OREGON CITY KNTKT.ri.ISI'.. KKI1UY. XOVKMHKK2'.). HH2. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY EAST MACKSSURG. The good weather hat started at -,wl fhi farmer! ft re nil hUBV S'lvV. I .in of til iMMinio who rid not get all of their potatoe 1 Never gripes. Children love the taste dr.R now have a chance to finish rim-'Can he taken at anytime by anyone. thpm- SOo bottles. For aale by Harding t John Nofinger went to Portland Drug Store, laat Friday to buy a drag anw onttlt Horn, to the wife of Chas. Suits.; GLAD TIDINGS. 'ov ISIh. a U pound daughter, mod- rr and daughter are doing well. I Mr. Jack Schnack who wl h , her Hoc F.l.v ami wife, of Salem, are husband, purchased and reside on the ..... n. .,.r.,t Mr and Mrs. .1. IDlllllft - V. Ehy. of this place. o... c...mi.u .,,) hi driving te.:.l tot-hat. Hnrias. Jr.. of Canby. Harry Sherwood spent Friday v. nine at the J. Moshbcrger home. Mr Pradburv and family spent Sm- dav w t LeeLa.its and family. n'LrJc...n,M- ..n.i hi. rirlviiK team . .. . Hi.. lwik .Z. Zlr ' )1 1110 -ll.V. rani Smith made a flying trip to ll.l..n Udt tiAtllttt'lV HenrvGuntlersold'hls driving mare to Henry Smith, of Macksburg. : John Helvey made a business trip ! to Molalla last Saturday. j We understand our school teacher llanv Sherwood, went away to get ...-.-(...I i!nv. it is time to net ready : for an old fashioned charivari. Paul Smith is in the horse trading business. Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey Will break up the worst cold and al lay throat Irritation. This remedy quickly cures coughs. Colds, Grippe, and ail throat and bronchial troubles. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. MACKSBURG. The continuance of the bright weather his iufused new energy Into every industry In Macksburg and vi cinity. Not only are agriculture and land-clearing going forward, but man ufacturing and building seem to have received a new impetus. Plowing and tree-plan tin II re going on everywhere while the noise of blasting and the glow of the rubbish fires tell that tracts of wild log-covered land are rapidly being transformed into fields where growing crops will be seen in the summer of 1913. Henry Nofziger has sold his mill to Joe Smith of Gervals. The mill is operating with a large crew of meu. Anions their more Important contracts is a large order by the Portland. Eu gene ft Eastern Railroad. Mr. Gastrock. late of New Orleans, La., Is laving material hauled for the new resience which he proposes build ing In place of the temporary dwelling which he and his family are at pres ent occupying. Mr. George Koch Is working on Mr. Gastrock's house. Mr. Whaley. of Portland, has bought the place lately vacated by Mr. Baker. The premises are occupied for the present by Mr. Whaley, Jr. George Mitts was married last week, and is living on his father's place. Dan Roth came home from Wood burn to spend last Sunday. SoL Strubbar. Frank Hilton. Will Roth. Mr. Good and A. A. Baldwin conferred a benefit on the residents of this vicinity last Saturday by im proving the part of the Canby road that bounds their respective ranches. This Improvement consists of a plank road over a stretch of road that, till now, has been about Impassible. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Strubbar spent Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin. School closed on Friday evening to reopen Monday Dec. 2nd. The Primary department of the school In charge of Mrs. A. A. Baldwin had pretty closing exercises Friday afternoon. The room was tastefully ornament ed wih Oregon grape. Autumn leaves and red apples. All the decorating material was brought by the Primary pupils who seemed to enter enthusias tically Into the work of brightening their room for the Thanksgiving sea son. Afer school Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin drove to Canby, when Mrs. Baldwin boarded a train for Portland, Intend ing to remain with hpr sister. Mrs. T. H. Cardner while attending the Insti tute. ri. h ,i,ah, il I who were neither absent nor tardy Quality not Seed Wheat, Vetches, Rye, Barley, Oats, vheat, Or chard Grass, Timothy, Clo ver, Etc. Mill Feed, Grain, Hay, The celebrated Coflkey Stock and Poultry Foods and Sup plies always on hand. See us before ordering your winter's supply of flour. Oregon Commission Co. ELEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS durinK November will appear In next week'a Issue of the Enterprise. No More Pills or Castor Oil . When you have tried pooolax. old Mart l.cano larm atteuuou uie I Catholic church at Mt. Ansel gummy. Site liclng a memner oi mai ucnou.iic i "r- Sehnaok ippm r to b a ; busy man. and contemplate, addii g ; many needed Improvements upon hit Place In the near future. , Mltt Maud M .r.h has returned 'home after a visit of several we(ks in ine mi oi iiumivu. Kay Austin It busy these times lth hla wood saw. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hue have return- d home after a three dayf visit in Port land. t.eo. Newsome helped the Alien hoyt tw nd haul wood Monday Ethel Allen who worked for Ami Mary Robbins for quite a while Is now at Dome Henry Hntler returned from the mountains with another load of alee cedar boards made by Nell Jackson. .Mrs. Sprague and daughter. Alice, are staving with Mr. and Mrs. Cord ell. Whooping Cough It Is an old saying that whooping cough must run Its course, but the use of Dr. Pell's Plne-Tar-Honey has demonstrated beyond doubt that such is not the case. It can be cured by the use of this remedy. For aale by Harding's Drug Store. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Everything seems to be on the move Land is changing hands and houses chancln? occupants. J. Harts and family have moved in to the house near Roosevelt Street lately vacated by Mr. Clark and fam ily, who went to I'tah. Mr. and Mrs. J. Shelly, who lived in Frand Pullard's house are moving Into Mr. Robeson's house vacated by J. Parts and family. Mr. Haskell has sold his property to Walter Simpson and wife who have taken posesslon. Mr. Haskell has bought the Linn property on Dtiane Street and la building a house. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, of Sunnyside. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Grady last week. 0. M. Griffin Is building a porch to bis house. August Freidrich, who has been In Alaska the last year, is visiting friends here. Mrs. A. S. Martin and daughter. Pearl, are visiting In Elwood this week. J. E. Downer, who sold his farm at Clalnnont has moved Into the Moran house on Molalla Avenue. Their two girls have been attending high school and walking from Clalrmont .... Mr. W. H. Clark, of Duane Street, is seriously ill. Will May accompanied by Chas. Ely, and son Stanford, went to a shooting match at Beaver Creek Wednesday morning. Miss Emma Vanhoy of Goldendale. Washington, came Tuesday to spend Thanksgiving with her parents. Charlie Gale and wife moved to Mil waukie last week. He has rented his place to Mr. Jewell and wife, lately from the East. The Bible Study Class will meet at the home of Mrs. R. M. C. Brown this week on Friday afternoon at 2:30. Beautiful Eyes are desired by every one. If thera Is any inflammation the eyes can't be beautiful. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve will remove the inflammation and clear the eyes. For sale by Hard ing's Drug Store. STAFFORD. The people have enjoyed this week of sunshine and hope for more. We have bad a few slight frosts, but not I nlrt pnnuirh to do any damage. -xtr. Obhardt has the concrete for the basement to bis barn finished. Quantity 9J Mrs. China Peters Is still under the doctor's care and w are sorry to hear her cough Is not much better. Miss Minnie Grace who wits prim I pal In our school two years ago was In the neighborhood visiting last week After nine years of teaching she Is taking a vacation this year. Mr. and Mrs. Toombs came from East Portland Inst Friday to visit old friends a few das. Mrs. Toombs was the first teacher In tills place In 17:1 4. before Stafford had a name, when we could only afford four months school In the year, ami the children of school sise numbered seventeen by counting Mrs. I .arson and Mrs. Harnet. The Indies Circle met with Mrs. Tledemnn on last Thursday, the 21st. and It being so near Thanksgiving they had exercises, readings and speeches suitable to the time, also a regular Thanksgiving feast. Th Workmen have given a deed' to the school ot the little corner acquired by them when they had a nourishing lodge here. The ladles spoke of Civic Improvement and proposed clearing up the lot. etc. That night during prayer meeting, some boys began the good work by pushing over the old horse shed which had been a menace to small children for a long time, as the timbers were rotten. On Friday quite a number of par ents and friends listened to the exer cises held the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month at the school house, which passed off very nicely, the pupils be ing well drilled and their recitations and songs appropriate to the coming d iy. our National Thanksgiving. Those taking part were. Fred Kellar, Bertha Moser. lora Oldenstadt, Sarah Nuts Imum. Mildred Oldenstadt, Wanda Wanker. Mabel Wanker. Lillian Tlede man, I avvlle Hargen. Neva Tledeman l.ela Tleilaman, Martha Aertll. Ivy nderson Clifford Wcddle, Arthur Pecker. George Zeoman s. Earl Olden stadt. Daniel Kellar, l.ouis Hargan, Joe Rahlrk. Walter Borland, Joseph Miller. Homer Nussbaum. Robert Manthn. Percy Holmes and txd Tlede man. Mr. I-arklns the principal re quested the visitor to remain after the puplis were dismissed to have a friendly chat and organized a I'arent Teachers" meeting to meet once a month with Mrs. Seeding as president and Mrs. Gage as secretary. Miss Bencha. the primary teacher attended ber brother's wedding Wed nesday .returning to her duties In the school room on Thursday morning. Mrs. Lillian Tledeman having taken her place for an hour. There is no school this week, as both teachers are attending the Insti tute at Oregon City for three days, then Thanksgiving comes, therefor there will be no school until Monday December 2nd. Or. Bell's Antiseptic Salve Is guaranteed (or eczema, salt rheum, tetter, ringworm, running sores, chap ped hands and lips, pimples on the face, black heads, barbers itch, sun burn. Insect bites, fever sores and na sal catarrh. 23c. For sale by Hard ing's Drug Store. COLTON. At their beautiful little country home two miles north of Colton, Mon day, November 25th. Mr. and Mrs. John A. Stromreen celebrated their golden wedding. They were both born and reared In Smotnand. Sweden, and were married In 1SS2. - They came to America in 1S70 and made their home in Michigan three years from there they crossed the plains to Ore gon in 1 S73 and have lived at Colton since hat HVne. Mr. Stromgreen is seventy-two years old and Mrs. Strom green is seventy-one years old and both are hale and hearty for their ages. Their home was beautifully de conned and a fine dinner was served to more than thirty-five guests. Mr. and Mrs. Stromgreen have the heart iest congratulations and best wishes ot their neighbors. Cheap Imitations Owing to the immense sale and popularity of Dr. Hell's Plne-Tar-Honey there are many cheap imitations on the market under similar sounding names, but you can always get the genuine by looking for the bell on the bottle. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. COLTON. A dinner was given Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Carl Stromereen and the former's sister. Miss Hannah Strom green, In honor of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs! John A. Strom green who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. The rooms and tables were beautifully decorated with ferns and yellow chrysanthe mums. A number of people assembled and all present spent a very enjoyable time. Among those present were: Rev. and MrB. Rhlnehart, Mr. and Mrs. I'ette.rson. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Hult, Mr. and Mrs. I.. Dahlstrom, Mr. and Mrs. J. Biitz. of Colton, Mr. and Mrs. M. Kandle and Mr. and Mrs. F. Schute of Highland and Mr. David Iofgren, of Portland. Quite a numuer of .val uable and useful preaens were receiv ed by the couple. Mrs. J. Putz and daughter visited the formers sister, Mrs. T. Clark, of Portland last week. Miss N.'llie Boiiney Is home from E-stacadi to spend a week with her parents at Colton. Jake Schiewe, of Clarks, was a vis itor at Colton last Sunday. A program was rendered at the school house Friday afternoon. C. Stromgreen made a business trip to Oregon City Friday. Miss Inez Snodgrass, teacher, is In Oregon City attending the Institute Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gorbett, of Eastern Oregon, who used to live here, have a baby girl. Mr. Norman Soretison, if Silverton. is vioiting bis brother at Colton. John Kngstrom, who was hurt by a fall is able to be around again. p. Putz was a business visitor at Elwood last Thursday. Miss Hannah Stromgreen, of San Francisco came to attend the Golden wedding of her uncle and aunt and Intends to spend the holidays w ith her relatives here, after which she. will return to California and assume her v.ork ag.iin as nurse. A Portland man was around last wwk looking for horses which were stolen from him aw Portland. Joe Carlson went to Oregon City Monday. A party was given Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ponev. It was attended by a large number of young people. The even inc. nwnt in nlavlnz gamns. mus ic and singing. Those present were: Misses Nouna Vallen, Ella Bittner, Nellie Ikinney, I-ena Putz, Kuby Coun trjman. Florence and pearl Strom gren Myrl Ifonney and Annie and Til lis i'-iiirr. Messrs. John Knes'rom, Philip Pntz, Walter Cox, Robert Putz, I Harry Pittner, Matt Yagman, John I Trygg Elmer Petterson, Albert and Carl Mellke, Prof. . Valleli, Potler son Bros, Archie Bouncy and Fred Hiiurcr, Hen Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Del hert llonney and children. Mr, and Mrs. Frank W ilson and children and Mrs. L. Livingston nud sons, lie freshmeiits weiii urn oil and the young folk departed at a late hour after hav ing enjoyed thcuiclws very much. The boy's appetite Is often the source of aninenien(. If you would have such an appetite take Chamber Iain's Tablets. They not only create i healthy appetite, but strengthen the stomach and enal'le It to do Its work naturally. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co.. Oregon City, Hubbard, Molull.i and Canby, . DAMASCUS. A delightful puny was given at A. Newell a residence at Damascus Sat urday evening, Nov. 2:1, l'.'12, In honor or Miss Mae Newell and ChriStalll Svendscn't birthday. The evening was pleasantly spent by the guests, old and voting alike, Joining In a cranberry fro lic, which afforded much amusement for nil present. I'rlres cre won by Nathan Hnwley In the Guesting Con test; Lester Newell won the prlno In tht Cranberry hunt. For the Word Contest Mrs. Klnier Bloomgust won first prle. Mrs. It. Haw ley won tho prlo in th criinl'erry race. Mrs. Del ate Hunter won tlrst price In the Stringing Contest. For the cranberry Scramble Mr. Haw ley won the prlio. Tho prlres given caused much merri ment among the guests. A dainty luncheon was served of chocolate, cof fee and cake, sandwiches and pickles. Mrs. Svendsen found the ring In the cake. The button was undiscovered. Miss M ie Newell was the lucky finder of the coin. Those present were as fol lows: Mr. and Mrs. A Newell; Mr. and Mrs. S. V. Svemls. n; Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Itawley; Mr and Mrs. F.lmer Hloomiulst: Mrs. D-lslo (Newell) Hunter: Misses Jeanette Newell, Ly die Semmler. Mae Newell, Verna Hun ter. Blanch Itawley. Messrs. Almont Newell. Clirlstaln Svendsen. Merrell Newell, William Svendsen, Lester Newell. The guests departed at a late hour wishing the honor guests many more happy birthdays and expressing their appreciation to the hostess of an en joyable time. What Texins Admire Is hearty, vigorous life, according to llm-h Tnllmiin nf sn Antonio. "We find." ho writes, "that Dr. King's New Life Pills surely put new life ami en erv Into a nornon. Wife and I be lieve they are the best made." Ex cellent for stomach, liver or kidney troubles 25 cents at all druggists. . CLARKS. Mr. John Lnrkius Is ill. Mr. Bottemlller finished digging po- tatoea last week. Mr and Mrs. John ljirklns moved to their son. C. Larklns. Saturday. Hnnrv Klelnsmlth took a loud oi turkeys to town last Friday. Ben Marshall .of Kaateru Oregon, waa visiting his parents last week. Miss Klna Staut and Mr. Webb are attending the teachers institute In Oregon City this week. The Clarks school has a vacation ior a week, the teachers are attending the ...int. tu i via Johnson went home to Portland and la attending the Institute. Mr wtt aufer and ramuy speni Sunday In Schueble. Mrt Klvlna tinier was uuneu aai- urday In Clarkes cemetery. Willie Kle nsmltn la sawing wouu for Mr. Bottemlller. Mr. and Mrs. Bottemlller and daugh ter. Ida and son, Claude, and Ida Haag went to town Monday. Lou Maxson was sowiug grain ior Mrs. S. I-ee Saturday. nv Waters of Portland, preached In Clarkes Sunday evening. Mr Wolfsoa sold came iasi ., ... -..,. r Vlnla and Rev. Wat ers, of Portland, will bold meetings In Highland. Blind ..in- -i-II... Civnni Tex.. Mrs. r-uie ; writes: I was blind as a bat. I used Sutherland's Kagle Eye Salve and It acted like a charm. It cut the stum off my eyes and restored my sight. It Is all vou rlalm and worth It's weight in gold. 2f.c a tube. For sale by Hardlngs Drug Store. WILLAMETTE. ., u-oi.imn .old his home for !.:,, i, i iinrrv lierdine. and with his family moved to Oregon City Thurs dH; ,...,,,.,, hv Miss liaiuvs nascr, nti."ii' i. (i,ri..a went to Portland Sat urday afternoon to hear the grand op era Salome and Lucie dl Lammermoor In the evening. Mrs. Leo I -arson, who was operated upon for appendicitis several weeks ago at the Oregon City Hospital and returned home last week Is, not so well. D. Mount being called Sunday. vtTthur Waldron had his right wrist badly hurt at a mill Thursday. Tivn piinprmiH hnxps of canned fruit. clothing, etc., and two large sacks ot potatoes, pumpkins and other veget al.les were Bent to the Boya and Girls Aid Society at Portland for 1 hanks living Saturday from the public school. Thanksgiving exerciser were hid ' tho nuucmMv rnoma at school Friday afternoon. Ail the grade taking part. The Pilgrim boys ana uie pumuKiu boys and girls" ten In number, from th II rut unrl sppnnd erades entertain ed In great style. Miss Lucy Illce of the ninth grade had an enteraining n.oiior Th Hone of the Oregon Grape by the older girls was good; A very pleasing number waa the con cert reclation "Thanksgiving Day" by the MlifHes Katharine Lyons and Mar garet Manning, Lareslnf Brltton and John Kinney. There were many good quotations, recitations, etc. Mrs. Cut- zer s room recited ana sang siit:imiu- ly. Waldron Hyatt spent part of vaca tion week with his cbutn. Earl Ber ine llo! City Park. uin t'mma Ifomnn from Mt. Pleas ant visited with her slBter, Mrs. Snl- dow Thursday. i.. k.. i,u..,,..o nf nr. Ford Sunday afternoon at Willamette church, he i.aving been called to Mt. Pleasant, Prof. f. R. Bowland gave an earnest talk an 1 helped carry out a very sue f easftil Bervice to a good congregation. There were 116 pupils at 8. S. Miss s Muriel Mollert and Ethel Gordon had a duet for the church service and little Heaulah Snldow and Frances VValdren for S. S. There was one birth nay offering. The church was decot at'-d with chrvsanthemumg The Schiester family, from EortlanB visited Anthony Tours Sunday. Mrs. Hickman, of Oregon City at tended the Thanksgiving exercises at School Friday. EAST CLACKAMAS. The weather (ho his( week has been I'xcepliotiiilly good and most of us have been busy getting the potatoes nut. Mrs. A. Cell's son and dailghter-lu-Inw visited her on Saturday and Sun day. Mr. Diywall and wife left for Cali fornia on Monday to visit their daught er for a month or more, Frank Klesner bus sold his farm to a man In Portland but expects to live on the place inidl April. Mr. I lay ward sold ten aires south of (bis larm and tho man who bough! It expect to build on II soon. Frank llaberlach look a load o( kraut and celery to Portland on i'ue. day. Wllllo Piper. Mr. Hull and Mr. OI en have been digging potatoes nt the .lg Zag (arm the past week. LOGAN. Mr. II. S. Anderson Is Improving slow ly. O. Voiding has posted notices for A road meeting lo be at Logan December I'S. Ill regard to the Logan and Burton load. Mr. Goodson and family, of Stono, leave for tilcndorn. Cal. next week. J. A. livers and daughter. Miss Ma lie, will leave soon for Pasaenn. Cut. lor the winter. Mr. tiraiiluiid. our genial grocery man makes regular trips twice a week delivering groceries for the Outlook Co. Miss Anna Pachman, principal and Whivuslok nrluiiiry teacher, of I jitter Logan school are attending (bo institute tills week. i ll pupils of Uiwer Logan school contributed a box of canned fruit, two boxes ol fruit and vegetables, also clothing, $1.45 cash lo tho Aid Society and l. Kt lo the Baby Home. This Is a step in the right direction, teaching Uie children to remember those less fortunate then Iheinslevss. T.-W .Foster Is painting the Harding Crnngo hall and barn. At the next ... ...iii... ..i...-iloti of ottlcera will be -held but nevertheless, a program Is liclng prepares, mime oi mw ii" lor consideration are: "labor Saving Devices for the Farm and Home; ' The Fruuklng System and W hat It costs the Government." Some would not believe It runs us high as oon.iwo annually and yet some think the seeds'" aro free, wo farmers get Iroui our Senators. NEEDY, Marcus Smith called on friends at Aurora Sunday. Jesse Milts left Sunday evening for Molalla, where he has been working lor Jacob Oswalt. The dam e In Millers hop house Sat iirday evening was not well attended, only four girls being present. The bovs Intend having another dance In t'.iree weeks. Miss l-ols Grlbble, who has been 111 for some time of appendicitis Is Im proving slowly. Miss Lucy Mitts visited friends In Salem last week, and while there at tended the Teacher's Institute. Mr. B. F. Smith, oi Needy called on J. K. Mitts Sunday. Miss Rachel Spencer called on Miss Lillian Mitts Saturduy evening Mrs. MoreU Meyers received a pleasant visit from Mrs. M. 0. Smith Thursday afternoon. A pretty wedding took place Wed nesday at high noon, at the homo of the bride's parents, when Miss Axllne Haley, of Canby. became the wife of George Mitts, of Needy. The room was tastefully decorated with evergreen nnd white chrysanthemums. The brldo was beautifully gowned In a dres of net over white silk and enr ried a bouquet of white carnatlona and ferns. The ceremony was performed by Justice of the Peace. H. F. Bmlth, of Needy, after which the guests man-bed to the dining room, where a bountiful luncheon was prepared. On ly tho Immediate relatives were prea ent. Mr. and Mrs. Mitts received many handsome presents. After a brief honeymoon they will mako their home In Canby. DOMESTIC INFELICITY. On Unhappy Causs of ths Marital Estate Explained. It is undoubtedly a fact thnt most married people say thing to each oth er that they would not dare say to the cook, who would give notice nnd leave, and they would not dream of saying to a casual ui ipiaiiitaure. Marriage is lire with the iolisb nib IkhI off In a g"d many case. It Is the one relation In the world In' which most men niul women feel Hint they enn dNpeuse with all the amenities of civilization nnd in wblc b they have the courage of their rudeness. Most human beings have no Idea of the number of faults they possess nor how they look to others until they hear the llbiny of their shorti lug' chanted will! relentless candor by thelJ huslinnilM or wives. Other people laugh long and lustily at your M-t story. Vour wife or your husband reel Hint It l good for you If know Hint they have heiird.lt at least fifty times and that your power as a conversationalist diwsn't amount to niio li Other people praise your vivacity Your biisbiiinl feels free lo tell you not to make a fool of yourself by acting like a schoolgirl when you are closing on to forty; Hint dignity and sweetness and silence are winit you should culti vate; that you talk too much, anyhow, and It Is getting to be a bore, lie thinks these things are good for you to know. Too often husbands and wives use each other to flash out on each other nil the 111 teiniH-r and Irritability In their systems-lrrltntilllty nnd III tern er that they dare not show to their customer or their servants. It Is usually husbands and wives that tell each other things thnt the other Is iiot particularly anxious to know-that they are trying to blind themselves lo And there lire people who setilate a Ikio t the cnuse of the uiany cases of domestic infelicity. Hsr Left Handedness Wss Complete. A little maiden, quick t notice pe eiilinrltles. naked a guest at her fa tiler's table If be were left banded. Partially o. m little miss." replied the visitor Ills nnswer puzzled her. but after dim reflection she lemnrked: "I'm fiillblissled left banded." Ksn aas City Ctsr $0 '". H' H p3ia iCA-STflRW .Al.rmitii. i ifc U i-kw r w r v i , AM-claW- IVi-paniti.v, (or, slnillalliKjiht-tliiiiianiliu-tiiili tlitg ttic SuntucJu tuul IttMvbar IVonwIi'sniSoiluinfiVfirul ru'.ss nisi IHif niiuint nvKhir l)mim.Mtiri,ilum' norhliucnl. Not N aw c otic. JlhsVsiMAA'MnmuM jtvtttet Jin. w (WW Jlfir. Ansetecl aVnvilv forfiimUM 1 1. in innrV;iiilM.ail 1)1.11 rlW J Worms.! wmusmu jnvrixii lU'siaJulLossorLLtP. ftcS'ui Sitfiulorr if NEW YOKK. ., I I I I I I I 1 1 I I i I I I I I I I I I I H FREAK FOOTBALL SCORES. " Say. did yon note Ibo fresk ' football scores recently IIH baseball score by which !"gl"ttt " Military Institute U-at Kentucky ; Slate, 3 to St Of course Hint was ', a field goal for Virginia Hint also il s safety which gave Kentucky the two Kilnts Another wss the Oklahoma- Kniians score. 0 to 5-n touch dow n ror Oklahoma and a failure lo kick the goal. A Held goal and (be two isiliils obtained from a " safety gave Knnsna ber five I'lilnt. And Ihls under the 111 I 'J ; rules, where scoring was going to v so very essy! ' ) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II LEDO'JX SEEKS TROUBLE. French BantsmweigM Cbempion An ious to Figbt America's Best. Another foreign chiiinploti pugilist has arrived In America for the pur Me or trying to inplure Uie world a championship in bis class by defeating the Aun-ru an title holder This llgliici Is ioirli" IjiIoiu. the hniiliiuiwclulil champion of l rnuie. who has Imi-ii figl..ina for throe years, during wlm-n time be has engaged In tlfty llve bat ties, n fi.v four of which be won hv s knot Loot Aiming the victims were lugger Stan ley, Hie llngllsli hnubiiinvWght liinin ploil. w bom be stopped In seven rounds. Slid .Its' llowker. another gissl Kimll-li bniilam. whom he knocked nut In elulil n is Stanley got a deol-lon out LcdoiiT. lu a twenty roll mt bout in Kiigland belore tho Frenchman "il III in nu.iy In the second buttle This is Hie only time that l-d"iu has ever Is-eli defeated l.edooi was taught boilng by I'mnk Krue. the re tired ex-llghtwclght champion of America. The little Frenchman sar be came to America to fight Joliimv Coulon for the bantamweight title nnd thnt he could make llfl pounds at the ringside without any effort. They Umr In Flecks. One way to gain lots of relatives Is to die rich Hint leave no will - Haiti more Sun DOVER. Mr. Morrison bid the misfortune to have a runaway last week, lie was slightly Injured. Mr. ind Mrs. Wm. Hobirtr spent last week In Portland vIMHiw friends and wlUHssIng (he Laud Show. H. H. Udell waa In Rstacada last week having dental work done. Mrs. M. M. Hold entertained l.er brother, Mr. Cromwell, from Portland over Sunday. Miss Wheeler left Saturday for her home and to attend teachers institute In Oregon City this week. Josepr DcShazor tins purchased a span of line mules. Margaret Seward, Kleanor Hews, Helen and Caylord Keith are home from Kslacada to spend the Thanks giving holiday. All enjoyed the social and donation party held In the M. E. diurch lust Friday night. There was n liberal supply of fruit and vegetable! brought some bedding nnd a number ol oth -r things. EAGLE CREEK. The farmers aro taking advantage of this fine weather and are digging potatoes plowing and sowiug some vetch. Miss Hazel Kithens came over this way Saturday and attended the sciiool entertainment and basket social at the, lmiiglass school bouse halnruay eve nine. The entertainment and basket so cial given by Miss Echo (iitheiis Sat urday evening was well attended. Quite an Intereslng and lengthy pro gramme waa rendered. About 20 bas kets were sold, the net proceeds be ing lfi.2.". which Is to be spent for new seats for the school. A. W. Esau Copy ol Wrapper Forlnfuntu nnrl Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years tmi sir Cooke, of Diuiiusciis, Mas the suction rer, Mr. nnd Mrs. Hesnrd, of liover, i Mine dow n lo Cuy Wuodlc's on Tu.-s-nv ami while there Mr. Hewurd had the misfortune to lose a horse It was kb'ked by the other one and Its l-g broken, so It bad to be killed. .Mr. and .Mrs. A. W. Cooke were tlsltliig ulili Mr. and Mrs. Ilowlett Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Win. A linker finite mil from Port land Simdav utul h"ld services at tha school house. A few people coining out lo bear Mm The well drillers, (ins Jamison and Krnest Hiius. are throug.i drilling a well for (he Clover linn, and are now i,l 1 1 in Smith s. Mr. and Mrs. Clark nnd Wm. A. I'uki r were cutertaliu-d nt dinner Sun day by Mr. nud Mrs. Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. licMoss railed on Mr. and Mrs. Ilowlett Suiulav afternoon. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. (mmIIo. Kd Chap iiuiii, Mrs. Katie iMighiss and Mrs. It. H. (illison were also Sunday after noon callers ut (be home of Mr. and Mrs. Ilowlett. Mr. nud Mrs. .Imics moved lo Port land Hi first of the week and Intend to reside there during the winter. Some Spnulnrds have rented the farm. Mifs Hells lllover called on Mrs. II arret Monday afternoon. .Miss Ida Stuckl, of Kirwood, wss the. guest of Mrs. (iuy Womllo Saturday livening. Mr. nud Mrs. It. II. tilbsou mads a trip to Marlon on Monday. The Ijiilhs of tile Kagle ( reek church wish to express their appre ciation to the public for having mndn Hie ba.aar held Inst Saturday evening n big success, (ioods sold very rap idly. The young people hud their fill of wholetome home made candles, and the supcr was pronounced all one could wish. Party games and an amateur game of basket bull closed a most enjoyable event. 1 he pro ceeds illlioilllted In i)4 IHI. The Athletic Club Intends to (rent the ieoile to a "real' gumo of buskct ball soon, so says the captain of the team, Mr. M. C. (ilover. We wisn them success. Not nn the list will be the Christ mas entertainment by Hie. Sunday School. WELCHES, School closed last Friday on account ol Instllnto week at Oregon Cly. Mr. Ohhouriie. of the Forest Service, was a guest at W. J. Faul'orn's placo last week. Mr. nnd Mrs. William Welch Just re turned alter u few daa visit 111 Port land. ' D.id' Crli-ghinii Is recovering after quite a severe att ack of pneiimifTila. Walter Crleghloii hus been hauling lumber from (iowrnineiii Camp to build a house on his forty acres Join 1. ig Mr. Faiililoits place on (lie east. A number of the friends of Welches gathered at Mr. Tawuey's place to help him raise his new barn. A II n clib kea dinner was served by Mrs. 'I'm v. 107 ii nd a very enjoyable lime was bad by nil. Mr. and Mrs. K. Frainetti are tak ing advantage of the line weather and Improving tho grounds of Rhododen dron. Hick Jones was visiting bis brother, Price, of Welches, fluiiilny. Mrs. Waller Crlegbton was called to Portland last week on account of ber father's Illness. Mr. Tawney and Mr. Kaublon were hunting last Sunday and Mr. Kaublon tinokcl a fine brown bear lo a hollow tn e, where his hounds put up a hard lit, lit for two or three horns. He final ly shot a hole through Hie tree killing ton heir, but he found his best dog ,i: I be. Ml killed by the H II I III it I. Mr. II. Crutcher Is spending a few days In Portland. Steve Mitchell Is occupying the Toll (into for the winter. "Had" Crlegbton Is on tho sick list this week. E A. Hutchinson and wife have rent ed Howard's place for two years. Mr. and Mrs. K. Colman nnd child ren made a trip to Portland last week. August llornecker spent a few dnya In Welches visiting friends. Mrs. Morton has been suffering from rheumatism for tha past week. J. I. Templeton made a trip to Portland Monday. Or. Miller, of Portland, passed t'-ro r i here Sunday on ills wny to his summer home at Clackamas Lake. LW IF