mon CITY ENTERPRISE Tht Entarprla I the 4 only Clackama County Newspaper that prlnn all of tht nw of thli growing County, ) subscription . Look at iho label. ii should not mist any our now numbtn. Atland to It now. F0RTY-8IXTH VIAR-No. 43. OUEQON CITY, OltEOON, Fid DAY, OCTOHER 25, 1912. ESTABLISHED TM OR DIMICK XPOSES E SINGLE TAX PLAN ERRORS wtaxraii iSiNfiiFrawniiin'cflliy division i wait vs.. Mill iivhh VlllVIbb 1 1 II I 1 1 VVbl ARE GRAVE! INJURE FARMER oneaoN city mayor provesto RESIDENTS OF NEEDY ITS IM PRACTICABILITY CHAIRMAN OF LEGISLATURE COM MITTEE POINTS OUT WHAT THEY MEAN THEORY NEVER PUT INTO PRACTICE' COUNTY ASSESSOR GIVES FICURES PLAN IS TO ELIMINATE A88ES3 MENT OP ALL WATER POWER IMPROVEMENTS Speaker Toll of U'Htn Having Ad mlttsd Going "Craiy Over Hanry George Theory and Starting Gnat Agitation U'Ron Book, Sent Broadcast, Omlta at Leat $3,300,000 Asseeaed Proparty Many Other Mlstaket II. II, liiinl.k iiil'li eased h Ijirm-1 ty fllArt. V. ;AI,I,ImVAV, Chnlniinii n-wd ut Needy riultiiiluy night n simile tin. which hu opposed. Judiie I mult k spoke In it " follow ; 'Him Icnul voters of Oii-Hou Hill l' lulled upon lu llm Novi-inlcr elm tlon 10 ull Upl'll Ii ' uli'l lilitneil USi'dMe CAUOWAY EXPOSES U'REN SCHEME Portland Railway, Light ft Power Company Would Have to Pay on ly on Power It le e and Sella To Othere (liy (.HAS. V. (iAM.OWAY, Chair iiiiiii LcglHliitlv.i 'lux CiiiuiiilUeo.') KAI.KM, dr., Oct. 22. Asm-ssmeiit Legislative Committee, KAI.KM. Oct. 21. (Special I What ' has Ih'i a widely advertised l.y pro water l.-r in Ore mote. ,.f ugl uix pm.Kan.l.tll.lllrilU(ri y llrllll. ,.. (()W "lour trlviul errors" In (he com. months uml have been responsible im-iil laws UK ii, ii Niiipitiii. w piinuivo present roll mui single tnx'ior mini r erroneous auitciiiciit maiiu leiolutl- iiUk iii.I l-i -vul Nil-ill roi f ( Li. kiiliiit, county, reon-M-nt ! '" "" ,"ort to. noiiiute tlio IliK-n-nt i.i. riiluciit. ...... i ..i ..,..,,... "f N'e graduated lnc,lo tax sum nil No Mliitw III thv union ha -wrj . .' ulopleii or vv. n HKmI (In- rUnglo Tax, "'elit made I'X J hi it in simply mi experiment bused P.". Jack, assessor of CliK'kiiiiuia vomi upon h theory whli Ii Inia been taken over hi signature. These error Iron, tin. nul of ll-i.rjf Ui-oifce. ,. ,B b.i .-N.m.-nt of vnr l(M),(i..o W.i mil It nnh h hod under tlu nil! Latum -I iud woikci In llm i-nu.., " hiuiiiiuo . nip aim i a per , (.,. jU ,,U; t)V ,.rpri Ii.IIirik tlmi Vui.couvt-r, II. (,'.. Iiait llm Single j Company, mIiIiIi should lie i-iillix-ly ' lo i-M-mpl water kiit from tnxa l n S)Nl.-in aiid tli pion-rliy ut t hut ' rx.-niiit uiul-T llm nIiikIu tax1 anil n :"'. '' i"iil rvfuii-il hy plum llu cininiinliy ninl-r that h b i m U l..-Hl(l. ,,,,,, ,,!, nKur,:, tlfi.i''""' '!"" 'rf. 1 '""V"' ' "'""i HAS FEW FRIENDS W. W. Meyer, a'K'lullat caii(IJilat for county cominlMiiloiicr, who lian ru lurried from a trip tliruuKh I hi) tjuat. c-rii part of tliB county In Uib later, cat of lila culdiilucy, al. Hat-irJay tlmi lie found little ac-i.uuiiint for county (HvIhIou. "I did not meet a man at Hnntly," aid .Mr. Meyer, "who favored the proixmltlnii to divide tile county. At a ineelliiK we liad there at leant fifty votcra were pri-Hcnt and all were lu-aiiiht formliiR a new county. It war the Kiune at KukIh Crerk. 1 uui firmly coiivlm i d If aentlment, throtiKuout the atate la the aume a it in la Clack- aimia county tlio plan will he over. wheliiiliii;ly dcfcatctl. ANTI-DIVISION i LEAGUE FORMED RESIDENTS OF BORING COUNTRY ARE OPPOSED TO PLAN OP SECESSION J. W. ROOTS IS ELECTED PRESIDENT SANDY RESIDENTS E SCOR SECESSION mem, whldi In to ko licrore the l-'O pie at the i-tH-rn i-lei'tlon NovYliihei o. . Mri-i t iill'-Kalliitu, maile t" further tin- Inti-rcMln of the ulnrli- tax pioino tcia, that the law a of IliU Niale have LIVE WIRES TO Vigoroua Campaign Will Be Conduct ed Against Measure Designed to Divide the Coun ty ' (Kroui the Morning Enterprise) GRANGE AND COMMERCIAL CLUB ADOPT RESOLUTIONS AGAINST PLAN VOIERS Of THE STATE WILL DECIDE Proposed Division Called 8cheme of Politician and Office Seeker And Against Tax payer ( Kroin the MornlnK Enterprise) GIRL ENDS LIFE AFTER AUTO RIDE FIFTEEN-YEA OLD VALERIA PROFFITT FALLS DEAD INTO MOTHER'S ARMS TWO YOUNG MEN HELD BY SHERIFF John Flnucane and Harry Tlm mon With Mis Proffitt and Clara Johnson on all Night Trip DISCUSS BILLS The cuthurttieii lute lawt nlIit an- finiitii 61 Hint Ikuv iui.m m I . I H Formal organization of the Cluck ,..,.,.., I " lama, county Anti Dlvlalon Uutat - ..., ,u.t. - plam the .ulildo or Valeria rroflltt. UaN affected at Korlng Tuesduy after ma c"uMy anJ form taacade ounty , fifteen year of awe, who, after a Joy noun, and J. J. Hoot, of H -ring, was j out of the eastern part of Clackama , ride in Portland, died In her mother' unanimously elected president. Tne,wiih Eiitarada at the county aeat Is arms ear'y Friday mornlnK John following vice presidents were cftus to he ,u,mUed . tne ,,.., eIector. ..,, onrf '. ... MEASURES TO BE VOTED UPON WILL BE DISSECTED BY OR 1 GANIZATOIN nnili-rful. hut when w Mil lor ro-1 ,,. , ., . . ...,,. ," talc caiiitol, Halcin. pu s of ll,.. ' law under which ' ( As an inslanc- the fe,,rt of the uui oiiver, H. t ., la ruuiluiitiiK the ' lUnud of Stiito lax I'oiiiuilHHl-'ti.-ra HIiikIv Tax, wa flint thut only litilhl Iiihs mil rxeuipl Iiin taxation uml urn- or two smull yciplloiia anil we fnrlh r lliul that every vouilloii nml In lu. t every perami tollow tiiK a vim iiiIoii, mich as a hunker, hroker. ni.-r'hnnt. me. ImiiU- unit In fact all "f the prill fusion are heavily taxej un tier a llccnsn syateiu nml nil personal ppipirly with the exception of lioiiHi-liold eff.H-la are heavily taxed, and nlo a heavy liiciunu tax Is levied upon every person who receives an liicouie worth inetilloiiliiK. I have lu-fi-re inn the tax law of Vancouver. It. ('. and hi pursulim the (oliitiins of the pamphlet 1 llnd the most exiictliiK assessment luld on all f -rins of pi-rsonal property aud In comes, thut I Ix-Ueve was ever enact ed by any l-Kllatlv body. I also have iM-fore me a letter written by mo of Mr. Fels' paid workers wherein he lUtea that It I true that Blnxle lux la nut fully lu operation In Van-eouvi-r, It. ('.. at the present time, but when I'arllHiueiit meet tills omiliiK winter "lie tax after another will he repealed so that (lie full weight of taxation will full on the teal property, and after that time the ex in-line of Kovernment will be col lected from a land value tax. I win somewhat surprised when I rend the lett-r after henrlim so much ab'-ut Vuncouver HIiikIo Tax which without any other Informal Inn 1 be lieved to be true. From whnt I have mild you can see very plainly the policy of Henry lieori!" creeplim out of every tax law aupp"rted by the Fela Fund Cumin' alon. and the himla of their claim and the foundation of their principles are found on pane M of Henry (leorite'a i the alm-.ln tax roll. lull ilui-le laxers would consider such omissions i f siiuill Importance, I III a letter addressed to (irant II.1 Iilmli k of Clin kainnH county, Assets or .luck had the following to say rel ative to Hi- so errors: fur 1UU' on pa mi 13 shows that the li.ilro electric plants of the I'lrrllancl llalluny l.lulit at I'ower Company at On-i;oii City, Caxader-' uml Wlverton were iiinile sillij.ct (o n heavy ussens nieiita. l tin hydro electric plant at "The four ennrn in the single tax'('rei;on City alone I asuenst-d at 1, roil as tneiitioneii ny .Mr. I, Hen as lcliiK "f small iiniorlaiice are as fol. lows: First In tint a-seKsiiienl of the Willamette I'ulp fc Taper Comimiiy th- re appear nn error In the asseaaed iiii.noii. ui tin tne buildings, mu chliu-ry and eiiulpment ure ussessed at Ifiiiu.iiou, lea vIiik 1 1 .L'oo.unu placed iikiilnst the wnter power resources controlled by the company ut thut point. This Is but a fraction of the valuation of II IS, n;u.o. and in the I Kr,l"d otal of the assessment against tux this company should Imvo paid I , ,l,e -ter power r.-suurcea of the uti error ot i&itl.32. (I'aKu 155, Hliittle (om,""iy- 11 rwnreaeuta ly an aa l ax Hull ) Ki-c-nd In the asaessuient of the (raw n Columbia I'ulp ft 1'aper Company there appears an error In the as chsih! vnluatlon of jnO OOO, and aesHinent of the excess power which the (otn puny sells to "(her companies. The Hoard or Suite Tax Commlssl-n era. In making It -nssessineuta ' of lower com pan lee and their water en; K. K llnins, sanity; A. I), tiur nett, Eairlo Creek; J. E. Slefcr, Uam asiu: I.ouIh Funk, Vioia; A. C. Itiomas. l'ull Hun; J. H. Revenue, Kc!s; I). M. Marithall. Estucada; Thomas Mc Cabe, Cherry vlllo, and J. ; u. KeHiiaier, uovcr. I These gentlemen, al! of them ros i.i a ..n.rkA !....,....' I!t':it of the eastern e Hon of Clack W. C. T. 0. MEMBERS COMING TO CITY i hi h 18 in ih proposed Caacade county, will con duct a vigorous cunipalitn up to the day of election, November 5, in oppo jsltlon to the Bcheme of many of the I people of Estacada t" divine Clacka j mas county and form a new county, I with Eatarada a the county seat, j FundB are pouring In to defray the ' expense of a liberal cnrnpaiKn of ed Clackama Southern Railway Begin Laying Rails at Once Opposition to Road Is Deplored of the state this fall. Grange and the Sandy Commercial Club have adopted a resolution con demning such division. The Sandy twenty-two year of ae, and Clara jonnson, nitecn year.-, of ae, the other members of the automobile party, are being held pending an x- . ainlnation. The men are accused o The following la the text of. the res. ; contributing to the deliuqiiincy of a olutlon: i minor. An autopsy showed that the ; rirl who ended her lite by drinking I carbolic acid had not been uttacked. fore the people proposed by Initiative and the only motive advanced for her petition, to be ubmlttfil to the legal!-"1 tnat n8 feared her parents spent the uuition and the league expect to - - . . in the tax this company should hare 1 1".""' ,rB"u" " ,,e assessed paid Is an error of 9(C'.f,0. (l'age 104. u'H'n ,he "I'Hallzntlon of Sltiule Tax Holt.) Third In giving the amount of tax es of the First National Hank of Ore mm City, which that bank paid, an error of inc ;t wa made. (I'uge 110, Single Tax It 'll.) Fourth In giving; the amount of taxea paid by the Hunk of Oregon City, an error wua made of $717.70. (I'lige !IH, itlngle Tax Itoll ) The nhove are very important mis takes and It appears no effort tins been made to correct them, lu addl. Hon to the aliove there are many oth er mistake too numerous to mention. The assessment valuation of over $3. oon.noo which appear on the regular tav roll of Clackamas county for 1910, the earning of such companies. The assessment of $1,2011,000 rep resent nn assnsiiient only on what the Cortland Hallway, Eight & Power Company hu earned from selling power to other corporations. Assess ment, is made separately upon the valuation of power which It converts to Its own use for It Jtreet car line It lighting systems and other pow er and electrical use. Phuld the graduated single tax amendment become effective, the Portland Railway, Eight ft Power Company should entirely escape an assessed valuation upon Ita buildings, machinery and eiiulpment. All lm provementa of this character whould remain untaxed. This would throw covering numerous coronitlons, wa an additional burden upon the land also omitted and doe not appear In hook entitled "The Ijind Question wherein Mr. (ienrgo Inform hi rend er of the rightful way of inking the private ownership In land nnd making land common property, nml he used tlm following language: "The wny to mnka land common property Is simply to take bind, for the j-ommon benefit. And to do this the easy way I to iiIioIIkU one tux after another until tho wh-de weight of taxation fall up on the value of hind. ' When that point Is reached the battle I won. The hare la caught, killed and skin ned ami to cook him will be a very easy matter. The real fight will come nn the proposition to consoli date exiting taxation upon Innd values. When that la once won the rent holders will not merely have been diilslvely defeated, but they will have been routed, nnd the nature i ml values will he so generally understood, that to raise taxation so as to take the whole rent for com mon purposes will be a mere mutter of course." It la a very easy matter for any one who claims to possess an ordi nary degree of Intelligence to under stand tho policy of the rich merchnntt nnd manufacturer In their attempt to escape taxation under the Single Tax methods wherein they state In their own literature that the Single Tax will mean "A saving of dollars, an actual profit in dollars to tho mer chant and manufacturer." That expression which I have Just used I taken from the phamplet Is sued by the Fels Fund Commission which I have on the tublo before me this evening, subject to your personal Inspiitli"!. Did you ever stop and ai- y-'ursolf the question, why mllllomtirn mer chants nnd manufacture.' living In Phllnd'lphhi nnd Chicago and many other large mercantile eenters of the United Htiite are contributing so lib erally to the Fels Fund in order thntj the people of the Btnto of Oregon might be benefitted from the untried system ot taxation enunciated uy Mr. Fel and hla other co-workersT As a matter of fact tho Henry (ienrce System was never Intended as a system of tnxntlcn, but only a fheory advanced by him to condemn for pull lie life the rental values of real property and thereby mnke nil real estnte common property. Mr. Fel la a millionaire who made his money In the manufacture and sale of son p. nnd hla domicile Is In tho city of Phlladelpha, Helng very wenlthy he probably haa a great deal of time to read, and among the liter ature he hn read wa "The Land Question" written by Henry Ceorge and H occurred to him that he would like to see the Henry Oeorge theory (Continued on pace 4) Yours very truly, J. E. JACK. Assessor of Clackamas counyt SHIELDS AND U'REN DEBATE SATURDAY Charles II. Shields, secretary of the Oregon Equal Taxation League, and W. H. F'Ren. representing the Joseph Fels' orgnnlxatlon, will debate single tax In this city Saturday night. Announcement probably will be made today where the debate will be held. Owing to the large crowd which Is expected to attend It 1 probable that the debute will he at the Shlveley Opera House. The series of debute between these two men will etnrt this) evening In Portland. Tbey will debate In Hood River Friday night, In Salem next Monday night and In Portland next Tuesday night. owner; and the excess burden of tax atliin. which Is now carried by the Portland Railway, Eight ft Power Company, and similar corporations would pns upon the shoulders of the farmer. COUNTY bXHIBI TO HAVE T IN EAST FREYTAG WILL HAVE CHARGE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT AT MINNEAPOLIS 8HOW E DIM Mil ATIMCT ATTEATION P. Carter to Manage County' Ex hibition at Portland Land Show Which will Start November Eighteenth At the weekly luucheoo Live Wires Tuesday the Main Trunk wa authorized to arrange for a dis ussion of the bills to be voted upon at the coining election at the next meeting to be held at 6:30 o'clock next Tueaay evening. Helng an even lug session there will be plenty of time for a full exploitation of the measures. The Main Trunk will aa sign certain bills to the members who ure supposed to be familiar with them and they will be expected to give an opinion as to the advisability of their pussugo. f ' " Colonel C. II. Dye announced that about 150 of the delegates to the Women' Christian Temperance L'n ion Convention being held in Portland would visit this city the ISUer part of the week. They will come here on a special truln. A special committee, composed of F. J. Tooxe, Dr. Clyde Mount and Livy SMpp, was named to meet the visitors and show them about the city. It was decided to ap preprint $10 to assist In paying fr the specwl car. William Hammond, chairman of the committee appointed to learn the authorship of literature favorable to county divisien. which has been di iriuoieu larougnout tne couiuv, re of the I fu"y 'nfonrl every voter in the state as to me irue import oi me uui uiai will go on the November ballot under the numbers 318 yes. and 319 n-. Aside from the sentiment In favor of the- measure at Estacada, where the plan was hatched, there is very little support for the bill In other sec tlon of the proposed new county. This Is shown by the original petition on file in the office of the secretary of State, which bears only 92 name of registered voter of Clackamas coun ty who are not residents of Estacada precinct Four precincts of Boring eight of Harton, two ot Garfield, seven of Springwater and few other scatter ing names from George and Oswego, the latter precinct not being embrac ed In the territory which It la propos ed to cut off. There are no signers from Eegle Creek, Sandy, Dover and many other sections of eastern Clack a mas. The people of Sanday held a big mas meeting Monday night and rais ed $109 at the meeting to fight coun ty division. There were about. 70 people present from . Sandy, Kelso, Cottrell, null Hun. Firwood and Cher ryvllle and A. U Deaton was chair man of the meeting and E. F. Bruns wa secretary. The following resotu tlon wa adopted by unanimous vote: "We, The citizen of Sandy, living within the proposed)' boundaries of the new coTSnty of Cascade, in assent bly this 21st day of October, 1912, do hereby unanimously oppose the crea w eVJ ,i,7 , ,T; 7 kT'k r tlon of th new connty of Cascade and "m. ""J,"" ..?T2'"!e,b!fn! earnestly appeal to the voters of the mj iuiu in. i n in to t , iuo authors. He said the literature had been distributed from a wagon, which had been sent out to various parts of the county. Not having signatures the literature is said to be a violation ut the corrupt practices act. The committee was authorised to make further Investigation. J. E. Hedges, chairman of a committee to oppose county division, reported that favor able progress had been made. The committee on Clackamas Smith ern Hallway reported that rails would be laid at once. Rail have been pro vlded for six mile of the route. The opposition of certain Interests was deplored. 'OREGON BEST SAYS M'BAIN AFTER TRIP state of Oregon to assist us in vot Ing against the proposed new county of Cascade." SENATOR HEYBURN OVERWORK VICTIM elector.-, of the state of Oregon, for their approval or rejection, at the regular general; election, for a law to ( reaw the county of Cascade out of the eastern portion of the county of Clackamas; Wherefore, We, the undersigned members of Sandy. Grange No. 392, and of the Sandy Commercia Club, In i joint session assembled. Resolved, That we are opposed to the proposed division believing It to be an unwise and Impracticable movement at this time; We do further represent that the proposed division will cause unnec essary expense to the taxpayers of the proposed new county; We do further represent that near, ry all the territory that Is affected by this change Is tributary to the pres ent county seat at Oregon City, some of it being distant not more than sv. en miles. We do, therefore, most urgently ap peal to you. Patrons of Husbandry, to the members of the Commercial would s old ber for having night away from home. Mrs. rroflltt is prostrated, and it is fear..d the thock may result ser iously. Coroner Wilson will hold aa inquest ut 10 o'clock this morning, Frank Proflitt, father of the dead girl; Insisting that a thorough Investiga tion be made. Shortly before eight o'clock Friday morning the Proflitt girl ran Into her home and seizing her mother about the neck, exclaimed: "Mother, I am going to die: Good bye.". The girl became unconscious at once, an died before medical aid could be summoned. It was found that the had purchased the carbolic acid from the general merchandise store of Everhart ft Hall on Molalla and Hood avenues a few minute be fore sue reached borne. She Informed Mrs. Hall that her lister had cut her finger and said she wanted the acid to apply to the wound. The half-emptied vial of poison was found by the desd girl's father In the yard near the house. The Johnsoo girl was taken Into custody soon after the death of her friend .and informed sheriff Mass of the automobile trip and the occu pants of the car. Flnucane, who Is emnlnvnH hv a BtpoAl enntrActnr was Clubs and to all the voters of Oregon found at work on the street hy the to vote this measure down as we do sheriff and taken to his office. Tlm- not believe that any but the selfish mon " l0"nd at his home In Glad- desire of would-be politicians and stone. The stories of the girl and the mpn a ra vimuillv I ha umA Thev office teekers would be promoted by gaid they left here , a car at 8 the establishment of the proposed o'clock Thursday evening for Port county, and that the large majority I land. The car wa obtained from of the worthy citizens, residents and !' Elllo"' ara!e' Peter Marrs, who nas neen employ eu at tne garage lor home owners would be much better several months, was the driver. They satisfied to be allowed to remain aa iaid the machine broke down at 1 V. w - - . . U . ,1 1 . . 1 I-' .. - .. . . 1 A. V. ....... n Dnrf they are and not be compelled to take upon themselves the added burden of taxation required to establish a new county and more offices. COUNTY DIVISION. IS IDAHO STATESMAN, AFTER LONG ILLNESS, DIES IN WASH. INGTON (MON SERIOUS FOR MONTHS Senator Collapsed When Opposing Penrose Resolution Physicians Said He could Not Re. Warner Grange No. 117 will devote It regular meeting next Saturday at New Era to considering amendment that are to be voted upon at the com Ing election. Grant II. Plmlck, who I a promt nent granger, w ill address the grange er and others upon single tux and woman's -suffrnge. Warner grange Is one of the oldest and struRest granges lu the state nnd no doubt the meeting will be well attended. M. J. Eazelle, of Oregon City, is Master, W. A. Hodds of Twilight is Overseer, David McArthur of New Ern, secre tary and Mr. Jos. Hoffman of New Announcement was mndo) at the meeting of the Publicity Committee of the Commercial Club Wednesday evening that O. E. Freytag, secretary of the committee, would be sent to Minneapolis, Minn., to be In charge of the Oregon exhibit at the land show to be held there, beginning November 11. The show will continue two weeks It was at the suggestion of members of the Portlund Commercial Club that Mr Freytag was chosen. The Clack amas county exhibit at the state fair which won second prize and lost first prize ny only three points was ar ranged under the supervision of Mr. Freytag. The Oregon exhibit at the Minneapolis show, while on a some what smaller scale than the state fair will be lepresentatlve of the product iveness of the entire state. It. T. Mc l'n In, president of the Commercial Club, announced Wednesday evening U, T. McllHln. president of the Commercial Club .returned Tuesday from a trip of eight weeks duration in the east. Mr. Mcliuln was accom pan led by V. A. Olmsted and John lwthwaite. "We Inspected all the paper mills in the east," said Mr. Mcltatn, "and we learned on thing that the west knows how to milks paper just a little bit better than the east We also learned that no state in the east is superior to Oregon, but on the contrary Oregon Is superior to any one of them." Pnston. New York. Cblcauo. Wash Ington. Cincinnati I'nitadelphla and 1 lonK 1Un,8- beSan ln AuK"8. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17. Senator Heyburn. ot Jdaho, died at his apart, ment in this city at 7:50 o'clock to. night. Disease of the heart, compli. cateu with Kidney trouble, is the cause assigned by the attending pby. ticlans. While his death came as a surprise to the public, as his trus condition has been concealed throughout his 'Everybody in our section of the county is opposed to county division," said Adolpn Aschoff, whose wife Is postmistress at Marmot, who was ln the city Monday. I do not know of a single voter who favors the plan ad. vocated by several residents of Esta cada. There might be some reason for our section of the innty becoming part of Multnomah county, but there 1 absolutely none for the formation of a sew county. If the voters tn all parts of the ftate are of the opinion of those In and near Marmot, the proposed division will be defeated almost unanimously." Mr. Aschoff. formerly wa auperin tendent o fforest reserves and Is on of the most prominent citizens of the eastern section of the county. HutTalo were some of the cities visit ed by the party. 1,317 GAIN HADE Era la the Lecturer and will have that Mr. Freytag would be un charge of the literary program and discussions. All persons are Invited to attend. DIMICK TO ARGUE HARDIN CASE AT 8ALEM lied with literature and that the ex hlblt at the land show would adver tise the atate as It had never been ad vertised before. He coulldently be lleves that it will be the means of causing many easterners to locate In the state, and particularly. In Clack- Grant B. Dlmlck. attorney for Wll'"1"" coun,T Ham Hardin, sentenced to serve twen I The entire state will be represent ty years In the penitentiary on a I'd at the land show to be held In charge of Improper conduct with his Portland November IS. K. P. Carter, step daughter will g to Salem today to argue nn appeal from the decision "f the Circuit Court Judge Dlmlck expects to obtain a new trial. of (Hailstone, will be In charge of the Clackamas county exhibit, which will be as good aa that sent from this (Continued on page ) There .are 1,317 more registered voters in Clackamns county thia year than two years ago, according to the flgurea of County Clerk Mulvey, which were tabulated Wednesday. The reg istration aa compared with two years sgo follows: 1310 Total. 5.8t9; Republicans. 4. 2l; Democrats. 1I.S1; Prohibition, 97: Sociullst, 159; Independent 127; non committal. 70. 1912 Total 7,1;; Republican 4.S72; Democrats. 1.576; prohibition 106: Socialist 284; Independent 2t; non committal. 71. hie family and physician have been aware for some time that he could probably nor survive. Overwork Is given as the cause of hi Illness. For more than a year Senator Hey. burn bas been ln poor hoalth and In that time has suffered several phys. leal collapse. .The last occurred Au. gust 24, when he was opposing the Penrose.Anhbold investigation reso lution. Since that date Senntor Hey. burn has never been well, though hia condition has varied from te to time. DEMOCRATS HOLD RALLY AT BEAVER CREEK The Democratic candidates for coun ty o'ices addressed a fair sized crowd at Beaver Creek Monday evening. Those who spoke were Gilbert L. Hedges, nominee for district attor. ney: J. E. Jack, nominee for ssseasor; E. T. Mass, nominee for sheriff; M. E. Gartner, nominee for recorder and The Republican candidates for county offices addressed aTarge crowd at Logan Friday evening. Among those who spoke were E. C. Hacket, nominee for sheriff; F'. M. Gill, nom inee for representative ln the legls. luture; J. F. Nelson, nominee for as sessor; E. J. Dedman, nominee for recorder and Chris Schuebel, nominee for representative In the legislature. The speakers were given close atten. tlon. and representative citizens after the meeting declared that the ticket would be given a safe majority ln that district Error on Bal'ot SALEM. Or.. Oct 23. Through an error made ln the certification of the ! was Informed that her official ballot to the County Clerks, transposition occurs) in the print ing of the ballot title to the majority Gray's Crossing on the way to Port land, and after temporary repairs were made the car was taken to a garage in Portland. None of them could tell the location of the garage. They said It took several hours to make the repairs, which accounted for their not returning home earlier. All deny that anythisg happened on the trip which would cause Miss Prof litt to commit suicide. The party drove through Main street, Ore. gon City about I o'clock Friday morn ing and had something to eat in a res taurant Witnesses say as the car went through Main Btreet one of the girls was sitting In a man's lap. The prisoners admitted that they had a small bottle of port wine, but declar ed that this was ail they bad had to drink on the trip. None of them thowed effect of having been drink' ing. Deputy District Attorney Stlppand Sheriff Mass. after making an inves tigation, decided that It would be best to hold the girl and the two men un til after the Inquest and the comple tion of the post mortem examination The girl was placed ln the custody of Jail Matron Parker. Flnucane was taken home to change his clothing, and Timmons were locked up. Flnu cane was later placed In jail. Dr. Guy Mount, who Js conducting the autopsy said late Friday .night: "So for I have found nothing to in dicate that. Miss Proflitt was attack ed. She had been a patient of mine, but I did not think she was seriously Hi. It might have been thut she brooded over her illness until she de cided to end her life." "I am still at a loss to find a motive for the suicide," laid Sheriff Mass. "The other members of the party fay Miss Proffitt wasi In good spirits when she left them, and that nothing happened on the trip that mP'ht have caused her to end her life. Tne moth er said this was the flm time her daughter had stayed away from home at night, and it Is possible the girl feared to face her parents." Deputy District Attorney Stipp. af ter hearing the report of Dr. Mount said the only theory he could advance for the girl's act wa that she feared facing her parents after having been out all night Miss Johnson Is an orphan, and bas been employed at the home of Peter Hnsi,, Fourteenth and Center Btreet'. She was detained in the sheriff's of fice most of the day, but It wa not until late In the afternoon that she friend had committed suicide The girl collap sed snd was In an almosa hysterical condition when taken by Deputy Sher P 8. Noyr, nominee for represents of 'h ta,e constitution, rather than tire in the legislature. ' rtlcl IV- rule bill This error makes the title Miles to the borne of the Jail ma read as an amendment to article VI ; tron- She begged plteou'ly to be al lowed to go to the Haas home, but (Continued on page 4)