Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194?, September 13, 1912, Page 7, Image 7

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I caino Into a tl kkImU town
'Twas bin In ixilnt of alo,
I tin't a iiiMliini'hiily clown
With tnUi'iy In Ills eyes.
"Good sir." quoth I, nnd glanosd
"What all tlm (own and you,
II everyone vacationing,
Aud huvo Ihey naught to do?"
II fixed hla mournful ryes on mo,
And "H'lly shook lili head
I glnnruil nl nil who wandored past
And In tlwlr faces rand
DoBpuIr 'Twn plainly wrlilnn Ihore
That all who rnn inlrhl road,
"Good sir," cried I. "Pray auswr ui
To my ili'iniiiidit nlve hm'd.
The ln n In I.Ik, but empty quit
And when I lit was bero
Tbi itrents wore swumilng day sn
Thi native abed a tear.
"Why, stranger, have you nevi
What happened ber of lutoT
XIpon tho InBt ulnctloli dny
Wi hold within thli tuto?
"Not ynn ahull hoar the atory now,1
II cried with loosened tongue;
From oii who witnessed all tbi row
And taw how It begun.
"Tou see. tlm Single Taxor men
AcconiillhMl their design
And I have lost unto the stnti
Tbi farm tlmt onco was mine.
"And when I've iarnd a little cols
Pll hie me to a train
And leave thli town far. far behind
And ne'er come bark Bgnln."
Thli talo they told me fur and wide,
The reason now I know
For hniHdeamipaa on every alilo,
Ai towns more empty grew.
"The outrome of the Single Tax,
Or tax on land atono.
Which putB all on lund-owners" backs
They answered with a moan.
Twas sad to the once itroni
Into hnpHi-Mneai rolai.
And to know that all the wrong thm
Waa cautvd by alngle tax.
" Clnohena Treee.
The. cinchona treo, from which qui
nine la obtained, growa at an elevation
nf 7.l to ltl.mil fwl In the Andes.
In tht Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Clwkainna County.
Harvry L. Shawver, Plaintiff,
Viola I.. Hhawvr, Icfendnnt.
To Viola I- Shnwver, (he above nam
ed defendant :
In tho name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to apiK'nr
and answer tho complaint of plaintiff
tiled against you In the above entitled
court utid cauoe, on or before Satur
dny, the 26th dny of October, 1912,
na id date being the expiration of alx
rull week from and after the divte
of the tln-t publication of thli sum
moii. and it you fall to bo appear
and mother auld complnlnt, for want
thereof, the jihilntlH will apply to the
Court for the relief prayed for In hla
complnlnt on file herein, to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bondi
of nmtrlmony und miirrlnge contract
heretofore and now existing between
plnlntllf and defendant, and that
plnintllf bo divorced from defendant,
mid for uch other and further relief
aa to tho Court may seem Jut and
equitable In tho premises.
Thla aununoni la published by or
der of the Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge
of the Circuit Court of the Btati of
Oregon fur Clnckatiiui County, which
order was mnde and entered on Sep
tember 7th, 1913, and the time pre
acrlbed for publication of mid sum
mons I alx full week, beginning with
the) Initio dntod Friday, September
i:ith. 1 113 ,nnd continuing each week
thereafter up to and Including the Is
sue of Frlduy. October, 25, 1912.
Attorney! for Plaintiff.
No. 8556
Report of the
at Oregon City, In the itnte of Oregon, at the cIobo of business, September
4th, 1912.
I-oan and discount
Overdraft, ecured and unsecured
IT. H. bond to secure circulation
IT. S. Hond. to iecure postal avlnga
Honda securities etc
Hanking house, furniture and fixtures
Duo from National llanki (not reserve
Due from State and private banks and
les, and Savings Unnk
Due from approved reserve agents
Check and other cash Hem
Notes of other National Hank
Fractlonnl paper currency, wicueia
lawful money rracrve In bank, Til
l.egal tender notes . . . ... """l
Keoemi on iuna wuu u.
Redemtlon fund
Capital stock paid In
Surplus fund
Undivided profits, less expenie and taxes paid
tr i....i rianW nfilai nutatandlng
rfn,uiia uliler.t to check
Demand certificates of deposit
Certified checks
n ,.l riannalla
udibi . . . ,. n " - -
ai.1. of OreKon County of Clackamas, ss: T, F. J. Meyer, Cashier of
the above named bank, do solemnly
,o th. be.t of my knowledge ana k
8ub.cribil .nd sworn to befor, e th.. Xhllc
In tho Circuit Court uf the Stale of
Onrgnn, for thn County of Clucks
mm. Thornton J, Kohluanii, I'liilntlff,
Attn lioorea mid W. .1. I Inures, her
Inixliitiid Jessie Hcoit mid ICIaworth
H oil, her bun baud, l.iioiilhn Hklr
vln, .luliii HiuiiBou ntiil Hani
mill', hla wire, Hurnli A. Cono mid A.
H, Conn, It.-p liuNlmnd, Noll Olwn
mid oiaeii, hla wife Itny
(linen, (leoricn ) Ibi-ii, Mlllnrd !OiiK,
I. lllln Iuik, Hoy K. Long und
Umg hU wlfn, Myrtle l-ong
Imronil mid Duritnd, her
IiuhIimimI, long linker
and llmlley linker,! her himhand,
mul Dim unknown heir of Charlei
UniK. Hr., decemiril, ilo ull other
pemoiia or purtle unknown vlului
lug liny rlKhl, title. eMate, lien, or
Inter.'! In Iho real property do
i Tlbed herein, Defenilllllt.
To John Hnnnioii and Ham
ton, hi wire, Mlllnrd Look. MIHe
Umg, Hoy K. Umg antl UniK,
hi wife Myrtle Uing Durnud and
'liuruiid her liuabund,
Imii( linker und lludley
linker, her himhand. and the un
known helm of Oniric Iiug, Sr.,
diH-enaed, nlo ull other peraon or
Jurtlm iii'iknown chilmlng any right,
title, exlnti), lien or lnteret In the
real property dewrlhed In tho com
plain herein, the ubove named do
fenilnnt: In lh inline of the Btnto of Oregonr
you mid each if you are heretiy re
quired in uppear and amwer the com
plulut llled aKBlnat you and each of
yon In the nlmve entitled ult on or
liefore Hiiturday. the ;'ilth dny of Oc
tober, ll 2, auld date being tho expir
ation of alx week from and ufler the
dnte of the flral publication of thla
uiumoii. and If you fall to no appear
mul gnawer for want thereof, the
plnlntllf v. Ill npply to the above Court
for the relief pruyed for In hi com
plnlnt on tile herein, and will lake
JuilKinciit HKiilni't you and each of you
H a riill'iw. iowii:
That you and each of you detenu-
ant be required to t up In your an
hwer to auld complnlnt the actual na-
luro of your eevernl ailvemo aim con
ill, t In u chilin to plaintiff In und to
the following deacrlbed real property;
Hltunlo In Cluckmna County, wtni
of Oregon: the Northwet qunner oi
Hectlon 2H In Townaliip. e. noutn oi
Hatigo 1 Kut of tho Willamette Mo
rldlnn, containing 160 acre, more or
And ror a decree that plaintiff I
the abaolute owner In fee elmple of
auld real property abnvo dencrlbod and
every purt thereof, and that you do
fen. Inula and each of you and any
peraou or peraon claiming or to
claim by through or under nald de
fendant or any of them hate no right
title, ealato, lien or lntrrt In and
t in. .i,l reul nrouerty or any part
thereof, and that tbey and each of
them be forever barred ana eaioppeu
rrnm uanerttnc or claiming any right.
title, lien or Inlereal In ld real prop-
Tlmt thla plaintiff' title In and to
auld real property and tho whole
tl.rwif tin fief Inred to be auperlor to
that of the defendant and each of
,!.... ml anv and all tH-raon ciaim
lug or to claim by through or under
them or either of them, and that
plulntlfl a title In and to aald real
pmiierty and the whole thereof be for
ever quieted, and for u b other and
fnh,.r relief aa to the Court may
eem Jnit and equitable In the prem
Tht rummon I publlahed by order
f linn J. V. Campbell. Judge or me
-i., ,n court of the Btuto of Oregon
for Clackamua County, wnun onier
wai miulo and enterea on, mo juiu
dav of Hcpembor. 1912.
n,.i., of drat nubllcatWm of till um
mom Friday the 13th day of Sep
tember. 1912. "and tho dnto of the lant
...,i.n....nn Unroof la Friday the 25th
dny of October, 1912, and the time of
tho publication of ald aumnion I
w full week from and after the date
of tho llrat publication thereof.
Attorney for Plaintiff
In tho Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon For Clnckamu I ounty.
William Sihunk, Plaintiff,
Uwenna Price Kynn, Margaret Price
Krueger. T. . Engllali and Ella
Kngllnh, hi wife, II. F. Newman
and K. J. Newman, hi wife, also all
other person or pnrtlc unknown
rlultnlnir Anv rluht. title. rtate, lien
or lntereat In the real property de
acrlbed In the complaint here, De
To Lewenna Price Ilyan, T. D. Eng
llah and Klla KnitllBh. hli wife, 11
F. Newman and E. J. Newman, hi
wife, aluo all other peraon or par-
ii,.a nnknwn clulmlng any right, tl
tie. eBtute, Urn or lntereat In the
renl nronertr deicrlhed in Hie com.
plaint herein, the above named de-
In the Name of tho State of Oregon,
vnn nnd each of you defendanta are
hereby required to appear and ans
wer tho complaint Illea againi you
condition of the
1102 099.63
;. 24,500.00
Kl S71 9
agents -1S
hankers, irusi ompan-
1 195.00
apecle .
1 circulation '625.00
$ 60,000.00
n .,'
iwear that the above statement Is true
In (he nlivo entitled raiiHn on or be
fore Hnltirday, the 2lli day of Octo
ber, 1912, raid data helng the expira-
oii of lx week from und after the
dale of thn flrut pulillcutloii of the
iiiiiuioni, mid If you full to io appear
ud aiinwer for want thereof , the
ulnllrf wl'l iiouly to the ahove court
for the relief prayed for In hi coin-
uliit on fllo herein, and win uiae
ilKinent ugnltiMt you and each of you
i follow:
That you und inch of you defend-;
nl bn required to ei up in rur
imwer to Niild complnlnt the actual
nlure of your aavornl ailvero aim
iniiiuiliiii claim to piuintiir in ii
o the following dewrlbed real proii-
rty, altiiuln In (Miickainu couiuy
ule of Oregon: liegliining ui m pwiin
Hi,. HoniIhtIv llnu of the Oregon
Hy Claim, being a Iho the northerly
mi of the Archibald McKlnley D. U
No. 60, III T. 2, n. It. i K. oi uie
. M., wliere thn weuterly line of Ut
f lilork 14 of Fulla View Addition
to Oregon City Intoraecta the amo;
henco oulherly Ulong me weauin
lie of Uila 8 and of Biild woca ii,
37 fiHit to point; thence weaieriy
i rlirM rniule to lUMt line b! leiu
more or b aa, to the Oregon City and
McKlnley Clnlm lino; thence cantor
ly along nld lino of auld Oregon City
ml McKlnley rinima to me piai-
icKlnnlng. AIbo part of Iit ana
i in lilixk 14 or run view
o Oregon City, In uld County and
Hlate, deacrlbed a follow: llegin-
i., ui Hie nteraect on or tne weeier-
ly line o( l-ot 8 of fiild Hlock 14 with
ho North lino or ine An-nnmm --
Inley I). U ('. and running menco
outh 35 degree 27 minute r.ui
....I.. II... t.t mu ,1 tita
rncing ine wimun; uno
and 9, 2H feet; thence ixonn d u.
in nilmitea KnHt 43. K4 feet
o aald Clnlm lino; thence Wct 21
20 feet to place of beginning.
And for a decree tnni piniuuu
tho abaolute In fee almple or nm nun
iniperty above deaennea anu to
art thereof, and that ald defendant
ml nu b of them ana any peraou
dnlmlni or to eluim oj.
1 U J..,..nJ.nll nf
through or under rniu uri.iu.n.H
,.f them, have no rigm,
Into Hen or Intercut In uld real prop-
rty or any part tnereoi, anu
ml each of them be forever barred
mi eatopcd trom aaaeruua
lulmlng any rignt, inio, .iu..
lntereat In auld real propony ,
hla plalntlfl'i title In rnioiommi
roperty and every pan
forever quieted ana ior u
ml further roller a to mo uaui
,em ju.t and equltablo
Thla Kummon i iuiii"
r of Hon. J. V. Campbell, Judge of
the Circuit court oi uio
icon for Clnckama County, which or-
der wn made anu mut
u, w. . ... . .1,1. m.
moii. i rnuay,
the date of the In.l pul. rati '
of la Friday. October 25 h. 1912. a d
he tlmo of tho puoiicauou .
ummoui I ix 'K
ter tho date of the flrl puoiicauou
hereof. , rMvur-ir
1H.M11 n. at
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice I hereby given that the un-
deralgued hn Deen apoin
latrnirlx of the Kntate of Charlei Cot
ter deecBHed, by tne t ouniy wiu
(1,0 State of Oregon for Clackamai
ounty. and ha quaniiea. ah
.,,. huvlnic clulma ugnlnut the iaia
tate are hereby notified to present
he same to me at my resiuemo
lorlng. Orgon, with proper vouchera,
duly certified, within alx monius irora
the date hereof.
Dated and first puMinea Auguai ,
1912. . ,., nAt,
KI.IZA Dictve.a"".
E. F, and F. It. Riley, Attorneys. .
Notice of Sale of Real Estate by
vn.. la hereby clven that on the
27th duy oil August 1912. an order
..... .i.iiv miulo and entered In tne
i niv court of the State of Oregon
for Coos County, authoriilng. licens
ing nnd Instructing tne unuereigneu.
....iinn nf Charles Adam Andre,
a minor, to sell the following describ
ed renl estate of tald minor at public
auction to-wlt: an unumueu i-.
......, in ami to and Hurt of the
Southwest 1-4 of the Northeast 1-4 of
Section 6. Township z. omu
. k vnmt nl the Wlllnmette Me
ridian. In Clackamas County, State of
Oregon, and pursuant to snld order
and license, the undersigned us such
guardian, will on Monday the 14th i day
of October. 1912. at the hour of 10 00
o'clock In the forenoon of that day
at tho courthouse aoon bi uren
City, In the said i ouniy oi
mns and suite oi wreiwu, ..
rule and sell to the nignesi muuer ,u,
canh, the above described real estate.
Said renl estate will be sold ubject
to confirmation by the County Court
of the state of Oregon for Coos Coun-
ly' C. M. DOUTT.
Guardian of Charlei Adam Andre, a
In the Circuit Court of tho State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Nellie McDonald, Plaintiff,
Ned McDonald, Defendant
To Ned McDonald, above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint led against
you In the above named suit, on or
before the 25th day oi October,
said date being tho expiration of six
weeks) from the first publication oi
this summons, and If you fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint, for
want thereof the piaintiti win apiuy
to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint to-wlt:
For a decree dlsaolvlng tne oonas
of matrimony now existing between
the plulntlff and defendant. mis
summons Is published by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Cir
cuit Court, which order was made and
entered on the 9th day of Sept 1912,
--'importing CO. J-
Silver Rock
ftpe or Bourbon
nnd the time prrcrlhed for publica
tion thereof I six wek, beginning
with tho Ihmiia dated Friday Sept.
13th, 1 b 1 2, and continuing each week
thereafter to and Including the Irbii
of Frlduy, Oct. 2r,th, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the Btati of
Oregon, for nnekarna County,
Olive O. Welch, Plult.tlff,
Albert fl. Welch, Defendant,
To Albert 8. Welch, above named de
fendant: In the nnme of the Htnte of Oregon,
you ur hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above mimed suit, on or be
fore the 11th duy of October, 1912,
auld data being thn expiration of six
week from the fret puhlcnton of this
rii m moii, and if you full to appear
and aniwor nld complnlnt, for want
thereof the plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief pruyed for In hor
complaint, to-wlt:
For a decree dlaotvlng the bond
of matrimony now oxlatlng between
the plaintiff and defendant. Thli
summon Is publlnhed by order of
lion. K. H. Hentio, Judge of the
County Court, which order wa made
and entered on the 27th day of Aug.,
1912, and the time precrlbed for pub
lication thereof, I alx week, begin
Ins; with the lauo dated Friday, Aug.
30th, 1912, and continuing each week
thereafter to and Including the iasue
of Friday, October 11th, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice to Creditor.
Notice Is hereby given that
County Court of the Htate of Oregon,
for the county of Clui kamus, bas ap
pointed the undersigned executrix of
the estate of Arthur Deute, deceased.
All pervon having claim agalnat the
aid decedent, or bl estate, are here
by given notice that they (ball pre
sent them to the undersigned execu
trix at toe office of Jos. E. Hedges,
Kq., In the Welnhard Hulldlng, Ore
iion City, Oregon, within six months
from the date of this notice, with pro
per vouchers duly verified.
Dated, August 16, 1912.
Executrix of the estate of Arthur
Deute. deceased.
JOS. E. HEOOES, Atty., Oregon
City, Ore.
Notice to Creditors.
KntlcA I hereby liven that the
Count v Court of the Btate of Oregon,
for the County of Clackamas, nas ap
pointed the undersigned administra
trix of the estate of John Nachand, de
ceased. All persons having claims
against the said decedent or bis
estate, are hereby given notice that
f hev shall oresent them to the under
signed administratrix at the office of
Joe. E. Hedges, Esq.. in the weinnara
liuildlni. In Oregon City, Oregon.
within six months from the date of
this notice, with proper vouchers duly
Dated, August 23, 1912.
Administratrix of the estate of John
Nachand, deceased.
JOS. E. HEDGES. Attorney.
In the Circuit Court of the 8Ute of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Mary A. Putts, Plaintiff,
Adoloh R. Ilutta. Defendunt
To Adolnh R. Dutts. abovo named de-
- fendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you In the above named suit on or
before the 4th day of October, 1912,
said date being tbe expiration of alx
weeks from the first publication of
this aummonB, and if you fail to ap
pear or answer said complaint for
want thereof the jlaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving tbe bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the plaintiff and defendant This
summons is published by order oi
Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of the Cir
cuit Court which order was made and
entered on the 19th day of August
1912, and the time prescribed for pub
lication thereof is six weeks, begin
ning with the issue dated Friday, Au
gust 23rd, 1912, and continuing each
week thereafter, to and including the
issue of Friday, October 4th. 1912.
. Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. Agues M. Juehn, Plaintiff,
Fred W. Jnehn, Defendant
To Fred W. Jaehn. Defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear
and answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled ault sua
Court on or before the 4th day of Oc
tober, 1912. that being six weeks from
cue date of the first publication oi
this summons, and if you fall to ap
pear and answer said complaint, lor
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief , demanded
In the complaint herein, to-wlt: or
a decree of divorce forever dissolving
the bonds of matrimony 'now existing
between yourself and tbe plaintiff;
for a decree awarding ber the care
and custody of the minor child and
the sum of Fifteen dollars per month
for Its support and maintenance ana
for iuch other and further relief aa
ti the Court may seem equitable and
This summons is by order of thi
Hon. R. 1). lleatie, Judge of the Coun
ty Court of the State of Oregon, for
the County of Clackamas, said order
being made and dated tbe 21st day
of August 1912.
Date of first publicatln, Auguit
23rd, 1912.
Date of last publication October 4,
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of clacka
J. E. McMurren. Plaintiff,
vs. ,
Myrtle Zeola McMurren, Defendant
To Myrtle Zeola McMurren, the above
named defendant:
In tha name of thi state of Oregon,
vou ara hereby required to appear and
anawer the complaint filed against
you in tha aove entitled ault on or
imfore thi 27th day or septemrer,
1912. said data being the expiration of
six weeki trom thi first publication of
six weeks from tne nm puniicauon 01
this iummoni. and if yon fail to ap-
pear or answer said complaint for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for th relief prayed for
In hi, complnlnt, to-wlt:
For a decree dlaaolvlng tne bond
of matrimony now exUtlng between
plaintiff and defendant
Till summons I publlbfl by or
der of Honorable J. U. Campbell,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the
Fifth Juiilclul District, which Oder wa
ude and entered on the 13th day or
August, A. D. 19i3.
The flrat publication of thli ium-
moii to be Auguit Kith. 19iZ, and the
date of the lnt publication thereof,
Heptcmber 27th, 1912.
DIMICK fc DlMln.,
Attorney for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State or
Oregon, .for Clackamas County.
W. Alexander, Plaintiff.
Kmly G. Alexander, Defendant
To Emly O. Alexander, tne aoove
named defendant:
In the name of the stata of Oregon
you are hereby required to appear and
anwer the complaint Illea igainai
you In the above entitled suit and
court on or before the 30th day of
Heptcmber, 1912, said data being alx
weeks after the date of the nrsl puo-
Ikutlon of this summons. If you full
to appear and anawer, the plaintur
will apply to the court for the relief
urnved for In bis complaint vl: for
a divorce on the grounds of desertion.
This summons Is publlsbea ty o'-
der of Hon. R. U. Beatle, County
Judgo In the absence of the Judge of
the above entitled court, dated August
August 14th, 1912.
Dale of first publication, August
16th, 1912.
Attorney for Tblnllff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
mas. 3. C. Smith, Plalnl.ff.
Charity W. Smith, Defendant
To the above named defendant Char
ity W. Smith:
In the name of tbe state of Oregon
you are hereby requirea io appear
nd answer the complaint illea
against you In tbe above entitled suit
on or before the 2Sth day of Septem
ber. 1912. and if you fall to appear
and answer tbe complaint, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief demanded In the complaint herein
to-wlt: That the bonds of matrimony
heretofore existing between yourself
and tbe said plaintiff be dissolved and
forever annulled and for such ober
relief as to the Court may seem equit
able and Just
Tbii summons Is served upon you
by publication thereof in the Oregon
City Enterprise for iix successive
weeks, by order of the Hon. J. U.
Campbell, Judge of the Circuit Court
of the County of Clackamas, State o'
Oregon, which order is dated on the
14th day of August 1912. The date
of tbe first publication Is August 16th,
1912. The date of the last publica
tion is September 27th, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 1424 Yeon
Illdg, Portland, Ore.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Lena M. Bevls, Plaintiff,
HuKh M. Bevls, Defendant
To Hugh M. Bevls, above named de
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hetwby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above named suit on or
before the 27th diy oi September,
1912. said date being the expiration of
six weeks from the first publication of
this summons, and If you fall to ap
pear or answer said complaint for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
In her complaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now ex'sting between the
plaintiff and defendant. Thla sum
mons is published by order of Hon-
J. U. Camphell, Judge of the Circuit
Court, which order was made and en
tered on the 16th day of July, 191
and the time prescribed for publica
tion thereof is six weeks, beginning
with the Issue dated Friday, August
16. 1912. and continuing each week
thereafter to and including the Issue
of Friday, September 27, 1912.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Kate Hunter, Plaintiff,
J. E. Hunter. Defendant
To J. E. Hunter, above named defen
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in tbe above named suit on or
before the 27th day of BeptemDer,
1912. said date being the expiration
of b1x weeks from the flrit publica
tion of thli summons, and If you fail
to appear or answer said complaint
for want thereof the plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed
for in ner complaint to-wlt:
For a decree dissolving the bonds
of matrimony now existing between
the Dlaintlff and defendant This
summons Is published by order of
Hon. J. U. Campbell, Judge of the Cir
cuit Court, which order waa made ana
entered on the 6th day of August
1912, and the time prescribed for
publication thereof is alx weeks, be
ginning with the issue dated maay,
Aucust 16th, 1912, and continuing
each week thereafter to and includ
ing the Issue of Friday, September
27th, 1912.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of thi 8tati
Oregon, for the County of Clacka
John J. Rutherford, Plaintiff,
Murv M. Rutherford. Defendant
To Mary M. Rutherford, the above
named defendant
In thi name of thi State of Ore
gon, yoa are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tne compiaicx mu
nimt tou in tha above entitled
an It. on or before thi 20th day of
September, 1912. aald date being af
ter the expiration of iix weeks from
th of tha first publication of
1 ine oaio 01 u. '.7 , "
thla iummona, and if you fail to ap-
M.rv.y E. Cross. , William Mimm.
Wi have now moved to our permanent quarters In the Bsaver
Building. Next to thi ,ndrsen Building.
Raal Estat Abstracts M !2
Loans, Insurance Orgon City, Or
peuc snd answer said complaint tor
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the Court for the relief demanue
therein, to-wlt: lor i decree foreve
dissolving the bond of matrimony
now existing between plaintiff and
Tbl ummoni I published by or
der of Hon. J. U. Campbell. Judge of
the above entitled Court which order
was made and entered on tbe 3rd day
of August 1912, and the time pre
scribed for publication thereof is six
weeks, beginning with the Issue of
Friday, August th, 1912, nd contin
ulna: each week thereafter to and
Including the Ismie of Friday, Sep
tember 20th, 1912.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In tbe Circuit Court of tbe 8tate of
the State of Oregon, for tbe County
of Clackamas.
Marcelle Olgounon, Plaintiff,
Armand Gtgounon, Defendant
To Armund Glgounon, the above
named defendunt:
In the name of tbe State of Ore
gon, you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer tbe complaint filed
senlnst vou. In the above entitled
. -- - . , ... .... i
suit ana court, on or peioro m vu
date being six weeks after the first
publication of this summons. If you
fall to appear and answer, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the re
lief prayed for in her complaint filed
herein, wblcn is ror an aosoiuio ui
vorce forever dissolving the bonds of
matrimony existing between the
plaintiff and defendant ana ror suca
further relief as to the Court may
seem equitable and just
You will please take notice wai mis
summons Is served upon you person
ally with a certified copy or tne com
plaint pursuant to the terms of an
order In the above entitled ault made
hv the above named Circuit Court by
the Honorable J U. campoen, inerw
of on the 6th day of August A. D.
191? reoulrlne that publication of
tnls summons be made at least once
a week for six successive weeks In
the Oregon City Enterprise, and re
quiring that the first publication do
tnaila thn 9ttt daT OI AUguBl A. V.
19.12, and the last pumication on me
20th day of SeptemDer a. u. ivu.
Attorney for Plaintiff, 633 Chamber
of Commerce, Fortlana, uregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamas county.
Mattilas Justin, Plaintiff,
Carrie Wood. Fremont Wood, her hus
band, Mary Belle Joy ana Clarence
Joy, her husband, Rosa Cartee and
.eona Cartee, his wile, tua neea.
widow, Marion Chapman and Frea
Chapman, her husband, Lottie Buck-
Pope, and all heirs unicnown 01 win.
W. Buck and LaFayette Cartee, both
deceased. Defendants.
To Carrie Wood, Fremont wooa.
her husband, Mary Belle Joy and
Clarence Joy, her husband, Ross
Cartee and Leona Cartee, nis wue,
Ella Reed, widow. Marion Chapman
and Fred Chapman, her. husband, Lot
tie Buck-Pope, and all heirs un
known of Wm W .Buck ana tray-
ette Cartee, both deceased:
In the name of the State of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear
and answer tbe complaint tiled
against you In the above named suit
on or before the 4th day of October,
1912. said date being the expiration
of six weeks from the first publication
of this summons, and if you fail to
appear or answer the complaint for
want thereof the plaintiff will apply
to the court for the relief prayed for
in his complaint to-wlt:
To quiet your interest In the fol
lowing described real property, situ
ate in Clackamas County, Oregon,
to-wlt: The northerly hair 01 ixi
No. 7, In Block No. 4 of the town of
Oregon City, Clackamas County, Or
egon, according to tne amy recoraea
plat thereof on file in tne omce 01
the Recorder of Conveyances for said
county and state, the legal title of
which, In fee simple, is in piainuu
and to which he is entltlea to im
mediate possession.
This summons Is publisnea Dy oraer
of Hon.- R. B. Beatie, Judge 01 ine
County Court during the absence of
the Judge of the Circuit Court, which
order was made and entered on the
16th day of August 1912, ana tne time
prescribed for publication thereof is
six weeks beginning with the Issue
dated Friday, August 23rd, 1912, and
continuing each week thereafter to
and including the issue of Friday,
October 4th, 1912.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Clackamaa County.
Alice Darnell, Plaintiff.
va. .
J. A. Darnell, Defendant
To J. A. Darnell, the above named de
In the name of the itate of Ore
ffnn vou are herebv required to ap
pear and answer the complaint tiled
against you In the above entitled
court on or before the expiration of
six successive weeks from the nrs;
publication of this summons, to-wlt:
On or before the 28th day of Sep
tember, 1912. The first publication
belne on the 16th day of August 1912,
and if you fall so to appear and an-i
... a 1-i-AlM til '
swer for want tnereoi, piainuu ww
apply to this court for tho relief pray
ed for In tha complaint herein, to-wlt:
for a decree dissolving the bonds of
matrimony heretofore and now exult
ing between plaintiff and defendant
unon the arounds that defendant haa
deserted and abandoned plaintiff for.
more than one year last past nd 1
alio that the maiden name of plaintiff 1
be restored to that of Alice Scott
This summons Is published in the 1
Oregon City Enterprise by order ofi
J. U. CampbelL Judge of the above an-;
tinea court, hiu uruer wius
'th. 15th day of Anguat 191X and thi
thi istn aay 01 August, isu, anu u.
day of first publication of thli iunv
mons bring on thi 16th day of Au
gust, 1912.
Attorneys for plaintiff.
Phonei Pacific 62
Home A-151
All legal business promptly attended to
Attornaye-at Law I
Dsutscher Advekit
Will practice In all courts, make
collection ana Muieawi.
J Office In Enterprise Building, t
Oregon City, Oregon. J
C. o. O. C Laiuunsi i
Commercial, Real EaUte and
Probata our Specialties. Of
flo In First National Bank
Bldg., Oregon City, Oregon.
W. S. EDDY. V, S M. D. V.
Gradakte of the Ontario Vetari- ?
I aary College ut loronto, Canada,
? and the McKillip School f
Surgery of Chicago, has Ioctd
-at Oregon City and established aa I
office at Tbe Fashion SlablM,
Seventh Street near Main. 7
Both Telephone
Farmer' 131
Mall 1)1 1 I
Attorney- t-Lw
Notary Public
Estacada, Oregon.
Clackamas County
' 510 Chamber of Commerce,
Portland, Oregon.
Full equipment of maps, plats,
abstract books and tax rolls.
Agents for Clackamai County
Lands, Money Loaned, Tttlee
E. F. A F. B. RILEY,
Attorney! A Counsellors it Law
We make a specialty of Install-
Ing water systems and plumb- 1
Ing In the country. Wi carry
the Leader tanks and Stover en- J
gines. Wi have a full line of I
Myers pumps and spray pumps. J
Prices always lowest t
720 Main St Oregon City
Phone 2682.
; 1 a d. tit 1
t IHAmAtfl.lllll .
a d.
I ----- 1
Honey loaned, abstracts furaisa-
a tU lnt tlttaa examined. Miatii
I . . . v. ...
i iiiuea, general law uusmoa.
Over Bank of Oregon City.
Whiskey Is a good friend but
a poor master. Used in
moderation It cheers. In
spires and strengthens men.
For sociabilty nse HARPER
Soldy by