Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, December 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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    okWon city extkrpUiks'. V mnlvY: t.kckmbeh 20,1012:
Many Have Filled Consumptive Graves Because They Neglected
a Cough or Cold.
You never know how won a coM
will become a serious malady. It
may be in the head to-ky; in the
lungs to-morrow and the next day
you may be fighting deadly pneumo
nia for your life. It'i much the aarae
with a cough. Inflamed and cough
wcrn throat and lungs offer the best
chance to consumption germs to be
gin their murderous work. There's
only one way to prevent these deadly
diseases getting a hold on you. As
soon as a cough or cold attacks you,
take Dr. King's New Discovery until
pu are entirely cured. Sometimes a
dose or two will do the business, sav
ing you suffering and a doctor's bilL
Thousands of cures like these below
prove its wonderful power to cure
coughs and colds.
"I feel sure it's a Godsend to hu
manity," writes Mrs. Effie Morton,
Columbia, Mo., "for I believe I
would have consumption to-day, 1
had not used this great remedy."
"I take great pleasure in recom
mending your Dr. King's New Dis
covery for tho benefit of suffering
humanity. It's a thoroughly reliable
remedy for all coughs, croup and
lung troubles. We have used it in
our fsmily for fourteen years with
the best results. It saved my mother
when two doctors gave her up. She
had a very severe case of pneumonia
and wao in bed seven weeks and nsrt
of the time 'out of her mind' so
that she did not know me. I told
father to gvt me two 50c bottles of
Dr. King's New Discovery, which
he did, and on taking it she soon
began to improve, and four bottles
cured her entirely. You may pub
lish this if you wish and I will an
swer all inquiries, with postsge en
closed for reply.
"Yours respectfully,
Vm. Cogger
the names: Uosle Kraxbcrger. A dolus
Kraxbergor, Nrma Ktsel, Sophie Ktsel,
Kexford Harth, llessle Harth. Kred
Oanske. Mildred Koc.llng. Vastla
Kcesllnx. llallle Sample, Ardnl
Harms. Ch. Noaeh, Gertrude Krax
bygcr, lledwlg Kraxbcrger, Oswald
Kraxberger aud Alfred Koechs.
Granulattd Eys Lids
are eati enred Caustic la not nn
essary. Sutherland s Kagle Kye Salve
la Paliiles. and harmless and auar
anteed to cure. Has never failed on
a case, costs 25c. Kor sale by Hard
ing's Drug Store.
Sold and recommended by
Mrs. U. V. Itenlley It very low.
They have seut lor their children t'
be present.
John Jerj It no better. Ha has the
typhoid fever.
Miss Do. I Maronnin has returned
home from Dufer, Wasco couuty.
where she l.sa been teaching school
for the :.st three months. She ex
perts to rtur,i In tie spring and fin
ish the t.'rni.
Austin Taylor and wife were lu towu
doing souio lraiiK the Bret of the
week. '
Kd Hobart was lu town the Brat oi
the week dumms some wire, prepar
Ing to do some fencing.
The merchanta of this place ars to
have a tree and program on the even
ing of the !th. Everyone la cordial
ly invited to attend.
The Morning Enterprise la the first
paper to look to, to gel the latest
When you have a bilious sttack give
Chamberlain s Tablets a trial. They
are excellent. For sale by HuntK'y
Bros. Co.. Oregon City, Hubbard, Mo
lalla and Canby.
A common Veellng among the na
tives these cool mnrjitngs. "My,' Isn't
It rold." " '
Rev. K. A. Smith preached at the
Rnvenswood Uuptlsl church Sunday.
Saturday was a busy day for the
grungera, ss It was tlis annual election
of otlicers. Quito a crowd was In at
tendance and all seemed to enjoy the
day. A. M. Klrchem. of Redland, was
elected Master; l.llllan Anderson.
Secretary; Laura I- Klrchem. Loot,
invr; A. F. Sloper. 0.; Artl ur Funk.
8.; Ueo. Tracy A. Mrs. A. New
kirk, Chap.: V. I' Wilson. Treasurer;
U A. o, Nlta Anderson. 0. K. Tim.
I'whl; Cerse. Mrs. K. J'. Wilson Flora.
Mrs. Hngeman, IVinoiia, Muhala lllll.
A good program consliidod tha day's
work. At the January meeting they
will have "open house'1 during Install
at ton and lecture hour, which will
conclude with the sale of the prlss
plow won at the county fnlr.
Ueo. Kohl and Curl Klrchem attend
ed a ball at MUwsiikIs Saturday even
ing. What a pity seme of onr old histor
ic land marka in the way of some
of the monarche ol the forest cannot
be saved from destruction. One that
was recently cut down on the school
house hill, according to count was Stirt
year old. One stands on Fischer Tilll
Ugan, that must exceed even that In
I'ntniMra natrons will receive 40c
,iu iiniimi ?., kiittcr fat foe Novem
ber. No doubt old Santa will get a
nice little per cent oi it.
Is considered hard to cure. Try Dr.
Hell's Antiseptic Salve ana you win
change your mlyd. You will see an
Improvement from the firat applica
tion. For sale by naraing s urug
come.. Especially (he children of the
d 1st riot,
Wednesday evening f lust week a
few friends of A. Newell's gathered at
their resldeneu to practice dinning.
Next Friday evening Ihey meet at A.
W, Cookes. 1 . - . i
The school la progressing nicely un
der the tnanngemsut of Misa I'uroe
as principal and Miss Itlchey aa pri
mary teacher. The Earners have
the support and hearty wishes for
their success, of the patrons of the
school, '
There la aervlces conducted at the
Dunkard church by Rev. Ira Fox each
Uitit.i.. u ( 4in n-.l.uk .I ti, Kvnre.
body come and encourage the good
- Children Cry for Flotchor, .;
m w - - ssk ssssjssssawv .asvSh. t a it n
There are good prospects for Elec
tric lights so our town, as soon we get
enough residents to Install them the
company will soon erect the poles.
John Jerg and hie wife have the
tvphold fever. Mrs. Jerg Is Improving
She has had It several weeks.
Cyrus Judd. of Idaho, waa In town
last week, calling on old friends and
relatives. Heformerly lived here.
Most every one la having their wood
sawed now for next year. Archie
Thnma Is doing the work.
Aifi-nrf niann hss returned home!
from the Portland Hospital muth Im
proved. '
E. B. Albright has as fine a pack of
Fox hounds as ever run. he received
two more from Kentucky last week,
which makes a total of eight. He has
some One bred dogs which he is
proud of.
J. C. Marquam has a fine display of
holiday goods in his store. Mr. Hol
don also has a nice display.
Make Up Your Own Mind.
When In need of a cough medicine.
If you buy Dr. Bell s Pine-Tar-Honey
we guarantee you get the best For
sale by Harding's Drug Store.
Mackaburg and vicinity are still fa
vored with bright weather, and the
fanners are plowing or grubbing.
Work is progressing on the Port
land, Eugene ft Eastern Railroad, a
branch of which la to put Macksburg
in touch with the outside world.
Fanners expect to have plenty of pro
duce to ahlp on thla road as soon aa
it reaches completion.
The American Society of Equity.
Kelsllng President, Is to meet at
Scramlin s hall on the evning of
Thursday, December 12th. A cordial
invitation Is hereby extended to ev
ervone who Is Interested In the pro
gress and welfare of Macksburg to
be present aa Important business Is
to be transacted.
Lloyd Bowers la married and has
gone to housekeeping In Joe Gibson's
house. Mr. and Mrs. Bowers are the
ikM niv of newlv-weds. who have
begun life In this house of Joe Glb-
nn'i In the last tWO VCarS.
Mrs. William Earth visited school!
on Thursday.
Rexford Earth Is recovering rapid- j
ly from the effects of his Injured hand
but it la not thought best that he will
be able to return to school for some
The children of Fred Walsh are ill
with chicken-pox.
cv.ni, mitnn la Dlowinc Mr. Bald-
I win's eight-acre lot preparatory to
planting It in wneau
Miss LUlle Mitts, of the Bear Creek
school, spent Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. Frank Hilton.
John Kummer Is now able to go out-of-doora
after a three months' selge
of tvphold fever.
Evangelistic services are being held
at the new -Mennonlte church In East
By mistake sixteen of the forty-seven
names of Macksburg pupils, who
had been neither absent nor tardy In
the month of November, were omitted
from the list that was sent to the
Enterprise last week. Following are
The recent breexe from the south
west Is a reminder that our winter
Is at hand.
0 merchanta have their stores In
holiday attire.
Robert J. Moore ta out on the ground
again on the way to recovery.
Miss Edith Sawtell. who haa been
111 for a month Is slowly gaining
Our roads are getting mixed up. or
plowed up. Just north of here, by aut
omobiles. Our rising generation evidently re
quires some good, sound Instruction
outside of the teachings usually glean
ed from the text book. Judging from
the evil suggestions that seem all too
prevelant among wnai is nu w
be our noble men and women of the
near future. Indeed our parents and
teachers have a serious duty to per
form In these enllgntenea aajs m
moving humanity.
The Southern Pacific right of war
man has about bought the way
through to Molalla. He has had quite
a Job of It however, aa It cuta through
several line farms In bad shape, be
hon. and Liberal, and two
roads crossing at anglea on a man's
farm Is no snap at Desi tor laraiw
Not Good
for everything. Sutherland's Eagle
Eye Salve Is good for nothing but the
i .n ,,aa It and are not snt-
jlsfled come back and get vour 25c.
You be the Judge, ror aie uj r.-i--ing's
Drug Store.
Old People
Need something to aid nntiire. Try
TOlHiLAX and If you nrs not siitta
fled It costs yoit nothing. Oood for
children also. 50c bottles. No grill
ing. For sale by Harding's drug store.
It Is still raining lu' thla vicinity.
n. ninniu th inn of Kdiiar Itieuo.
had tha misfortune to get his nose
badly hurt last week.
Emma Dowty left for Kastern ure-
run Mondar on business. She In
tends to stay about a week.
Mamie Hleple went to Mewrum iaa
week where she has position,
nnr. Unrrnw. a brother-in-law of
Charles Sparks, was visiting relatives
here for a few days. He left for his
home In Omaha. Nebraska Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. John liltnens were me
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hleple
Henry Gtthetis. who has been sick
for some time is Improving rapidly.
Mr. and Mra. Ray Pallas spent oai-
urday and Sunday with their parent
af Damascus,
The basket ball 'eama at r-agie
Creek are progressing rapidly. Thev
expect to play with Sprlngwater In the
near future.
Miss Haxel Glthens and Emma Dow
ty were Eagle Creek visitors one day
last week. . .
J. W. Dowty was a Logan visitor
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sparks were
visiting friends and relatives In Port
land last week.
Mrs. 0. E. Tull and son. Glenn, made
a business trip to Portland the first
of the week.
Miss Echo and Harel Glthens spent
Saturday with J. W. Dowty's.
Antiseptic Rsmedlea
destroy disease germs, Dr. Bell's Antl-
n.in n anttsnntic remeuv iur ex
ternal and Internal pains, relief Is al
most lnstantenous. noia. oj
ers. For sale by Harding s drug store.
We have had aome hliih winds, or
rather gusts, In the pust, but oneramo
along Saturday afternoon that threw
down fences.
Mrs. Nemec sold her hops last week
for I! cents per pound.
Mr. Nusslmum's chimney burned out
Saturday evening with a big roar and
blaie. but fortunately the roof was so
wet from a recent ralit that no ser
ious damage was done.
Mr. tlebhardl utlllsea his new wood
shed aa a sitting room and hunk house
for his men.
August Delkar had the misfortune
to run a rusty nail Into the palm of
his band, and It Is giving him a good
deal of trouble and laitl. He has
been to Dr. Mount with It.
Mra. Fred Ellegson, while cutting
up lard to render last week, rut her
finger badly.
A daughter of Mrs. Seeley, of Wood
burn Is to be married at Christmas
and her cousin. Miss Rora Kllegaen
Is to be bridesmaid. It will be remem
bered by srtme of tho resident of Staf
frod that Mrs. Seeley waa Miss Llsxle
Turner. Mrs. Seeley. Syduey and Eva
her children. Intend to attend the wed
A number of ladles met at Mra.
Nusatiauin'e on Mondav afternoon to
make and fill sacks for the Christ
mas tree.
Mra U'lavm'in made TK at her home
and the other ladlea made still more.
filling nearly !0 generous sarka.
The tree and exercises were at the
schoolhouse on the evening of the
17th as the teachers would be absent
t'hrlstmns week. A full house met
to hear an excellent program,
tho Kind You llitve Always Honslit, ami which hn Wti
lu tiao for over HO yewra, liua homo tho sUri." wt
1 y iwl tin horn nmtlo umlcr Ms lcr
, SJSJ--r- '"l suihtvInIoii alm o Its I"'"'"
IJlafJW&ZcJUU Allow no one to tlewlve y;;i In this.
All Counterfeits. Imitations ou.l Just--.MNl r hut
i:xHrliiiciit th.it trlilo with ami ruduiiiriT the
lufunU una thlldrcu-Klorloiifo ngulust LiihtUuouU
Ciiaforla Is iv harmless itihsfltute lor Ci.or Oil. 1'Are
Korlo. lro. ami HiM.thliiir Mynis. It Is pleasant. It
contain neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Aam.tlo
siihatoncc. Its aire la Its guarantee, t d';lrjrc- ormj
niiil nllaja 1-Vverlahneas. l or more than thirty year It
lias heen In constant in lr the. relief sif Cuiiatlputltin.
riutulrnoy, Wind folic, nil Tecthlmr Troiihl.s mid
llurrliui. It retruhites tho htonmcli ami llowels,
Qislmllatea the 1'o.mI, istvlmr healthy uml natural alcep.
Tho ChlUlren's l'anuoett'l'ho Mother's Friend.
I Bears tho Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Yean
hut Hujinvslde school la still running.
Dick Hunter Is on the sick list, lie
Is now soma better.
Mr. I'arrat is having a well dug on
bis place.
Mrs. M. Heed Is sewing for Mrs. A.
Stoll for a few daya.
A birthday party and wool picking
was givrn lust Thursday evening lu
honor of Mrs. Chas. Hunter at her
It Is reported that they spent
Jay Sutherland Is absent from
school on account of an Illness, that
seems likely to develop Into whoop
ing cough.
tieoriin l.ublilns Is also seriously III
A. A. IIbMwIu attended a meeting
of the school principals of Clackamas
County which was held at Oregon City
oil Saturday. Dec 14th. Then Mr.
Ilaldwln went to ortlaud on business
returning home Sunday evening.
Mr. Holding who hss been living In
Macksburg the past year la just auom
Pyrography. Outfits and Wood
To Burn 33 1-3 per cent discount
Today we place on sale our complete stock at
33 1-3 off the marked prices.
fyfto-wiTCH Outfit
1 Burning Machine, with one point
and shield, complete
1 Alcohol Lamp
1 Wrench
1 Metal Funnel
1 Instruction Book Complete Instructions
The Pyro-Witch Burning
This little outfit has com
pletely revolutionized the
irt of pyrography. It Is held
and guided the same as a
pen or pencil. It is complete
In Itself, has no nJbtier tub
ing, bulb or expensive point
to wear out. Burning wood
alcohol, all fear of fire or
danger la eradicated and
. makes it perfectly safe for
a young child to handle. The
point is a strong, durable
one and does not require the
careful attention which was
needed on the fragile alum
inum and platinum of the
old style. The reservoir is
In the handle, feeds auto
matically and can be adjust
ed to give any desired heat.
a continuous steady
One filling, bulns for
four hours.
Handkerchief and Glove Boxes, extra specml 12c
Necktie Racks, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Dresser Boxes
Tabourets, Nut Bwls and many other useful articles all
at 1-3 less'than regular price.
Flemish Wood Scroll Outfit, No. 5005
1 Designed Picture Frame
1 Designed Tie Rack
1 Designed Match Safe
1 Designed Calendar
Assortment of Mosaic Stones
Assortment of Oriental Jew
els Scroll Board snd Clamp
1 Small Jig 8aw Frame
1 Srush
3 Saw Blades
1 Jig Saw Awl
1 Can Adhesive
1 Match Cup
1 Calendar Pad
Instruction Book
1 Instruction Sheet
1 Set Water Color Paints
Colored Backing Paper
Small Sheet of Sand paper
- r ?Lt V ibis
tm mitflt Is lareer and of better
quality, containg also four com
le'e pieces ready for finish
ing While thla is highly in
atructlve for the young folk,
it 's nevertheless for the old
er ones, who will watch with an
ticipation and helpful suggestions
the making of these useful and
beautiful little articles and the un
limited possibilities opened for fu
ture endeavor. Price, complete,
packed In carton, $1.35.
Other styles at tM snd 2.00.
Today 1-3 less.
2 Necktie or Pipe Rack Rings
Have you ordered those picture frames yet? Time
now to select that Talking Machine. The early book
buyers get first choice.
Henry Hatler is busy these times
setting posts, intending to build a wire
fence along the, main road, extend
ing to Pode Jones' corner on the
north. Jay Bentley la helping him
do the work.
The Nearson boys and Ule Kue nave
finished digging their potatoes.
vi i) aori .nil two dauetiters wer")
visiting relatives In Glad. Tidings one
day last week. '
John Ridings Is plowing and the
ground appears In good condition.
Frank Erlcson is duuuuik '"
nev for Ann Hidings, havjng finished
his Job for C. V. Carpenter.
J E. Naylor has his colts broken
and Is working them right slong. They
surely will live to a good old age,
iudsing from their movements.
O L. Hammond's patch of fall sown
wheat looks nice and causes consid
erable comment, as It la tne oniy iu
i ,. in this community, ow
ing to so much rain.
It Is understoou- mere win u -
. . ln Uiirniinm ChnSt-
mas and a school entertainment and
exhilitlon soon auer.
- TilKhman Clapp is oui iur
Supervisor. We hope he may succeed
as we believe him a deserving man
and a man capable of executing the
work In a crediable manner.
Ed Jackson trad-a norses n
w neighbor, Jacob Schnack.
. mri wife attendeJ
the Catholic church at Mt Angel Sun
. . t... r.h.i- mii-her and sister
vlsiied with them one day last week
Mrs. Allen's baby nas oeen
is some better,
nio Rue made a business trip to
Silverton Saturday.
Ellis Hidings and Jonn
wo four-horse loads of produce to
Canby Friday. nn
Little farm worn i
this tin. owlntothe continued rainy
weather. -uarrv"
viv Ppers old horse Harry,
d his usefulness ue niu.v .. r-
. 1. - nan trft
Mr. Rue butchered fine a por er
tew days ago. Me o , .
more hogs in fin? condition which
he" will kill abet Christmas
Clara R Is witn r
and will stay until aiu,r
The lumber yara
most bare of maier.a v -
Surb a demand for l imlr. The prop
rletors of the sawmill who furnish the
umber missed It b, not hauHng more
on the ground while the roads were
.. ii,m tlmn viirv lilasantlv.
wei . ... , .
endered. showing careful supervision i Nearly everyone is m.K tig t n st-
. i .k . . ....i ,..,,. i mas presenis aim anm ! "" r"- ' - - -
by both teachers and parents ',i,..rln. of f.mllv and friends on I l,avlmi with his family fr Alaska.
While all did wen we must maae - - Haldlns. oly taking leave
speeUl mention of a group of little t nnsunaa presented the library with
girls fruit the primary grades who I MarKBURQ a very nice collection of lx.ka.
appeared In nightgowns and caps. au.l macksbuhu. : Kv' ,, .rvi, rs are held ev-
repeated their lines very nicely. There ,. . .kiilns In the rhiirch of the
w,l. also a home scene by four girl. 1ZT-1 ' -" X Art.
; ",s c:x:v:.v;n Tr. ,hThem!;!:,.,hr;,e,;,;',hrr.,::..Tho,,dayy..o,
by Miss Iloentge wlin w . H h Mrkilllir- hs i lw. 30,
ss accompanist, mere is oniy u
.. .L . .V- . i ri. lln. Iwutn rnlfln nlefl anil. MX inn luil'-rn.
auu tnai ine iruuiiMJiir uiu. m. : - - . .
Iv City." by the principal, was en-; Is ".wnlnt In full force on full time
oyed by all. after which Mis. Martha Work on the Tortland.
Aernl read the Stafford school paper Eastern Kallrnad pn.gre.se. unlter
which was very good and read well. r.,-.;ed -d.-sid ; the rain.
The exj-rclses twice a montn on: mr. " """""v "V"'""" " ,
Friday appear to be a great help to Is visiting his parents , Mullno grill
all The program would make this hi. Mek-h.ir friend, by pay
article loo long, therefore we will i Ing them a visit last week.
X repeat that. II without exception! Mr. Frs" Krsxbergr ha. moved
w(!u into one or nia noust-s, win w ..-
After the paper Mr. Larklne apol- ' occimien t ...-orar "'"-"-
h.. ,. .vin old! Mr. Hutherland Is now living
Santa I'laim was d. lnyed In coming, j a new house of his own.
Frank Hilton made a business trip
to Canliy Hunduy evening.
Mr and Mrs. Abe Htoffer called on
the Intter s parents, U, Konschak Hun
dav. , s
i.ewls IMtts was visiting at home
Hnmrdiy and Sunday.
The dance In Miller's hop house Sat
urdny night was enjoyed by all pre
ent. Oglesby UroK rurnisneq ins
in I mi"lc,
I Ml.i llnrhi I
Snenrer I. visiting
Mr. M. O. Smith waa transacting
business in Oregon City Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mitts were
calling on the former's parents, the
latter part of the week.
C. Chrlstner. J. E. Mitts and W. H.
Cochran, hauled a load of hope to Au
rora. Monday for HI Jackson.
Mrs. Chas. Spencer Is receiving a
pleasant visit from her daughter, who
lives in Mississippi.
. Miss Lillian Mitts was callng on
relatives In Canbv Saturday and Sun
day, and while there attended lb"
dance riven In the Tiand Hall Satur
day night
- Mr. and Mrs. A. Stanffer were shop
pine In Canbv Saturday.
Mr. A. D. Wood, of Oak Crove, Ore .
is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. E.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mitts were Sun
day visitors at the home of their
daughfr. Mrs. F. A. Hilton.
D. E. Westherg and family and Chas.
Konschak, are attending a convention
at llorlng this week.
C. E. Mitts was In Canby Saturday.
Jesse Mitts, who has been worklnt
near Molalla for some time is home
now on account of the heavy rains.
Tho Hour Creek school will have an
other entertainment and rhristmai
tree on Christmas eve. Dec. 24th. The
scoool fcas quite an Increase over last
year. It now has an enrollment of
38. All are cordially Invited.
Miss Katie Rltter and brother. Rude
attended the dance at Canby Saturdny
You Can Always Get
The best rough medicine If you ask
for Dr. Hell s . Pine-Tar-Honey and
look for the bell on the bottle. Guar
anteed to give satisfaction. 'Sold ev
erywhere. For sale by Harding a
Drug Store.
Sant. l.iaus was a.'in.yeu in ' I " " T' A, "h.. tM.nvod froffl I ",. . . ,.,1P.ld
. mher of bova Dell, were calling en the former's
en?.nd candy "sack, torn "Le 'tree. I Mrs. Terry. . of Macksburg has ,,.,.. Mr. and Mrs. W. ... Cochran.
..ri . n,h.r nf -Blrl. to distribute , ben snnointen on me scno, i..nru Hlin.iay.
Hi.. in ihrnuuh the house
At a lute hour all went home bap-
i rtirirtors fer the district of In! Mr.. Hnrvev Voil-r la vl.HIng her
Elder. " .Ister. Mrs. II. II. Hilton.
Tha nim tiMiiilrfi rsrd club held i Mra K 1 Mills and son. Iwts.
who have been visiting In Albany, re-
' i .... rnn nf !( rafftilsr sessions st Scram
hardt, arcn.tect. wan .u,c ' p,,,, Vwln a. a dancs j
i,- Thnm,.. who moved to TI on Paturdnr evening.
gadv itoV tZ he posh on of Tel' ! ' Mr. Hilton en Wed a vl, from hi-j
S operator at tha place llke.he faMjer V vlslted
,.iin. tm 1..ulv lninrnvins. I
r tltJIlllJUtintli I si ni"V -
..... ...... a...l...r u,lu. r.. 1 1 and: lwr-
. B,- ::. : .... root- fr Mr
nun iirr ii i mini".'. "
inriird hntiin the first lnrt of the
Mrs. diss. Spencer, who has been
visiting In Portland Is home again.
J. K. Calavan. of Oregon City., Is
vlHltlng schools la this section.
Miss Lllllnn Mills railed on her sis
ter. Mrs. Frank Hilton. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. .1. K. Mitts spent nai-
staved Satur-
day night with her parents, Mr. and
Stockweli, rei........s --
, npar Wllhoit Sunday evening.
,.uj. . irk a few days, but
Kev. ,.. --- -- ..,. -er.
was able to aenver l
mon to an appreciative audience t
the Glad Tidings cnurcn dui.u,.
Is still confined to h-r bed.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Sagnert sre to start
next Sunday for California on a sight
seeing and visiting tour, iney win j
stop on their way at Eugene to visit
Mr. Smltn and family, who formerly
lived at Tualatin and Intend to trav
el us far as Los Angel -a. They will !
take the two youngest children with
them. Mrs. Saitgert, wliO Is tho only
Inlet of the Delkar llros. attended the
Stafford school before her marriage.
Vmir rnrreHiiondent suggested once .
1 before that the HlllHlioro records be
search-id for tho missing deed to i.inn
City, but It was doubtless taken as
pleasantry and was not printed but !
it has been called to miuci again re -
cently, where a man In Claekamaa
County wanting to sell a portion of ,
his land, found there ba:l tieen a uaw i
In the tltlo. and after delay and trou-;
ble It was found at Hlllsboro, a. Is ,
said thnt at first Washington county
extended to the Wlllnmotte river as
Us boundary line.
Won't the poor mill carriers groan i
Rn1 pi-otest when each of us .end for .
our eleven pounds of goods, costing
us thirty-five cents from Portland.
' iirilnv nnil Hunilnv at the home of
lllltnn this week. I ih..lr ilimuhler Mrs. Arch Miller, of
Mr. Frnnk Krnxberifer's little son i Molalla.
Ollle. Is quite seriourlv ill. so much i Wayne C.urley, of Canby accompan
o thit fesrs of fvnhnld fever are en-. ,., .pIh Mitts home Saturday.
We are having some rainy weather
at present which puts a stop to farm
ing. Mrs. Ike Cook. Is on the sick list at
present. . . .
Will Wallace sawed wood for Mr.
Stark Tuesday. '
There Is to be a shooting match at
R. Rullard's Saturday, )ee. 21st..
Quit a number hsvo potatoes Inthe
ground yet. '
A couple of men were In this burg
hunting fresh milch cow..
Everyone Is thinking of Christmas,
esneclally the little ones.
Our school Is out this week a. the
teacher. Mis. Sophia Pohlander Is
taking the examination.
A Des Molne. man had an attack
of muscular rheumatism In his sno'il
dcr. A friend advised blm to go to
Hot Sprines. That meant an exper""
of 1150.60 or more. He sought for a
'quicker snd cheaper way to cure It
1 and found It in Chamberlain's Lini
ment. Three days after the nrs' ap-
If you sre troubled with chronic con
stipation, the mild snd gentle effect of
Chamberlain's Tablets makes tiiem es
pecially suited to your case. For sale
by Hintley Bros. Co.. Oregon City,
Hubbard. Molalla and Canby.
The farmer, are taking advantage
of the nice weather, putting In their
Th.r. h i,wn a I nlon Bunnay
ment. Three days alter me nor s--j mere nas ie-n i -- -
plication of this liniment he was well. .School organized at the RoeK t reek
For sale by Huntley Rro.. Co.. Ore- .ehoolhonse. ReT. Irs Fox as Super
ron City, Hubbard, Molalla and Can-1 lntendnt. Commences at 10:30 a. m
b7 ' The public Is extended a hearty wel-
Bomethlng Just aa Good
Can only be the rase when It Is an
other bottle of Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-Honey.
Every bottle the same. I-ook
for the tiell on the bottle. For sale
by Harding's drug .tore.
Died, at her home at Hunnysldn,
anri rw 1.11 a. Mr.. J. Perce.
Funeral service, were held at the ,
house Tuesday afternoon. Interment
w In Clackamas cemetery. .
. Fred Cooke and Miss Hertha V.
Reed were married Wednesday. Dec.
, r-mnw, niv llnth Of them are
from this neighborhood and are well
known snd highly resneciea. miss
vslde central for
the la-t two years, recently she re-1
. . . . . u .1.1., Ul.i An. i
Signed in lavor oi urn n.n.., -
j i . ti i sainriigv nie'.it a number
of young' people gathered and gave
them a rather noisy reception". We all I
wlnh them happiness ana prosperity
during their married life .
W. Hnrchell brought bis bride horns
last Wednesday night, so he .ay. he
will have to work now th.t he is s
married man.
Sunday school has been organized
st Rock Creek choolhon with Mr
Fox a. Superintendent. The attend
ance w. twenty-one last Hunday.
The wholar. sre having s vacation
ontll the New Tear at Rock Creek,
The high cost of living is the cost of living high!
The Oregon Commission Company says that a part of
the cost of living is due to short weight. This is
especially true in the weight of bran and shorts.
60 lbs. in a Sack of Shorts
60 lbs. in a Sack of Bran
Oregon Commission Co.