingly celebrated in this city than It was Friday evening. Bears the Signature in.. uuautblll, Oregon City fruit John A. Damm, of Macksburg. ac companied by Miss leathering Wen- Inger, of the same town, called at Justice of the Peace Samson's office Saturday afternoon. The moment they entered there was an Immediate exit of the justice's admirers, save the especially trained witnesses, for tney scented a wedding. "We vant to get a marriage license spoke up the man, while the maid nodded her agreement with him. This was not quite what tbe Judge expect ed but he waa game and at once es corted the young man to the county olerks office. On the way back Mr. Samron learned that there waa noth ing doing. A minister has been en gaged but Mr. Samson Is so far ahead of the cloth, that he feels that be hns no right to complain. The bride groom's mother went to school to the Judge in the days when he was a school teacher, so she sent her aon to him confident that there would be no hitch. "And there wasn't" said Mr, Samson. The couple will be mar ried at Macksburg. The Oregon City Commercial Club Is very earnestly considering the mat ter of dairying in Clackamas County. It has been suggested that the club would bo doing a great work for the progress of the county If It concentrat ed it. efforts npon promoting this ever profitable Industry, by assisting our dairymen to make their herds more profitable. This will cause others to enter Into tbe business who are al ready living here and also be the means of causing others to locate here that hwant to engage In the industry. Tbl. I. probably the most Important question that haa ever been consider ed and no doubt wll bring great results. (OREGON CITY PUBLICITY) POLK'S OREGON and WASHINGTON Business Directory A Directory of web, Cltj, Town and Vlllaea, Urine .MciiptlT (ketch of each pUca, location, population, tela BTaph, ahlpplnr and banklnc point; alio ClaalftM tXractorr. oomnUod by waaiaeas and profeaalo i. roi.tr to, gnATTM The delegates of the federation of churches at a meeting Monday even ing at the Methodist Church elected the following officers: . President, C. H. Dye; Vice President, W. M. Stone; Secretary, E. H. Cooper and Treasur er John Humphrys. The attendance was large and the delegates were en thusiastic in thier discussion of the proposed work. The organization of tne tederation waa suggested two months ago when the Rev. Charles M. Sheldon delivered a lecture at the meeting of the church brotherhoods. It met with immediate approval and the following churches soon after appointed four delegates each to rep resent them: Presbyterian, Metho dist, Congregational, SL Paul's Epis copal, Gladstone Christian and Park U'ace Congregational. It Is thought that other churches will become affil iated with the organization. At a meeting next Monday committees will be appointed on finance, social pur ity, temperance, sabbath observance, civic affairs and social service. MRS. NAOMI HAWLEY TO BE BURIED IN INDIANAPOLIS Mrs. Naomi Hawley. of Canby. died at the residence of "her son. C. A. Hawley In Canby Friday. Her body was prepared for burial by the Hol nian Undertaking Company of Ore gon City, and will be shipped to In dianopolis. Ind., Saturday where she wil be burled. Mrs. Hawley was the daughter of J. Eyde and Caroline Eyde, of New York, In which state Mrs. Hawley was born. DEUTSCHE VEREIN HAS FINE IAS One of the most pleasant events of the holiday season in thU city waa the Christmas tree of the Deutche Verein Sunday evening, when a large number of members and their famil ies gathered around the tree to par take of its fruits. The festivities op ened with the following program, which waa excellently rendered: Opening address, Hon. Gustav Schnoerr. president; song, "Stille Nacht," Verien; vocal solo, "Christ mas Tree", Miss Louise Rotter; vo- i-ai soio ana piano accompanyment; "Die Alte Mutter," Oscar Woodfin. voc!l duet, ChriBtmas Carol," the Misses Holznagel; recitation, Masttt Gustav Schnoerr; vocal solo. Miss Clara Nobel; dialogue, Mrs. Gustav and Master Philip Schnoerr; Holly Drill, six girls and six boys; violin duet. Masters George Kiemsen and Gustav Flechtner; vocal sextet, Messrs. and Mines. Gustav Schnoerr and Peter Winkel and Messrs. Chris Hartman and Frank Rotter; vocal solo, "Ottannebaum," Master Hugh Mount, Jr., the precocious iiinger, aged two years: recitation, "Schwae bische Kunde." Frank Rotter; vocal solo and piano accompaniment, "Der Elkonig, ' Miss Grace Dambach; song, "O Fu Froeliche," Vereln; dialogue. Miss Augusta and Master Albert Hopp; vocal duet, the Schlef twins; closing address, vice-president, D. M. Kiemsen. At the close of the program Santa Clans distributed the fruits of the tree and delklous refreKhments w.re liberally served by President Schnoerr who was both host and toastmaster, after which a social hour was passed in games, music and song. The hall was beautifully decorated with Christmas bells, holly, chrysthe mums and festooot of evergreens.