4 OREGON CITY ENTER PR I HK. FRIDAY. OCTOMHR 18, l!)t2. Oregon City Enterprise Publlthtd Cvtry Friday t. C. BRODIK, Editor and Publisher. Entered t Oregon City. Or, Poat offleo aa second-class matter. Subscription Rstss: Ob Year six Monms Trial Subscription, Two Monlas Ity than Roosevelt himself. And Roosevelt ought to know, lie president at the time the Standard Oil Company was seeking to avurt prosecution by th government under lbs Sherman antltru-t law. It .was then that liourne took Atvhivold, of jthe oil company, aeveral timet to the White1 House for conferences with l 14 Roosevelt. ls anyone think for an THE SINGLE TAX ARMY NEEDS RECRUITS. i lnatnnt thai Nourne at these confer ences was atlcinntiua to convince Advertising Rain on application. , ..,.,. ... Ort1!011 .,,, ot M. alHut the Ui matter will receive our attention Subacrlberi will tlnd the data ot ti plraUon stamped on their papeis tol lowing their name. If last payment la not credited, kindly notify ua, and the matter will receive our attention Advertising Rates on application. SOCIALISM AND 8INCLE TAX. The very emphatic declaration rl reel legislation Just thing the Standard Oil Company and othpr larse monopolies, nevdeu In their bualno.-e! We think not. ASSISTANT DEMOCRATS. Nothing la harder to And In the pros) ent campaign than converts to the IVinocratti- party, Vrsctlcally there are no such persona. That party has Congressman Victor Merger, Socialist 1 on(( Dw.n decadent. It atlracta no member ot Congress from Milwaukee, j new blood and Is unable to vitalise any in Gotland that Single Tax wjs an nn-, principle. Its late.-t national record Is qualified fake, has been resp jnbibb one ot business calamity and general for swinging the entire strength of J incompetency. Young voters can not the Socialist vote of Orii asalnt!be headed that way. and the majority Single Tax and Graduated Single'"' " oUr vo',,r r "ned l,v 'x' rax ' perience. The only chance for Demo- Victor Berger condemned Single cr,lc nl yT- ' n-v fu,ur Tax because ha knew that it involved the confiscation ot the land by the state, while at the same time it en abled bankers, owners of stocks and bonds, department store corners, in fact, everyone but landowners, home owners, lotowners, to dodge taxation. No le?s emphatic than Berger was Carl Marx, perhaps the leading Socia list writer, who in a letter to a New York friend who had sent him a copy of Henry Georges' Single Tax work, "lYogress and Poverty," aaid: ' "The whole thing is simply an at- j tempt to rescue the rule ot capital Urn in fact, to rear it anew on a firmer basis than it present one. "This cloven hoof, together witatLej donkey's ears, peeps unmlstakeably out ot the declamation ot Henry George." The foregoing quotation U given by Arthjr M. Lewis In his "Tea Blind Leaders ot the Blind." Mr. Lewis Is a tux ialist writer ot so small repute ! and his unqualified rejection ot Henry i George is an indication of the manner j In which Oregon Socialists are reject-1 ing W. S. U'Ren, Alfred Cridge. F. E. j Coulter, W. D. Eggleston. F. W. Ben-1 gough and the host ot other Fels-pald j workers, feeding from the Felg Single Tax warchesL year. Is In Republican division or apathy. It was the Republican failure to vote In 1910 that gave the Demo cratic party a lead In one branch of Congress and several states in which the Democrats have long been a mi nority. Next monta a full vote will come out and the party that reached Its highest mark in numbers sixteen years ago will Inevitably be beaten unless the Republican party is divided against itself. It la to Republican bolters that the, old reli? known aa the regular Demo-1 cratic party looks for success this year. Teaten heavily In the last four presidential canipalgng that party, Im PROPERTY OWN' hO TAX PAYEBS- Vt. VIJJ i I -J i ' u THING MDlfEKi VODY. U PS A JO 0? AN A VV.5.UREN, RECRUITING ornctn. mm an AABCHtL m W Democratic managers claim every thing, but are careful to say nothing about a cabinet. They are wise not (o tackle that mountain of trouble on potent as well as repudiated, lacka i tlle lrngth ot wild straws flying In ! the wind. FORUM OF THE PEOPLE j at least two million votes of half the I electorate. Ita only hope is In insur jgent Republicans, and It knows that i these will not directly vote the Dem- ww.m. iu.ru i.ul me.r .uir. iur . GILL ANSWERS GARY. mird party mlgtit serve tne purpose, i ESTACADA. Or.. Oct 11. tTo tlie The third party may call itself by an-1 Editor) I think T. J. Gary la unnec other nnme. hut it. nmwr tltl. i a. ! ssarily alarmed over Tax Amend- lo orrv the voter much except when a wholesale cremation of factory girls or some such Incident him for the moment aroused his pity. But worn en.themselves. do not enjoy It, aud they feel that they should be given a chance (B better their condition. I'ersonally. I should dislike a heap worse to he one who takes the reon sititllty of refuting mn'h a request j than to be one of those who make it; I shouldn't you? EARNKSTINK SINGER. ment J04-3uo. The constitution now I T" . - Ta. . . I. I r.,... .t e.t ; allow, (Dy county option amendment own ticket It can only help th out-'adopted in 110) the people to adopt worn, decaying, ill-omened regular 1 any kind of o tax law they wish Democratic party that bas had full ! whether It Is the kind Mr. Gary fears control of the government but two ; ttjft & year, in the last flfty, and made that years to adopt or even to suggest period a horror in business depres-jsuch a tax law as he opposes. 1 am NO SINGLE TAX THERE. With an assurance that would have a brass monkey absolutely backed from the boards. Single Tax advo cates all over the state, of Oregon cave been urging Single Tax for the state of Oregon, on the grounds that it has been proven a success In Brit ish Columbia. But they have not got Single Tax sion and national loses. The AssUl ant Democrats are also Second-Class IWREN DEBATES PLANED Continued from page 1) strongly opposed to any law thai ! . would cripple our school, as be is. Art xi M 2 nf fhA rnniirltntinn nn Democrats. They would get nothing ' nit in nn -vni.. nt h ,.w. in case of Wilson's election except the j tions of the constitution shall apply old Bourbon haha. BOURNE CARRIED FOUR. Ben Selling received the Republi can nomination In the dltwt primary election by a plurality of 6500 over Senator Bourne. Mr. Selling made his race on his record aa a progres- in British Columbia, although somelslve. He submitted hi, record aa improvement, are exempt from taxa tion. They do not Intend to have Sin gle Tax. Why, Henry George would turn over in hut grave could he know that Oregon Single Taxers would point with the finger of pride to British Columbia. Henry George would dis- ploneer and consistent advocate and supporter of progressive legislation in this state. The people approved that record and nominated him. In the primaries, Mr. Selling carried 27 of the 34 counties, as against four for Bourne and three for Judge Stephen A. LowelL of Pendleton, who is ac- own Single Tax If the British Colum- j tively supporting the Republican nom bia scheme had to be Single Tax. j Inee. Mr. Sellin. la today standtn declaring what shall be subject to taxation or exemption and how it shall be taxed or exempted. By this the people may make any tax law they see fit Tax laws, aa well as any other laws come as the result ot a popular demand. There la no popu lar demand tor the kind of lax law Mr. Gary fear, and there never will be If the people are informed that It would injure their schools. The last legislature was far more criticised be cause of its fiendliness and liberality toward the schools and colleges per haps than for any other cause. It provided for school supervisors and three-fourths of the people of Clack amas county wish that law repealed. It gave so liberally to the State Uni versity and Monmouth normal that the referendum was called upon the bills. I think the public schools have nothing to fear from the legislature. Amendment 308-309 will repeal the county option amendment If adopted sou u may ue. i wi-a me conswu-1 A revenue poll tax of $3.00 per ; on the same record and platform that head la collected from every male In- J won for him the nomination. He is habitant of the Province. (entitled to the vote of every elector It may be remembered that under who believes in popular government the guise of repealing the poll tax; a, 1, typified in Oregon's progressive of land to become the property of one in uregon Mr. U'Ren imposed county ; law s. home rule in taxation on this state. Mr. U'Ren declares thl, was no trick CANNOT JUSTIFY CANDIDACY. but an honest first step toward, Sin-' gle Tax. The inconsistency of Bourne is ex it he is correct, why then does he emplifled in bis independent caudi point with pride to British Columbia dacy for the Senatorship. liourne vig- ShlehU. "that I shall thoroughly ex-1 pose hi, schemes for Oregon which began when he Induced the voters of this state to pasa a bill which pur ported to repeal all the lax, but which in reality was a measure to give coun ties home rule In taxation. Mr. U'Ren haa my perfect willingness to take up his time telling our audlencea Just why single tax will prove a panacea for Oregon. However, when my turn comes, I'll show bow in Alberta where tnere Is a partial application of single tax, that public flnancea are paralysed, that public servants are unable to ral.-e their salaries, that the taxes on land are eight to ten per cent, not mills, but cents. I ahall rirnvA that In Itritlah f'nliimhln tn I which Mr. U'Ren and his friends point with admiring fingers, although tbey prefer to spend their own time under the tax laws ot Oregon, there ia no single tax; that Instead there Is a poll tax of 13 a head, that there are taxes on banks, salmon cnneiies, and manu factures of various descriptions, that personal property Is not exempt In other words. 1 shall prove to him by his own words which be now would like to deny, that the graduated single properties for tax purposes. Society has unwisely allowed large holdings' man or corporation to its detriment. Lands are held out of beneficial use for speculative purposes. Under amendment 304-305 speculative hold ings no; beneficially used may be lev ied upon at a higher rating and the speculation in land discouraged. I think such a classification of proper i ....... I .1 l .. .. . t .. - T-1. . L 'c " " omgie orousiy cnampions the direct primary , have had anything to do with the ap- lax province. iaw ong as ne an(j nig friends re- 'portioning of state taxes to the coun- Simply because Single Tax cannot ceive favorable recognition and cov-ltle know ,hat 11 18 difficult to Justly stand save on misrepresentation, lies; eted political office. But when the ' distrlbut,e il- The requires as ju oi i n. r, ' . " "-u i" ; BeBors to assess property at Its cash and deceit Single Tax. Graduated other fellow wins out under the oper- 'value. Hut If the a.-sesor of Cla.ka Slngle Tax call it what you will Is ation of the same law, Bourne la the ' mas county assessed at cash value an attempt to confiscate all property firat to repudiate the svxtem and to i and the asM8or ot other counties to the state. Henry Geore. v. i. ... A. . asesscd at less than cash value Clack- - a "'fie ,a iruuniduun uy tue eiecioraie. . ...... . ,k- ;aiuai ,.jumj nuuiu I'n; mult; man Hourne cannot justify his Independent ; Its Just proportion of the state tax. candidacy. In enterinx the contest i Under this amendment the faults of for the Governorship, he proves him- ! the Present 'tein may be remedied. luin tiiiitriiuiiiifiii in trmiur-eu uj . Belf an enemy of the direct primary . Governor West and the students of Try as hard as he may, Senator of which he is the professed friend and taxation. It is opposed to sincle tax- i ers as It provider an alternative rem edy for the evilg they claim single tax ! will cure. ThlB is one of the grange amendments defeated two years ago. In my opinion It had better be adopt ed. If it is not, single tax may be adopted one of the?e days. F. M. GILL. tion to give us the power to classify 1 tax an1 the county measures are flatfooted single tax measures. The debate will probably be made on a basis that Mr. Shields will open one debate and Mr. U'Ren the next. It Is planned to deliate for two hours, the time to be divided as follows: opening forty minutes, reply fifty minute, rebuttal ten minutes, coun ter rebuttal ten minutes, 'losing ten minutes. WHAT PRESIDENT TAFTJAS DONE Some of (he Legislation Ac complished During His Administration. There has been a systematic at tempt for years on tli part of news paper and niugnilii writers In the pay of the great nmgiulne (rust to belittle and misrepresent rresldiMil Taft, The rvsult haa been dial the people hnv an Impression that (his has been "do uolhlng" administration, The truth of the matter Is thnt more con structive progressive legislation hus been accomplished under I'resldeiil Taft than was ever accomplished In any administration before. Kor the beuefll ot our renders and In Justice to the president, IhU paper seta out below some of the many things he has accomplished: W, and Carrie Collier, land III section 34, (owimlilp a south, range 1 east, contiilng 3 4 ft acres; IM). J, W, tuid Kllnu A. Root, lo Myrtle Telford, Inml In Clnikiiiniis county; :'V Malcolm (1. Telford to Wallace H Telford, 2 acres ot I). U C. of A. V. Hedges and wire, towmiilp j south, riiiiKi', 1 and i east; T5. William J. Telford lo Wallace Tel ford, i acres of 11, C. of A, K, lied gos and wife, townships 3 and 1 south, mimes I and il rust; 7Ii. John IV Telford lo Wallace It, and Myrtle Telford, il acres of II, l C, of A, K. Hedges and wife, townships il ami 3 south, ranges 1 and 2 ent; IA, John l.aiiho to Jacob Itlnter. l a aero of section 25, township 3 south, range j ln l' l"'S In Unit ne' llon j eiisi; also lit! of an acre of section those who spnKu were K. t E BIG SMIL CROP Tlio ltiiMilitiiiii rnnn!iu'ri fur ouit (y oltli'i'N mhlr'BHH a Urn rrowil t Hhuln'l TiioHiluy itvttntiiM. Tim iMik ith wnrw t'litMirnl f nt iMiitimlh nly( mid, itftitr Out nn'ctlim, miiny of llin rt-Niili'iit of (hi iHulit'oiluM!!. nnnoiiii roil (lint Iho pi'iitlini-nl wuh liirMly lit fiivur of Ihn Iti'i'tililli an llrhrt, 1 tin niinlhlati'ii Hum Krnitly (MirnurtiMMl, it ml tiro conlldHiI llioy will liavi hiiKti Aiiihiik lat kolt, :T, towimliip 3 iuuth, rniiuu 3 tMt : t niMiilno fu mlii-rlfT (soo, ' iiiiinliKHi fur ultnrllT; H. M J. K. Ni'lmiii. J. K. .NmUoii. uiul H. K. (loir to MlHtroN It, immiiIiioo for rtMorilr mid ChrU Hchim Ha iut thti esNittfrii-i ilt'iwirtnttMit on a twvli't bMiii rtr if rtrt ttim wiililn tit nifiiHiry of lh Prrnt geari-iilton Hi tm rrifitrrr. th lifiimut uittl tnut Uw wit (mm f 11 r tr fivr Ho vrtHl th honittomtlr wtl, rot lim mitl frro V. Itilln m unfiilr, nn tftHlfl uiut tli'Ntructlv of tli U i)ii 11 Iran tirtUltil of uintwrtltin- lln ttivittr(l th itiicrlmltiutln PdMNKU t 1 1 TI t V Willi ItUHMt. Mi rrViMti rullntAittt fnrn ptittttxv reu iiuTMNrit mm nwi wtinoui up rrxivul of th lutri-ntitl i'umiiiviw CommlHMlon Ha h.N riihri lli lntimim (ntml lo Mtrly iuMr(imt without hint of nvttu H hn pttu-tU'ally don troy rtl whltf iiAV irumc. He h iiiiictl th Mil fnr Milutlnxl of Arlionn Mint Nrw Mrxlca to lnttp- htXHl. Ha h rtitMlhit thf lhiru of Mln to ft(titrtt Ih Uvrt of ininrm H hn ,tinltMt utir fttiriith ntr kt fnr thi hrnrnt of Atiirrtiaii tal ami tnhor H hti linllhHt th vhnntfful trtn of pAtnintfit In thin country H hn nuliiiiltlrtt thr liu-ninit tat ni(h1ttittt to th iihtititlhn to ttitt IrirlBUtiin for rHtlth nih'it. He hiia rn-trt n1vnt-Ml hollar In spH'tlon Ifcwa pitrt by ('onKrraa H h (ulliitir(t titritim fur coin ott-tft lirlKHtltot nrotlN In th N rH Ha hua ntttlnt.tliivd mitt rtriidl thi oittn-i1iMir imiii v In ( hint Ha hits nmlntMltitMt iarA In Cut HMtt South ntul ( ii t iii I AinArlca tv enOIy WArhliif. without lnlArAH tlon. u him rnoilrrnlifd m( rAfortn! Kowrnmcht huHinrwn ntvthtt ty n .oiiitiny una rfTiilrnt-y comnililon, uving nilllioiiN tf illlur to th Amr lean trout nnmhillv Ha hrtA rffAtrt nthltrnttun trmtlva with (lifrtt Hrttitln nit rruiiA H VvtiMst tltA Arli'in ulttirhtHxl hilt hraua of th r'ull of juIka provi sion Ha InatlttttAi, ntn-MtltlcAl niMhtHt for tftktuc th nth t-riimii Ha h(t Affrtutilly tlrnirov1 tuii-kt ht Hint irt-r(i h-. ul k roncArna. Ha hna piTalatAiitly htlKtrnl for Drcli potit Ha haa rffArtml new trimtv with Jnimn. m!iiir rmiul luntrowralpa on thA rarllte i.Mt. tl haa furthr AXtAnoVd a mxfMy pullanc act ror th twnrnt of wotk tncrnn II has urrAwtfutlv fouirht for thr puhiiraiion of lamimifn ruiula and i pAmllturAa Ha haa hrartlly Imlornil th lho ronunlaalort a report and (iropoaetl bill coni-rnlnK mplovni llKhlllty. Ha haa rtntrirnnltiHt th ruatnma aArvtr. Allinlnutnl rorrupllon and i- poflAtl ami puntuhAil t-untoma frmirln, thrhy aAVtna ami raovAririff mil llona of dollar to th I'liltrd Htnta Trrnaury. Ha hna AattihltihAil th Court or Commprt't ti rvlw nnillng nf th IntAmtat (nmnifrt (on mil union nnd to rnmly aapratlna: dflaya In lltl fat ton He na AtnhiinAti a nontmrTi -urn tariff hoard to rAport on th dlff r nr In th rout of production at hum and ahnwid. H hn rurd n corporation tux law yielding; ovr $S',immi,imio annually to th lnttid Ktnta anvArnniint. Ha Hh tniniiforiiiAd a drflt It nf fM.fttO.ooa of lh prAVloui ndrnlnta tratlon Into a no.tXm.ooo surptua H haa mad a nrw Amiiran r4'ord for nonpartlaan Judicial ap polntmnta. Ha haa hrouant tn raiiroana tiruirr furthnr rontrtd of th frdArnl fovrrn mrnt throuah ttnton of th powrra of th Inter tat Commrrt Commli alon. II hrourht th worktnrman a eom- prnaatlon art to a aucaful laaua In tn Htiprrm court It haa Afrn-tAd a auccaaafui ork and bo rid a enmmtaaton. II haa AxtAndrd th Hvll arvlr ml In all dpt-arlinrnt nf th frdrr- ai (rovrrnmrnt by rimiitlv order. II dh arurd prat tle ai connrrva- tlon acta. Ha haa AatfihlUhrd a Court of I ua torn Apprala, by whlrh Ufitlrr-viilun tlona hnv brrn atopprd. il aurrriiri in Hrciinna a poafnl vlnra bank avutrm that la drnriflnir millions out of (Jd i-x ki ami putting it to work Ha fnvorrd Hornh a 3-yrnr hotnr trtid bill. Ha hua AThlt If -I fie hlrhrot o-i'fr nf att"fr 'inah! I" hum'!) g Ihr iVH rtr and provoi In; V-iru nt tiutt ion. tnr tiA ' rr'- l t i o ' nn ' f-ni !--v wnr, whltr nt K. I Hilton, lot block 3. MorrlM Huh- iltvlalou to loin ti, , 20, 12. 'Jil. KorpHt Addition to JotlhlliKi U do; $00. Katttv'uila (tn harda Inoorponttitt to William Smlthiimn, Trnrt 17. AiU Oi chnrtla; $700. t'hnrlpa I', lUrrl to rntht'rln A, Matioy, html lit IVtur M. Kliuurion ami win. p. u r.. townohlp 2 nuuih, fiHiKo J puttt; flOfiO. i It. Tuiluy, iruHioo. to Thorn 'Kprr. laud In Clackanma rotmiy; $J&0. , ItaiiU'l nnd Siiaaiinuh Kauflinan lo I'hurli-s C Knulaon. latol tn Htiuii 31. townnhli 4 aonth. ruiiK 1 t'Hil, $10. Hrnry J. Ulwr nnd Klvlrn HlKKor j to l.otiU Noldt. lot 0 of blot'k 0. tirm'tt otiit Addition to OrpKn Mty; $1000. Joa V. ;unaou to I. I. Wullui't', j Innd In Oak (Irovo; i;.:loo. ! Torrt nnd A. li. lioriiatoUt to John Sritlod, Innd Hi ClmkatuuH county; i::ou. Krnrat U. nnd Alum Itlt kaon to Ju rob NlolM-n. loa niTi'a of aiu-tloiK 14 l!i, 2:t ':X tounahlp 2 aouih. mu;o rnt; $.tooo. Walter 1 4. nnd Mnrllm Hny to t; A. Souvcy. lot 21. Mock I. ulmy Ad dltloti to Mllwnuklo; $.1000 W. t;. nnd Nollto Mm tron to Clm Osdon, ho ntroa of him ((hi ;o. town ahlo 3 routh, rniiKo & mat; jlh"0. NU-hoi an Motinor to WiDluui Kon Hit nntt Jontinw S. Holoonit, Mi nrrva of l. L. T. No. 4S. lowiuhlo a south. i rutun 2 -n.it; $10. Jomph K. nnd KlUn Hontotl r to (tUHt Krrdrlrkaon, SO nrrvit am-iion 3J. townahlp i aouth. rnimo 1 rani; $10,000, l.wtn Slrnndpll to K. i MuhIi:i!I. northi'iiMt roriiiT of lot "t, Onk (Inno, $ltV Klli'ii M. HiM-kwooit to K. W. (iHd nlo, lot IK, bliM k 10, Ardonuald; $100. J .V. nnd Mary Sau!pr to Kroj 11 Madison, laud In flat known count); I. , Clllort mid lirna HuiiKlum to tt. It. lU'ittlo, County JudKtt, unit County ('oinnilHaloufm. Innd hi aecttou :U. Itiwnshlp I south. rntiK 4 mat; $1. C. nrtd KlUnhfth Hohnon to Vrt nnh V. Shcwmnn. Iota Innd 8. mtd nortti IA a;t ne( of lota 2, 7. Mock 7. Arlatn; $1"0. tiottfrlfU nnd Mlnnl H(Har) to AI birt Hoae. 60 arrva of action II, i townrlilp a south, ruiiKfl 3 enat; $:iooo. . (iottfrttMl and M limit Hocan to Krrd 1Ucb, 40 nirrs of stM-tlon It. vown shlpa south. rnnKe 3 oaat; $im)0, F. K. Williams nnd Floy Williams to Surah McMillan, land In soctlun 32. township 3 south, ran no 3 rnt; $10. John Gibson and Rosalind Gibson to Huan It. Hevenn, 1 acre of I -ok us Tracts ; 11250. w nomiiim for tho b'HlMlaturp. rtprt"pntntlv In OAK GROVE RALLY K. II. TmiKui'. Ki'i'iil'llinii iioiiiIik'o fur District Alliirncy, nml th iiiiin Inm's for oiImt I'niiiiiy nlllt i' ililrt' ril a lnrK rmwil n( (Ink (I rum Sut u relay nlglit. Tim srnkrs urKi Ihn rliH'tlnu of Ihn rut Ire l(ruhllc nil tlt k ct. nml t lit si'iillmi'iit nf ltiiir rs 'ii( vtus litiiiiiliiiniis fur Iho 1 1t k ft Mr. Txiikuii init.tr n sIimiik nl"'l for tlio i'li IUiii nf I'rmlilKiit l ufl. nml tin wim fri'i'iii'iilly llili'rnipli'il liy up. I'huiHr. 'I'lm rnnillilati'S hi) spoke were K. ('. Iliu ht'tt, tinniliirii fnr sIht Iff; J. y. NYlmiu, iuhiiIiikh tor nsnemor K. I'. lieiliiinii, iiniiiliii'p fur ri'nnlr mid Chris HIiu'IiiI, tiiiiiiliicii fur rt irpni'iiiNllv In llm Iok Inlnt il rr. MuhIc wss rentleri'il liy llm Onk Crovw (llrl's tmuil. Tin cm illilnlt'S will Imlil uiivW Inns iviry ev.-iilnu this Wi'ek. He ought to know. STENCH OF KEROSENE. TAX DEBATE DATES ARE ANNOUNCED i REAL ESTATE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST COMPANY. Lana1 Tltlss Cxsmlnsd. Abstracts of Tltls Mads. JOHN r. CLARK, Mr Offle orr Psnk ot Oroxon City. TO CROWD AT CLARIS The Hi'iiubllcsn nominees tor cuun- ty oMIres sHk to one of the largest crowds of the campslKii at Clarke Momlay pvenliiK. Muili etithuslnsin wns manifested, and several lenders announced after tho niuetitiK thnt the imrty would huve hetter support at the romliiK election thnn for several years. The candldntes will speak nt Shuhel this evenliiK. Thone who spoku Monday n I tit were K. ('. I lack ett, nominee for sheriff; J. K. Nelson, nominee for nssesHor; K. I. Dedmnii, nominee for recorder and Chris Hrhue hel, nominee for representative In the leKlslnture. The Ki'pulilluili ciilidldiilrs fur county oltlri-s mldreiiRed a lure crowd nt CliicknniMi Krldny rvenliiK. dis trict Attorney TtiniiUe Mild stale Hens tor IHmlck were the principal speak er. They declared thnt the ieimn rats had not Klven ettlclent Mdiiiliilntu tlous when elected to oltli e slid urtied the voters to support (he entire Ho pulillcNii ticket. Mr. Tongue made a stroim plea for support for Mr. Tft. The cnnilldnte who xki' were K. ('. Ilackett, candidate for sheriff: J. K. Nelsun. rnndldale for nasemur; K. I', n.'drniin. cnndldnte for re-order and Chrl Hchueliel, rnndldnte fur repre sentative In the state IcKlnlnttire The candldste will penk at Unk Crovn thl evenlliK. ENTHUSE VOTERS Illitrlct Attorney Tongue and State Henator Iilmlcic were the prin cipal speaker at . DIk llepulillc.i rally held at the HiunyMdj school house Thursday evening. Addresse were also made by K. C. Ilackett, can didate for sheriff; J. K. Nolson. ran dldnte for assessor- K. I. Dcdinun. rnndldata for re order and ' litis Hchueliel, candidate for representa tive In tho lenlHl.imre. rtie siieskers called attention to tho I'ouuly tielng overwhelmingly Kepu'illcnn, and d- la red that If thi Itepuliltcnns did their duty the etitlro ticket would win. The meeting was an entlius1 ttn one, and reprewrative meinheis of the audience kunmiMctil that tho large majority of (he voter (f ih') district would smvuirt the (like! J. W. Copeland, of Dny(on, Ohio, purrhnsed a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, nnd before the bottle wns all used the boy's cold m none. Is that not better thnn to pny a five dollar doctor's bill? Kor sale by Huntley tiros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbnrd, Mo lalla nnd Cnnby. I Maud J. and Jay Upton to Marietta I Ohtrander, land la Clackuiuai Couii- (Special) ty; 10. Kuton to of blin k U liourne cannot expunge the stench defender, of kerosene from his political gar- ments He haB been designated the intermediary for the Standar Oil Company and the White House au thority during the administration of Theodore Roosevelt by no less author- The T'nited States as It stands is the evidence of the progressiveness of the Republican party during the mm mi ear, lur me parry nas oeen In power for nearly the entire period. ! I'ORTLANIJ, Or., Oct. It!. At a conference today between V. S. l"Ren, of Oregon City, and Orton K. (loodwln, press representative of the Oregon Kqua) Taxation League, the following tentative dates were set for a series of debates between Mr. L' Ken and Charles H. Shields, secretary of the Oregon K'lual Taxa tion League; 1'ortland. West Hide, ,,e, ay "cruuer . rioou it.yer, H(.Ildtron, laIld , BK,;tlon 2, town October 2S; Orego, City, Saturday, K1 ,!ult(,r and Jda IiuK,.r t0 Junn T i njiier in ana t oriiaiiu, tasr. Blue Leslie O. and Iols U. ; Ralph J. Hurlbcrt, lot 0 Cauemuh; $10. , Ralph J. Hurlbert to Ils U Eaton, lot 5 of block 3, Caneniah; I ID. ; (3. I,, and Mary M. OrlniHhaw, lot I, 2, 1, block 10 Windsor; 10. j Clackamas- County to K. K. White, Hand in Clackamas County; l. ' heaoS4armoJC talWKo I James W. and Mary I'attlson to U. 0. C. LATOURETTE, President F. J. MEYER. Csshlor The First National Bank of Oregon City, Oregon CAPITAL, ,50.000.00. Trsnsscts a General Banking Buslnsss. Open from 9 A. M. to I P. M- Living From Hand to Mouth If you are in the habit of paying your bills with ready money out of your pocket you give the impression that you belong to the class of people who live from hand to month. Your check would be just as ac ceptable, and besides you would gain the advantage of having a receipt for the money paid. The Bank of Oregon City THE OLDEST BANK IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY PLEA FOR SUFFRAGE. ORKOON CITY, Oct. 16 (Oregon City Enterprise) You voters may not know it, but eight million women are earning their own living In the United States today, doing work which for them is quite as hard as your work is for you. A very large percentage of them are supporting families and paying taxes; they are governed by the fame laws which govern you and stand shoulder to shoulder with you six days in the Tue-day. October 2S. For the Salem meeting effort will be made to have Governor West, Ex Mayor Kndgers, or Attorney Gener al Crawford preside. In Portland one of the meeting is to be presided over by a prominent labor man. Mr. I 'Ren will support the Single Tax Measure while Mr. Shields will attack the KelH Tax Commlslons, con tending that the state and county measure contemplate the establish ment of the Henry George Single 170 acres of sec 4 south, range 1 week. Do you consider that thlsiTa: ,,,at ,ne Henry George Single makes them any less womanly? Then don't you think we should be able to ward off your influence we have your word for It that It Is not a prop er influence long enough to vote with you once In a year or two? These eicht million women are per fectly willing to "remain in the home" where you say they belong but since they are unfortunately compell- , ed to get out Into the world every day to earn their own bread and but ter, they feel that they t-hould have something to say about their condi tions and surroundings while at , work. If for no other reason than that they are going to be mothers of a large percentage of the next gen eration of voters, they should have a i chance for health and well-being. The fact that an army of women and children are working in sweat i shops and fire traps bas not seemed Tax li not a system of taxation et all and was not so Intended; that It has for its ultimate end the national ization of land by absorbing the en tire rental value of It. The expenses of the meeting will be paid by Mr. C Ren and Mr. Shields. State or Opto. rrrT or Toixno. t I.t.l M C't .IT 1. ( r MM i. CMrsr.y imli with th.it h If rrnlnr pnrttir lit lb 0rm of r J. Hr.--rv A Co.. rtoliiic buMnr 10 th my nf T'll. I'Mintr ajiil Mai tr'.r-Kii'l. And !h.tl ud arm will p-iy th um of OSK Ml MKM Ix M l 4 111 for mb nl vrr m of c,T4!tH thit r-uiiiol be ciirra by Uw ur of Hau. OTAHlfri ti.rt. FRANK 1 flit Nr Y. "worn to hfo m AM itnbl Hi my pr Ar , thiA nh dy of Li-njt-r. A. U.. I". , . A. W. l-il.KASON. j IFAL f Nnl fl L1C. HaII'i CAlArti Ciirr M ink tntA-mnllr in4 lllrrTly u;m Hi lnA ana ITiloua A-irAA of Ihc yitca. Mrtii for tilrno- i .ia. fr-. r j i iih..y a oo.. 7ut4.. o. WtM br tit ftmrrlAtA. T. Iaaa HAil'i. f Anily PUii for onatlpaUon. and l-aura Whallcy tion 3.1, township ea t; J 10,000. J. I), and Myrtle Hamlin to Charles and I'.ertha Shutter, lot 7, of Morrow Glen Tract; $10. Walter and Matilda Hltchman to Fred Hansen, land in section 28, town ship 2 south, range 2 east; $1100. V. V. and Mary Sctly to II. II. Car son, 3.97 acres of James Oltlcer I). Ia. C. No. 39. sections 19 and 20, town ship 4 kv uth, range 2 east; 410. Henry Heine to John SallKtrom, 0 acres of section 22, towrblp 4 south, ranire 4 east; 11000. William C. Dodson to Leila Dodson, 80 acre of section 12, township 2 south, range 4 east; $1. Henry C. rrudhome Comptny to l-ella K. and Mollle Gibson, 20 acres of section 12, township 2 i-outh, range 4 east; 1. Ellle G. Rlvenbnrgh to R. W. Hen- I n' tnan, land In section 1, township 2 l south, range 2 east; $10. John (:. and Kathryne U. Conrad to ; R. W. lienrieman, 2 1-2 acres of sec ;tion 1 township 2 south, range ! east; flO. f. am) Ella Parrlsh to R. V. Hen n' man. land In section 1, township 2 socth, range 2 eat; $10. H. S. snd Ai-rieg Rnwe to Arthur I-wls, land In Clackamas county; $10. Ellen M. Hor k wood to Minnie M. r'rans. lot 20, block 7, Ardenwald; V'i. j R. 8. and Daisy K. Coe to Thomas rjskv ements FLOUR Best $1.30 PER SACK AT ALL GROCERS. Careful of Your Property One of .he secrets of our success in the Baggage and Transfer Business Safes, Pianos and Furniture Moving Williams Bros. Transfer Co. 612 Main Street Phones, Office 50, Residence 1562 Office Both Phones 22 Residence Phone Main 2M4 Pioneer Transfer Co. Extabllshed 1865 Bucessor to C. N. Greenmsn FURNITURE, SAFES AND PIANOS MOVED BY EXPERIENCED HELP, PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE. SAND, GRAVEL AND BRICK Rate Reasonable, Baggage Stored 1 Days free of Charge Agency for the celebrated MT. HOOD BEER