OltrcnON CITY ENTKltPIUHl FIM DAY, HKI'TKMHER 27, 1012 3 s:- ?i law ir ii u v a i j li ucj i it vi h 5 W The Fa Ike feu i MPF 1 . Hi ASK for RED TRADING STAMPS Stamps given with each 10c purchase. $30 fills our books -splendid premiums. Visit our PREMIUM DEPARTMENT 11 Opening in Our Garment Section is always an event of great importance, eagerly awaited by women who like to dress well, becomingly, and at modest prices. And we are prepared to exhibit one of the best selected lines of Fall coats and suits over brought to Oregon City. The label on the garments prove their entire worth, their correct style and the high class workmanship that has entered into them. If you will closely inspect the garments we're showing, you'll realize that at the prices quoted, you are re ceiving some of the best values ever offered. , Vc invito you moot cordially to attend this Fall Op ening. Come and get acquainted with the entire store it has the Fall at mosphere as well as the best of the new Fall merchandise. We'll welcome you. Fall Opening of Men's Clothing You're going to see new clothes on every side now; all the young fellows will be dressed in the smart hew grays, browns, blues and handsome mixtures, ih the hew tweeds, worsteds, chevoits, serges. Many of the snappy new models in Fall overcoats are sure to Le very popular. You'll want to have an early look at them. Hart Schaffner Sc Marx: maks them right; thsir ctathes have the style, ths tailoring, the quality of materials that you want. For m?n of all tastes, all ages, all sizes, we have clothes that are right in ;very way. ' Coprrtjbi Bui kkutef a- tin ADAMS DEPARTMENT STORE The Ousiest" Store in Clackamas County News from Jennings Lodge and Oak Grove JENNINGS LODGE Geo. Williams and hi daughter, Mra. Welfca and family have disposed of their property on tb county road and purchased a farm at IlrldKO. Oro- Kon, and export to leave for their new home about October 1. Mendamea HrlHtol and Origgsbyand children, of Portland, autoed to the Ijinidowne home on Saturday and mnde up a picnic which went by launch to the went bank of the Will' amette. The (irlggsby family were over Sun day visitor at the home or Mrs. llrtggnhy alater, Mra. Lansdowna. Mra. Emmons waa a guest of honor at a delightful luncheon at the home of Mn. Overbnlt In Portland on Wed nesday. It boh)- the birthday annl- venary of Mra. Emmons. Mra. San' born, who la visiting In Portland from the East ahared honora In the pretty a flair. Mr. nnd Mra. Flacher are receiving congratulation over the arrival of a little ton, which came to their home on Thuriday Inst. Mr. and Mra. J .A. 8oesbe and Har old came up from Newport laat week for an Indefinite atay at their cottage at thla place. Mra. Q. D. Iloardman, of Portland, vlHlted at the Sheneflcld home on Sunday, Mra, Ad&lyn Da via, of Oregon City, waa caller at Jennlngi Lodge on Friday laat. Mra. II. F. Stover raptured a fine 44 pound Chinook talmon at thla place on Friday evening. Her many friends receiving a piece on Saturday and all pronounced It fine. Mra. A. (', MacFarlane took a picture of It with Ha raptor. Mr. and Mra. Handera entertained Portland friend Sunday. Meadnmea Ely and Malley and children being their guests. Mr. and Mra. Chan. Redmond ex pect to leave thla week for an extend' ed trip Kant. They will apend Ave daya In Chicago and the greater part of the time wllf be spent near In dianapolis, the former home of Mr. Redmond. On their return they will visit New Orleana and apend iome time In Arizona and California. Mr. nd Mra. Redmond will be abaent TowrsFishBrand PommelSlicker 41 Kerpsboth rider and saddle perfectly dru. Made forrough wear and Jong service in the wettest weather. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 1 .521 lOOKFORTHISrlAKK ornmino $3.50 EVERYWHERL W A.J.TowraCa X 0T. ToweCmui1i S S ' alwut three montha. Mr. and Mra. Vivian Tlbbetta have taken apartmenta In Portland for the winter and their coiy home here will be occupied by Mr. and Mra. J, F. Jennings. Mr. Ilaylea and Miss Ethel Thomp aon, of Portland, Miss Mollle Koso.of Oregon City, Mlaa Dill, of Portland and John Rlcharda, of Oregon City, were caller at the Morse home Sun' day. The Miaara Helen ialnton, Ethel Hurt and Arthur Roberta enrolled In the Oregon City High School on Mon day. Mr. and Mra. Doyle gave a danc Ing party on Saturday evening laat Fifteen couplea were present. Re freshments were served and a good time waa reported. Mr. and1 Mrs. Madison and aon Ralph, have returned from the hop fluids near Independence and Ralph has resumed hla atudlea at the Mil' waukle High School. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Near will open their home on Friday evening, Sept 27th, when a corn roaat will be giv en, lion fires and roasting of corn will be one of the attractive features, besides other entertainment Refresh' menta will be served. Including corn In different dishes. The proceeds, we understand, are for the benefit of the Chapel. All are welcome. Wm. Cook la remodeling hla home. Louis Tucker, who Is camping at the Spooner landing has caught a number of fine salmon recently. One weighed 35 pounds and one 25 pounda. All have been caught with a common salmon trolling outfit The fishing teem to be very good at thla place thla year. The boys of the Jennlnga Lodge school piled the wood into the shed satisfactorily and earned 12.60 which they used to purchase a foot ball for use. on the school grounds. Leading styles In Ladles' and chil dren's dress hats. Miss C. Goldsmith. OAK GROVE. J ONES URGED TO OFFER FOR MAYOR FRIENDS 8AY PETITIONS HAVE BEEN, SIGNED BY ABOUT 400 VOTERS G. B. DIMICK ALSO 10 MAKE RACE Adherents of Mayor Say Victory Thla Fall Would be Vlndlca tlon of Hla Poll . Idea A petition signed by about 400 vot ers, according to the men who circa lated It, urging Linn K. Jones, drug' gist, and formerly a member of the state legislature, to become candi date for mayor at the coming election has been presented to htm. Mr. Jones, It la believed will accept the nomination. He will be opposed by Grant B. Dlmlck, present mayor, who announced several montha ago that he Intended to be a candidate for re election. Friend of Mr. Jonea have been circulating the petitiona urging him to make the race, for more than two weeka, and they say the results are gratifying. It la believed, by the followers of Mayor Dlmlck that the plan to have Mr. Jones become a candidate la the work of men who nave) fought him throughout his administration. Eight members of the city council have op posed hla efforts to control the po lice department and name a chief and other membera of the force. They also opposed other appointments. Oregon City for four months had two men acting aa chief of police, and fi nally C. E. Burns, Mayor Dlmlck ap pointee, aueu for his salary, the de cision being against him. The may- iur um iciuneu iu viku but ui lue wan been ranta of E. L. Shaw, chief of police under the Brownell administration, Ray Shupe has opened a barber shop In the confectionery store. The Clemmona property haa sold to an eastern man. Mr Wallace haa sold hla place to i and who Is attll acting aa auch. Burns Being a Woman. Whatever else ttie suffragettes have done they have made many of os heart! ly weary of being women. Every one Is talklug about us; no one la content to leave us alone. Some solution of the "woman question" ta an Ingredient In every panacea offered to the contempo rary world. We are praised for quail tie we are ashamed of having and blamed for things we never did. It la really no wonder ttint we long for our "rights;" we are so nsed to being put off with either Injustice or mercy. Even the presidential campaign, as It turns out does not leave as quite out of the Umellght It must be very easy, in comparison, to be a man. A man may have duties as a citizen, aa a husband. aa a father, but no one partlcularixe bis duties aa a mere male. Being a wo man, on the contrary, has apparently a code of Ita own, and women of entirely different races, temperaments and clr enmstance muxt somehow agree upon it Some of us who are busy living up to our personal futea would cravenly beg the Zelt-Uclst to take care of It all. But that we are told. Is the unpardona ble Laodicean sln.-Atlantlc . Perfumery Cakes. Although not new, there Is an in creasing demand for the cakes of per fnmery. These solid blocks of pressed sachet are very easy to ose and the fragrance I decidedly more lasting, aa the attars are not distilled by alco hoi, aa la the case with the liquid ex tracts. It is said that each block con tains aa much floral essence aa you would find in quart of the liquid perfume. When the odor become faint all that I necessary ta to scrape off a little of the wax, thus exposlug a new perfume surface. There are various odors which have been cor railed In a solid In this way the ever popular . violet the heliotrope. Mine rose, carnation, coryopsia. lavender and sandalwood. Each cake la In Closed In a little neat looking box, sug gesting leather, and the price Is very reasonable. Sandy and East Clackamas 8ANDY C. D. Purcell Sundayed In Portland. C. L. Clark, of Lents ,was in town Saturday. A. L. Deaton took the second de gree In Masonry at Gresham Satur day night The recent railroad excitement started a small real estate boom In Sandy and town lota are advancing In price and selling well. It la estimated that nearly half of Mr. Mellikle's new house last week. C. E. Surfus waa In Estacada Sun day. Miss Montfe Cox visited Mrs. Lay, of Highland, who had a paralytic stroke. We hope she will speedily recover. Frank Wlllson and wife have a new arrival. , Miss Jessie Philllpps of ' Promise, Oregon, is staying with Mrs. Frank Wlllson A. Vallen, Walter Cox, Mis Nouna the potato crop of thla section will Vallen and Miss Effle Cox went to the be unmarketable on account of the ; mountains to get huckleberries, but ravagea or ongnt j reported a scarcity of berries on ac- Tne sandy concert brass band gave ! count of frost a dancing party at Shelly hall Satur-1 Hop picking Is over and many fam day evening. j Hie have returned home. ' All seem- Frank McGeiger cf Bull Dun, Sun dayed in Sandy. The Sandy tax-payers' club held a meeting at Melnlg's hall Friday night Chas. Sharnke is painting the Beck- wit h house. Threshing la finished hereabouts. Grain proved to be not a much damaged by the long wet spell as was first supposed. The new Lutheran school is com pleted. R. E. Esson, the Sandy druggist. Is now located In his new store in the Shelly block. The store with a com plete sot of new fixture presents a fine appearance and? It marks another step In the advancement of Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Wagoner, eastern peo ple who lias taken possession. Dr. Thompson sold his fine bunga low to Mr. Story and the family moved In and Dr. and MrsThompson moved to Portland. W. F. Flohlg has sold his property to a Portland man and has moved to Portland. The buyer took possession the 18th. Mr. and Mrs. McLess and family relinquished the fight and la now em ployed at the Elk'a home. Announcement has oeen made that men who are friendly to the policies of Mayor Dlmlck will be candidates for places In the city council. The members whoe terms; will expire re Charles E. Pope, ward 1; J. A. Roake, ward 2 and F. J. Meyer, ward 3. Pope. whi has worked In bar- h.7t Amoved Ttc r.helr fl east of Ore- n,onj; ""I 5 nA? iljemuer ui lun vuuui.il w uu uu, 11, ib which they recently pur- understood will be a) candidate for I of the board, and haa opposed the September ' M,,ror al" wl" become a candidate iur; rv-vivi'uuu, biiu nunive, u is ii- gon City chased. Marie A. 8. Soule will present Ethel rtcrkfldale Warner in a Piano Recital Monday evening. QAth In ihm rvirtlofut Parlnra Robert Richardson and Miss Thomp nounceu, win reure. . son were dinner guests of Mr. and ' Even should all vacancies be filled Mrs. Chas. Worthlngton Friday even-1 by friends of the Mayor and he ahould Ing. j be-re-elected there Is reason to be- Mr. and Mrs. George Hanson and Heve friction will continue In the daughters, Dorthy and Marion, and j council, and other department, un Mr. and Mr. E. C. Warren made a less the opposition derided the re trlp to the Hanson farm Thursday In ; election of the Mayor waa a vindica te Warren car. tlon of his policies by the people. CASTOR I A For In&nta and Children. TI.8 Kind Yon Han Always Bought Bears the Signature Woman 8snt to Asylum Barbara Bruce, of Mount Pleasant, was declared to be of unsound mind by County Judge Beatle Tuesday. She was tuken to the asylum at Salem. Dr. J. W. N'jitIs waa the examining physician. Mrs. Bruce is twenty-two yeara old. Price Estate Filed. The estate of R. D. Price was filed for probate Friday, Mis Florence Price being namedj the administrat rix. The estate is valued at $750. Ironing Silk, Silk should never be ironed on the right side, as It will be shiny wherever the Imn han fourhi-d It Blood Poison Is prevented by applying Dr. Bell' Anti-Pain to cut, scratches and bruises. It destroys all septic matter, enable the wound to heal without soreness. Be sure to get Dr. Bell'. For sale by Harding' Drug Store. - DOVER Mr. Seward was hauling hay Satur day from Mr. Fitzgerald's place. C. A. Keith and wife were In Port land Friday. Mrs. Keith waa having dental work done. Mr. Cupp and Mr. Reld returned Friday from Washington, where they have been surveying. School opened Monday, September 23. Miss Wheeler la the teacher. She la boarding with Mrs? Harriett Miller. v Mrs. Rewg and family returned Fri day from Washington County, where they were picking hops. Margaret Seward and Gaylord and Helen Keith are attending high school this year in Estacada. Lee and Granville Cooper are work ing on the Government trail on Wild Cat mountain. ed to be satisfied with their outing. School commences the 30th of Sep tember. Mis Lillian Fredolph, of Da mascus la the teacher employed. Mr.- and Mrs. Henderson were in Estacada Saturday. KELSO Services were held In the Norwe gian Lutheran church Sunday after noon by the new minister, who re cently, arrived from Nebraska to take charge of the Portland church. School 1 progressing nicely under the leadership of Mr. Vurcel of San dy, principal, and Miss Johnson, of Lents, primary teacher. F. W. Canning is building an addj ton to bis house. red Canning ha returned from California. Mr .Netael, who waa quite ill, ha recovered. Kelso ha a library, in charge of Mrs. Robert Jonsrud. on Monday and shipped them to Port land. Mrs. Viola Douglass and daughter. Miss Bina, were Portland visitor Monday. Mrs. R. B. Gibson called on Mra. Gua Burnett and Miss Effle Grace last Saturday afternoon. Dick Gibson made a trip to Sandy Saturday. The Douglass boy are busily en gaged in digging their potatoes. H. S. Gibson made a brief buslnesa visit to Portland on Monday. Mrs. Murphy called on Mr. Hew lett Sunday evening. FIR WOOD Mr .and Mrs. C. T. Dickinson and son, Walter, of Oswego, and Allen Dickinson, of White Salmon, visited Mr. and Mra. W. F. Fischer laat Sun day. Mrs. James Byron, of Seattle, Wash, and her daughter, Mrs. Albert Alt, of Orient, visited Mr. Eva R. Hart last Saturday. Mrs. Ethel Harper is spending the week in Portland. I If you knew of the real value of Chamberlain' Liniment for lame back soreness of the muscles, sprains and rheumatic pains, you would never wish to be without it For sale by Huntley Bro. Co., Oregon City, Hub bard, Molalla and Canby. Best Ever Used A. B. Helnlein .Harrison, Ida'ro. says: I have used Dr. Bell's Ptne-Tar-Honey for coughs ami colds and It la the best I have ever tried. Look for the Bell on the Bottle. For sale by Harding' Drug Store. ELWOOD Threshing at Elwood Is finished. Grain did not turn out aa well as ex pected, or as many bushels to the ac re aa It did previous yeara. Rev. A. S. Henderson and wife spent few dava visiting their par ents here. They returned to Cornel ius to reside. Dan Stahlnecker began working on WELCHES Mr .and Mrs. Howard are erecting a log bungalow on the banks of the Sandy river. Mr. Plnger and Mr. Augerstlen were visiting friends in Welches. A number of automobiles passed through here Saturday and Sunday. The road a are In good condition and the weather Is fine. F. W. Winter and wife are living in their summer cottage near La Casa Monte. Mrs. William Welch has returned to her home at Welches resort, after a few daya visiting friends and rela tive In Portland. Pacific Coast League At Portland Portland 3, San Fran cisco 2. At Los Angeles Los Angeles 5-2, Vernon 0-J. At San Francisco Oakland 3, Sac ramento 1. Northwestern League At Seattle Seattle 4, Tacoma 4. called in 12th on account of darkness. At Victoria Victoria 7, Portland4. At Vancouver Spokane 8, Vancou ver 3. EAGLE CREEK We are enjoying some fine weather once more. Mr. and Mrs. Ross and family, of Portland, were out calling on Mr. and Mrs. Murphy the first of last week Mr. and Mrs. Ed Douglass went to Portland last week where Mrs. Doug lass underwent an operation at one of the hospitals. She la doing nicely. Some member of the Douglass fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jim DeShaxer, of Firwood. Ray Woodle butchered some hops lake no other. MUST BELIEVE IT. When Well-Known Oregon City Peo ple Tell It 8o Plainly. When public endorsement is made by a representative citizen of Oregon City the proof I posit ve. You must believe It Read thia testimony. Ev ery backache aufferer, every man, wo man or child with any kidney trouble will find profit in the reading. William McLarty, 1521 Washing ton St, Oregon City, Ore., say: "The public statement I gave in praise of Doan'a Kidney Pills in January 190C, still holds good as I have bad no re turn attack of kidney complaint I waa afflicted with backache and pains through my loins and I could not sleep well as no position I assumed waa comfortable. My strength and energy left me and I was miserable when Doan's Kidney pills were brought to my attention. Deciding to try the ru, I procured a box at the Huntley Bros.' Drug Co. and by the time I had taken the contents, I felt so much better In every way that I did not consider It necessary to con tinue their use. I have been con vinced that Doan'a Kidney Pills are a reliable kidney medicine." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'a and