OliEOON CITY F.NTERPRT8R, FRIDAY. SKITKMHKU 27, 1012 IIOT FLASHES. Women in mlddl i often complain of hot flathe. They are it that tti of lite when their delioatt organism nreJs I tonio end helpini-hand which only Dr. Pieroa'a Fsvorit Prescription can give them. Many women luffer needlessly from girlhood to womdhood and Irora motherhood to old age with backache, diaai cm or headache. A woman often become alrepless, nervous, " broken-down," IrriteMe and lecls tired from morning to night. When paim and achee rack th womanly system at frequent intervals, ymr ueigkif Doctor Pierce's Favoj-It Prescription. Una. 1. Ihhof, of R!l S. Honulon Stml. Itsltlniora, MJ. av: I vrota r" alwut nwetha ar trlline you of mjr condltkm. I haw a fin Whr sHri-h. It-FIM sine r-xin.li when bum. Fh. It my thlrJ ehll.1 and tha stmnirrt "f ihcm all. Hy ruiTcnm- m'.y f two hour. I tnok swl hultli of 'FinHM rrnirrhilMl' an.1 on of IV. t'wrw'S Smart-Wm.1. I tv.T r.-l a ril dy Wf.ir. i Uk your nrnlktowa. Iu Surprinxl hew writ I fc''-cou'.l al- ss slwsvs hiinimr.sil awr 1 a kk stomach. Tin lurw who aa wuh ni w:.KSm cwli.u wa wwl. She InU-nJs to rTur,ti It to all l.ir tutrorin r:n- Kwrbrnty la ( ?XO aitnuh4 at me Kvauta I only .-h.il 1(8 no.rn.ls before and now I "AtntVs wrtrhrA. I haahtrrlWlMaromtmarHta.kahoutDr.rWre,i ft rMdk-lna. I am MMn( la mxmrMnd It to all If any want talormaUoa 1 wiU bs glad to aiva u NEWS FROM THE COUNTRY INTERESTING ITEMS FROM ALL PARTS OF CLACKAMAS COUNTY WILSONVILLE Mra. J. W. Thornton left on Wed nesday, for a visit with her ton In Chicago. Wm. Clack and family have left for their new home In Portland. They have made many friends here who will repret their departure. Mlssea Mary and Christine Batal gia went to Portland WedntIay, to be (tone for some time, Mrs. H. D. Aden has returned home after a visit with friends. Mrs. Fred Wafters, of Oregon City, was In Wllsonville on Saturday visit, lap friends. A number of village residents at tended the funeral of the tittle Barnes girl at Mulloy. Sunday. Miss Mary Murray Is visiting her brothers here, and will toon return to Washington. Mrs. Bethunc. who formerly resid ed here. Is teaching In the Vnlon district this year. Mrs. Chas. Epler and son. Glenn, have been visiting at the borne ot Mrs. Epler's parents, Mr. and1 Mrs. Rldder. A sad accident occurred here on Tuesday evening, when the son of Mr. Bowman had his eye injured with a sling-shot, the boy was rushed to a Portland hospital. Hop picking is now finishing near our village. The names of two prominent con tributors to the village juvenile fair were omitted from the list, through some oversight Anna Rldder, who won first prize on mending, and Em ma Rldder, who won second prixe on aprons in Class A. Miss S. M. Graham and neices have gone to Portland, where the girls will attend school. Professor Calavan, of Oregon City was the gnest of Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Say, on Monday evening. The village school Is Bearing com pletion, and will be a credit to Wll sonville. , A number of high school students left last week for their different schools, including Mary Brobst, El mer Hasselbrink, Elmer Seeley, Har old Say, Dwlgbt Seeley, James Say, Retha Vincent and the Misses Young. A very nice high school catalogue has been sent out from Oregon City by City Supt. Tooze. Persons) wishing to get their ar ticles which were sent to the state fair, can do so by applying to Dr. - Brown at the drug store, as he has kindly consented to take charge of them until called for. Many village residents are attend ing the County Fair at Canby this wetk. Clover seed hulling has been go ing on for the past week and is turn ing out extra good here. Mr. and Mrs. Melvln and daughter, Lol?, have gone to Salem for a few weeks as Mr. Melvln's work called him there. They are now at home to their friends at 2035 Elm Ave. Salem. Best In the World J. W. Hyatt merchant of Warren, N. C, writes: Please send enclosed or der by mail. Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve is the best eye remedy in the world. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. Quality not Quantity Seed Wheat, Vetches, Rye, Barley, Oats, Cheat, Or chard Grass, Timothy, Clo ver, Etc. Mill Feed, Grain, Hay, The celebrated Conkey Stock and Poultry Foods and Sup plies always on hand. See us before ordering your winter's supply of flour. Oregon Commission Co. ELEVENTH AND MAIN STREETS i who auiroand wast bdv. ea tom." alas. Inuor 4 Child. TUALATIN MEADOWS Mr. Knowles and family, of New Era. were visitors at John Wankers' Sunday. Ethel Baker, Haxel Bush baum and Will Cook were also there. George Hargan Is building an adat tlon to his barn. Harry Borland. Mrs. Ben Athey, Mrs. Arthur Borland and family have returned from Vancouver, where they have been spending a few days with their brother. Will and family. C C. Borland had the mlsfortuns from tho high winds last Friday, to have his potato cellar burned, which had about a hundred and fifty sacks ot potatoes in it Mrs. Larson and son. Leo, and Al ice Oliver, were visitors at Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Larson's Sunday. Hazel Bushbaum called on her sis tor, Mrs. R. C. Payne, of Tualatin, Sunday. Her brother Ray and Mrs. Anna Tauchman and little son. Estus ot Wllsonville, accompanied her. Joe Bushbaum and dog "Chubby are the champion Gray Digger killers ot Tualatin Meadows. Miss Gertie Fisher, of Willamette, was visiting her sister, Mrs. George j Saum Saturday and Sunday. Henry Frobose, and Ralph Gossari were seen in Tualatin Meadows Sun-! day. The llttln. daughter of R. DeXeui had the misfortune to have one ot her , fingers almost severed in the lawn j mower last Thursday. She is under) Dr Vniinr'a rare and ! dolne nlcelv. ! Nora Schaber was visiting at R. De-! Neui's Sunday, and reports Mr. Ben I Athey ill again, which we are sorry to hear. i ' Mrs. C. W Larson was a visitor at Mrs. Stuart's, of Hazelia last Fri day. Miss Anna Schroeder. of Oregon ! City, was home visiting her parents Sunday. Mrs. Mat Athey was calling at her daughter's, Mrs. Paul Schroeder, last Tuesday. Carl Elligsen, ofStafford, is making quite an improvement on his fifty ac re ranch at Tualatin, building and fencing. The Tigardville Telephone company is keeping Arthur Borland and Char lie Larson busy metalliclng the lines at Tigardville. John Wanker cut his second crop of clover hay Saturday. Merchants Praise) Dr. Bell's Pin-Tar-Honey. J. W. Mc Daniel, Etherton. Ills., says: There is no medicine which equals it for coughs, colds. Grippe, asthma and Bronchitis. Look for the Bell on the bottle. For sale by Harding's Drug Store. WILLAMETTE Mr. Burke is building an addition to his bouse. Miss Etta Rogers has returned toom a two months outing on the coast. Hopplcking finished with good wea ther and the crop of most yards were saved in fairly good condition. George Batdorf and family have moved into the Downey house back of the shoe factory. Willamette school started Monday with a larger attendance than ever before. Willamette haa one of the lineal school huuaea In the county. Dr. hit and fnmlly. Frank Lute ml family. Q. 8. Rodger and family returned from Independence vllop Yard Saturday. Mr. Slikln bin added two dormer wlndowa nnd a hnndaome porch to hla roaldenee. Mr. Slpklna la one of the nccesaful strawberry grower of Wlllamotte. 0. O. Graves and fnmlly who have been vtaitlnK the aummer at Gartbal ill Beach, have returned nnd will mov Into the house vacated by Pntdrof. fnmlly. Mr. Leonard Runynn who bouKht the Smith property, baa been making Improvement and leveling the yard. Mr Runynn' property la one of the beat located and handsomest places In town. MULINO There was a serious accident at the Hult Shingle Mill lnut Thursday when the man that run tho knot saw struck his knee against the saw cut ting the tendons at the knee cap and lacerating the flesh badly. He was , tnken to a Portland hospital and the doctors think that they can save hla leg. He will be unable to leave the hospital for some time. The Hult Shingle Mill had a narrow escape from destruction by fire Sun day morning. As Pell Trulltngcr was passing In his automobile about 8 A. M. he noticed smoke Issuing from the engine and notified Mr. Snodgrass, who hurried down to the mill Just In time to save It. as the fire was under good headway when discovered and a rew minutes later wouia nave own beyond control. Joe Daniels and family are visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Daniels, at this place. Mrs. Guy Jewett Is In poor health. She is staying at J. Udell s while her husband is at work on the Clackamas Southern. Lewis Churchill and Henry Wilson are slashing bruch for Harry Burdlne. Miss Gladys Snodgrass and Miss Ida Burdlne left Sunday to begin teaching. Miss Snodgrass will teach at Highland and Miss Burdlne at Meado brook. Miss Vesta Churchill, who has been ft Farmers Look Up Your Fall Needs in Farm Tools NOW If you need a new Plows Harrow, Drill, Feed Cutter, Wagon, Buggy, anything for the Farm you will FIND IT IN The Mitchell Line THE BEST IN THE WEST SEE US Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co. Rortlnd, Oregon VV. J. WILSON & CO. OREGON CITT, OREGON upending a few days at Sllverton visiting Mini Nada Lee, returned to her home Tueadajr. Sore Eyea of Threa Yeara Standinfl. cured. Mlaa Effie Faulkner, New Caa tle. Pa., writea: Sutherland'a Eagle Eye Salve cured me of a case of bo re eyea of three yeara atandlng. I cheer fully recommend to any one In need of aur h a remedy. For aale by Hard- Ing'a Drug Store. STAFFORD Monday It threatened rain, but only about one-twentieth, of an inch fell here. On Saturday laat Mra. Weddle had a bad fall, hitting her right bip and arm. Dr. Guy Mount, who waa in the neighborhood waa called In, and after a careful examination found no bone were broken, and pronounced It a bad sprain. She I still confined to her bed and at times Buffering severe pain. Her Husband telephoned Dr. Huph Mount Tuesday, who found the muscles and tendons of the hip and back were severely ptralned and ad vised rest and simple applications, aa the only thing to be done. A man la expected here Friday eve ning to talk to all who are interested on the subject of electrio lights for Stafford, Tho latest new from Mrs. Mllcm wnav-ecolvod Inat week when Fred Baker, railed at the hospital to see her, nnd found her very low nnd so under tho Influence of medicine to subdue the pain that she hardly knew him. Her slater, Fanny Shipley, ' with her. Mr. Fred Baker and children went to vlalt her parent at Cornlvlus a few da.v. Mis Anna Netnoc will resume her Indie at Oregon City next week. Mr. Gebhnrt and her mother went to Portland Saturday and attended the Harvest Feast of the Lutheran church on Sunday, returning to her home Monday afternoon. Four of the Teldeman children earned $100. picking hops, nnd re turned home last Saturday. Mr. and Mr. Harry Neal and their baby daughter were out last Sunday and held services In tho Chapel, School opened on Monday with a full attendance. Two or throe real estate men with pro.'pectlvb buyers have been around Mho patt week. Mr. Peterson has bought property at Gresham, and IH wove there. We hear with regret, and yet with gladness that our long lime friend and neighbor, Mrs. Mella Milem passed to that land, where tho sick shall cease from suffering, and tho weary are at rest, on Tuesday, the 2tth. at 10 a m. We say we hear with regret, be cause, we have lost a fast friend, a good neighbor and an upright woman from our midst, who will long be re membered kindly, and we hear of her passing with gladness, as she has been a great sufferer from Internal cancer, and has been In the Sellwood hospital, wbere she died, a number of months. Mr. Athey returned from a visit with her daughter. Mrs. Will Barland. In Washington and was taken sick that night. Dr. Mount was called and she Is now able to sit up. The Stafford school opened Monday with a full attendance. Fifty schol ars In the primary room and nearly all the seats filled In the principal's room. The Primary teacher Is well known and liked as she taught here last year IMPLEMENTS AND VEHICLES OF QUALITY AT RIGHT PRICES 4 V & w CARRIt5tiil--' f. 'l?km2b-- CANBY HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT! CO. CANBY, OREGON and the principal baa made a good lm preaaion. Some fanners 'have been digging potatoes. It appears the early aorta planted early have escaped the blight, and the yield and quality are good. Running up and down stairs, aweep ing and bending over making beda will not make a woman healthy or beauti ful. She must get out of doora, walk a mile or two every day and take Chamberlain's Tablet to Improve ber digestion and regulate her bowels. For sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby. MACKSBURG I The fine weather of the past week : has given a new Impetus to the late 'corn and potatoea and an exception , ally large crop of both of these pro ducts seems assurred. . The bop picking and the thresnlng are flnlKhed and have been very sat isfactory. The grubbing and perpar Ing new fields for planting goes on with vlor. The sound of the engines at work on the Canby and Molalla railroad keeping pare with the bu-tle' and stir on the ranches near which I the road Is to pass. I I A little daughter came to the borne j of Mr. and Mrs. Will Both last week Dlediich Harms and some of his fnmlly narrowly escaped fatal results from an accident duo to the frighten In of thnlr team nt the elitrnuco to the bridge that oroaae Ilia Molnlla nliout a mile south of Canby. The horses took fright and hooame unoon tmllnhle nt the appearance of freight wagon, The rig was overturn oil nnd all the Inmates thrown out fortunately no on wa seriously hurt, Chris Roth, who was badly Injured liv a frtuhtoned horse Inat week. I making steady progress toward recov ery. It la Mr. lloih'i Intention to re tire from active life on hi recovery nnd for thl reason he Intend to sell tho ranch that ha for mnny years been tho family homo. The nle Is to take place September 117, Mr. and Mr. Frank Hilton with their children were Sunday visitor nt the home of Arthur Miller near Soda Spring. Mr. Baldwin enjoyed a very pleas nt visit from Mr. Wm. Hnrch on Sunday Inst. School nt Macksburg commences Monday. October "th, A. A. Baldwin as principal and Mrs. Florence Buchanan a Mr. Baldwin s assistant. The Implicit confidence that many people Iibvo In Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy I founded on their experience In the use of that remedy and their know ledge of the many remarkable cures of colic, diarrhoea and dysentery that It hsa effected. For sal" by Huntley Unit. Co.. Oregon City, Hubbard, Mo lnlla and Cnnby, MOUNTAIN VIEW Potato digging I the main occupa tion tlieso day. D. Grady built a large root house last month and I now putting away hi polatoe and other vegetables. Iu Sager and wife of Shubel. are guest of J. M. Glltett and family this week. Will Glllet, of Walla Walla, arrived In town Saturday tU vlalt with bis brothers, Dan and George Glllet and families. Mr. nnd Mrs. I Ray, of Gladstone, have bought the Orrln Holme prop erty on Roosevelt Street and taken possession. Mrs. A. O. Hickman entertained the Aid Society of the Baptist church last H00SIER DRILLS Positive Force Feed Bloom Manure Spreaders Double Steel Reach. J. I. CASE PLOWS The Flow a man Can PulL DICKS FEED CUTTERS The Best Possible. Hoover Potato Diggers Dig Clean. Drew LitterCarrier A Genuine Labor Saver. HARROWS Disc and Tooth. MITCHELL WAGONS Monarch of the Road. FREE CATALOG sent uponjrequest Wednesday. Twenty-one ladles were preeent. Robert Clnther and family, of Shu bel, moved Into town, near Molalla Avenue, so bis children could attend school here. Mr. Ginther began teaching at Ma ple Lane school Monday. Ray Welsh began a term of school at Union Mills last Monday. Messrs. Elmer Dixon and Wm. Heard are building cement walks In front of their residence this week. Mrs. Mann baa ordered lumber for a new four foot sidewalk. Mrt! J. R. Duvall, of 8cllwood, was vlxltlng friends In this burg Monday. Horn, September 1, 1912, to the wife of R. Montgomery, on Molalla Avenue and Hood Street, a daughter. Frank Albright spent last Saturday and Sunday at Mullno, the guest of his brother, Charlie and family. Mrs. S. L. 8mlth, who la visiting her brother at Montavllla la spending this week at home. G. W. Glllett and family transacted business In Portland Wednesday. Geo. Glllett and wife spent Tuesday of this week sight-seeing In Portland. Call on Mit-s C. Goldsmith fur lead ing styles and strongest valuea In millinery. FALL GOODS THAT NEVER FALL DOWN Its MS r 'U.o Klml You Huvo Alwnjri i.. -... ....... m vnin. 111 U"W "l I'", w nmt lilt IM'CIl liliuiouiiiicr iiik M'r r V-y mninl hiiorvlnloit Kliwo IU liifluicy, ct&UiY.' Allow noonototlecolvo you 111 this. All Counterfeit, Iinltutlon mm ".misi-ik" KMM.i-;tii..nU flint trlllt) wllh niMlrntlmwrrllm lll!i of IullmU mul UilMrtii-KMMrUni'o I'.MiuoiiU What is CASTORIA OustorU U ft liurmloHM u1Kltut for Cwtnr Oil, IW em-ln, lrM Hoothlnir Nyniin. H I I Iwwnnt. H vontalnn i.olllu r Opium, JWorplilno "' '"'" N'r,,"" miMtnm o. It B U II RimniiiCtn. 1 1 tli'Mtroy V orin tui.1 uIUjh lYvorW.uos. It cure lMnrrhtwi nI W Colic. It relievo Tectlilotf Tn.ul.len, run t oualljmtloii h.I Flutulen. v. It ahsl,.,lliite tlio 1-'nmI, WBtilajM (lift Htomm-li nn.l lloweK rUIu l'"'' ,mt,,IM " Tho Children rmiioci-Thi Jlolht r's irloiiu. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Tears tho SS laaaan ST The Dnd You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. r.- CLARKE8 SamEliner was threshing for Mr, Hang on Monday. t,ewls Maxaon la working for Mra. Lee. Mlaa Elliabeth MniKhnll and Mlai K.I 1 1 h Stout sprnt Sunday with Mlaa llnxol Rlnco. Sam Elmer threshed for Mr. Ilotte miller Inat work. Mr. Shorruble. of Portland, waa In Clarkes Inst week. Mra. Albert Durst helped Mra. W. 0. Klelnamlth cook for the threshers lust week. Charlie Dewey and Oladloua Grace, of Timber Grove, are attending Port land rnool. (Mnrkes school will commence the 7th of October. Mrs. Mnxaon and son, Lewis, wer In town last week. Mlaa Ma Itottemller holped Mra. Henry Kleinsmlth cook for the threshers last week. MUsos Dora and Elda Mnrnuardt spent Sunday with Miaaea Ida and Mary rtottemlllor. nuol llros. are digging potatoes. Sam Elmer threshed for Mr. lr kins last week. Mra. Mary !.e and daughter, Er ma are back from the bop fields. Miss Olga Elmer helped Miss Ida Haag cook for tha threshers Monday. Mr. and Mra. Maxson have returned from the hop fields, Miss Ida iiottemlller helped Mlaa Irene Iee cook for the threshers Inst week. Misses Utira and Ruby Gard have gone to Portland to attend school. Mr. llnrry Lee and family moved lo Portland last week. To Mothers and Other. You can use Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve to cure children of eeiema, rashes, tet t it. chnfinna, scaly and crused humors. as well as their accidental Injuries, cuts, burns, bruises, etc., with perfect safety. Nothing else heals so quickly. For bolls ulcers, old, running of fever tore or piles It haa no equal. 25 eta at all druggist. REDLAND Potato digging Is the order of the day. 1-alo potatoes are blighted and Home of tho early ones are rotting. Mr. and Mrs. Edd Jenkins are pre paring to move from the Ilolllnga worth place to Fstacada. Real estate Is on tho boom analn. The Rohnrston place waa sold to par ties from Oak Grove, the II. C. Rich ardson property to a party from Can adn, the White place was nlxo sold. Misa Ada Drock, Hazel Kerr, Flor ence Paine, and Lulu Hchwart have moved to Oregon City to attend high school. lister Schwartt haa rented the Shank place and George Gill hns rent ed the D. H. Moshcr place. N. S. Oldham Is preparing to move to Newberg and E. W. Oldham Is talk ing of moving to Goldendalo, Waah Ington. Mr .and Mr. N. McKllllcan have bought a new piano. Karl Allen ha returned to Philo math to work In a saw mill. Mr. and Mr. Danlelson, of I the Walker Corner had the misfortune to loose all their houshold goods by fire r'rlday when the house burned. ' The Redland Tirana Band boys went to the Canby Fair and entertained the people the eyenlng of the 2!th. Nineteen Miles a Second without a jar, shock or disturbance, la the awful speed of our earth through space. We wonder at auch cases of nature's movement, and ao do those who tnke Dr. King's New Life Pills. No gripping, no distress. Just thorough work that brings good health and fine feeling. 25 cts at all druggists. BARLOW The remains of F. W. Goerthor, who was Injured at Aurora by a train striking him and who died enroute to a Portland hospital were shipped np from rortlnnd Sunday evening. The funeral was held at hla residence Monday afternoon. Interment was In Zlon cemetery. Deceased was 6i year of age. He leave a wife, two sons nnd two daughter: W. F. Goerther, of Yankton, Ore.; F. C. Goerther, of Portland, Ore.; Mrs. Minnie Robert, fiolton, Ore.; and Mr. Henry Walch, of Macknbnrg, Ore. Two tep-oni, Fred Snyder, of Hubbard, Oregon and Walter Schmidt, of Harlow, Oregon. One brother. Henry Goerther, of Port land, Oregon. Fredy Rodby and E. Weddomeyer. of Portland, were vIMtlng at R. E. Ir win a Saturday and Sunday. Mr. C. G. Tull and Mis Olga Howe lloiiglit. unci vliU-li biu bom hint homo tho sljfimturo or . - aa 1 a . ....K.t Iff lasejd lallfl Signature of SSSi were ahnpplng III Portland Wednes day. Mr. and Mra. II. (illberston wore In I'orllttiid Thursday. J. A. Andrew haa bought the old hotel and will repair and thoroughly renovate It nnd get It Is first clna order for a hotel. How grateful we ahull all be to .Mr. Andre when ha gels Hint old "yeaor" Into a decent building again. Mr. and Mrs. Ja. ErUkaon eel, braled their tenth wedding anniver sary Hunday by entertaining Iholr relatives at dinner. II. F. Melvln has charge of the Har low rxhlhlt at Hi county fair again. Mlea Clara and Nora I .arson pick ed over a crate of iienutlfut ripe straw, herrles off of their berry patch on the ranch Tueday. The berries are of excellent quality, extra targe and fine flavor. Card of Thank We extend our heartfelt thanks to our many friends and neighbor, who so kindly assisted ua In our late be renvement, also for the beautiful flor al offerings. MRS GOERTHER AND CHILDREN. An article that hat real merit should In time become popular. That such Is the case with Chamberlain's CoUKh Remedy haa been attested by many dealers. Here la one of them. II. W. Ilendrickson, Ohio Falla, Ind., writes, "Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy Is the beat for roughs, colds and croup, nnd la my best seller," For sale hy Huntley Urns. Co. Oregon City, Hubliard, Molalla and Cauby. DRYLAND Clover hulling la nearly completed In this vicinity now. The) yield In most place being poor on account of the exceve amount of rainfall. Everyone I preparing to go to the fair nt Canby, which promises to bo Hie bent ever held. Mrs. C. Wrlgley ,of Portland, Is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mr. J. E. Mitts. Mr. and Mr. Frank Hilton and fam ily spent Saturday and Sunday with the latter' sister, Mrs, A. M. Miller, of Molalla. Geo. HlKiiera. who haa been work ing for M. 0. Smith, for some time, has gone to California, i The sound of the old schol hell will soon be heard, as several school will begin next Monday, September 30. Dryland school will! open October "th, with MIhs Cook as teacher. HAZELIA Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Lehman and children spent Hunday In Oswego with Mrs. Lehman mother, Mr. Shipley. Miss Nina Hays went to Sherwood recently to vlalt friends for a few days, bofnre returning to WalporL Mines Harriet and Luctl Duncan left Monday for Portland, where they will stay during the school year. Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Thomas, of Stafford, are staying thl week at the farm of Mr. Thomas' father, Mr. Ktelnhllber, while be Is at Hot Spring, and whllo her mother I vis iting friends In Portland. Miss Elhel linker and Mr. Will Cook spent Sunday aftornoon at the John Wanker home. A baby girl waa born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Davl Inst Monday. Mrs. S. H. HoiiIx spent Frldajr after noon with Mrs. F. W. Ihman: Wlnfluld and Harold Ilakerand Mr. Ilouti returned from the hoptleld the flrat of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nlelson enter tained friends last Sunday. Mlxs Lulu Wnnknr haa been 111 for the Inst few days. Mr. Knowles, the former principle of the Stafford school, and hla daugh ter. Nellie, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. John Wanker. Mr. and Mrs. Decker and children spent Sunday with relatives In Mon tavllla. Miss Ethel Thompson, of Oswego, visited her cousin, Mis Ethel Baker, laHt Sunday. Mr. Robert Ilrymer, accompanied her husband last Saturday evening In his church services. Church will be held a week fronj next Saturday at 7:30 p. m., In the Hazelia schoolhousn, for the flrt time after the annual conference. Sunday School every Sunday morning at 10:30. Farmhand Seriously Hurt William 8chnlt, employed at the farm of Judpe Campbell, dislocated hla collar bone Wednesday evening. He waa attended l,y Drs. H. 8. and Guy Mount.