Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 18, 1912, Page 6, Image 6

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KU ID AY. OCTOHKU 1. 1012.
For Representatives:
F. M. 01LL Successful chool
teacher of Clackamas Couub'; mem
ber of last legislature a. repreaenta
llve of Wasco County; granger and
CI S 8CHNOERR An educated ana
ihnmuchlv honert Uennan; nonoreo
part the who., count, will be . oa or . -J
ft'. VI. "vi ' -- --
and best known .imeyor. in ciacsa
ma. County; he tiiiierii.thealillU) of
being tuvurutc and thorough In all hi. I
run re. An ted In tha county court.
K. C. HACK KIT Candidal for the
office of sheriff; enpert of city, county
. . . I l. - . I,-, kua mMj at th.tr.
! .h". ctn that "he. work' he U thoroughly competent and
teeka and needs no deputy to ahow 1 lias no opposition. ,
Im what to do; he will savi th. coun- W M. J. ll.SO.N VandU at. to auo- j
.1 ' -a.. ... ,.. m.TTWment of bla ceed hiuielt as coroner. In the past j
o nce. It Is conceded by all that there he has been mi ftfu In be pert on
1. not a man In Clackamas County auce of his duty. Ho n
who Is better qualified to act as support and we are sure that he will
Sheriff and Tax Collector. I Ret It.
and date for re- Ana now.
Mr. Voter after having
by the German speaking people with i ' ' ' nly c,,,rk. a thorough ! reviewed the whole ticket, what rvaa
tile nignesi oimn m i .
a farmer and man whose hands are
Hard rrora incessant iu. """"-7-, . , d thorough
b, birth and training, and know -lug , ' " orotikn
the value of a dollar he will neither reCommendation from the op
....'iirrholPong rank. show, fully hi. worth
and makes unnecessary any lunmr
S K wZso. term orioVh ou
2 'a county clerk baa been so .ucce.s-1 full Republican t. kel? Ihe lm
.'ful and thorough that the Democratic crat. Have boas ed that they art .go I ug
r.nnle' monev: known ana nonorea
by rich and poor, the laborer, busi
ness and professional classes.
man: In the pat an every day labor
er, now an attorney ot far more than
.r.r.A uhllltv: having In the past
taken an active Interest In politic. (
and legislative measures be has some,
to have a rva noi cuiiin. -we.
Kudosed you will llud a notice
of a Republican Rally In ur l?lu
Turn out and give the meeting your
support If you are a Republican. If
vou are a Democrat, or a Prohibition
ist or Socialist come any way. 1011
v. . . .u hMtn andoraea lor ' are we come. .--
remarks here.
T. J. GARY Candidate for re
flection ac County School Supenn
' lenaem n a.fu - ..v.v.1
ir.wtin hv the Democratic party, we may do you aome goou
and how could they help It? He Is I 1( ,ou are not a Republican remetu
1 fully capable to nit and has In the,b, w, r not proselyting. If you
oe uu ,h omc .lth cr,uu to I n, sunnort our candidate, we
measure, of Importance to himself and th. county. There la no th.nk )ou. K you stay by your own
,n ""k.1 n'arentag ! Sn .tat him being elected fori .1, w. think none the le,. of you
AAnniv Kav of uerman pareniaKe. - i.Mnr.ii..i mhc 1 .
"""V , . ,h- k.i. pnuntr'be 1. one 01 ine u.iij "-" lor iu
has the Interests of ,',tg: R-pub licans who has made good. Bul 0Ui Mr. RepubTlcan. what ex
V ".!:.diSi; There Is only on. thing to beregret- lou to offer for not staying
In the last ditch for what I about GaVT ,nd hi. office and that
to be right. H. U endorsed by the( jed wot 110 com
UOFGREN-ioint i
.entative. an an.e ana . u ,-- - A, TrFT3-Candldate
attorney; s menu uu r,..v
ot the Scandinavian.: honors and
liked by all who know him; a man
wliose legal training enable, blm to
know the difference between good and
man and hi.
for re-
Where. Mr. Voter, could yon And a
more representative class of men.
Every class of voter, in Clackamas
County will be repreaented. th. farm
er laborer, business man, professional
man; rich and poor; those of lowly
and those of high station all can feel
that they are truly represented when
the above four men take their .eat.
in the coming legi.latnre.
E. B. TONGUE Candidate for re
election as district attorney; acknow
ledged by the legal profewion as bar
ing no superior as a prosecutor In the
.t.t.- he Duts hi. while soul Is hit
work; during hi. term he ha. won eT
ery criminal case In the Supreme
Court; out ot over 630 caw. In the
Circuit Court he ha. only tost 17; he
will not permit money of tax payers
to be squandered In u.elesa, mallclou.
or frivolou. prosecution..
WM. H. MATTOON Candidate tor
re-election for the office of County
Commissioner. A farmer; a resident
of the northern part of the county.
.k lk.a unmml lllnnOF fmffl
the southern part of the county and ! office that hold, the record, that make
the county Judge from Oregon City and J or mar the "ties of your homea.
with Mr. Mattoon from the northern! D. T. MELDRUM-Candldate for re-
by your colore: ine ieiuui.v.
candidate, .re i '
of their opponenta. Tne ueuioirai.
have boasted that they wou.u viru..
iv mine the Republican party off the
face ot the map In Clackama oun
.w Tkj. ivinat is not based on
..!.. win you let thera do It?
... r.ni that the Democratic
candidates are good fellow., tht. I.
no argument that .hould wli, your
support for them, for the men of your
own party are weir rqu. .
IUIU l " . .. ...
with the Reoumican majunw
1- 1-iirkimii lounu "
tha third candidate In
the Republican rank, who ha. receiv
ed the endorsement of the Democratic
partr He setred hi. country with
credit In the Civil War and hi. county
a. county treasurer aunng me v
term: he can well be trusted with all
money that Clackama. County can
gather together.
JAS. r. MiUU'' iuuiu
tha nmce or loum; np"avl k.
. v.trn of the Civil War; h. .eer" , . .,. p-nnblican admin
1V.S la BUUUlU ' 3 ,
the one office in we counu , . t u lg up to you. Kea iu.
most likely to make many eneroie, , f,ndld.te. Glv.
for the man who fill. It. for It to h.m your ,upport and you wilt never
.V.tP:hV.nd yet while h.w lt"
has In the past nlled thl. iw office
(and with credit tool hi. enemies are
few nd hi. friend, legion. He
should receive the suppon 01
Republican Toter.
E. P. DEDMAN Candidate for the
office of County Recorder; clean cut
bu.ines. man and farmer: far more
alive than hi. name would Indicate;
he i In the prime of life; haa been
a deputy In the office that he now
seek, and know, all about the work;
he will serve the people faithfully,
M-nnomically and well: there to no
one better qualified than he for this
r- lv:
' -
miiku these si Ihh.Is what ttioy should
Tho fact that I received Ihe nnmlis
alio.. In the recent I'rluutry Klwtlon
front both (ho Repulilli'iin nud Demo
emtio puriles shows, I think, tlmt I
have been Asperltiteurieiit lot tho
whole people. I puro beluit Super
Inlemletit of Iho S. I.ooh fur nil the
people, If elected In November.
Thanking you for bast favor., I am
Chairman County Cen'ralommee.
Secretary County Central Committee.
If I am elected, 1 will, durlug my
term of office, be opposed to the crea
tion of new- Hoard, and Commissions
and favor the repeal of iniiny of tnem.
I am uppoaed to single tax. I ra
vne iood roads Into all Part, of
Cluckamaa County; favor the rpeul
of fish and game commissioners;
work for the repeal of the
lav creating County School
Supervisor.; am oppo.cd to large
annmiirtattona for the benefit of a
few oltlcer.: want a dollar', worth of
service to the state ti$ every dollar
expended; a square deal to everyone
and strict economy In every depart
ment of .tat.- Favor .tatement
Number One and Direct I'rimary
I further state lo the eeople of Ore
gon at well as to the people of my
legislative district, that during my
term of office, I will always vote for
that candidate for United State. Sen
.tor In Congre.. who has received the
highest number of the people', vote.
for that poaltlon at the general elec
tion next preceding the election 01
the senator In congres.. without re
gard to my Individual preference.
Relieving that we are more often
harmed by the passage ot bad laws
than the neglect to paas good one.. I
sllall use my best endeavor, to pre
vent nernlclous legislation.
I shall favor strict laws for the ap
prehension and punishment of those
engaged In the White Slave Trade
and shall favor the promotion ot the
Social Hygiene 8oclety.
1 shall favor strict law. for the ex
termination of OUSrk doctor. Who
prey upon our young men.
I fhall do my best to secure the
passage of an eight hour law for the
laborer. In the paper mill, of Ore
gon. If a majority of the laborer. In
the mill, at Oregon City desire
I shall. favor Just and equal taxation
on all property of the state whether
owned by corporations or inoiviauai.,
Yours truly,
I". 1 ' 11
The Prosecuting Attorney 1. tne le- 1 '
gal advisor of all the county officers. I ' J" ' : .
The success of all legal matter. 01
county snd state business referred to
him depends upon his good judgment
Often thousands of dollar, are at
stake and the loss or gain to the coun
ty rests upon his advice or upon rte
conduct ot the suit.
The office of District Attorney will
Icost the tax payers more then three
I time. a. much a. any other otlice un
1 less successfully conducted. Thous
and, of dollar, can be wasted on
useless, frivolous or malicious prose
Mr. Tongue, the present District
Attorney Is a candidate for re-election.
Does his record merit a second term?
He has won over 96 out of every
' hundred Circuit Court case..
! He ha. won every criminal case
tried In the Supreme Court.
Clackamas County has not lost i WM 1 wilson.
slnele cent through wrong advice. I ' ,..,,.
, , . k . . To the voter of Clackamas County:
Clackamas County has not hired a 1 , c ol
single lawyer to help him try a c ase. ! ( (.o ntyy vlrtuo of an mp.
With two or three exceptions he has ,:,,, m.,, hv the County Court
j personally conducted every case in , Qn Juy r jjh since that time 1
the Circuit Court of the four counties haV(1 cnJe!;vore(1 to mi the olllce with
'since he has been In office- ! credit to the County. If the voters
He does the work for the two Judges j0( (,8 county see fit to entrust this
oince to me anu mu ....... --
proval of my past record, I shall at all
times endeavor to do my duty and
' y ...... .1
To the voter, ot Clackamas County :
As a candidate for the Legislature
I respectfully ask your support In
thl. cainpalgu for the following reasons;
1st 1 favor an amendment to the
Fire Law providing that each Road
Supervisor shall be ex-omelo a fire
warden within his district with full
power to Issue permits at any time
to burn .lashings. Then the farmer
can clear hi. land when the .litshlugs
will burn.
2nd. I favor repealing the School
Supervisor' I -aw, thus saving the tax
payer of Clackama. County il.uuu
a year In unnecessary ralarles.
3rd. I have prepared and will en
deavor to pas. a law that will compel
the P. R'y U P. Co, watkk
TRl'ST to pay a license on S50.000
water H. P. claimed by them In Clack
amas County, the same as any other
person appropriating water arter May
!2, 1909.
4th. I have prepared and will en
deavor to pas. a law that will compel
the P. R'y U ft P. Co. WATER
TRl'ST) and all other persons who
have appropriated or claim water
power In Clackamas County, to pay
taxes on the water power appropri
ated a. the farmer and other person.
are compelled to pay taxe. on their
property whether they use It or not
6th. Ilecause I propose a law lim
iting the hour, of labor In any one
ONLY, not to exceed ten hour, or
more than 60 hours a week except In
case, of emergency where life or
property Is In danger. Thlrty.lx
states and territories now have simi
lar laws to protect theie classes of
wage worker.. The men In the paper
mill. at. Oregon City are generally
compelled to work 7 day. a week, 11
hour, on the day shift and 13 hour,
on the night shift. I believe that
worklngmen should be protected by
law from the greed of Organised Cap
ital. The corporations are oppe'aed tome
because I am In favor and have pre
pared and am submitting to the public
through the column, of the new. taper
th varlou. bill, above menuonea
They will endeavor through varlou.
mean, to prejudice the minds of the
voters on side Issues, If possible, anu
some of their strikers are now out
trying to trade votes by getting men to
pledge themselves to vote against m
1 believe that a member of the Leg
tslature should represent the Interests
of the people as against .pedal inter
ests and If elected to the legislature
I shall do all In my power to have the
laws nassed that I have mentioned
and i-hall assist In cutting off useless:
commissions and unnecessary approp
riations, and will serve the people
honestly and faithfully to the bent of
my ability. Yours respectfully.
r - fe:-;
tv .L. MULVIY.
Candidate for re-eleotlon to the office
of County Clerk.
Dear Sir:
If my record for the past two years
as County Clerk meets with your ap
nroval. I respectfully aak your sup
port aud vote for reelection to this
office on November 6lh. If re-elected
1 will. In the future as In th. past,
to the best of my ability, give to the
people of Clackama. County a clean,
honet administration, and will con
duct the buslnes. of the office as
economically aa possible consistent
with good accurate work.
, TV-, .
f :U'
while the district attorneys prior to
inim uia tne woriv iur ui.o.
I He has personally conducted all his
official cases in the Supreme Court.
I The Oregon Journal, the Democrat
ic paper in commenting on the Pender
murder case UBed the following
language, "With a brilliantly evolved
1 mass of circumstanial evidence the
! stale rested The argument
of Prosecuting Attorney Tongue was
1 a master piece of phrasing and leaal
' ingeniouBness. For two hours he held
I his hearers tense and chilled with a
) statement and plea as stern and un
IrnmDromlslnir as was ever heard In a
court of law." Concerning the same
t 0nd hr n Ant nreumeni
sensational incidents therein, we ouht nut to lornct tho ot our local made by District Attorney Tongue,
candidates who are especially worthy and whose election will be for tlelMany people who heard It say It was
: f , nr rfkrnct. I desire to call particular attention the greatest speech ever made in the
to the candidacy of Gilbert L. Hedges, candidate for district attorney.
It is not often that one seeks office who is so especially fitted for it
as f's Mr. Hedges. I have watched his career for many years and have
pride in calling attention to him as a candidate. There is no man in this
rnnntv uhn ha received a better literary and WaL education than has he.
Editor Enterprise:
With your permission I wish to surest that in the excitement of the j trial the Oregon Mist "ne .
national campaign, and especially that induced by most unfortunate thou, 'd anV brTant argumen
-,! Amtc therein, we (ii.i'hf nut to forL'ft those of our local . n.otHnt Attorney Tongue
will always be on the Job.
Yours truly,
Columbia County Court."
A democratic paper speaking of the
celebrated lilakesly case .aid: "The
talk of Mr. Tongue was probably the
best one that hag been heard here for
years. That he is an able prosecutor
there Is no doubt.
After having passed through our local school eh had three years in Aruiover Another dally newvpaper recently
Academy, which might be classed with the minor colleges of the United jr(!ferred to him as "one of the best
States He afterward took the literary course and after four years of dil-; prosecutor. In the West.
ieencc received the deuree of Bachelor of Arts, reeling that he was not
jet rrUfpd 'or nis 'utur v'JcatKjn 'le m'K a course lllc law
at Yale, and there obtained the further degree Bachelor of Laws.
I have known him for many years as a deep, sincere and careful stu
dent, one whose habits in life are beyond and above, reproach, and who
seems to me to be an ideal candidate for the office he seeks.
There is another rason why th voters of this county should assist in
his election, which is that he is a native son of this county and is a worthy
descendent of his pioneer father and mother. He was reared m Canemah
until he went east for his education, and having obtained that he returned
. n nrartit Wis. vvafmn.
to mis u.u...y - F...v .... - re man
There is another reason why the voters o, ... u,um, j" , th9 (:lty and ,t wa
F. W
Youmanns, of Clackamas,
-.-ear of age. was seriously
injured at his home Tuesoay auer
noon. while as.-lstlng In the operation
of a steam woodsaw. In reaching for
a stick of wood beneath the saw Mr.
Youmann's hand came in contact with
the saw, and the member was teariui-
was nec-
.... . -
To my fellow cltliens:
1 wus born and reared In your midst
and feel, Hint with my varied exper
ience In office matters, that I am fully
equipped to give the peoplo of Clack
amas County the best service, pos-
During tho year 1910, It cost the
people of Clackamas County H375.U
to run the Sheriffs office; during the
v,bi- lull It cost JH.:8.
With my practical experience along
then line. I am sure 1 can Improve
on the nbovo showing and ave the
peoplo money. If you desire my ser
vices, they are at your command, and
you know how to get them.
Your obedient forvnnt,
Mullno. Or., September Juth, I9IJ.
To the U'gal Voter, of Clackama.
Gentlemen: .
vu tun luiu uay of April, lvli, our
pi-unary tiuuuu wus uuiu lu ctoil
auce wltu tne pruvuious 01 tue pri
u.hi u"ii.iiii'ou 1 uuw u lore, m
i..i statu, and at aa.d primary uuin
iliuiliig eivctiou ll.u uuuuisi.uad was
uoiuiuatva lor the Imporuul oilu e of
Coutity Aessor lor Liacseuiu.
cuuuty, Orvguu,
1 u office of County Assessor 1. one
of liie must liuporiaul olllce. lu the
County lor the Seasou thai the uure
revenue for Couuly aud blate govern
nieiit Is raised by direct laialluu upon
the property of the lax payer, aud It
t. UM'es.ary thai the asaesameuU be
mails witu due regard to the value of
the properly aaaessvd, aud In doing .0
no favoritism .hould be .liuwn.
1 served lu the capacity of County
A.-essor for Claiks.uas County prior
lo thl. time aud am familiar with the
duties pertalulug to th. office and the
values of property In the several pans
of ihe Couuly. Owing to the rugged
conditions or Clackamas Couuly, It
I. necessary to be familiar with the
uature o( the .oil and the value of
the property In order to make a fair
and euultable a.sement, aud belug fa
miliar with those requirement. 1 feel
that 1 have a reasonable claim to the
election, and fur a further reason that
1 was fairly nominated by member, ot
my own party.
In order to ahow that I was fair to
the farmer, of Clackama. County dur
ing ihe time that I formerly served
a. County Acessor, I call your at
tention lo the following asaesatuoula:
The Oregon. California Railroad
Company wa. assessed prev!uulr to
my term of office at 12:9.000.00, and
the assessment was raised by tue dur
ing my term of office lo $2,700,000.00.
The O. W. P. Railway company,
now known as the Portland Railway,
Light and Power Company, wa as
sessed at $1400.00 per mile when I
assumed said ofllce, and the assess
ment on said properly wa. raUeu by
me to $20,000.00 per mile, and assess
ments on other corporations were
raised In proportion.
1 mention these matter, for the pur
pose of calling your attention to the
fact that 1 wat air and reasonable
and will pursue the same course
should I he elected to the position for
which I am now nominated.
1 wus always ready and willing to
assist anyone on any matter pertain
ing to their a.se.nient or description
of their land, and If elected I will ex
ercise my heat endeavor, to render
honest and faithful service to the peo
ple of Clackamas County,
Trusting that I will receive your
the coming! general elec-
support In
Hon, 1 ntn.
Yours very truly,
: fair as a r.rosecntor, he is thorough even to severity wtien tie is convince. , e9ary f(J ampnfate two of the fingers.
, .l- ..( .) .n ,-We-e.l with crime. He is not new to this oince , r)r. H. S. and Guy Mount were me
for he held it for about two years, having been appointed by Governor .surgeons.
Chamberlain, and during the time of hold.ng theon.ee ne provcu ..
. .rierv and to the several counties in this district in nis omcr
I am sincerely hopeful that Mr. Hedges will be elected and I appeal 1 Mr. Can 8
otherTotcTof this eLrv to vote for him because of his fitness and heaven Ml I or I
of that pride we all should hold in the character of such a man as he. h
Very respectfully,
Uf uretnn 1 g I jfr. Meyer during the
Simmons, who has been
the past three weeks of
recovering and .the
home, where Mr. and
Mr. Simmons are residing will be
fumigated today. Mr. McCausIand
and family are living lth Mr. and
illness of Mr.
; Simmons.
To the voters of Clackamas County:
In aHklng for your support at the
November election. I wish to say that
the progress of the schools of this
county during the last four years
tows that someone has been active.
While I do not claim credit for all
that has been done, I do know that
In many Instances I was the direct
cause of the progress that wa. made.
Four year ago there were many
scboolhoiiKes and grounds In the
county that were a discredit and In
some Instances a disgrace to the com
munity. Now almost every district
has a reasonably good building and
many have Improvements that would
be a credit to any community.
Believing that the teacher I. the
moKt Important factor In any school,
I have labored to rid the County of
teachers who would not or could not
do good work. In this I have known
neither friend nor foe. As a conse
quence, I have made some enemies.
(The public official who doc. not Is
usualy a weakling) but I have the
satisfaction of knowing that the
teaching force of the County is far
superior to what It wa. when I begun
o. Snnorlntenitent. Every official act
of his own private Interest.. He fa-1 of mne hai bef.n for what I consider
vors good roads, and sn economical 1 ed the bet uterest of the girls and
administration of the affair, of the , boyg
county. The people's interests will . taU(ht for geverai year In the
be as carefully guarded by Mr. Mat-I nnm C01lntry hooX and after
toon during the coming four years as . radpd .hools of the
they have been In the past snouia ne 1 c. r seven years at Mllwaukle, five'
'"-- - . - .
;:".:.?'''; "r
.-,.,..-1 -1. -- -
William H. Mattoon, candidate on
the Republican ticket for commission
er, formerly from Viola and now from
Estaeada. Chocen In the primaries to
succeed himself. Mr. Mattoon has
many qualifications for the office to
which he has been nominated and one
of these 1. the success he has made
To the voters and citizen, of Clacka
ma. County:
A. the nominee of the Republican
party for the office of Recorder of
Conveyance, of Clackama. County I
wish to state that I have been a resi
dent of this county for over thirty
years. I am and have been for many
nun a farmer by occupation and a
tax payer. I have had previous ex
the Recorder's office and
iinnw how the work should be carried
n 1 nm deei.lv Interested In the
welfare of this county and believe I
will be able to conduct the office of
County Recorder In such a manner as
will ha of benefit to all tne people.
If you see lit to trust me with this
office I will at all times be found at-
i..nllnir strictly to my duty a. re-
xnrrfor unit will alway. conduct the
office In a strictly business-like man
Your, truly,
be returned to the office.
It Look. Lik. A Crime
to separate a boy from a box of
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. HI. pimples
bolls, scratches, knocks, sprains and
bruise demand It, and It. quick relief
for burns, .(-aids, or cut. Is his right.
Keep it handy for boy. also girl.
Heals everything healable and does It
quick. Unequaled for piles. Only 25
cents at all druggist..
at West Oregon City, ana tnree at
Willamette. This experience, togeth
er with my work aa Superintendent of
the schools of the County should qual
ify me for good work.
Realizing that the greatest problem !
that we have 1. the rural .cbool., I
visited all of them with the exception
of two, (they were not In session at 1
the time), and studied their condition. ,
I have .Ince visited most of them j
many times. I hope to continue to
Business Directory
A Directory of earh City, Town ana
V.III, (Wing doKtlptlv .kotch of
earn plana, location, imputation, tela-
graph, shipping- ana banking pn'nll
alo f'!iui!nd r.lratory, complied by
btM.neal ai,d profe'.lon.
r. i- rcr.K r.1, sttt.k
ip aa wmm m I ' . ""
1 ' ';.
. ) V
Mr. Tuft, will suceed himself ai
treasurer of Clackamas County. He
will In the future, as he has done In
the past, b on the Job all the time.
He haa and will work for tho Interest.
of the tax payers. He will give fair
lid courteous treatment to all.
...... 1, . p.i u .111 hi ...... i.m. 1.1 aa.
' i
1 .isl
D. T. Moldrum, the Republican
nominee for County Surveyor, I.
particularly well qualified to occupy
that position. He has been faithful
during his first term and merits
re-election. He comes from a family
of surveyors, being a son of Judge
John W. Meldniro, one of the pioneer
furveyors of Clackamas County. The
Republican candidate ts a competent
man, a graduate of Cornell University
and should receive the vote of every
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