01? KAON CITY UNTBKlMiTSH. l-'KIDAY, OOTOMKll 11, 1012. Why Have "IXTcrvcs?" Thi It h r,on why women have " nerve." When thought h!n to ((row cloudy and uncertain, imptile U and lb warning, ol Min end ditre, are sent like flying meugca throughout limb nd frama, traijlilway, I""1 womnnwill lay Ilia cne ol the trouble to tome di-feot at the point where the Brit (elt il. It it headache, backache, tenaalion ol irritability or twitching and uncontrollable nervoutnew, imrlhui moil he wnmg with the head or hack, woman naturrlly aayt, but all the time the real trouble very oD.cn centen in tlx womanly organ. In nine caura out til ten tha teat ol the dilhculty it here, and woman ahould tale rational treatment for itt cur. The local ditorder and inllam. mation of the delicate special urilant oi tha c thould ba treated tteadily and tytlematically. Dr. Pierce, during long period of practice, found that prescription made from medicinal extract of naova root, without theuteoi alcohol, relieved over 0 per cent, oi euch enact. After uing thit remedy ior many yeart in hit private prac tice he put it up in form oi Wr. Pierce' Favorite Prescription, that would mak il eaiily procurable, and it can be had at any Mora where medicine era handled. Miw. Ln.A n. Hawkins, of Zen. Vv, writes: " I hat Nvn falling In health for two vp mt of the timews not able to at bud to my hoiiwhold dull". Female weakness wnt my trouble and I wJ rttiiir Very had hut, thank ti iHx-tor pierce- mixlU-.lnca, I am well aiid strong airalu. 1 Uk only three buttle of ' Favor ite Prescription,' and use the 'U.ll- n Tablet.' 1 have uoUilug but praia for Doctor Pierce's wonderful medicines." TAK.B DR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS FOR LIVER ILLS. NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY WILLAMETTE. Mr, P. F. Vaughn and lltlls ton, Fountis, accompanied by tier sister. Mis Freed, ot Portland were guest of Mrs. Jbt. Hyatt Thursday. Mia. Freed U Irom Nebraska and la in Oregon for tier health. Mrs. Martha Ross ot Gladstone formerly of this Tillage visited friends here Monday. Nelson Waldron left last week (or Monroe, Wis, for an Indefinite itajr having received a dltpatch that tus aged mother was very lit Mr. and Mrs. Earl Comstock have moved to Sell wood where he has ob tained a position as street car con ductor. Their many friends here re gret their departure very much but wish them success in their new home Mr. Anna Dollar la on the sick list Mr. and Mrs. Frank Capon spent Sunday with friends near Lents. Leonard Rungon has bought the Smith cottage. Mrs. W. B. Hoffman ot Indepen dence, will spend two weeks with her mother, Mrs. B. F. Baker. Clyde Dollar and Cliff Brown re turned from the hop fields Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bowland and little child visited John Bowland and fam ily Saturday. Mrs. E M. Lyons and two children visited friends in Sellwood the first ot the week. Mrs. H. B. Thompson ot Beaverton, returned with them for a short stay. Mrs. L S. H1U and little son, Scott, were guests ot Mrs. E. M. Lyons Thursday to help her celebrate her birthday. School began Monday with 34 pu pils enrolled j six teachers. A fine new picture graces the main hall with the prize money earned the parade at the Oregon City Rose Show. -JLtXl If you have any doubt of the merit ot Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey one bottle will remove that doubt and your cough at the same time. Look for the bell on the bottle. It is the genuine. For sale by Hard ing's drug store. WILSONVILLE Ex-Senator Kruse was an Oregon City visitor on Wednesday, having gone there In the Interest ot good roads. Mr. Wall, the popular salesman, at Aden's store, with his wife have mov ed to Wilsonville, and will occupy the house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Black. Mrs. Stallnecher is visiting her son Dan and wife ot Elwood, and taking a peep at her new grandson, who ar rived recently. H. D. Say was a Portland visitor on Wednesday. Dr. Brown is still taking care of things which were returned from the fair, atd have not been called for. E. P. Dedman, of Clackamas, and E. C. Hackett Republican nominees for county recorder and sheriff were In Wilsonville on Tuesday, fixing up political fences. Frank Seely and family, having sold out at Molalla, have returned to our village to reside, much to the delight of their many friends. Mr. Raffleson, who has been very ill of pneumonia. Is slowly improv ing. Mrs. Rusk, of Eastern Oregon, Is Quality not Seed Wheat, Vetches, Rye, Barley, Oats, Cheat, Or chard Grass, Timothy, Clo ver, Etc. Mill Feed, Grain, Hay, The celebrated Contey Stock and Poultry Foods and Sop plies always on hand. See as before ordering your winter's supply of flour. Oregon Commission Co. ELEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS ' the guest ot ner niece, Mrs. Jones. Mrs. Cronln has been enjoying a visit from her sister, and family. All th,e Hop balers have been busy In this community lately. The Republican meeting was not very well attended on Monday even ing ,oo account ot the rain, which caused many persons to remain at home, who had planned to hear the speakers. On Friday evening the rattle ot tin cans and the shooting of cannon around the Crissell dwelling, serenad ed the newly wedded coupl in the old-fashioned chlvari style. A gooly number ot the high school pupils spent Sunday at home. The dance glevn on Saturday eve ning, iD the A. O. W. W. ball, was well attended, and the young people report an enjoyable time. Miss Jessie ' Murray has returned to her home in Washington. Miss Mary Murray will remain here for some time. Joe Roberts and family torn Sher wood, have moved to the old home place, near Wilsokvllle. A delegation ot Wilsonville ctti sens attended the county ceurt last week in the interest ot a better road from the corner. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts have moved to Battle Creek, Wash. Mrs. Jaeger, a very highly respect ed pioneer, ot thls vicnlty died at her home On Sunday, and was buried in the Pleasant Hill cemetery on Tues day at two o'clock. The sympathy of this community. is extended to the be reaved relatives. J. W. Copeland, ot Dayton, Ohio, purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for his boy who had a cold, and before the bottle was all nsed the boy's cold was gone. Is that not better than to par a five dollar doctor's bill? For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Mo lalla and Canby. RURAL DELL. Leon Cochran commenced digging potatoes Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Watson visited friends here Saturday. Dick Lampman is digging a well for Ira Jones. s Austin Dubois is working for Crib bles while "spud" digging is going on. Elmer WIdstrand visited with Am dahl's Sunday, Otto Owen is working for the Needy Hop Bailing company. Mrs. W. S. Sconce was reported 111 the first of the week. School commenced here last week Miss Stella Criswell lg teacher. Mrs. A. L. WIdstrand and children made a business trip to Woodburn Wednesday. Mrs. Fred Smith visited her cousin, Mrs. Helen Elliott Tuesday . Apples are being picked by local growers, although some of the vari eties did not color as they might have bad we had more sunshine and less rain, they seem to be free of worms, which more than makes up for it Mis Eugenie Catlett, of Portland, visited friends and relatives here Sat urday and Sunday. Otto Owens, Fred Sailer and John Domintaue represented this section at the dance at Molalla Saturday night The Board ot Directors hired Dick Quantity -'J Sampson to get the school houo and v. oil ln rcndluc for school hint week. The ale given by tlio ladles' Aid waa well attended. Tlio auctioneer, Andrew 1'leve, succeeded ill Helling everything Unit wns put up at a very good figure If you have young children you have perhaps uotlced that disorders of tho Momach are their most com mon ailment To correct this you will lliul Chamberlain's Stomach anil Liver Tablets excellent. They are easy and pleasant to take, and Uilld and gentle ln effect For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hub bard, Molalla and Canby. 8UNNY8IDE AND ROCK CREEK Horn, to Mrs. Adolph Stoll, Sept. IS, a tn pound boy. A young people's branch of the W. C. T. U. was organised t Sunuvsldo September 15. There are twenty mem bers enrolled and we are expecting more as we become better acquainted with the work. The meetings are held Friday evening of each week ln connection with the song practice. Beglulng with October 11 the meet ings will be held at homes instead of in the church. School has been the order ot the day at Rock Creek since September 16. with Miss I'nruh principal and Miss Richer, primary teacher. Sunnyslde school started Septem ber 30, with Miss Mary Ylerhus as teacher. Sunday school at Sunnyslde has been poorly attended lately on ac count of whooping cough. Miss Myrtle Stool la visiting her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grady and daugh ter are with Roy Johnson for a short time, to help with potato dolgging. Sunnyslde has a new central girl. Miss Bertha Reed having resigned In favor of her sister. Addle. Mrs. Eva C. Wheeler, state secre tary of he T. P. Branch of the W. C. T. V. will give a recital at the F. M. church at Sunnyslde Wednesday evening. October 16. Everyone come and hear her. There was a fanners' meeting at Sunnyslde school house, October 1. There will be another on Saturday evening October 12. Frank Stoll and wife and sister. Myrtle visited their brother, Fred and Farmers Look Up Your Fall Needs in Farm Tools NOW If you need a new Tlows Harrow, Drill, Feed Cutter, Wagon, Buggy, anything for the Farm you will FIND IT IN The Mitchell Line THE BEST IN THE WEST SEE US Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Portland, Oregon W. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITY, OREGON family Saturday. Fred Stoll has mov ed Uito nis cew bouse and gave a dance. The young people of Sunyslde and Rock Creek gave the Douley family a surprise party on the evening of i October 3. They spent a very pleas-' ant evening. Oscar Devan has gone to the logging ramn at Tillamook. Arnold Soderberg expects to start , for Texas ln about threo weeks. We will m1"" seeing him among bis flow ers. They are are admired by all : who pass. "To Be or Not To Be" constantly coughing depends on whether or not you use Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar Honey. A few doses will stop that cough. For sale by Hard ing's drug store. MARQUAM. Potato digging Is progressing fairly well with a bumper crop. Very little rot reported. The three heavy frosts have killed most of the Tines, so most of the late fields will ba ready to dig in a week or ten days. John Barth, the road boss. Is bar ing quite s lot of gravel bauled on Marguam and Scott's Hill road. The Enterprise Is always welcomed in our homes. Mliis Her tint Miller lias returned home from tiro mm City, where she hits been visiting her slater Mrs. New ton. J. C. Maruuiim went to Portlaud on buslines Momlny. Rev. A. t'hllils wll prench here this co ml UK year. Rev. Coinestock, tlio former minister, has gone to Wlllit mliia. O. N. Itlblmrd I Mulling his son, llnrry for a few day. Mr. i'lillop of Scot I Mills bought a load of apples of I. 1). Uirkiiig till week. lHilph Myers" has been slith ering apples tor winter and some for elder. S. O. Nicholson tin Ills barn about completed. Mr. Ben 1-arson has been tilling his alio for last week with with corn. eneriniin Miller ciiuie home Insi week from Eastern Oregon, where be had beeu harvesting, and has gone to work on the Southern l'licltlo road near Canby. It Looks Bad for You to have sore eyes. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve will cure them. Harmless and rainless, guaranteed for 25c a tube. For sale by Hard ing's drug store. GLAD TIDINGS. 'The sale at the Harvey Dart place given by Fox and Masou drew a large crowd. The bidding was animated, and everything; brought a fair price, a number ot cows were sold, ranging In price fom $15.00 to t5.00. Unexpectedly, after a few days of sunshine, the rain Is falling again, and the farmers who still were hopes of saving; the remainder ot their clover crop wll now consider It im possible owing to the lateness of the season. A number of farmers ln this vicin ity have been digging their potatoes, and the yield so far is very large. C. McKinney will start soon haul ing lumber to build him a house. Frank Erlcson will do the carpenter work. Harrison, son ot Ira James is slow ly recovering; from a severe case of sickness. We are glad that a young man ot exceptional qualification, as pertains to good cittienshlp, business tack, and gentlemanly deportment Frank Erlcson will start building C. McKlnney's house immediately, as IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES OF QUALITY AT RIGHT PRICES CANBY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. CANBY, OREGON a portion of the material to be used ln its construction Is now on the ground, and the balance of the lum ber will soon be hauled by McKinney atd Y3rret L. N. Jones will ,tart 00D ,or East ern Oregon. He will be gone perhaps two weeks. His son, James, will su perintend the farmiDg during his ab sence. .Mr. Rue has cut a part of bis corn, and will start digging bis 4-atre patch of Rpud3 ln a day or two. Frank Erlcson and John Wooster have made a barrel of cider each for their winter's use. John Davis' bungalow, built upon the spot where bis dwelling bouse re cently burned, will soon be completed, It will sure be a beauty. Eph liengll wag visiting bis sister, Leah Beers Sunday. The new minister located at Mar itiam delivered a sermon at Glad Tidings In the forenoon, and at Mar qiiam in the atfernoon on Sunday. Mr. Allen who rented the Rachel Todd place last fall has made ar rangements with the present owners, and will remain another year. A person can get a gams of pitching horse shoes at Marquam most any day, as tbere are some experts there slong that line. The Bentley Hro. are busy digging their potatoes. George, wake up, get a move on you and get cook, so ei- cuse fur Imtclilng while thero are so tunny pretty Ktrls In iho country, ami many ot lliem oooil rook. Heveral of the yonngaters attend til (hu Saturday night dunce at Mo l''iitlden'a Hall near Molalla. Mrs, Deo. NewHomo nml Ml llatlle went to Mt. Angel on Monday. Kd Scnmnn will run tlio llrltnut plnco another year. I on llll'luinl was picking apples near Mariiiam two days l.ml week. Ilert U well ;it lulled with III home near Wllholt that he purchaKed of O. Itoldiln last February. Our new merchant In Mnniiinm, who bought out F. J. Killing I doing a good hUHlncii. We nM confident he will be well liked by all, and that be will do a thriving hualnc, Miss; Mabel Miller, who acted as clerk o long for Mr. Killings, still acts In that raimclly, being given em ployment by J. It, lUiKlon, the pres ent owner. Untlflhtly Sore, boll, eruptions pimples, blackheads and all skin affections are very quickly cured by tho ue of Pr. ery whore. For sale by Harding's drug store. STAFFORD. We have had a tttlo rain again, but not enough to stop farm work, as it mostly came In the night Crops are usually good except po tatoes, which are almost universally struck with the blight nothwlthatand ln the fact which we hear that Eur- nest Hoik man picked up ICO sack to the acre after discarding ' all that seemed in the least affected. Sam Moser had a horse die on the road when, returning from town one any last wee. Mr. l'oinperlne has bought a new automobile, making two in the fam ily, as Otto, the ion, purchased otto last tpriug. Hop men are enjoying the proceeds ot their labors and we are glad to see the Industry proiper. The balers have been busy baling hops till now and nearly all are in shape to ship. IS rents is the highest price offered as yet tor hops and growers are not pressed to sell, therefore will wait a little. Gebhardt'sj seven acres ot young hops, planed last year went almost FALLGOODS THAT NEVER FALL DOWN HOOSIER DRILLS Positive Force Feed Bloom Manure Spreaders Double Steel Reach. J. I. CASE PLOWS The Plow a man Can Pull. DICKS FEED CUTTERS The Best Possible. T Hoover Potato Diggers Dig Clean. Drew LitterCarrier A Genuine Labor Saver. HARROWS Disc and Tooth. MITCHELL WACONS Monarch of the Road. FREE CATALOG sent upon'request 'J 10 pounds to the box, which Is con sidered pretty good. We have heard, but not authentic that Pameprines' hops sold for 15 ' centH. Powell's bought a new separator a few days ago. The majority of the farmers about here ute separators and tend tbelr cream to a creamery. A man comes' through the neighborhood twice s ( week and gathers up the cans. 1 Mr. Gage's nephew, Ed White, of Mlrhlcon, visited them last Saturday ind went to Sheridan to visit Arden Gage, bis cousin. Grandma Tledeman is visiting Grandma Prink. They knew each other In the days of their youth, and ' have many recollections of that fsr away time. Mrs. Nessbaum has s quilting bee organized for Thursday of this week. j The Ladles' Circle will meet with Mrs. Gage Thursday, October 17th, and she hopes for a full bouse. All Bowel Trouble Tfc relieved almost Instantly by using Dr. Bell's Antl Pain. It destroys di sease germs and stops Inflamatlon. Keep a bottle In the bouse. Sold ev erywhere. For ale by Harding's 4ruf stors. 1 L7 1 :io Kind You Huvo Atwny Houirlit, nml whl li linn Iioni In use for over iW jtum, m lorno tho alifimiuro of f nml JiuH liooit iimiln umlor Mn Mr- j j&F--1' olml "iporvlHloii hIoi'O It luftuwy CCvyJ TicAtl Allow no oho todofolv you In thl. All Couiit.-rl'i-lls IntltiUloiiii luid ,?iwt.iw.ood,,nri luit i:Mrlniiii that ti lllo with nml tfiitlmmrr tho lu-allli of luniuH mid Chlldroii-i:xorUmo injuluct lUm'r'monU What is CASTORIA Castorhi la ft liurmloss auballtuto for Clor Oil, Pnrr irorlo, Ir' mid Noothluir Nyrtipm It U IMiWMtiit. t contain m.lthor Opium, Jlor.hlia nor oilier irvoilrt uhKlnm lUntrol U pmriiiito. H destroys Worm nml ttllnys I nvorUhiipas. It rur Dlnrrhau nod md Colic It roli.'Von Tovthluir Troitlli, rnrw ComUlpntloii ml Flntulmy. It iumIiiiIImU tho rood, rt'ifuli Ihn Stomiu h mid llowcl, Rlvliiir lniHliy mid nuturiU locw. Tho Children's l'miuooiv-Tho Jlolln-r's 1'rlcnd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Soars tho f MM! The 11 Ton Have Atajs Bought In Use .For Over 30 Years. -v m taaaii 1 CLARKES The Clarke's scbool started on Mon day. October 7. The teachers are Floyd Webb and Miss Ena HtouL Tha former bring principal and latter the primary toachcr. ('has. Harrington and M. Cbas. Puy- an. Lawrence (irace. assisted Mr. Hu chee shlKle his new houe a fw day lust wetk. U. Mnrquardt was lu town last Sat urday. The new road supervisor, ( John Puts, 1 working on the new road. oZIa Johnson Is boarding at Mr. C. Ilnag's. Mr. and Mrs. Dottemlller and daugh ter. Ml, Ida, were In town lait week. Mr. llottemlller bauled out a load of powder at Thursday. Ham Elmer Is dlKKlng his potatoes. Mr. llottemlller sold throe calve to Mr. Welduner last week. Mr. Dye and Mr. Dedntan. ot Ore gon City, were out at Clarkes las'. Saturday. Chin. Henton hauled a load cf lumber to town Inst week. Jake Klmor. of Portland, was In Clarkes visiting his mother, who ha ueen very sick, but is improving now. Henry Klolnsmttb was In town lust week. Mr. Una. was In town last week. W. H. iluttemlUor darted digging his potatoei on Monday and were some ot the flnost potatoes ever rais ed In Clackamas County. Mr. Wolfson and family were In town last week. Mr. Marqtiard baa started digging hla potatoes. The lluol brothers are clearing land. The Timber Grove school started on Monday, Oct 7, with Miss Zeis Johnson as teacher. Mr. Wettluufer bauled a load of chap lat week. Floyd Webb, the Clarke's school teacher. Is boarding at 8. Staut's. Mr. uusiavo naag Das gone to Mon tana, where be baa purchased a new home. Mis Ilertha Hang, of Portland, Is visiting ber cousin, Miss Ida llaag. When you have a bad cold you want the best medicine obtainable so as to cure It with as little delay as possible. Here is a druggist's opin ion: T have sold Cbamberluln'a Cough Remedy for fifteen years," says Enos iollar of Saratoga, Ind., "and consid er It the boat on the market" For sale by Huntley Pro. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby. NORTH LOGAN. Charles Sager enjoyed the Multno mah fal,' last Saturday. Mr. Cremon's mill broke .down Sat urday. During Saturdky afternoon and Sunday they were busily repay ing the mill. Mr. John Holcomb was visiting lu North Logan today. , The pipe line surveying gung woro surveying on tho Chaio ranch May. Four surveyors of dlono Power Plant were here the Inst two weeks. Young Dullard and his mother came from Portlnnd toduy. During tho Inst week tho Clacka mas river was traveled by many fish ermen. Will Sager of Logan, l vixll!ng Portland during the lust throo week,. Mr. Jim McMuurny, of WashJngioii, Is visiting here at Burton. SealTreU Chlrstensnn was up on a visit to his camp. Hit brother Is getting out ties for the Southern Pa cific railroad. HIGHLAND The family of Earnest Swunk, of Highland Is having a distressing run of typhoid fever. The first to have It was ti e :ittle daughter, Blunche, who is Just convalescing after an eleven weeks' illnes. The next to take it was the mother, who has been In the Oregon City Hospital for two week, and on Saturday the eldest daughter, Lucile, was Draught to Iho hospital stricken with tho plague. Both mother and daughter at the hos pital have turned for tho better. Mr. Swank is a bard working, honest up right man, and ha the sympathy ot al bis friends. Mr. and Mrs. Cash and family, of Gresham. are visiting at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. R. Slmm's. Esther Miller, who Is attending high school at Oregon City, visited her parents Saturday and Sunday. Mr. Cornwall returned from Port land Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nicholas were in town last Friday. D. A. Miller visited his sister at Portland last week, Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kandle are spending a few days at Colton. mm $ mi Hsv ' -a. at"! Mi' aMstSSW HUH Signature of There will be Suuday school at I P. M. and preaching at 3 I'. M. at the M. E. Church Sunday. Mr. and Mr, ltuiiibo and sun, Mrs. Steven and daughter, Gertrude, were Ml driving Sunday. Mr. Frank Mchola. Mrs. Curtis Handle aud Mix Uabello Maun spent Sunday evening at iho botue ot Mr. ami Mrs. D. A. Miller. Mrs. A. Hah and children, of Spring water, spent Sunday at llluhland. Mine, Klxlo and Esther Miller and Joaephlue Adam spent Sunday aft ernoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John 8c bra in. Mr. and Mr. Fred Itettman and family, Mr. and Mr. Curtis Handle and Ml Isabella Maun vlilled at the home of Mr, and Mr. Melees Satur day evening. Albert Martin took a load ot hog to town for Mr. Cornwall Tuesday. Mr. and Mr. W. Hetlman visited at the home of hi brother, Fred llett man, Sunday. Puts End To Bad Hsblt. Things never look bright to one with "the blue." Ten to on the trouble Is a slucglsh , liver, filling the ystem with bliluus poison, (bat Dr. Kings' New Lire Pills would Sipol. Try tbem. Let the Joy of belter feelings end "the blues." Host for stomach, liver and kidney, 25c All druggist. LOGAN. Digging spuds Is the order of the day now. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Btelnuian, of Currlnsvllle, are vlnltlng Logan rela tives this week aud also attended Grange Saturday. U. C. Ilawley, of Corvallls, Is down on a visit. Mr. Ilawley Is one of the charter mombers of Harding Grange, and Is still hale and hearty at eighty. Mr. Cutting Is here in the Interest ot the Farmers' Society of Equity. Ha tried to make It clear that mar keting farm product was a business and required binlnen methods. A meeting was called at Iogan Satur day night and an organisation was perfected. The principle objoct Is to do sway with tho middle man and sell direct to tho comumer. Quit a number of IKanlte went to Greshnm to attend the Fair Sat urday. Clear Creek Creamery patrons will receive 36 cent net for butter fat for September. Clear Creek butter scor ed 9i at tho Canby Fair, and was not made of elected cream either. Miss Mary Swales Is home pn a short vacation. Miss Swale Is one of the graduate nurnes from the Good 8nmarltun Hopltnl of Portland. Fred Wilcox I chief Instructor at the upper Ixgnn school. J. F, Campnu, representing the ML Angel Creamery Company, made a huslneis call on the Clenr Creek Creamery oPlclulg this week. Lower Logan school Is progressing nicely with Miss Anna Hachman as principle and Miss Wleveslck as a prlmnry Instructor. C. C. nohblns nnd fnmlly. of Port land, were out on tbelr weekly "hlko." Sunday. MULINO This vicinity was visited bv a heavy rain Monday afternoon, but tho prospect ig ror rulr weather again at present. School begun here Monday with Mr. Jones, of Portland, a tuuehur. MM Inex Snodgrus went to Col ton Sunday to begin her school Mon day. Several of the MuUnoltos took In the fulr at Cnnliy Snturday. Fred Churchill went In Mnnnt An. gel Monday with a party of surveyors to work on the Clackamas Southern surveying the right ot way. DRYLAND. The blight seem to have done a great deal of ilnmnira in Hi. tn.,.nin crop as well as the potatoes. It ef fects the green tomatoes as woll as me ripe ones, cauBlug tbem to rot badly. MISS Lillian Mitt, nonf aft. ernoon with her sister, Mrs. Frank I r 1 1 i . 1 1 1 j 1 1 , -J. E. Calavan. aehnnl iiiiurvlinffni. this section of the county, Is visiting the schools which are now In session. Jesse Mitts and Lee Fish left Thurs day atfernoon for Southern Oregon, where they exnect to ha in fnr a week or ten days. Potato digging has been tbe order of the dav. hut wilt ha i,i tnr some time on account of heavy rains. A great amount of clover la still ln the field. Tha nrnanocf. tnr iiln It threshed seem very poor at present I