Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, October 04, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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The liquiJa and th dieted foods In the slimentsry eenal pass throu.h th
trill ol th o.n.1 Into th blood Thi. ProM I tcd h1m .ad take, -lace
Thiedr (mm th. .null inte.tin.. Artec shwrr-tio. the blood erne. th. food
throo.h th. body, .nd tech cell Lk. from th. blood th. bod il need.. A pur.
ilycrio etr.ct m.d from blood root, m.odnik, Mom, quteo tw and lden
ml ind told by dmiit for th. pt lorty years under th. nun. ol Dr. I icre s
(olden Medici Discovery, live uniformly eicellcnt retulti as tonio to help
in th. SMimil.tioe ol th. loud .nd in th. .hrplHi fcv h. blood ol th. food
it rrquirei. Kr.dic.1. th. poi.inu Irom th. Mood with this alterative eitrset
which doe. I shrink lb. whit, blood corpuwle. bec.iM containm no alcohol or
r R. Muxao. Eao.
Sam Elmer finished threshing last
Mr. Sherruble has sold his place.
Miss Uernlce Schute spent Sunday
with Mrs. Mary Lee and children.
Miss Haiel Tallnuut is working for
Mrs. Coulter at present
Rudolph Haag spent Sunday wuh
Charlie Marshall
a Haag and son, Rudolph, were In
town last week.
Miss Zelma Cumins was at the
Clackamas County fair last week.
Miss Ida Dottemlller spent Sunday
with Dora and Elda Mariuardt
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durst and
daughter, Eldean, of Union Mills, na
iled Mrs. W. 0. Klelnsmlth a lew
days ago.
Grandma Elmer Is very HI of heart
Curtis Kandle, of Highland. Is haul
ing shingles.
Buol Bros, have completed digging
their potatoes.
Miss Laura and Ruby Card, of Port
land, were out in Clarkes and Ttslted
their parents last week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bottemiller
and daughter, Ida, were In town last
Mrs. Wolf son came back from her
trtn loot SattirdftT.
Gustave Haag went to Portland last
week for a short visit.
W. H. Wettlaufer and daughter
pnar went In town last Friday.
Mr. Gas?er and family spent Sun-A-w
with Mr. Tlnttemlller and family.
Charlie Harrington and Charles
Bryan are clearing for W. H. Botte
miller. , ,
Mr. Buche hauled shingles last
Sick headache Is caused by a dis
ordered stomach. Take Chamber
lain's Tablets and correct that and the
headache will dlssappear. For sale
by Huntley Bros. Co, Oregon City,
Hubbard, Molalla and Canby.
Mrs. Cook, of Clarkes, visited at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
McMurren, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kandle and Miss
Isabella Mann visited friends at El
wood Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. McLees and family
spent Sunday evening at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hettman.
John Scott, of Elwood, visited nt
the home of his sister, Mrs. M. E.
Kandle, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Wallace visited at
nf Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirk.
School started Monday with a large J
attendance and with Miss iBabello
Mann, of Clackamas Highlands, as
Mr. and Mrs. Rambo and family at
tended the county fair last Saturday.
Rev. Coop and E. Klelnsmlth called
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. E.
Kandle Sunday afternoon.
There will be Sunday school at the
. r n i i. -t i n . ) r. a vr ITvarr.
Douy welcome.
Mrs. D. A. Miller was an Oregon
City visitor Saturday.
. Mrs. Joe Wallace visited friends at
Oregon City last week.
Mrs. Ed Flcken, of Viola, visited at
th home of her sister, Mrs. D. A.
Miller Sunday.
Curtis Kandle is busy hauling lum-
r, r v
Quality not Quantity j
Seed Wheat, Vetches, Rye,
Batley, Oats, Cheat, Or
chard Grass, Timothy, Clo
ver, Etc.
Mill Feed, Grain, Hay,
The celebrated Conkey Stock
and Poultry Foods and Sup
plies always on hand.
See tts before ordering your
winter's supply of flour.
Oregon Commission Co.
Other injurious inrtlient. inus in. oouy ran vm 'uui
up it run, to reiil dineete. This it tooio rken from
Nsttirs's drden th.t build, up thoM weakened by due.
Dr. Fierce, founder of th. Invalid.' hotel at Buffalo,
N.Y., hai received many letter similar to lb. followin I
W. Tvm R Vt-WKV. of r.ra.tla, N. R- writ-, t "I Hk. srmt
rWur m wrtnnn yn l.r.( my rat and li ear. In S-tcai-lr
1 u fck with IVl-V- Ft. lut n In drdtiil Mm-
I .I.,-- . ami. n.. a1.. imvi mn.i mu n..! to mr
aiWi-MH. 1 had tncl nnat awrthins I eimWl rW but noUiiiur .1
any ad until, at la.t. I a a.lna t try lr. I'wr . tMa MnlK-al
IWomi-y. and I'k-aaant I'HWi. I uw. '
U-ltW I aaw a rml lmirovmnt ami U I ha.i uil th UaUnit
two ai.Uia. win only a Irw vialau 'PImuwI IVlMa. 1 ntunwd to
parfert Wth. I cur not And wordi to TPra my tnanMuiima tor
Ihu wtavWul nmlx-inK I advna all aullaran Id wnl bl Vt. &. V.
I'mtc aj ha com hui othara tail."
ber and shingles for his new bunga
low home.
Mr. and Mrs. KVed Hettman and
family spent Sunday at the homj of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fellows.
J. V. Copeland. of Dayton. Ohio,
purchased a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for his boy who had a
cold, and before the bottle was all
used the boy's cold was gone. Is that
not better than to pay Ore dollar
doctor's bill? For sale by Huntley
Bros. Co.. Oregon City, Hubbard, Mo-
lalla and Canby.
Mr A o. Damelson whose home Is
on Dr. Stryker's farm on the Aberna-
thy, who was recently ournea nas
mniH Into Mr Nathan Horton's
house, formerly the C. A. Rosecrans
Mr. Len MaaaocK nas moreu. into
th bouse recently vacated by Rob
ert Sartin on the Darling place.
George Derrick ana Irlena. vuuara
Pierce, have gone to Cohassett. Cal.,
.-han trior will work in the apple
orchards and possibly obtain other
work for the winter.
The Maple Lane Improvement. inn .
met with Mrs. Nathan Horton Sep-1
tember 25th with Mrs. Dimick. i
Heater and Brown as assistants. Af-;
ter the business routine readings
were given by the hostess and songs
by Marguerite and Ruth Horton ao ;
companied by their mother. Several
local improvements were discussed ;
and plans made for execution of the I
same, alter wmcn me usuai rewcuu
menta were served. Fifteen ladies
and several children were present.
If you have young children you .
have perhaps noticed that disorders
of the stomach are their most com
mon ailment To correct this you
will find Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets excellent They are
easy and pleasant to take, ana mttu
and gentle in effect For sale by
Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hub
bard," Molalla and Canby.
Tho nin nf Sentember 30th has
given the county the appearance of
early summer. It seems to have
checked the potato blight, which had
been causing anxiety to the ranch
owners. , , ,
The sale at Mr. Chris Roth s on Fri
day was a decided success as to at
tendance. Mr. Roth bad recovered
from his Injury sufficiently to be pre
1r and Mrs. Will Roth with
their two small children continue to
occupy the Roth homestead.
John and Lena Kummer are 111 or
typhoid fever.
Mrs. and Mrs. Wes Eby were Sun
day guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Sprague, where they en
Joyed a lovely dinner and a pleasant
afternoon. The occasion being in
, Mr Hnrrv RrOOkS. Of Port-
land and his sister. Miss
lately arrived from England. They
were accompanied by the Misses Bes
sie and Bertha Dickinson. The par
ty returned home with Mr. and Mrs.
Eby at whose home supper had been
prepared. Music and a pleasant eve
nine were enjoyed by alt
The results of the County fair were
most satisfactory to MackBburg.
Many rrlses belnie taken. Mr. Her
man Harms and Mr. Jim Smith took
prises for their sheep and Mr. Died
rich Harms for his sheep. All flis
Mst ksburg bullies who were present
ed won prises.
A little tlmmhter mm on Saturday
to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wal.-h.
School bells rang out on Monday, In
three of the adjacent districts. Hear
Crock wilh Miss l.lllie Milts as teach
er and Fly with Mr. Harry Sherwood.
Un KUIer also opened on Monday.
Mackstmrg opens Monday, Oct. "th,
with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Bald
win teachers.
Mr Hnldwln' has Just purchased a
new horse and buggy, the school be
ing three and one half miles from his
F. F. Seeley lias sold his place with
tho view of going to Oregon City to
lite. Mr. F. C. Cnrston will occupy
the Seeley place.
Mr. Jo Gibson Is enjoying his new
automobile to the delight of his nu
merous young friends.
Fred Schafer has built a new saw
mill on the l-ntouretto place.
Every day the clearing fires are
smoking In the timber on land that Is
to be planted with crops for 1913.
If you bav. any doubt
of the merit of Dr. Bell's Fine-Tar
Honey one bottle will remove that
doubt and your cough nt the same
time. Look for th bell on the bottle.
It Is the genuine. For sale by Hard
ing's drug store.
Ed Jnckson Is busy digging his po
tato crop. They were planted early
enough in the season not to be ef
fected by the potato blight. They are
turning out at the rate of near five
hundred bushels per acre and most
nt thm am nf markntnble .lie.
Late planted potatoes In this vlcln;
Ity are considerably affected by the
blight, but Just what will be the. ulti
mate damage cannot be told to a cer
tainty at this time.
Most of the farmers In this neigh
borhood are now done clover bulling,
and although considerable loss was
sustained owing to the rain, and re
peated handling, still the major
nnrtlnn vtmm aaVAtl. B n H th DriC b-
ing good, all are fairly well satisfied.
F. J. Ridings, our enterprising Nar
quam merchant, who has catered to
Look Up Your
Fall Needs in
Farm Tools
If you need a new
Plows Harrow, Drill,
Feed Cutter, Wagon,
Buggy, anything for
the Farm you will
The Mitchell
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
Portland, Oregon
ha wsnn nf the neoDle for near a
quarter of a century, first aa clerk,
then as proprietor, bas sold bis store
and stock of goods, also a bungalow
and lot to a stranger to us ail, but
with whom we will bo Well pleased
if we find him as square In business
affairg as F. J. Riding and bis worthy
wife. F. J. Ridings bas acted as clerk
and proprietor In the mercantile line
for at least a quarter of a century,
assisted by his good wife, who for
the past fifteen years ran the milli
nery department We will mlBs
their familiar faces behind the count
er, but wish them success In their
late venture farming on their 40
acre tract one mile went of Marquam
on the Marquam ana mi. ngie
"To Be or Not To Be"
constantly coughing depends on
whether or not you use Dr. Bell's
Tine-Tar Honey. A few doses will
stop that cough. For sale by Hard
ing's drug store.
The rain bas come again so to lay
the dust.
About all of the clover is threshed
In this vlmlty, which means a great
deal to the farmers, for there were
several thousand bushels saved.
The bard wind of the 28th blew
down a great many apples.
The Southern Pacific surveying
crew Is still hard at work near here
mi. .. ... .ullnhU route throuuh
here by way of bcotts Mill, mid
thence to Sllverton.
J. Paron. and Albert and Ilolmer
Nearson are to tnko a trip out south
Henry Barth Is building for S. II.
Mr. Boldon. of Cottnuo drove, who
baa bought F. J. Hiding's more. Is
reatly to open up. They have been In
voclng th stock of goods fr tli
last week. .
School I to commence hero the
Tth of October.
Quito a uumber of the young peo
ple have gone off to attend high
Four of th Republican candidates
siKtke here Monday night " l
largo crowd. They were: l Schiuv.
bel. K. V. Dodmnn. t'.us Sclmoerr ami
Mr. Nelson. There was great Inter
est taken In what they had to say and
the meeting broke up at a lalo hour,
wishing them and the whole Republi
cs nttoket success from top to bot
tom. It Looks Bad for You
to have sore eyes. Sutherland's
Eagle Eye Salve will cure them.
Harmless and Painless, guaranteed
for 25c a tube. For sal by Hard
ing's drug store.
H. D. Aden and J. Thornton went
to Oregon City Wednesday on busi
ness. , ., ' a
The Onion Growers' Association or
WllsonvtUe, held a meeting at J.
Seeley's on Thursday evening.
Mrs. Cronln and Mrs. Larson visit
ed Mrs. Cronln's relatives In Canby
last week and attended the) county
a now mlnlatnr baa been riven the
charge at WllsonvtUe. since the last
meeting of conference, and services
win h hold as usual. Everyone Is
cordially Invited to attend.
Mrs. Marion Young was awaru
nrii nn bar rratr nuIlL and sec
ond priie on display of raffia work at
the county fair at fanny.
Unrcanit rtninlcla received first
prise for her doll's quilt at the county
fair. Menga Batalgla also received a
prwe on ner apron, wmcn "u '"j
at the state fair. i
Roy Baker received the 5 rrom
Mr. Gardner, of Oregon City, for the
largest musk; melon grown in tne
county for the juvenile fairs.
Miss B. M. Greoham and two nieces
spent Saturday and Sunday at home.
The school house contractor de
serves credit for the splendid work
he is accomplishing In so short a
time. The school house Is almost
ready for occupancy, and Is a credit
to our village.
James and John Say received
checks from the State Board of Agri
culture for vegetables sent to the fair.
Mr Mltrhellhlll of the firm of
Mitchellhill Bros., of St Joseph, Mis
souri, was in town last week and
loaded up a car of clover seed, pur
chased from the farmers bere.
; Melvln Crlssell, one of the most
', successful farmers near Wllsonville,
has decided to be a bachelor no long
er and will return kere with bis bride
in the near future, where they will
be at home to their many friends. We
! wish them happiness and prosperity.
I Mr. Criswell has grown up here from
i boyhood, and has hosts of friends who
! wish him well.
I Mrs. Marlon Young and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Aden, Mr. and Mrs. Ridder
and family, Anna Batalgla, Mrs. All
son Baker and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Wood, Mrs.
Cronln and family, Ira Seely and fam
ily, Jud Seely, Mr. snd Mrs. O. Todd,
Mrs. Larsen, Geo. Seely and family,
Misses Baker, Mises Helen and
Mary Murray were among the resi
dents of Wllsonvlle attending the fair
at 1'iinby.
Sores, bolls, eruptions pimples,
blackheads and all skin alTectUins are
very uulckly cured by the uso of Dr,
erywhere. For sale by Harding's
drug store.
A little rain fell on Monday,
enough to lay the dust, so that tluM
who not a chance could rltln In an aut
omobile with comfort and not bo an
noyed l the dust. Slue (lieu It has
been coot but no frost as yet.
Some Ileitis of clover seed ripen
very slowly and uneven, but that
which has been already threshed
yields very well.
It looks Ilk potatoes would have to
be Imported for next year's planting,
as there Is hut few fields not artecled
wllb the blight.
Miss Rosa Schals, who has been a
stenographer In Portland since she
graduated from Business College,
came with her fiancee In nn automo
bile Saturday and took her father
and mother In, and went to Oregon
City and wns quietly married, thus
surprising all her friends and the rest
of her relatives. All wish her health,
wealth and happiness. They have a
beautiful homo on Portland Heights,
where they will bo at home to their
friends after Oct lSth.
Fir Francis has mawed to Tualatin,
after renting hi place to a Mr. Span
senbnrg. Mr. Holdswarts sold his place last
week and Is to glvo almost, Immedi
ate possession.
Miss Anna Nemlo returned to Ore
mn ritv tr resume her studies this
week at the" Mclaughlin Institute.
Miss Minnie Borkmnn and Mrs.
Gage enjoyed a very pleasant after
noon at Mrs. Fletchers last Friday.
Great, luscious strawbrrls, as well
flavored and large as In the summer,
were served for tea and partaken of
with Infinite enJoymnt. Mr. Fletch
er said he cut th plants and vines
off even with the ground as soon as
they were through bearing and they
are green and thrifty now as In the
spring. He also has enormous pump
kins, a sampl o which he will ev
hlblt at the Oswego Grange Fair on
Positive Force Feed
Bloom Manure Spreaders
Double Steel Reach.
The Tlow a man Can
The Best Possible.
HooverPotato Diggers
Dig Clean.
Drew LitterCarrier
A Genuine Labor Saver.
Disc and Tooth.
Monarch of the Road.
sent uponjrequest
, the 12th of this month, together with
other tnammotn proaucuons.
Mrs. Powell had relatives visiting
ber all last week and Sunday an ad
ditional anto load spent the day with
Mrs. Julia Gage, from Bandon, Coos
county, came with Mr. Holton and
family Sunday and spent the day at
Mr. Gage's, returning to town In the
Mrs. Milem, of whom loving men
tion was made In last week's items,
was burled bere on Thursday followed
by a large concourse of sorrowing
.-i i m rii. laar rpatinff ckire was
heaped high with beautiful flowers,
niarert br loving 1 hands. Among
tho at the cemetery were many old
im rrinnria and acnualntances. Mrs.
Carter and Mrs. Tom Buekman. her
ulster In-law, both of them widows,
were there. They have been gone
from this vlcnlty for a good many
It bas got to be such a common oe-
entrance that we bad almost neglected
J to say that the youngsters calling
themselves Black Hands made anoth
er stalled last call for money, this
I time on C.ns Gebhardt also Simon
. . . i n
' ttr. t an fin laar -i ntirantiT ffYtMllUM
Johnnie Peters' dog made a great fuss
racing out to the gate and barking
furiously, so the boy went out to see
what excited blm so, and sticking In
the pickets be found a white envelope
but saw no one, althongh It was
S : JSl For Infant, and Children.
I casiohh
nvs$ ami IVM.Coutalu j iyhiw
Opium.Murphiitf nor tail J
mi XI AHl U I IV.
M fa. A,
jtea W
iMWlfr, itmmfmi limn
Atwrfort Rrrnfdv fwfiwilbi
lion. Sour Suiwh.UIrtwi
IteS'inaV Sltfnarart of
raw bn-1
Eiact Copy ol Wrapper.
lirilillt moenilKni. lie nuurnou 10 mo
hnue. and found It wss a Hitler
.tun...l l.l,-k ll.tiila" IliPMnlnllllltf
the u.unl blow-up and murder of tho
family If he dhln I doposii iiduu in
,..1,1 rum- luiil. frntn th ltonn. Knrrv
slKn in the grave yard at 13 o'clock
Saturday nlnht. Thorn was no de
posit of course on Saturday nUbt.
rruluy morning iiu uvuuurui
...., I .iimiirntii nf th two ha had
got before sticking In bis bnrn. warn-
1..- hi... mi.uIii m h.iffll-M fn ileno.lt
in, iiiiii ,., -
flOOO, two posts from tho iIkii In the
grsve yard nt 11 ociocs, naiuruiij
night, snd also found three sticks of
dynamite piled up In his chicken
house with fuse attached. They got
no dviwHlt In this case either, and
Gebhardt suys they were very
thoughtful to bring him the dynamite
as he needed some more to finish
blowing out some stumps DUl lie amis
lk.. n.lt'hr hava alnlnn It from Ilia
own hox as he don't know for cor
tain bow many sticks lie had left
Anyway he thinks he will save them
to celebrate with.
it . i , vii nnl.nnpd one
ill I. i'n - " w i
nlnht last week, also one of Mr. Red-
ricks dogs but chicken tnieves rnrai
like a dog yelping around, and they
keen aulte busy. Snm Moses lost a
doien recently.
Mrs. Weddle, who was so severely
u... k fall ahinr ten dnva ago. Is
able to walk about the bouse some.
Indigestion. Constipation and Bilious
ncnl quickly cured with PODOLAX
or your money back. No gripe. 6oc
bottles. For sale by liaruings urug
Once more lx)gun has demonstrat
ed Its ability to bold first place on
the map or any other old place. Ev
an mmiha nf nlir bablea came home
with blue and red ribbons. Little
Mabel Kirchem won the Anuerson
...i.. r, tir.,nlnat airl bnbr ovor one
and under two years. The Juvenile
fair was a success o, aim w u"i
and extended to
even the remotest nooks and corners
of the state, o that every uoy ana
girl can have a purt In It and be bene
fitted by the spirit ot competition
and the Incentive to better effort
caused from It.
Harding Grange
Tbe following is a list of most of
the exhibitors and the products ex
hibited In Harding Grange:
lxuls Funk Sheaf of grain, wheat
and outs, corn on stalk, potatoes, Bur
bimks and Early Hose, threshed
grain whent, oats and kale seed, two
large plants of Simpson lettuce; W.
If. Brown sheaf of Grain, oats and
pumkln; Mrs. 11- 8. Anderson Car
rots and parsnips, also canned fruit;
Mrs. J. C. Young Pears, squush and
celery also an ansortment of Jellies;
W'lnfred Cromer Buckwheat; E. C.
Gerber Oats, apples, Baldwin, King
and Northern Spy; Mrs. E. Oorber
Apples, cabbage and gooseberries; A.
I) Bobbins Potatoes, Early Roue and
Burbank, apples. King. Baldwin,
Northern Spy and White Pippin;
Kohl Rabl Carrots, parsnips, sheaf
1 nBid rv. e-r&HHeg. clover or-
I 111 II, UU'"I J - D
chard grass alfalfa, timothy, threshed
grain, wheat ana oats; jienry owi.-
Sheaf grain, whent and oats, toma
toes and quinces; Geo. Kohl Wheat
and oats; Wm. Kirchem Apples,
King and Baldwin and Northorn Spy;
Henry llablcr Sheaf grain, oats, ap
ples, Blttner and Wolferver; Olaf
Vcrdlng Apples, Wolfriver, and turn
ips. M. Verdlngs apples attracted
muct attention on account of their
Immense size: Fred Rlebhoff Pump
kins, Bismarck and Northern Spy
apples; W. II. Hagcman Flold corn
and apples, German Rhlnette; Floyd
Kirchem Bostom Mnrrow squash,
bananna, musk melons, and four va
rieties of gourds; W. C. Kirchem
Grain In sheaf Alaska wheat, Goose
wheat, Russian Red Wave, oats
Shadcland Wonder and Shadeland
Climax, millet, S varieties, potatoes, 4
varitles, Early Roe Burbank, Ameri
can Wonder and Multnomah, cabbage
and watermelons, green peppers and
green beans; Mrs. H. S. Andorson
Caka, cucumbers, beets, turnips, Hub
bard squash. Summer squash and
green corn Jelly turnips and parsr i ps;
canned fruits: Mrs. T. Rlobhoff-Wild
Blackberries and huckleberries glass
jelly; I)uls Funk Icicle Rndlnh,
sweet potato squashes, apples, North
em Spy, Lady apples, twenty ounce
Tied Check Pippin, Baldwin Snow ap
ples, almonds, beans, vinegar, grey
' .i i ..irli kale, field com,
OBI., wuriiL
timothy. Moo of wheat, sheaf of oats
and carrots: K. ninn-n "
stalk. Iiondon Horticultural pole
beans; T. P. Wilson-Vetch and
Kreen beans; F. H. Hutchlns Sweet
com on stalk, field com on stalk and
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
For Over
Thirty Years
tmi Mmv. Mm t "
corn In ear, alo onions; Mahals Gill
Rhubarb summer suqunsh, Ever
green blackberries, spiced crao ap
ple. seel apple cider, Crook neck
amiiiah- liluiln ('land iiluin". prunes,
pepper grass and quinces, Mrs. O. U.
Bobbins Vinegar, rnunaru, penr.,
beans, 3 loaves bread, dried churrles,
rabbnge, cherries, baselnuts. ever
green blarkbrrrles, 8. ('. B- gK. also
a collection of crochet luces and tidy
four pen (Irawlnus by O. P. Bobbins;
Ellle Kin-hem Two Jars fine boney,
mince meat, aauer krauticsnnodl
wild strawberries. Ute Duke cherries,
pea, huckleberries. tnUed pickers
and beef: va (ierlM-r one quilt; Mrs.
Stella Abbott Two pieces eyelet em
broidery, one hard auuer tailing, hat
tenburg center piece; Mr. N. U Kir
chem Silk embroidered pillow top.
embroidered towels. Kentucky Wond
er beans; Lulu M. Ward-Four pieces
French embroidered, one waist, two
center pieces, collar and Jabot, one
Imttenburg pillow top. side board
scarf and dolly, drawn work and knot
stitch handkerchief; Mrs. N. N. Bob
bins-Two qillll: Mrs "'
em-Canned peaches, huckleberries,
mustard pickle, apple butter, plain
.....it-, ki.mjip f-milflia. corn, two
pieces ' eyelet embroidered center
piece and corset cover. i
French embroidered. 1 drawn work.
handkerchief. 1 batten-
burg dolly: Mrs. W. P. Klrchem
Cenned fruit, pear, peaches, rhubarb,
.. 1.....1... r-aniiflriwer Grsvensteln,
.irniiriii""i - - , 1.1
apple sauce pickles plain, pickles
spiced and beet picsies. . u.....
..hnrrv nlant. homo made soap,
and Marechnl Nell Roses, rut flowers,
carnntlons snd glsdlolas. Mabel By.
ers; roses. Mrs. r . . nuicnin.
lias, Mrs. O. p. Bobbins; riower..
i .,iiv Mr.. A. MoHtuI: lam-
pas Plumes. Mrs. J. Durlg; Dahlias
(29 vsrletles), Mrs. iiagenimiu.
C. Wilson Canned chicked pears,
Petltl and Italian prunes.
Puts End To Bsd Habit.
Things never look bright to one
with "the blues." Ten to one the
. . i - i -i-i. iiwui. flllltiif ftm
iroume is siurribu n..i, -
nystem with bilious poison, that Dr.
Kings' New Life Pill would expel.
. . .U. l,.w nt hnllAr
Try inoiii. iu ' j"
. .. . I ink. 1. 1.,,.. " 11, ml for
leeiiiigs eim " "i- - -
stomach, liver and kidneys, 25c All
Miss Dottslo Hubbard, who bad
been hero vialtlng frleuds, left for
Portland last Sunilav.
School commenced Monday with
Miss Inez Snodgrnxs, of Mulluo, as
Emma Baurer, who was home for
hop picking left aguln to work for
Mrs. Dye at Oregon City.
Vallen Bros., of Elwood, wore bus
iness visitors at Collon Monday.
MIhs Hand Freeman left for Port
land Inxt Monday.
Miss Elma Hubbard, who bas been
spending her vacation with Mrs. El
liott, left Monday for Woodburn to
attend school.
K. A, Swanson, the Colton road su
pervisor bas had several teams and
men busy hauling planks and gravel
to Improve tho roads.
MIhs Olson, the telephone operator
has her new houxe completed and
the swltchbonrd Is boing transferred
from tho old house to the new.
Gust Wlckborg left last weok to
work at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. A. n. Countryman and
family were here vlnltlng with Mrs.
Countryman's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. E. Bonney, at Colton, for a short
John Engstrom roturned from Port
land, where ho had some dental work
done last Saturday.
Mrs. Dlx and son, U. S were visit
ors at Dlx Bros.', saw mill at Schue
bel Sunday.
John Jones made a business trip
to Oregon City Monday.
U. 8. Dlx and Chas. Freeman have
been busy building a shed for their
threshing outfit
Mr. and Mrs. Cue Gottberg and
family are mnklng preparations to
move to the Elliott place at Elwood
this week as Mrs. Elliott Intends to
leave soon for Washington, whore Mr.
Elliott Is working.
Dolph Freeman was hauling bolts
for the Bonney and Wilson shingle
mill last week.
When you have a bad cold you
want tho best medicine obtainable so
as to cure It with as little delay aa
possible. Here Is a druggist's opin
ion: 'I have sold Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for fifteen years," says Enos
Ix)llar of Saratoga, Ind., "and consid
er It the best on the market." For
sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon
City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby.'
x. iir