OREOON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, OPTO HER 18, 1912. Arc You Blue and Worried? N.mm. P Son., of th. tim. rwlly ill P C.teh cold e.ilr and treollr uf Iron, b.lioutneM or he.d.ch. ? Th. re. U that y-,.r system doe. . nd I...M of th. poi I" th. bloods j,r,t taiiM... t .1 ;r ih. r.t.o m.k. th. fire, bum low u:n I ....-., '. cb.iU-r. Juve .m;v. ,tc.l ond u'bunum it .11. Your hvr is .1. :S. ' V? l! '.M S iNK-;-P"-' ro.. ,'h, SUV. even alter, vi m.d. Ir t'"'r. c t. f Uen sl ...d rumu.uk. root. ....... .nd p. .. in p v I ...x.l. tulr of lr Sw ESlLi m .-I th. UWI WW - IIO.BL4MI. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTEKESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY MARQUAM. ' Married, in Portland. October 9th. 1912. Mr. J. C Mamuara ud Mis Kate Riding, both of Maruuatu. Mr. Marquam la a prosperous merchant and has had charge of the postottlce for some time aud Mis Kidinii has been a school teacher of Clackamaa county for aeveral year. Their many friends wish them happy and prosiierous journey through life. The boya gave Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Marquam an old fashioned chary art Monday night M. Harry Hari;reaves, principal, and Miss Watts, the other teacher are giving good satisfaction in our school Mr. Johnson Is hauling his hops off he told early. He received 201! cent per pound. There are no sales of potatoes at present but a large yield. All Bowel Trouble Ik relieved almost Instantly by using Dr. Bell Anti Pain. It destroys di sease germs and atop InBamation. Keep a bottle in the house. Sold ev erywhere. For tale by Harding's drug store. MACKSBURG. School opened with a fine attend ance, Monday, October 7. The farmers are rejoicing that the grain is secured from the rain and frost, which have come earlier than usual this season. Only the potatoes are yet ungathered and they are too mature to be affected by the unfav orable weather. The threatened blight has been far less than was fear ed. Potato digging is going on every where, some of the older pupils being excused from school for that purpose. Miss Lillie Harms made a record for herself last week, picking 48 sacks in a day. The apple crop is fine, the fruit be ing almost free from blemish. The funeral ot Mrs. Kraxberger took place on Saturday.) October 5th, at the Lutheran church and was largely attended. Mrs. Kraxberger leave a large family of children and grand children to mourn her loss. Her sev en son and two daughter were pres ent at her funeral. Two ot the children of Mrs. Henry Kammer, John and Lena, have been ill for two weeks, of typhoid fever. John is better but Lena is still ser iously 1IL Mrs. J. J. Gibson, with her two daughters, Agnes and Annie, also Mrs. Clans with her Utter Marie, were Sun day guests of Mrs. A. B. Baldwin. Mrs. George Cosh is np again and rapidly improving. Mr. Roth la able to walk about hi ranch, where he I staying with his son, William, and his family. The Macksburg people are encour aged by the sound of the donkey en gine that are at work on the Canby and Molalia railroad a well aa by the report of uninterrupted work on the road. To think that thlf Isolated position 1 soon to be a thing of the past NEEDY. Potato digging I progressing flow ly, a help Is almost impossible to get. Quality not Seed Wheat, Vetches, Rye, Barley, Oats, cheat, Or chard Grass, Timothy, Clo ver, Etc. Mill Feed, Grain, Hay, The celebrated Conkey Stock and Poultry Foods and Sop plies always on hand. See tis before ordering your winter's supply of flour. Oregon Commission Co. ELEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS quencs the (' d ii disordered, tor tlie stoni.cu u tlx labo ratory (or tlio constant p.iwuLi-tur. ol blood. ....... i, ..- f r,rf TWr. Out. Iinx S4, Ht; "lhsv. Alter lrr.n trh, '"'h" "Ta J IS Clrrti Kemody. 1 M sow a Cxl fr Wttto B. bra kC Hl Dr. Fierce'! Pleuwt PeUet. reul. lire w4 boweU. Mis Lucy Mitt Ii picking up po la tor for Mr. Hamilton. Mis Ruby Toedtemeier, .teacher of the Lone KI'W school, was calling on friends here Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Sam LanU ha relumed from Southern Oregon, where she haa been visiting her futher and sister, who live at Drain. Elmer Hoard man left Saturday for Eastern Oregon, where he will be gone for a few day. ,, Little Eddie Miller 1 reported on the stck list. Miss Rachel Spencer received a plca-ant visit Saturday evening from Miss Ruby Toedtemeier. Mrs. Eugene Mttta picked over a gallon of strawberries Saturday from a patch of Magoon and Oregon. The berries are large and well flavored. The plant have been bearing ulnce the first crop and are now covered with green berriea and blossoms, which w ill soon ripen if the frost holds off. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Bailey and fam ily. t Udell. Iowa, are visiting with the former's f liter, Mrs. Jim iMtta. Mrs. M. G. Smith received a pleas ant visit Sunday afternoon from Mrs. J E Mitt. ! Mr. and Mm. ftank Hilton are call ing on Needy friend. Mr. Roth, who has been ill for some time of pneumonia, passed away Sun day afternoon. The funeral service were held Monday and interment wa I made in the Zion cemetery. HI wire died but a few months ago, also of I pneumonia. He leaves four sons and six daught ers, who are: Mr?. T. Schultx, Mrs. Sam Kauffman; Mrs. S. N. Strubabr, Mr. Levi Yoder. Mrs. Christ Nofziger, Mrs. C. C. Christner, Joseph Roth, of Woodburn: Will. Daniel and Simon Roth, who are at home. Albert Eyman is bailing hops for Marcus Smith. Grandpa Christner, who had a stroke of paralysis some time ago, is very ill at the home of hi son, Christ Christner. Unsightly Sores, boils, eruptions pimple, blackhead and all kln affection are very Quickly cured by the use of Dr. erywhere. For sale by Harding' drug store. RURAL DELL. Oscar Franklin spent Sunday at Mo lalia. Sam Kauffman went to Portland Tuesday. Relatives from Portland are visiting at the home of Fred Eyman. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith visited with friends at Molalia Sunday. Comeliu Amdahl made a business trip to Oregon City Saturday. Mr. Sanden, who bought the Tom Ogle place, returned from the East last week, bringing his family with Jbim. t Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wldstrand had i friends from Monitor a their guests Sunday. j Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Sconce made a i flying trip to Molalia Tuesday. Elmer Widestrand and John Mon son spent Sunday afternoon at Sithers. A group of friends called on Mrs. T. H. Sconce Monday night to help 'celebrate her birthday. Quantity The Young retiple'i Sot loty lui't Sunday evi-nlng. A good ironmm rvndored the fair ilivd crow d that . tm.i'itl. There bu.lnv.t moclinit. which ro.ultml In ordering now orK.iu. the iHihlUhlnx of iwpor and the election nf the following oill ovra: Joe Uottwald, rtMldont; MUt l.ulu KMimn. vUe lTonldtftit: MtM J- i'hlni llr.Uburg, (Hrtnry; John KoKiu.rk. trvamirer; John Idinilmiuo. editor: I'arl Sothcr. MIk. Kuth Wld mriiml Mid Ml. Jo.''hln. Ilrutalutrg, liroKrnm committee. A vory iilensMiit birthday aiinirlao wni Klven Mlaa Joaephlne Hi-mtKhurg hint Kriday nlRht. Refreahmenta were jaorriMl and it Tory Jtivlal time wa. en I loved by all that were ire-ent. which Included, Mia. Joaephln. llraUlniru'. Mb llaniiah K.vllo. Mlaaoa lni:a and llminah Soe. MiaHea Kuth and Minnie Wl.tatrand. .Mia Tlllla Sanden. Ml Mable Koamark. Mta Emm Oottwald .Mia Myrtle Klormeae, Joe Uottwald, Klmer WUIstrand. Carl and Oeorpo .sotner. jonn iHmmiiue jonn .von- ton. .eia ana jonn roamnra, Aaron IO, Rd Kylla, Kdwin Kytnan and Itanry Kyllo. How Much Will You Pay to have your cyea cured: Suther land Eagle Eye Salve ouly costa 25c the eye. For salo by Harding's drug store. GLAD TIDINGS. Mrs. James Reed, while enroute to Salem, took fonou-ly ill and it wa Salem hospital under the care of a I k..i..i.. i E A." Shaver reports ground atnost ! i.v Hr m .in . -nnH fc)h t.lowlne. I I J E. Navior and wife were visltln J ' with relatives In Hrooks Station. Mat- ion countv. a part of the last week. I none m iew uay. .m . .... .... T O. Riding and wife passed Sun-1 considerable for a time from the ef dav, going In the direction of Mar-1 feota, but at this writing Is getting quam. presumably to pay a little via ll"n all right, i. ... ,h. ..,i.i pni.ni... Mr The railroad surveyor are bu run- and Mrs. J. C. Marquam; w ho we-e i married at the First Methodist Church. Portland, on Wednesday. October 9. Rev. Uenjamln Young of ficiating. C. A. Bengle Is again off carpenter ing. We think in the vicinity of Can by. J. A. Ridings is doing contderatie plowing this nice weather. Your Friends Prefer Jewelry to Any Other Gift in the World For thou;ands of years a far back aa historical records go the universal token of love and friendship has been precious stones and Jewel. To every race In every age and gen eration, gems and Jewels have held a charm more alluring than money, land, merchandise or any other form of wealth. And with each generation, the sentiment attached to the giving and owning of Jewels grows. Every achievement in life is associated with gift of beautiful Jewela a diminutive ring for the baby; bracelets, and neck chain for birthday remembrance: at graduation, per haps a fine watch; a diamond ring announce tne marriage engagement; and at the wed ding, the crowning event of all, a multitude of preclou gems, stone and Jewela Search the gamut of human wanta and you will find no gift so acceptable aa jVwelry. Good Jewelry Is a heritage that is handed down from generation to generation and an en during remembrance of the giver. When you wish to select Jewelry for your friend or relative, come to thl tore. You can not find more dependable Jewelry any place; you can not find so huge a line or o many noveltle el.ewhere in thl city. Nor are the price we ask In any case unreasonable. In many Instances a comparison will demonstrate that to trade here meanaaconslderablecasb saving. If you are unfamiliar with Jewelry, we will be glad to help you to make tasteful selec tions. On the otherhand. if you are accustomed to buying rings, lockets, bracelets, watch es, etc.. so much the better. You will appreciate the more keenly the high quality of our goods and our up to date selections. Needlef to say, every article of merchandise we sell I warranted to be exactly a represented. There's no chance for deception at thl store. our line is particularly Interesting In rings, brooches, bracelets, necklares, locket, pin?, watches and late novelties. Come and visit our store, whether or not you are ready to purchase Jewelry. Hrlng your friends along. We take pleasure In showing th. many beautiful gems and jewels that we have. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN Oregon City Jewelers Grapes In this locality were so uad ly Injured by frost that a very small portion Is of any account whatever. We note that C. V. Carpenter Is the possessor of a new buggy. C. McKlnney's new houio is going up at a iapid rate under the supervis ion of Frank Ericson. Neal Jackson, of near Dickey's Prairie, visited with relatives hero a few days since. Clover bullere, a few of them are again at work, but bulling is a slow process, owing to the shortness of the days and the heavy dews at night, Rubin Deer, accompanied by his mother, and brother-in-law, til II Ci f T, and family, have gone on a vUlt among relatives living near Albany, Linn County. They will be absent per haps eight or ten days. Kev. Childs preached at Glad Tid ing Sunday. We miss very much our fr rmer pastor, Rev. Comstor-k, who In removing took with him the confl uence and good will of all. Mr. McHride. purchaer of the old Moore ranch. ba3 moved his house from the flat where it stood to the hill south, where it now stands. It presents a beautiful appearance. He has also had built another large shed along side of another souht of his house, which will give much riom for the housing of stock and storing of hay and straw. The school at Glad Tidings conduct ed by Miss Percival Is progressing nicely, with a larger attendance than usual. She boards with T. Garrett. A number of farmer have started plowing, though generally the ground la not as wet a desired. Mr. Tom Kcbard. our good natured ruml mall carrier, t again nt hi P"t nfter a vacation of evenl Weeks. He and family were camped nt Cnlihy for nearly a week, Inking In and grently enjoying the t'nnhy fair. J. V. Unrlc.s, who made a trip to the Ogle Creek mines, lu which be I a heavy stockholder, ha relumed home again, lie report everything In a llourlnhiiiK condition, it ml has grwtt faith in the richness of the initio, nnd the ultimate benellt they w ill prove to Oregon tu general, Mr. Hue l grinding corii and put ting; It lu hi silo, prepared In that way. It I certainly a great cow food. Mis Wava Shaver t visiting with her sister, l.ula Scott, of Scotts Mills, In Marlou couuty. Mr. Kiiinm Naylor I vLlitiig her lister, Mrs. Jake Naylor, ot Hrook stauon ntHr $a,,m, Ore. Goo. New some Is busily engaged hauling up hla winter's wood. John Killing t hauling oft bis clov er seed. J. K. Naylor Is helping Nick lleor dig his potato crop. Mrs. Van Way. of Woodburn. has becti visiting friend j In Manuaiu the past week. John Simmon, an old timer and pioneer of 1S15. Is lying at the point of death. He la about S3 years of age. One by one the old set of poo Die are passing away. How few are left, and but too soon they Tftll all be gone. We ahoud give them praise. their Just due for what they have done, and wish for them peace and s 'n th beyond. Harvey Hartman was kicked by a ning out lines, etc.. between Marquani and Scotts Mills. It Is to be hoped that we will yet have a railroad from Oregon City to Molnlln. thence south to Marquam. Scott Mill, and Silver ton. This Is surely a great country, and with the advantages that other states have bad. It would Indeed be a great er Oregon. (Established In 1880.) CLARKE3. Mis; Ida and Mary ollttemiller spent Sunday with Miss Irene and Knna I-ee. Sophie I'hlllplne from Canby is vis iting her grandma Mrs. Klmer. Henry Klelnsmlth was in town on Monday. William Fawver and family moved to Clarkes again, going there Inst week. William Klelnsmlth, Jr., Is sawing wood for J. J. Gard. KleinEmitb lirothers purchased a new manure f-preader. Mrs. J. J. Gard vlalted Mrs. Lizzie Ringo laxt Sunday. Miss Irene and Krma I-ee visited Miss iieniice Kchnte last Saturday. (i. Marqiiardt is digging hit pota toes. It Look Bad for You to have sore eyes. Sutherland's Kagle Eye Salve will cure them. Harmless and Painless guaranteed for 2rc a tube. For sale by Hard ing's drug store. MACKSBURG Since the la t Issue of the Weekly Enterprise two deaths of especial sad ness have taken place In Macksburg. Chris Roth, one of our most highly respected citizens breathed his last on the evening of Sunday, Oc tober Yi, at the age of 78 years and Mis Lena Kummer, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kunimer, died on the night of r ilday, Octorter lltli. Mr. Kuth, It was thought by his friends, bad about recovered from an Injury, which bus been mentioned In the Kutcrprlso, when he was sudden ly attacked by pneumonia. Tim ill eno ImMlod all treatment and term inated fatally In a few day. Tile death or Mr. Hot It following that ot bis wife, which occurred only three month ago, break up one of our old- e l and most esteemed hou.eholila, and Is much felt lu this, a well aa In other places where hu ha been known, Mr. and Mi. Iloth lonvn a' large family to mount their lo. Their ten children: Mr. Knofxlger. Mr. Kauff maun, Mr. Schulti. Mr. Unler, Mr. t'hrlMnor, Mr. Strulibar, aud the Menu. Joe, lnii. Will and l,e Hoth were present at the funeral. Follow ing a short service at the house there was an address at the Zlou church. The burial was at the .ton cemetry. Lena Kunimer wa stricken with ty phoid fever about three week ago, and, despite the most unremitting care and the best medical aid available, grew steadily worse till the night of Friday, the 11th, when death came lo her release. She bad been perfectly conscious re cogiiKlng and speaking with friends till a few hours before the end came. Lena was a girl ot musical promise, and wa Just eighteen yeara old. Her death I deeply felt, not only by her own people but by all who knew her. She had endeared herself, especially to all, who bud been aaoctitted with her til school, being an apt and faithful scholar, a well aa a bright and lov able classmate. Her former teachers are greatly grieved at her early death, Her funcnt wus largely attended and there were many beautiful llorul offer ing. John Kunimer. who was taken III at the came time with hi sister. Is bet ter now. Mr. Cha. Kraxberger, who ha been 111 for several day I recovering With the exception of three cases of sickness. Macksburg seems to be very healthful this season. The weiitV'r 1 uperb and the late crops are turning out fine. Mr.'anS Mr. Geo. Walsh, with their children, were week-end visitors at tho home of Mr. Henry Walsh, at Dry- Suspension Bridge Corner lauds. They came home on Sunday night. Mr. Wulsh returning to work at l lands Monday morning. "To Be or Not To Be" constantly coughing depend on whether or not you use Dr. Boll' line-Tar-Honey. A few doses will stop that cough. For sale by Hard ing' drug store. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Fred Sherrard returned home from Southern Oregon) last week and I now In quarantine with Geo. Robert and family, as Otis ha dlptherla. Ray Grady and wife are at Sunny side working for their cousin. Charlie Glilctt, of Wilmore, Kansas, arrived here Monday to spend the winter with his brothers, Dan and George, and uncle, John Glllet and families. Irene Clanle, of Hillaboro, who has spent the last week as the guest of her cousin, MUs Lillian Glllott, re turned home Wedne'day atterroon. Mrs Malile Gerber, of ITJrtland, pert T'ie .'ny at home with her moth er. Dr. Ralph Harris, of New York, was (.ailing on old time friends here Sun day. He lived here with his parent year ago. A. M-iiit Is giving hi house a new coat of paint thi week. , f A Vanllnv rti.mH hmiSh frnm Ooldcndale Monday, where he attend-1 ea me lunerai oi ni. aiigniHr-in-iaw. CASTOniA ALCOHOL J PICK UarrT ArelalIYrrwj,inlurAi slniil.Hlit$it'H.xl.inillWiita tin(lw ((KtUtlU arulltuwvbdr Promolcs DifJi'slUmrhff rful noss ami IVvX'oiilalni nriunr OpIiim.Murnhii rer Mwtril. NotNahcotic. i AW W Arwrfrrl IVtufdv forfiimllpi Hun . Sour Sltittvk h.l)lrluri Worms fnnibwirtJ:wna lU'SSatldLOSSOrSUXF. JVS'uA Sifuiorr of NEW YORK. Ks.ct Copy ef Wrapper. Mm .Yanlloy la fcttll with her son. t'Utml. J, M. Glllott and wife are on tin sick lUt. Kverett Hickman .ml wife, of Kimv kaiio. Wiinli., were vUltlng the form er mother, Mrs. A. Hickman, a few day last week. Mr. anil Mrs. A. 1. Junes, of KMo. rado, were guest of J. M. (illicit and wife Sunday. Mr. and Mr. Torrenc. are liarkln. up to go to Fustern Oregon to live. Why P.opl. Cough I a mystery when Dr. Hell'. Fine-Tar Honey will cure auy cough. ImoV for the bell cn the bottle. It mnrki the genuine. For sale by Harding's drug store. WIL80NVILLE. Professor Graham and family have moved to Portland, where the Profes or I taking ul hi musical duties again. ' J. Thornton and Mr. McKlnney re turned from a deer hunt In Southern Oregon last week and their fortunate neighbor bav been feasting on ven ison. l Dr. Brown wa In rortland on Fri day. Mr. Shawie spent Friday In Port, land. Mr. Cronln's sister and family have returned home. Mrs. J. W. Thornton I expected home thl week, after vl.ltlng with her son In Chicago. Mr. and Mr. Ilethme have moved (3 the house vacated by Mr. and Mr1. Wall. Mr, Elchenberger. who haa Ju.t re turned from a trip to Germany, visit ed hi brother-in-law, M. Datalgla, laat week. The road work from the corner Into Wllsonvllle I now assured, the mer chants having contributed largely In money, and the farmers are donating their team and labor for that pur pose. The school house I" now completed, and school Is going on as usual, under more favorable circumstance. The ninth grade has been added to the village school, and outsider may affiliate by paying $20 a year, or $2.76 a month tuition. Mrs. tfelvln r visiting relatives In Tacoina Wash. Mrs. (talalgia and daughter went lo Portland on Saturday to attend the wedding of Miss Martha Klchenberger on Monday. II. I). Aden haD been buying a splend Id stock of new fall good. Mr and Mrs. M. Crlsell were sere naded ar.aln on Tuerday evening and male glad welcome ring for the merry-makers. The Democratic meeting held in the A. O. W. W. hall on Wednesday even ing aa well attended. The principal speakers being Mr. Pierce, who talked on national Issues, and Mr. Stevens, w ho gave his reasons for opposing the Slin;ln Tax. Iloth gentlemen wero lo'idly applauded from time to time. Splendid practical speeches were also made by J. E. Jack, Sheriff Mas, No yer and others. Here Is a woman who speak from personnl knowledge and long exper ience, viz., Mrs. P. II. Ilrogan, of Wil son. Pa., who says, "I know from ex perlenco thnt Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I far uperlor to any other. For croup there Is nothing that excel It." For nle by Huntley Ilros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molulla and Canby. STAFFORD. We nave had beautiful weather un til the middle of this week, when It rained a little. Late clover seed and buckwheat hns not filled out equal to that gathered earlier, but Is very thick and rank on the ground. Mr. Weddle will bave hi new house ready to move Into soon. Anion Gnge and wife, from Sheridan rnme Sunday on a visit to his futher' and while there picked some boxes of apple from the old home orchard to lake home. Quite a number from here nnd Frog Pond attended the Grange Fair f Os. wego Saturday. The l!silnv was fine, the dinner excellent and Master nor land's address of welcome well ren dered, an elicited prolonged applause. A short program followed nf muslr and recitation after which nil who wished ad'ourned to a lower room, where were displayed as fine a collec tlon of vet'Pt.i tiles and frultg as has been seen at any of the fairs thl fall, a portion of which wa sold at aur tlon. On last Thursday the ladle of the - CAS-TOli For Infrtntt nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Signature In Use For Over ' Thirty Years neighborhood met at the Nusshaum'a and KQt three unlit off the frnine, two ot which belonged to Mr. Aerul, nd one to Mrs. Priiik. after which the hostes served a delicious supper. Mr. llallon and family ennm Hiitur. d.'iy af'er the fair, and spent liie next day at her father's returning In their home In East Portland lu the evening, accompanied by Mra. C M. Gage, The 8 1 afford chiM. orgaiiUed a lit erary oclefy lat Friday, under the supervision of principal Geo ('. Ijrk in. Frank Oldenstadt wus elected president from th. eighth grade; Ells atieth Nemlr, vice president, from the eighth grade; Arthur le'ker, secre tarv. from the seventh grade and Ce cetle Shauble from the ninth grade a. editor of our school paper, which will be read at each meeting, vli: the second and fourth Friday of each month, making the next meeting on Fridny the 2Mh of October. The ao. licty earnestly request all patrons and friend of the district and com munity to be present at any and all meetings. There will b short pro grams also at every meeting. This I a good beginning for our school and w hope as an Individual that the society will prosper and we are quite sure It will under such able leadership. Grain In thl vicinity are unusual ly good thl year. Large full bunches and sweet. The Paptlst convention meet here on Thursday of this week and the nieetlnus continued all the week. Mr. Caley. of Portland, has be. In stalling lights In the church, such aa ha been put In the Chapel on school house bill. Th Danger Aft.r Grip lb often In a rundown system. Weakness, nervousness, lack of ap petite, energy and ambition, with disordered liver and kidneys often follow an attack of thl wretched di sease. The greatest need then I Electric Hitter, the glorious tonic, blood purifier and regulator of atom ach, liver and kldneya. Thousand have proved that they wonderfully strongmen the nerve, build up tha system and re . tore to health and good spirits after an attack of Grip. If suffering, try them. Only o cents. Sold and perfect satisfaction guaran teed by all druggists. WILLAMETTE Mi. Arthur llarnea and family have moved to West Oregon City. Mra. U-ander Capon, of Portland, formerly of this place, anil Mis. Tmu harbor, of Oregon City, were guest of Mr. M. Hyatt Thursday. E. M. Lyona returned Saturday from Southern Oregon, wlicru lie wu.t live week. Mr. Darts and Mis Audrey Tour, mother and duughier of Mr Anthony Tour, have arrived; from South Da kota to make their home here. Mrs. M. E. Moornhouse, aunt ot Mr. France Lyons, who have been visit ing in the East leit i ueaiiay lor I all- foruhi. Miss Alice Oliver was recently honored with a shower of useful things, a she Is soon to be married lo Leo Lar on. A largo number of friends were present. Refreshment were served and music and game wero played. Mr ('(mistook has had as a guest a cousin from Chattanogii, Teiin., the ptiat week. Mis Grnce Rennet Is In Portland. Mr. Nelson Waldron and MIhh. France went to Portland Thursday for a abort visit Postmaster H. Lelsinnn wns 111 Sat urday. Miss Alice Oliver and Leo l.nr on were imirrlved by the Rev. T. 11. Ford In tho church parlor at Oregon City. Only near relative were present. Af ter the marriage ceremony the couple left for a honeymoon trip to Washing ton. George Swirt, of Kalnmnzoo, Mich., Is visiting his brother, Charles. The two had not rret before fur thirty-seven years. CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND .M 7 'nrlrt for CTTI-Ct!F'-TI?ll, utAMKJUu iiha.ni nu.S In Urn ai.il toi.LD BiFlalllr iHiira, araletl Wllb hi!. Kin. T.x. ho riTiirn. mt . n4 .t ft,? Mil. Cl m.Tl It i III t lilt I. nu A It ri ..., I I frur rrimr-Jrd a IVt,Halr-, Alwara llrllnhle. .OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE 9 IF CaSTOHIA DIAMOND trtfXi