Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 20, 1912, Page 2, Image 2

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Nature's Way Is The Best.
Hurled dep in our America f.rwi . find blroot, m . mot, . .
dr.k. .nd ..on. root, ,old. -al. Or. rp. root od cherryb. k. Of the- lf.
R. V. I'iere mad pur glyceric extract which hit beeti favorably known lor
orer fort mil Ha died il "IjolJea Medical Diicovery.
Thi." Discover " puriftet the blood nd time up the stomach and the entire
.ytem in N.tur' own way.. If. M the I.I.u. fm.lder and tonio you reou.r,
when reooverin from h.rd oold, grip, or pneumonia. No matter how .Iron the
i!uli.n the .tom-ch i. apt to be " out of kilter" . nmr. in cm-M-ence
the blood it di.ordi.red, lor the .tom.ch ii he Lhoratory for the eon.unt menu
factum of blood. Dr. Picrce'i Ooldcn Medic! Di.covrry irei.then. (he ilonach-
puti il in ihano to make pure.ncn nn-nci,.. ... -
! . . . .. . .... U...I-. Ik. n.rv.
,- VN kidneyi toexpet me pomtnt irom m mmy. ---i
( a out. run-down, debilitated conditio which o many people
if Va . .i:- .: .j .k. - i. i,.,i.llv tha ened ol
experience ai una www ... 7 - - ' - -
poitont in Ihe blood it it olten indicated by pimplet or boil
appearing on the .kin, the lace become, thin-you feci blue.
"Morn tlmn a iwn airn 1 wa. """'" 7" ,
cold In mv head, throat, breast, ami tW, rluf JIiu
.1 MKS (.. KKNT. Of 71 1- MJWl, t. I... bmiuikwii. i'.
... J 1. 1 - u..n... t.,,..i,n,iilft. I V. HA ailVlStHl
-.Mime rmiiu 1 i. uur r"' " . V T 1.1 .J
.T a frl-nd to trv a botilo nf your 'trtdilen Medical DHoov-
iry ' 1 trliit a lxttlo mid It did mo so much guml thai I hvl
safe In aaylnir It is the. RTiMWwt and best medicine thai 1
ever look. My health is ni.u h b.-lt.-r than It was WU
unlit yiiir modidna. It uoos U you claim lor It and I
J. a Kent. Ea.
cil.'lirlo tho ol. Mr. and Mr.
Mor went on llttlo trip, aftor
which limy will a.-ttle down In Staf
ford. s -
Uula Kilo wag aarilid Ihe rooat
or ofturvd ly Mra. Ilolion for beat po
tato. at the Juvenllo fair hold at Wll
oiivtlW AUIioukIi ben U waa oltor
i. wiu. i.it.i.irMioo.1 ttt io with a" hon
,.or.,r..,i hv Mr miikih to any Stnlford ! tro.-t hug a
or t- rl who ra ami l ie most pu. unniiur.
(!lo-a from one oiind. Tho am
boy ncolvid tho $itt ault of clot ho
and Ji' in inoiu-y.
The lVlkar limiher flnlnliod baling
tln'lr hay fror.l th flfld lnt oi-k.
t Thompson 'g aon. who wn airli-k-on
gmliliMily llh imeuiiionla, ta p.t
, tint, along nicely under thg . t-klllfut
are of Ur. Vincent.
A aon. with hla wlf and Hi ctiu
Ilopplikera have nhont all rolnrnod
and i hilin tu have done nn fluan-
41 Mr and Mra. ' Bhnl'ol
Iraiian.-ted liutlwaa In ling 'ra
WiHlnoailny. ..
l-l,.rl.,. I'lillk Of HOOM'VOlt
,-rloii aiiii' k or inroiu
. .1. . l..k.
Mr. Krnnk PlIUwoU la on "
Thoro wilt bo aervlccg at the Mount
tain View rhun-h at 4 '";,0k
Mr. WocHinn an .horier of ho m
K rlnmh. A iligcuaaUin IH W
moro eamn-lnlly for !' " m,,n
of thla vicinity.
R M PiirllnK la Uavlii tbo l'' 1
inn done an.l a fnriutce built m m-
dru alore will be roniodoed and
vi A. Hlclu it of Cortland,
jhnit bevn vlMltlim Mi. J. U Waldron
for a few da) a.
Jim I'i'liy aocoinpanlt'd by lug !'
....I ihiHuiuh town In tholr now
roid on Wedneaday of IliU ek.
Mlua Andrua wit called to UreRon
On- on account of tho lllm-aa of h'r
a ..... i r- miii.t nf tiludatono. Mlg
inii'i .,.. " .
liunlon will have aolo charito of Urn
IniKliu'Kg during her alucncu.
I i lydo Wttldroii, tho Molallu gtntte
'driver lg Iho proud pupa of a uow
dron from tnn lloou mver rouuu j, 1 ma nr ai.-. .
have b.n vUUIiir at Mr. Aorul a the 1 iiiil-rt la doing the brick
paat week. Mr. and Mr Shcl.an. of . j
A daughter of Mr- Aernl'a a I were gn.-ala of Mr. and Mra. nario
Kr.,n.-i,t i i-.tri hiinl this week to be i,it Sunday.
operated uinm for tuber.-ulof lg of the Mr. Holley. the dbtrl. t '
Uland. of the ne.-k. I of the Modern Ur.ith.-rho.rf ofAnnf-
Mr. Oebhanlt picked hla aeven acre. ,, waa canvnaalim lila mmhuj
field of hops Inat week, and hnd 277 Wedneaday.
I .r.1.1 ..ne of h a cows.
i Mrs. Peters. Mr. Aden. Mrs. Sharp Mr. wm Mr. Kohey and daiiMuer,
I and Mra. Kobblns visited with Mrs. Mxlne of Sunnysldo, camo Inat B
lOasaon Tueaday. Mrs. Hobblns Is unlay. ,
j atnylng with Mrs. Sharp. She la a Mr. Kohey wen! o t'orvallla Mon-
nlatlve of the family and win oe nine- !,sy ,.mi a tow
. . l 1 .l..a. t I
Our people are busy since the wet
weather Is over. Our road master has
has commenced on the road work. He
baa been working and hauling stone
and gravel for a considerable time
at one end of the Clear Creek Steel
MAR?. . . ,
The Ciackamas Power Irrigation
Company Is drilling In the Clackamas
river above the United Stated hatch
ery house, at Stone to find the foun
dation concrete dam. The men are
working day and night
Farmers are hauling the products
r , r.rm fmm the Loean country
.nt tho Redlnna country day ana
ty years old In May.
1 parents-
Anna returned from Reiser's bop yard
Mrs. Sarson and daughter. Mabel,
left for Independence Saturday to
Join the big colony from Willamette
picking hops.
Interesting services were held all
dav Sunday at the Willamette Church
In honor of Its third birthday. The
church was beautifully decorated with
asiers, aauuaa inir, u,u.i ,..--and
hOTs. The Re. Mr. Read from
Portland made an awe aaareas a
a. m. ano Rer. T. P. Kord of Oergon
Cltv. preached In hl usual masterly
manner at 1 p. m. Mr. Snldow gave
the history of the church, the moving
1. ...... hovfrnr lupn the Rev. Mr.
lay ana . --" ,.."07.,.-
. . . . . . W . 4 nA(laii1 1 lUHl ft 1 ITii. W w uuiu .u r
jf&xl: nee-A fln&ta8ket dln-
to this part of Clackamas County nh;aasd3tt7orto the school house 1.
The oil well people tryljig to ine w,u
arrsnge to get oil out of Ctackamas ' c P of u
county, as the company has a prop-, jnn' -eu ' m
osltlon from a capitalist to put the teachers this year.
well down. We expect to hsTe oil.) Merchant. Praise
as the prospects are good. The oil . pm-Tar-Honey. J. W. Mc-
driller think, the prospect 1. good for 'bVa Ill. Jys: There t.
oU- . rm.;no medicine which equala It for
1B,''",:kenof colds. Grippe, asthma id
pany is of rrnnc. in the ; Bronchitis Look, for the Bell on the
Clackamaa county. Ii brings In "iboUle For taIe by Harding's Drug
dollars every month. ;
Mr and Mrs. Smith took an outing tore.
np Caradero to the mountains. Mr. .U-TTC
Smith reports his health being better, WILLAMETTE
TbeTeT. V company that ha. sur-i Mis. Nellie Capen returned Satur
veyed out an electric railroad from , day from a visit to her grandmother,
Gladstone up the South aide of the at Portland.
Clackamaa river, and up the river as ; Mrs. Frank Piper, from Bolton, was
far a. they cared to. and taken an ' a Willamette caller Monday,
option on Mr. Sprage'a farm. From j Mrs. U Baker of Reading. CaL, . U
the development of things at present, j the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Alice
capitalists are figuring on a trans- Barnes. , , ,.
continental roalroad through the Lloyd Fuller of Rainier, was the
mountains ana iaano. guest 01 nis auni, -..
ir. f!c vlalted her son John U! Mm A I. Hickman spent last
Gage, at St. Helens, last weeks, and wook t Woodburn the gueat of Mrs.
saw the three weeks old child a prom- Simmons. ,,,1.11
(sing boy. I The Primitive HapiWi wl
Fred Baker hag found no definite ; ,,.rvice at the Mountain Mew
. . .w - n.kft tvnltt.inA.1 , U C....Klv urtt-rillHlU at 2
(race Ol llir r.n.nwns, - " I - - cnur.- s-.nu... ,,..aa
... .k. W- k.. I . . .l .... HirtrlllllU at LU..IO.
orioca aim ! ...." -
his dogs, although he think he has
a pretty good clue, which he will fol
low up If any more are missing, as he
has put five left.
irta ,fltonir.ff rain for a num
ber of days, with high wind. Stafford
awoke Wednesday morning to fair,
sunny weather.
Best Ever Used
A. B. Helnleln .Harrison, i.inno, says: no w.. " - thorough
I have used Dr. Bell'. IMne-Tar-Honey ! No gripping, no dlw '"J'ftS
,-lin'a mi., cm..".-
Mra. Hetta Sealiolt and aon of ML
Tabor were the guests of Mlas Mia
Parllng Sntunlay and Sunday.
Nineteen Mile a Second
without a Jar, shock or disturbance, la
the awful speed of our earth througlt
space. ' We wonder at such case, of
nature's movemenL and so do those
who tnke Ur. Kings new ... j
for coushs and colds and It Is the bet
I have ever tried. Look for the Bell
on the Bottle. For sale by Harding's
Drug Store.
Once more the in shines and th
farmers are taking advantage of the
.,11 P.I ll-l'IM. M - .
work that brings good health and fine
feeling. !5 cts at all aruKgiain.
The weather having settled Ihrcah
, lug m ichlnea are again running
. r la In lured to a con
vii.iiii, . . - ---- -
l.l.ralle"et.-nt after having ad
through the late ralna. ami turoug.
out Iho Wlllamelto Valley there will
I be mauv thousands of liusneis uin-au
,,d out thai will not bo ua badly dam
i .... ..... hi ilrat aui.noaeu.
, All.rltht have tin-
........I .....bi.ttf ili.ile hoita.
ip.i.'ii ii .... ..
ti. iientler Hrt.a. have flMshe.l
....I. ......i Him aiiine t-rew pick
' i.iv.i ;.,..., - - .
... . ii... u..i,iuii vnr.l tliilnhed aoul
I 1 II H " " ----
I ..... i i, h nr M.mii-mlier. A glege 01
.'m .!,. i'.imi.I wnui-a have
n.t.i i,v iho nlckera gome of
i,'.,., .. iitL-h aa II tier day,
averaging that amount throughout llie
caaon. , .
l lover although sprouted to a rer
tain extent, la not all ruined by any
means. A few day more of thla nice
.i ii,. .- over hu lers will
again b busy throughout tho alley
and Instead of the crop proving a loaa.
i. r Mih..W will be saved.
and Instead of hard tlmea predicted
by aome. there will Do acnn-eij a im
.... ii. H In the general Improve-
....i i....in..i affnlra of our
...i ... think nf how gome of ua
poor puny mortals have 'retted and
worried over the inevitable forget! ng
must be complied
with, and that the Great Unler over
all sends the gunshlne aa well aa the
Momlnir Enlerorlge, although
a dally visitor, la a welcome one.
Mrs. Harl Kngle. who was taken to
SL Vincent's Hospital a few weeks
sgo to be operated upon for apiwndl
cltls, is recovering slowly. She
The hop season. Just ended, has
ri-v. rnAn nswnlA navA n&d at ni0
year at Running the Clear Creek park.
They would have had a better finan
cial success If It had not been such a
wet summer.
C A. BurghardL who has been in
Idaho harvesting, has returned and
says Idaho has a fine wheat crop this
If you knew of the real value of
Chamberlain Liniment tor tame
soreness of the muscles, sprains and
rheumatic pains, you would never
wish to be without IL For sale by
Huntley Bros. Co- Oregon City, Hub
bard, Molalla and Canby.
A baby girl arrived at the home of
Ed Carpenter last Saturday.
The Wallace home was gladdened
one day last week by the arrival of
a little son.
Roy Twonmbly and family are oc
cupying the D. O. Leavena home.
c r. rcnmier hna returned from a
trip' to Canada where he visited rela
t n ma. xt Volt and wife, who spent
part of the summer In Dakota, have
returned to Willamette,
c-rpntt rmwnnv was in Aurora a
few days this week on business.
mm "vttta ricvona and grandson
Rutherford, went to Buena Vista,
rr Ar.. tn visit fHonHd
1 urnuaj w
Oren Mulkey left Sunday for his
home at Myrtle Creek after a three
months' stay In Willamette
lost .'UlV
Charles and Sydney Waldron re
turned Friday from the Walla Walla
country, where they have been word
ing in the harvest fields.
Mrs. Courtney Is slowly improving,
after her long and aerious illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Le May's Infant
daughter is on the mend.
u t.. a. a Hv-tt and children re
turned from the hop yards at Inde
pendence Monday.
mtu - t .Ia.' AlA Cw-letv met as na
me muico -
ual Thursday afternoon at the church.
The ladiea would De giaa 10 receire
the oatronge of the puoiic, as uwj
do quilting, tie comfortables and so
Rer T. B. Ford preached at the
Willamette church at 2:15 Sunday aft
ernoon to an interested audience. Six
teen people were receivea into iuu
nmk.niiiii An offering was taken
for church extension work. -
.,. i. tha World
J.W. Hyatt merchant of Warren, N.
C writes: Please send enclosed or
der by mail Sutherland'a Eagle Eye
Salve is the best eye remedy In the
world. For Mle by Haraings urus
The most exciting thing that has
happened in this vicinity since the
black hand letters, received by some
of our citizens, is the marriage of Mr.
. .a Ural nhauber on last Frl-
" 1 , i .i ih. hnma of the Rev.
He Will aajr bycuiiib -
, . hi, i nraa. Dastor ol tne cap""
enter tne uregon Sncu,.ur. - ,j galQ tne happy bride-
JohTlsnogle and daughter, gm gave the boy. ,5 with which to
Quality not Quantity
Seed Wheat, Vetclies, Rye,
Barley, Oats, Cheat, Of
chard Grass, Timothy, CIo
vef , Etc.
Mill Feed, Grain, Hay,
The celebrated Conkey Stock
and Poultry Foods and Sop
plies always on hand.
See us before ordering your
winter's stipply of flour.
Oregon Commission Co.
Look Up Your
Fall Needs in
Farm Tools
If you need a new
Plows Harrow, Drill,
Feed Cutter, Wagon,
Buggy, anything for
the Farm you will
The Mitchell
i ' P 1rev;
i CARRltJLillaw-'
Positive Force Feed
Bloom Manure Spreaders
Double Steel Reach.
The Plow a man Can
The Best Possible.
Hoover Potato Diggers
Die Clean.
Drew Litter Carrier
A Genuine Labor Saver.
Disc and Tooth.
Monarch of the Road.
sent uponjrequest
Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co.
Portland, Oregon
Artfrllif ftrpaMltm Cr,i
?roinoti's DiftralumfWd
noss aixl fti jC uauim mm
()jiium.Miirihuw mrMuKNl.
For Infuntt nnrl Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Boars tho
k nntffi Ili'mrilv rurflimllN
lion. Sour Slonkh.l)Url
iVSinJr Sipuiiftof
For Over
Thirty Years
4; BSSSfiflSTfllllft
Eiact Copy ol Wrapper,
an lili-nt raiiavd by H (rluhicnlnaof
hla how. waa ahlo lliat k to lm
rnumd from lh homa of Mr. Troytr
to that nf hla lnimlit-r Mra. Kaufman.
Mr Koth la mill vry arrloualy III.
MlM Ni'lllo AUilkrr U III of tviiholil
fevtr. .
Mra. Arthur Uulilwn waa a wwk
end vUltor with frlouda In l'urtland.
Mr. Haldwln loft home In rumpany
with Mr. John HiiIt on Thuraduy
niornlim. r-turnlna Hundny morntnK.
Mai k.hura on tha
niornlnx of Monday. CK tobcr 7th with
A. A. Haldwln aa principal. Mra.
KlnrKiica llmhnnnn will be I'rof. Hal-
dwln'a aaalatant.
Sylvcitfr (llhjon and lion ftnuiaon.
who hava been away at wora an iuin-
mer. hava returned.
Th rhldnn of Mackabura, rneour
ad by thnlr aurccaa at th Juvenile
Fair, are buay preparlnit for ine ioun-
ty exhibit. , tl
Now that the nop ami jurpinina
aontont are over the ambblna ha be
gun In earnet Everywhere the rut-
blah pile are hurnina in nem iui
next year to be planted to potatoe
or ara'n.
Mr. anil Mr. Waller tinrbelt wer
xueat at Mr. and Mr, (in tlotthnrit a
lut rlumtay.
Horn, to Mr. and Mr. Oelbert lln
liey, a dailKhter, Inn week.
Quite a few have k to
mounlaliu for huikb-berrle thl
Mr. and Mr. Katwood. who have
been alaylna on the Sherman plaie.
have left for Portland and Mr. Hher
nmn and family moved out to take
poe'lon of their plai-e.
Mer. Jay I1. of hhubel
nntu ltli. of Mullnn. vlalted
their mother at t'olton Sunday.
John Jonea wa a caller at tho Wal
lace home at Highland Hunilay.
Mi Ruth llranlund. dauKhter or
Mi- .1.1 Mr. Charlea llranlund died
at her home at Colton Saturday morn-1
lux after an Ulnoa or aeverai year
ratiaed by heart and lonia h trouble.
Ruth waa a very brltth stlrt and waa
far advanced In acnooi lor ner w.
She waa al a gnat muilclan and
waa loved by all who knew her, Ml
llranlund waa born In Michigan and
went to Washington with her paronta
where they lived for aeverai year,
when her health beaan to fall. From
there they came to Oregon, thinking
that the change weuld do her good,
which It did until the lat few month
when ihe began to full aulle rapidly,
although ahe Buffered quite a lot to
ward the laat, he would never com
plain. We mlua our llttTe friend, but
now he ha pned away to a better
home, for death waa a rellof to her
aufferlnga. The aervlre were held at
the Swedish Lutheran church at t
o'clock Monday afternoon and were
conducted by Rer. Relnhart. The
burial orvlce were neld in me i ana
burg cemetery and were largely at
tended. The pallbenrera were Airrea
Wall, fhllllp and Molvln nun, Her
man. Ruben and Hen Schlndgren. He
aide the many friend and achool
mute who mourn her death h I
urvlved by her parent, one brother
Vernor, Bnd two lHter, Amy and Ju
anlta. . ., .
A bell wa Inatnlled on the Swedlnh
church laat week.
W. E. Honney' lter, who ha heon
vlalting here, will leave for hor homo
J. Jonea harvented hi onion ini
ami roiinrln a nretty fair crop.
MIb Nellie llonney left for Ksta-
cada Sunday, where ane win aucna
All thoBe who have been away at
the hop yarda have returned.
Mla Jeaale Phillip 1 ataylng with
Grandma Dlx.
The regular meeting of the Maple
Une Improvement Club wa to be at
Mra. (ieorge Mlghlll a September lllh
but September 10th bclnlf Mr. Mlg
hill lxly-thlrd birthday the Udle
decided to give her a aurprlae and ao
It proved to be. Vocal aelectlona and
evoral poem were given, alo a pux
lie contet. Ml Horothy Stafford, of
Oregon City, getting th prlxe. a Jar
dlnere In which were everl growing
houe plant. The ladle then aerved
a chicken dinner with all the acce-
orle. Mra. Mlghlll wa the recep-
lent of aeverai birthday girta ana ine
- i.h. nr .11 the lndlea that ahe might
enjoy many return of the day.
Tho pre.ent were: mra. inirnma
and Mr. C. I. Stafford and daughter.
of Oregon City; Medatne Cone, 1 a-
genkopt, (lago. IHniU K. raven r
tin. l-ewl. Swallow, Wilcox. Reyn
old, Parker, Schmidt, Hrown, Aiiama
llorton and Smith of Mapie uine.
u.. Oariin li.vlfiii been the very
eiriclent preldent of the Maple Ine
Improvement Club lor me ini
montha and now ah at to move to
Oregon City, the member of the ,
club decided to give her a farewell
vlalt on Monday afternoon. Septem
ber 16th. Ice cream, rakee and Cof
fee were aerved. many ploii.ant
torle were told, a picture. ' Snug
Hnrbor" wa presented by Mra. Wil
cox In behalf o fine lame aim u"
hymn. "Ood He With You Till vve
Meet Again" waa sung wun mm. -gar
Smith at the Orgnn.
Those proBtmt were meumr i.nu-
Ick. Snllner. dage Cone. MlKhlll.
Craven, Swallow. Wilcox. Reynolila,
Sartln, 1'nrker, Hiimmery, mi
Hrown. llorton. Smith, Derrick, Ad-
lima, Heater and Mlt neBie neju-
olds. , ,
Mot of the hop plcger wno wem
.. Mm, u t.ane have returned home.
Those who arrived on Bundny were
na follows: Mr. ano mra. nrr,
fumllv. Mrs. Derrick and
diiugher May and (Iretchen. Alt re-
and daughters, rrnnco. irma
Jennlo, Mr. August Splinter and
daughter May and tlretchen. All re
port a good tlmo and fair pay for th
time spent ronBlderlng so much bad
weather, une thing sure each one
brought back a good cout of tnn.
A. J. I-ewl. la on the sick llBt at
present but la slowly recoiorlng.
good weather to get their tb.reab.lng
done. Mr. Chrlslner came into thla
neighborhood Saturday evening with
hia threshing machine outfit and fin
ished up the harvesting Wednesday
afternoon, and now the farmer can
rest easy.
Mr. WoodBidea and wife, of King
Valley, are spending a few dav o
tbia vicinity thl week.
Churchill made a business
trip to Oregon City Thuraday.
mi.. Vonta Mulligan, from Salem,
la visiting her aunt Mra. C. T. Howard
of thl place.
A week ago Tuesday waa a bad day
for dog In thl burg. Three of them
getting after a band of sBeep belong
ing to Iouie Farr and In the care of
Iwis Churchill on the Ashby place.
Thar Willixt one sheen and crippled
another when one" of the neighbor
discovered them at their worlc ana
notified Young Churchill and Newt
Ea hn tianneniwl tn be out here.
They borrowed a gun and went for
the dogs, killing all three or tnem.
Mr. Knotta returned laat week
fmm feitprn Oregon, where ahe
spent several week with her dangh
ter. Mr. Nash.
Mrs. Arthur Mallatt waa visiting her
sister in Portland a few daya laat,
week, returning home Sunday Ten-
honea to be able to return borne In;
about two weeks.
daughter, who
have been visiting the former'a fath-
er, Levi Robblns, for the past few
day have returned to their home In
ti. u..l,ll, TtnnV nnened for bufil-
ness Wednesday morning, September
11. Mr. Havemann 1 cashier. As
soon as poBBlble he will bring ble fam
lly to Molalla. They will occupy the
Gregory house. I
ti... i. . .-o-fltr nf vacant bouse
i. uutt, ri, ! t a number of lnnulr-
111 J-1 1 1 1 (l 1 1 Q . " 1,1-
Ipb for houses have been made lately
and none to be bad. !
nr..v k..n atnrtpil on Dr. Todd a
new cottage and will be rushed to
completion. J. Lowry ana u.
of Oregon City, have the contract
The butcher hop ha changea
hand. Mr. Reynold of Estacada haa
K.,rh out A. Cutting. Tom Rob-
hina still works in the hop.
Ceo. Adam wa unfortunate enougn
1, t.n An. rnlt. hadlY CUt On
IW 11.1. rrv .in" ' "
a barbed wire fence on Monday. An
other horse chaed them tnrougo m
fence. The servlcee of a veterinary
. nnmher of Btlt-
fl. llw...Boi m
chea had to be taken In each animal.
C. O. Huntley wa in town the flrt
of the week Invoicing the stock of
the Huntley drug store, which baa
been purchased by J. H. Vernon. The
been a most satisfactory one. The
yield notwithstanding the unfavorable
weather, is abundant, and the outlook
for fair price 1 unusually bright.
The champion picker aeema to have
been Hermann Wiener, who In one
day picked C26 pounds. Grover
Harms, however, stand at the bead
in the aeason' work; 600 poundB In
one day, wa reached by Grover
Harms, Everett Kuallng- and Alma
The thresher of Nate Cole, also that
of Ab Cole finished for the season on
Saturday, September 14th. The
Walsh and -Heppler machine ended
the aeaaon'a work on Tuesday, the
Ionard Nebo, who baa been work
ing for aome time at Hoqulam Wash.,
f- t .. A ttnmm thla Af,f.
IB rii;i.cu """I" "
Miss Maude Nebo baa returned
from Portland, where she baa been
a gtodent at the Good Samaritan
Training School for Nurse.
Mr. and Mr. Arthur A. Baldwin,
Mr. Raleigh Bowera Mr. Stler and the
Misses Rose and Hazel Klar were
Sunday guests of Mra. Glbon.
Mr. George Koch ha o far re
covered that ahe can alt np a little
at a time.
Mr. Koch baa returned from Aurora
where he baa been for aome time, en
gaged In building a bop atorage
bouse. . , ,
Mr. Roth, who waa injured In an
Broke out of pasture 3 steers with
horns marked with Dulap. Liberal re
ward offered for information as-to their
whereabouts. .
Address 7th Street Market or
Phone Main 27 or Home 1 9
O-O-O-0-O-O-0-0-0-0-0-0- 0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0
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Write A. C. NEWELL, Roote I Clackamas, Ore.