Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1912, Page 3, Image 3

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News from Jennings Lodge and Oak Grove
Corn rtmNt mining miiii.
Waich fur th corn roast. ,.
Mrs, I'nyser, of I'uriliinit. who haa
nin huMtl mi in re on lUunliin stret,
wits a I hi Incus caller at Ilia IahIk
on Tiirmlny,
Minn I'lirctill, who has liuon the
guest of Mm. I'. I,. Hinllli for several
days, hu rittiinuMl tof bur homo In
()ri'Hn City.
After i'iii1lii Ilia summer with
Mm, Itulph Near, Mlae Esther John
mini will return to her homo In I'ort
Intul to rnsiiine Imr stuillea In the Ver
mill achool,
Word cornea that the hopplckers
from (hla plana, or having lota of
run mnl making lots of muner.
A baby Inn rome to gladden th
homo of M. 8, Porter on Addy atreet,
and a baby girl to the home of 1'aul
On Krlclny, Art Roberta cania down
from Klinor lioardman'a hop yard
near Aurora, making the trip on bla
wheel. Ho reports good roada but
encountered a couple of hllla that
were longer going up than coming
down. After a hualnaaa trip to I'ort
land ha returned to tha bop yard Mon
day afternoon.
Tha Madden family returned lo
their hnma at thla place after a few
weeks In I'ortland and at tba coast
Mra. Card and children apent few
daya with her parenla near Vancouv
er. Mra. Shook la visiting In Eugene.
Tha melon anrlal wag well attended,
and tha proreeda were 06. Mra.
i'alnton wishes to thank ber kind
helpers and tba donera of tha meloiia.
Mini llernlre U returned to ber
home In I'ortland. after a few daya
atay with Mla Wlfinle Kern.
professor Thompaon waa a caller
at the liodge Halurday, getting things
In order for tha Kail term which be
gins Monday, Heptemlier 11 Mlaa Es
ther Campbell la to have charge of
the primary grades, and Mra. Anna
Hayes haa been employed lo teach
Mr. and Mra. Have lloardman wera
dinner gueaia at tha home of Mra.
Jones one duy last week,
Itev. Itergstresser haa recently put
a bell on the church o remind us of
the prayer meeting and Hunday acbool
hours. May It ring out a message
to the people to attend these meetings
and the Bible class which la conduct
ed by our fnlthful pastor.
Announcement of the corn roat
next week. Watch for It.
The sound of the school bell eem
ed pleasant to hear amln on Monday,
heptetnher 1. as the Kail term began
In this district. A large uuinber of
ptiplU are enrolled thu before, the
Inriter iiuiiiIhT being In l primary
grades. In this room more seals will
be added to accomodute the little
ones. i ii
The regular meeting of the Adujl
Ullile fins will he held on Thursday
evening. The 6th Chapter of Luke
bns been the assignment by the lead
er. O. 8. Ilergslresser.
The corn roast, which waa to have
t n given by Mr. and Mra. Ralph
Near at their home, has been post
poned. .
Much building Is going on at thla
place. 0. W. Card has the cellar com
menced for his home, which will be a
modern cottage built at tho same
pla- e as that one which was recently
destroyed by fire. Work on the Ja
robs and Hart home la progressing
nicely and Mr. Jewetfg house Is about
ready for occupancy. The Kern
house Is having some new Improve
ments, and lumber has arrived for
new Mdewalks at thla place.
Mr Tlbbett's home and tha J. A.
Johnson house are having new coats
"'MIss'Miibl,. Morse was taken sud-
denly III on Hunday and Is still con
fined to her homo with an attack of
. It. .lili
Itpprnui -inn.
Mr and Mr. Jack Hampton hael
.". llarrv HutllD-l
raid tneir P'lr'M'en , J,
ton. Mm. Hamilton and son, Jai;k.
will leave about October first for
Ahiskn. Later they will bo Joined by
Mr. Hampton. , ,
Mrs C H- Ilergatrevser. of lortlaml
la spending this week with the Ralph
Near family. . .
r K Hlover and the Jncobson
brother caught four large salmon on
Hunday. Other fishermen from 1 orl
lund were alo quite lucky na many
fine salmon were caught
Mm Islah Bhevetlold atlli contlnuos
very low nl her home at this place.
Mrs. Noble, a trained nurse, la In at
tendance. .
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard and Mr. liar,
dnrf and son and daughter attend'
the Clark County fair at Vancouvo.
Wash., lust week.
Mm (iregan entertained wltn a
luncheon on Friday Inst Her guests
were the Mesdamo Kisbor, Pierce.,
Daggett and Kimnona.
The A. K. Runnel family and Mr.
Hart and daughters returned last
week from near Aurora, where they
enjoyed an outing nnd also picked
bops at Klmer lloardmnn's yard.
Miss Kiln Hart spnt Hunday at Sil
ver Springs at the homo of Mrn. Hnr-
''"'"s r, now and Clyde Jonea re
turned on Halurday lust from the hop
flolda near Macksburg.
Mr. and Mm. Strain were Lodge
vlHltor Monday, returning to tholr
home near Shubel In the evening.
Tho Circle met at the home of Mra.
i'.jnai,inv New mem-
bers are being taken In and at the
next meeting, on Octooer t.
nle Jones will be the hostess. Elec
- ta'iil inkA irlftoe.
Mrs. Kdlth Truscott. of Gresham.
was a business caller at thla place on
Mrs. Hess llruechert and children
visited at the home of J. rirucchert
In I'ortland on Sunday.
Mr. H. 1'. Newell and aon. Glenn, at-
$3.00 Everywhere.
mwii ca.
ti'Miled the funeral of Mr. Jesno
Hound t nt Kugelia on Tuesduy. Mr.
Moiniilu bud been it friend of thn New
ill family for some time and had
mads an appointment to m""1 Mr
Newell at t tin Oregon hotel on Tiles
day but owing to tha tragic, death,
when he met In nil auto wreck, Mr.
Newell attended tha funeral on the
day they were to meet, Mr. Hounds
whs oim of the largest tltnbrriin on
the const.
Mr. I'alnton la drilling at tha Tabor
home near Meldrum,
Mr. iind Mr. Thompson are enjoy
ing an outing at Yamhill and ara also
picking bops.
Mrs. II. II. Kimnona entertulned a
party of all friend from Kennewlch,
Wash., at lunch on Wednesday.
For Infanta and Children.
Ihi Kind You Han Always Bought
Bear tha
On September . at I p. m., Mr.
Isabella Hilton fell asleep at tha borne
or. her daughter. Mrs. J. II. Mr Arthur
to waken In another world. Hha waa
born In Kingston Can., September J 6,
1M0. Since ber husbands death In
I9(i she haa made bar home with
this daughter, eicept for a year spent
In Hamilton. Can., with hr aon. For
seven month of the past year ahe
haa been bedfsat and ths dneia of
her deaih waa tempered by the know
ledge, that aha longed for release
from suffering. She waa ready and
willing to go to the home where all
pain and trial la at an and.
Hha Is survived by three brothers,
a aon and a daughter.
Canbyand South Clackamas
A number of friend were entertain
ed In a most delightful munner Sat
urday evening at the home of Mr.
nnd Mr. A. H. Hnrvey. The evening
x ,ivniftH in tiluvlnir whist. After
cards were enjoyed a dellcloua lunch
eon waa aerved. Mrs. llmiry wasas
isted In entertaining by her daugh-
ler. Mis Mnrle.
Many are the happy face to b
een on the Canby rchool grounds
these days, ss the gctiooi aession op
ened wliu an unuually large enroll
ment especially lu tho High Hchool
department. All of the children i-eem
rejoiced to again tuke up me cnooi
duties. It was thought by some that
).. u rk nn I he new building WOUIU
prove a great annoyance, but It doe
not seem to annoy me pupiis or me
teacher to any degree, sa tho work
U carried on systematically, both
by the workmen on the nw building
and also bv the teachers In the school
room. The following are tne learn
ers: C. r . Iloinlg. upi. aim i
Mls Addy II. Wyeth. Assistant tugn
School: I'. 1.. Coleman, teacher of
sixth, kcventh and elgntn graiies,
Miss UVlne Sheridan, teacher of the
third, fourlh and fifth grade: miss
L-...IK. umiiiik nrlniary grades, ana
II. II. Kccles lllverslde chool. On ac
count of the large enrollment In the
High School, the I'rlinary Department
has found temporary puarter In the
Norwe-tlnn Kvangeiicai (.uiinii "
Ihe new .hool bullillng is reaay ior
owupancy. The Canby Bcnooi is up
to the stamlara in ever; j
graduate from Ita High achool are
prenai-ed to enter tho Stute Uuvcr
Hlty and other higher lnstltutlona of
. ... -. i ii.fr laat Monday
iiev. v . vi.v-j - -- -
evening for Ashland. Ore., to attend
the M. E- Annum t omereinc -
lem dl-trlct. lie expwia o w
turned to Canby. as he Is anxious to
,m,i,l..i.i the new cmiren uiiikiiuh.
which hn been In process of con-
atructlon during tno pam j--.
longer. Tho basement I now oecu
pled for church and Sabbath achool
ncrvlrea. i nuer me eimient
i..in.i..nrv of A. J. Hurdette and his
able corp of officer and teacher.
the Sabbath Hcnooi nas anm.ni.
bled In attendance during the Inst
. Southern 1'aelllc Is pushing It
-lis on the new rullroad and a large
l umber of workmen are busily en
gaged near Canby on the new rond.
The excavation of the basement of
the Mnsonlo Hull building about to be
erected at Canby I almost completed.
Work Is also In progress, excava ng
for tho new store building of Carlton
A Roaenkran. Canby Is certainly ad
When Well-Known Oregon City Peo
ple Tell It 80 piainiy.
When public endorsement la made
by a representative cltlien of Oregon
City the proof Is posltve. You must
believe It. Head thla testimony, bv
ery backache sufferer, every man, wo
mnn or child with any kidney trouble
will Hnd profit In the readlnjt.
Wllllnm Mcl.arty. U.21 VNashlnK
ton St.. Oregon City. Ore., aaya: The
public ntatement I gave in pra. u.
Donn a Kidney mis in jbii"'j
Hill holds good as I have had no re
turn attark of kidney complaint I
us afflicted with backache and pains
t .n.l t COIlld HOI
tnrougn my " - . ,
eleep wll as no position I ?"'
was comfortatJle. my siremji-
energy left me and I
when Iran's Kidney l'llla were
brought to my attention. Deeming iu
try them. I procured a box at the
ii..nti.v Urn.' Driii Co. and by the
time I had taken the contents, I felt
ro mifh better In every way mat i
did not consider It necessary to con
tinue their use. I have been con-
vind ihnt Doan'a Kidney Fills are
a reliable kidney medicine."
For aale by all dealers. Frlce &u
cent. Koater-Mllburn Co.. IlufTalo,
New York sole agents for the United
Remember the name Poan'e and
take no other. '
Tha Effect.
Mathllde, throw that poor beprar a
"Ah. yea. he looka very unhappy."
"Not on thst acconnt. but tha Mey
ers are watching; ae from their window
opposlte."-Rostn Journal.
Itrangth af tfssi.
Few people know tlmt u grlxaly bear
ran Rlv point to any other curnU
orous niilmnl In point of strength. A
grizzly bear weighing Just four Imn
dredwclght ban ln-en wiitclied curry
lug a heifer of mora than two-thirds
It ovu weight for two mile up til
most mvep ami rugged mountain aids,
and Ibis without painting one Instant
for rest Tba grU.ly lienr I the lar
gest mid most powerful of all tb bear
trllie, but III cousin, the cinnamon
bqnr, runs him very close, und tba big
white (Hilar bear, though not realty so
dangerous customer, I capable of
performing the most eitraordluary
feat of strength.
First Thrmmir.
Tha first thermometer whs made In
1021 by a Dutch physicist named Cor
nelius Vsn Drebliell and consisted of
tnli filled with sir, closed at It up
per end and dipping at It other ex
tremity, which w often, In a bottle of
nitric sold diluted with water. A the
temperature roe or fell tha air In the
tube Increased or grew less In volume
nd consequently the liquid dew-ended
or rose. This Instrument I now known
an air thermometer, but aa Ita
measurement were bused on no fixed
principle It was of little nse.
Learning by Experience.
Nell-He always suld that no two
people on earth think alike. Llll-Well?
Nell-lle bus changed hi uilud since
looking over the present bl wedding
called forth.-Woman's Hum Cotupau
No mn ever nk under the bur
den of today. It is when tomor
row's burden is sJJcd lo today's
that lilt weight it more than a man
can bear. George Macdonald.
Twilight will be represented at the
County Fair thl year. Come and
bav a good time.
Mr. nnd Mm. A. II. Harvey visited
relative! In Mullno last Thursday.
Mrs. Jim Kinder and Miss Ida Kin-
l..r nl H.tllwikrift were Kueat at the
jhome of Mr. and Mr. Geo. Schrelner
M. J. Uxelle attended the Vancou,
I ver fair Friday In the lnteret of the
I Clackamas County Fair,
j Mrs. Huffman and daughterof 11
Iwaco, are making Mr. and Mm.
Snooks a visit.
Mr. Geo. Debok and family were
i Sunday guest at Totem Pole Ranch.
M. J. Uxelle pent Sunday with J.
'V. Smith, president of the Clacka
! iima County Fair.
Mr. Splger of Spokane, ha pur
chased Mr. Hlacks farm. We wel
come our new nelghlwr.
I ... 1 .,t the misfortune to
have one of hla choice pig to wander
down Twilight avenue, mucu w
forrow for It never returned, but
j wns found dead and .usplclon points
' to avage dog.
I .
To Mother and Othr. '
You can e Hurklen'a Arnica Salve
. i.n.i.n of vrenia. rashes, let-
to rum l uii.iii.. -- .
ter. chaflngs. caly and cruaed humor.
aa well as tbetr acciucnuu n.ju.....
icuts. burn. bruUes. etc.. with perfect
safety. Notning eise utui m.---'-For
bolls ulcers, old. running of fever
I sores or pile It has no equal. 25 ct
nt all druggist.
R. K. Irwin and daughter. Hattle. re
turned home from the East Friday.
They both think "there la no place
like Oregon." Hnttle sny. "They
can all have their money In the East
but give me Oregon, wncre i can
... Thnv n-ere In two very
loy 1-.UIIIIOII- ..-
hard electrical storma while In Iowa
which caused Hnttle 10 gei ui.uc.
feather pillow for aafety.
MHa Hnttle Irwin and brother, El
mer, went to roriland for a few daya
vlBlt Tuesday.
Hop picking la over In this ectlon.
Honrv Gllbertaon flnlshing hla yard
Saturday and W. H. Tull picked his
baby hope" Monday.
The Herg voting olk were Invited
out to Mr. Zlmmernuna Sunday, the
occasion bolng Miss l.Uxle'a birthday.
Mr Van Winkle has rented Mra.
Wright's old place and they are pre
paring to take possession.
Mrs. Scoggln. of Eugene. la visiting
her sister and brother. Mrs. Andrus
and Mr. Mclvln.
Hope In thla locality are In fnlr con-
,t tilMi rtnnalt lerlnir the bnd weather
of the Inst part of August and up to
a few dnys ago. There la soma mold
In certain parts of the yard and the
lice are getting nulte numeroua. Hop
men generally agree that If there Is
no more rain until tne laai oi nexi
i. ii,..v win ha able to save most
of the hops around here In fairly good
condition, but a light mm woum uo
lota of damage to the hopa that are
not picked.
liT"the John Morrison and T. G.
Llvesley yards the hopa are heavy
and the yield will be better than the
average. Hopa are small In else but
sound and hard aa bulleta. Picking
i. nA and while some fast pickers
nre making 10 and 12 boxee a day the
average Is about seven to eight.
There Is great demand for pickers
and this ynrd baa never had more
than half enough.
Talking with old tlmera here I
learn that everything la rather dull.
r.i uit l not movlns and the
general feeling la that land la too
high. . .
Frank Ollver'a family or wmameue
started home Wednesday. They were
among the fastest hop pickers In the
Chaa. Andnia also went home, as
the duties of the rural mall route de
manded hla atentlon.
Mrs. Ole I-arsen and daugnter, Ma
bel. Joined the family here and Mlas
Mabel will atay and pick bops but
Mra. I-srsen expects to return home
next Monday.
Mr. Waldron'a family left (or Ore
gon City Wednesday.
Mrs. Hyatt and son, Waldron, ex
in at art home the last of the
week so aa to ne mere in ume ior
achool, wntcn atana oepiemoer ara
mi wMm it
WftM A '
L Adams- Department Store
Oregon City, Oregon
Eight yeirrs ago a young man-call
hi-, inn-a-m nt to the penlteo-
tlnry for kllllug a man In a Colorado j
mining ramp..
It la said Jones did the killing In self
defense. However tbut may be, he
became a "model prisoner and at the
end of the eight years was paroled,
the terms being that be should not
leave the confines of the state
Jones got a Job on a fnrm.
The farmer knew the ex-convlct'a
history nnd took advantnge of It work
Ing the mnn unmercifully. Jones found
life outside the prison harder than It
bad been on the inside and after eight
een months rebelled and quit. He tried
to get a new Job.
Itemember Jean Val Jean?
Jonea discovered, as did Tlctor
Huso's hero, thut It Is difficult for an
ex convict to get a Job.
Finally he determined to quit being
an ex-convlct. He violated his parole.
assumed another name ana went io
Montana, whera he took up a home
stead. Inside of two years Jones, who bad
prospered, became a leading citizen of
hi pttlement. He courted the daugh
ter of a neighboring, fanner, and to
ber be told bis full story. lDe gin
promptly accepted him.
Enter Javert.
rtemenilier how that astute officer of
tha inw hounded Jean Val JennT A
detective who bad been searching for
Jones since be bnd violated nia paroie
reeognlied him. Luckily, however, he
permitted the latter to return to Colo
rado without publicity.
Jonea told his atory to Warden Ty
nan, who Investigated and found It to
be true. Wbnt Impressed the warden
more than all else was that Jonea bad
told the truth to the girl be wanted to
who figures In thla real atory
aa did M. Myrlel. the good bishop of
D. In Hugo's masterpiece, got tba pa
role board together. They listened to
Tynan and got out a permanent parole
for Jones, permitting him to live wher
ever be might choose.
The sequel T
Tha aeouel la aa One aa any In the
nM fashioned storv books. Jones bns
gone back to Montana and waa mnr
rled Aug. 1 to the fnrmer'a daughter
It Is predicted he will become almnt
aa highly honored In hla new borne aa
waa M. Mndellne. the mayor.
And the moral f
He who runs may read.
It Always Work.
."My wife prolonged ber vacation un
til t waa desperate. She wouldn't
come home. Tald no attention to my
"How did yon bring about ber re
turn r
"Got oae of the neighbors to write
and suggest It casually."-Waahlngton
Mra. Frank Manning, of Mullno
waa among the Oregon City vialtora
,-"7in' f r - 'TTT
I IV,,.,.. i j
Adams Department Store
The Busy Store is now ready with all New Fall and
Winter Stock.
Ready to wear for Ladles
The "Palmer" Garments Suits and Coats
Ready.to wear for Men
The Hart, Schaffner & Marx Suits and O coats
Ready to wear for Boys and Girls
School Suits and Shoes
New Fall Dress Goods and Domestics, Underwear
and Hosiery, Furniture, Stoves, Rugs and House
Make your Headquarters at trie
ISandy and East Clackamas
Frank R.' Rhodes, president of the
Cherryvllle Commercial Club, haa
aswed the assistance of the Portland
Commercial Club to prevent the Cher
ryvllle Postofflce being dlaconttnuea.
An order was Issued ten daya ago to
that effect bv tba postal authorities
and will put the Chtrryvllle office out
of commission September 30. The
people of Cherryvllle are mucn
wrought up over the matter and the
Portland Commercial Club Friday
wrote to Oregon'a United States Sen
tors aBklng them to secure if possible
a revocation of the order. Cherryrllle
people feel that an Injustice will be
done them, as their office haa been
In existence the last ten yara and
Sandy, the nearest postofflce la seven
miles distant.
The defendant not making a defnse
Circuit Judge Campbell Friday decid
ed In favor of the plaintiff in the case
of the Estacada Telephone & Tele
graph Company against the Home
Telephone Company. An ordinance
passed by the city council of Es
tacada, granting rights of way, etc.,
to the defendant was declared void.
No explanation of the failure of the
defendant to make a defense waa
Mrs. Walter Gribben of Estacade,
Is critically 111 ct ber home.
r u Mamhaii a well to do farmer
.nrf'm-aM bnnirn liv-fll nolttician suffer
ed a light stroke of paralysis last
Friday. He la recovering.
The Garfield Country Club'a bas
.nioi aotiiritav nleht waa a very
successful affair. The entertainment
netted the Club $79 80. In a voting
contest for most popular young lady
at one cent per vote 4020 votes were
cast and Miss Ida wagner won Dy a
margin of about 100 votes over Miss
Mabel Tracev.
Sunday waa the 58th birthday of
Mrs. 8. Dale of Estacada. She was
.inn a aurnrlse dinner by her daugh
ters. Among ber presents waa a
handsome gold watcn. inose ii
besides Mrs. Dl were ber husband
u- nolo w F Carev.Mrs. Stubbs
and Mrs. Vlda Stubbs. of Gresham.
and son Edward, Mrs. Mary &mun,
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Gill and children.
McColley Dale, Geo. E. Dale, Win. M.
Dale and Misa Fanning.
It a' D.pends.
Chatty fUaaenacb-Looks pretty food
toll about here. What crops do yon
grow? Sandy-It a' depends, sir.
8assenarh-lepends on what? Bandy
On the sort of seed tbey pit in!
London TH-Wrs.
- 'TI r-1.. j .. m.-. , ,
, S. Beck, of Portland, la a guest at
La Casa Monte.
Mrs. William Welch made a trip to
Portland last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Fabion and two
son, Auwald and Philip, made a trip
to Portland last week on account of
'lie death of Mrs. Fabion'a aged fa
ther P. D. Lang, of Montavilla.
J. Tawney took a Jolly crowd of hla
guests to the base of Mt Hood last
week, where they enjoyed themselves
while climbing to Creator Rock, and
gazing at the different scenery which
can be viewed from there.
Mr3. Chaa. Kadderly and aon, Ralph
returned to their home In Portland
after a few months' vacation at Wel
ches. Mrs. Dr. Devenny returned to Port
land after a few weeks' vacation at
their Bummer home.
Quite an exciting event happened
about a week ago when the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. Howard burned to
the ground. Mr. Howard waa in Port
land at the time, Mrs. Howard being
the only occupant In the house. She
was awakened by the crackling noise
of the Ore and luckily escape Injury.
The house burned at 1:30 a. m. How
the fire started is left an nnknown
Running up and down stairs, sweep
Ing and bending over making beds will
not make a woman healthy or beauti
ful. She must get out of doors, walk
a mile or two every day and take
Chamberlain's Tablets to Improve her
digestion and regulate her bowels. For
sale by Huntley Bros. Co., Oregon
City, Hubbard, Molalla and Canby.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Koessel came out
from Tortland last Sunday. Mr. Koea
sel returned Monday while Mrs. Koes
sel Is spending the week at Camp
Idle-awhile and visiting friends.
Mrs. Russel Ripley and two chil
dren, of Portland, have been visiting
Mrs. F. u Mack the past week.
A. C. Milliron visited Mr. and Mrs.
E D Hart thla weei
F A. Jacob, of Portland, visited Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Fischer Tuesday and
Wednesday of, this week.
Threshing Is finished In this dis
trict A union Sunday tchool was organ
ized at Firwood last Sunday by a Mr.
Smith, of Portland, a member of the
American Sunday school association.
The Sunday achool was named Fir
wood Union Bible School. The fol
lowing officers were elected: Dr. Cor
nogg. Superintendent: Mra. F. L.
Mack, Treasurer; Viola DeShazer,
Secretary. Next Sunday at 2:30 they
will meet. Everyone Is most cordial
ly invited to attend.
Miss Mena Frey and Raymond
Koessel returned to Portland last Fri
day. '
Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hart, Mra. Jean
O. White and son, Dykeman, of Port
land, and Mra. W. F Fischer drove to
Marmot last Thursday.
A motorcycle collision occurred on
the Mt. Hood road near Camp Idle
awhile last Sunday. Mr. Webster and
Raymond Jensen of Portland, each
accompanied by a young lady, were
riding at a rapid rate when they met.
One machine waa completely smashed
but the riders escaped with slight
-bruises snd a good shaking np. They
ail spent the night at Camp Idle
awhile and were taken to Portland
the next day by sutos.
Mrs. L. A. Woodle was the guest of
v f ;
1 i ' IT -
ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howlett,
the fir.-t of last week.
Mrs. Viola Douglass and daughter.
Miss Bina, were Portland visitors last
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Gibson and
James Gibson made a return trip to
Barton last Thursday.
The Dougla.-s Bros., bad some straTr
baled last week.
H. S. Gibson bad some straw baled
last week.
Mr?. J. F. Brower, of Orient, waa
the guest of Mrs. Howlett a couple of
days last week.
Dr. and Mra. Adlx and children
were over this way Sunday afternoon.
Two herds of sheep passed through
Eagle Creek on day last week, which
no doubt were on their way to market
at Troutdale.
School commenced in District No.
E0 Monday, Sept. 16th, with Miss
Echo Githens as teacher.
Mrs. Viola Douglass visited with
Mrs. Cora Udell the first of the week.
W. E. Smith, mlssionry of the Hllla-
boro District of the American Sunday
School Union, was In the neighbor
hood last week endeavoring to get
the people Interested in starting a
Sunday school with W. E. Smith act
ing as organizer.
Our school house now has a new
roof. A cloakroom and porch are t'.
be added soon which will greatly in
prove the looks of the house. .
Giorloua News
comes from Dr. J. D. Curtiss. Dwight,
Kan. He writes: "I not only nave
cured bad cases of eczema In my pa
tients with Electric Bitters, but -also
cured myself by them of the same dis
ease. I feel sure they will benefit any
case .of eczema." Thla showa what
tnouBands have proved, that Electric
Bitters Is a most effective blood puri
fier. Its an excellent remedy for ec
zema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, bolls
and running sores. It stimulates liver,
kidneys and bowels, expels poisons,
helps digestion, builds up the strength.
Price 50 cts. Satisfaction guaranteed
by all druggists.
Everybody here la getting ready for
the big county fair next week at Can
by. Many are going to pitch their
tents and stay all week.
Miss Matilda Sandey visited with
M A. L. Wldstrand Sunday.
Leon Cochran and Haakon Kylla
spent Sunday afternon at the mill.
Simon Hostetler cut grain for Tom
Sconce Wednesday.
Mrs. A. W. Yoder and Miss Nell
Yoder made a business trip to Oregon
City Monday.
Elmer Wldstrand and John Domln-
que went to Molalla Thursday even
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith apent
Wednesday afternoon with John El
liott, who was seriously hurt a few
days ago.
Albert Eyman started his bop bail
er last week, having Fred Eyman,
Louie Bergstrom and Edward Eyman
for bis assistants.
Repels Attack of Death.
"Five years ago two doctors told me
I had two years to live." This start
ling statement was' made by Stlllman
Green, Malachite, Col. "They told me
I would die with consuanption. It waa
up to me then to try the best lung
medicine, and I began to nse Dr.
King's New Discovery. It waa well I
did. for today I am working and I be
liere I owe my life to thla great throat
and lnng cure that haa cheated tha
grave of another victim." Ita folly to
suffer with coughs, colds or other
throat and rang troubles now. Take
the cure that's safest Price 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottle free at all drug-gests.