Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, November 01, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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W. It, iiml Dura Wllaon to W. K.
Ml)', lot 6, 0, block 4, Weat Ulud
atono; ft.
J. W. iiml K.tiKit Roots to Joint K,
unil lluriii'u It. Hul lor, lnu I) of block
20, liming jiiih Hun; (lull.
I mlil A TIMiiii Hank to (luorge II.
nml Jennie Hummer, Hit acre of io
tloii 4, ttiwiishlp 1 aoulh, rango 3
cuat; $1,
H, II, nml Mary Ileum) to Mury L.
ml Ralph M, Diivlatoti, 9.30 acre of
I) I.. ('. of C. I'uiiillfton and wife,
townahlp 3 lontn, range 1 dint; tro.
Ilnwnril nml Klhcl Kaliln to Humuel
I,) on mul J'earl J im Lyon, laud In
linn II, township 2 south, riiK
a east; $244). .
A. K. mul THIlo Auna to Caaaandra
Kvmn, lot 1. i, 3, block 1.1, Cmihy;
(!itorn I), mid ICinlly llartim to
(leorge nml Thomns Price, Ian In
I). I ( of Kiiiiiuol W. HIiuiiiioii
township i iiiiIIi, ran K 1 east; llou,
II. K. mid Kll T. Nohlo to A. W,
Ocohock, Imiil lu I). I., C. of Samuel
Tompkins, sections 23, 24, 25, town
ship 3 south, range taut; l,
rrml l.amoiir to Jumna .amour.
luinl In sccllnil 14, township 4 auutl),
raiiffe l mat; l.
Fred I.Hiiimir to Waller l-atiuxir,
land In niM'tlmi 14, towimlili 4 aoutli,
luiiHo 1 I'lmt; l,
Henrietta MiiK'inp to John Amtcr
UK, 20 sere of section 6, IiiwiihIiIii
3 aouth, rnngo 1 eust; ,
I). I). Miigone to John AiKlcregg,
20 arret of section 6, H, township
on Hi, riuir.o 1 c Kit : l,
(Iraiiicl and lleaale K. Muck to
JohI'Ii K. Sutherland, 3 acres of Candy
liliritclia; liillU,
John II. nml Myrllo Hunt to llurolt!
('. Stephen. In lid In arctlon IN, town
ahl'i 3 aouth, ratiitu 6 rati; $10.
J nines Adklns to (I. A. Cotib, 100
arra of awl Ion 7, townahlp 4 aouth,
rntiKr I east; l.
II. J. and Nancy Ellen llnlvvy, 100
acrea of awl Ion 7, townahlp 4 aouth,
range, 3 raat; II.
Fred I). and Nellie Shank to F. C.
mul Mary J, (inrvrn, 10 acrra of arc
tlon 3, township 2 aouth, range 3
rest; UtW.
(ihiiUlone Urn I Estate Aatorlatlon
to llrentnn and Itrrlha Wilder, 3.10
arrea of Frmlal ('. Mnaon I). I.. C.
((ilailatotir); $11(10
II. V, KdwuriU to John J. and Bessie
CuiinliiKhain. 20 acrra of awl Ion 26.
township I aoulll, ranco 4 east; $1700.
John F. Jennings mid Wllmotte
Jennings to Hertha Hart, .22,19 acrra
or Jrnnlug l.oili:e; I2HX.63,
Waller t). and Eva Clover to Henry
Cuahman, 4 acrra of ant loin 19, 30,
31, tnwnntil . aoulli, rnngo 4 rant;
Anna 8. Kllton rt a I to Rllvlo Tlrn
ovl and Vlnceiuo, land In section 35,
40, Mnplii llurat. In arrllon 32, town
ahlp 1 aouth, ran no t eaat; I3M2.50.
Annla I.. Fnrr to R. I. Croat, lot 4.
of lilock r.9, Oregon City; $26
Itoaa A, Karr to F. I'. Croaa, lot 6,
of block 59, Oregon City: JM0.
John W. and Lillian Franrra Kelly
to Mnititln K. Ilunia, land In north
hnlf of lot 2 of block 4. Oregon City;
Charlea I., and l.llllun Shaw to
George Hartley. 28 ucrra of 1). L. C.
of Daniel Tmlllugcr, townahlp 4
aoulli, 5 aouth, rnngo 2 raat; $1 r.nu
Oregon Water rower Tuwnalto to
M. M. Hettinun Hrctlou 29, townahlp
a; liu.
Norlhwralern Truat Co. to 1'rtor A.
Tumuraa, lota 7. 8, and 9, Ulk. 4, IleU
View Addition; 95.
II. I). Wllllnma of J'ortland, to Gott
lieb Miller, of Kilinonton, Alia, ten
ncrei of aeciion IB townahlp 7; 11.
William V. Uwreiue and wife to
William II. Klerniiin and wlfr, lota
I and 2. Illk. 2 Koot'a Adilltlou In
MnrKhneld; $050.
Khna. K. Strvena mid wlfo to Tort
Innd, KiiKrne & Kaatorn Itullwny Co.
.84 acrei uf aoctlon 13, township 4;
Merman Hriim and wife to Portlund,
KiiKcnr & KaHlern Hallway Company,
.7.1 aerra of aecllon 13, townahlp 13,
Ilopo 8. rVrrlll and K. E. Kerrlll,
hualinnd. to Portland, KuKene & Kaa
tern Ilnllwny Co., 20 acrea In aectlon
1.1, townahlp 4; $100
Hope 8. Kerrlll and F. E. Ferrlll,
huahand, to I'ortland, Kucena & Knat
rrn Hallway Co. ,78 acrra In aectlon
13, townahlp 4: $10.
J. O. and Minerva Elrod to I'earl
Foatrr and II. C. Foator, Tract 19,
Wrhater Acrra; $2250.
Joarpt N. Ilrauihull und Jnnnlo M.
llmmhall to A. ('. Mowroy, laud in
auction 21, townaiilp 3 aouth, range 6
eaat; $10.
Churlca HUh to A. F. Flaher, lot 2.
of block 7, KilKxwood Addition to
Ori-Kon City; $700.
Charles D. and Zella II. Wilson to
!rwla W. and Jennlo I'ltls, land In
aecllon 25, township 3 aouth, range 1
raat; $3400.
J. N. and M;. M. Pearcy to Eugene
tnd Addle Wortlilimton, lota 7, 12,
block 48, Houth (iHWrgo; $200.
Arcblbuld and llvsalo Howard to W.
J. Alsop, laud In Hectlon 34, Townahlp
2 aoulh, ItmiKe 7 anst; $100.
Ktma J Muurer to Arthur und Annii
Mauerer, 80 acres of Section 2 aouth,
HuiiKe 4 eaat; $1,
Olird and Klia Miller to Samuel S.
and Nellie Miller, Innd In Section 1.
Townahlp ft south, Kungo 1 west;
Henry and Roslua Oat to Archibald
Howard, 80 acres of Section 2 south,
llange 7 east; $1.
Una Vane to Julia Krnsler, land In
flection .13, Township 2 south, Range
7 rast; $10.
Sandy Land Company to Multnomah
Central Hallway Company, land In aec
tlon 11. townahlp 2 aouth, range 4
eaat; $1.
Minnie M. and M. K. Lee to George
K. Yarna, aouth hnlf or Tract 44,
Peach Cove; $10.
William and Louise Heard to O. A.
Kruno. 10 acres of 8. N. Vance D. U
C. townahlp 3 soutTi, range 2 east;
Ole and Aslaug Mlkkrlson to Mult
nomah Central Railway Company.
3.00 acres of section 11. towushlp 2
south, range 4 east; $H
Land Tltlss Examined.
Abstracts ef Title Msdt.
Office over flank of Oregon City.
What Ttxant Admlrs
Is hearty, vluorous life, according to
HiiL'h Tallmun. of Sun Antonio. "We
find," ho writes, "that Dr. Klng'a New
Life Pills s'irely put new life and en
ergy Into person. Wlfo and I be
llrve they are the best made." Ex
rellrnt fur stomach, liver or kidney
trouble. 26 cents at all drugglat.
Talsnt Hat NttH of Stepping tienaa,
lioriiiliy ktt at Iter pliino prm tlcH
miller her mothers keen yr, for Hire
llionllla tH'fole Hhe rvnlti Then lu'l
Inlere-l lieKtui to Hug, until Iliiully alii
refiiMe.l to piiii ili uny mora until ahi
Iiml ii ring Hhe wiia uivordliigly filled
out with ii ruliy ring unil went on will)
her liwMHia for llliiitlier tlin-a tiiotilha
Then i-elielllou lirnka out oiicn more:
"Mm her," ahw aiiiiiiiiineil Dully, "I
ahull tint liruellc uny mom linleaa Mli
Crew given me a plect wbelv I cut
cro my lunula "
"Why. wlint do you want with aucb
S ih' Ha that 7" nuked her inaperatad
"To ahow off my ruby," fiplalueo
Ikirotby.-Woman's lloma Coiiipnuloii
I ha Prancn In Kiawwlaundiana.
Ily a con vein Ion algued lu H"M Ilia
French lu Newfoundland have au viinil
rooting wun nritinn auiijii ta.
F.verv virtue wlmh a man has
piarlitrj by aoocl woiki in tins
voHd w:!) bring I sjircial cup of
trco(iiK-ne and oflrr it to llie soul
that bat cnlrted into rest. Thui
(Minly oi body tnd mind will bring
one (up, lottirr anolliei. wliuli alio
it to be said concerning truth, love,
grnllrnrtt, humi'ilv and the oilier
viiturt Aliiertut Magnus. 1205
I2B0 Escapes An Awful Fats.
A thoiiMund tongues could not ex
press the gratitude of Mr. 3. K. Cox,
of Jollct, III., for her wonderful de
liverance from an awful fute. "Ty
phoid pneumonia had left me with a
dreadful rough, the wrnea. "Some
time I bail audi awful roughing spells
I thought I would die, I could get
no help from doctors treatment or
oilier medicines till I ued Dr. King'
New IHacovv. Hut I owe my. life
to this wonderful remedy for I scarce
ly rough at all now." Quick and safe.
Us the moat reliable of all throat and
lung niedlclnea. F.very bottle guar
anteed, (no and $1.00. Trial bottle
free at all drugglata.
!3r . j .-.i , . ; .
Wants, For Sale etc.
Only 9 per rent Intereat on long time
loans. Nothing but good farm se
curity will be accepted. W. A
IHM1CK. Agont for State Und
Hoard. Oregon City, Oregon.
Send five ceuta In stamps today to
the Western Stock Journal, Oregon
City, Ore., to rover poatage, and re
ceive free a set of newest post cards
and ropy of beautifully Illustrated
magazine all about live stock.
sign painting, graining, paper hang'
Ing and tinting. Carriage painting
a specialty. All work guaranteed.
I'leane call and see ua, shop 8th and
Railroad Ave.
(".UAIS toil 8AI.K. Address Win.
Ilelllierg, Willamette Oregon.
TKKK8 at wholesale prices, lluo ap
ple an dpeacbes, 10 cents euch If
called for, write for Hut. A. J
Wull.rr, Mllwuukle, Ore.
Administratrix Notice.
Notice is hereby given that tho un
derslKiied has been duly apolmcd bh
AdmlnlHtrntrlx of the catiilu of John
W, Klllott, decriiKed, and any and all
persona having claims agalimt the said
estate must preseut the auuie to tho
suld admlulHtratrlx at her residence
near Needy, Oregon, duly verllled, with
lu six mouths from the date of this
AdmliilHlrutor of tho estate of John
W. Klllott, decenud.
D1MICK & DIMICK.. Attorney for
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clncka
Maud Ilrennnn, Plaintiff,
William J. Hrennnn, Defendunt.
To William J. Hrennan, Defendant:
In the nnina of tho Stnte of Oregon
you are hereby required to apMnr and
answer tho complaint filed against
you herein In tho above entitled suit
on or before tho 6th day of Decern
her, 1912, and If you full to appear or
to nmke answer to the complaint
herein, the plaintiff will apply to the
Court for the relief demanded In her
complaint filed herein, to-wlt:
For a decree of divorce dissolving
the bonds of matrimony now and
heretofore exlRtlng between you and
the plaint IT.
That the defendant he required to
pay to tho plaintiff a reasonable sum.
to-wlt. the sum of $15.00 per week for
temporary alimony during tt)n pend
ency of this ault, and the further aura
of $100.00 ns attorneys' fees for the
prosecution of said suit.
That the defendant bo required to
pay to the plnlntlff a sum to be fixed
by the Court aa permanent alimony to
be allowed plnlntlff upon the render
ing of aald decree, and for such fur
ther and other relief as to this Hon
orable Court niny seem Just and equit
able. ITTIs summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Oregon
City Enterprise by order of the Hon
ornble J. IT. Campbell, Judge of the
above entitled Court duly made nml
entered on the 30th day of October,
First publication Nov. 1, 1912, Inst
pii'STIcatlon Dee. flth. 1912.
Attorneys for Plnlntlff.
909 Hoard of Trade, Portland, Oro.
In the County Court for the State of
Oregon for the County of Multno
mah In the matter of the estate of
John Harrison KinYr, deceased.
To Sabrlna J. Stanton. Frederick
J. Epler, Chnrlea Henry Epler. Zep
hanlah Epler. Joseph A. Epler,
Alonzo Epler. lxiren Epler:
In the name of tho Ptato of Ore
gon: Yon are hereby commanded
to appntjr before the Honorable
County Court of the Stnte of Oregon-
In and for the County of Mult
nomah, at the Court House In the
City of Portland. Multnomah Coun
ty, Oregon, on the fourteenth day
of December, 1912, at the hour of
nine o'rlock In the forenoon of sa'd
day. to show cause. If any exists,
why an order should not be made
by said County Court nuthorlllng
and directing the administrator of
the estate of John Harrison Epler,
deceased, to aril at private aale the
following described real property
belonging to aald estate:
A part of claim No. 57 and Notifi
cation 13511, Township three, South
ItuliKM 1 West of the Willamette
Murldluu; and la Suctions 21, 'lu
'it, 'ii, beginning at a point north
tMb chains and nor III IV degrees
rust ii links from tho southwest
corner of the aforenuld liiiliu;
IIikiici) ninth b0 degree eaat four
chains and thirty links; thence
south 24 3 4 degree sunt six chains
and nlghtyilve links to the left
hunk of the WUhimi'tle Hlver;
(belie aoulh 07 degrees, 24 minutes
weal four chains mul twenty Ova
links; them e north 24 2 4 degree
west live chains and ninety live
links to the plui o of bi ginning, cou--lalnliig
2.89 acres, mora or less,
being situate In the County of Clack
amiis, Hintu of Oregon.
Also the following duacrlhud tract
of land:
Heglniilng at the southwest cor
ner of Section 10, In Township three
south, Range onci west; thence
north 14.0 chain to slake In cen
ter of county road, from which a rod
fir tree twenty Inches In diameter
bear aouth 60 12 degrees east 3&
Talk Machines
At Cut Prices
Big Discounts Fronr Regular Prices
Chance to Get Records Free
The rules of the several Talk Machine Manufac
turer prohibit advertising the names of machines at cut
prices, so we can make only a general announcement, but
come and see and come early for our stock is not large,
generally only one of each of them. Most of these ma
chines have been never been used a few have used for
demonstration purposes and a few are second-hand taken
in exchange for higher priced machines.
Every machine is in perfect order and so guaran
teed. Both disc and cydinder machines are included in
this sale.
$10.00 Machine and 6 free record for $ 7.00$ 1 cash, $1 month
$12.00 Machine and 8 free records for $ 8.00$ 1 cash, $1 month
$19.00 Machine and 6 free records for $12.00$ 1 cash, $1 month
Fl'.GO Machine and 6 free recorda for $12.50 $ 1 cash. $1 week
$2S.OO Machine and 10 free records $19.00$ 1 caah, $1 week
$30.00 Machine and 12 free recorda $19.00$ 1 cash, $1 a week
TlO.OO Machine and 20 free record $15.00$ 1 cash, $1 week
$35.00 Mnchlne and 20 free recorda $25.00$ 2 cash, $1 a week
$10.00 Machine and 24 free recorda $.10.00$ S cash, $1 a week
$5!ooMiichtne and 40 free recorda "$30.00 $ 8 cash. $1 a week
$60.00 Machine and 30 free record $48.00 $10 cash. $1 a week
$70.00 Machine and $13 worth free records $58 $10 cash, $6 mo.
$75.00 Machine and 60 free records $69.00 $10 caah. $2 a week
$200 Machine aud $115 worth free record $160 $20 cash, $10 mo.
Remember the price first quoted is the price of
the instrument alonewe throw in the records.
In addition to the greatly reduced prices we will
arrange any reasonable terms a small deposit to show
good faith then a little each week or month.
If you wish to pay all cash you may deduct an
additional 10 per cent.
That these machines are guaranteed.
That most of them have never been out of the
That the records are absolutely free in addition
to the reduced prices.
That you pick out your own records.
That there is usually but one machine of a
kind. Get the first choice.
Huntley Bros. Co., The Rexall Store
links distuut; thence south 38 1-2
degrees west 12.8a chains to a tlr
tree 12 Inches lu diameter, mark
ed with a letter ' A' ; thence aouth
bi 1-2 degrees west 6.40 cuuiue to
stako from which a tlr tree 15 In
ches In diameter bear south 89 de
gree east 53 links; thence east 13
chains) to the plitce of beginning,
containing 8.12 acrea, altuate in
tho County of Cluckaiua. State of
Also the following described tract
of laud:
1'urt ot Donation Claim No. 61
in Section 22 aud 27 in Township
three south, Range one west of U
Willamette merlutun, lu the County
of Clackamas and Slate of Oregon,
bounded aud described as follows:
Commencing at a point on divis
ion Hue of east and west parts of
said Claim No. 01, t chains eaat of
the section corner to sections 21,
22, 27 -and 28, aud running thence
north 10 degrees and 00 minutes west
16 chains; theuce westlOdegreesand
00 minutes south 3 chain and 16
2-3 links; thence south 10 degrees
east 27 chains to the Willamette
Klver; thence down aaid river
chain and 16 2-3 links; thence
north 10 degrees west 12 minutes
00 chains to the place of beginning,
containing 8.12 acres, more or less.
Also the following described tract
of land:
Fart of Donation Clulm No. 51 In
Section 22 and 27 in Township
three south, Hange 1 west of the
Willamette Meridian, In the County
of Clackamas, State ot Oregon,
bounded aid described aa follows:
Commencing at a point on divis
ion line of eat and west parts of
aald claim No. 61, six chains east
of the section corner to Sections 21,
22, 27 and 28, and running thence
north 10 degrees 00 mlnutea weBt
15 chains; thence south 32 degrees
00 minutes east 7.00 chains; thence
north 87 degrees 30 minutes
6.75 chains; thence south So degrees tlon therof is six weeks beginning
00 minutes east 7.S0 chains; thence, Wtn (he Issue of Friday. Oct 25th.
north D9 degrees 30 minutes east , and continuing each week thereafter,
6..r,0 chains; thence south 60 degrees i fo nolimin? the Issue Of Friday,
00 minutes east 3.00 chnlns; thence j rec. (jth, 1912.
south 81 degrees 00 mln-l ' BROWNELL STONE,
utes rast 3.00 chains south i Attorneys for Plaintiff.
32 degrees . 00 minutes east .
4.90 chains to river; thence south j Summons
55 dgrees 30 minutes west 11.75 In the Circuit Court of the State of
chains; thence south 50 degrees 00 Oregon, fot the County of Clacka
niinutes weBt 14.00 chains: thence mas.
south 12 degrees west 6.40 chains;
thence north 10 degrees 00 minutes I
west 12 degrees 00 chains to the!
place of beginning, containing 37.09
acres, more or less, and the rleht of!
way through the present outlet orl
ditch leading Into Corrall Creek;
also the right of w ay to the county j
road leading from Hell' Mill to
Graham's Ferry from the northwest
corner of the above described tract
of bind.
Also the following described tract
of In nd:
The fractional west half of the
southwest quarter of Section 16
and the fractional west half of the
northwest quarter of Section 'ii,
Township three soutn, itungn one
west of the Willamette Meridian
containing 100.24 acres, more or
les, except a strip of land off the
north end of said tract In Section
1.1 of said Township for the purpose
of a privuto pass way, the same to
be thirty feet wide; also excepting
Unit parcel of land lying northwest
of tho county road known as Gra
ham's Ferry ftoad, containing from
three to five acres, tlluntn in the
County of Clackamas, State of Ore
This citation I published In the
Pacific Hunker, at Portland, Multno
mah County, Oregon, once a week
for four seecesslve weeks; and also
Is published In the Oregon City Kn
terprise, at Oregon City, Clackamas
Count', Oregon, once a week for
four successive week1, all by order
of the Hon. T. J. Cleeton, Judge of
the above entitled court by order
made the 24th day of October, 1U12.
Witness my hand and seal of said
court allixed tuts 24th day ot Oct
ober, 1912.
(Seal of the County Court ot
Multnomah County, Oregon.)
Clerk of tho County Court
Ily T. F. Noonan, Deputy.
Wm. D. Fenton, Den C. Dey, Ken
neth L. Fenton,
Attorneys for Administrator.
Date of first publication, Novem
ber 1, 1912.
Date of last publication, Novem
ber 29, 1912.
In the Circuit Court of the State of,
uregon, tor uiacxanias county.
Rosn Otto, Plaintiff.
O. C. Otto, Defendant
To O. C. Otto, the above named de
In the name ot the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above named ault,
on or before the 6th day of Dec., 1912,
aaid date being the expiration ot six
weeks from the first publication ot
thla summons, and If you fail to ap
pear or answeif said complaint, for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
It. n. Heatle, Judge of the County
Court, which order was made 1 and
entered on the 18th day of Oct 1912,
eftttjand the time prescribed for publlca
Rosella Jeffries, Plaintiff,
Zeno Jeffries. Defendant.
To Zeno Jeffries the above named
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to. appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the ahov entitled suit
on or before the flth diiy of Decern
her, 1912, said dafe tflng the expira
tion of alx week from the first pub
lication of tbl summons, and If you
full to appear, or answer aald com
plaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff
will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wlt
for a decree dissolving the bond of
matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendunt.
This summon Is published by or
der of the Hon, J. IT. Campbell, Judge
of the above entitled court, which
order was made and entered on the
24th day of October, 1012, and the
time prescribed for publication there
of la alx weeks, beginning with the
Issue of Friday, tfie 25lh day of Ort-
ober, 1912 and continuing each week
thereafter to and tnclud'ng the Issue
of Friday, December th. 1912. Date
of first publication, October 25, 1912,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditor.
Notice is hereby given that the
County Court of the Slate of Oregon
for the county of Clackamas, has ap
pointed the undersigned administra
tor of the estate of II. F. W. Oortler,
deceased. All persons bavlntf claim
against the said decedent, or his es
tate, are hereby given notice that
they shall present them at the office
of my attorneys, Dimlck t Dlmick,
Oregon City, Oregon, within six
months from the date of (hi notice,
with proper Toucher duly Terlfied.
Dated. October 25, 1912.
Administrator of the estate of H. F,
W. Oortler, dereSsed.
DIMICK DIMICK. Attorneys for
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Christina A. Boatman, Plaintiff,
John C. Hoatman, Defendant.
To John C. Hoatman, the above-named
In the name of the State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you in the above named suit.
on or before the 29th day of Nov.
1912, said date being the expiration
of) alx weeks from the first publica
tion of this summons, and if you fall
to appear or answer said complaint,
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for In her complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons 1 published by order of Hon.
J. V. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made and en
tered on the 14th day of Oct 1912,
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning
with the Issue of Friday, Oct 18th and
continuing each week thereafter, to
and Including the Issue of Friday,
Nov. 29th, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Anna Hargrove, Plaintiff,
Floyd Hargrove, Defendant
To Floyd Hargrove, the above-named
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you
In the above named suit, on or be
fore the 22nd day ot November, 1912,
said date being the expiration of aix
week from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear or -answer said complaint for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
tn ber complaint, to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now exisltlng between
plaintiff and defendant This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made and en
tered on the 8th day of Oct, 1912, aud
the time prescribed for publication
thereof Is alx weeks, beginning with
the issue of Friday, Oct 11th, 1912,
and continuing each week thereafter,
to and including the issue of Friday,
Nov. 22nd, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court ot the- State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Lenora A. Manning, Flaintiff,
Lewis A. Manning, Defendant
To Lewis A. Manning, the above
nam3d defendant:
In the name ot the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed
against you In the above named suit
on or before the 15th day ot Novem
ber, 1912, said date being the expira
tion of six weeks from the first pub
lication of thla summons, and It you
fnil to appear or answer said com
plaint for want thereof the plaintiff
will apply to the court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant. This sum
mons Is published by order ot Hon. R.
B. Beatie, Judge of the County Court
which order was made and entered
on the 1st day of Oct 1912. and the
time prescribed for publication there
of is six weeks, beginning with the
Issue of Friday, Oct 4th and contin
uing each week thereafter, to and in
cluding the Ifsue of Friday, Nov. 16th,
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Gertha Horst, Plaintiff,
Jacob Horst, Defendant
To Jacob Horst the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above named suit, on or
before the 8th day of Nov., 1912, said
date being the expiration ot six weeks
from the first publication of this sum
mons, and It you fall to appear or ans
wer said complaint, for want thereof
the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint; to-wit:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
plaintiff and defendant This sum
mons Is published by order of Hon.
J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Circuit
fnurt which order was made and en
tered on the 25th day of Sept, 1912.
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof Is six weeks, beginning
with the Issue ot Frday, Sept 27th
and continuing each week thereafter.
Harvey t, Croat.
w nave now moved to our
Building. Ntxt to
Resl Estate Abstracts
Loans, Insurance
to and Including the issue of Friday,
Nor. 8th, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon,, for the County of Clacka
mas. '
Anna R. Williams, Plaintiff,
Lloyd E. Williams, Defendant
To Lloyd E. William the above
named defendant:
In the name of the State ot Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint of plaintiff filed
against you in the above entitled
court and suit, on or before Saturday.
the 2nd day of November, 1912 that
day and date being fix full weeks
from and after the date of the first
publication of this summons, and If
you fall to so appear and answer said
complaint for want thereof, plaintiff
will apply to the above entitled Court
for the relief prayed for in her com
plaint on file herein, to which refer -
ence Is hereby made and more par -
tlcularly described as follows:
For a decree dissolving, cancelling
and annulling the bonds of matrimony
and marriage contract heretofore and
now existing between plaintiff and de -
fendant and that plaintiff be divorced
from defendant; that plaintiff bee
awarded the care, custody and con-;
trol of Allen Williams, the minor child !
of plaintiff and defendant herein, and
for such other and further relief as
to the Court may seem just and equit
able In the premises.
This summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof, by order of the
Honorable R. B. Beatie. Judge ot the
County Court of the State of Oregon.
for Clackamaa County, made and en
tered upon the 18th day of Septem
ber, 1912.
The date of the first publication of
this summons Is Friday, September
20th, 1912, and the date of the last
publication thereof Is Friday, Novem
ber 1st 1912, and the full time ot the
publication of the summons is six full
weeks from and after the first pub
lication thereof.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas, i
Frieda Casandris, Plaintiff,
John Casandris, Defendant
To John Casandris, defendant:
In the name of the State ot Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit on or
before the 9th day of November, 1912.
said date being after the expiration of
six weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail to
appear and answer said complaint
within said time, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded In said complaint
to-wit: for a decree dissolving the
bonds of matrimony now existing be
tween plaintiff and defendant
This summons Is published by or
der of Hon. J. C. Campbell, Judge of
the above entitled Court, which order
was made and entered on the 23rd day
of September, 1912, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof is six
weeks .beginning with tha issue
Friday, the 27th day of September,
1912, and continuing each week there
after, to and Including the Issue of
Friday, the Sth day of November, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Summons. .
In the Circuit Court of the State ot
Oregon, for Clackamas County.
Rosina E. Hoofer, Plaintiff,
Adolph C. Hoofer Defendant
To Adolph C. Hoofer above named de
fendant: In the name of the Stats of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above named suit on or
before the 1st day of November, 1912,
said date being the expiration of six
weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and if you fail to ap
pear and answer said complaint for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint, to-wit:
For ft decree dissolving the bends
of matrimony now existing between j
the plaintiff and defendant This
summons is published by order of j
Hon. R. B. Beatie. Judge of the
County Court, which order was made
and entered on the 17th day of Sep
tember, 1912, and the time prescribed
for publication thereof, is six weeks,
beginning with the Issue dated Fri
day, September 20th. 1912 and con
tinuing each week thereafter to and
including the Issue of Friday, Novem
ber 1st. 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Executor's Sale ef Real Property
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned, as executor of the last will ,
and testament of Sarah Clemens, de
ceased, by virtue of the power and ,
authority vested in him ao to do by the .
terms and provisions of said last will t
and testament will on Monday, the j
25th day of Nov., 1912, at the hour of 2 ;
o'clock in the afternoon of that .day,
at the' Courthouse door in Oregon
City, In Clackamas County and State ,
of Oregon, offer for sale and seil to '
the hishest bidder for cash in band '
the following described real property, 1
to-wit: All of Lot Four (4) and the
Northerly 35 feet of Lot Five (5) of
Tract numbered Sixty-three (63) of
First Subdivision of the Town of Oak
Grove in the County of Clackamaa
and State of Oregon, according to the
recorded plat of said First Subdivi
sion of Oak Grove. Said sale will be
subject to confirmation by the Coun-1
ty Court of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County.
Dated St Oregon City, Clackamas
County, State of Oregon, this 23d day
of October, 1912.
Executor of the last will and testa
ment ot Sarah Clemena, deceased.
William Himmtni
- AT - LAW
permanent quarter In the
the Andrtten Building.
Main Straw
Oregon City, Or
i Attorney at Law
Beaver Building,
Collections given prompt attention.
Phones Pacific 62
Home A-151
All legal bualnes promptly attended to
Dtutscher Advokst
Will practice In all courts, make
collections and settlements.
Office In Enterprise Bulldiag,
Oregon City, Oregon.
1 'eoe
1 1
C D.
1 4
Commercial Real Estate and
Probate our Specialties. Of
fice la First National Bank
Bldf., Oregon City, Oregon.
i i
i ?
W. S. EDDY, V. S M. D. V,
Graduate of the Ontario Veteri
nary College ol loronto, Canada,
and the HcKillip School ef
Surgery of Chicago, has located
at Oregon City and established aa
office at The Fashion SUbles,
Seventh Street near Main.
Both Telephones
Fanners' IJJ Matt
Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon.
Clackamas County
610 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of maps, plats,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamaa County
Lands, Money Loaned, Titles
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorneys A Counsellors at Law
We make a specialty of install-
ing wnier syaiems ana piumo-
lng In the country. We carry
the Leader tanks and Stover en
gines. We have a full line of
Myers pumps and spray pumps.
Prices always lowest
720 Main St Oregon City
Phone 2682.
O. D. E B Y
Money loaned, abstracts furaish
4, land titles examined, estates
settled, general law business.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Good Health. Fine Digestion,
Strong Nerves, and Hearty
Good Humor come from the
moderate use of HARPER
Buy HARPER from
fern I