Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 08, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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Toon Refuse lo Brv on Commit
tci, Declaring That Entlro
Board Should Act on
A iniilloli Unit llici Oregon KiikIii
I'irliiu & ('(iiiHirui'ilim Cnnipiiny be
imlil mi a tuial of earth eicaviillini
nil ni'l linnli'iiii In I'oiiiii'illiiii wltli
l In- Improvement of JiiIhi Until1')
Ailiilim, HUlcmilh uml Jtt-liioti Htri'i't
Him piihui'il ly Ilia City Council
inictliiK Wednesday evening. The
( IiihmIMi'iiIIiiii of lli work, which I In
dispute, will tin Klvi'ii consideration
nt n Hi'i'ijul meeting this evening.
t'oiini lliiian I lotmtt n offered, a mo
tion, wlili'h wa seconded ly Heard,
providing for tin' dlsuilsiuil ol (liit
lust Inspector of streets named. ThU
Inspector la K. C llurk. Councilman
Too, AllirlKht. Morion and Hull ob
Jmtd to ih motion. Mr. Toot ex
plained that th City Engineer had.
until tlio npiMilutnii'iit of Mr. llurk.
nitmcd all tlim street lnMirtora and
Unit there are four appoints! hy him
doing duty at the present time. The
apeitker anld Mr. llurk had reported
niU'KfU IrrrKularltloa and Tmfl aavcd
llii rlty money. Mr. Ilnliiinii lliiiilly
withdrew tlio iiiotlon.
Ordlttiince providing for it
half mill lux for lllinuy purpose nnd
mi clmt mill for general purposes,
tin name an luat year, wli.-n passed.
Mr, TiMU" refused lo serve on a
committee to nuilm nil Investigation
and report to thn council of Ilia pro
KMfl freight frmicliliia lo be given
Hi). I'ortlund Itnllway, Light 1'ow.
rr Company. Mr. Meyer moved thnl
the roinmlltoe ho composed of Messr.
Ilolimin. Itoake .mil T-. )f' J1"!'"
declared that It m 1' " I
ahoiild he considered hy the council
. wliol... Mr. Holmnn In l.i4 j
m,on In appoint n-tit of a committee.
nrgiiliK Hint It would cxped mat
r..rV M-un. H"i.r.l and llnll agreed)
lth hlin. Mr. Tooie. however, allll i
ohjof'tr-d. declaring Ihut II would lie
an unwise procedure. II" auld the
railway romi'nny hud money lt
which to emtiloy able attorneya, and
the city could bent aulmerve lla In
terests by the entire council consid
ering nil phase of the niniter at Is
aue. Whcii Mr. Tooe refuiied to net
on the committee Mr. Holmnn offer
ed a motion that another man be
named, hut Mayor IHmlck aald ho
would wilt until tnnluht to do ao.
Mr. Too withdrew an ordinance
Introduced by him reKulallnx tele
phone rntei, ('. I), iJitonrette having
eaplnlued Hint Mmiaiiiir Hull of th
I'nelllo Telephone Tulegraph Com
plin y desired to timet With tha com
mittee ami aiiluiill figure which
would be helpful In (Diving Ilia rate
l tl KM 1 1(111.
City Knxlnaer Montgomery reported
iliut (lie wood walk on Jackson rtlretil
wna not NHtlafuoiory ami tlio council
ordered that lb company having tlia
contract bo liiHlrucled to oomply Willi
ili (llrviitlniia of Hi engineer, The
breaking of a i(ut glass In th
KranN Hindi store by a workman mn
ployed hy Hi Molitilgiin-O'ltullliiy
l.oinpiiiiy, which It hai'dsiirfacliiK low
er Main Street, wu referred to th
liiinm e committee. Mr. Too report
t'd that Mr. Hlmit would ak forduni
n::ea lo hla lioiiui ul Khmnilh and
.lohn Qiiliiey Adnma HI reel, bcenuae
of an error In making lino by tlio
rnriiier eiiKlneer. It la alleged that
liny window In the house ettntid bo
yond Mi. Stunts' property, win
referred to the llniiiire cuiiimllieo,
The reporta of K. I.. Hhaw u rhluf
of police and I. Ivy HUpp. recorder,
were received. Councilman AllirlKht
tin hi t ti nt ho had heard Hint one or
two of Hit) policemen tilt tl tukell raaea
to Hie JiiHilcna court when they
aliouM he henrd by thn recorder. Mr.
Too niailii ii unit Ion tint rolici'iniin
r'fiet be hkKciI to miike a report on
u i cri.i.n cami ut lliu not ineetliiK or
the roiinell.
All oidiiiaiicn relutlng to advertla-
liiK on (lie atreeiN waa referred to the
city attorney nml a comiiilttce com
poaed of MeHr. Holmnn, Albrlittit
and lloiike. It reiculutea horHetrudlnii
and tuo rnrryliiK of alr.na, thrmiKlt lb
at reel a.
: , . '
Hall t Bat 100,000 That Thy Can
Lift th Polo Cup.
W. A. Itmlrt Hull of th Polo
Monthly hit" nn mm ined Hint h will
bay lloU'ion of liiiHb money lo bet
that Hi KiiuIIi kIo am will lift th
cup from the American team nt year
In hl alaleiiieiit he y that th Eng
Huh feel ipilte eonndent thlo year that
they will win Hie International match
Ho conDileiit r Ihejr Hint liminy l
now on the way her to cover aotne
American bet" "We hav on lot In
.Enifliiiid of IWCiO." y Hi", "and
another lot with n New York bunker of
I.Vl.OOO lo pluce In New York that Hi
KtiiflNIi I cm in will win Hire atralicht
mutchen " II rM on la atnt that for
niontlm nifeiil- of the Iuk of Ve
mliiKter bnve iM-en 'iirliiiiK for polo
ikhiIi-h nnd now bare practically all
worth havltiK In Knelnnd.
Btlvaal to B Retired.
UelvaHln. 2Hl. I lo lie retired to
the brood mare rim k a. and It la expect
ed Hint b will lie bred to Th liar
veHter not irlntf
Gilbert Hd(t. Democratic nominee
for Dutrlct Attorney, who undo
rtmarkabl rac In Clackamaa
County, but la believed to be beaten.
French Army Boxing Championship.
Th French army boxltin chnuiplon
ahlpa will be held In Pnrla Jan. 22. 1013.
Golf Court at Umveraity of California.
t'lilMTilty of C'liilfonila I to bare l
golf club.
WOOHIUTIN, Or.. Nov.t. Jolin
llnwklna Hliumona, one of Marlon
County old ploiieur. died at hla
dome In Hi In city Kntiirduy moruliiK,
aited elKhty yenra. Iln wna born In
Tort W'uyne. Intl.. In 1S32 and cumo to ;
OrnKiin In 1KI7 by ox leum, a.-ltlliiK
ou Howell I'ruirle, but III lh'i- he
moved to a farm near Mount Anxel,
where he lived until three year aiso.
when he took up hla residence In thja
city, lu I8.1l bo married Ml Jane
Hull, whom ho outlived 2a yeura. To
Ihla union 10 children were born, nine
of whom aurvlv. They are: Mr. M.
It. Rftilfinlcr. of I'ortlnnd; Mm. Ida
J ink. of Woodlniru; Mra. Viola Juns,
of Howell: Jerome L). Hlinmon. of
Monitor; Wlllard tiltiiinona. of Wood
burn: I.. I). Hlmnione, of (irunte I'lim:
Itedford Hlmmoii, of Lebanon, and
Fred I). Hliumona, of Urviion City.
In !Hil he married Mra. Mary A.
Ilolmia, who aurvlvea. He leavce 26
Kranilchlldren and 16 kTeat-KTaiidcbild-ren.
maklnx a total of M llvlnu do-H-eiiitunta.
He waa a member of the
Methodist Church for 41 years. Juines
II. Carey, Carl Simmons, K. U John
ami and Mr. Harrison, of thl city,
took a floral offering from the Ore
Kon City Klks to the funeral which
waa held at th home.
liicoiiiplcli) returns by telephone
from Coluiiiblu, ClutHop iiiid Washlmi-i
lull ( untitles Inillrntii Hie reelection
of Jjlstrlct Attorney K. II. Toiiku
over Hllberl I.. HeilKc who, while rn
celvliiK a handsome vols In bfs homo
county of t'luckiuuiia, was not able to
overcome Hut bnniliciip of Tongue's
ii'iilorltb-s In the three other counties
of the Fifth Judicial District. Returns
by teli-iiliotio Inillcute that Mr. Tonnue
will curry Clntoi County by MiO
vote. Columbia) County, and that
Ills majority In WnshliiKlon will off
set Ihut of Mr. Hedges' In Clackamaa.
I. .Frliz nnd ('. Yeaiter. enmloves
of the Hnwley I'ulp & l'aiier Com- !
puny, fell from a pllo of pulp. at Hie
mill Wednesday and eiistalned' Injur
lea on the head and arma. They were
attended by lr. M. C. Strickland.
Joe DhoKh'le, ho waa b -oiikIk to
Ihla city nliniit all week exo, is allll
nt the hosilt'l. Mr. DhoKi'.le was se
verely kicked In the knee hy k horse
six week uko, the knee cap :elni?
badly hiceruted. I)rs. Todd and tiny
Mount (periled on tha knee.
Mr. 8. M. tilllott, who underwent
a serious operation nt tiin Orciion
City Hosidtal a few weeks ero. Is
Improving so that sho will tic U-le to
no taken to tier home near Mountnli.
View next week.
Cfiamplon Heavyweight Again
Teams For Excitement.
Dr. Boll's Antiseptic Salv
Is guaranteed for eczema, salt rheum,
tetter, rltiKworm, running aorea, chap
lied bands and Up, pimples on the
'nee, black heads, barber Itch, sun
burn. Insect hltes, fever aorea and na
sal catarrh. 2.'.c. For sale by Hard
liiK'a Drug Store.
S ---- - - -
lilll Chiller, uiie of the hainmcks on
last year's fioluuali eleven at Cornell,
has Ihvii pl ie,-l mi the varsity team.
Khuler Is eipiHleil to prove on of
Cornell's ninliistnys tbls season.
Three m-tM of Lacks ar being used !
nt I'rlticetoii. From present Indica
tions Waller will I given Hewitt's
Ksltioii In the back field, the latter
being outpuiileil In kicking duels by
the former. Waller' twister ar
averaging lt.v yunls
John Feltoii. of the class of 101Z
lilckliiwu lli--e. ba taken up bis
coaching duties at the West Virginia
Wcaleviin college, lie will also be th
college nlliletlc illn-ctor. The college l
biillillng n f.'ld.isNi gymnasium, wblcb
will be ouipli-ti'd In a few- months. .
Onpliilu Jim Tlmrp of the Carllsl
I ml Inn footliHll iiind ha given th
other ly-iNklns a handicap In training,
lie did not g out In uniform until
recently Tboriie was enjoying a res!
after his .In-nuoim Olympic receptlooa.
Concb Wn'iier's eleven will virtually
tie built a run ml Hie Olympic bero.
Personal Inspection.
An old woman walked Into a bank
In InrernexM. threw down ber deposit
hook nnd salil she wished to draw all
her iimncy. Having got IL sbe retired
to 11 i-oruer of the room and counted
It. She then marched up to the teller
and exclaimed: "Aye. that'll doe. ma
inn 11: Jl-t pit It hack again. I only
wanted to . if It waa a' rlcht"
Dundee News,
Pugilist Would Llk Nothing B.ttsr
Than to B Driver of Auto In On of
Big Races May Fight Again In Nr
Futur. (
Aceonllng to Jack Johnscin' latest
utterances, be ha becom weary of
lending the simple life and for no other
reason bus miiile up bis uiltid to return
lo the ring The big black declares
Hint be crave enclteiiienl and. not llnd
lug It In the cafe buslnesa. lias decided
lo return to the more lively occupation
ut which he has been so aiiccessiiil
For a time, he siiys. be found a few
thrills In crocking the speed limit wltb
his big car, but now be bus about tl
hn lotted the Hsibllltle In this dlre--Hon.
and such simple pleasures bav
begun to pall.
It bus long been .lohnsou's ambition
to shine as a idiot of a car in ou of
the big races. He bus reentedly tried
to break down the wsll of prejudice
Hint keeps him out. but to no purtiose
The racing authorities remain firm In
their stand to refits his entry, and the
bcM Johnson has been able to do I to
lune up his car when the course waa
not occupied by the lb enwd driver
Johnson also ileelures that recent
events have made blm liecoin tlrM of
Chicago and he Is anilou to goabrond
agulu. lie will even dispose of bl
ptnc of business If be can get a ault
able ofTer. If nothing come of the ne
gotiations wltb W. C. Kelly to make
the trip to Australia. Johnson say be
will try for a match In Pari.
Hut with all his expressed disgust at
his present environment Johnson baa
not become so reckless as to m-glect to
demand a fancy price for bla services.
Nor have his troubles caused blm to
lose any weight He appear to acalr
at least 23) imunds and Is packing on
flesh steadily. Whether he Is erloa lo
declaring that he 1 willing to take on
Ijingford and McVey In Australia re
mains to t seen He ba been so prod
Igal of statement that contained little
fnct that th'we who know blm pay lit
tle attention to bis war talk. But it la
very evident that he la becoming resa
les and is looking for a change of
nme kind. No doubt be would jump at
a chance to meet another opponent of
the Jim Flynn tyi. But whether be
Is reckless enough to go through tbe
long training grind necessary to meet
an opponent of Langford caliber 1
extremely doubtful.
Arrangemouta hav been complot-
Carrl Neumann to . U Hyde, lot!
"II" tract 37, Willamette Tracta: j
91 100. j
Nancy J. Rcanlon to Mildred 11. 1
Behobe. land In section 22, 23, town-; ed for in nter'ulnmeut and buiuar
ahlp 3 south, range 2 east; $1, to m given tor lu Uonclli of Hi
Jam C. and Emma Kdinonda to ' Concord school by the Concord l'ur
Iieumoro and Josephine Ourmlr, tract nt-ioacbers' Association at Concord,
34, Willamette and Tualatin Tracts; ;Novemuvr !.
$1000. j 'lliu following committee will bo
KM and Ella Howell to It. E. Bundy, ,n l'""riS: Candy boots Misa Bully
lot 2 of block 15, Wlndaor; I0. j Vv"'m. assisted hy tha young ladle
Kotch E. liundy to Ell Howell, lot c'';"r(1- Oriental boom-Mr.
t of block 15. Windsor- It. "sisien oy mra. w. A.
I. T. Hart and Clara Hart to A. It.
Morgan, land In section 11, township
C south, range 2 east; 110.
Klla J. Kaaton to Anna J. Kelnhar.lt
lot b of block 1, Kllver Hpriiig Addi
tion to Clackamaa County; $1.
Hnewman, Mrs. 1.. Vlttle, Mra. L. Lai
OAlch, Mlsa Amanda Outfield, Mra. W.
liruiifiui, tnt-ie l1 be costumed In
oriental dross. Needlework booth
Mrs. 1,. T. Cumpbell, assisted by Mrs.
John Outfield Mra. i'owers, Mrs. Jonn
Hisley, Mrs. Anna ilackua, Mrs.
Mrs. C. E. Myer et al to Anna J, Oeorge C. Isrownell, Mrs. Uddull. ll-
Iteliihardt, northeast quarter of block , ires.'iuieiita Mrs. F. T. Oattlcld, Mr.
2, Kilvcr Hprlng Addition to Clacka
mas County; $10.
Anna J. and L. W. neinlmntt to h.
W. Helnbnrdt to Mra E. C. Murphy,
lot 5 of block 1, and north half of
block 2. Silver Hprlng Addition to
Chtckamna County; 10.
A. Augusta Goettling to Frank T.
drltllth, lot 2 of block 4S, Oregon City;
Kllza Ikirsch and William liorsch
to Anton and Ferdinand DO acre of
ction 31. township 1 south, range
i east; f 10.
Vtalluce, Mra. George OatfU-ld, Mrr.
Cattleld, Mr. George OatMold, Mr,
(.eorso Uerry, Mra. H. O. starkweath
er, Mm. Fnllii. Helicateaseu bootn
Mra. C. W. Hlsley, Mra. Keusy, Mrs.
Mason, Mra. J. Rupert, Mra. Young,
Mrs. l;ronaugll. Reception Mrs. G.
C. Urownell. Mrs. C. W. Rlsley, Mrs.
Anna llacKu.
Thn program, which will be held In
the evening will consist of the fol
lowing numbers: I'iino aolo, Mra.
Kalian ; adiln-sa, Mrs. Robert H. Tate,
who Is first vice-president of the Ore-
gon Congress of Mothers; address.
Rose Farrington to W. F. Shanks, j Prof. T. J. Gary; discussion "The
lot 1 of block 1. Dover I'ark; 1. ; Widows' pension lilll". Thla will be
S. K. and Mary A. Ilmne to W. U, Indorsed by the club at thla meeting,
and J. E. Hklnner. C9 1-2 acrea of 1. ; The program will close with a vocal
U C. of John Mark No. 37. township selection by W. Graham.
I south, range 1 east; i;000.
Henry and l-na McGngln to John
O. Hlere.', 40 acres of ectlon 16, town
ship 2 south, range 6 east; $10,000.
John and Sarah Miller to C. W.
and Ida Hodnon, 10 acre of D. I C.
of George and Marrietta Crow, town
ship 2 south, range 1 eaat: $20.
William f'herryman to Ladd ft Til-
ton Hank, lota 5. 10, lota 14, 11, block
Gladstone; $1. Oregon City Citizen 8hould Read and
Mr. Kate and William Halllman i Heed Thia Advice,
to Marsaret M. Welghtman lot S of ;
Edward McFarhmd, who was tak
eo to the Oregon City Hospital last
week, wher be undergoing medical
treatment for ear trouble, is Improv
block 15. Orecon Iron ft Steel Com
pany's First Addition; $1.
Swan Soderherg to Alma Bureus.
15.07 acre of section 6. township 2
south, range 3 east; $1885.
. Ln" Title Exatnlnad.
Abstracts of Till Mad.
Kidney troutile la dangerous aad of
ten fatal. '
Don't experiment with something
new and untried.
Use a tested and proven kidney
Begin with Doan't Kidney Pill.
T'aed in kidney trouble 75 year.
Doan'a have cured thousands.
Are recommended here and every -
JOHN F. CLARK. Mgr where.
Brown Walking down thl deep bill
la pretty trying. Isn't UT Green-It Is,
Indeed: it la regular nobill work.
An Oregon City citizen statement
' form convincing proof.
i It local testimony It can b In-
I vestigated.
j A. G. Woodward. 412 Main SL, Ore
: eon City. Ore., says: "I first used
j Doan'a Kidney Pills when living In
Kansas. My kidney were badly dis
ordered and caused my2back to become
lame and painful. Upon taking Doan'a
Kidney Pills I steadily lmprpved and
waa soon free from the complaint. I
still take a box of Doan'i Kidney Pill
1 occasionally finding that they act aa
Walter lleach, who waa formerly a tonic to my kidney. .
connected with the Hawley Pulp ft j For sale by Til dealer. Price 50
Paper Company, ta In the Oregon ! rents. Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo.
City Hospital, having como here to New Tork, sole agents for the United
have an operation performed. Mr. States.
Heach will be able to leave for bis ' Remember the name Doan'a end
home the latter part of thU week. take no other.
Office over Bank of Oregon City.
For Infant sob Children.
The Kind Yea Hare Always Bought
Sign a luxe of
Don't Buy a Second-Hand or Worn-Out Talking Machine
Wlit'n you can buy a now up-to-date one at tlio lvnonablo prices given U'low.
We don't ask any one to buy our old second-hand machines. If vou want that kind of a machine, come in and see -what we have. If we have a machine that suits vou and you are wi
injj to buy a few records for it, we will glady give vou the machine FHEE OF CHARGE. '
We don't give you any record, localise our stock of records is all new and up-to-date. We have not an old worn-out record in our stock for the simple reason that we will not under
any consideration take records in on trade. THE VICTOR KECOKDS are ling improved all the time and when you pay your good money for records, you want to be sure you are getting on
ly the new up-to-date ones. . '
Edison Record TTiat Won't Break
We are expecting a shipment of New Edison Amberol records this week that are indestructible; records that will produce a beautiful tone and will last a life time.
Mr. Edison himself has tested these records, and after playing one record over 3000 times, it did not show the least sign of wear.
Don't buy records at any price until you hear these. , .
We will make the terms on any of these machines to suit you. You can pay cash down or pav a small part down and the balance bv the week or month. Other style' machines from
$1.).00 to $200.00.
Prlc, $15.00
Oak finish, plays any slie
record, lilted with the Vic
tor Exhibition Sound-box,
Hornless. Vaes steel or wood
4 Minut Only.
Price, (30.00
Oak finished cabinet with powerful
slnle spring motor, and Urge Flower
Horn, lllue Japanned with Chrysan
themum decoration Inside of bell.
New style Model "W Reproducer
plays four minute records only.
Prlc, $25.00
Oak flnlah. Has new Tone
Modifying doors so that you
can mak It as loud or soft
sa you wish.
a la
brJU 1
Prlc, $50.00
Mahogany finish, nickel
plated metal parts. Victor
sounding board that give It
very beautiful tone.
Price, $100.00
Mahogany or Oak finish,
a machine that would be a
credit to any home, large
noiseless motor. Victor
sounding board, and a cab
inet below, that holds 100
Prlc, $22.00
Oak and black enamel finish, sec
tional horn, maroon with gilt decora
tions. Newly designed single spring
noiseless motor. Model "K" Repro
ducer plays two and four minute rec
ords. (Fitted with Black Cygnet horn
Prlc, $50.00
An ideal machine for Home use.
Fittefl with large Oak finish Cygnet
Horn. Supported by nickel-plated
swinging crane. Model "0" Repro
ducer. An Ingenious arrangement
makes it eaiy to change from the two
to the four minute record without tak
ing reproducer from the arm.
Prlc, $40.00
Oak finish, plays three rec
ord with one winding, has
cover that doea away with
all the scratching sound.
Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner
Combination Type
Price, $35.00
Playa two and foir minute records,
fitted with largd black Cygnet Horn
New Model "S" Reproducer.