'OUVAkm CITY ENTKIHMHHK. FRIDAY, NOVKMBKlt 1.M012. 7 i lie Was Fooled lint He Rather Enjoyed It By JANU C. SCAHIKIWOIKIM J When I ii girl, having to esru my own living 1 iUl1tl fur toicg rnphy. There wasn't o in tit-li type writing dniiu nt Hint time tin tiler I now, or iwrluip I should have gone lulu Hint I'm glnd there wasn't, fur telegrapher' mmIIIiiii bih-Ii I se cuiml sflrr 1 (mil U'n r iiimI to I nil ovriilr wbb much plcnsauler antl uslnr tlmu biimtuarlug typewriter. 1 was locntcd lu mall Inwn In a railroad In I Ion. I hml nothing lu do will) Hi" railroad telegraphing. I only sent ud received iiicnge fur I ( public. Tli ilHtlon (nt at I.. where I waa employed, liail III a own Instru mi'iit lu Ilia tic ket nthY. I being at Ilia oilier unit of ilia aliilloii. Ilu wan a Volatile xirl of fulluw, Init kind heart ed and obliging He did nm a mint ninny favor In one way or nimlli r, on nun occadoii when I wan III anointing to my dntlca In addition in lila own foV evoral week. There waa a great dial of flirting going mi over Ilia wire lielween Hi turn and women Mrnlora anil Johnny llrnyton waa doing hi full alinr of It Us had an viral girl nHralor "on a airing," a be rallcnl It. whom lie Imd never en and would often entertain me hy re Counting III conversation lie Imd Willi tlirin over llio wire. On miiriilng bit nun down to tlin tntlon Imiklng very III. 1 told lilm that b should he at lim Instead of at work and In replied Hint some on most be In lil otll to signal trnlna or there would I a terrible confusion and an aivldi'iit wight I the result However, about o'rtm-k In tlin morning nnt of I In- train bad pnii and th rond In our ectlon would I comparatively (Wserted till 4 o'clock In tli afternoon. I persunded Johnny to go hojti UK then and lie felt no bad Hint he dually consented, alnc HB Tt'HNRD UUK'KLT AND HAW Ml LAl'UII I IKI AT UIM 1 could bear the clicking of III instru nient from my booth and vice versa. After giving me Instruction to laiit m till bla return In tho afternoon bo waa about to leave wlieu li paused and aald: "If any of my glrla cull uio up don't ivy I'm not at my Instrument It might get me Into trouble.'' What aball I any?" I asked. "Oh. any MI' very busy Juni now; I'll call you luler,' or something Ilk that" II was too III to aay nny more, and 1 didn't di'tiilu hlra further. There wna but little doing In my department. o I took nun embroidery I kept for dull hour and sut with It lu the ticket of flo. 1 bad often relieved Johnny for a half hour or o selling ticket, and for tunately on thla occasion I had nothing cine to do lu hi behalf. Aa for stand lug ofT the lady oierntor with whom be had been Involved. I had only to at tend to one. About an hour nfter he bad left me I heard a aiiNplcloua mil. aouiethlng unusual. Fancying It might be from oue of Johnny' girl and pre suming that Johnny In replying simply rcHted It. I iinswered 1; lu Unit way. whereupon I heard nothing further. I aent a messenger boy to Johnny to ask the reply to the cnll, and he aent It to me. suggesting that I any that be wn out to lunch when the rail cntno. I did so. and the lady wild over the wire that she wim Intending to visit L. and would lie pleased to have Johnny cnll on her Hut her Hunt, wllh whom Hhe would In' only for n few hour. wn very prudlsl. and suspicion, n ml iierhnp she hnil bolter ee .lohnny In hi olhYe. I asked ber In Johnny' name whim he Intend ed coming to I, that I might be sure to be In the olnce She ald that she might come the next day. To thla I replied that I (Johnnyl wns feeling badly and might nt any moment bavr to put a sulxtltute In my plnce. le mnlnlng at home myelf. Her answer to thl wa that she could mnke her visit whenever she liked and would Ce fer It till I should Inform her thnl I was well and on duty regularly alnc It might be very embarrassing to give heelf away to suliatltute. She seemed very solicitous about Johnny's bealth. though I conldn't understand Hony. Btralned honey with one-fourth lem oo Jiih taken In teapoonful dooi every hour I a splendid remedy for cold, cough r any throat trouble. Tak en lu bot milk It I aald to be an In valuable aid In pulmonary trouble t i i"k'"" i "Ye, smoking I nn expensive bablt ,- ... i,i. rri.-mla clL-nrs all When one n-lve hi friend cigars all th- enr round h! Ins I no little L io von n.e:'ii I" il-ur or friend? -rik. bow all could r cm Hi le ii in Inn In In can of a mini she hml neier m en Hh seemed lln lliicil to keep up Hie eiinver SNtloli, mill I feared thill If 1 1 led to shut her olf li inlghl hiihjm-i i Hint solus on wn tiilegriiplilng lu .loliiiiiv plin e, so I let her go on, iHTiiiloiiiilly taking the Inllhilhe uiyaelf, Hhe mill that hv wn having iiIiiiimI imtliluu In do, and I line bung heavy on her liniiil. I naked why aliw didn't have moiii liiiislli'iviirk lu her oltlcu, a I hml eeu wotiiati operiitora do to occnp.i llieli lolmire hour. In reply lie Mniieil me what kind of work I had I hem do, ml I KllggiMled hemilll. Iilnu Hh said she had done wiine of Hint it nil WImIiihI In ito more, but hIiv eoiililu't get any worHted. WorHled! What kind of s girl waa this who Niippoifd Hint lii'iiilllrlilug wna dune tvlih wonied' Then It Handed iihiii me Hint Johuny'a girl wu num. Hutu young fellow wn iiitiu. Inn liluiM'lf nt Jolinuv' etlH'iiue. While 1 would be reliielnnt to piny a part In the cn ii of a wouiiiu. I hml no ipiiiltui of coiiM'leuce III lighting thl mini Willi hi own weniMitm, Johnny wa my friend, and I didn't propone to nee blin finileil. "I thought." n my next move, "that beinntltclilng wn dune with thread." "1 Hint no? On Mlmt material?" "Oh. xuiin while liiir. I.luen, I sup none. Ilelng a iiinn 1 don't know much Bluiut m-h thing." "And I, though a woman, hnve never boeii tnught them. All my (lino hit been given to telegraphic work." Till rejoinder didn't servo to cluing my opinion that Johnny' Indylove wns a man. and I wn not unwilling that he ihoiild lie duiwil lindcnd of Johnny. I let him talk on. occnalon lly topplng to attend to mn h oltlclnl work n rnuiu up, ami the further he proceeded the more convinced I wns that be wn innni'iillne I. who wn SUplKineil to be the ninu lu (Me cane, made the effort of my II fu to mnke love sfter the manner of a innn. "Kuliillw." I nld Oil wn the name given "I do hope that I "hull lie able to ee you when you .come. Tiiutigh w hnve never met my henrt luu gone out to thl glrllnh cn-ature with whom I bnve been corn-ipondlng. Ho different from u men. If the tendernma you eiprcwM'd over the wire ha o affect ed me hen I ee you, bear your sweet Tolce, look Into your gentle eye. I shall love you Jimt too much for any thing." - "t'lenne reieat llnew Inst word." came over the wire. It occurred to me that "Just too much for anything" wa not a mascu line eiprenilou. I bit my Hp. Then, lustend of reentlng the word. I snld. "I shall love you thoinuindfold." I noticed after thla that for awhile be waa very cautious lu what he said and tbnt several of his quealions seemed to be framed with a view of drawing out evidence of whether I wu feminine or niasculliie. 1 uuwt bav parried tbem successfully, for he rondim-d chatting with uio lu the former vein and mnktng love very nicely. Occasionally be would forget his rue and do It ss a niuu would make love to a woiimo. At such time. 1 confess. -1 wns much pleased with blm I defy any woiimu to be Indifferent tu a virile yet delicate expresNlou of love, even by one she doesn't nee and over 'wire, and t fouud nivnelf llntvulug to Hi song of the slreu quite riiplurounly. Sloreover, I wa well satlnlled that I bad lulled completely hi nunpicloiis. 1 occupied Johnny llrnyton plnce nt the station at Interval for a week and fortunately made no blunder lu oltl clnl work. Oue day 1 told I'ulnlle that I (Johnny) bad so far recovered that I expected to be In conntant ultendance (it my oltlce and asked when she (hvl would niuko her proponed vlnlt to I .lie appointed a day at l'J ihkiii when be would tpear at the station. 1 asked ber to dencrllie herself so I would know her, mid sue mid she would wear bit of blue ribbon In ber corsage. 1 kept tbu whole matter a secret from Johnny Hint I might eujoy tho sceno bctwoeu tho two when they should meet Rut at the appointed day and hour I asked Johnuy to go on an errand and took bis plnce In the ticket oMlce. At 12 noon exactly ulce look ing young mnn, with blue ribbon In bin buttonhole, entered Uie stntlisn nud came up to the window. On seeing womnn rise to meet blm bis counte nance full. As soon as be recovered himself be Improvised a question n to when the next train would pasa going west Controlling my features, I re plied and asked hitu If he wished ticket He snld be wns exacting friend on the train. Then be stnrted to leave the stntlon. He wnn passing out of the door when with a eiicll I rapped Johnny'a cnll for bla aweet beart on the board on which tickets wore passed. He turned quickly and aaw me laughing at him. "Are you"- "Ou, yea, I'm Johnny, or, rather, bis substitute. I presume you (re Eula Ue." "You vixen!" He came up to the window with an expression of shamefaced, plepsed sur prise. "Johnuy was III lately." I snld, "and I took his place In the offlce. He asked me not to give htm away If yon called me tip. and I didn't. 1 discovered thnt you were fooling him and turned the table on you." "Tbnnk you very much. I am the gainer by your having done so." There was admiration In every fea ture of bla face as he said this, and I did the proper thing for a woman to do under the clrcumstancee-I lowered my eyes The rest of the Incident Is a love story so like all other love stories thnt Its telling would he mere repetition. Besides. It would not lie considered lie coming In an elderly woman whose eldest son Is twentv five year old. Kpt His Word. "Be mine!" he cried In rolce ur chnrged with anguish. "If yon refuse me I shall die!" Hut the heartless girl refused blm. Thnt was sixty year ago. Yesterdny be died Human Vision. The Dorms I eye. at distance of ten -J ne Domini eje, mi a irneR ,.snnot detect an object of lea ...... , -ii . .. I .... I. In ilUmAlar Tm IUIIII I ..w.' il , " u ' " ilack objects. If newniled by a Lrfgbt Interval low than this, are jierceivea Woman's World Prll Brooklyn Oirl CbriiUn Nw Bttlhip, Misa run CAttiin. ' Mis Klnle ( 'aider, the pretty daugh ter of (.'ongressiiinti Wllllaiu M. C'uldcr of New York, hml the honor of chrU (eulng the bnttli-shlp New York, which wa recently launched at the Urooklyo nnvy ynrd Mis Cnlder. who I grniTful gin jf eighteen, will tie one or next en ton buds. At present he U pupil it Onlnhlng sihool In Cireenwlcb. Conn. Not Likely. Mr. Morton inngrllyt-Tommy Hor tou. whnt made you hit my little Johnny? Tommy llorton-He at ruck me with 'a brick. Mra. Morton (more' angillyi-Well. never let uio hear of your hlltiuit blm ngnlu. If he hits you. you come and tell me. Tommy Morton isnecrintlyi - Yes; mid whnt would you do? Mr. Morton-Why. I'd whip him. Tommy llorton (In dlguti-Wliiit! He hit me ulth n tirlolt and you have the fun of llckliiu til in for it? Not much!-London Answers. On W. ne Clmpley seeum to me to be man of one Idea. Hhe He is mole for lunate l bun I thoiiL'lil!- Life. HONESTY. Let honeity be the brealh of thy out an 1 n-vrr forget to have - pnny when sll rxpcniet re paid. Thrn tlmll llmu reach the point of hai pr.rt;, ancj independence be thy hic' J. thy hrlnirt and crown ; thrn thai thy oul walk upright nor loop to the u'ken wretch because he hslh r.chci n t pocket an ahuie brcaue the hand which offers k wrait diamond. Franklin. Wants, For Sale etc. SCHOOL FUND MONEY TO LOAN Only 6 per cent Interest on long time lonm1. Nothing but good farm se curity m ill be ' accepted. W. A. DIMICK. Agent for State Land Hoard. Oregon City, Oregon. PKKIKFER AND CO. Houso and sign painting, graining, paper hang ing and tlntlns. CarrloKe painting a specialty. All work guaranteed. I'lenso cnll and ace us, ahop 8th and Rnllrond Ave. (OATS KOK BALK, AddreBS Wni. llellberg, Willamette Oregon. TRKK3 at wholesale prices, fine au ples an dpcaches, 10 cents each If called for, write for list. A. J. Walker, Mllwnukle, Ore. Notice. Notice Is hereby given that In six ty days from the date of this notice It shut! be unlawful for Block to run at large In Clackamas County Oregon. Thla notice Is given pursuant to the statute In such cases made and pro vided. Dated November 15th, 1912. W. L. Ml'LVEY, County Clerk. Administratrix's Notice. Notice la hereby given thnt the un dersigned Administratrix of the es tate of Fred A. Ely, deceased, has tiled her final account herein with the County Clerk of Clackamas County, Oregon and the County Judge has set Monday. December 16. 1912, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock A. M. at the County Court room In Oregon City, snld County and State, as the time and place for bearing objections to aald final account and for. the final settle ment of said estate. CHRISTINA ELY, Administratrix. O. D. EI1Y, Attorney for Administra trix. Dated November 15. 1912. 8hrlff's Sale on Execution In the Circuit Court of the Btate of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. S. M. Mann, Plaintiff, s. Paul Relmers, Oraee Relmert, and A. n. Carlock. Defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clack amas, ss. Ity virtue of a Judgment order, de cree and an execution, duly issued out of and under the seal of the above entitled Court. In "the above entitled cause, to me duly directed and dated the 1st dny of Nov. 1912. upon a Judgment rendered and entered In Raid court on the 15th day of Octo ber. 1912. In favor of 8. M. Mann. Plaintiff and aealnst Paul Relmers, Craee Relmers and A. B. Carlock. De fendanta. for the sum of I7.4S0.55, with Interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent per annum from the 15th day of October. 1912. and the further sum of $275.00, as attorney fee, and the further inn of $30.65 costs and disbursements, and the cots of and nnon this writ, commanding me out of the personal property of said defend snts. snd If sufflclnt could not be found, then ont of the real property mm r' ' J v. t ' "' 1 belonging to said defendants on and after the dale of ssld JCxncullon to satl' fy said sum of ?,4ft0.65 and al so Hie costs upon this said writ. Now, therefore, by virtue of said execution, judgment order and decree, nud In compliance wllh the commands of snld writ, being iinnbln to find any personal property of snld defendant . I did on tint fith day of Nov. 1812, duly levy upon tba following describ ed real property of snld defendants, slliinln and being In the County! of Chicknmns, and Htnte of Oregon, to- lt: lils Klve (r) and Hnven (7) In block Heven (7); 1-ots One (1), Two n. Three (3), and Four (4), In IIJoclc Konrteen (14): All of Itlock Twenty- Threo (3); All of lllock Twenty Hlx (21); and all of lllock Twenty-elrht (2H) In Townslte of Robert son Chicknmns County, Oregon, as the same appears nn the duly record ed plat thereof on file In the office of the County Recorder of snld Clnclc smns County, Orecon..and I will, on Hnfiirdfiy, th" 7th dny of December1, l!H2. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. nt the front door of the County Court House In the City of Oreiron City, In snld County and Bate, sell at public miction, atihleet to redomntlon. to the hli'hest bidder, for IT. H. cold coin, ennh In hand, nil the rluht, title and Interest which the within named de fendants, or either of them, had on Hi dale of said Kvecuntlon or since had In or to the above described real nrooerty or any part thereof, to sat isfy said Execution Jndirment order, decree. Interest, cost, and all accru ing costs. K. T. MASS. Sheriff of Clnrkamn County. Oreron. Pnted. Oregon City, Oregon, Nov. 8th, 1912. Citation In the County Court for tho State of Orison for the County of Multuo luith. In the matter of the estate of John Harrison Epler, deceased. To Subrina J. Stanton, Frederick J. Kplcr, Charles Henry Epler, Zep hanlati Epler, Joseph A. Epler, Alonzo Epler, Loren Epler: In the name of the State of Ore gon: You are hereby commanded to appear before the Honorable County Court of the Btate of Oreg on,. In and for the County of Mult nomah, at the Court House in the City of Portland. Multnomah Coun ty, Oregon, on the fourteenth day of December, 1912, at the hour of nine o'clock In the forenoon of said day. to show cause, If any exists, why an order should not be made by said County Court authorizing and directing the administrator of tba eetnte of John Harrison Epler, deceased, to sell at private sale the following described real property belonging to said estate: A part of claim No. 57 and Notifi cation 1356. Township three, South Range 1 West of the Willamette Meridian; and In Sections 21, 28 r.', 27, beginning at a point north 6.35 chains and north 56 degrees east 55 links from the southwest corner of the aforesaid claim; thence north 56 decrees east four chains and thirty links; thence south 24 3-4 degrees east six chains and eighty-five links to the left bank of the Willamette River; thence south 67 degrees, 24 minutes west four chains and twenty-five links; thence north 24 3-4 degrees west Ave chain and ninety-five links to the place of beginning, con taining 2.89 acres, more or less, being situate in the County of Clack amas. State of Oregon. Also the following described tract of land: Hcglnning at the southwest cor ner of Section 16, in Township three south, Range one west; thence north 14.00 chains to stake In cen ter of county road, from which a red fir tree twenty inches in diameter bears south 60 1-2 degrees east 35 links distant; thence south 3$ 1-2 degrees west 12.S5 chains to a fir tree 12 Inches in diameter, mark ed with a letter-'"A"; thence south 52 12 degrees west 6.40 chains to stnko from which a fir tree 15 In ches In diameter bears south 89 de grees east 53 links; thence east 13 chains' to the place of beginning, containing 8.12 acres, situate in the County of Clackamas, State of Oregou. Also the following described tract of lund: Part ot Donation Claim No. 51 in Sections 22 and 27 lu Township three south, Range one west ot the Willamette meridian, in the County of Clacknmas and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on divis ion line of east and west ports of said Claim No. CI, 6 chains east of the section corner to sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, and running thence north 10 degrees andOO minutes west 15 chains; thence west 10 degrees and 00 minutes south 3 chains and 16 2-3 links; thence south 10 degrees east 27 chains to the Willamette River; theuce down aald river 3 chains and 16 2-3 links; thence north 10 degrees 00 minutes west 12 chains to the place, of beginning, containing 8.12 acres, more or less. Also the following described tract of land: Part of Donation Claim No. 51 In Sections 22 and 27 in Township three south, Range 1 west of the Willnmette Meridian, in the County ot Clackamas, State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows: Commencing at a point on divis ion line of eat and west parts of said claim No. 51, six chains east of the section corner to Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, and running thence north 10 degrees 00 minutes west 16 chains; thence south 32 degrees north 87 degrees 30 minutes east ' 5.75 chains; thence south 85 degree 00 minutes east 7.50 chains; thence north 59 degrees 30 minutes east (.60 chains; thence south 60 degrees 00 minutes east 3 chains; thence south 81 desreea 00 minutes East 3 chains; thence south 32 degrees 00 minutes east 4.90 chains td river, thence south 55 degrees 30 minutes west 11.75 chains; thence eouth 50 degrees 00 minutes west 14 chains: thence South 62 decree West 6.40 chains: thence North 10 degrees 00 minutes West 12 chains, to the place of beginning, containing 37.09 acres, more or less, and the right of way through the present outlet or ditch leading Into Corrall Creek; also the rieht of wav to the county road leading from Bell's Mill to Graham's Ferry from the northwest corner of the above described fact of land. Also the following described tract of Innd: The frart'onal west half of the southwest qnnCer of (Section 15 and the fractional west half of the northwest quarter of Section 25. Township three south. Ranre one west of the Willamette Meridian containing 106.34 acres, more or les. except a strip of land off the north end of said tract In Section 16 of said Township fur the purpose of a private pa way, the same to be thirty feet wide; also excepting that parcel of land lying northwest of th'i county road known as Gra ham's Ferry Koad, containing from three to five acres, sliun'4 lu the County of Clackamas, State of Ore gon. This citation Is published In the I'aclllc Hunker, at Portland, Multno mah County, Oregon, once a week for four seccesslve weeks; and also I published In the Oregon City En terprise, at Oregon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, once a week for four successive weeki, all by order of the Hon. T. J. Clueton, Judge of the above ent'Hed court, by order made the 21th day of Oc'.olmr, 1012. Witness my hand snd seal of snld court affixed this 2 1th day of Oct ober, 1912. (Hoal of the County Court of Multnomah Count, Oregon.) F. 8. FIELDS. . Clerk of th'i County Court Hy T. K. Noonan, Deputy. FRED J. EI'LER, Administrator. Wm. D. Fenton, Hen C. Dey, Ken neth L. Fenton, Attorneys for Administrator. Date of first publication, Novem ber 1, 1912. Uhto of Inst publication, Novem ber 29, 1912. Administratrix Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned ha been duly appointed as Administratrix of the estate of John W. Elliott, deceased, and any and all persons having claims against the said estate must pr.?snt the same to the said administratrix at ber residence near Needy, Oregon, duly verified, with in six months from the date of this notice. WILD A. A. ELLIOTT. Administrator of the estate of John W. Elliott, deceased. DIMICK & DIMICK, Attorneys for Administratrix. Final Notice. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned administratrix of the es tate of Richard Llthgow, deceased, has filed her final account In said es tate In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County, and that the Judge of said court has ap pointed Monday, the 9th day of Dec ember, 1912, at 10 o'oclock.A. M. for hearing objections to said account and for settling said estate. FRANCES A. LITHGOW-DANE, Administratrix of the estate of Richard Llthgow, deceased. RROWNELL b. STONE, Attorneys for Administratrix. Summons. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Maud lirennan. Plaintiff, vs. William J. llrennan. Defendant To William J. llrennan, Defendant: In the name ot the State ot Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you herein In the above entitled suit on or before the 23rd day of Decem ber, 1912, and if yon fail to appear or to make answer to the complaint herein, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in her complaint filed herein, to-wit: For a decree of divorce dissolving the- bonds of matrimony now aud heretofore existing between you and the plaintiT. That tbe defendant be required to pay to the plaintiff a reasonable sum, to-wit, the sum of $15.00 per week for temporary alimony during the pend ency of this suit, and the further sum of $100.00 as attorneys' fees for the prosecution of said suit That the defendant be required to pay to the plaintiff a sum to be fixed by the Court as permanent alimony t" be allowed plaintiff upon the render lug ot said decree, and tor such fur ther and other relief as to this Hon orable Court may seem Just and equit able. Tins summons Is served upon you by publication thereof In the Oregon City Enterprise by order of the Hon orable J. U. Campbell. Judge of the above entitled Court duly made and entered on the 7th day of November. 1912. First publication Nov. 8th 1912, last publication Dec. 20th. 1912. EMMONS & EMMONS ft REID. Attorneys for Plaintiff. 909 Board of Trade, Portland, Ore. Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Rosa Otto, Plaintiff, TH O. C. Otto, Defendant To G. C. Otto, the above named de fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, vm bfa tiArehv renulred to aODear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above named suu, on or, before the 6th day of Dec, 1912, said date belne; the expiration of six weeks from the first publication ot this summons, and it yon fall to ap pear or answer! said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In ber complaint, to-wtt: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant This sum mons is published by order of Hon. R. n. Beetle. Judge of the County Court, which order was made and entered on the 18th day of Oct 1912, and the time prescribed for publica tion therof Is six weeks beginning with the Issue of Friday, Oct 25th, and continuing each week thereafter, to and Including the Issue ot Friday, Dec. 6th, 1912. BROWNELL ft STONE. Attorney for Plaintiff. Summons In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,, for the County of Clacka mas. Rosella Jeffries. Plaintiff, vs. Zeno Jeffries, Defendant. To Zeno Jeffries the above named defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled suit on or before tbe fith day of Decem ber. 1912. said date being the expira tion of six weeks from tbe first pub lication of this summons, and if you fall to appear, or answer said com plaint for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief nrayed for In her complaint to-wlt: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant This summons Is published by or der of the Hon. J. TT. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled court, which order was made and entered on the 24th day of October. 1912. and the time prescribed for publication there of Is six weeks, beginning with the PROFESSIONAL Harvey K. Croc. CROSS & HAMMOND ATTORN KY-AT-LAW Ws have now movtd to our permanent quarters In ths Btvr Building. Nxt to th Andrn Building. Rati Kttsts Abstracts r Loan, Insjranc Oregon City, Or JOSEPH E. HEDGES Lawyer MONEY TO LOAN Isiue of Friday, tfie 25th day of Oct ober, 1912 and continuing each week thereafter to and Including the Issue of Friday, December fth, 1912. Date of first publication. October 26, 1912. LATOI RETTE k LATOI'RETTE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Summons. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Clackamas County. L'hrutii.a A. lloatinan. Plaintiff, vs. John C. fioutman. Defendant. To John C. Hoatman, tbe above-named defendant: In tbe name of the State ot Ore gon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you In the above named suit, on or before the 29th day of Nov. 1912, said date being the expiration of six weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and If you fail to appear or answer said complaint, for want thereof the plaintiff will ap ply to the court for the relief prayed ' for In her complaint, to-wit: For n decree dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing between j plaintiff and defendant. Tbia sum-j mons Is published by order of Hon. 1 J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit' Court, which order was made and en iered ion the 14 th aay of 6ct 1912. and the time prescribed for publica- 1 1 v, ii i ii t: 1 1 ui in i a t i. n , ucmuiiin with the Issue of Friday, Oct Ilitn ana continuing each week thereafter, to and Including the Issue of Friday, Nov. 29th. 1912. BROWNELL A STONE, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Notice to Creditors. Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Clackamas, bas ap pointed the undersigned admlnistrar tor of the estate of H. F. W. Gortler, deceased. All persons having claims against tbe said decedent, or his es tate, are hereby given notice that tbey shall present them at the office ot my attorneys, Dimlck ft Dlmick, Oregon City. Oregon, within six months from the date. of this notice, with proper vouchers duly verified. Dated, October 25. 1912. F. C. GORTLER. Administrator of the estate ot II. F. W. Gortler, deceased. DIMICK ft DIMICK. Attorneys for Administrator. Summon In the Circuit Court of the State of I Oregon, for Clackamas County. Lenora A. Manning, Plaintiff, vs. Lewis A. Manning, Defendant To Lewis A. Manning, the above nam3d defendant: In the name ot the state ot Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint . filed against you in the above named suit on or before the 15th day of Novem ber, 1912, said date being the expira tion of six weeks from the first pub lication of this summons, and if you fail to appear or answer said com plaint for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between plaintiff and defendant This sum - mons is published by order ot Hon. k. B. Beatle, Judge of the County Court which order was made and entered on the 1st day of Oct 1912, and the time prescribed for publication there of is six weeks, beginning with the Issue of Friday, Oct 4th and contin uing each week thereafter, to and in cluding the issue of Friday, Nov. 15th, 1912. BROWNELL ft STONE. Attorneys for Plaintiff. Executor's Sale of Heal Property K-nii.a in hereby irlven that tbe tin- HoniirTKMi executor of the last will and testament ot Sarah Clemens, de ceased, by virtue of the power ana authority vested in him so to do by the terms and provisions of said hist will and testament will on fiionaay, me oi;th Hov nf Nov.. 1912. at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the Courthouse door in Oregon City, in Clackamas County ana state of Oregon, offer for sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash In hand the following described real property, to-wlt: All of Lot Four (4) and the Northerly 35 feet of Lot Five (5) of Tract numbered Sixty-three i63) of First Subdivision of the Town of Oak Grove in the County of Clackamas and State of Oregon, according to the recorded plat ot said First Subdivi sion of Oak Grove. Said sale will be subject to confirmation by tbe Coun ty Court of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. Dated at Oregon City, Clackamas County, State of Oregon, this 23d day of October, 1912. W. J. CLEMENS, Executor of the last will and testa ment of Sarah Clemens, deceased. 8UMM0NS In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Clacka mas. Frieda Casandrls, Plaintiff, vs. John Casandrls, Defendant To John Casandrls, defendant: In the name ot the State ot Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against yon In the above entitled suit on or before the 9th day of NoTember, 1912, said date being after the expiration of six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and if yon fail to appear and answer said complaint within said time, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint to-wlt: for a decree dissolving tbe bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant This summons is published by or der of Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the above entitled Court, which order was made and entered on the 23rd day of September. 1912, and the time pre scribed for publication thereof la tlx DIRECTORY William Hammcna WEINHARD BUILDINO weeks .beginning with the, Issue of Friday, the 27th, day of September, 19)2, and continuing each week there after, to and Including the lasue of Friday, the 8th day of November, 1912. JAS. E. CRAIB, Attorney for Plaintiff. Phones Pacific 52 Horns A 151 BROWNELL A 8TONC Attornsys-at-Law All legal business promptly attended to U'REN A ICHUIIIL Attorncys-st-Lav 0utcher Advskat Will practice In all courts, mak collections and settlements. Office In Enterprise Building, Oregon City, Oregon. 9'' ' t C D. A D. C. LATOURETTC Attomy-t-Lsw Commercial, Real EaUte snd Probate our Specialties. Of flee la First National Bank t. i ' Oregon t W. S. EDDY. V. Sn M. D. V. t Gradaite of tbe Ontario Veteri nary College ot 1 oronto, Canada, snd the McKillip - School of Surery of Chicago, bas located Oregon City and established aa office at Tbe Fashion Stables, Seventh Stm-t near Main. Both Telephones Panneri' iji Matt '3 CLAUDE W. DEVORE, Attorney-at-Law Notary Public Estacada, Oregon. -i Clackamas County Headquarters CLACKAMAS TITLE CO, S10 Chamber of Commerc, Portland, Oregon. Full equipment of map, pint. abstract books and tax roll. Agents for Clackamas County Lands, Money Loaned, Titles Perfected. E. F. A F. B. RILEY, ' Attorneys A Counsellor at Law I i ssose ! STRAIGHT & SALISBURY ' t We mak a specialty of Install ing water systems and plumb ing In the country. We carry the Leader tanks aud Stover en- aines. We have a full line ot t Myers pumps and spray puyps. prices always lowest. 720 Main 8L Oregon City Phone 2632. r I t U. U. B V I Attorney-at-Law Mosey loaned, abstract furxith- e ed, land title examined. siats I settled, general law business. Over Bank of Oregon City. J I.1IM... 'SIM' , nil i M ii m Good Health, Fine Dlgtion, Strong Nerves, and Hearty Good Humor come from ths moderate use of HARPER Whiskey. Buy HARPER from LEADING DEALERS.